166 resultados para irritable bowel disease


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Background a nd A ims: T he 2 007 ECCO g uidelines o nanemia in inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) favour intravenous(iv) over oral (po) i ron supplementation due to bettereffectiveness and tolerance. Application of guidelines in clinicalpractice m ay r equire time. We a imed to determine thepercentage of IBD patients under iron supplementation therapyand its application mode over time in a large IBD cohort.Methods: Helsana, a leading Swiss health insurance companyprovides c overage f or approximately 18% of t he Swisspopulation, corresponding to about 1.2 million enrollees.Patients with Crohn's disease (CD) and ulcerative colitis (UC)were identified b y keyword search from t he a nonymisedHelsana database.Results: I n total, 6 29 CD ( 61% female) a nd 4 03 UC ( 56%female) patients w ere identified, mean retrospectiveobservation time w as 2 0.4 m onths f or CD and 13 m onths f orUC patients. Of t he entire study population, 29.3% wereprescribed iron. O ccurrence of iron prescription was 21.3% inmales a nd 31.2% in f emales ( odds r atio [OR] 1 .69, 95%-confidence interval [CI] 1.26-2.28). The prescription of iv i ronincreased from 2006/2007 ( 48.8% w ith iv i ron) to 2 008/2009(65.2% with iv iron) by a factor of 1.89.Conclusions: One third of the IBD population was treated withiron supplementation. A gradual s hift from oral t o iv iron wasobserved over time in a large Swiss IBD cohort. This switch inprescription habits g oes a long with the implementation of theECCO consensus guidelines on anemia in IBD.


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Background and Aims: The 2007 European Crohn's and Colitis Organization guidelines on anemia in inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) favour intravenous (iv) over oral (po) iron supplementation due to better effectiveness and tolerance. We aimed to determine the percentage of IBD patients under iron supplementation therapy and the dynamics of prescription habits (iv versus po) over time. Methods: Helsana, a leading Swiss health insurance company provides coverage for approximately 18% of the Swiss population, corresponding to about 1.2 million enrollees. Patients with Crohn's disease (CD) and ulcerative colitis (UC) were analyzed from the anonymised Helsana database. Results: In total, 629 CD (61% female) and 398 UC (57% female) patients were identified, mean observation time was 31.8 months for CD and 31.0 months for UC patients. Of the entire study population, 27.1% were prescribed iron (21.1% in males and 31.1% in females). Patients treated with IBD-specific drugs (steroids, immunomodulators, anti-TNF agents) were more frequently treated with iron compared to patients without any medication (35.0% vs. 20.9%, OR 1.91, 95%-CI 1.41-2.61). The prescription of iv iron increased from 2006/2007 (48.8% of all patients receiving any iron priscription) to 65.2% in 2008/2009 by a factor of 1.89. Conclusions: One third of the IBD population was treated with iron supplementation. A gradual shift from oral to iv iron was observed over time. This switch in prescription habits goes along with the implementation of the ECCO consensus guidelines on anemia in IBD.


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Background. Despite the chronic and relapsing nature of inflammatory bowel diseases (IBD), at least 30% to 45% of the patients are noncompliant to treatment. IBD patients often seek information about their disease. Aim. To examine the association between information-seeking activity and treatment compliance among IBD patients. To compare information sources and concerns between compliant and noncompliant patients. Methods. We used data from the Swiss IBD cohort study, and from a qualitative survey conducted to assess information sources and concerns. Crude and adjusted odds ratios (OR) for noncompliance were calculated. Differences in the proportions of information sources and concerns were compared between compliant and noncompliant patients. Results. A total of 512 patients were included. About 18% (n = 99) of patients were reported to be noncompliant to drug treatment and two-thirds (n = 353) were information seekers. The OR for noncompliance among information seekers was 2.44 (95%CI: 1.34-4.41) after adjustment for confounders and major risk factors. General practitioners were 15.2% more often consulted (p = 0.019) among compliant patients, as were books and television (+13.1%; p = 0.048), whereas no difference in proportions was observed for sources such as internet or gastroenterologists. Information on tips for disease management were 14.2% more often sought among noncompliant patients (p = 0.028). No difference was observed for concerns on research and development on IBD or therapies. Conclusion. In Switzerland, IBD patients noncompliant to treatment were more often seeking disease-related information than compliant patients. Daily management of symptoms and disease seemed to be an important concern of those patients.


