81 resultados para heavy ion spectrometers
Acid-sensing ion channels (ASICs) are non-voltage-gated sodium channels activated by an extracellular acidification. They are widely expressed in neurons of the central and peripheral nervous system. ASICs have a role in learning, the expression of fear, in neuronal death after cerebral ischemia, and in pain sensation. Tissue damage leads to the release of inflammatory mediators. There is a subpopulation of sensory neurons which are able to release the neuropeptides calcitonin gene-related peptide (CGRP) and substance P (SP). Neurogenic inflammation refers to the process whereby peripheral release of the neuropeptides CGRP and SP induces vasodilation and extravasation of plasma proteins, respectively. Our laboratory has previously shown that calcium-permeable homomeric ASIC1a channels are present in a majority of CGRP- or SP-expressing small diameter sensory neurons. In the first part of my thesis, we tested the hypothesis that a local acidification can produce an ASIC-mediated calcium-dependant neuropeptide secretion. We have first verified the co-expression of ASICs and CGRP/SP using immunochemistry and in-situ hybridization on dissociated rat dorsal root ganglion (DRG) neurons. We found that most CGRP/SP-positive neurons also expressed ASIC1a and ASIC3 subunits. Calcium imaging experiments with Fura-2 dye showed that an extracellular acidification can induce an increase of intracellular Ca2+ concentration, which is essential for secretion. This increase of intracellular Ca2+ concentration is, at least in some cells, ASIC-dependent, as it can be prevented by amiloride, an ASIC antagonist, and by Psalmotoxin (PcTx1), a specific ASIC1a antagonist. We identified a sub-population of neurons whose acid-induced Ca2+ entry was completely abolished by amiloride, an amiloride-resistant population which does not express ASICs, but rather another acid-sensing channel, possibly transient receptor potential vanilloïde 1 (TRPV1), and a population expressing both H+-gated channel types. Voltage-gated calcium channels (Cavs) may also mediate Ca2+ entry. Co-application of the Cavs inhibitors (ω-conotoxin MVIIC, Mibefradil and Nifedipine) reduced the Ca2+ increase in neurons expressing ASICs during an acidification to pH 6. This indicates that ASICs can depolarise the neuron and activate Cavs. Homomeric ASIC1a are Ca2+-permeable and allow a direct entry of Ca2+ into the cell; other ASICs mediate an indirect entry of Ca2+ by inducing a membrane depolarisation that activates Cavs. We showed with a secretion assay that CGRP secretion can be induced by extracellular acidification in cultured rat DRG neurons. Amiloride and PcTx1 were not able to inhibit the secretion at acidic pH, but BCTC, a TRPV1 inhibitor was able to decrease the secretion induced by an extracellular acidification in our in vitro secretion assay. In conclusion, these results show that in DRG neurons a mild extracellular acidification can induce a calcium-dependent neuropeptide secretion. Even if our data show that ASICs can mediate an increase of intracellular Ca2+ concentration, this appears not to be sufficient to trigger neuropeptide secretion. TRPV1, a calcium channel whose activation induces a sustained current - in contrary of ASICs - played in our experimental conditions a predominant role in neurosecretion. In the second part of my thesis, we focused on the role of ASICs in neuropathic pain. We used the spared nerve injury (SNI) model which consists in a nerve injury that induces symptoms of neuropathic pain such as mechanical allodynia. We have previously shown that the SNI model modifies ASIC currents in dissociated rat DRG neurons. We hypothesized that ASICs could play a role in the development of mechanical allodynia. The SNI model was performed on ASIC1a, -2, and -3 knock-out mice and wild type littermates. We measured mechanical allodynia on these mice with calibrated von Frey filaments. There were no differences between the wild-type and the ASIC1, or ASIC2 knockout mice. ASIC3 null mice were less sensitive than wild type mice at 21 day after SNI, indicating a role for ASIC3. Finally, to investigate other possible roles of ASICs in the perception of the environment, we measured the baseline heat responses. We used two different models; the tail flick model and the hot plate model. ASIC1a null mice showed increased thermal allodynia behaviour in the hot plate test at three different temperatures (49, 52, 55°C) compared to their wild type littermates. On the contrary, ASIC2 null mice showed reduced thermal allodynia behaviour in the hot plate test compared to their wild type littermates at the three same temperatures. We conclude that ASIC1a and ASIC2 in mice can play a role in temperature sensing. It is currently not understood how ASICs are involved in temperature sensing and what the reason for the opposed effects in the two knockout models is.
