74 resultados para extended regime-switching GARCH
The respective production of specific immunoglobulin (Ig)G2a or IgG1 within 5 d of primary immunization with Swiss type mouse mammary tumor virus [MMTV(SW)] or haptenated protein provides a model for the development of T helper 1 (Th1) and Th2 responses. The antibody-producing cells arise from cognate T cell B cell interaction, revealed by the respective induction of Cgamma2a and Cgamma1 switch transcript production, on the third day after immunization. T cell proliferation and upregulation of mRNA for interferon gamma in response to MMTV(SW) and interleukin 4 in response to haptenated protein also starts during this day. It follows that there is minimal delay in these responses between T cell priming and the onset of cognate interaction between T and B cells leading to class switching and exponential growth. The Th1 or Th2 profile is at least partially established at the time of the first cognate T cell interaction with B cells in the T zone. The addition of killed Bordetella pertussis to the hapten-protein induces nonhapten-specific IgG2a and IgG1 plasma cells, whereas the anti-hapten response continues to be IgG1 dominated. This indicates that a Th2 response to hapten-protein can proceed in a node where there is substantial Th1 activity.
BACKGROUND: Expression of heterologous genes in mammalian cells or organisms for therapeutic or experimental purposes often requires tight control of transgene expression. Specifically, the following criteria should be met: no background gene activity in the off-state, high gene expression in the on-state, regulated expression over an extended period, and multiple switching between on- and off-states. METHODS: Here, we describe a genetic switch system for controlled transgene transcription using chimeric repressor and activator proteins functioning in a novel regulatory network. In the off-state, the target transgene is actively silenced by a chimeric protein consisting of multimerized eukaryotic transcriptional repression domains fused to the DNA-binding tetracycline repressor. In the on-state, the inducer drug doxycycline affects both the derepression of the target gene promoter and activation by the GAL4-VP16 transactivator, which in turn is under the control of an autoregulatory feedback loop. RESULTS: The hallmark of this new system is the efficient transgene silencing in the off-state, as demonstrated by the tightly controlled expression of the highly cytotoxic diphtheria toxin A gene. Addition of the inducer drug allows robust activation of transgene expression. In stably transfected cells, this control is still observed after months of repeated cycling between the repressed and activated states of the target genes. CONCLUSIONS: This system permits tight long-term regulation when stably introduced into cell lines. The underlying principles of this network system should have general applications in biotechnology and gene therapy.
BACKGROUND: Aminoglycosides are mandatory in the treatment of severe infections in burns. However, their pharmacokinetics are difficult to predict in critically ill patients. Our objective was to describe the pharmacokinetic parameters of high doses of tobramycin administered at extended intervals in severely burned patients. METHODS: We prospectively enrolled 23 burned patients receiving tobramycin in combination therapy for Pseudomonas species infections in a burn ICU over 2 years in a therapeutic drug monitoring program. Trough and post peak tobramycin levels were measured to adjust drug dosage. Pharmacokinetic parameters were derived from two points first order kinetics. RESULTS: Tobramycin peak concentration was 7.4 (3.1-19.6)microg/ml and Cmax/MIC ratio 14.8 (2.8-39.2). Half-life was 6.9 (range 1.8-24.6)h with a distribution volume of 0.4 (0.2-1.0)l/kg. Clearance was 35 (14-121)ml/min and was weakly but significantly correlated with creatinine clearance. CONCLUSION: Tobramycin had a normal clearance, but an increased volume of distribution and a prolonged half-life in burned patients. However, the pharmacokinetic parameters of tobramycin are highly variable in burned patients. These data support extended interval administration and strongly suggest that aminoglycosides should only be used within a structured pharmacokinetic monitoring program.
Reproductive division of labour is a defining characteristic of eusociality in insect societies. The task of reproduction is performed by the fertile males and queens of the colony, while the non-fertile female worker caste performs all other tasks related to colony upkeep, foraging and nest defence. Division of labour, or polyethism, within the worker caste is organized such that specific tasks are performed by discrete groups of individuals. Ordinarily, workers of one group will not participate in the tasks of other groups making the groups of workers behaviourally distinct. In some eusocial species, this has led to the evolution of a remarkable diversity of subcaste morphologies within the worker caste, and a division of labour amongst the subcastes. This caste polyethism is best represented in many species of ants where a smaller-bodied minor subcaste typically performs foraging duties while larger individuals of the major subcaste are tasked with nest defence. Recent work suggests that polyethism in the worker caste is influenced by an evolutionarily conserved, yet diversely regulated, gene called foraging (for), which encodes a cGMP-dependent protein kinase (PKG). Additionally, flexibility in the activity of this enzyme allows for workers from one task group to assist the workers of other task groups in times of need during the colony's life.