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ABSTRACT: BACKGROUND: Intestinal spirochetosis is an unusual infection in children and its clinical significance in humans is uncertain. The presence of these microorganisms in humans is well-known since the late 1800's and was first described in 1967 by Harland and Lee by electron microscopy. CASE PRESENTATION: This article reports the findings of one pediatric case, review of the current literature, and an overview of therapeutic options. CONCLUSION: A high degree of suspicion is required in cases presenting with abdominal pain, chronic diarrhoea and/or hematochezia associated with a normal endoscopic examination, thus emphasizing the importance of multiple biopsies throughout the colon.


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AIM: This study assessed the mental health of parents of children with inflammatory bowel disease (IBD), compared their mental health with age-matched and gender-matched references and examined parental and child predictors for mental health problems. METHODS: A total of 125 mothers and 106 fathers of 125 children with active and inactive IBD from the Swiss IBD multicentre cohort study were included. Parental mental health was assessed by the Symptom Checklist 27 and child behaviour problems by the Strengths and Difficulties Questionnaire. Child medical data were extracted from hospital records. RESULTS: While the mothers reported lower mental health, the fathers' mental health was similar, or even better, than in age-matched and gender-matched community controls. In both parents, shorter time since the child's diagnosis was associated with poorer mental health. In addition, the presence of their own IBD diagnosis and child behaviour problems predicted maternal mental health problems. CONCLUSIONS: Parents of children with IBD may need professional support when their child is diagnosed, to mitigate distress. This, in turn, may help the child to adjust better to IBD. Particular attention should be paid to mothers who have their own IBD diagnosis and whose children display behaviour problems.


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Background and Aims: Although systemic corticosteroids are successfully administered for the induction of clinical response and remission in the majority of patients with inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) presenting with a flare, a proportion of these patients demonstrate a primary nonresponse to steroids or in the case of an initial response, they develop a resistance or a steroid dependence. Long-term therapy with corticosteroids for treatment of IBD should be avoided, given the high frequency of adverse treatment effects. Knowledge about treatment strategies in case of steroid nonresponse is therefore highly relevant. Methods: A systematic literature research was performed using Medline and Embase to summarize the currently recommended treatment strategies for steroid-resistant IBD. Results: Treatment of steroid-resistant Crohn's disease is based on the introduction of immunomodulators such as azathioprine, 6-mercaptopurine or methotrexate, the anti-TNF drugs infliximab, adalimumab and certolizumab pegol. In the case of steroid resistance in ulcerative colitis, aminosalicylates, the above-mentioned immunomodulators, infliximab, adalimumab or calcineurin inhibitors such as ciclosporin or tacrolimus may be administered. Conclusion: This review summarizes the current evidence for treating steroid-resistant IBD.


