200 resultados para developmental cycle


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In this study we evaluate the dynamics of the biophile element phosphorus (P) in the catchment and proglacial areas of the Rhone and Oberaar glaciers (central Switzerland). We analysed erosion and dissolution rates of P-containing minerals in the subglacial environment by sampling water and suspended sediment in glacier outlets during three ablation and two accumulation seasons. We also quantified biogeochemical weathering rates of detrital P in proglacial sedimentary deposits using two chronosequences of samples of fresh, suspended, material obtained from the Oberaar and Rhone water outlets, Little-Ice-Age (LIA) moraines and Younger Dryas (YD) tills in each catchment. Subglacial P weathering is mainly a physical process and detrital P represents more than 99%, of the precipitation-corrected total P denudation flux (234 and 540 kg km(-2) yr(-1) for the Rhone and Oberaar catchments, respectively). The calculated detrital P flux rates are three to almost five times higher than the world average flux. The precipitation-corrected soluble reactive P (SRP) flux corresponds to 1.88-1.99 kg km(-2) yr(-1) (Rhone) and 2.12-2.44 kg km(-2) yr(-1) (Oberaar), respectively. These fluxes are comparable to those of tropical rivers draining transport-limited, tectonically inactive weathering areas. In order to evaluate the efficiency of detrital P weathering in the Rhone and Oberaar proglacial areas, we systematically graded apatite grains extracted from the chronosequence in each catchment relative to weathering-induced changes in their surface morphologies (grades 1-4). Fresh apatite grains are heavily indented and dissolution rounded (grade 1). LIA grains from two 0-10 cm deep moraine samples show extensive dissolution etching, similar to surface grains from the YD profile (mean grades 2.7, 3.5 and 3.5, respectively). In these proglacial deposits, the weathering front deepens progressively as a function of time due to biocorrosion in the evolving acidic pedosphere, with mechanical indentations on grains acting as sites of preferential dissolution. We also measured iron-bound, organic and detrital P concentrations in the chronosequence and show that organic and iron-bound P has almost completely replaced detrital P in the top layers of the YD profiles. Detrital P weathering rates are calculated as 3 10 and 280 kg km(-2) yr(-1) for LIA moraines and 10 kg km(-2) yr(-1) for YD tills. During the first 300 years of glacial sediment exposure P dissolution rates are shown to be approximately 70 times higher than the mean global dissolved P flux from ice-free continents. After 11.6 kyr the flux is 2.5 times the global mean. These data strengthen the argument for substantial changes in the global dissolved P flux on glacial-interglacial timescales. A crude extrapolation from the data described here suggests that the global dissolved P flux may increase by 40-45% during the first few hundred years of a deglaciation phase


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Metacaspases (MCAs) are distant orthologues of caspases and have been proposed to play a role in programmed cell death in yeast and plants, but little is known about their function in parasitic protozoa. The MCA gene of Leishmania major (LmjMCA) is expressed in actively replicating amastigotes and procyclic promastigotes, but at a lower level in metacyclic promastigotes. LmjMCA has a punctate distribution throughout the cell in interphase cells, but becomes concentrated in the kinetoplast (mitochondrial DNA) at the time of the organelle's segregation. LmjMCA also translocates to the nucleus during mitosis, where it associates with the mitotic spindle. Overexpression of LmjMCA in promastigotes leads to a severe growth retardation and changes in ploidy, due to defects in kinetoplast segregation and nuclear division and an impairment of cytokinesis. LmjMCA null mutants could not be generated and following genetic manipulation to express LmjMCA from an episome, the only mutants that were viable were those expressing LmjMCA at physiological levels. Together these data suggest that in L. major active LmjMCA is essential for the correct segregation of the nucleus and kinetoplast, functions that could be independent of programmed cell death, and that the amount of LmjMCA is crucial. The absence of MCAs from mammals makes the enzyme a potential drug target against protozoan parasites.


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Urea cycle disorders (UCDs) are inherited disorders of ammonia detoxification often regarded as mainly of relevance to pediatricians. Based on an increasing number of case studies it has become obvious that a significant number of UCD patients are affected by their disease in a non-classical way: presenting outside the newborn period, following a mild course, presenting with unusual clinical features, or asymptomatic patients with only biochemical signs of a UCD. These patients are surviving into adolescence and adulthood, rendering this group of diseases clinically relevant to adult physicians as well as pediatricians. In preparation for an international workshop we collected data on all patients with non-classical UCDs treated by the participants in 20 European metabolic centres. Information was collected on a cohort of 208 patients 50% of which were ≥ 16 years old. The largest subgroup (121 patients) had X-linked ornithine transcarbamylase deficiency (OTCD) of whom 83 were female and 29% of these were asymptomatic. In index patients, there was a mean delay from first symptoms to diagnosis of 1.6 years. Cognitive impairment was present in 36% of all patients including female OTCD patients (in 31%) and those 41 patients identified presymptomatically following positive newborn screening (in 12%). In conclusion, UCD patients with non-classical clinical presentations require the interest and care of adult physicians and have a high risk of neurological complications. To improve the outcome of UCDs, a greater awareness by health professionals of the importance of hyperammonemia and UCDs, and ultimately avoidance of the still long delay to correctly diagnose the patients, is crucial.


