101 resultados para laser scanning


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Bright-field wholemount labeling techniques applied to the mammalian central nervous system (CNS) offer advantages over conventional methods based on sections since an immediate and three-dimensional view of the stained components is provided. It thereby becomes possible to survey and count large number of cells and fibers in their natural relationships. The ability of confocal laser scanning microscopy to visualize in one focal plane the fluorescence associated with multiple markers could be most valuable by the availability of reliable wholemount fluorescent techniques. Accordingly, based in our previously published bright-field wholemount protocols [Brain Res. Prot. 2 (1998) 165-173], we have devised an effective immmunofluorescence wholemount procedure. We show that reliable wholemount fluorescent staining can be obtained using isolated complete CNS aged up to rat embryonic day 17, with antibodies penetration in the millimeter range. Examples are shown of preparations in which colocalization can be observed in nerve cells of cytoskeletal and calcium-binding proteins.


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Steep mountain catchments typically experience large sediment pulses from hillslopes which are stored in headwater channels and remobilized by debris-flows or bedload transport. Event-based sediment budget monitoring in the active Manival debris-flow torrent in the French Alps during a two-year period gave insights into the catchment-scale sediment routing during moderate rainfall intensities which occur several times each year. The monitoring was based on intensive topographic resurveys of low- and high-order channels using different techniques (cross-section surveys with total station and high-resolution channel surveys with terrestrial and airborne laser scanning). Data on sediment output volumes from the main channel were obtained by a sediment trap. Two debris-flows were observed, as well as several bedload transport flow events. Sediment budget analysis of the two debris-flows revealed that most of the debris-flow volumes were supplied by channel scouring (more than 92%). Bedload transport during autumn contributed to the sediment recharge of high-order channels by the deposition of large gravel wedges. This process is recognized as being fundamental for debris-flow occurrence during the subsequent spring and summer. A time shift of scour-and-fill sequences was observed between low- and high-order channels, revealing the discontinuous sediment transfer in the catchment during common flow events. A conceptual model of sediment routing for different event magnitude is proposed.


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This study shows how a new generation of terrestrial laser scanners can be used to investigate glacier surface ablation and other elements of glacial hydrodynamics at exceptionally high spatial and temporal resolution. The study area is an Alpine valley glacier, Haut Glacier d'Arolla, Switzerland. Here we use an ultra-long-range lidar RIEGL VZ-6000 scanner, having a laser specifically designed for measurement of snow- and ice-cover surfaces. We focus on two timescales: seasonal and daily. Our results show that a near-infrared scanning laser system can provide high-precision elevation change and ablation data from long ranges, and over relatively large sections of the glacier surface. We use it to quantify spatial variations in the patterns of surface melt at the seasonal scale, as controlled by both aspect and differential debris cover. At the daily scale, we quantify the effects of ogive-related differences in ice surface debris content on spatial patterns of ablation. Daily scale measurements point to possible hydraulic jacking of the glacier associated with short-term water pressure rises. This latter demonstration shows that this type of lidar may be used to address subglacial hydrologic questions, in addition to motion and ablation measurements.


