56 resultados para gap creation


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This contribution (presented in the first International Conference on Public Policy (ICPP) in Grenoble in June 2013) explores the phenomena of innovation in action ("innovative implementation"). To do so, we operationalize "innovative implementation" as a strategy by which (coalitions of) non-state actors seek to develop ad hoc solutions to address a given environmental issue, going beyond what is provided for in formal policy designs. Following an inductive research strategy, we elaborate a conceptual framework whose main advantage is to bring the actors and their coalition (in all their diversity) back in the analysis. More concretely, we state that perceiving implementation as broader 'social interaction processes' (De Boer & Bressers 2011) within which actors play strategic 'games' (Bardach 1977, Scharpf 1997) opens interesting lines of research to better account for their innovative and strategic behaviours. In a second step, we apply this framework to three strategies of innovative implementation in different contexts, and identify on this basis empirical regularities in the individual pathways related to the emergence and success (or failure) of these strategies.


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Neurons and astrocytes, the two major cell populations in the adult brain, are characterized by their own mode of intercellular communication--the synapses and the gap junctions (GJ), respectively. In addition, there is increasing evidence for dynamic and metabolic neuroglial interactions resulting in the modulation of synaptic transmission at the so-called "tripartite synapse". Based on this, we have investigated at the ultrastructural level how excitatory synapses (ES) and astroglial GJ are spatially distributed in layer IV of the barrel cortex of the adult mouse. We used specific antibodies for connexin (Cx) 30 and 43 to identify astroglial GJ, these two proteins are known to be present in the majority of astroglial GJ in the cerebral cortex. In electron-microscopic images, we measured the distance between two ES, between two GJ and between a GJ and its nearest ES. We found a ratio of two GJ per three ES in the hollow and septal areas. Taking into account the size of an astrocyte domain, the high density of GJ suggests the occurrence of reflexive type, i.e. GJ between processes of the same astrocyte. Interestingly, the distance between an ES and an astroglial GJ was found to be significantly lower than that between either two synapses or between two GJ. These observations indicate that the two modes of cell-to-cell communication are not randomly distributed in layer IV of the barrel cortex. Consequently, this feature may provide the morphological support for the recently reported functional interactions between neuronal circuits and astroglial networks.


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Le système nerveux périphérique est responsable de la transmission des impulses motrices, ainsi que de la réception des afférences sensorielles. Les lésions traumatiques des nerfs périphériques conduisent à une impotence fonctionnelle qui peut être dévastant, notamment chez les travailleurs manuels,. La récupération fonctionnelle est donc le but principal dans chirurgie des nerfs périphériques. Malheureusement, une suture directe des moignons nerveux est souvent impossible dans le contexte des traumatismes complexes qui surviennent lors des accidents. La suture nerveuse par interposition d'autogreffe reste le gold standard dans la pratique chirurgicale mais nécessite le sacrifice d'un nerf donneur, avec dysesthésie et possibles douleurs neuropathiques conséquentes. Alternativement, des guides tubulaires pour les nerfs peuvent être utilisées si le gap nerveux est inférieur à 3 cm. Plusieurs guides résorbables en collagène sont approuve en Europe et aux Etas Unis (FDA). Dans cette étude, des conduits de collagène ont été associe a des cellules régénératives (cellules souches adultes) comme stratégie supplémentaire de régénération. Une fois testé le rapport des cellules avec le biomatériau (NeuraGen® nerve guides) in vitro, une étude in vivo dans le rat a été effectuée. Les différents groupes de conduits ont été supplémentés respectivement avec Schwann cells (SC); avec cellules souches adultes dérivées de la moelle épinière, différentiées en cellules "Schwann-like" (dMSC); avec cellules souches adultes dérivées de la graisse, différentiées en cellules "Schwann-like" (dASC). Un groupe de conduits avec du milieu de culture sans cellules a été utilisé comme group control. Les conduits ont été utilisés pour combler un gap de 1cm dans un model de section totale du nerf sciatique chez le rat. Deux semaines post implantation, une analyse immuno-histochimique a été effectuée pour évaluer la régénération axonales et l'infiltration de cellules de Schwann au niveau du conduit. Les cellules ont montré une adhérence efficace aux parois de collagène. En particulier, les cellules de Schwann ont montré une amélioration significative au niveau du sprouting distale. Par contre, aucune différence significative n'a été remarquée entre les groupes pour le sprouting axonale proximal. De plus, si les cellules souches ont montré un pattern de sprouting diffus, les cellules de Schwann ont par contre garanti un cône de croissance typique, associé a une affinité remarquable pour les parois de collagène. NeuraGen® guides pourraient donc être un moyen adapté a l'association avec la thérapie cellulaire en raison de la bonne adhérence des cellules au biomatériau. Des modifications de surface dans le but d'améliorer la performance neurotrophique cellulaire in vivo (e.g. peptides de matrice extracellulaire) pourront être utilisées dans des applications futures.


