216 resultados para anti-cyclic citrullinated peptide antibodies
PURPOSE: Pancreatic carcinoma is highly resistant to therapy. Epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR) and HER2 have been reported to be both dysregulated in this cancer. To evaluate the in vivo effect of binding both EGFR and HER2 with two therapeutic humanized monoclonal antibodies (mAb), we treated human pancreatic carcinoma xenografts, expressing high EGFR and low HER2 levels. EXPERIMENTAL DESIGN: Nude mice, bearing xenografts of BxPC-3 or MiaPaCa-2 human pancreatic carcinoma cell lines, were injected twice weekly for 4 weeks with different doses of anti-EGFR (matuzumab) and anti-HER2 (trastuzumab) mAbs either alone or in combination. The effect of the two mAbs, on HER receptor phosphorylation, was also studied in vitro by Western blot analysis. RESULTS: The combined mAb treatment significantly inhibited tumor progression of the BxPC-3 xenografts compared with single mAb injection (P = 0.006) or no treatment (P = 0.0004) and specifically induced some complete remissions. The two mAbs had more antitumor effect than 4-fold greater doses of each mAb. The significant synergistic effect of the two mAbs was confirmed on the MiaPaCa-2 xenograft and on another type of carcinoma, SK-OV-3 ovarian carcinoma xenografts. In vitro, the cooperative effect of the two mAbs was associated with a decrease in EGFR and HER2 receptor phosphorylation. CONCLUSIONS: Anti-HER2 mAb has a synergistic therapeutic effect when combined with an anti-EGFR mAb on pancreatic carcinomas with low HER2 expression. These observations may open the way to the use of these two mAbs in a large panel of carcinomas expressing different levels of the two HER receptors.
Résumé Valeur prédictive des anticorps dirigés contre le cytoplasme des neutrophiles (ANCA) dans les vasculites des vaisseaux de petit calibre But du travail : Les vasculites sont des pathologies le plus souvent sévères et parfois létales ; elles nécessitent une reconnaissance et un traitement précoces. Il est donc utile de pouvoir disposer de marqueurs diagnostiques, et éventuellement de marqueurs qui puissent prédire l'activité de la maladie. Les « antineutrophil cytoplasm antibodies » (ANCA) constituent une famille d'autoanticorps dirigés contre des antigènes du cytoplasme des neutrophiles, cellules clés du processus inflammatoire au cours des vasculites. De nombreuses études ont tenté de préciser l'utilité des ANCA dans le diagnostic et le suivi des vasculites avec des résultats contradictoires. Le but de ce travail a été de passer en revue l'évolution clinique des patients suivis dans notre service pour une vasculite à ANCA et évaluer la valeur prédictive des ANCA comme marqueur de récidive. Méthode: Les dossiers médicaux de 36 patients, suivis à notre consultation ambulatoire d'immunologie et allergie du CHUV pour une vasculite à ANCA entre janvier 1990 et décembre 2001, ont été analysés de manière rétrospective afin d'établir une base de données. Les données démographiques, le type de vasculite (granulomatose de Wegener ou polyangéite microscopique) et ses caractéristiques (organes touchés), les traitements reçus, les dosages des ANCA (par immunofluorescence et par ELISA avec détermination des anti-PR3 et/ou anti-MPO), et l'évolution clinique (récidive/rémission) ont été considérés. La valeur pronostique des ANCA dans notre population a été calculée utilisant les valeurs prédictives positive et négative, la likelihood et les odds ratios. La valeur statistique a été examinée par les tests Chi-square test ou Fisher's exact test (valeur significative définie comme p <0.05) à l'aide du programme GraphPad Instat software version 3, San Diego, CA. Résultats : Vingt-trois patients atteints d'une maladie de Wegener et treize d'une polyangéite microscopique ont été suivis pour une durée médiane de cinq ans (entre 1 mois et 16 ans). La plupart des patients ont été traités avec des corticostéroïdes associés à du cyclophosphamide. Une rémission a été obtenue chez 21 patients (91 %) atteints d'une maladie de Wegener, mais 74% ont présenté par la suite une récidive. Tous les patients atteints d'une polyangéite microscopique sont entrés en rémission et 33% ont par la suite récidivé. Une élévation persistante (définie comme supérieure à 6 mois) des ANCA ne s'est pas révélée associée à un risque statistiquement significatif de récidive (p=0.14). En revanche, une élévation soudaine du taux des ANCA s'est démontrée prédictive d'une récidive (table 3). Conclusion : Durant le suivi de certaines vasculites, comme la granulomatose de Wegener et la polyangéite microscopique une élévation des ANCA doit faire redouter une exacerbation de la maladie et, par conséquent, justifie une surveillance accrue.
