86 resultados para medial nucleus of the amygdala


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Individuals carrying BRCA2 mutations are predisposed to breast and ovarian cancers. Here, we show that BRCA2 plays a dual role in regulating the actions of RAD51, a protein essential for homologous recombination and DNA repair. First, interactions between RAD51 and the BRC3 or BRC4 regions of BRCA2 block nucleoprotein filament formation by RAD51. Alterations to the BRC3 region that mimic cancer-associated BRCA2 mutations fail to exhibit this effect. Second, transport of RAD51 to the nucleus is defective in cells carrying a cancer-associated BRCA2 truncation. Thus, BRCA2 regulates both the intracellular localization and DNA binding ability of RAD51. Loss of these controls following BRCA2 inactivation may be a key event leading to genomic instability and tumorigenesis.


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Light influences sleep and alertness either indirectly through a well-characterized circadian pathway or directly through yet poorly understood mechanisms. Melanopsin (Opn4) is a retinal photopigment crucial for conveying nonvisual light information to the brain. Through extensive characterization of sleep and the electrocorticogram (ECoG) in melanopsin-deficient (Opn4(-/-)) mice under various light-dark (LD) schedules, we assessed the role of melanopsin in mediating the effects of light on sleep and ECoG activity. In control mice, a light pulse given during the habitual dark period readily induced sleep, whereas a dark pulse given during the habitual light period induced waking with pronounced theta (7-10 Hz) and gamma (40-70 Hz) activity, the ECoG correlates of alertness. In contrast, light failed to induce sleep in Opn4(-/-) mice, and the dark-pulse-induced increase in theta and gamma activity was delayed. A 24-h recording under a LD 1-hratio1-h schedule revealed that the failure to respond to light in Opn4(-/-) mice was restricted to the subjective dark period. Light induced c-Fos immunoreactivity in the suprachiasmatic nuclei (SCN) and in sleep-active ventrolateral preoptic (VLPO) neurons was importantly reduced in Opn4(-/-) mice, implicating both sleep-regulatory structures in the melanopsin-mediated effects of light. In addition to these acute light effects, Opn4(-/-) mice slept 1 h less during the 12-h light period of a LD 12ratio12 schedule owing to a lengthening of waking bouts. Despite this reduction in sleep time, ECoG delta power, a marker of sleep need, was decreased in Opn4(-/-) mice for most of the (subjective) dark period. Delta power reached after a 6-h sleep deprivation was similarly reduced in Opn4(-/-) mice. In mice, melanopsin's contribution to the direct effects of light on sleep is limited to the dark or active period, suggesting that at this circadian phase, melanopsin compensates for circadian variations in the photo sensitivity of other light-encoding pathways such as rod and cones. Our study, furthermore, demonstrates that lack of melanopsin alters sleep homeostasis. These findings call for a reevaluation of the role of light on mammalian physiology and behavior.


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Following a former immunohistochemical study in the rat brain [Arluison, M., Quignon, M., Nguyen, P., Thorens, B., Leloup, C., Penicaud, L. Distribution and anatomical localization of the glucose transporter 2 (GLUT2) in the adult rat brain. I. Immunohistochemical study. J. Chem. Neuroanat., in press], we have analyzed the ultrastructural localization of GLUT2 in representative and/or critical areas of the forebrain and hindbrain. In agreement with previous results, we observe few oligodendrocyte and astrocyte cell bodies discretely labeled for GLUT2 in large myelinated fibre bundles and most brain areas examined, whereas the reactive glial processes are more numerous and often localized in the vicinity of nerve terminals and/or dendrites or dendritic spines forming synaptic contacts. Only some of them appear closely bound to unlabeled nerve cell bodies and dendrites. Furthermore, the nerve cell bodies prominently immunostained for GLUT2 are scarce in the brain nuclei examined, whereas the labeled dendrites and dendritic spines are relatively numerous and frequently engaged in synaptic junctions. In conformity with the observation of GLUT2-immunoreactive rings at the periphery of numerous nerve cell bodies in various brain areas (see previous paper), we report here that some neuronal perikarya of the dorsal endopiriform nucleus/perirhinal cortex exhibit some patches of immunostaining just below the plasma membrane. However, the presence of many GLUT2-immunoreactive nerve terminals and/or astrocyte processes, some of them being occasionally attached to nerve cell bodies and dendrites, could also explain the pericellular labeling observed. The results here reported support the idea that GLUT2 may be expressed by some cerebral neurones possibly involved in glucose sensing, as previously discussed. However, it is also possible that this transporter participate in the regulation of neurotransmitter release and, perhaps, in the release of glucose by glial cells.