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In order to study peptide growth factor action in a three-dimensional cellular environment, aggregating cell cultures prepared from 15-day fetal rat telencephalon were grown in a chemically defined medium and treated during an early developmental stage with either bovine fibroblast growth factor (bFGF) or platelet-derived growth factor (PDGF homodimers AA and BB). A single dose (5-50 ng/ml) of either growth factor given to the cultures on day 3 greatly enhanced the developmental increase of the two glia-specific enzyme activities, 2',3'-cyclic nucleotide 3'-phosphohydrolase (CNP) and glutamine synthetase (GS), whereas it had relatively little effect on total protein and DNA content. Distinct patterns of dose-dependency were found for CNP and GS stimulation. At low concentrations of bFGF (0.5-5 ng/ml) and at all PDGF concentrations applied, the oligodendroglial marker enzyme CNP was the most affected. A relatively small but significant mitogenic effect was observed after treatment with PDGF, particularly at higher concentrations or after repetitive stimulation. The two PDGF homodimers AA and BB were similar in their biological effects and potency. The present results show that under histotypic conditions both growth factors, bFGF and PDGF, promote the maturation rather than the proliferation of immature oligodendrocytes and astrocytes.


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Parasites use resources from their hosts, which can indirectly affect a number of host functions because of trade-offs in resource allocation. In order to get a comprehensive view of the costs imposed by blood sucking parasites to their hosts, it is important to monitor multiple components of the development and physiology of parasitized hosts over long time periods. The effect of infestation by fleas on body mass, body length growth, haematocrit, resistance to oxidative stress, resting metabolic rate and humoral immune response were experimentally evaluated. During a 3-month period, male common voles, Microtus arvalis, were either parasitized by rat fleas (Nosopsyllus fasciatus), which are naturally occurring generalist ectoparasites of voles, or reared without fleas. Then voles were challenged twice by injecting Keyhole Limpet Haemocyanin (KLH) to assess whether the presence of fleas affects the ability of voles to produce antibodies against a novel antigen. During the immune challenge we measured the evolution of body mass, haematocrit, resistance to oxidative stress and antibody production. Flea infestation negatively influenced the growth of voles. Moreover, parasitized voles had reduced haematocrit, higher resting metabolic rate and lower production of antibodies against the KLH. Resistance to oxidative stress was not influenced by the presence of fleas. During the immune challenge with KLH, body mass decreased in both groups, while the resistance to oxidative stress remained stable. In contrast, the haematocrit decreased only in parasitized voles. Our experiment shows that infestation by a haematophageous parasite negatively affects multiple traits like growth, energy consumption and immune response. Fleas may severely reduce the survival probability and reproductive success of their host in natural conditions.


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Plants are sessile and photo-autotrophic; their entire life cycle is thus strongly influenced by the ever-changing light environment. In order to sense and respond to those fluctuating conditions higher plants possess several families of photoreceptors that can monitor light from UV-B to the near infrared (far-red). The molecular nature of UV-B sensors remains unknown, red (R) and far-red (FR) light is sensed by the phytochromes (phyA-phyE in Arabidopsis) while three classes of UV-A/blue photoreceptors have been identified: cryptochromes, phototropins, and members of the Zeitlupe family (cry1, cry2, phot1, phot2, ZTL, FKF1, and LKP2 in Arabidopsis). Functional specialization within photoreceptor families gave rise to members optimized for a wide range of light intensities. Genetic and photobiological studies performed in Arabidopsis have shown that these light sensors mediate numerous adaptive responses (e.g., phototropism and shade avoidance) and developmental transitions (e.g., germination and flowering). Some physiological responses are specifically triggered by a single photoreceptor but in many cases multiple light sensors ensure a coordinated response. Recent studies also provide examples of crosstalk between the responses of Arabidopsis to different external factors, in particular among light, temperature, and pathogens. Although the different photoreceptors are unrelated in structure, in many cases they trigger similar signaling mechanisms including light-regulated protein-protein interactions or light-regulated stability of several transcription factors. The breath and complexity of this topic forced us to concentrate on specific aspects of photomorphogenesis and we point the readers to recent reviews for some aspects of light-mediated signaling (e.g., transition to flowering).


