51 resultados para division of company


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OBJECTIVE: To determine subregions of normal and abnormal cartilage in advanced stages of femorotibial osteoarthritis (OA) by mapping the entire femorotibial joint in a cohort of pre-total knee replacement (TKR) OA knees. DESIGN: We defined an areal subdivision of the femorotibial articular cartilage surface on CT arthrography (CTA), allowing the division of the femorotibial articular surface into multiple (up to n = 204 per knee) subregions and the comparison of the same areas between different knees. Two readers independently classified each cartilage area as normal, abnormal or non-assessable in 41 consecutive pre-TKR OA knees. RESULTS: A total of 6447 cartilage areas (from 41 knees) were considered assessable by both readers. The average proportion of preserved cartilage was lower in the medial femorotibial joint than in the lateral femorotibial joint for both readers (32.0/69.8% and 33.9/68.5% (medial/lateral) for reader 1 and 2 respectively, all P < 0.001). High frequencies of normal cartilage were observed at the posterior aspect of the medial condyle (up to 89%), and the anterior aspect of the lateral femorotibial compartment (up to 100%). The posterior aspect of the medial condyle was the area that most frequently exhibited preserved cartilage in the medial femorotibial joint, contrasting with the high frequency of cartilage lesions in the rest of that compartment. CONCLUSIONS: Cartilage at the posterior aspect of the medial condyle, and at the anterior aspect of the lateral femorotibial compartment, may be frequently preserved in advanced grades of OA.


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Cooperation is ubiquitous in nature: genes cooperate in genomes, cells in muti- cellular organims, and individuals in societies. In humans, division of labor and trade are key elements of most known societies, where social life is regulated by- moral systems specifying rights and duties often enforced by third party punish¬ment. Over the last decades, several primary mechanisms, such as kin selection, direct and indirect reciprocity, have been advanced to explain the evolution of cooperation from a naturalistic approach. In this thesis, I focus on the study of three secondary mechanisms which, although insufficient to allow for the evo¬lution of cooperation, have been hypothesized to further promote it when they are linked to proper primary mechanisms: conformity (the tendency to imitate common behaviors), upstream reciprocity (the tendency to help somebody once help has been received from somebody else) and social diversity (heterogeneous social contexts). I make use of mathematical and computational models in the formal framework of evolutionary game theory in order to investigate the theoret¬ical conditions under which conformity, upstream reciprocity and social diversity are able to raise the levels of cooperation attained in evolving populations. - La coopération est ubiquitaire dans la nature: les gènes coopèrent dans les génomes, les cellules dans les organismes muticellulaires, et les organismes dans les sociétés. Chez les humains, la division du travail et le commerce sont des éléments centraux de la plupart des sociétés connues, où la vie sociale est régie par des systèmes moraux établissant des droits et des devoirs, souvent renforcés par la punition. Au cours des dernières décennies, plusieurs mécanismes pri¬maires, tels que la sélection de parentèle et les réciprocités directe et indirecte, ont été avancés pour expliquer l'évolution de la coopération d'un point de vue nat¬uraliste. Dans cette thèse, nous nous concentrons sur l'étude de trois mécanismes secondaires qui, bien qu'insuffisants pour permettre l'évolution de la coopération, sont capables de la promouvoir davantage s'ils sont liés aux mécanismes primaires appropriés: la conformité (tendance à imiter des comportements en commun), la 'réciprocité en amont' (tendance à aider quelqu'un après avoir reçu l'aide de quelqu'un d'autre) et la diversité sociale (contextes sociaux hétérogènes). Nous faisons usage de modèles mathématiques et informatiques dans le cadre formel de la théorie des jeux évolutionnaires afin d'examiner les conditions théoriques dans lesquelles la conformité, la 'réciprocité en amont' et la diversité sociale sont capables d'élever le niveau de coopération des populations en évolution.