In transplant rejection, graft versus host or autoimmune diseases T cells are mediating the pathophysiological processes. Compared to unspecific pharmacological immune suppression specific inhibition of those T cells, that are involved in the disease, would be an alternative and attractive approach. T cells are activated after their T cell receptor (TCR) recognizes an antigenic peptide displayed by the Major Histocompatibility Complex (MHC). Molecules that interact with MHC-peptide-complexes in a specific fashion should block T cells with identical specificity. Using the model of the SSX2 (103-111)/HLA-A*0201 complex we investigated a panel of MHC-peptide-specific Fab antibodies for their capacity blocking specific T cell clones. Like TCRs all Fab antibodies reacted with the MHC complex only when the SSX2 (103-111) peptide was displayed. By introducing single amino acid mutations in the HLA-A*0201 heavy chain we identified the K66 residue as the most critical binding similar to that of TCRs. However, some Fab antibodies did not inhibit the reactivity of a specific T cell clone against peptide pulsed, artificial targets, nor cells displaying the peptide after endogenous processing. Measurements of binding kinetics revealed that only those Fab antibodies were capable of blocking T cells that interacted with an affinity in the nanomolar range. Fab antibodies binding like TCRs with affinities on the lower micromolar range did not inhibit T cell reactivity. These results indicate that molecules that block T cells by competitive binding with the TCR must have the same specificity but higher affinity for the MHC-peptide-complex than the TCR.
Generation of tumor-antigen specific CD4(+) T-helper (T(H)) lines through in vitro priming is of interest for adoptive cell therapy of cancer, but the development of this approach has been limited by the lack of appropriate tools to identify and isolate low frequency tumor antigen-specific CD4(+) T cells. Here, we have used recently developed MHC class II/peptide tetramers incorporating an immunodominant peptide from NY-ESO-1 (ESO), a tumor antigen frequently expressed in different human solid and hematologic cancers, to implement an in vitro priming platform allowing the generation of ESO-specific T(H) lines. We isolated phenotypically defined CD4(+) T-cell subpopulations from circulating lymphocytes of DR52b(+) healthy donors by flow cytometry cell sorting and stimulated them in vitro with peptide ESO(119-143), autologous APC and IL-2. We assessed the frequency of ESO-specific cells in the cultures by staining with DR52b/ESO(119-143) tetramers (ESO-tetramers) and TCR repertoire of ESO-tetramer(+) cells by co-staining with TCR variable β chain (BV) specific antibodies. We isolated ESO-tetramer(+) cells by flow cytometry cell sorting and expanded them with PHA, APC and IL-2 to generate ESO-specific T(H) lines. We characterized the lines for antigen recognition, by stimulation with ESO peptide or recombinant protein, cytokine production, by intracellular staining using specific antibodies, and alloreactivity, by stimulation with allo-APC. Using this approach, we could consistently generate ESO-tetramer(+) T(H) lines from conventional CD4(+)CD25(-) naïve and central memory populations, but not from effector memory populations or CD4(+)CD25(+) Treg. In vitro primed T(H) lines recognized ESO with affinities comparable to ESO-tetramer(+) cells from patients immunized with an ESO vaccine and used a similar TCR repertoire. In this study, using MHC class II/ESO tetramers, we have implemented an in vitro priming platform allowing the generation of ESO-monospecific polyclonal T(H) lines from non-immune individuals. This is an approach that is of potential interest for adoptive cell therapy of patients bearing ESO-expressing cancers.
