230 resultados para human cells


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Photons participate in many atomic and molecular interactions and changes. Recent biophysical research has shown the induction of ultraweak photons in biological tissue. It is now established that plants, animal and human cells emit a very weak radiation which can be readily detected with an appropriate photomultiplier system. Although the emission is extremely low in mammalian cells, it can be efficiently induced by ultraviolet light. In our studies, we used the differentiation system of human skin fibroblasts from a patient with Xeroderma Pigmentosum of complementation group A in order to test the growth stimulation efficiency of various bone growth factors at concentrations as low as 5 ng/ml of cell culture medium. In additional experiments, the cells were irradiated with a moderate fluence of ultraviolet A. The different batches of growth factors showed various proliferation of skin fibroblasts in culture which could be correlated with the ultraweak photon emission. The growth factors reduced the acceleration of the fibroblast differentiation induced by mitomycin C by a factor of 10-30%. In view that fibroblasts play an essential role in skin aging and wound healing, the fibroblast differentiation system is a very useful tool in order to elucidate the efficacy of growth factors.


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Fabry disease (FD) is an X-linked lysosomal storage disorder caused by deficiency of alpha-galactosidase A, which leads to storage of sphingolipids in virtually all human cells and consequently to organ dysfunction. Pulmonary involvement is still debated. But, obstructive lung disease is up to ten times more prevalent in patients with FD compared to general public. Also, an accelerated decline in forced expiratory volume in one second (FEV1) over time was observed in these patients. Lysosomal storage of glycosphingolipids is considered leading to small airway disease via hyperplasia of the bronchiolar smooth muscle cells. Larger airways may become involved with ongoing disease process. There is no evidence for involvement of the lung interstitium in FD. The effect of enzyme replacement therapy on respiratory involvement remains to be determined in large, prospective controlled trials.