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Characterizing the geological features and structures in three dimensions over inaccessible rock cliffs is needed to assess natural hazards such as rockfalls and rockslides and also to perform investigations aimed at mapping geological contacts and building stratigraphy and fold models. Indeed, the detailed 3D data, such as LiDAR point clouds, allow to study accurately the hazard processes and the structure of geologic features, in particular in vertical and overhanging rock slopes. Thus, 3D geological models have a great potential of being applied to a wide range of geological investigations both in research and applied geology projects, such as mines, tunnels and reservoirs. Recent development of ground-based remote sensing techniques (LiDAR, photogrammetry and multispectral / hyperspectral images) are revolutionizing the acquisition of morphological and geological information. As a consequence, there is a great potential for improving the modeling of geological bodies as well as failure mechanisms and stability conditions by integrating detailed remote data. During the past ten years several large rockfall events occurred along important transportation corridors where millions of people travel every year (Switzerland: Gotthard motorway and railway; Canada: Sea to sky highway between Vancouver and Whistler). These events show that there is still a lack of knowledge concerning the detection of potential rockfalls, making mountain residential settlements and roads highly risky. It is necessary to understand the main factors that destabilize rocky outcrops even if inventories are lacking and if no clear morphological evidences of rockfall activity are observed. In order to increase the possibilities of forecasting potential future landslides, it is crucial to understand the evolution of rock slope stability. Defining the areas theoretically most prone to rockfalls can be particularly useful to simulate trajectory profiles and to generate hazard maps, which are the basis for land use planning in mountainous regions. The most important questions to address in order to assess rockfall hazard are: Where are the most probable sources for future rockfalls located? What are the frequencies of occurrence of these rockfalls? I characterized the fracturing patterns in the field and with LiDAR point clouds. Afterwards, I developed a model to compute the failure mechanisms on terrestrial point clouds in order to assess the susceptibility to rockfalls at the cliff scale. Similar procedures were already available to evaluate the susceptibility to rockfalls based on aerial digital elevation models. This new model gives the possibility to detect the most susceptible rockfall sources with unprecented detail in the vertical and overhanging areas. The results of the computation of the most probable rockfall source areas in granitic cliffs of Yosemite Valley and Mont-Blanc massif were then compared to the inventoried rockfall events to validate the calculation methods. Yosemite Valley was chosen as a test area because it has a particularly strong rockfall activity (about one rockfall every week) which leads to a high rockfall hazard. The west face of the Dru was also chosen for the relevant rockfall activity and especially because it was affected by some of the largest rockfalls that occurred in the Alps during the last 10 years. Moreover, both areas were suitable because of their huge vertical and overhanging cliffs that are difficult to study with classical methods. Limit equilibrium models have been applied to several case studies to evaluate the effects of different parameters on the stability of rockslope areas. The impact of the degradation of rockbridges on the stability of large compartments in the west face of the Dru was assessed using finite element modeling. In particular I conducted a back-analysis of the large rockfall event of 2005 (265'000 m3) by integrating field observations of joint conditions, characteristics of fracturing pattern and results of geomechanical tests on the intact rock. These analyses improved our understanding of the factors that influence the stability of rock compartments and were used to define the most probable future rockfall volumes at the Dru. Terrestrial laser scanning point clouds were also successfully employed to perform geological mapping in 3D, using the intensity of the backscattered signal. Another technique to obtain vertical geological maps is combining triangulated TLS mesh with 2D geological maps. At El Capitan (Yosemite Valley) we built a georeferenced vertical map of the main plutonio rocks that was used to investigate the reasons for preferential rockwall retreat rate. Additional efforts to characterize the erosion rate were made at Monte Generoso (Ticino, southern Switzerland) where I attempted to improve the estimation of long term erosion by taking into account also the volumes of the unstable rock compartments. Eventually, the following points summarize the main out puts of my research: The new model to compute the failure mechanisms and the rockfall susceptibility with 3D point clouds allows to define accurately the most probable rockfall source areas at the cliff scale. The analysis of the rockbridges at the Dru shows the potential of integrating detailed measurements of the fractures in geomechanical models of rockmass stability. The correction of the LiDAR intensity signal gives the possibility to classify a point cloud according to the rock type and then use this information to model complex geologic structures. The integration of these results, on rockmass fracturing and composition, with existing methods can improve rockfall hazard assessments and enhance the interpretation of the evolution of