Anti-neuronal antibodies are implicated in various neurological syndromes that are sometimes associated with tumors. Depending on the antigenic target (nuclear, cytoplasmic or extracellular cell-surface or synaptic) the clinical presentation is different. In neurological syndromes associated with antibodies specific for intracellular antigens, the T-cell mediated immunological response predominates as pathogenic effector and the response to treatment is typically poor. In contrast, in syndromes related to antibodies against extracellular targets, the role of the antibodies is pathogenic and the neurological syndrome often responds better to immunomodulatory treatment, associated or not with an anti-tumoral treatment. We review the spectrum of anti-neuronal antibodies and their corresponding clinical and therapeutic characteristics.
The reactivity spectrum of five different monoclonal anti-melanoma antibodies cross-reacting with gliomas and neuroblastomas and one monoclonal anti-glioma antibody cross-reacting with melanomas and neuroblastomas was investigated. Comparison of the binding activity of these monoclonal antibodies for 11 melanoma, seven glioma, and three neuroblastoma cell lines showed that each of these clones had a different pattern of cross-reactivity. The results indicated that the antigenic determinants detected by these antibodies were not associated with the same antigen and thus suggested the existence of at least six different antigens common to melanomas, gliomas, and neuroblastomas. Since all these tumors are known to derive from cells originating embryologically from the neural crest, it can be assumed that the antigens recognized by our monoclonal antibodies are neuroectodermal differentiation antigens. However, absorption with fetal brain homogenates abolished only the binding of monoclonal anti-glioma antibody, but did not modify the binding of monoclonal anti-melanoma antibodies.
Résumé : Les anticorps monoclonaux ont une place de plus en plus prépondérante dans le traitement des lymphomes et leucémies. Dans cette étude, trois anticorps monoclonaux murins, dirigés contre les antigènes CDS, CD71 et HLA-DR exprimés à la surface des cellules de leucémies lymphoïdes chroniques (LLC), ont été évalués. In vitro, les anticorps radiomarqués ont montrés des bonnes liaisons spécifiques sur les différentes cellules cibles. L'anti-CD71 inhibait la prolifération de la plupart des lignées cellulaires testées avec une accumulation des cellules en phase S précoce du cycle cellulaire. L'anti-HLA-DR inhibait aussi la prolifération des lignées leucémique JOK1-5.3 et lymphoïde Daudi. Cette inhibition était associée à une agrégation des cellules. Aucune induction d'apoptose n'a pu être clairement observée avec ces anticorps. L'anti-CD5 n'a montré aucun effet d'inhibition de croissance in vitro. In vivo, l'injection des anticorps individuellement augmentait significativement la survie médiane de souris SCID greffées avec des cellules JOK1-5.3 en i.p. De plus, l'anticorps antiCD5 combiné à l'anti-HLA-DR ou l'anti-CD71, sous certaines conditions, inhibait complètement le développement tumoral dans la quasi totalité des souris traitées avec une augmentation significative de l'efficacité comparée aux anticorps seuls. L'augmentation de l'efficacité thérapeutique des anticorps monoclonaux par les cytokines, dont l'IL-2, a déjà été montrée dans la littérature. Au regard du meilleur comportement de l'IL-2 sous la forme complexée à un anticorps anti-IL-2, nous avons évalué l'efficacité de l'IL-2/anti-IL-2 seul ou combinés au rituximab chez différents modèles tumoraux s.c. (BL60.2, Daudi, Ramos) ou i.p. (JOK15.3) de souris SCID. Le complexe IL-2/anti-IL-2 a montré un effet anti-tumoral dans les souris greffées avec BL60.2 et Daudi. Le traitement IL-2/anti-IL-2 combiné au rituximab a montré une efficacité accrue chez des souris avec BL60.2 par rapport au rituximab seul. En revanche, nous n'avons pas observé de différence avec IL-2/anti-IL-2 seul.Aussi, nous avons évalué l'utilisation de l'agent couplant tri-fonctionnel TMEA pour produire des anticorps