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Under optimal non-physiological conditions of low concentrations and low temperatures, proteins may spontaneously fold to the native state, as all the information for folding lies in the amino acid sequence of the polypeptide. However, under conditions of stress or high protein crowding as inside cells, a polypeptide may misfold and enter an aggregation pathway resulting in the formation of misfolded conformers and fibrils, which can be toxic and lead to neurodegenerative illnesses, such as Alzheimer's, Parkinson's or Huntington's diseases and aging in general. To avert and revert protein misfolding and aggregation, cells have evolved a set of proteins called molecular chaperones. Here, I focussed on the human cytosolic chaperones Hsp70 (DnaK) and HspllO, and co-chaperone Hsp40 (DnaJ), and the chaperonin CCT (GroEL). The cytosolic molecular chaperones Hsp70s/Hspll0s and the chaperonins are highly upregulated in bacterial and human cells under different stresses and are involved both in the prevention and the reversion of protein misfolding and aggregation. Hsp70 works in collaboration with Hsp40 to reactivate misfolded or aggregated proteins in a strict ATP dependent manner. Chaperonins (CCT and GroEL) also unfold and reactivate stably misfolded proteins but we found that it needed to use the energy of ATP hydrolysis in order to evict over- sticky misfolded intermediates that inhibited the unfoldase catalytic sites. Ill In this study, we initially characterized a particular type of inactive misfolded monomeric luciferase and rhodanese species that were obtained by repeated cycles of freeze-thawing (FT). These stable misfolded monomeric conformers (FT-luciferase and FT-rhodanese) had exposed hydrophobic residues and were enriched with wrong ß-sheet structures (Chapter 2). Using FT-luciferase as substrate, we found that the Hsp70 orthologs, called HspllO (Sse in yeast), acted similarly to Hsp70 as were bona fide ATP- fuelled polypeptide unfoldases and was much more than a mere nucleotide exchange factor, as generally thought. Moreover, we found that HspllO collaborated with Hsp70 in the disaggregation of stable protein aggregates in which Hsp70 and HspllO acted as equal partners that synergistically combined their individual ATP-consuming polypeptide unfoldase activities to reactivate the misfolded/aggregated proteins (Chapter 3). Using FT-rhodanese as substrate, we found that chaperonins (GroEL and CCT) could catalytically reactivate misfolded rhodanese monomers in the absence of ATP. Also, our results suggested that encaging of an unfolding polypeptide inside the GroEL cavity under a GroES cap was not an obligatory step as generally thought (Chapter 4). Further, we investigated the role of Hsp40, a J-protein co-chaperone of Hsp70, in targeting misfolded polypeptides substrates onto Hsp70 for unfolding. We found that even a large excess of monomeric unfolded a-synuclein did not inhibit DnaJ, whereas, in contrast, stable misfolded a-synuclein oligomers strongly inhibited the DnaK-mediated chaperone reaction by way of sequestering the DnaJ co-chaperone. This work revealed that DnaJ could specifically distinguish, and bind potentially toxic stably aggregated species, such as soluble a-synuclein oligomers involved in Parkinson's disease, and with the help of DnaK and ATP convert them into from harmless natively unfolded a-synuclein monomers (chapter 5). Finally, our meta-analysis of microarray data of plant and animal tissues treated with various chemicals and abiotic stresses, revealed possible co-expressions between core chaperone machineries and their co-chaperone regulators. It clearly showed that protein misfolding in the cytosol elicits a different response, consisting of upregulating the synthesis mainly of cytosolic chaperones, from protein misfolding in the endoplasmic reticulum (ER) that elicited a typical unfolded protein response (UPR), consisting of upregulating the synthesis mainly of ER chaperones. We proposed that drugs that best mimicked heat or UPR stress at increasing the chaperone load in the cytoplasm or ER respectively, may prove effective at combating protein misfolding diseases and aging (Chapter 6).  - Dans les conditions optimales de basse concentration et de basse température, les protéines vont spontanément adopter un repliement natif car toutes les informations nécessaires se trouvent dans la séquence des acides aminés du polypeptide. En revanche, dans des conditions de stress ou de forte concentration des protéines comme à l'intérieur d'une cellule, un polypeptide peu mal se replier et entrer dans un processus d'agrégation conduisant à la formation de conformères et de fibrilles qui peuvent être toxiques et causer des maladies neurodégénératives comme la maladie d'Alzheimer, la maladie de Parkinson ou la chorée de Huntington. Afin d'empêcher ou de rectifier le mauvais repliement des protéines, les cellules ont développé des protéines appelées chaperonnes. Dans ce travail, je me suis intéressé aux chaperonnes cytosoliques Hsp70 (DnaK) et HspllO, la co-chaperones Hsp40 (DnaJ), le complexe CCT/TRiC et GroEL. Chez les bactéries et les humains, les chaperonnes cytosoliques Hsp70s/Hspl 10s et les « chaperonines» sont fortement activées par différentes conditions de stress et sont toutes impliquées dans la prévention et la correction du mauvais repliement des protéines et de leur agrégation. Hsp70 collabore avec Hsp40 pour réactiver les protéines agrégées ou mal repliées et leur action nécessite de 1ATP. Les chaperonines (GroEL) déplient et réactivent aussi les protéines mal repliées de façon stable mais nous avons trouvé qu'elles utilisent l'ATP pour libérer les intermédiaires collant et mal repliés du site catalytique de dépliage. Nous avons initialement caractérisé un type particulier de formes stables de luciférase et de rhodanese monomériques mal repliées obtenues après plusieurs cycles de congélation / décongélation répétés (FT). Ces monomères exposaient des résidus hydrophobiques et étaient plus riches en feuillets ß anormaux. Ils pouvaient cependant être réactivés par les chaperonnes Hsp70+Hsp40 (DnaK+DnaJ) et de l'ATP, ou par Hsp60 (GroEL) sans ATP (Chapitre 2). En utilisant la FT-Luciferase comme substrat nous avons trouvé que HspllO (un orthologue de Hsp70) était une authentique dépliase, dépendante strictement de l'ATP. De plus, nous avons trouvé que HspllO collaborait avec Hsp70 dans la désagrégation d'agrégats stables de protéines en combinant leurs activités dépliase consommatrice d'ATP (Chapitre 3). En utilisant la FT-rhodanese, nous avons trouvé que les chaperonines (GroEL et CCT) pouvaient réactiver catalytiquement des monomères mal repliés en absence d'ATP. Nos résultats suggérèrent également que la capture d'un polypeptide en cours de dépliement dans la cavité de GroEL et sous un couvercle du complexe GroES ne serait pas une étape obligatoire du mécanisme, comme il est communément accepté dans la littérature (Chapitre 4). De plus, nous avons étudié le rôle de Hsp40, une co-chaperones de Hsp70, dans l'adressage de substrats polypeptidiques mal repliés vers Hsp70. Ce travail a révélé que DnaJ pouvait différencier et lier des polypeptide mal repliés (toxiques), comme des oligomères d'a-synucléine dans la maladie de Parkinson, et clairement les différencier des monomères inoffensifs d'a-synucléine (Chapitre 5). Finalement une méta-analyse de données de microarrays de tissus végétaux et animaux traités avec différents stress chimiques et abiotiques a révélé une possible co-expression de la machinerie des chaperonnes et des régulateurs de co- chaperonne. Cette meta-analyse montre aussi clairement que le mauvais repliement des protéines dans le cytosol entraîne la synthèse de chaperonnes principalement cytosoliques alors que le mauvais repliement de protéines dans le réticulum endoplasmique (ER) entraine une réponse typique de dépliement (UPR) qui consiste principalement en la synthèse de chaperonnes localisées dans l'ER. Nous émettons l'hypothèse que les drogues qui reproduisent le mieux les stress de chaleur ou les stress UPR pourraient se montrer efficaces dans la lutte contre le mauvais repliement des protéines et le vieillissement (Chapitre 6).