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Members of the leucine-rich repeat protein family are involved in diverse functions including protein phosphatase 2-inhibition, cell cycle regulation, gene regulation and signalling pathways. A novel Schistosoma mansoni gene, called SmLANP, presenting homology to various genes coding for proteins that belong to the super family of leucine-rich repeat proteins, was characterized here. SmLANP was 1184bp in length as determined from cDNA and genomic sequences and encoded a 296 amino acid open reading frame that spanning from 6 to 894bp. The predicted amino acid sequence had a calculated molecular weight of 32kDa. Analysis of the predicted sequence indicated the presence of 3 leucine-rich domains (LRR) located in the N-terminal region and an aspartic acid rich region in the C-terminal end. SmLANP transcript is expressed in all stages of the S. mansoni life cycle analyzed, exhibiting the highest expression level in males. The SmLANP protein was expressed in a GST expression system and antibodies raised in mice against the recombinant protein. By immunolocalization assay, using adult worms, it was shown that the protein is mainly present in the cell nucleus through the whole body and strongly expressed along the tegument cell body nuclei of adult worms. As members of this family are usually involved in protein-protein interaction, a yeast two hybrid assay was conducted to identify putative binding partners for SmLANP. Thirty-six possible partners were identified, and a protein ATP synthase subunit alpha was confirmed by pull down assays, as a binding partner of the SmLANP protein.


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Connexin36 (Cx36) is specifically expressed in neurons and in pancreatic beta-cells. Cx36 functions as a critical regulator of insulin secretion and content in beta-cells. In order to identify the molecular mechanisms that control the beta-cell expression of Cx36, we initiated the characterization of the human 5' regulatory region of the CX36 gene. A 2043-bp fragment of the human CX36 promoter was identified from a human BAC library and fused to a luciferase reporter gene. This promoter region was sufficient to confer specific expression to the reporter gene in insulin-secreting cell lines. Within this 5' regulatory region, a putative neuron-restrictive silencer element conserved between rodent and human species was recognized and binds the neuron-restrictive silencing factor (NRSF/REST). This factor is not expressed in insulin-secreting cells and neurons; it functions as a potent repressor through the recruitment of histone deacetylase to the promoter of neuronal genes. The NRSF-mediated repression of Cx36 in HeLa cells was abolished by trichostatin A, confirming the functional importance of histone deacetylase activity. Ectopic expression, by viral gene transfer, of NRSF/REST in different insulin-secreting beta-cell lines induced a marked reduction in Cx36 mRNA and protein content. Moreover, mutations in the Cx36 neuron-restrictive silencer element relieved the low transcriptional activity of the human CX36 promoter observed in HeLa cells and in INS-1 cells expressing NRSF/REST. The data showed that cx36 gene expression in insulin-producing beta-cell lines is strictly controlled by the transcriptional repressor NRSF/REST indicating that Cx36 participates to the neuronal phenotype of the pancreatic beta-cells.