Aims: To assess the potential distribution of an obligate seeder and active pyrophyte, Cistus salviifolius, a vulnerable species in the Swiss Red List; to derive scenarios by changing the fire return interval; and to discuss the results from a conservation perspective. A more general aim is to assess the impact of fire as a natural factor influencing the vegetation of the southern slopes of the Alps. Locations: Alps, southern Switzerland. Methods: Presence-absence data to fit the model were obtained from the most recent field mapping of C. salviifolius. The quantitative environmental predictors used in this study include topographic, climatic and disturbance (fire) predictors. Models were fitted by logistic regression and evaluated by jackknife and bootstrap approaches. Changes in fire regime were simulated by increasing the time-return interval of fire (simulating longer periods without fire). Two scenarios were considered: no fire in the past 15 years; or in the past 35 years. Results: Rock cover, slope, topographic position, potential evapotranspiration and time elapsed since the last fire were selected in the final model. The Nagelkerke R-2 of the model for C. salviifolius was 0.57 and the Jackknife area under the curve evaluation was 0.89. The bootstrap evaluation revealed model robustness. By increasing the return interval of fire by either up to 15 years, or 35 years, the modelled C. salviifolius population declined by 30-40%, respectively. Main conclusions: Although fire plays a significant role, topography and rock cover appear to be the most important predictors, suggesting that the distribution of C. salviifolius in the southern Swiss Alps is closely related to the availability of supposedly competition-free sites, such as emerging bedrock, ridge locations or steep slopes. Fire is more likely to play a secondary role in allowing C. salviifolius to extend its occurrence temporarily, by increasing germination rates and reducing the competition from surrounding vegetation. To maintain a viable dormant seed bank for C. salviifolius, conservation managers should consider carrying out vegetation clearing and managing wild fire propagation to reduce competition and ensure sufficient recruitment for this species.
Aims: Recently, several clinical trials analyzed if extended duration of treatment with pegylated interferon-alfa and ribavirin over 48 weeks can improve sustained virologic response (SVR) rates in HCV genotype 1-infected patients with slow virologic response. Because results of these clinical trials are conflicting, we performed a metaanalysis to determine the overall impact of extended treatment compared to standard treatment on virologic response rates in treatment-naive HCV genotype 1 slow responders. Methods: Literature search was performed independently by two observers using Pub Med, EMBASE, CENTRAL and abstracts presented in English at international liver and gastroenterology meetings. Randomized controlled clinical trials (RCTs; but studies that re-analyzed data retrospectively RCTs were also allowed) were considered if they included monoinfected treatment-naive HCV genotype 1 patients and compared treatment with pegIFN-alfa 2a or 2b in combination with ribavirin for 48 weeks versus extended treatment (up to 72 weeks) in slow responders. Primary and secondary end points were SVR rates and end-of-treatment (EOT) and relapse rates, respectively. In the present meta-analysis, study endpoints were summarized with a DerSimonian-Laird estimate for binary outcome basing on a random effects model. Results: Literature search yielded seven RTCs addressing the benefit of extended treatment with pegylated interferon-alfa and ribavirin in treatment-naive HCV genotype 1 slow responders. In total, 1330 slow responders were included in our meta-analysis. We show that extended treatment duration compared to the standard of care significantly improves SVR rates in HCV genotype 1 slow responders (12.4% improvement of overall SVR rate, 95% CI 0.055- 0.193, P = 0.0005). In addition, we show that rates of viral relapse were significantly reduced by extended treatment (24.1% reduction of relapse, 95% CI −0.3332 to −0.1487, P < 0.0001), whereas no significant impact of extended treatment on EOT response rates was found. Though extended treatment was burdened with an enhanced rate of premature treatment discontinuation due to interferonalfa- and ribavirin-related side effects, the frequency of serious adverse events was not increased. Conclusions: Treatment extension in HCV genotype 1 slow responders can improve SVR rates in difficult to treat patients and should be considered in patients who need to be treated before specific antivirals will be approved.