steep rockslopes. -- La caractérisation de la géologie en 3D pour des parois rocheuses inaccessibles est une étape nécessaire pour évaluer les dangers naturels tels que chutes de blocs et glissements rocheux, mais aussi pour réaliser des modèles stratigraphiques ou de structures plissées. Les modèles géologiques 3D ont un grand potentiel pour être appliqués dans une vaste gamme de travaux géologiques dans le domaine de la recherche, mais aussi dans des projets appliqués comme les mines, les tunnels ou les réservoirs. Les développements récents des outils de télédétection terrestre (LiDAR, photogrammétrie et imagerie multispectrale / hyperspectrale) sont en train de révolutionner l'acquisition d'informations géomorphologiques et géologiques. Par conséquence, il y a un grand potentiel d'amélioration pour la modélisation d'objets géologiques, ainsi que des mécanismes de rupture et des conditions de stabilité, en intégrant des données détaillées acquises à distance. Pour augmenter les possibilités de prévoir les éboulements futurs, il est fondamental de comprendre l'évolution actuelle de la stabilité des parois rocheuses. Définir les zones qui sont théoriquement plus propices aux chutes de blocs peut être très utile pour simuler les trajectoires de propagation des blocs et pour réaliser des cartes de danger, qui constituent la base de l'aménagement du territoire dans les régions de montagne. Les questions plus importantes à résoudre pour estimer le danger de chutes de blocs sont : Où se situent les sources plus probables pour les chutes de blocs et éboulement futurs ? Avec quelle fréquence vont se produire ces événements ? Donc, j'ai caractérisé les réseaux de fractures sur le terrain et avec des nuages de points LiDAR. Ensuite, j'ai développé un modèle pour calculer les mécanismes de rupture directement sur les nuages de points pour pouvoir évaluer la susceptibilité au déclenchement de chutes de blocs à l'échelle de la paroi. Les zones sources de chutes de blocs les plus probables dans les parois granitiques de la vallée de Yosemite et du massif du Mont-Blanc ont été calculées et ensuite comparés aux inventaires des événements pour vérifier les méthodes. Des modèles d'équilibre limite ont été appliqués à plusieurs cas d'études pour évaluer les effets de différents paramètres sur la stabilité des parois. L'impact de la dégradation des ponts rocheux sur la stabilité de grands compartiments de roche dans la paroi ouest du Petit Dru a été évalué en utilisant la modélisation par éléments finis. En particulier j'ai analysé le grand éboulement de 2005 (265'000 m3), qui a emporté l'entier du pilier sud-ouest. Dans le modèle j'ai intégré des observations des conditions des joints, les caractéristiques du réseau de fractures et les résultats de tests géoméchaniques sur la roche intacte. Ces analyses ont amélioré l'estimation des paramètres qui influencent la stabilité des compartiments rocheux et ont servi pour définir des volumes probables pour des éboulements futurs. Les nuages de points obtenus avec le scanner laser terrestre ont été utilisés avec succès aussi pour produire des cartes géologiques en 3D, en utilisant l'intensité du signal réfléchi. Une autre technique pour obtenir des cartes géologiques des zones verticales consiste à combiner un maillage LiDAR avec une carte géologique en 2D. A El Capitan (Yosemite Valley) nous avons pu géoréferencer une carte verticale des principales roches plutoniques que j'ai utilisé ensuite pour étudier les raisons d'une érosion préférentielle de certaines zones de la paroi. D'autres efforts pour quantifier le taux d'érosion ont été effectués au Monte Generoso (Ticino, Suisse) où j'ai essayé d'améliorer l'estimation de l'érosion au long terme en prenant en compte les volumes des compartiments rocheux instables. L'intégration de ces résultats, sur la fracturation et la composition de l'amas rocheux, avec les méthodes existantes permet d'améliorer la prise en compte de l'aléa chute de pierres et éboulements et augmente les possibilités d'interprétation de l'évolution des parois rocheuses.


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To compare autofluorescence (AF) images obtained with the confocal scanning laser ophthalmoscope (using the Heidelberg retina angiograph; HRA) and the modified Topcon fundus camera, in a routine clinical setting. A prospective comparative study conducted at the Jules-Gonin Eye Hospital. Fifty-six patients from the medical retina clinic. All patients had complete ophthalmic slit-lamp and fundus examinations, colour and red-free fundus photography, AF imaging with both instruments, and fluorescein angiography. Cataract and fixation were graded clinically. AF patterns were analyzed for healthy and pathological features. Differences of image noise were analyzed by cataract grading and fixation. A total of 105 eyes were included. AF patterns discovered by the retina angiograph and the fundus camera images, respectively, were a dark optic disc in 72 % versus 15 %, a dark fovea in 92 % versus 4 %, sub- and intraretinal fluid visible as hyperautofluorescence on HRA images only, lipid exudates visible as hypoautofluorescence on HRA images only. The same autofluorescent pattern was found on both images for geographic atrophy, retinal pigment changes, drusen and haemorrhage. Image noise was significantly associated with the degree of cataract and/or poor fixation, favouring the fundus camera. Images acquired by the fundus camera before and after fluorescein angiography were identical. Fundus AF images differ according to the technical differences of the instruments used. Knowledge of these differences is important not only for correctly interpreting images, but also for selecting the most appropriate instrument for the clinical situation.