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Mapping the human auditory cortex with standard functional imaging techniques is difficult because of its small size and angular position along the Sylvian fissure. As a result, the exact number and location of auditory cortex areas in the human remains unknown. In a first experiment, we measured the two largest tonotopic areas of primary auditory cortex (PAC, Al and R) using high-resolution functional MRI at 7 Tesla relative to the underlying anatomy of Heschl's gyrus (HG). The data reveals a clear anatomical- functional relationship that indicates the location of PAC across the range of common morphological variants of HG (single gyri, partial duplication and complete duplication). Human PAC tonotopic areas are oriented along an oblique posterior-to-anterior axis with mirror-symmetric frequency gradients perpendicular to HG, as in the macaque. In a second experiment, we tested whether these primary frequency-tuned units were modulated by selective attention to preferred vs. non-preferred sound frequencies in the dynamic manner needed to account for human listening abilities in noisy environments, such as cocktail parties or busy streets. We used a dual-stream selective attention experiment where subjects attended to one of two competing tonal streams presented simultaneously to different ears. Attention to low-frequency tones (250 Hz) enhanced neural responses within low-frequency-tuned voxels relative to high (4000 Hz), and vice versa when at-tention switched from high to low. Human PAC is able to tune into attended frequency channels and can switch frequencies on demand, like a radio. In a third experiment, we investigated repetition suppression effects to environmental sounds within primary and non-primary early-stage auditory areas, identified with the tonotopic mapping design. Repeated presentations of sounds from the same sources, as compared to different sources, gave repetition suppression effects within posterior and medial non-primary areas of the right hemisphere, reflecting their potential involvement in semantic representations. These three studies were conducted at 7 Tesla with high-resolution imaging. However, 7 Tesla scanners are, for the moment, not yet used for clinical diagnosis and mostly reside in institutions external to hospitals. Thus, hospital-based clinical functional and structural studies are mainly performed using lower field systems (1.5 or 3 Tesla). In a fourth experiment, we acquired tonotopic maps at 3 and 7 Tesla and evaluated the consistency of a tonotopic mapping paradigm between scanners. Mirror-symmetric gradients within PAC were highly similar at 7 and 3 Tesla across renderings at different spatial resolutions. We concluded that the tonotopic mapping paradigm is robust and suitable for definition of primary tonotopic areas, also at 3 Tesla. Finally, in a fifth study, we considered whether focal brain lesions alter tonotopic representations in the intact ipsi- and contralesional primary auditory cortex in three patients with hemispheric or cerebellar lesions, without and with auditory complaints. We found evidence for tonotopic reorganisation at the level of the primary auditory cortex in cases of brain lesions independently of auditory complaints. Overall, these results reflect a certain degree of plasticity within primary auditory cortex in different populations of subjects, assessed at different field strengths. - La cartographie du cortex auditif chez l'humain est difficile à réaliser avec des techniques d'imagerie fonctionnelle standard, étant donné sa petite taille et position angulaire le long de la fissure sylvienne. En conséquence, le nombre et l'emplacement exacts des différentes aires du cortex auditif restent inconnus chez l'homme. Lors d'une première expérience, nous avons mesuré, avec de l'imagerie par résonance magnétique à haute intensité (IRMf à 7 Tesla) chez des sujets humains sains, deux larges aires au sein du cortex auditif primaire (PAC; Al et R) avec une représentation spécifique des fréquences pures préférées - ou tonotopie. Nos résultats ont démontré une relation anatomico- fonctionnelle qui définit clairement la position du PAC à travers toutes les variantes du gyrus d'Heschl's (HG). Les aires tonotopiques du PAC humain sont orientées le long d'un axe postéro-antérieur oblique avec des gradients de fréquences spécifiques perpendiculaires à HG, d'une manière similaire à celles mesurées chez le singe. Dans une deuxième expérience, nous avons testé si ces aires primaires pouvaient être modulées, de façon dynamique, par une attention sélective pour des fréquences préférées par rapport à celles non-préférées. Cette modulation est primordiale lors d'interactions sociales chez l'humain en présence de bruits distracteurs tels que d'autres discussions ou un environnement sonore nuisible (comme par exemple, dans la circulation routière). Dans cette étude, nous avons utilisé une expérience d'attention sélective où le sujet devait être attentif à une des deux voies sonores présentées simultanément à chaque oreille. Lorsque le sujet portait était attentif aux sons de basses fréquences (250 Hz), la réponse neuronale relative à ces fréquences augmentait par rapport à celle des hautes fréquences (4000 Hz), et vice versa lorsque l'attention passait des hautes aux basses fréquences. De ce fait, nous pouvons dire que PAC est capable de focaliser sur la fréquence attendue et de changer de canal selon la demande, comme une radio. Lors d'une troisième expérience, nous avons étudié les effets de suppression due à la répétition de sons environnementaux dans les aires auditives primaires et non-primaires, d'abord identifiées via le protocole de la première étude. La présentation répétée de sons provenant de la même source sonore, par rapport à de sons de différentes sources sonores, a induit un effet de suppression dans les aires postérieures et médiales auditives non-primaires de l'hémisphère droite, reflétant une implication de ces aires dans la représentation de la catégorie sémantique. Ces trois études ont été réalisées avec de l'imagerie à haute résolution à 7 Tesla. Cependant, les scanners 7 Tesla ne sont pour le moment utilisés que pour de la recherche fondamentale, principalement dans des institutions externes, parfois proches du patient mais pas directement à son chevet. L'imagerie fonctionnelle et structurelle clinique se fait actuellement principalement avec des infrastructures cliniques à 1.5 ou 3 Tesla. Dans le cadre dune quatrième expérience, nous avons avons évalués la cohérence du paradigme de cartographie tonotopique à travers différents scanners (3 et 7 Tesla) chez les mêmes sujets. Nos résultats démontrent des gradients de fréquences définissant PAC très similaires à 3 et 7 Tesla. De ce fait, notre paradigme de définition des aires primaires auditives est robuste et applicable cliniquement. Finalement, nous avons évalués l'impact de lésions focales sur les représentations tonotopiques des aires auditives primaires des hémisphères intactes contralésionales et ipsilésionales chez trois patients avec des lésions hémisphériques ou cérébélleuses avec ou sans plaintes auditives. Nous avons trouvé l'évidence d'une certaine réorganisation des représentations topographiques au niveau de PAC dans le cas de lésions cérébrales indépendamment des plaintes auditives. En conclusion, nos résultats démontrent une certaine plasticité du cortex auditif primaire avec différentes populations de sujets et différents champs magnétiques.