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Background: Data on the frequency of extraintestinal manifestations (EIM) in inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) is scarce, especially the one evaluating the time of occurrence of the EIM relative to IBD diagnosis. Aim: To assess the type and frequency of EIM in IBD patients and to evaluate when EIMs occur relative to IBD diagnosis. Methods: Analysis of data from the Swiss Inflammatory Bowel Disease Cohort (SIBDCS) which collects data on a large sample of IBD patients from hospitals and private practices across Switzerland starting in 2005. While parametric data are shown as mean ± SD, non-parametric data are presented as median and interquartile range (IQR). Results: A total of 1143 patients were analyzed (572 (50%) female, mean age 42.1 ± 14.4 years): 629 (55%) with Crohn's disease (CD), 501 (44%) with ulcerative colitis (UC), and 13 (1%) with indeterminate colitis (IC). Of 1143 patients, 374 (32.7%) presented with EIM (65% with CD, 33% with UC, 2% with IC). Of those patients suffering from EIMs, 37.4% presented with one, 41.7% with two, 12.4% with three, 5.3% with four, and 3.2% with five EIM during their lifetime. The IBD patients initially presented with the following EIMs: peripheral arthritis (PA) 63.4%, ankylosing spondylitis (AS) 8.1%, primary sclerosing cholangitis (PSC) 6.0%, uveitis 5.7%, oral aphthosis 5.7%, erythema nodosum (EN) 5.0%, pyoderma gangrenosum 1.8%, psoriasis 0.7%. While 92.9% of EIM occurred once IBD diagnosis was established (median 72 months, IQR 9-147 months, p < 0.001), 7.1% of EIMs preceded IBD diagnosis (median time 28 months before IBD diagnosis, IQR 7-60 months). Over a course of a lifetime, IBD patients presented with the following EIM (total exceeds 100 due to potential presence of multiple EIM): peripheral arthritis 69.3%, oral aphthosis 23%, ankylosing spondylitis 19.4%, uveitis 15.5%, erythema nodosum 14.5%, PSC 7.8%, pyoderma gangrenosum 6%, psoriasis 2.8%. Conclusion: EIMs frequently occur in a lifetime of IBD patients. The vast majority of patients present with EIMs once IBD diagnosis has been established. IBD patients most often present with peripheral arthritis, ankylosing spondylitis and PSC as their first EIM. However, peripheral arthritis, oral aphthosis, and ankylosing spondylitis are the most common EIMs in a lifetime of IBD patients.


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Background a nd A ims: There is a n ongoing d ebate which i sthe most appropriate w ay t o measure inflammatory boweldisease (IBD) activity (be it b y clinical i ndices, e ndoscopy, orbiomarkers). Accumulating evidence associates m ucosalhealing with a reduction in I BD-related s urgery andhospitalizations. We a imed to i nvestigate which outcomeparameters are used in daily practice for IBD monitoring.Methods: A q uestionnaire was sent in J uly 2010 t o all boardcertified gastroenterologists in S witzerland to evaluate t heassessment strategy of IBD activity, t he items on whichtherapeutic decisions w ere based upon, and the kind ofbiomarkers used for monitoring IBD activity.Results: Response rate was 57% (153/270). Mean physician'sage was 5 0±9years, mean duration o f gastroenterologicpractice 1 4±8years, 52% of them were working in p rivatepractice a nd 48% in h ospitals. S eventy-eight percent usedclinical activity i ndices as g old standard for IBD activityassessment, followed by 15% choosing endoscopic activity, and7% favouring biomarkers. Gastroenterologists based theirtherapeutic decisions in 70% on clinical activity indices, 24% onendoscopic activity, a nd 6% o n biomarkers. Most frequentlyused biomarkers were C-reactive protein (94%), complete bloodcount (78%) and fecal calprotectin (74%).Conclusions: I n daily p ractice, most IBD patients a remonitored based u pon t heir clinical a ctivity. B iomarkers a reperceived as l ess important compared to clinical andendoscopic activity. S imilar to activity a ssessment, alsotherapeutic decisions a re mostly made on the basis of clinicalactivity indices. The upcoming scientific evidence on the impactof mucosal h ealing does n ot yet seem to influence the dailypractice of gastroenterologists.