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Purpose: To investigate the differences between Fundus Camera (Topcon TRC-50X) and Confocal Scanning Laser Ophthalmoscope (Heidelberg retina angiogram (HRA)) on the fundus autofluorescence (FAF) imaging (resolution and FAF characteristics). Methods: 105 eyes of 56 patients with various retinal diseases underwent FAF imaging with HRA (488nm exciter/500nm barrier filter) before fluorescein angiography (FFA) and Topcon Fundus Camera (580nm exciter/695nm barrier filter) before and after FFA. The quality of the FAF images was compared for their resolution and analysed for the influence of fixation stability and cataracts. Hypo-and hyper-FAF behaviour was analysed for the healthy disc, healthy fovea, and a variety of pathological features. Results: HRA images were found to be of superior resolution in 18, while Topcon images were estimated superior in 29 eyes. No difference was found in 58 eyes. Both poor fixation (p=0.009) and more advanced cataract (p=0.013) were found associated with better image quality by Topcon. Images acquired by Topcon before and after FFA were identical (100%). The healthy disc was usually dark on HRA (72%), but showed mild autofluorescence on Topcon (85%). The healthy fovea showed in 100% Hypo-FAF on HRA, while Topcon showed in 53% Iso-FAF, in 43% mild Hypo-FAF, and in 4% Hypo-FAF as on HRA. No difference of FAF was found for geographic atrophy, pigment changes, and drusen, although Topcon images were often more detailed. Hyper-FAF due to serous exudation showed better on HRA. Cystic edema was visible only on HRA in a petaloid hyper-FAF pattern in 83%, while only two eyes (17%) showed similar behavior in both HRA- and Topcon images. Hard exudates caused Hypo-FAF only on HRA, hardly visible on Topcon. Blockage phenomenon by blood however was identical. Conclusions: The filter set of Topcon and the single image acquisition appear to be an advantage for patients with cataract and poor fixation respectively. Preceding FFA does not alter the Topcon FAF image. Regarding the FAF behavior, there are differences between the 2 systems which need to be taken into account when interpreting the images.


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Purpose: To investigate the differences between the Fundus Camera (Topcon TRC-50X) and Confocal Scanning Laser Ophthalmoscope (Heidelberg retina angiogram (HRA)) on the fundus autofluorescence (FAF) imaging (resolution and FAF characteristics). Methods: Eighty nine eyes of 46 patients with various retinal diseases underwent FAF imaging with HRA (488nm exciter / 500nm barrier filter) before fluorescein angiography (FFA) and Topcon Fundus Camera (580nm exciter / 695nm barrier filter) before and after FFA. The quality of the FAF images was estimated, compared for their resolution and analysed for the influence of fixation stability and cataracts. Hypo- and hyper-FAF behaviour was analysed for the healthy disc, healthy fovea, and a variety of pathological features. Results: HRA images were found to be of superior quality in 18 eyes, while Topcon images were estimated superior in 21 eyes. No difference was found in 50 eyes. Both poor fixation (p=0.009) and more advanced cataract (p=0.013) were found to strongly increase the likelihood of better image quality by Topcon. Images acquired by Topcon before and after FFA were identical (100%). The healthy disc was usually dark on HRA (71%), but showed mild autofluorescence on Topcon (88%). The healthy fovea showed in 100% Hypo-FAF on HRA, while Topcon showed in 52% Iso-FAF, in 43% mild Hypo-FAF, and in 5% Hypo-FAF as on HRA. No difference of FAF was found for geographic atrophy, pigment changes, and drusen, although Topcon images were often more detailed. Hyper-FAF due to exudation showed better on HRA. Pigment epithelium detachment showed identical FAF behaviour on the border, but reduced FAF with Topcon in the center. Cystic edema was visible only on HRA in a petaloid pattern. Hard exsudates caused Hypo-FAF only on HRA, hardly visible on Topcon. Blocage phenomenon by blood however was identical. Conclusions: The filter set of Topcon and the single image acquisition appear to be an advantage for patients with cataract or poor fixation. Preceding FFA does not alter the Topcon FAF image. Regarding the FAF behaviour, there are differences between the two systems which need to be taken into account when interpreting the images.