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PURPOSE: This study investigates the effects of triamcinolone acetonide (TA) on retinal endothelial cells in vitro and explores the potential vascular toxic effect of TA injected into the vitreous cavity of rats in vivo. METHODS: Subconfluent endothelial cells were treated with either 0.1 mg/ml or 1 mg/ml TA in 1% ethanol. Control cells were either untreated or exposed to 1% ethanol. Cell viability was evaluated at 24 h, 72 h, and five days using the tetrazolium 3-(4,5-dimethylthiazol-2-yl)-2,5 phenyltetrazolium bromide test (MTT) and lactate dehydrogenase (LDH) assays. Cell proliferation was evaluated by 5-bromo-2-deoxyuridine (BrdU) test. Apoptosis was evaluated by terminal deoxynucleotidyl transferase dUTP nick end labeling assay (TUNEL assay), annexin-binding, and caspase 3 activation. Caspase-independent cell deaths were investigated by immunohistochemistry using antibodies against apoptosis inducing factor (AIF), cytochrome C, microtubule-associated protein (MAP)-light chain 3 (MAP-LC3), and Leukocyte Elastase Inhibitor/Leukocyte Elastase Inhibitor-derived DNase II (LEI/L-DNase II). In vivo, semithin and ultrathin structure analysis and vascular casts were performed to examine TA-induced changes of the choroidal vasculature. In addition, outer segments phagocytosis assay on primary retinal pigment epithelium (RPE) cells was performed to assess cyclooxygenase (COX-2) and vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) mRNAs upregulation with or without TA. RESULTS: The inhibitory effect of TA on cell proliferation could not explain the significant reduction in cell viability. Indeed, TA induced a time-dependent reduction of bovine retinal endothelial cells viability. Annexin-binding positive cells were observed. Cytochrome C was not released from mitochondria. L-DNase II was found translocated to the nucleus, meaning that LEI was changed into L-DNase II. AIF was found nuclearized in some cells. LC3 labeling showed the absence of autophagic vesicles. No autophagy or caspase dependent apoptosis was identified. At 1 mg/ml TA induced necrosis while exposure to lower concentrations for 3 to 5 days induced caspase independent apoptosis involving AIF and LEI/L-DNase II. In vivo, semithin and ultrathin structure analysis and vascular casts revealed that TA mostly affected the choroidal vasculature with a reduction of choroidal thickness and increased the avascular areas of the choriocapillaries. Experiments performed on primary RPE cells showed that TA downregulates the basal expression of COX-2 and VEGF and inhibits the outer segments (OS)-dependent COX-2 induction but not the OS-dependent VEGF induction. CONCLUSIONS: This study demonstrates for the first time that glucocorticoids exert direct toxic effect on endothelial cells through caspase-independent cell death mechanisms. The choroidal changes observed after TA intravitreous injection may have important implications regarding the safety profile of TA use in human eyes.