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Over the last few years, most OECD countries have extended their activation policy to new groups of non-working people, including the long-term unemployed (LTU). However, it is widely known that employers tend to regard LTU people as potentially problematic persons. This is likely to constitute a major obstacle for long-term unemployed jobseekers. On the basis of a survey among employers in a Swiss canton (N = 722), this article aims to shed light on the perception employers have of the long-term unemployed and whether this may matter for their recruitment practices. It also asks what, from the employer point of view, may facilitate access to employment for an LTU person. A key finding is that large companies have a worse image of the long-term unemployed and are less likely to hire them. Furthermore, independent of company size, a test period or the recommendation of a trustworthy person is seen as the factors most likely to facilitate access to jobs for LTU people.


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The evolution of reproductive division of labour and social life in social insects has lead to the emergence of several life-history traits and adaptations typical of larger organisms: social insect colonies can reach masses of several kilograms, they start reproducing only when they are several years old, and can live for decades. These features and the monopolization of reproduction by only one or few individuals in a colony should affect molecular evolution by reducing the effective population size. We tested this prediction by analysing genome-wide patterns of coding sequence polymorphism and divergence in eusocial vs. noneusocial insects based on newly generated RNA-seq data. We report very low amounts of genetic polymorphism and an elevated ratio of nonsynonymous to synonymous changes - a marker of the effective population size - in four distinct species of eusocial insects, which were more similar to vertebrates than to solitary insects regarding molecular evolutionary processes. Moreover, the ratio of nonsynonymous to synonymous substitutions was positively correlated with the level of social complexity across ant species. These results are fully consistent with the hypothesis of a reduced effective population size and an increased genetic load in eusocial insects, indicating that the evolution of social life has important consequences at both the genomic and population levels.