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Like numerous torrents in mountainous regions, the Illgraben creek (canton of Wallis, SW Switzerland) produces almost every year several debris flows. The total area of the active catchment is only 4.7 km², but large events ranging from 50'000 to 400'000 m³ are common (Zimmermann 2000). Consequently, the pathway of the main channel often changes suddenly. One single event can for instance fill the whole river bed and dig new several-meters-deep channels somewhere else (Bardou et al. 2003). The quantification of both, the rhythm and the magnitude of these changes, is very important to assess the variability of the bed's cross section and long profile. These parameters are indispensable for numerical modelling, as they should be considered as initial conditions. To monitor the channel evolution an Optech ILRIS 3D terrestrial laser scanner (LIDAR) was used. LIDAR permits to make a complete high precision 3D model of the channel and its surroundings by scanning it from different view points. The 3D data are treated and interpreted with the software Polyworks from Innovmetric Software Inc. Sequential 3D models allow for the determination of the variation in the bed's cross section and long profile. These data will afterwards be used to quantify the erosion and the deposition in the torrent reaches. To complete the chronological evolution of the landforms, precise digital terrain models, obtained by high resolution photogrammetry based on old aerial photographs, will be used. A 500 m long section of the Illgraben channel was scanned on 18th of August 2005 and on 7th of April 2006. These two data sets permit identifying the changes of the channel that occurred during the winter season. An upcoming scanning campaign in September 2006 will allow for the determination of the changes during this summer. Preliminary results show huge variations in the pathway of the Illgraben channel, as well as important vertical and lateral erosion of the river bed. Here we present the results of a river bank on the left (north-western) flank of the channel (Figure 1). For the August 2005 model the scans from 3 viewpoints were superposed, whereas the April 2006 3D image was obtained by combining 5 separate scans. The bank was eroded. The bank got eroded essentially on its left part (up to 6.3 m), where it is hit by the river and the debris flows (Figures 2 and 3). A debris cone has also formed (Figure 3), which suggests that a part of the bank erosion is due to shallow landslides. They probably occur when the river erosion creates an undercut slope. These geometrical data allow for the monitoring of the alluvial dynamics (i.e. aggradation and degradation) on different time scales and the influence of debris flows occurrence on these changes. Finally, the resistance against erosion of the bed's cross section and long profile will be analysed to assess the variability of these two key parameters. This information may then be used in debris flow simulation.


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The determination of line crossing sequences between rollerball pens and laser printers presents difficulties that may not be overcome using traditional techniques. This research aimed to study the potential of digital microscopy and 3-D laser profilometry to determine line crossing sequences between a toner and an aqueous ink line. Different paper types, rollerball pens, and writing pressure were tested. Correct opinions of the sequence were given for all case scenarios, using both techniques. When the toner was printed before the ink, a light reflection was observed in all crossing specimens, while this was never observed in the other sequence types. The 3-D laser profilometry, more time-consuming, presented the main advantage of providing quantitative results. The findings confirm the potential of the 3-D laser profilometry and demonstrate the efficiency of digital microscopy as a new technique for determining the sequence of line crossings involving rollerball pen ink and toner. With the mass marketing of laser printers and the popularity of rollerball pens, the determination of line crossing sequences between such instruments is encountered by forensic document examiners. This type of crossing presents difficulties with optical microscopic line crossing techniques involving ballpoint pens or gel pens and toner (1-4). Indeed, the rollerball's aqueous ink penetrates through the toner and is absorbed by the fibers of the paper, leaving the examiner with the impression that the toner is above the ink even when it is not (5). Novotny and Westwood (3) investigated the possibility of determining aqueous ink and toner crossing sequences by microscopic observation of the intersection before and after toner removal. A major disadvantage of their study resides in destruction of the sample by scraping off the toner line to see what was underneath. The aim of this research was to investigate the ways to overcome these difficulties through digital microscopy and three-dimensional (3-D) laser profilometry. The former was used as a technique for the determination of sequences between gel pen and toner printing strokes, but provided less conclusive results than that of an optical stereomicroscope (4). 3-D laser profilometry, which allows one to observe and measure the topography of a surface, has been the subject of a number of recent studies in this area. Berx and De Kinder (6) and Schirripa Spagnolo (7,8) have tested the application of laser profilometry to determine the sequence of intersections of several lines. The results obtained in these studies overcome disadvantages of other methods applied in this area, such as scanning electron microscope or the atomic force microscope. The main advantages of 3-D laser profilometry include the ease of implementation of the technique and its nondestructive nature, which does not require sample preparation (8-10). Moreover, the technique is reproducible and presents a high degree of freedom in the vertical axes (up to 1000 μm). However, when the paper surface presents a given roughness, if the pen impressions alter the paper with a depth similar to the roughness of medium, the results are not always conclusive (8). It becomes difficult in this case to distinguish which characteristics can be imputed to the pen impressions or the quality of the paper surface. This important limitation is assessed by testing different types of paper of variable quality (of different grammage and finishing) and the writing pressure. The authors will therefore assess the limits of 3-D laser profilometry technique and determine whether the method can overcome such constraints. Second, the authors will investigate the use of digital microscopy because it presents a number of advantages: it is efficient, user-friendly, and provides an objective evaluation and interpretation.