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Deep brain stimulation (DBS) of different nuclei is being evaluated as a treatment for epilepsy. While encouraging results have been reported, the effects of changes in stimulation parameters have been poorly studied. Here the effects of changes of pulse waveform in high frequency DBS (130Hz) of the amygdala-hippocampal complex (AH) are presented. These effects were studied on interictal epileptic discharge rates (IEDRs). AH-DBS was implemented with biphasic versus pseudo monophasic charge balanced pulses, in two groups of patients: six with temporal lobe epilepsy (TLE) associated with hippocampal sclerosis (HS) and six with non lesional (NLES) temporal epilepsy. In patients with HS, IEDRs were significantly reduced with AH-DBS applied with biphasic pulses in comparison with monophasic pulse. IEDRs were significantly reduced in only two patients with NLES independently to stimulus waveform. Comparison to long-term seizure outcome suggests that IEDRs could be used as a neurophysiological marker of chronic AH-DBS and they suggest that the waveform of the electrical stimuli can play a major role in DBS. We concluded that biphasic stimuli are more efficient than pseudo monophasic pulses in AH-DBS in patients with HS. In patients with NLES epilepsy, other parameters relevant for efficacy of DBS remain to be determined.


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Résumé La fragmentation des membranes est un processus commun à beaucoup d'organelles dans une cellule. Les mitochondries, le noyau, le réticulum endoplasmique, les phagosomes, les peroxisomes, l'appareil de Golgi et les lysosomes (vacuoles chez la levure) se fragmentent en plusieurs copies en réponse à des sitmulis environnementaux, tels que des stresses, ou dans une situtation normale durant le cycle cellulaire, afin d' être transférer dans les cellules filles. La fragmentation des membranes est également observée pendant le processus d'endocytose, lors de la formation de vésicules endocytiques, mais également dans tout le traffic intracellulaire, lors de la genèse d'une vésicule de transport. Le processus de fragmentation est donc généralement important. La découverte en 1991 d'une dynamin-like GTPase comme protéine impliquée dans la fragmentation de la membrane plasmique durant l'endocytose a ouvert ce domaine de recherche. Dès lors des dynamines ont été découvertes sur la pluspart des organelles, ce qui suggère un processus de fragmentation des membranes commun à l'ensemble de la cellule. Cependant, l'ensemble des protéines impliquées ainsi que le mécanisme de la fragmentation reste encore à élucider. Mon projet de thèse était d'établir un test in vitro de fragmentation des vacuoles utile à la compréhension du mécanisme de ce processus. Le choix de ce système est judicieux pour plusieurs raisons; premièrement les vacuoles fragmentent naturellement durant le cycle cellulaire, deuxièment leur taille permet de visualiser facilement leur morphologie par simple microscopie optique, finalement elles peuvent être isolées en quantité intéressante avec un haut degré de pureté. In vivo, les vacuoles peuvent être facilement fragmentées par un stress osmotique. Un tel test permet d'identifier des protéines impliquées dans le mécanisme comme dans le criblage que j'ai effectué sur l'ensemble de la collection de délétions des gènes non-essentiels chez la levure. Cependant un test in vitro est ensuite indispensable pour jouer avec les protéines découvertes afin d'en élucider le mécanisme. Avec mon test in vitro, j'ai confirmé l'implication des protéines SNAREs dans la fragmentation et j'ai permis de comprendre la régulation de la quantité de vacuoles et de leur taille par le complexe TORC1 dans une situation de stress. 7 Résumé large public Les cellules de chaque organisme sont composées de différents compartiments appelés organelles. Chacun possède une fonction bien définie afin de permettre la vie et la croissance de la cellule. Ils sont entourés de membrane, qui joue le role de barrière spécifiquement perméable, afin de garder l'intégrité de chacun. Dans des conditions de croissance normale, les cellules prolifèrent. Durant la division cellulaire amenant à la formation d'une nouvelle cellule, chaque organelle doit se diviser afin de fournir l'ensemble des organelles à la cellule fille. La division de chaque organelle nécessite la fragmentation de la membrane les entourant. Des protéines dynamine-like GTPase ont été découvertes sur presque l'ensemble des organelles d'une cellule. Elles sont impliquées dans les processus de fragmentation des membranes. Dès lors l'idée d'un mécanisme commun est apparu. Cependant cette réaction, par sa complexité, ne peut pas impliquer une protéine unique. La découverte d'autres facteurs et la compréhension du mécanisme reste à faire. La première étape peut se faire par étude in vivo, c'est-à-dire avec des cellules entières, la deuxième étape, quant à elle, nécessite d'isoler les protéines impliquées et de jouer avec les différents paramètres, ce qui signifie donc un travail in vitro, séparé des cellules. Mon travail a constisté à établir un procédé expérimental in vitro pour étudier la fragmentation des membranes. Je travaille avec des vacuoles de levures pour étudier les réactions membranaires. Les vacuoles sont les plus grandes organelles présentes dans les levures. Elles sont impliquées principalement dans la digestion. Comme toute organelle, elles se fragmentent durant la division cellulaire. Le procédé expérimental comporte une première étape, l'isolation des vacuoles et, deuxièmement, l'incubation de celles-ci avec des composés essentiels à la réaction. En parallèle, j'ai mis en évidence, par un travail in vivo, de nouvelles protéines impliquées dans le processus de fragmentation des membranes. Ceci a été fait en réalisant un criblage par microscopie d'une collection de mutants. Parmi ces mutants, j'ai cherché ceux qui présentaient un défaut dans la fragmentation des vacuoles. Ces deux procédés expérimentaux, in vitro et in vivo, m'ont permis de découvrir de nouvelles protéines impliquées dans cette réaction, ainsi que de mettre en évidence un mécanisme utlilisé par la cellule pour réguler la fragmentation des vacuoles. 8 Summary Fragmentation of membranes is common for many organelles in a cell. Mitochondria, nucleus, endoplasmic reticulum, phagosomes, peroxisomes, Golgi and lysosomes (vacuoles in yeast) fragment into multiple copies in response to environmental stimuli, such as stresses, or in a normal situation during the cell cycle in order to be transferred into the daughter cell. Fragmentation of membrane occurs during endocytosis, at the latest step in endocytic vesicle formation, and also in intracellular trafficking, when traffic vesicles bud. This field of research was opened in 1991 when a dynamin-like GTPase was found to be involved in fragmentation of the plasma membrane during endocytosis. Since dynamin-like GTPases have been found on most organelles, similarities in their mechanisms of fragmentation might exist. However, many proteins involved in the mechanism of fragmentation remain unknown. My thesis project was to establish an in vitro assay for membrane fragmentation in order to create a tool to study the mechanism of this process. I chose vacuoles as a model organelle for several reasons: first of all, vacuoles fragment under physiological conditions during cell cycle, secondly their size makes their morphology easily visible under the light microscope, and finally vacuoles can be isolated in good amounts with relatively high degrees of purity. In vivo, vacuole fragmentation can be induced with an osmotic shock. Such a simple assay facilitates the identification of new proteins involved in the process. I used this tool to screen of the entire knockout collection of non-essential genes in Saccharomyces cerevisiae for mutants defective in vacuole fragmentation. The in vitro system will be useful to characterize the mutants and to study the mechanism of fragmentation in detail. I used my in vitro assay to confirm the involvement of vacuolar SNARE proteins in fragmentation of the organelle and to uncover that number and size of vacuoles in the cell is regulated by the TORC1 complex via selective stimulation of fragmentation activity.