The epithelial Na+ channel (ENaC) belongs to a new class of channel proteins called the ENaC/DEG superfamily involved in epithelial Na+ transport, mechanotransduction, and neurotransmission. The role of ENaC in Na+ homeostasis and in the control of blood pressure has been demonstrated recently by the identification of mutations in ENaC beta and gamma subunits causing hypertension. The function of ENaC in Na+ reabsorption depends critically on its ability to discriminate between Na+ and other ions like K+ or Ca2+. ENaC is virtually impermeant to K+ ions, and the molecular basis for its high ionic selectivity is largely unknown. We have identified a conserved Ser residue in the second transmembrane domain of the ENaC alpha subunit (alphaS589), which when mutated allows larger ions such as K+, Rb+, Cs+, and divalent cations to pass through the channel. The relative ion permeability of each of the alphaS589 mutants is related inversely to the ionic radius of the permeant ion, indicating that alphaS589 mutations increase the molecular cutoff of the channel by modifying the pore geometry at the selectivity filter. Proper geometry of the pore is required to tightly accommodate Na+ and Li+ ions and to exclude larger cations. We provide evidence that ENaC discriminates between cations mainly on the basis of their size and the energy of dehydration.
We present a new lab-on-a-chip system for electrophysiological measurements on Xenopus oocytes. Xenopus oocytes are widely used host cells in the field of pharmacological studies and drug development. We developed a novel non-invasive technique using immobilized non-devitellinized cells that replaces the traditional "two-electrode voltage-clamp" (TEVC) method. In particular, rapid fluidic exchange was implemented on-chip to allow recording of fast kinetic events of exogenous ion channels expressed in the cell membrane. Reducing fluidic exchange times of extracellular reagent solutions is a great challenge with these large millimetre-sized cells. Fluidic switching is obtained by shifting the laminar flow interface in a perfusion channel under the cell by means of integrated poly-dimethylsiloxane (PDMS) microvalves. Reagent solution exchange times down to 20 ms have been achieved. An on-chip purging system allows to perform complex pharmacological protocols, making the system suitable for screening of ion channel ligand libraries. The performance of the integrated rapid fluidic exchange system was demonstrated by investigating the self-inhibition of human epithelial sodium channels (ENaC). Our results show that the response time of this ion channel to a specific reactant is about an order of magnitude faster than could be estimated with the traditional TEVC technique.
The recently discovered epithelial sodium channel (ENaC)/degenerin (DEG) gene family encodes sodium channels involved in various cell functions in metazoans. Subfamilies found in invertebrates or mammals are functionally distinct. The degenerins in Caenorhabditis elegans participate in mechanotransduction in neuronal cells, FaNaC in snails is a ligand-gated channel activated by neuropeptides, and the Drosophila subfamily is expressed in gonads and neurons. In mammals, ENaC mediates Na+ transport in epithelia and is essential for sodium homeostasis. The ASIC genes encode proton-gated cation channels in both the central and peripheral nervous system that could be involved in pain transduction. This review summarizes the physiological roles of the different channels belonging to this family, their biophysical and pharmacological characteristics, and the emerging knowledge of their molecular structure. Although functionally different, the ENaC/DEG family members share functional domains that are involved in the control of channel activity and in the formation of the pore. The functional heterogeneity among the members of the ENaC/DEG channel family provides a unique opportunity to address the molecular basis of basic channel functions such as activation by ligands, mechanotransduction, ionic selectivity, or block by pharmacological ligands.