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BACKGROUND and OBJECTIVE: A non-touch laser-induced microdrilling procedure is studied on mouse zona pellucida (ZP). STUDY DESIGN/MATERIALS and METHODS: A 1.48-microns diode laser beam is focused in a 8-microns spot through a 45x objective of an inverted microscope. Mouse zygotes, suspended in a culture medium, are microdrilled by exposing their ZP to a short laser irradiation and allowed to develop in vitro. RESULTS: Various sharp-edged holes can be generated in the ZP with a single laser irradiation. Sizes can be varied by changing irradiation time (3-100 ms) or laser power (22-55 mW). Drilled zygotes present no signs of thermal damage under light and scanning electron microscopy and develop as expected in vitro, except for a distinct eight-shaped hatching behavior. CONCLUSION: The microdrilling procedure can generate standardized holes in mouse ZP, without any visible side effects. The hole formation can be explained by a local photothermolysis of the protein matrix.


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L?objectif de ce travail de thèse est l?étude des changements conformationels des biomacromolecules à l?échelle d?une molécule unique. Pour cela on a utilisé la Microscopie à Force Atomique (AFM) appliqué à l?étude des protéines et des acides nucléiques déposés sur une surface. Dans ce type de microscopie, une pointe très fine attachée à l?extrémité d?un levier est balayée au dessus d?une surface. L?interaction de la pointe avec la surface de l?échantillon induit la déflection du levier et ce phénomène permet de reconstruire la topographie de l?échantillon. Très importante dans cette technique est la possibilité de travailler en liquide. Cela permet de étudier les biomolécules en conditions quasi-physiologiques sans qu?elles perdent leur activité. On a étudié GroEL, la chaperonin de E.coli, qui est un homo oligomère avec une structure à double anneau qui joue un rôle très important dans le repliement des protéines dénaturées et celles qui viennent d?être synthétisées. En particulier on a focalisé notre attention sur la stabilité mécanique et sur les changements conformationels qui ont lieu pendant l?activité de GroEL. Une analyse détaillée des changements dans la stabilité mécanique et des effets produits par la liaison et l?hydrolyse de l?ATP est présentée dans ce travail. On a montré que le point le plus faible dans la structure de GroEL est l?interface entre les deux anneaux et que l?étape critique dans l?affaiblissement de la structure est l?hydrolyse de l?ATP. En ce qui concerne le changement conformationel, le passage d?une surface hydrophobe à hydrophile, induit par l?hydrolyse de l?ATP, a été montré. Ensuite on a étudié le changement dans la conformation et dans la topologie de l?ADN résultant de l?interaction avec des molécules spécifiques et en réponse à l?exposition des cellules de E.coli à des conditions de stress. Le niveau de surenroulement est un paramètre très sensible, de façon variée, à tous ces facteurs. Les cellules qui ont crus à de températures plus élevées que leur température optimale ont la tendance à diminuer le nombre de surenroulements négatif pour augmenter la stabilité thermique de leur plasmides. L?interaction avec des agents intercalant induit une transition d?un surenroulement négatif à un surenroulement positif d?une façon dépendante de la température. Finalement, l?effet de l?interaction de l?ADN avec des surfaces différentes a été étudié et une application pratique sur les noeuds d?ADN est présentée.<br/><br/>The aim of the present thesis work is to study the conformational changes of biomacromolecules at the single molecule level. To that end, Atomic Force Microcopy (AFM) imaging was performed on proteins and nucleic acids adsorbed onto a surface. In this microcopy technique a very sharp tip attached at the end of a soft cantilever is scanned over a surface, the interaction of the tip with the sample?s surface will induce the deflection of the cantilever and thus it will make possible to reconstruct the topography. A very important feature of AFM is the possibility to operate in liquid, it means with the sample immersed in a buffer solution. This allows one to study biomolecules in quasi-physiological conditions without loosing their activity. We have studied