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The death-inducing receptor Fas is activated when cross-linked by the type II membrane protein Fas ligand (FasL). When human soluble FasL (sFasL, containing the extracellular portion) was expressed in human embryo kidney 293 cells, the three N-linked glycans of each FasL monomer were found to be essential for efficient secretion. Based on the structure of the closely related lymphotoxin alpha-tumor necrosis factor receptor I complex, a molecular model of the FasL homotrimer bound to three Fas molecules was generated using knowledge-based protein modeling methods. Point mutations of amino acid residues predicted to affect the receptor-ligand interaction were introduced at three sites. The F275L mutant, mimicking the loss of function murine gld mutation, exhibited a high propensity for aggregation and was unable to bind to Fas. Mutants P206R, P206D, and P206F displayed reduced cytotoxicity toward Fas-positive cells with a concomitant decrease in the binding affinity for the recombinant Fas-immunoglobulin Fc fusion proteins. Although the cytotoxic activity of mutant Y218D was unaltered, mutant Y218R was inactive, correlating with the prediction that Tyr-218 of FasL interacts with a cluster of three basic amino acid side chains of Fas. Interestingly, mutant Y218F could induce apoptosis in murine, but not human cells.


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The peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor (PPAR)-β/δ has emerged as a promising therapeutic target for treating dyslipidemia, including beneficial effects on HDL cholesterol (HDL-C). In the current study, we determined the effects of the PPAR-β/δ agonist GW0742 on HDL composition and the expression of liver HDL-related genes in mice and cultured human cells. The experiments were carried out in C57BL/6 wild-type, LDL receptor (LDLR)-deficient mice and PPAR-β/δ-deficient mice treated with GW0742 (10mg/kg/day) or a vehicle solution for 14 days. GW0742 upregulated liver phospholipid transfer protein (Pltp) gene expression and increased serum PLTP activity in mice. When given to wild-type mice, GW0742 significantly increased serum HDL-C and HDL phospholipids; GW0742 also raised serum potential to generate preβ-HDL formation. The GW0742-mediated effects on liver Pltp expression and serum enzyme activity were completely abolished in PPAR-β/δ-deficient mice. GW0742 also stimulated PLTP mRNA expression in mouse J774 macrophages, differentiated human THP-1 macrophages and human hepatoma Huh7. Collectively, our findings demonstrate a common transcriptional upregulation by GW0742-activated PPAR-β/δ of Pltp expression in cultured cells and in mouse liver resulting in enhanced serum PLTP activity. Our results also indicate that PPAR-β/δ activation may modulate PLTP-mediated preβ-HDL formation and macrophage cholesterol efflux.


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The tumor suppressor gene product p53 plays an important role in the cellular response to DNA damage from exogenous chemical and physical mutagens. Therefore, we hypothesized that p53 performs a similar role in response to putative endogenous mutagens, such as nitric oxide (NO). We report here that exposure of human cells to NO generated from an NO donor or from overexpression of inducible nitric oxide synthase (NOS2) results in p53 protein accumulation. In addition, expression of wild-type (WT) p53 in a variety of human tumor cell lines, as well as murine fibroblasts, results in down-regulation of NOS2 expression through inhibition of the NOS2 promoter. These data are consistent with the hypothesis of a negative feedback loop in which endogenous NO-induced DNA damage results in WT p53 accumulation and provides a novel mechanism by which p53 safeguards against DNA damage through p53-mediated transrepression of NOS2 gene expression, thus reducing the potential for NO-induced DNA damage.


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The availability of stem cells is of great promise to study early developmental stages and to generate adequate cells for cell transfer therapies. Although many researchers using stem cells were successful in dissecting intrinsic and extrinsic mechanisms and in generating specific cell phenotypes, few of the stem cells or the differentiated cells show the capacity to repair a tissue. Advances in cell and stem cell cultivation during the last years made tremendous progress in the generation of bona fide differentiated cells able to integrate into a tissue after transplantation, opening new perspectives for developmental biology studies and for regenerative medicine. In this review, we focus on the main works attempting to create in vitro conditions mimicking the natural environment of CNS structures such as the neural tube and its development in different brain region areas including the optic cup. The use of protocols growing cells in 3D organoids is a key strategy to produce cells resembling endogenous ones. An emphasis on the generation of retina tissue and photoreceptor cells is provided to highlight the promising developments in this field. Other examples are presented and discussed, such as the formation of cortical tissue, the epithelial gut or the kidney organoids. The generation of differentiated tissues and well-defined cell phenotypes from embryonic stem (ES) cells or induced pluripotent cells (iPSCs) opens several new strategies in the field of biology and regenerative medicine. A 3D organ/tissue development in vitro derived from human cells brings a unique tool to study human cell biology and pathophysiology of an organ or a specific cell population. The perspective of tissue repair is discussed as well as the necessity of cell banking to accelerate the progress of this promising field.