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The phytochrome family of red/far-red (R/FR)-responsive photoreceptors plays a key role throughout the life cycle of plants . Arabidopsis has five phytochromes, phyA-phyE, among which phyA and phyB play the most predominant functions . Light-regulated nuclear accumulation of the phytochromes is an important regulatory step of this pathway, but to this date no factor specifically required for this event has been identified . Among all phyA signaling mutants, fhy1 and fhy3 (far-red elongated hypocotyl 1 and 3) have the most severe hyposensitive phenotype, indicating that they play particularly important roles . FHY1 is a small plant-specific protein of unknown function localized both in the nucleus and the cytoplasm . Here we show that FHY1 is specifically required for the light-regulated nuclear accumulation of phyA but not phyB. Moreover, phyA accumulation is only slightly affected in fhy3, indicating that the diminished nuclear accumulation of phyA observed in fhy1 seedlings is not simply a general consequence of reduced phyA signaling. By in vitro pull-down and yeast two-hybrid analyses, we demonstrate that FHY1 physically interacts with phyA, preferentially in its active Pfr form. Furthermore, FHY1 and phyA colocalize in planta. We therefore identify the first component required for light-regulated phytochrome nuclear accumulation.


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A 6-year-old girl exhibited a recent caruncular tumor which was increasing in size. It was removed after a CT scan had showed a both medial and superficial mass. Fortunately, histological tests only found inflammatory cells attesting that the mass was due to an inflammation of this area. Inflammation is one of the different processes that may increase the size of the caruncle, but sometimes, only histopathology can provide conclusive evidence.


