142 resultados para hybrid weak form


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Observation that DNA molecules in bacteriophage capsids preferentially form torus type of knots provided a sensitive gauge to evaluate various models of DNA arrangement in phage heads. Only models resulting in a preponderance of torus knots could be considered as close to reality. Recent studies revealed that experimentally observed enrichment of torus knots can be qualitatively reproduced in numerical simulations that include a potential inducing nematic arrangement of tightly packed DNA molecules within phage capsids. Here, we investigate what aspects of the nematic arrangement are crucial for inducing formation of torus knots. Our results indicate that the effective stiffening of DNA by the nematic arrangement not only promotes knotting in general but is also the decisive factor in promoting formation of DNA torus knots in phage capsids.


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The richness of plant species in Swiss alpine-nival summits increased during the climate warming of the 20th century. Thirty-seven summits (2797-3418 m a.s.l.) with both old (~1900-1920) and recent (~2000) plant inventories were used to test whether biological species traits can explain the observed rates of summit colonisation. Species were classified into two groups: good colonisers (colonising five or more summits) and weak colonisers (fewer than five new summits). We compared species traits related to growth, reproduction and dispersal between these two groups and between the good colonisers and a group of high alpine grassland species. The observed colonisation pattern was subsequently compared to a simulated random colonisation pattern. The distribution of new species on the summits was not random, and 16 species exhibited a colonisation rate higher than expected by chance. Taraxacum alpinum aggr. and Cardamine resedifolia were the best colonisers. Results showed that diaspore traits enhancing long-distance dispersal were more frequent among good colonisers than among weak colonisers. Good colonisers were mostly characterised by pappi or narrow wings on their diaspores. Both groups were able to grow on soils more bare and rocky than species from the alpine grasslands. All other biological traits that we considered were similar among the three alpine species groups. These results are important for improving predictive models of species distribution under climate change


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The use of molecular data to reconstruct the history of divergence and gene flow between populations of closely related taxa represents a challenging problem. It has been proposed that the long-standing debate about the geography of speciation can be resolved by comparing the likelihoods of a model of isolation with migration and a model of secondary contact. However, data are commonly only fit to a model of isolation with migration and rarely tested against the secondary contact alternative. Furthermore, most demographic inference methods have neglected variation in introgression rates and assume that the gene flow parameter (Nm) is similar among loci. Here, we show that neglecting this source of variation can give misleading results. We analysed DNA sequences sampled from populations of the marine mussels, Mytilus edulis and M. galloprovincialis, across a well-studied mosaic hybrid zone in Europe and evaluated various scenarios of speciation, with or without variation in introgression rates, using an Approximate Bayesian Computation (ABC) approach. Models with heterogeneous gene flow across loci always outperformed models assuming equal migration rates irrespective of the history of gene flow being considered. By incorporating this heterogeneity, the best-supported scenario was a long period of allopatric isolation during the first three-quarters of the time since divergence followed by secondary contact and introgression during the last quarter. By contrast, constraining migration to be homogeneous failed to discriminate among any of the different models of gene flow tested. Our simulations thus provide statistical support for the secondary contact scenario in the European Mytilus hybrid zone that the standard coalescent approach failed to confirm. Our results demonstrate that genomic variation in introgression rates can have profound impacts on the biological conclusions drawn from inference methods and needs to be incorporated in future studies.


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Hybrid speciation was once thought to be rare in animals, but over the past decade, improved molecular analysis techniques and increased research attention have allowed scientists to uncover many examples. In this issue, two papers (Elgvin et al. 2011; Hermansen et al. 2011) present compelling evidence for the hybrid origin of the Italian sparrow based on nuclear and mitochondrial DNA sequences, microsatellites, and plumage coloration. These studies point to an important role for geographic isolation in the process of hybrid speciation, and provide a starting point for closer examination of the genetic and behavioural mechanisms involved.