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Retroviral transfer of T cell antigen receptor (TCR) genes selected by circumventing tolerance to broad tumor- and leukemia-associated antigens in human leukocyte antigen (HLA)-A*0201 (A2.1) transgenic (Tg) mice allows the therapeutic reprogramming of human T lymphocytes. Using a human CD8 x A2.1/Kb mouse derived TCR specific for natural peptide-A2.1 (pA2.1) complexes comprising residues 81-88 of the human homolog of the murine double-minute 2 oncoprotein, MDM2(81-88), we found that the heterodimeric CD8 alpha beta coreceptor, but not normally expressed homodimeric CD8 alpha alpha, is required for tetramer binding and functional redirection of TCR- transduced human T cells. CD8+T cells that received a humanized derivative of the MDM2 TCR bound pA2.1 tetramers only in the presence of an anti-human-CD8 anti-body and required more peptide than wild-type (WT) MDM2 TCR+T cells to mount equivalent cytotoxicity. They were, however, sufficiently effective in recognizing malignant targets including fresh leukemia cells. Most efficient expression of transduced TCR in human T lymphocytes was governed by mouse as compared to human constant (C) alphabeta domains, as demonstrated with partially humanized and murinized TCR of primary mouse and human origin, respectively. We further observed a reciprocal relationship between the level of Tg WT mouse relative to natural human TCR expression, resulting in T cells with decreased normal human cell surface TCR. In contrast, natural human TCR display remained unaffected after delivery of the humanized MDM2 TCR. These results provide important insights into the molecular basis of TCR gene therapy of malignant disease.


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Nanoparticles (NPs) are being used or explored for the development of biomedical applications in diagnosis and therapy, including imaging and drug delivery. Therefore, reliable tools are needed to study the behavior of NPs in biological environment, in particular the transport of NPs across biological barriers, including the blood-brain tumor barrier (BBTB), a challenging question. Previous studies have addressed the translocation of NPs of various compositions across cell layers, mostly using only one type of cells. Using a coculture model of the human BBTB, consisting in human cerebral endothelial cells preloaded with ultrasmall superparamagnetic iron oxide nanoparticles (USPIO NPs) and unloaded human glioblastoma cells grown on each side of newly developed ultrathin permeable silicon nitride supports as a model of the human BBTB, we demonstrate for the first time the transfer of USPIO NPs from human brain-derived endothelial cells to glioblastoma cells. The reduced thickness of the permeable mechanical support compares better than commercially available polymeric supports to the thickness of the basement membrane of the cerebral vascular system. These results are the first report supporting the possibility that USPIO NPs could be directly transferred from endothelial cells to glioblastoma cells across a BBTB. Thus, the use of such ultrathin porous supports provides a new in vitro approach to study the delivery of nanotherapeutics to brain cancers. Our results also suggest a novel possibility for nanoparticles to deliver therapeutics to the brain using endothelial to neural cells transfer.


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Carriers of mutations in the cell cycle checkpoint protein kinase ataxia telangiectasia mutated (ATM), which represent 1-2% of the general population, have an increased risk of breast cancer. However, experimental evidence that ATM deficiency contributes to human breast carcinogenesis is lacking. We report here that in MCF-10A and MCF-12A cells, which are well established normal human mammary gland epithelial cell models, partial or almost complete stable ATM silencing or pharmacological inhibition resulted in cellular transformation, genomic instability, and formation of dysplastic lesions in NOD/SCID mice. These effects did not require the activity of exogenous DNA-damaging agents and were preceded by an unsuspected and striking increase in cell proliferation also observed in primary human mammary gland epithelial cells. Increased proliferation correlated with a dramatic, transient, and proteasome-dependent reduction of p21(WAF1/CIP1) and p27(KIP1) protein levels, whereas little or no effect was observed on p21(WAF1/CIP1) or p27(KIP1) mRNAs. p21(WAF1/CIP1) silencing also increased MCF-10A cell proliferation, thus identifying p21(WAF1/CIP1) down-regulation as a mediator of the proliferative effect of ATM inhibition. Our findings provide the first experimental evidence that ATM is a human breast tumor suppressor. In addition, they mirror the sensitivity of ATM tumor suppressor function and unveil a new mechanism by which ATM might prevent human breast tumorigenesis, namely a direct inhibitory effect on the basal proliferation of normal mammary epithelial cells.