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OBJECTIVES: Reactivation of latent tuberculosis (TB) in inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) patients treated with antitumor necrosis factor-alpha medication is a serious problem. Currently, TB screening includes chest x-rays and a tuberculin skin test (TST). The interferon-gamma release assay (IGRA) QuantiFERON-TB Gold In-Tube (QFT-G-IT) shows better specificity for diagnosing TB than the skin test. This study evaluates the two test methods among IBD patients. METHODS: Both TST and IGRA were performed on 212 subjects (114 Crohn's disease, 44 ulcerative colitis, 10 indeterminate colitis, 44 controls). RESULTS: Eighty-one percent of IBD patients were under immunosuppressive therapy; 71% of all subjects were vaccinated with Bacille Calmette Guérin; 18% of IBD patients and 43% of controls tested positive with the skin test (P < 0.0001). Vaccinated controls tested positive more often with the skin test (52%) than did vaccinated IBD patients (23%) (P = 0.011). Significantly fewer immunosuppressed patients tested positive with the skin test than did patients not receiving therapy (P = 0.007); 8% of patients tested positive with the QFT-G-IT test (14/168) compared to 9% (4/44) of controls. Test agreement was significantly higher in the controls (P = 0.044) compared to the IBD group. CONCLUSIONS: Agreement between the two test methods is poor in IBD patients. In contrast to the QFT-G-IT test, the TST is negatively influenced by immunosuppressive medication and vaccination status, and should thus be replaced by the IGRA for TB screening in immunosuppressed patients having IBD.


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There are approximately 12000 patients suffering from inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) in Switzerland. IBD can be debilitating not only because of the direct consequences in the gut but also because of extraintestinal manifestations. An early diagnosis is the key in defining optimal therapeutic interventions. The management is multidisciplinary and the general practitioner should work in direct collaboration with a gastroenterologist. Optimal management should aim at inducing and maintaining remission as well as reducing the risk of complications such as abcesses, fistulas or colorectal cancer.


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Background: Data on the frequency of extraintestinal manifestations (EIM) in Crohnʼs disease (CD) and ulcerative colitis (UC) are scarce. Goal: to evaluate prevalences, forms of EIM and risk factors in a large nationwide IBD cohort. Methods: Data from validated physician enrolment questionnaires of the adult Swiss IBD cohort were analyzed. Logistic regression models were used to identify EIM risk factors. Results: 950 patients were included, 580 (61%) with CD (mean age 43yrs) and 370 (39%) with UC (mean age 49yrs), of these, 249 (43%) of CD and 113 (31%) of UC patients had one to 5 EIM. The following EIM were found: arthritis (CD 33%, UC 21%), aphthous stomatitis (CD 10%, UC 4%), uveitis (CD 6%, UC 4%), erythema nodosum (CD 6%, UC 3%), ankylosing spondylitis (CD 6%, UC 2%), psoriasis (CD 2%, UC 1%), pyoderma gangrenosum (CD and UC each 2%), primary sclerosing cholangitis (CD 1%, UC 4%). Logistic regression in CD identified the following items as risk factors for ongoing EIM: active disease (OR 1.95, 95% CI 1.17-3.23, P=0.01), positive IBD family history (OR 1.77, 95% CI 1.07-2.92, P=0.025). No risk factors were identified in UC patients. Conclusions: EIM are a frequent problem in CD and UC patients. Active disease and positive IBD family history are associated with ongoing EIM in CD patients. Identification of EIM prevalence and associated risk factors may result in increased awareness for this problem and thereby facilitate their diagnosis and management.


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Abstract Background and aims. Limited data from large cohorts are available on tumor necrosis factor (TNF) antagonists (infliximab, adalimumab, certolizumab pegol) switch over time. We aimed to evaluate the prevalence of switching from one TNF antagonist to another and to identify associated risk factors. Methods. Data from the Swiss Inflammatory Bowel Diseases Cohort Study (SIBDCS) were analyzed. Results. Of 1731 patients included into the SIBDCS (956 with Crohn's disease [CD] and 775 with ulcerative colitis [UC]), 347 CD patients (36.3%) and 129 UC patients (16.6%) were treated with at least one TNF antagonist. A total of 53/347 (15.3%) CD patients (median disease duration 9 years) and 20/129 (15.5%) of UC patients (median disease duration 7 years) needed to switch to a second and/or a third TNF antagonist, respectively. Median treatment duration was longest for the first TNF antagonist used (CD 25 months; UC 14 months), followed by the second (CD 13 months; UC 4 months) and third TNF antagonist (CD 11 months; UC 15 months). Primary nonresponse, loss of response and side effects were the major reasons to stop and/or switch TNF antagonist therapy. A low body mass index, a short diagnostic delay and extraintestinal manifestations at inclusion were identified as risk factors for a switch of the first used TNF antagonist within 24 months of its use in CD patients. Conclusion. Switching of the TNF antagonist over time is a common issue. The median treatment duration with a specific TNF antagonist is diminishing with an increasing number of TNF antagonists being used.