BACKGROUND: During the past decades, endoscopic mucosal resection (EMR) has been developed to treat early intramucosal esophageal cancers and dysplastic Barrett's esophagus. The primary drawback of this method is severe postsurgical esophageal stricture formation. The purpose of this preclinical study was to assess strategies for prevention of this major complication by injecting autologous keratinocytes in the EMR mucosal defect in the sheep model. METHODS: Circumferential, 6-cm-long EMRs were performed in the esophagus of nine sheep. Autologous keratinocytes were harvested 2 weeks before EMR and cultured. Circumferential resection consisted of two opposite hemicircumferential mucosectomies allowing a widespread resection of 24 cm(2). Immediately after EMR, autologous keratinocytes were endoscopically injected in the mucosal defect. Animals were sacrificed after 6 months. RESULTS: Circumferential EMRs were successfully performed in all animals. There were no intra- or postoperative complications. None of the animals developed strictures. All animals were sacrificed at 6 months as planned. Histological examinations showed fibrotic changes in 10 % (range 0-25 %) of the circumferential muscularis propria interna layer and 7.2 % (range 0-25 %) in the muscularis propria externa layer at the midportion of the EMR. No circumferential transmural fibrosis was identified. CONCLUSIONS: Prevention of stricture formation after extensive (6-cm long) circumferential EMR of the sheep esophagus can be achieved by injecting autologous keratinocytes into the wound of the resected mucosal segment.
Stability-dependent behavioural and electro-cortical reorganizations during bimanual switching tasks
This study investigated behavioural and electro-cortical reorganizations accompanying intentional switching between two distinct bimanual coordination tapping modes (In-phase and Anti-phase) that differ in stability when produced at the same movement rate. We expected that switching to a less stable tapping mode (In-to-Anti switching) would lead to larger behavioural perturbations and require supplementary neural resources than switching to a more stable tapping mode (Anti-to-In switching). Behavioural results confirmed that the In-to-Anti switching lasted longer than the Anti-to-In switching. A general increase in attention-related neural activity was found at the moment of switching for both conditions. Additionally, two condition-dependent EEG reorganizations were observed. First, a specific increase in cortico-cortical coherence appeared exclusively during the In-to-Anti switching. This result may reflect a strengthening in inter-regional communication in order to engage in the subsequent, less stable, tapping mode. Second, a decrease in motor-related neural activity (increased beta spectral power) was found for the Anti-to-In switching only. The latter effect may reflect the interruption of the previous, less stable, tapping mode. Given that previous results on spontaneous Anti-to-In switching revealing an inverse pattern of EEG reorganization (decreased beta spectral power), present findings give new insight on the stability-dependent neural correlates of intentional motor switching. © 2010 Elsevier Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved
Rationale: The purpose of this article is to demonstrate the use of homologous culture cells in treating an advanced coccon formation of the hand and three extended squamous cell carcinomas of the lower and upper limb in a patient with recessive dystrophic epidermolysis bullosa. The preparation and application of these cells in the operation room are being described. Methods: A number of surgical approaches have been described to correct these deformities in order to improve function.We propose a new therapeutic approach of treating loss of motion and independent digital function as well as coverage of large skin defects in a patient with recessive dystrophic epidermolysis bullosa by using autologous culture cells. Surgical treatment of these patients is really difficult because of the existing skin fragility. Furthermore, surgical wounds do not easily heal because of recurrent blisters and erosions as well as due to the patients' poor nutricial status. Results: We report our experience of mutiple extended cutaneous squamous cell carcinomas arising in our patient which were successfully managed using autologous composite cultured skin grafts. The cocoon hand deformity was also treated with the limb becoming functional. Conclusion: The use of autologous keratinocytes and fibroblasts in epidermolysis bullosa is hereby outlined for the fist time.