The stable carbon and oxygen isotope compositions of fossil ostracods are powerful tools to estimate past environmental and climatic conditions. The basis for such interpretations is that the calcite of the valves reflects the isotopic composition of water and its temperature of formation. However, calcite of ostracods is known not to form in isotopic equilibrium with water and different species may have different offsets from inorganic precipitates of calcite formed under the same conditions. To estimate the fractionation during ostracod valve calcification, the oxygen and carbon isotope compositions of 15 species living in Lake Geneva were related to their autoecology and the environmental parameters measured during their growth. The results indicate that: (1) Oxygen isotope fractionation is similar for all species of Candoninae with an enrichment in 18O of more than 30/00 relative to equilibrium values for inorganic calcite. Oxygen isotope fractionation for Cytheroidea is less discriminative relative to the heavy oxygen, with enrichments in 18O for these species of 1.7 to 2.30/00. Oxygen isotope fractionations for Cyprididae are in-between those of Candoninae and Cytheroidea. The difference in oxygen isotope fractionation between ostracods and inorganic calcite has been interpreted as resulting from a vital effect. (2) Comparison with previous work suggests that oxygen isotope fractionation may depend on the total and relative ion content of water. (3) Carbon isotope compositions of ostracod valves are generally in equilibrium with DIC. The specimens' δ13C values are mainly controlled by seasonal variations in δ13CDIC of bottom water or variation thereof in sediment pore water. (4) Incomplete valve calcification has an effect on carbon and oxygen isotope compositions of ostracod valves. Preferential incorporation of at the beginning of valve calcification may explain this effect. (5) Results presented here as well as results from synthetic carbonate growth indicate that different growth rates or low pH within the calcification site cannot be the cause of oxygen isotope 'vital effects' in ostracods. Two mechanisms that might enrich the 18O of ostracod valves are deprotonation of that may also contribute to valve calcification, and effects comparable to salt effects with high concentrations of Ca and/or Mg within the calcification site that may also cause a higher temperature dependency of oxygen isotope fractionation.
Devolatilization reactions and subsequent transfer of fluid from subducted oceanic crust into the overlying mantle wedge are important processes, which are responsible for the specific geochemical characteristics of subduction-related metamorphic rocks, as well as those of arc magmatism. To better understand the geochemical fingerprint induced by fluid mobilization during dehydration and rehydration processes related to subduction zone metamorphism, the trace element and rare earth element (REE) distribution patterns in HP-LT metamorphic assemblages in eclogite-, blueschist- and greenschist-facies rocks of the Ile de Groix were obtained by laser ablation inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (LA-ICPMS) analysis. This study focuses on 10 massive basic rocks representing former hydrothermally altered mid-ocean ridge basalts (MORB), four banded basic rocks of volcano-sedimentary origin and one micaschist. The main hosts for incompatible trace elements are epidote (REE, Th, U, Pb, Sr), garnet [Y, heavy REE (HREE)], phengite (Cs, Rb, Ba, B), titanite [Ti, Nb, Ta, REE; HREE > LREE (light REE)], rutile (Ti, Nb, Ta) and apatite (REE, Sr). The trace element contents of omphacite, amphibole, albite and chlorite are low. The incompatible trace element contents of minerals are controlled by the stable metamorphic mineral assemblage and directly related to the appearance, disappearance and reappearance of minerals, especially epidote, garnet, titanite, rutile and phengite, during subduction zone metamorphism. Epidote is a key mineral in the trace element exchange process because of its large stability field, ranging from lower greenschist- to blueschist- and eclogite-facies conditions. Different generations of epidote are generally observed and related to the coexisting phases at different stages of the metamorphic cycle (e.g. lawsonite, garnet, titanite). Epidote thus controls most of the REE budget during the changing P-T conditions along the prograde and retrograde path. Phengite also plays an important role in determining the large ion lithophile element (LILE) budget, as it is stable to high P-T conditions. The breakdown of phengite causes the release of LILE during retrogression. A comparison of trace element abundances in whole-rocks and minerals shows that the HP-LT metamorphic rocks largely retain the geochemical characteristics of their basic, volcano-sedimentary and pelitic protoliths, including a hydrothermal alteration overprint before the subduction process. A large part of the incompatible trace elements remained trapped in the rocks and was recycled within the various metamorphic assemblages stable under changing metamorphic conditions during the subduction process, indicating that devolatilization reactions in massive basic rocks do not necessarily imply significant simultaneous trace element and REE release.