bispecifiques. Les expériences préliminaires avec les anticorps rituximab et herceptine, ont mis en évidence sur gel SDS-Page la formation de dimers (~100kDa) et de trimers (~150kDa). Les anticorps bispecifiques sont composés d'un fragment Fab' d'une spécificité et de un ou deux fragments Fab' de l'autre spécificité permettant de moduler la capacité de liaison. Nous avons enfin montré qu'une construction anti-CD5/anti-CD20 était capable de se lier indépendamment ou simultanément à ses antigènes cibles. En conclusion, ce travail a montré l'efficacité thérapeutique des trois anticorps monoclonaux étudiés dans un model de LLC in vivo, et plus particulièrement l'intérêt de certaines combinaisons. D'autre part, nous avons montré l'efficacité anti-tumorale du complexe IL-2/anti-IL-2 in vivo. Des études futures devront permettre de définir un régime favorable pour augmenter l'efficacité de la thérapie avec les anticorps monoclonaux. Enfin, nous avons montré la faisabilité d'utiliser l'agent couplant TMEA pour produire des anticorps bispécifiques fonctionnels.Abstract : Monoclonal antibody (mAb) therapy has become an integral part in different treatments of lymphomas and leukaemias. In this study, we describe three murine mAbs directed against the CD5, CD71 and HLA-DR antigens expressed on chronic lymphocytic leukaemia cells (CLL). In vitro, radiolabeled purified mAbs showed good specific binding on live target cells. Anti-CD71 mAb inhibited proliferation of most cell lines with an accumulation of responding cells in early S-phase of the cell cycle, but without induction of apoptosis. Anti-HLA-DR mAb showed proliferation inhibition of leukaemia JOK1-5.3 and lymphoid Daudi cells, associated with cell aggregation, but again no specific sign of apoptosis was observed. Anti-CD5 mAb did not show any growth inhibitory effect in vitro. In vivo, in a model of SCID mice grafted i.p. with JOK1-5.3 cells, injection of individual mAbs induced significant prolongation of median survival, up to complete inhibition of tumour growth in some mice. Antibody combination of anti-CD5 with anti-HLA-DR or anti-CD71, evaluated in an early treatment, completely inhibited tumour growth in most mice, with a significant efficacy enhancement as compared to mAb used as single agents. Previous reports described the improved efficacy of mAb therapy when combined with cytokines such as IL-2. Relying further on the improved efficacy of IL-2 when administered as an immune complex with anti-IL-2 mAb, we evaluated the anti-tumour effect of the IL-2/anti-IL-2 complex alone or combined with rituximab in subcutaneous (BL60.2, Daudi, Ramos) or i.p. (JOK1-5.3) tumour models in SCID mice. The IL-2/anti-IL-2 complex demonstrated an anti-tumour effect in BL60.2 and Daudi grafted SCID mice. Combination of IL-2/anti-IL-2 treatment with rituximab showed increased efficacy as compared to rituximab alone in BL60.2 grafted mice. However, no difference was observed with IL-2/anti-IL-2 complex alone in these experiments. Finally, we evaluated the feasibility of producing bispecific antibodies (bsAbs) using a trifunctional coupling agent, called TMEA. In preliminary experiments coupling rituximab with herceptine Fab' fragments we obtained the formation of dimers (~100kDa) and trimers (~150kDa) as observed on SDS-Page gel. This method allowed us to produce bsAb with one Fab' fragments of one specificity and one or two Fab' fragments of the second specificity. An anti-CD5/anti-CD20 bsAb was shown to bind targeted antigen either independently or simultaneously. In conclusion, these data show that the three mAbs were all able to induce significant growth inhibition of the JOK1-5.3 cell line in vivo, and efficacy was enhanced when used in combination. IL2/anti-IL-2 complex displayed anti-tumour efficacy in vivo. Further evaluation is necessary to define the most favourable combination to improve mAb therapy. BsAb were produced using the tri-functional agent allowing antibody fragments with relatively good binding. The poor yield obtained with such chemical couplings limited the use of these constructs in preclinical experiments.