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This paper analyses how banking regulation was introduced in Switzerland - one of the world's most prominent financial centres - which remained in place until the beginning of the twenty-first century. It shows that the law adopted on 8 November 1934 is a perfect example of capture of the regulator by the regulated. Essentially a political response in the context of the economic crisis of the 1930s, it largely reflected the interests of banking circles by limiting the intervention of the State as much as possible. The introduction of the new legislation was facilitated by the temporary weakness of Swiss banking circles, as they depended on the State to delay or prevent the collapse of many major credit institutions. They did not manage to derail the law as they had two decades earlier when they scuppered the federal bill on banks drawn up between 1914 and 1916. But this time they were better organized and more united, and intervened all the more effectively in the legislative process itself. The 1934 law is thus distinctive in that it made no structural changes to the architecture of the financial centre but merely codified its practices through flexible legislation meant to reassure the public. The law was aimed less at controlling banking activity than at keeping - thanks to skilfully calibrated political concessions - the State from having to intervene more directly in the internal management of banks or in the fixing of interest rates and the export of capital.


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Pyroglutamic acidemia is an uncommon metabolic disorder, which is usually diagnosed at early ages. The mechanism of action is thought to be glutathione depletion, and its clinical manifestations consist of hemolytic anemia, mental retardation, ataxia, and chronic metabolic acidosis. However, an acquired form has been described in adult patients, who usually present with confusion, respiratory distress, and high anion gap metabolic acidosis (HAGMA). It is also associated with many conditions, including chronic acetaminophen consumption. A 68-year-old white male, with chronic acetaminophen use presented to our service on multiple occasions with severe HAGMA. The patient was admitted to the intensive care unit and required mechanical ventilation and aggressive supportive measures. After ruling out the most frequent etiologies for his acid-base disorder and considering the long history of Tylenol ingestion, his 5-oxiproline (pyroglutamic acid) levels were sent to diagnose pyroglutamic acidemia. Clinicians need to be aware of this cause for metabolic acidosis since it might be a more common metabolic disturbance in compromised patients than would be expected. Subjects with HAGMA that cannot be explained by common causes should be tested for the presence of 5-oxoproline. Discontinuation of the offending drug is therapeutic.


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Female gender and low income are two markers for groups that have been historically disadvantaged within most societies. The study explores two research questions related to their political representation: 1) Are parties ideologically biased towards the ideological preferences of male and rich citizens? 2) Does the proportionality of the electoral system moderate the degree of underrepresentation of women and poor citizens in the party system? A multilevel analysis of survey data from 24 parliamentary democracies indicates that there is some bias against those with low income and, at a much smaller rate, women. This has systemic consequences for the quality of representation, as the preferences of the complementary groups differ. The proportionality of the electoral system influences the degree of underrepresentation: specifically, larger district magnitudes help closing the considerable gap between rich and poor.


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I extend Spence's signaling model by assuming that some workers are overconfident-they underestimate their marginal cost of acquiring education-and some are underconfident. Firms cannot observe workers' productive abilities and beliefs but know the fractions of high-ability, overconfident, and underconfident workers. I find that biased beliefs lower the wage spread and compress the wages of unbiased workers. I show that gender differences in self-confidence can contribute to the gender pay gap. If education raises productivity, men are overconfident, and women underconfident, then women will, on average, earn less than men. Finally, I show that biased beliefs can improve welfare.


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Fibrose pulmonaire idiopathique La fibrose pulmonaire idiopathique (FPI, Idiopathic Pulmonary Fibrosis) est une maladie diffuse du parenchyme pulmonaire de cause inconnue caractérisée par une aggravation de la dyspnée, une réduction du volume pulmonaire et une altération des échanges gazeux. Elle est la plus fréquente de pneumopathies interstitielles idiopathiques (IIPs, Idiopathic Interstitial Pneumonias), avec une incidence annuelle estimée entre 4,6 et 16,3 pour 100'000 personnes et une prévalence de 13 à 20 cas pour 100 000 personnes. Son évolution est progressive, irréversible et de mauvais pronostic avec une survie médiane de 2 à 3.5 ans et une survie à 5 ans de moins de 20%.