GroEL, the chaperonin of E.coli, which is a double-ring homooligomer which pays a very important role in the refolding of unfolded and newly synthetized polypeptides. In particular we focus our attention on its mechanical stability and on the conformational change that it undergoes during its activity cycle. A detailed analysis of the change in mechanical stability and how it is affected by the binding and hydrolysis of nucleotides is presented. It has been shown that the weak point of the chaperonin complex is the interface between the two rings and that the critical step to weaken the structure is the hydrolysis of ATP. Concerning the conformational change we have directly measured, with a nanometer scale resolution, the switching from a hydrophobic surface to a hydrophilic one taking place inside its cavity induced by the ATP hydrolysis. We have further studied the change in the DNA conformation and topology as a consequence of the interaction with specific DNA-binding molecules and the exposition of the E.coli cells to stress conditions. The level of supercoiling has been shown to be a very sensitive parameter, even if at different extents, to all these factors. Cells grown at temperatures higher than their optimum one tend to decrease the number of the negative superhelical turns in their plasmids in order to increase their thermal stability. The interaction with intercalating molecules induced a transition from positive to negative supercoiling in a temperature dependent way. The effect of the interaction of the DNA with different surfaces has been investigated and a practical application to DNA complex knots is reported.<br/><br/>Observer les objets biologiques en le touchant Schématiquement le Microscope a Force Atomique (AFM) consiste en une pointe très fine fixée a l?extrémité d?un levier Lors de l?imagerie, la pointe de l?AFM gratte la surface de l?échantillon, la topographie de celui-ci induit des déflections du levier qui sont enregistrées au moyen d?un rayon laser réfléchi par le levier. Ces donnés sont ensuit utilisés par un ordinateur pour reconstituer en 3D la surface de l?échantillon. La résolution de l?instrument est fonction entre autre de la dureté, de la rugosité de l?échantillon et de la forme de la pointe. Selon l?échantillon et la pointe utilisée la résolution de l?AFM peut aller de 0.1 A (sur des cristaux) a quelque dizaine de nanomètres (sur des cellules). Cet instrument est particulierment intéressant en biologie en raison de sa capacité à imager des échantillons immergés dans un liquide, c?est à dire dans des conditions quasiphysiologiques. Dans le cadre de ce travail nous avons étudié les changements conformationels de molécules biologiques soumises à des stimulations externes. Nous avons essentielment concentré notre attention sur des complexes protéiques nommé Chaperons Moléculaires et sur des molécules d?ADN circulaire (plasmides). Les Chaperons sont impliqués entre autre dans la résistance des organismes vivants aux stress thermiques et osmotiques. Leur activité consiste essentielment à aider les autres protéines à être bien pliés dans leur conformation finale et, en conséquence, à eviter que ils soient dénaturées et que ils puissent s?agréger. L?ADN, quant à lui est la molécule qui conserve, dans sa séquence, l?information génétique de tous les organismes vivants. Ce travail a spécifiquement concerné l?étude des changements conformationels des chaperonins suit a leur activation par l?ATP. Ces travaux ont montrés a l?échelle de molécule unique la capacité de ces protéines de changer leur surface de hydrophobique a hydrophilique. Nous avons également utilisé l?AFM pour étudier le changement du nombre des surenroulements des molécules d?ADN circulaire lors d?une exposition à un changement de température et de force ionique. Ces travaux ont permis de montrer comment la cellule regle le nombre de surenroulements dans ces molécules pour répondre et contrôler l?expression génétique même dans de conditions extrêmes. Pour les deux molécules en général, c?était très important d?avoir la possibilité de observer leur transitions d?une conformation a l?autre directement a l?échelle d?une seul molécule et, surtout, avec une résolution largement au dessous des la longueur d?onde de la lumière visible que représente le limite pour l?imagerie optique.