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The present study describes in primates the effects of a spinal cord injury on the number and size of the neurons in the magnocellular part of the red nucleus (RNm), the origin of the rubrospinal tract, and evaluates whether a neutralization of Nogo-A reduces the lesioned-induced degenerative processes observed in RNm. Two groups of monkeys were subjected to unilateral section of the spinal cord affecting the rubrospinal tract; one group was subsequently treated with an antibody neutralizing Nogo-A; the second group received a control antibody. Intact animals were also included in the study. Counting neurons stained with a monoclonal antibody recognizing non-phosphorylated epitopes on neurofilaments (SMI-32) indicated that their number in the contralesional RNm was consistently inferior to that in the ipsilesional RNm, in a proportion amounting up to 35%. The lesion also induced shrinkage of the soma of the neurons detected in the contralesional RNm. Infusing an anti-Nogo-A antibody at the site of the lesion did not increase the proportion of SMI-32 positive rubrospinal neurons in the contralesional RNm nor prevent shrinkage.


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Recent studies at high magnetic fields using the phase of gradient-echo MR images have shown the ability to unveil cortical substructure in the human brain. To investigate the contrast mechanisms in phase imaging, this study extends, for the first time, phase imaging to the rodent brain. Using a 14.1 T horizontal bore animal MRI scanner for in vivo micro-imaging, images with an in-plane resolution of 33 microm were acquired. Phase images revealed, often more clearly than the corresponding magnitude images, hippocampal fields, cortical layers (e.g. layer 4), cerebellar layers (molecular and granule cell layers) and small white matter structures present in the striatum and septal nucleus. The contrast of the phase images depended in part on the orientation of anatomical structures relative to the magnetic field, consistent with bulk susceptibility variations between tissues. This was found not only for vessels, but also for white matter structures, such as the anterior commissure, and cortical layers in the cerebellum. Such susceptibility changes could result from variable blood volume. However, when the deoxyhemoglobin content was reduced by increasing cerebral blood flow (CBF) with a carbogen breathing challenge, contrast between white and gray matter and cortical layers was not affected, suggesting that tissue cerebral blood volume (and therefore deoxyhemoglobin) is not a major source of the tissue phase contrast. We conclude that phase variations in gradient-echo images are likely due to susceptibility shifts of non-vascular origin.


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Two distinct, TATA box-containing promoters regulate the transcriptional activity of the Xenopus vitellogenin A1 gene. These two promoters are of different strength and are separated by 1.8 kilobase pairs of untranslated sequence. Estrogen receptor (ER) and its ligand, 17beta-estradiol, induce the activity of both promoters. The estrogen response elements (EREs) are located proximal to the downstream i promoter while no ERE-like sequences have been identified in the vicinity of the upstream io promoter. We show here, that transcriptional activity of the upstream io promoter is Sp1-dependent. Moreover, we demonstrate that estrogen inducibility of the io promoter results from functional interactions between the io bound Sp1 and the ER bound at the proximity of i. Functional interactions between Sp1 and ER do not require the presence of a TATA box for transcriptional activation, as is demonstrated using the acyl-CoA oxidase promoter. The relative positions that ER and Sp1 occupy with respect to the initiation site determines whether these two transcription activators can synergize for transcription initiation.


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The purpose of this study was to determine the impact of axial traction during acquisition of direct magnetic resonance (MR) arthrography examination of the knee in terms of joint space width and amount of contrast material between the cartilage surfaces. Direct knee MR arthrography was performed in 11 patients on a 3-T MR imaging unit using a T1-weighted isotropic gradient echo sequence in a coronal plane with and without axial traction of 15 kg. Joint space widths were measured at the level of the medial and the lateral femorotibial joint with and without traction. The amount of contrast material in the medial and lateral femorotibial joint was assessed independently by two musculoskeletal radiologists in a semiquantitative manner using three grades ('absence of surface visualization, 'partial surface visualization or 'complete surface visualization'). With traction, joint space width increased significantly at the lateral femorotibial compartment (mean = 0.55 mm, p = 0.0105) and at the medial femorotibial compartment (mean = 0.4 mm, p = 0.0124). There was a trend towards an increased amount of contrast material in the femorotibial compartment with axial traction. Direct MR arthrography of the knee with axial traction showed a slight and significant increase of the width of the femorotibial compartment with a trend towards more contrast material between the articular cartilage surfaces.