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Abstract : The female reproductive hormones estrogen, progesterone and prolactin control postnatal breast development and are important to breast carcinogenesis. The mechanisms by which they elicit proliferation and morphogenesis remain poorly understood. Using the mouse as a model to study the molecular mechanisms through which hormones elicit morphogenetic changes in the mammary gland in vivo, we found the Receptor Activator of NFκB Ligand, a Tumor Necrosis Factor family member, to be strongly induced by progesterone. Recent publications suggested that hormone dependant RANKURANK signals are involved in the terminal differentiation of mammary gland alveolar buds into lobulo-alveolar structures competent for lactation. I show that in the absence of epithelial RANKL a distinct earlier stage of mammary gland development, side branch formation, is blocked. RANKL acts as a major mediator downstream of progesterone; it is required for progesterone-induced paracrine proliferation and completely rescues the mutant phenotype when ectopically expressed in progesterone receptor (PR) KO mammary epithelia. RANKL is not required for cell autonomous division of estrogen receptor alpha (ERa) /PR positive cells. Cyclin D1, previously implicated as a mediator of RANKL, is not affected by ablation of RANKL and is not required for RANKL-induced paracrine proliferation but for the cell autonomous proliferation. Gene expression arrays to find specific RANKL downstream targets have identified Id4, ElfS and one secreted metalloprotease (Adamtsl8) as potential candidates validated by Q-RT-PCR. Interestingly, Id4 and Adamtsl8 are expressed by the myoepithelial cells. Their expression additionally coincides with RANKL mRNA expression at mid pregnancy, possibly implying a functional contribution of both genes to RANKL mediated sidebranch formation. ElfS in contrast, is found to be strongly expressed by the end of pregnancy supporting recent findings of a prolactin mediated regulation. As for RANKL, this gene was in particular induced in luminal cells. Taken together, I report that progesterone is the major proliferative stimulus in the adult mammary gland eliciting proliferation of ERaJPR positive cells by a cell autonomous, cyclin D1-dependent and a paracrine RANKL-dependent mechanism. My work moreover suggests, that RANKL acts as a major orchestrator affecting different downstream mediators, through which progesterone exerts its effects concomitantly on different cellular compartments. Résumé : Les hormones sexuelles telles que l'oestrogène, la progestérone et la prolactine contrôlent le développement postnatal du sein et sont impliquées dans la cazcinogenèse. Les mécanismes par lesquels elles induisent la prolifération et la morphogénèse demeurent incompris. En utilisant la souris comme modèle, J'ai trouvé que le ligand activateur du récepteur de NFκB, une protéine de la famille du facteur de nécrose des tumeurs, peut être fortement induit par la progestérone. Les publications récentes ont suggéré que cette protéine est nécessaire à la fin de la grossesse, quand les cellules sécrétrices du lait apparaissent. Par des techniques de transplantation d'épithélium, je montre contrairement aux études précédentes, qu'en l'absence de RANKL dans l'épithélium une partie distincte du développement mammaire, la formation de branches latérales, est bloquée. La progestérone agit de manière pazacrine par l'intermédiaire de 12ANKL pour induire la prolifération tandis que la mort cellulaire n'est pas affectée. De plus, l'injection d'une protéine recombinante RANKL dans une souris mutante pour le récepteur à la progestérone induit la prolifération des cellules épithéliales en l'absence de grossesse ; la surexpression de RANKL dans ces mêmes mutants mène à une réversion complète du phénotype. Mes expériences démontrent que la progestérone induit deux types distincts de prolifération. Un premier type direct dans laquelle les cellules positives au récepteur à la progestérone prolifèrent. Cette division cellulaire est alors indépendante de RANKL mais dépendante de la cycline D1. Le second type de prolifération est induit par un mécanisme pazacrine et dépend de RANKL mais pas de la cycline D1. Ici, les cellules négatives au récepteur à la progestérone prolifèrent. Pour détecter des gènes cibles de la voie de signalisation du RANKL, un profil d'expression des gènes a été généré. Les facteurs de transcription Id4, EIf5 et une métalloprotéase sécrétée (Adamtsl8) ont été identifiés en tant que cibles potentielles. D'autres analyses de validation démontrent qu'Id4, Adamtsl8, RANKL mais pas E1f5 sont fortement exprimés au cours de la grossesse, coïncidant avec la formation de branchements latéraux induit par progestérone. EIf5 s'est avéré être exprimé vers la fin de la grossesse appuyant des résultats récents proposant une régulation par la prolactine. Le système canalaire mammaire se compose de couches cellulaires: une couche interne de cellules luminales et une externe de cellules myoépithéliale. Les expériences génétiques d'expression ont révélé que RANKL. et E1f5 sont exprimés dans la partie luminale tandis qu'Id4 et Adamtsl8 sont dans les cellules myoépithéliales. En conclusion, je prouve que la progestérone est le stimulus principal induisant la prolifération dans la glande mammaire d'adulte. Deux mécanismes de prolifération sont impliqués: l'un direct dépendant de la cycline Dl et l'autre paracrine dépendant de RANKI.. Mon travail suggère par ailleurs que RANKL agit en tant que médiateur important, par lequel la progestérone exerce ses effets sur différents compartiments cellulaires tels que la coordination de la prolifération des cellules épithéliales avec la réorganisation de la matrice extracellulaire et de la membrane basale exigées pour la morphogénèse du système canalaire latéral.


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Oxidative stress, determined by the balance between the production of damaging reactive oxygen species (ROS) and antioxidant defences, is hypothesized to play an important role in shaping the cost of reproduction and life history trade-offs. To test this hypothesis, we manipulated reproductive effort in 94 breeding pairs of tawny owls (Strix aluco) to investigate the sex- and melanism-specific effects on markers of oxidative stress in red blood cells (RBCs). This colour polymorphic bird species shows sex-specific division of labour and melanism-specific history strategies. Brood sizes at hatching were experimentally enlarged or reduced to increase or decrease reproductive effort, respectively. We obtained an integrative measure of the oxidative balance by measuring ROS production by RBCs, intracellular antioxidant glutathione levels and membrane resistance to ROS. We found that light melanic males (the sex undertaking offspring food provisioning) produced more ROS than darker conspecifics, but only when rearing an enlarged brood. In both sexes, light melanic individuals had also a larger pool of intracellular antioxidant glutathione than darker owls under relaxed reproductive conditions (i.e. reduced brood), but not when investing substantial effort in current reproduction (enlarged brood). Finally, resistance to oxidative stress was differently affected by the brood size manipulation experiment in males and females independently of their plumage coloration. Altogether, our results support the hypothesis that reproductive effort can alter the oxidative balance in a sex- and colour-specific way. This further emphasizes the close link between melanin-based coloration and life history strategies.