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Aim: We have studied human adult cardiac progenitor cells (CPCs) based on high aldehyde dehydrogenase activity (ALDH-hi), a property shared by many stem cells across tissues and organs. However, the role of ALDH in stem cell function is poorly known. In humans, there are 19 ALDH isoforms with different biological activities. The isoforms responsible for the ALDH-hi phenotype of stem cells are not well known but they may include ALDH1A1 and ALDH1A3 isoforms, which function in all-trans retinoic acid (RA) cell signaling. ALDH activity has been shown to regulate hematopoietic stem cell function via RA. We aimed to analyze ALDH isoform expression and the role of RA in human CPC function. Methods: Human adult CPCs were isolated from atrial appendage samples from patients who underwent heart surgery for coronary artery or valve disease. Atrial samples were either cultured as primary explants or enzymatically digested and sorted for ALDH activity by FACS. ALDH isoforms were determined by qRT-PCR. Cells were cultured in the presence or absence of the specific ALDH inhibitor DEAB, with or without RA. Induction of cardiac-specific genes in cells cultured in differentiation medium was measured by qRT-PCR. Results: While ALDH-hi CPCs grew in culture and could be expanded, ALDH-low cells grew poorly. CPC isolated as primary explant outgrowths expressed high levels of ALDH1A3 but not of other isoforms. CPCs isolated from cardiospheres expressed relatively high levels of all the 11 isoforms tested. In contrast, expanded CPCs and cardiosphere-derived cells expressed low levels of all ALDH isoforms. DEAB inhibited CPC growth in a dose-dependent manner, whereas RA rescued CPC growth in the presence of DEAB. In differentiation medium, ALDH-hi CPCs expressed approximately 300-fold higher levels of cardiac troponin T compared with their ALDH-low counterparts. Conclusions: High ALDH activity identifies human adult cardiac cells with high growth and cardiomyogenic potential. ALDH1A3 and, possibly, ALDH1A1 isoforms account for high ALDH activity and RA-mediated regulation of CPC growth.


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A role for cytokine regulated proteins in epithelial cells has been suggested in the pathogenesis of inflammatory bowel diseases (IBD). The aim of this study was to identify such cytokine regulated targets using a proteomic functional approach. Protein patterns from (35)S-radiolabeled homogenates of cultured colon epithelial cells were compared before and after exposure to interferon-gamma, interleukin-1beta and interleukin-6. Proteins were separated by two-dimensional polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. Both autoradiographies and silver stained gels were analyzed. Proteins showing differential expression were identified by tryptic in-gel digestion and mass spectrometry. Metabolism related proteins were also investigated by Western blot analysis. Tryptophanyl-tRNA synthetase, indoleamine-2,3-dioxygenase, heterogeneous nuclear ribonucleoprotein JKTBP, interferon-induced 35kDa protein, proteasome subunit LMP2 and arginosuccinate synthetase were identified as cytokine modulated proteins in vitro. Using purified epithelial cells from patients, overexpression of indoleamine-2,3-dioxygenase, an enzyme involved in tryptophan metabolism, was confirmed in Crohn's disease as well as in ulcerative colitis, as compared to normal mucosa. No such difference was found in diverticulitis. Potentially, this observation opens new avenues in the treatment of IBD.


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The transmembrane water movements during cellular processes and their relationship to ionic channel activity remain largely unknown. As an example, in epithelial cells it was proposed that the movement of water could be directly linked to cystic fibrosis transmembrane conductance regulator (CFTR) protein activity through a cAMP-stimulated aqueous pore, or be dependent on aquaporin. Here, we used digital holographic microscopy (DHM) an interferometric technique to quantify in situ the transmembrane water fluxes during the activity of the epithelial chloride channel, CFTR, measured by patch-clamp and iodide efflux techniques. We showed that the water transport measured by DHM is fully inhibited by the selective CFTR blocker CFTRinh172 and is absent in cells lacking CFTR. Of note, in cells expressing the mutated version of CFTR (F508del-CFTR), which mimics the most common genetic alteration encountered in cystic fibrosis, we also show that the water movement is profoundly altered but restored by pharmacological manipulation of F508del-CFTR-defective trafficking. Importantly, whereas activation of this endogenous water channel required a cAMP-dependent stimulation of CFTR, activation of CFTR or F508del-CFTR by two cAMP-independent CFTR activators, genistein and MPB91, failed to trigger water movements. Finally, using a specific small-interfering RNA against the endogenous aquaporin AQP3, the water transport accompanying CFTR activity decreased. We conclude that water fluxes accompanying CFTR activity are linked to AQP3 but not to a cAMP-stimulated aqueous pore in the CFTR protein.