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Background: All patients should be fully informed about the risks and benefits of anaesthetic procedures before giving a written consent. Moreover, the satisfaction level may vary in proportion to the information given. We aimed to determine, in a single-blind randomized-controlled study, whether an information form given before the pre-anaesthetic consultation could improve perceived information, information gain and satisfaction level. Methods: Two hundred patients ASA 1-3 scheduled for an elective orthopaedic surgery were randomized into two groups: a group that received an information form before the pre-anaesthetic consultation (IF group) and a control group (no information form). A standardized questionnaire was submitted after the pre-anaesthetic consultation and after the operation. This 17-item questionnaire explored perceived information (five items), information gain (three items) and satisfaction level (nine items). The items of each topic were pooled and compared between groups. Results: One hundred and eighty-five patients (92.5%) completed the study. The IF group had better perceived information (IF group 73% vs. control group 63%, P=0.002), higher information gain (IF group 75% vs. control group 62%, P=0.001) and a higher satisfaction level (IF group 95% vs. control group 92%, P=0.048). Conclusions: Our study suggests that an information form given before the pre-anaesthetic consultation enhances perceived information, information gain and satisfaction level. Méthode Cette étude prospective randomisée en simple aveugle a été conduite à l'hôpital Orthopédique du Centre Hospitalier Universitaire Vaudois. Deux cents patients prévus pour une chirurgie élective orthopédique ont été recrutés entre avril et juin 2008 et repartis en deux groupes selon une table de randomisation : un groupe recevait une feuille d'information 30 minutes avant la consultation préanesthésique, et l'autre pas. Les patients des deux groupes étaient ensuite examinés à la consultation preoperatoire par un anesthésiste indépendant de l'étude, puis recevaient un questionnaire standardisé. Ce questionnaire, issu de questionnaires existants, et validé préalablement sur un échantillon de 50 patients, comportait 17 questions qui exploraient la perception- de l'information (5 questions), le gain d'information (3 questions) et le niveau de satisfaction (9 questions) Parmi ces 17 questions, 3 étaient posées 24 h après l'intervention chirurgicale lors d'une visite dans la chambre ou lors d'un contact téléphonique. Les réponses étaient analysées et comparées entre les deux groupes. Résultats Cent huitante-cinq patients ont terminé l'étude. Le groupe qui a reçu la feuille d'information avait une meilleure perception de l'information (73% vs 63% dans le groupe de contrôle, ρ = 0 002) un gain d'information plus élevé (75% vs. 62% dans le groupe de contrôle, ρ = 0.001) et un niveau de satisfaction plus élevé (95% vs. 92% dans le groupe de contrôle, ρ= 0.048). Discussion et conclusion Cette étude a permis de démontrer que la remise d'une feuille d'information explicative avant la consultation préanesthésique était un moyen simple et bon marché pour améliorer la perception de l'information et le niveau de satisfaction.


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Individuals sampled in hybrid zones are usually analysed according to their sampling locality, morphology, behaviour or karyotype. But the increasing availability of genetic information more and more favours its use for individual sorting purposes and numerous assignment methods based on the genetic composition of individuals have been developed. The shrews of the Sorex araneus group offer good opportunities to test the genetic assignment on individuals identified by their karyotype. Here we explored the potential and efficiency of a Bayesian assignment method combined or not with a reference dataset to study admixture and individual assignment in the difficult context of two hybrid zones between karyotypic species of the Sorex araneus group. As a whole, we assigned more than 80% of the individuals to their respective karyotypic categories (i.e. 'pure' species or hybrids). This assignment level is comparable to what was obtained for the same species away from hybrid zones. Additionally, we showed that the assignment result for several individuals was strongly affected by the inclusion or not of a reference dataset. This highlights the importance of such comparisons when analysing hybrid zones. Finally, differences between the admixture levels detected in both hybrid zones support the hypothesis of an impact of chromosomal rearrangements on gene flow.