Limited antimicrobial agents are available for the treatment of implant-associated infections caused by fluoroquinolone-resistant Gram-negative bacilli. We compared the activities of fosfomycin, tigecycline, colistin, and gentamicin (alone and in combination) against a CTX-M15-producing strain of Escherichia coli (Bj HDE-1) in vitro and in a foreign-body infection model. The MIC and the minimal bactericidal concentration in logarithmic phase (MBC(log)) and stationary phase (MBC(stat)) were 0.12, 0.12, and 8 μg/ml for fosfomycin, 0.25, 32, and 32 μg/ml for tigecycline, 0.25, 0.5, and 2 μg/ml for colistin, and 2, 8, and 16 μg/ml for gentamicin, respectively. In time-kill studies, colistin showed concentration-dependent activity, but regrowth occurred after 24 h. Fosfomycin demonstrated rapid bactericidal activity at the MIC, and no regrowth occurred. Synergistic activity between fosfomycin and colistin in vitro was observed, with no detectable bacterial counts after 6 h. In animal studies, fosfomycin reduced planktonic counts by 4 log(10) CFU/ml, whereas in combination with colistin, tigecycline, or gentamicin, it reduced counts by >6 log(10) CFU/ml. Fosfomycin was the only single agent which was able to eradicate E. coli biofilms (cure rate, 17% of implanted, infected cages). In combination, colistin plus tigecycline (50%) and fosfomycin plus gentamicin (42%) cured significantly more infected cages than colistin plus gentamicin (33%) or fosfomycin plus tigecycline (25%) (P < 0.05). The combination of fosfomycin plus colistin showed the highest cure rate (67%), which was significantly better than that of fosfomycin alone (P < 0.05). In conclusion, the combination of fosfomycin plus colistin is a promising treatment option for implant-associated infections caused by fluoroquinolone-resistant Gram-negative bacilli.
BACKGROUND: The risk of catheter-related infection or bacteremia, with initial and extended use of femoral versus nonfemoral sites for double-lumen vascular catheters (DLVCs) during continuous renal replacement therapy (CRRT), is unclear. STUDY DESIGN: Retrospective observational cohort study. SETTING & PARTICIPANTS: Critically ill patients on CRRT in a combined intensive care unit of a tertiary institution. FACTOR: Femoral versus nonfemoral venous DLVC placement. OUTCOMES: Catheter-related colonization (CRCOL) and bloodstream infection (CRBSI). MEASUREMENTS: CRCOL/CRBSI rates expressed per 1,000 catheter-days. RESULTS: We studied 458 patients (median age, 65 years; 60% males) and 647 DLVCs. Of 405 single-site only DLVC users, 82% versus 18% received exclusively 419 femoral versus 82 jugular or subclavian DLVCs, respectively. The corresponding DLVC indwelling duration was 6±4 versus 7±5 days (P=0.03). Corresponding CRCOL and CRBSI rates (per 1,000 catheter-days) were 9.7 versus 8.8 events (P=0.8) and 1.2 versus 3.5 events (P=0.3), respectively. Overall, 96 patients with extended CRRT received femoral-site insertion first with subsequent site change, including 53 femoral guidewire exchanges, 53 new femoral venipunctures, and 47 new jugular/subclavian sites. CRCOL and CRBSI rates were similar for all such approaches (P=0.7 and P=0.9, respectively). On multivariate analysis, CRCOL risk was higher in patients older than 65 years and weighing >90kg (ORs of 2.1 and 2.2, respectively; P<0.05). This association between higher weight and greater CRCOL risk was significant for femoral DLVCs, but not for nonfemoral sites. Other covariates, including initial or specific DLVC site, guidewire exchange versus new venipuncture, and primary versus secondary DLVC placement, did not significantly affect CRCOL rates. LIMITATIONS: Nonrandomized retrospective design and single-center evaluation. CONCLUSIONS: CRCOL and CRBSI rates in patients on CRRT are low and not influenced significantly by initial or serial femoral catheterizations with guidewire exchange or new venipuncture. CRCOL risk is higher in older and heavier patients, the latter especially so with femoral sites.
Juvenile nasopharyngeal angiofibroma (JNA) is a rare vascular neoplasm occurring almost exclusively in adolescent males. Although benign, it is often locally aggressive and can erode into surrounding tissues and structures resulting in significant morbidity and mortality. In 20% of cases, there is intracranial extension. In this paper, we report on the total excision of a large, recurrent JNA with intracranial extension into the middle cranial fossa encroaching into the cavernous sinus, by right temporal craniotomy and extended osteoplastic maxillotomy.