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Dendritic cells (DCs) are professional APCs that have a role in the initiation of adaptive immune responses and tolerance. Among the tolerogenic mechanisms, the expression of the enzyme IDO1 represents an effective tool to generate T regulatory cells. In humans, different DC subsets express IDO1, but less is known about the IDO1-related enzyme IDO2. In this study, we found a different pattern of expression and regulation between IDO1 and IDO2 in human circulating DCs. At the protein level, IDO1 is expressed only in circulating myeloid DCs (mDCs) and is modulated by PGE2, whereas IDO2 is expressed in both mDCs and plasmacytoid DCs and is not modulated by PGE2. In healthy subjects, IDO1 expression requires the presence of PGE2 and needs continuous transcription and translation, whereas IDO2 expression is constitutive, independent from suppressor of cytokine signaling 3 activity. Conversely, in patients suffering from inflammatory arthritis, circulating DCs express both IDO1 and IDO2. At the functional level, both mDCs and plasmacytoid DCs generate T regulatory cells through an IDO1/IDO2-dependent mechanism. We conclude that, in humans, whereas IDO1 provides an additional mechanism of tolerance induced by proinflammatory mediators, IDO2 is stably expressed in steady-state conditions and may contribute to the homeostatic tolerogenic capacity of DCs.


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Microtubule-associated protein 2 (MAP2), a protein linked to the neuronal cytoskeleton in the mature central nervous system (CNS), has recently been identified in glial precursors indicating a potential role during glial development. In the present study, we systematically analyzed the expression of MAP2 in a series of 237 human neuroepithelial tumors including paraffin-embedded specimens and tumor tissue microarrays from oligodendrogliomas, mixed gliomas, astrocytomas, glioblastomas, ependymomas, as well as dysembryoplastic neuroepithelial tumors (DNT), and central neurocytomas. In addition, MAP2-immunoreactive precursor cells were studied in the developing human brain. Three monoclonal antibodies generated against MAP2A-B or MAP2A-D isoforms were used. Variable immunoreactivity for MAP2 could be observed in all gliomas with the exception of ependymomas. Oligodendrogliomas exhibited a consistently strong and distinct pattern of expression characterized by perinuclear cytoplasmic staining without significant process labeling. Tumor cells with immunoreactive bi- or multi-polar processes were mostly encountered in astroglial neoplasms, whereas the small cell component in neurocytomas and DNT was not labeled. These features render MAP2 immunoreactivity a helpful diagnostic tool for the distinction of oligodendrogliomas and other neuroepithelial neoplasms. RT-PCR, Western blot analysis, and in situ hybridization confirmed the expression of MAP2A-C (including the novel MAP2+ 13 transcript) in both oligodendrogliomas and astrocytomas. Double fluorescent laser scanning microscopy showed that GFAP and MAP2 labeled different tumor cell populations. In embryonic human brains, MAP2-immunoreactive glial precursor cells were identified within the subventricular or intermediate zones. These precursors exhibit morphology closely resembling the immunolabeled neoplastic cells observed in glial tumors. Our findings demonstrate MAP2 expression in astrocytic and oligodendroglial neoplasms. The distinct pattern of immunoreactivity in oligodendrogliomas may be useful as a diagnostic tool. Since MAP2 expression occurs transiently in migrating immature glial cells, our findings are in line with an assumed origin of diffuse gliomas from glial precursors.