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Death receptors, such as Fas and tumor necrosis factor-related apoptosis-inducing ligand receptors, recruit Fas-associated death domain and pro-caspase-8 homodimers, which are then autoproteolytically activated. Active caspase-8 is released into the cytoplasm, where it cleaves various proteins including pro-caspase-3, resulting in apoptosis. The cellular Fas-associated death domain-like interleukin-1-beta-converting enzyme-inhibitory protein long form (FLIP(L)), a structural homologue of caspase-8 lacking caspase activity because of several mutations in the active site, is a potent inhibitor of death receptor-induced apoptosis. FLIP(L) is proposed to block caspase-8 activity by forming a proteolytically inactive heterodimer with caspase-8. In contrast, we propose that FLIP(L)-bound caspase-8 is an active protease. Upon heterocomplex formation, a limited caspase-8 autoprocessing occurs resulting in the generation of the p43/41 and the p12 subunits. This partially processed form but also the non-cleaved FLIP(L)-caspase-8 heterocomplex are proteolytically active because they both bind synthetic substrates efficiently. Moreover, FLIP(L) expression favors receptor-interacting kinase (RIP) processing within the Fas-signaling complex. We propose that FLIP(L) inhibits caspase-8 release-dependent pro-apoptotic signals, whereas the single, membrane-restricted active site of the FLIP(L)-caspase-8 heterocomplex is proteolytically active and acts on local substrates such as RIP.


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Chromosomal rearrangements are proposed to promote genetic differentiation between chromosomally differentiated taxa and therefore promote speciation. Due to their remarkable karyotypic polymorphism, the shrews of the Sorex araneus group were used to investigate the impact of chromosomal rearrangements on gene flow. Five intraspecific chromosomal hybrid zones characterized by different levels of karyotypic complexity were studied using 16 microsatellites markers. We observed low levels of genetic differentiation even in the hybrid zones with the highest karyotypic complexity. No evidence of restricted gene flow between differently rearranged chromosomes was observed. Contrary to what was observed at the interspecific level, the effect of chromosomal rearrangements on gene flow was undetectable within the S. araneus species.


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Purpose: We evaluated the potential for hybrid PET/MRI devices to provide integrated metabolic, functional and anatomic characterisation of patients with suspected coronary artery disease.Methods and Materials: Ten patients (5 with suspected hibernating myocardium and 5 healthy volunteers) performed an imaging study using a hybrid PET/MRI (Philips). Viability assessed by 18F-FDG was performed in diseased patients along with MRI anatomic and functional study and reassessed within 30 minutes by conventional PET/CT. Non-contrast right coronary artery (RCA) targeted and whole heart 3D coronary angio-MRI using ECG-gating and respiratory navigator was performed in healthy volunteers with reconstruction performed using MPR and volume rendering. The extent of metabolic defect (MD) using PET/MRI and PET/CT was compared in patients and coronary territories (LAD, CX, RCA). Assessability of coronary lumen was judged as good, sub-optimal or non-assessable using a 16-segments coronary model.Results: Metabolic assessment was successful in all patients with MD being 19.2% vs 18.3% using PET/MRI and PET/CT, respectively (P=ns). The MD was 10.2%, 6 %, and 3 % vs 9.3%, 6 % and 3 % for LAD, CX and RCA territories, respectively (P= ns). Coronary angio-MRI was successful in all volunteers with 66 coronary segments visualised overall. The RCA was fully visualised in 4/5 volunteers and the left coronary arteries in 4/5 volunteers. Assessability in visualised segments was good, sub-optimal and non-assessable in 88 %, 2 % and 10 %, respectively.Conclusion: Hybrid PET/MRI devices may enable metabolic evaluation comparable to PET/CT with additional value owing to accurate functional and anatomical information including coronary assessment.


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Confronting a recently mated female with a strange male can induce a pregnancy block ('Bruce effect'). The physiology of this effect is well studied, but its functional significance is still not fully understood. The 'anticipated infanticide hypothesis' suggests that the pregnancy block serves to avoid the cost of embryogenesis and giving birth to offspring that are likely to be killed by a new territory holder. Some 'compatible-genes sexual selection hypotheses' suggest that the likelihood of a pregnancy block is also dependent on the female's perception of the stud's and the stimulus male's genetic quality. We used two inbred strains of mice (C57BL/6 and BALB/c) to test all possible combinations of female strain, stud strain, and stimulus strain under experimental conditions (N(total) = 241 mated females). As predicted from previous studies, we found increased rates of pregnancy blocks if stud and stimulus strains differed, and we found evidence for hybrid vigour in offspring of between-strain mating. Despite the observed heterosis, pregnancies of within-strain matings were not more likely to be blocked than pregnancies of between-strain matings. A power analysis revealed that if we missed an existing effect (type-II error), the effect must be very small. If a female gave birth, the number and weight of newborns were not significantly influenced by the stimulus males. In conclusion, we found no support for the 'compatible-genes sexual selection hypotheses'.