3D dose reconstruction is a verification of the delivered absorbed dose. Our aim was to describe and evaluate a 3D dose reconstruction method applied to phantoms in the context of narrow beams. A solid water phantom and a phantom containing a bone-equivalent material were irradiated on a 6 MV linac. The transmitted dose was measured by using one array of a 2D ion chamber detector. The dose reconstruction was obtained by an iterative algorithm. A phantom set-up error and organ interfraction motion were simulated to test the algorithm sensitivity. In all configurations convergence was obtained within three iterations. A local reconstructed dose agreement of at least 3% / 3mm with respect to the planned dose was obtained, except in a few points of the penumbra. The reconstructed primary fluences were consistent with the planned ones, which validates the whole reconstruction process. The results validate our method in a simple geometry and for narrow beams. The method is sensitive to a set-up error of a heterogeneous phantom and interfraction heterogeneous organ motion.
In addition to the importance of sample preparation and extract separation, MS detection is a key factor in the sensitive quantification of large undigested peptides. In this article, a linear ion trap MS (LIT-MS) and a triple quadrupole MS (TQ-MS) have been compared in the detection of large peptides at subnanomolar concentrations. Natural brain natriuretic peptide, C-peptide, substance P and D-Junk-inhibitor peptide, a full D-amino acid therapeutic peptide, were chosen. They were detected by ESI and simultaneous MS(1) and MS(2) acquisitions. With direct peptide infusion, MS(2) spectra revealed that fragmentation was peptide dependent, milder on the LIT-MS and required high collision energies on the TQ-MS to obtain high-intensity product ions. Peptide adsorption on surfaces was overcome and peptide dilutions ranging from 0.1 to 25 nM were injected onto an ultra high-pressure LC system with a 1 mm id analytical column and coupled with the MS instruments. No difference was observed between the two instruments when recording in LC-MS(1) acquisitions. However, in LC-MS(2) acquisitions, a better sensitivity in the detection of large peptides was observed with the LIT-MS. Indeed, with the three longer peptides, the typical fragmentation in the TQ-MS resulted in a dramatic loss of sensitivity (> or = 10x).
Acid-sensing ion channels (ASICs) are neuronal Na(+) channels that are members of the epithelial Na(+) channel/degenerin family and are transiently activated by extracellular acidification. ASICs in the central nervous system have a modulatory role in synaptic transmission and are involved in cell injury induced by acidosis. We have recently demonstrated that ASIC function is regulated by serine proteases. We provide here evidence that this regulation of ASIC function is tightly linked to channel cleavage. Trypsin cleaves ASIC1a with a similar time course as it changes ASIC1a function, whereas ASIC1b, whose function is not modified by trypsin, is not cleaved. Trypsin cleaves ASIC1a at Arg-145, in the N-terminal part of the extracellular loop, between a highly conserved sequence and a sequence that is critical for ASIC1a inhibition by the venom of the tarantula Psalmopoeus cambridgei. This channel domain controls the inactivation kinetics and co-determines the pH dependence of ASIC gating. It undergoes a conformational change during inactivation, which renders the cleavage site inaccessible to trypsin in inactivated channels.