Development of ectodermal appendages, such as hair, teeth, sweat glands, sebaceous glands, and mammary glands, requires the action of the TNF family ligand ectodysplasin A (EDA). Mutations of the X-linked EDA gene cause reduction or absence of many ectodermal appendages and have been identified as a cause of ectodermal dysplasia in humans, mice, dogs, and cattle. We have generated blocking antibodies, raised in Eda-deficient mice, against the conserved, receptor-binding domain of EDA. These antibodies recognize epitopes overlapping the receptor-binding site and prevent EDA from binding and activating EDAR at close to stoichiometric ratios in in vitro binding and activity assays. The antibodies block EDA1 and EDA2 of both mammalian and avian origin and, in vivo, suppress the ability of recombinant Fc-EDA1 to rescue ectodermal dysplasia in Eda-deficient Tabby mice. Moreover, administration of EDA blocking antibodies to pregnant wild type mice induced in developing wild type fetuses a marked and permanent ectodermal dysplasia. These function-blocking anti-EDA antibodies with wide cross-species reactivity will enable study of the developmental and postdevelopmental roles of EDA in a variety of organisms and open the route to therapeutic intervention in conditions in which EDA may be implicated.
A mixture of 3 MAbs directed against 3 different CEA epitopes was radiolabelled with 131I and used for the treatment of a human colon carcinoma transplanted s.c. into nude mice. Intact MAbs and F(ab')2 fragments were mixed because it had been shown by autoradiography that these 2 antibody forms can penetrate into different areas of the tumor nodule. Ten days after transplantation of colon tumor T380 a single dose of 600 microCi of 131I MAbs was injected i.v. The tumor grafts were well established (as evidenced by exponential growth in untreated mice) and their size continued to increase up to 6 days after radiolabelled antibody injection. Tumor shrinking was then observed lasting for 4-12 weeks. In a control group injected with 600 microCi of 131I coupled to irrelevant monoclonal IgG, tumor growth was delayed, but no regression was observed. Tumors of mice injected with the corresponding amount of unlabelled antibodies grew like those of untreated mice. Based on measurements of the effective whole-body half-life of injected 131I, the mean radiation dose received by the animals was calculated to be 382 rads for the antibody group and 478 rads for the normal IgG controls. The genetically immunodeficient animals exhibited no increase in mortality, and only limited bone-marrow toxicity was observed. Direct measurement of radioactivity in mice dissected 1, 3 and 7 days after 131I-MAb injection showed that 25, 7.2 and 2.2% of injected dose were recovered per gram of tumor, the mean radiation dose delivered to the tumor being thus more than 5,000 rads. These experiments show that therapeutic doses of radioactivity can be selectively directed to human colon carcinoma by i.v. injection of 131I-labelled anti-CEA MAbs.
The concept of antibody-mediated targeting of antigenic MHC/peptide complexes on tumor cells in order to sensitize them to T-lymphocyte cytotoxicity represents an attractive new immunotherapy strategy. In vitro experiments have shown that an antibody chemically conjugated or fused to monomeric MHC/peptide can be oligomerized on the surface of tumor cells, rendering them susceptible to efficient lysis by MHC-peptide restricted specific T-cell clones. However, this strategy has not yet been tested entirely in vivo in immunocompetent animals. To this aim, we took advantage of OT-1 mice which have a transgenic T-cell receptor specific for the ovalbumin (ova) immunodominant peptide (257-264) expressed in the context of the MHC class I H-2K(b). We prepared and characterized conjugates between the Fab' fragment from a high-affinity monoclonal antibody to carcinoembryonic antigen (CEA) and the H-2K(b) /ova peptide complex. First, we showed in OT-1 mice that the grafting and growth of a syngeneic colon carcinoma line transfected with CEA could be specifically inhibited by systemic injections of the conjugate. Next, using CEA transgenic C57BL/6 mice adoptively transferred with OT-1 spleen cells and immunized with ovalbumin, we demonstrated that systemic injections of the anti-CEA-H-2K(b) /ova conjugate could induce specific growth inhibition and regression of well-established, palpable subcutaneous grafts from the syngeneic CEA-transfected colon carcinoma line. These results, obtained in a well-characterized syngeneic carcinoma model, demonstrate that the antibody-MHC/peptide strategy can function in vivo. Further preclinical experimental studies, using an anti-viral T-cell response, will be performed before this new form of immunotherapy can be considered for clinical use.