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Controlled interbreedings were performed between distinct chromosomal races or forms of Sorex araneus coming from populations of Swiss and French Alps. Four mating pairs including homozygous individuals of the Vaud race, the Valais race, the Intermediate Vaud-Acrocentric form and the Acrocentric form have led to several heterozygous hybrid litters. The karyotypes of the parents were determined from cultures of cartilaginous cells. The karyotypes of the offsprings were determined with a classical method. The production of hybrids between different races suggests the absence of postmating barrier between the Vaud race and the Intermediate form, the Acrocentric form and the Intermediate form, the Acrocentric form and the Valais race.


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The phytochrome family of red/far-red (R/FR)-responsive photoreceptors plays a key role throughout the life cycle of plants . Arabidopsis has five phytochromes, phyA-phyE, among which phyA and phyB play the most predominant functions . Light-regulated nuclear accumulation of the phytochromes is an important regulatory step of this pathway, but to this date no factor specifically required for this event has been identified . Among all phyA signaling mutants, fhy1 and fhy3 (far-red elongated hypocotyl 1 and 3) have the most severe hyposensitive phenotype, indicating that they play particularly important roles . FHY1 is a small plant-specific protein of unknown function localized both in the nucleus and the cytoplasm . Here we show that FHY1 is specifically required for the light-regulated nuclear accumulation of phyA but not phyB. Moreover, phyA accumulation is only slightly affected in fhy3, indicating that the diminished nuclear accumulation of phyA observed in fhy1 seedlings is not simply a general consequence of reduced phyA signaling. By in vitro pull-down and yeast two-hybrid analyses, we demonstrate that FHY1 physically interacts with phyA, preferentially in its active Pfr form. Furthermore, FHY1 and phyA colocalize in planta. We therefore identify the first component required for light-regulated phytochrome nuclear accumulation.


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A long-standing controversy is whether autophagy is a bona fide cause of mammalian cell death. We used a cell-penetrating autophagy-inducing peptide, Tat-Beclin 1, derived from the autophagy protein Beclin 1, to investigate whether high levels of autophagy result in cell death by autophagy. Here we show that Tat-Beclin 1 induces dose-dependent death that is blocked by pharmacological or genetic inhibition of autophagy, but not of apoptosis or necroptosis. This death, termed "autosis," has unique morphological features, including increased autophagosomes/autolysosomes and nuclear convolution at early stages, and focal swelling of the perinuclear space at late stages. We also observed autotic death in cells during stress conditions, including in a subpopulation of nutrient-starved cells in vitro and in hippocampal neurons of neonatal rats subjected to cerebral hypoxia-ischemia in vivo. A chemical screen of ~5,000 known bioactive compounds revealed that cardiac glycosides, antagonists of Na(+),K(+)-ATPase, inhibit autotic cell death in vitro and in vivo. Furthermore, genetic knockdown of the Na(+),K(+)-ATPase α1 subunit blocks peptide and starvation-induced autosis in vitro. Thus, we have identified a unique form of autophagy-dependent cell death, a Food and Drug Administration-approved class of compounds that inhibit such death, and a crucial role for Na(+),K(+)-ATPase in its regulation. These findings have implications for understanding how cells die during certain stress conditions and how such cell death might be prevented.


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The constitutive Cauliflower Mosaic Virus 35S promoter (CaMV 35S) is widely used as a tool to express recombinant proteins in plants, but with different success. We previously showed that the expression of an F-actin marker, GFP-talin, in Physcomitrella patens using the CaMV 35S promoter failed to homogenously label moss tissues. Here, we show a significant diminution of the GFP fluorescence in dark grown old moss cells and complete lack of labelling in newly differentiated cells. Furthermore, we demonstrate that stable moss lines harbouring a resistance cassette driven by the CaMV 35S are unable to grow in darkness in the presence of the antibiotic. In contrast to the CaMV 35S, the heat inducible promoter, hsp17.3B showed uniform expression pattern in all cells and tissues following a mild heat shock.