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OBJECTIVES: Patients with inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) have a high resource consumption, with considerable costs for the healthcare system. In a system with sparse resources, treatment is influenced not only by clinical judgement but also by resource consumption. We aimed to determine the resource consumption of IBD patients and to identify its significant predictors. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Data from the prospective Swiss Inflammatory Bowel Disease Cohort Study were analysed for the resource consumption endpoints hospitalization and outpatient consultations at enrolment [1187 patients; 41.1% ulcerative colitis (UC), 58.9% Crohn's disease (CD)] and at 1-year follow-up (794 patients). Predictors of interest were chosen through an expert panel and a review of the relevant literature. Logistic regressions were used for binary endpoints, and negative binomial regressions and zero-inflated Poisson regressions were used for count data. RESULTS: For CD, fistula, use of biologics and disease activity were significant predictors for hospitalization days (all P-values <0.001); age, sex, steroid therapy and biologics were significant predictors for the number of outpatient visits (P=0.0368, 0.023, 0.0002, 0.0003, respectively). For UC, biologics, C-reactive protein, smoke quitters, age and sex were significantly predictive for hospitalization days (P=0.0167, 0.0003, 0.0003, 0.0076 and 0.0175 respectively); disease activity and immunosuppressive therapy predicted the number of outpatient visits (P=0.0009 and 0.0017, respectively). The results of multivariate regressions are shown in detail. CONCLUSION: Several highly significant clinical predictors for resource consumption in IBD were identified that might be considered in medical decision-making. In terms of resource consumption and its predictors, CD and UC show a different behaviour.


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BACKGROUND:: In 2007, leading international experts in the field of inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) recommended intravenous (IV) iron supplements over oral (PO) ones because of superior effectiveness and better tolerance. We aimed to determine the percentage of patients with IBD undergoing iron therapy and to assess the dynamics of iron prescription habits (IV versus PO). METHODS:: We analyzed anonymized data on patients with Crohn's disease and ulcerative colitis extracted from the Helsana database. Helsana is a Swiss health insurance company providing coverage for 18% of the Swiss population (1.2 million individuals). RESULTS:: In total, 629 patients with Crohn's disease (61% female) and 398 patients with ulcerative colitis (57% female) were identified; mean observation time was 31.8 months for Crohn's disease and 31.0 months for ulcerative colitis patients. Of all patients with IBD, 27.1% were prescribed iron (21.1% in males; 31.1% in females). Patients treated with steroids, immunomodulators, and/or anti-tumor necrosis factor drugs were more frequently treated with iron supplements when compared with those not treated with any medications (35.0% versus 20.9%, odds ratio, 1.94; P < 0.001). The frequency of IV iron prescriptions increased significantly from 2006 to 2009 for both genders (males: from 2.6% to 10.1%, odds ratio = 3.84, P < 0.001; females: from 5.3% to 12.1%, odds ratio = 2.26, P = 0.002), whereas the percentage of PO iron prescriptions did not change. CONCLUSIONS:: Twenty-seven percent of patients with IBD were treated with iron supplements. Iron supplements administered IV were prescribed more frequently over time. These prescription habits are consistent with the implementation of guidelines on the management of iron deficiency in IBD.