During one week, beginning 18 days after transplantation, nude mice bearing human colon carcinoma ranging from 115 to 943 mm3 (mean 335 mm3) were treated by repeated intravenous injections of either iodine-131-(131I) labeled intact antibodies or 131I-labeled corresponding F(ab')2 fragments of a pool of four monoclonal antibodies (MAbs) directed against distinct epitopes of carcinoembryonic antigen (CEA). Complete tumor remission was observed in 8 of 10 mice after therapy with F(ab')2 and 6 of the animals survived 10 mo in good health. In contrast, after treatment with intact MAbs, tumors relapsed in 7 of 8 mice after remission periods of 1 to 3.5 mo despite the fact that body weight loss and depression of peripheral white blood cells, symptoms of radiation toxicity, and the calculated radiation doses for liver, spleen, bone, and blood were increased or equal in these animals as compared to mice treated with F(ab')2.
Rapport de synthèseObjectifsLe retard de croissance intrautérin (RCIU) est un problème affectant 10% des grossesses et est associé à une morbidité périnatale importante. Dans environ 80% des cas, une étiologie ou un facteur de risque majeur peuvent être identifiés. Mais près de 20% des cas sont considérés comme inexpliqués. La heat shock protéine 60kDa (HSP60) est une protéine fortement immunogène dont la synthèse est considérablement augmentée lors de conditions non- physiologiques. Les HSP60 humaines et bactériennes partagent un haut degré d'homologie de séquence ce qui peut engendrer une maladie auto-immune à la suite d'une infection bactérienne. Nous avons supposé que les RCIU inexpliqués pourraient être la conséquence d'une sensibilisation à l'HSP60 humaine.MéthodesLes RCIU inexpliqués ont été identifiés par mesure échographique avec un doppler normal, sans anomalies décelables chez la mère ou le foetus. Les sera foetaux ont été obtenus par cordocentèse, effectuée lors d'analyse du caryotype en cas de RCIU inexpliqué (groupe d'étude) ou pour le dépistage d'une incompatibilité Rhésus (groupe témoin). Ils ont été testés pour l'antigène HSP60 et les IgG et IgM anti-HSP60 par ELISA ainsi que pour d'autres paramètres immunitaires et hématologiques.RésultatsLes paramètres maternels sont similaires entre les 12 cas du groupe d'étude et les 23 cas du groupe contrôle. L'âge gestationnel moyen lors de la cordocentèse est de 29 semaines. Les IgM anti-HSP60 sont détectés dans 12 cas d'étude (100%) mais dans aucun cas contrôle (p <0,00017), les IgG anti-HSP60 dans 7 cas d'étude (58%) et un seul dans le groupe contrôle (p <0,001). Trois des quatre cas avec les taux d'IgM les plus élevés sont décédés. Il n'y a pas de différences entre les deux groupes quant aux taux d'antigène HSP60 ou d'autres marqueurs immunologiques ou hématologiques.ConclusionLes foetus avec un RCIU inexpliqué expriment un taux élevé d'anticorps IgM et IgG contre l'HSP60 humaine et le taux d'IgM est un facteur prédictif de la mortalité foetale. La détection de ces anticorps indique qu'une perturbation placentaire et une réaction auto-immune foetale liée à l'HSP60 sont associées à ce retard de développement chez le foetus.
Clinical use of antibiotics is based on their capacity to inhibit bacterial growth via bacteriostatic or bacteriocidal effects. In this article, we show that the aminoglycoside antibiotic neomycin, the cyclic lipopeptide antibiotic polymyxin B, and the cyclic peptide antibiotics gramicidin and tyrothricin can induce IL-1β secretion in bone marrow dendritic cells and macrophages. LPS priming was required to trigger the transcription and translation of pro-IL-1β but was independent of TNFR or IL-1R signaling. All four antibiotics required the NLRP3 inflammasome, the adaptor ASC, and caspase-1 activation to secrete IL-1β, a process that depended on potassium efflux but was independent of P2X7 receptor. All four antibiotics induced neutrophil influx into the peritoneal cavity of mice, which required NLRP3 only in the case of polymyxin B. Together, certain antibiotics have the potential to directly activate innate immunity of the host.