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Matrix-assisted laser desorption ionization-time of flight mass spectrometry (MALDI-TOF MS) has recently been introduced in diagnostic microbiology laboratories for the identification of bacterial and yeast strains isolated from clinical samples. In the present study, we prospectively compared MALDI-TOF MS to the conventional phenotypic method for the identification of routine isolates. Colonies were analyzed by MALDI-TOF MS either by direct deposition on the target plate or after a formic acid-acetonitrile extraction step if no valid result was initially obtained. Among 1,371 isolates identified by conventional methods, 1,278 (93.2%) were putatively identified to the species level by MALDI-TOF MS and 73 (5.3%) were identified to the genus level, but no reliable identification was obtained for 20 (1.5%). Among the 1,278 isolates identified to the species level by MALDI-TOF MS, 63 (4.9%) discordant results were initially identified. Most discordant results (42/63) were due to systematic database-related taxonomical differences, 14 were explained by poor discrimination of the MALDI-TOF MS spectra obtained, and 7 were due to errors in the initial conventional identification. An extraction step was required to obtain a valid MALDI-TOF MS identification for 25.6% of the 1,278 valid isolates. In conclusion, our results show that MALDI-TOF MS is a fast and reliable technique which has the potential to replace conventional phenotypic identification for most bacterial strains routinely isolated in clinical microbiology laboratories.


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Introduced in 2008, the femtosecond laser is a promising new technological advance which plays an ever increasing role in cataract surgery where it automates the three main surgical steps: corneal incision, capsulotomy and lens fragmentation. The proven advantages over manual surgery are: a better quality of incision with reduced induced astigmatism; increased reliability and reproducibility of the capsulotomy with increased stability of the implanted lens; a reduction in the use of ultrasound. Regarding refractive results or safety, however, no prospective randomized study to date has shown significant superiority compared with standard manual technique. The significant extra cost generated by this laser, undertaken by the patient, is a limiting factor for both its use and study. This review outlines the potential benefits of femtosecond-laser-assisted cataract surgery due to the automation of key steps and the safety of this new technology.


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PURPOSE: Milk fat globule-epidermal growth factor-factor VIII (MFGE8) is necessary for diurnal outer segment phagocytosis and promotes VEGF-dependent neovascularization. The prevalence of two single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNP) in MFGE8 was studied in two exsudative or "wet" Age-related Macular Degeneration (AMD) groups and two corresponding control groups. We studied the effect of MFGE8 deficiency on retinal homeostasis with age and on choroidal neovascularization (CNV) in mice. METHODS: The distribution of the SNP (rs4945 and rs1878326) of MFGE8 was analyzed in two groups of patients with "wet" AMD and their age-matched controls from Germany and France. MFGE8-expressing cells were identified in Mfge8(+/-) mice expressing ß-galactosidase. Aged Mfge8(+/-) and Mfge8(-/-) mice were studied by funduscopy, histology, electron microscopy, scanning electron microscopy of vascular corrosion casts of the choroid, and after laser-induced CNV. RESULTS: rs1878326 was associated with AMD in the French and German group. The Mfge8 promoter is highly active in photoreceptors but not in retinal pigment epithelium cells. Mfge8(-/-) mice did not differ from controls in terms of fundus appearance, photoreceptor cell layers, choroidal architecture or laser-induced CNV. In contrast, the Bruch's membrane (BM) was slightly but significantly thicker in Mfge8(-/-) mice as compared to controls. CONCLUSIONS: Despite a reproducible minor increase of rs1878326 in AMD patients and a very modest increase in BM in Mfge8(-/-) mice, our data suggests that MFGE8 dysfunction does not play a critical role in the pathogenesis of AMD.