Introduction: Prior repeated-sprints (6) has become an interesting method to resolve the debate surrounding the principal factors that limits the oxygen uptake (V'O2) kinetics at the onset of exercise [i.e., muscle O2 delivery (5) or metabolic inertia (3)]. The aim of this study was to compare the effects of two repeated-sprints sets of 6x6s separated by different recovery duration between the sprints on V'O2 and muscular de-oxygenation [HHb] kinetics during a subsequent heavy-intensity exercise. Methods: 10 male subjects performed a 6-min constant-load cycling test (T50) at intensity corresponding to half of the difference between V'O2max and the ventilatory threshold. Then, they performed two repeated-sprints sets of 6x6s all-out separated by different recovery duration between the sprints (S1:30s and S2:3min) followed, after 7-min-recovery, by the T50 (S1T50 and S2T50, respectively). V'O2, [HHb] of the vastus lateralis (VL) and surface electromyography activity [i.e., root-mean-square (RMS) and the median frequency of the power density spectrum (MDF)] from VL and vastus medialis (VM) were recorded throughout T50. Models using a bi-exponential function for the overall T50 and a mono-exponential for the first 90s of T50 were used to define V'O2 and [HHb] kinetics respectively. Results: V'O2 mean value was higher in S1 (2.9±0.3l.min-1) than in S2 (1.2±0.3l.min-1); (p<0.001). The peripheral blood flow was increased after sprints as attested by a higher basal heart rate (HRbaseline) (S1T50: +22%; S2T50: +17%; p≤0.008). Time delay [HHb] was shorter for S1T50 and S2T50 than for T50 (-22% for both; p≤0.007) whereas the mean response time of V'O2 was accelerated only after S1 (S1T50: 32.3±2.5s; S2T50: 34.4±2.6s; T50: 35.7±5.4s; p=0.031). There were no significant differences in RMS between the three conditions (p>0.05). MDF of VM was higher during the first 3-min in S1T50 than in T50 (+6%; p≤0.05). Conclusion: The study show that V'O2 kinetics was speeded by prior repeated-sprints with a short (30s) but not a long (3min) inter-sprints-recovery even though the [HHb] kinetics was accelerated and the peripheral blood flow was enhanced after both sprints. S1, inducing a greater PCr depletion (1) and change in the pattern of the fibres recruitment (increase in MDF) compared with S2, may decrease metabolic inertia (2), stimulate the oxidative phosphorylation activation (4) and accelerate V'O2 kinetics at the beginning of the subsequent high-intensity exercise.
The bioenergetic status of cells is tightly regulated by the activity of cytosolic enzymes and mitochondrial ATP production. To adapt their metabolism to cellular energy needs, mitochondria have been shown to exhibit changes in their ionic composition as the result of changes in cytosolic ion concentrations. Individual mitochondria also exhibit spontaneous changes in their electrical potential without altering those of neighboring mitochondria. We recently reported that individual mitochondria of intact astrocytes exhibit spontaneous transient increases in their Na(+) concentration. Here, we investigated whether the concentration of other ionic species were involved during mitochondrial transients. By combining fluorescence imaging methods, we performed a multiparameter study of spontaneous mitochondrial transients in intact resting astrocytes. We show that mitochondria exhibit coincident changes in their Na(+) concentration, electrical potential, matrix pH and mitochondrial reactive oxygen species production during a mitochondrial transient without involving detectable changes in their Ca(2+) concentration. Using widefield and total internal reflection fluorescence imaging, we found evidence for localized transient decreases in the free Mg(2+) concentration accompanying mitochondrial Na(+) spikes that could indicate an associated local and transient enrichment in the ATP concentration. Therefore, we propose a sequential model for mitochondrial transients involving a localized ATP microdomain that triggers a Na(+)-mediated mitochondrial depolarization, transiently enhancing the activity of the mitochondrial respiratory chain. Our work provides a model describing ionic changes that could support a bidirectional cytosol-to-mitochondria ionic communication.
Microtubule-associated protein 1B is an essential protein during brain development and neurite outgrowth and was studied by several assays to further characterize actin as a major interacting partner. Tubulin and actin co-immunoprecipitated with MAP1B at similar ratios throughout development. Their identity was identified by mass spectrometry and was confirmed by Western blots. In contrast to previous reports, the MAP1B-actin interaction was not dependent on the MAP1B phosphorylation state, since actin was precipitated from brain tissue throughout development at similar ratios and equal amounts were precipitated before and after dephosphorylation with alkaline phosphatase. MAP1B heavy chain was able to bind actin directly and therefore the N-terminal part of MAP1B heavy chain must also contain an actin-binding site. The binding force of this interaction was measured by atomic force microscopy and values were in the same range as those of MAP1B binding to tubulin or that measured in MAP1B self-aggregation. Aggregation was confirmed by negative staining and electron microscopy. Experiments including COS-7 cells, PC12 cells, cytochalasin D and immunocytochemistry with subsequent confocal laser microscopy, suggested that MAP1B may bind to actin but has no obvious microfilament stabilizing effect. We conclude, that the MAP1B heavy chain has a microtubule-stabilization effect, and contains an actin-binding site that may play a role in the crosslinking of actin and microtubules, a function that may be important in neurite elongation.
