95 resultados para measurement technology


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The paper describes how to integrate audience measurement and site visibility as the main research approaches in outdoor advertising research in a single concept. Details are portrayed on how GPS is used on a large scale in Switzerland for mobility analysis and audience measurement. Furthermore, the development of a software solution is introduced that allows the integration of all mobility data and poster location information. Finally a model and its results is presented for the calculation of coverage of individual poster campaigns and for the calculation of the number of contacts generated by each billboard.


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The blood pressure (BP), heart rate (HR), and humoral effects of single intravenous (i.v.) doses of the angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE) inhibitor captopril was investigated in five normotensive healthy volunteers. Each subject received at 1-week intervals a bolus dose of either captopril (1, 5, and 25 mg) or its vehicle. The study was conducted in a single-blind fashion, and the order of treatment phases was randomized. The different doses of captopril had no acute effect on BP and HR. They induced a dose-dependent decrease in plasma ACE activity and plasma angiotensin II levels. The angiotensin-(1-8) octapeptide was isolated by solid-phase extraction and high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) prior to radioimmunoassay (RIA). All three doses of captopril reduced circulating angiotensin II levels within 15 min of drug administration. Only with the 25-mg dose was the angiotensin II concentration below the detection limit at 15 min and still significantly reduced 90 min after drug administration. Simultaneous and progressive decreases in plasma aldosterone levels were observed both with ACE inhibition and during vehicle injection, but the relative fall was more pronounced after captopril administration. No adverse reaction was noticed. These results demonstrate that captopril given parenterally blocks the renin-angiotensin system in a dose-dependent manner. Only with the dose of 25 mg was the inhibition of plasma-converting enzyme activity and the reduction of plasma angiotensin II sustained for at least 1 1/2 h.


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Aims  To investigate whether the predominant finding of generalized positive associations between self-rated motives for drinking alcohol and negative consequences of drinking alcohol are influenced by (i) using raw scores of motives that may weight inter-individual response behaviours too strongly, and (ii) predictor-criterion contamination by using consequence items where respondents attribute alcohol use as the cause. Design  Cross-sectional study within the European School Survey Project on Alcohol and other Drugs (ESPAD). Setting  School classes. Participants  Students, aged 13-16 (n = 5633). Measurements  Raw, rank and mean-variance standardized scores of the Drinking Motives Questionnaire-Revised (DMQ-R); four consequences: serious problems with friends, sexual intercourse regretted the next day, physical fights and troubles with the police, each itemized with attribution ('because of your alcohol use') and without. Findings  As found previously in the literature, raw scores for all drinking motives had positive associations with negative consequences of drinking, while transformed (rank or Z) scores showed a more specific pattern: external reinforcing motives (social, conformity) had negative and internal reinforcing motives (enhancement, coping) had non-significant or positive associations with negative consequences. Attributed consequences showed stronger associations with motives than non-attributed ones. Conclusion  Standard scoring of the Drinking Motives Questionnaire (Revised) fails to capture motives in a way that permits specific associations with different negative consequences to be identified, whereas use of rank or Z-scores does permit this. Use of attributed consequences overestimates the association with drinking motives.


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The aim of our study was to provide an innovative headspace-gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (HS-GC-MS) method applicable for the routine determination of blood CO concentration in forensic toxicology laboratories. The main drawback of the GC/MS methods discussed in literature for CO measurement is the absence of a specific CO internal standard necessary for performing quantification. Even if stable isotope of CO is commercially available in the gaseous state, it is essential to develop a safer method to limit the manipulation of gaseous CO and to precisely control the injected amount of CO for spiking and calibration. To avoid the manipulation of a stable isotope-labeled gas, we have chosen to generate in a vial in situ, an internal labeled standard gas ((13)CO) formed by the reaction of labeled formic acid formic acid (H(13)COOH) with sulfuric acid. As sulfuric acid can also be employed to liberate the CO reagent from whole blood, the procedure allows for the liberation of CO simultaneously with the generation of (13)CO. This method allows for precise measurement of blood CO concentrations from a small amount of blood (10 μL). Finally, this method was applied to measure the CO concentration of intoxicated human blood samples from autopsies.


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Introduction : Le monitoring de la tension artérielle à domicile est recommandé par plusieurs guidelines et a été montré être faisable chez la personne âgée. Les manomètres au poignet ont récemment été proposés pour la mesure de la tension artérielle à domicile, mais leur précision n'a pas été au préalable évaluée chez les patients âgés. Méthode : Quarante-huit participants (33 femmes et 15 hommes, moyenne d'âge 81.3±8.0 ans) ont leur tension artérielle mesurée avec un appareil au poignet avec capteur de position et un appareil au bras dans un ordre aléatoire et dans une position assise. Résultats : Les moyennes de mesures de tension artérielle étaient systématiquement plus basses avec l'appareil au poignet par rapport à celui du bras pour la pression systolique (120.1±2.2 vs. 130.5±2.2 mmHg, P < 0.001, moyenneidéviation standard) et pour la pression diastolique (66.011.3 vs. 69.7±1.3 mmHg, P < 0.001). De plus, une différence de lOmmHg ou plus grande entre l'appareil au bras et au poignet était observée dans 54.2 et 18,8% des mesures systoliques et diastoliques respectivement. Conclusion : Comparé à l'appareil au bras, l'appareil au poignet avec capteur de position sous-estimait systématiquement aussi bien la tension artérielle systolique que diastolique. L'ampleur de la différence est cliniquement significative et met en doute l'utilisation de l'appareil au poignet pour monitorer la tension artérielle chez la personne âgée. Cette étude indique le besoin de valider les appareils de mesures de la tension artérielle dans tous les groupes d'âge, y compris les personnes âgées.