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Inhibition of PKB (protein kinase B) activity using a highly selective PKB inhibitor resulted in inhibition of cell cycle progression only if cells were in early G1 phase at the time of addition of the inhibitor, as demonstrated by time-lapse cinematography. Addition of the inhibitor during mitosis up to 2 h after mitosis resulted in arrest of the cells in early G1 phase, as deduced from the expression of cyclins D and A and incorporation of thymidine. After 24 h of cell cycle arrest, cells expressed the cleaved caspase-3, a central mediator of apoptosis. These results demonstrate that PKB activity in early G1 phase is required to prevent the induction of apoptosis. Using antibodies, it was demonstrated that active PKB translocates to the nucleus during early G1 phase, while an even distribution of PKB was observed through cytoplasm and nucleus during the end of G1 phase.


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Serum-free aggregating cell cultures of fetal rat telencephalon grown in the presence of 3 ng/ml (5 X 10(-10) M) epidermal growth factor (EGF) until day 12 showed 2- to 3-fold increased activities in the two glial enzymes, glutamine synthetase (GLU-S) and 2',3'-cyclic nucleotide 3'-phosphohydrolase (CNPase). This effect was concentration-dependent, with maximal stimulation in cultures treated daily with 3 ng/ml EGF. Addition of EGF during the first 10 culture days was sufficient to produce a maximal stimulation of both GLU-S and CNPase on day 19, whereas treatments starting on day 12 were ineffective. The stimulation of GLU-S preceded that of CNPase. The EGF-induced increase in GLU-S activity was not directly dependent on the presence of insulin, triiodothyronine, or hydrocortisone in the medium, whereas insulin was required for the stimulation of CNPase. A single dose of 5 ng/ml EGF on day 2 caused a slight but significant decrease in DNA synthesis after day 6. The present results indicate that in serum-free aggregating cell cultures of fetal rat telencephalon EGF partially inhibits DNA synthesis, and stimulates an early step in glial differentiation.


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Circadian cycles and cell cycles are two fundamental periodic processes with a period in the range of 1 day. Consequently, coupling between such cycles can lead to synchronization. Here, we estimated the mutual interactions between the two oscillators by time-lapse imaging of single mammalian NIH3T3 fibroblasts during several days. The analysis of thousands of circadian cycles in dividing cells clearly indicated that both oscillators tick in a 1:1 mode-locked state, with cell divisions occurring tightly 5 h before the peak in circadian Rev-Erbα-YFP reporter expression. In principle, such synchrony may be caused by either unidirectional or bidirectional coupling. While gating of cell division by the circadian cycle has been most studied, our data combined with stochastic modeling unambiguously show that the reverse coupling is predominant in NIH3T3 cells. Moreover, temperature, genetic, and pharmacological perturbations showed that the two interacting cellular oscillators adopt a synchronized state that is highly robust over a wide range of parameters. These findings have implications for circadian function in proliferative tissues, including epidermis, immune cells, and cancer.


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In the context of Systems Biology, computer simulations of gene regulatory networks provide a powerful tool to validate hypotheses and to explore possible system behaviors. Nevertheless, modeling a system poses some challenges of its own: especially the step of model calibration is often difficult due to insufficient data. For example when considering developmental systems, mostly qualitative data describing the developmental trajectory is available while common calibration techniques rely on high-resolution quantitative data. Focusing on the calibration of differential equation models for developmental systems, this study investigates different approaches to utilize the available data to overcome these difficulties. More specifically, the fact that developmental processes are hierarchically organized is exploited to increase convergence rates of the calibration process as well as to save computation time. Using a gene regulatory network model for stem cell homeostasis in Arabidopsis thaliana the performance of the different investigated approaches is evaluated, documenting considerable gains provided by the proposed hierarchical approach.


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The 2q3 duplication and 4q3 deletion syndromes are two conditions with variable phenotypes including Pierre-Robin sequence (PRS), limb anomalies, congenital heart defects (CHD), developmental delays and intellectual disabilities. We describe a patient born to a mother with a balanced t(2; 4) translocation who combines both a 2q34-qter duplication and a 4q34.2-qter deletion through inheritance of the derivative chromosome 4 (der(4)). He showed developmental delay, growth retardation, hearing problems, minor facial and non-facial anomalies, such as bilateral fifth finger shortness and clinodactyly, but no PRS or CHD. The comparison of his features with those of 46 and 65 published cases of 2q3 duplication and 4q3 deletion, respectively, allows us to further restrict the size of the proposed critical intervals for PRS and CHD on chromosome 4.


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BACKGROUND: Developmental venous anomaly (DVA) is considered a benign and asymptomatic cerebrovascular malformation, and only isolated cases of symptomatic DVAs are described in the literature. Even more rarely will these symptoms come from an intraparenchymal hemorrhage caused by the DVA. METHODS AND RESULTS: We present two symptomatic DVAs by intracerebellar hemorrhage. CONCLUSION: The diagnostic steps regarding the pathophysiology of DVA hemorrhage and the treatment options are discussed.