The epithelial Na(+) channel (ENaC) and the acid-sensing ion channels (ASICs) form subfamilies within the ENaC/degenerin family of Na(+) channels. ENaC mediates transepithelial Na(+) transport, thereby contributing to Na(+) homeostasis and the maintenance of blood pressure and the airway surface liquid level. ASICs are H(+)-activated channels found in central and peripheral neurons, where their activation induces neuronal depolarization. ASICs are involved in pain sensation, the expression of fear, and neurodegeneration after ischemia, making them potentially interesting drug targets. This review summarizes the biophysical properties, cellular functions, and physiologic and pathologic roles of the ASIC and ENaC subfamilies. The analysis of the homologies between ENaC and ASICs and the relation between functional and structural information shows many parallels between these channels, suggesting that some mechanisms that control channel activity are shared between ASICs and ENaC. The available crystal structures and the discovery of animal toxins acting on ASICs provide a unique opportunity to address the molecular mechanisms of ENaC and ASIC function to identify novel strategies for the modulation of these channels by pharmacologic ligands.
Introduction: Prior repeated-sprints (6) has become an interesting method to resolve the debate surrounding the principal factors that limits the oxygen uptake (V'O2) kinetics at the onset of exercise [i.e., muscle O2 delivery (5) or metabolic inertia (3)]. The aim of this study was to compare the effects of two repeated-sprints sets of 6x6s separated by different recovery duration between the sprints on V'O2 and muscular de-oxygenation [HHb] kinetics during a subsequent heavy-intensity exercise. Methods: 10 male subjects performed a 6-min constant-load cycling test (T50) at intensity corresponding to half of the difference between V'O2max and the ventilatory threshold. Then, they performed two repeated-sprints sets of 6x6s all-out separated by different recovery duration between the sprints (S1:30s and S2:3min) followed, after 7-min-recovery, by the T50 (S1T50 and S2T50, respectively). V'O2, [HHb] of the vastus lateralis (VL) and surface electromyography activity [i.e., root-mean-square (RMS) and the median frequency of the power density spectrum (MDF)] from VL and vastus medialis (VM) were recorded throughout T50. Models using a bi-exponential function for the overall T50 and a mono-exponential for the first 90s of T50 were used to define V'O2 and [HHb] kinetics respectively. Results: V'O2 mean value was higher in S1 (2.9±0.3l.min-1) than in S2 (1.2±0.3l.min-1); (p<0.001). The peripheral blood flow was increased after sprints as attested by a higher basal heart rate (HRbaseline) (S1T50: +22%; S2T50: +17%; p≤0.008). Time delay [HHb] was shorter for S1T50 and S2T50 than for T50 (-22% for both; p≤0.007) whereas the mean response time of V'O2 was accelerated only after S1 (S1T50: 32.3±2.5s; S2T50: 34.4±2.6s; T50: 35.7±5.4s; p=0.031). There were no significant differences in RMS between the three conditions (p>0.05). MDF of VM was higher during the first 3-min in S1T50 than in T50 (+6%; p≤0.05). Conclusion: The study show that V'O2 kinetics was speeded by prior repeated-sprints with a short (30s) but not a long (3min) inter-sprints-recovery even though the [HHb] kinetics was accelerated and the peripheral blood flow was enhanced after both sprints. S1, inducing a greater PCr depletion (1) and change in the pattern of the fibres recruitment (increase in MDF) compared with S2, may decrease metabolic inertia (2), stimulate the oxidative phosphorylation activation (4) and accelerate V'O2 kinetics at the beginning of the subsequent high-intensity exercise.