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Human glandular kallikrein 2 (hK2) is a trypsin-like serine protease expressed predominantly in the prostate epithelium. Recently, hK2 has proven to be a useful marker that can be used in combination with prostate specific antigen for screening and diagnosis of prostate cancer. The cleavage by hK2 of certain substrates in the proteolytic cascade suggest that the kallikrein may be involved in prostate cancer development; however, there has been very little other progress toward its biochemical characterization or elucidation of its true physiological role. In the present work, we adapt phage substrate technology to study the substrate specificity of hK2. A phage-displayed random pentapeptide library with exhaustive diversity was generated and then screened with purified hK2. Phages displaying peptides susceptible to hK2 cleavage were amplified in eight rounds of selection and genes encoding substrates were transferred from the phage to a fluorescent system using cyan fluorescent protein (derived from green fluorescent protein) that enables rapid determination of specificity constants. This study shows that hK2 has a strict preference for Arg in the P1 position, which is further enhanced by a Ser in P'1 position. The scissile bonds identified by phage display substrate selection correspond to those of the natural biological substrates of hK2, which include protein C inhibitor, semenogelins, and fibronectin. Moreover, three new putative hK2 protein substrates, shown elsewhere to be involved in the biology of the cancer, have been identified thus reinforcing the importance of hK2 in prostate cancer development.


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Résumé Si l'impact de l'informatique ne fait généralement pas de doute, il est souvent plus problématique d'en mesurer sa valeur. Les Directeurs des Systèmes d'Information (DSI) expliquent l'absence de schéma directeur et de vision à moyen et long terme de l'entreprise, par un manque de temps et de ressources mais aussi par un défaut d'implication des directions générales et des directions financières. L'incapacité de mesurer précisément la valeur du système d'information engendre une logique de gestion par les coûts, néfaste à l'action de la DSI. Alors qu'une mesure de la valeur économique de l'informatique offrirait aux directions générales la matière leur permettant d'évaluer réellement la maturité et la contribution de leur système d'information. L'objectif de cette thèse est d'évaluer à la fois l'alignement de l'informatique avec la stratégie de l'entreprise, la qualité du pilotage (mesure de performance) des systèmes d'information, et enfin, l'organisation et le positionnement de la fonction informatique dans l'entreprise. La mesure de ces trois éléments clés de la gouvernance informatique a été réalisée par l'intermédiaire de deux vagues d'enquêtes successives menées en 2000/2001 (DSI) et 2002/2003 (DSI et DG) en Europe francophone (Suisse Romande, France, Belgique et Luxembourg). Abstract The impact of Information Technology (IT) is today a clear evidence to company stakeholders. However, measuring the value generated by IT is a real challenge. Chief Information Officers (CIO) explain the absence of solid IT Business Plans and clear mid/long term visions by a lack of time and resources but also by a lack of involvement of business senior management (e.g. CEO and CFO). Thus, being not able to measure the economic value of IT, the CIO will have to face the hard reality of permanent cost pressures and cost reductions to justify IT spending and investments. On the other side, being able to measure the value of IT would help CIO and senior business management to assess the maturity and the contribution of the Information System and therefore facilitate the decision making process. The objective of this thesis is to assess the alignment of IT with the business strategy, to assess the quality of measurement of the Information System and last but not least to assess the positioning of the IT organisation within the company. The assessment of these three key elements of the IT Governance was established with two surveys (first wave in 2000/2001 for CIO, second wave in 2002/2003 for CIO and CEO) in Europe (French speaking countries namely Switzerland, France, Belgium and Luxembourg).


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BACKGROUND: Straylight gives the appearance of a veil of light thrown over a person's retinal image when there is a strong light source present. We examined the reproducibility of the measurements by C-Quant, and assessed its correlation to characteristics of the eye and subjects' age. PARTICIPANTS AND METHODS: Five repeated straylight measurements were taken using the dominant eye of 45 healthy subjects (age 21-59) with a BCVA of 20/20: 14 emmetropic, 16 myopic, eight hyperopic and seven with astigmatism. We assessed the extent of reproducibility of straylight measures using the intraclass correlation coefficient. RESULTS: The mean straylight value of all measurements was 1.01 (SD 0.23, median 0.97, interquartile range 0.85-1.1). Per 10 years of age, straylight increased in average by 0.10 (95%CI 0.04 to 0.16, p < 0.01]. We found no independent association of refraction (range -5.25 dpt to +2 dpt) on straylight values (0.001; 95%CI -0.022 to 0.024, p = 0.92). Compared to emmetropic subjects, myopia reduced straylight (-.011; -0.024 to 0.02, p = 0.11), whereas higher straylight values (0.09; -0.01 to 0.20, p = 0.09) were observed in subjects with blue irises as compared to dark-colored irises when correcting for age. The intraclass correlation coefficient (ICC) of repeated measurements was 0.83 (95%CI 0.76 to 0.90). CONCLUSIONS: Our study showed that straylight measurements with the C-Quant had a high reproducibility, i.e. a lack of large intra-observer variability, making it appropriate to be applied in long-term follow-up studies assessing the long-term effect of surgical procedures on the quality of vision.


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Landscape is an example of a non-market good where no metrics exist to measure its quality. The paper proposes an original methodology to nevertheless estimate scope variables in those circumstances, allowing then to better test if people's willingnesstopay for such good is sensitive to the scope. The methodology is based on techniques developed in the context of multicriteria decision analysis. It is applied to assess the quality of the landscape of several Swiss alpine resorts. This assessment is then used as an explanatory variable in a hedonic price function to explain the rent of apartments and to derive an implicit price of the landscape quality.


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OBJECTIVE: Home blood pressure (BP) monitoring is recommended by several clinical guidelines and has been shown to be feasible in elderly persons. Wrist manometers have recently been proposed for such home BP measurement, but their accuracy has not been previously assessed in elderly patients. METHODS: Forty-eight participants (33 women and 15 men, mean age 81.3±8.0 years) had their BP measured with a wrist device with position sensor and an arm device in random order in a sitting position. RESULTS: Average BP measurements were consistently lower with the wrist than arm device for systolic BP (120.1±2.2 vs. 130.5±2.2 mmHg, P<0.001, means±SD) and diastolic BP (66.0±1.3 vs. 69.7±1.3 mmHg, P<0.001). Moreover, a 10 mmHg or greater difference between the arm and wrist device was observed in 54.2 and 18.8% of systolic and diastolic measures, respectively. CONCLUSION: Compared with the arm device, the wrist device with position sensor systematically underestimated systolic as well as diastolic BP. The magnitude of the difference is clinically significant and questions the use of the wrist device to monitor BP in elderly persons. This study points to the need to validate BP measuring devices in all age groups, including in elderly persons.


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Petroleum hydrocarbons are common contaminants in marine and freshwater aquatic habitats, often occurring as a result of oil spillage. Rapid and reliable on-site tools for measuring the bioavailable hydrocarbon fractions, i.e., those that are most likely to cause toxic effects or are available for biodegradation, would assist in assessing potential ecological damage and following the progress of cleanup operations. Here we examined the suitability of a set of different rapid bioassays (2-3 h) using bacteria expressing the LuxAB luciferase to measure the presence of short-chain linear alkanes, monoaromatic and polyaromatic compounds, biphenyls, and DNA-damaging agents in seawater after a laboratory-scale oil spill. Five independent spills of 20 mL of NSO-1 crude oil with 2 L of seawater (North Sea or Mediterranean Sea) were carried out in 5 L glass flasks for periods of up to 10 days. Bioassays readily detected ephemeral concentrations of short-chain alkanes and BTEX (i.e., benzene, toluene, ethylbenzene, and xylenes) in the seawater within minutes to hours after the spill, increasing to a maximum of up to 80 muM within 6-24 h, after which they decreased to low or undetectable levels. The strong decrease in short-chain alkanes and BTEX may have been due to their volatilization or biodegradation, which was supported by changes in the microbial community composition. Two- and three-ring PAHs appeared in the seawater phase after 24 h with a concentration up to 1 muM naphthalene equivalents and remained above 0.5 muM for the duration of the experiment. DNA-damage-sensitive bioreporters did not produce any signal with the oil-spilled aqueous-phase samples, whereas bioassays for (hydroxy)biphenyls showed occasional responses. Chemical analysis for alkanes and PAHs in contaminated seawater samples supported the bioassay data, but did not show the typical ephemeral peaks observed with the bioassays. We conclude that bacterium-based bioassays can be a suitable alternative for rapid on-site quantitative measurement of hydrocarbons in seawater.


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Epidemiological studies have shown that obesity is associated with chronic kidney disease and end stage renal disease. These studies have used creatinine derived equations to estimate glomerular filtration rate (GFR) and have indexed GFR to body surface area (BSA). However, the use of equations using creatinine as a surrogate marker of glomerular filtration and the indexation of GFR for BSA can be questioned in the obese population. First, these equations lack precision when they are compared to gold standard GFR measurements such as inulin clearances; secondly, the indexation of GFR for 1.73 m(2) of BSA leads to a systematic underestimation of GFR compared to absolute GFR in obese patients who have BSA that usually exceed 1.73 m(2). Obesity is also associated with pathophysiological changes that can affect the pharmacokinetics of drugs. The effect of obesity on both renal function and drug pharmacokinetics raises the issue of correct drug dosage in obese individuals. This may be particularly relevant for drugs known to have a narrow therapeutic range or excreted by the kidney.