176 resultados para antagonist processes


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Résumé Alors que le système nerveux sympathique a un rôle bien établi dans la régulation de la pression artérielle, l'influence de la fonction ou dysfonction du système parasympathique sur la pression artérielle n'est pas évidente, en particulier à long terme. Nous avons testé l'hypothèse que l'inhibition chronique du système parasympathique a un effet persistant sur la pression artérielle (PA), la fréquence cardiaque (FC) et la variabilité de la pression artérielle (VPA). Des rats de type Sprague Dawley ont été instrumentés pour monitoring de la pression artérielle 22h par jour par télémétrie et abrités dans des cages métaboliques. Après guérison de l'intervention et après une période contrôle de référence, de la scopolamine methyl bromide (SMB), un antagoniste muscarinique périphérique, a été perfusé i.v. pendant 12 jours. Le tout fut suivi d'une période de récupération de 10 jours. La SMB a entraîné une augmentation rapide de la PA de 98±2 mmHg à un maximum de 108±2 mmHg le deuxième jour de perfusion de la SMB puis la PA s'est stabilisée à une valeur plateau de +3±1 mmHg au dessus de la valeur contrôle (P < 0.05). Après l'arrêt de la perfusion de SMB, la PA moyenne a diminué de 6±1 mmHg. La FC a augmenté immédiatement et est restée significativement au dessus de la valeur contrôle le dernier jour de 1a perfusion de SMB. La SMB a également induit une diminution de la variabilité à court terme de la FC (au sein d'intervalles de 30 minutes et une augmentation de la variabilité à court terme et à long terme (entre intervalles de 30 minutes) de la PA. Ces données suggèrent que l'inhibition muscarinique périphérique chronique conduit à une augmentation modeste mais persistante de la PA, FC et VPA, qui sont des facteurs de risque cardiovasculaires connus.


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Evolutionary processes acting at the expanding margins of a species' range are still poorly understood. Genetic drift is considered prevalent in marginal populations, and the maintenance of genetic diversity during recolonization might seem puzzling. To investigate such processes, a fine-scale investigation of 219 individuals was performed within a population of Biscutella laevigata (Brassicaceae), located at the leading edge of its range. The survey used amplified fragment length polymorphisms (AFLPs). As commonly reported across the whole species distribution range, individual density and genetic diversity decreased along the local axis of recolonization of this expanding population, highlighting the enduring effect of the historical colonization on present-day diversity. The self-incompatibility system of the plant may have prevented local inbreeding in newly found patches and sustained genetic diversity by ensuring gene flow from established populations. Within the more continuously populated region, spatial analysis of genetic structure revealed restricted gene flow among individuals. The distribution of genotypes formed a mosaic of relatively homogenous patches within the continuous population. This pattern could be explained by a history of expansion by long-distance dispersal followed by fine-scale diffusion (that is, a stratified dispersal combination). The secondary contact among expanding patches apparently led to admixture among differentiated genotypes where they met (that is, a reshuffling effect). This type of dynamics could explain the maintenance of genetic diversity during recolonization.


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RÉSUMÉ Une espèce est rarement composée d'une population unique. Parce que les individus ont des capacités de dispersion limitées et que les paysages sont des mosaïques d'habitats, la plupart des espèces sont plutôt composées de sous-populations connectées par la migration. Cette variation spatiale influence directement la distribution de la variabilité génétique dans et entre les populations. Durant ce travail, nous avons abordé certains des processus populationnels qui ont joué un rôle supposé dans l'apparition de nouvelles espèces au sein du genre Trochulus. Plus précisément, nous avons tenté d'évaluer les impacts respectifs de l'isolement passé (facteurs historiques) et présent (facteurs locaux). Nous avons d'abord pu montrer que les faibles capacités de dispersion des escargots terrestres ont directement influencé leur histoire évolutive à toutes les échelles spatiales et temporelles. En réduisant l'effet homogénéisant de la migration, une faible dispersion maintient dans les populations les traces génétiques d'évènements passés. A l'échelle de la distribution globale de Trochulus villosus, ces traces ont permis de reconstruire une histoire faite d'isolements et d'expansions de populations. En combinant des données génétiques avec une modélisation de la niche climatique passée, il a été possible de proposer un scénario significativement meilleur que toutes les hypothèses alternatives que nous avons testées. A l'échelle locale par contre, l'héritage historique est difficile à distinguer de la dynamique actuelle. Ce fut le cas des lignées mitochondriales du complexe sericeus-hispidus : les deux principales lignées étaient phylogénétiquement éloignées, avaient eu des démographies passées différentes et corrélaient avec des différences morphologiques. D'un autre côté, le flux de gène nucléaire était fort, contredisant l'idée de deux espèces cryptiques isolées reproductivement. Pour pouvoir conclure à la présence ou non de deux espèces, il nous a manqué des informations locales sur la dynamique des populations et les conditions écologiques que l'on trouve dans la région d'étude. Enfin, nous avons pu souligner que la connectivité entre populations d'escargots est soumise à la qualité des habitats et à leur organisation spatiale. Les escargots sont dépendants d'un habitat et s'y adaptent, comme l'indiquent la présence de «poils » uniquement sur la coquille d'espèces vivant dans des habitats humides ou la corrélation entre morphologie et habitat au sein du complexe sericeus-hispidus. Logiquement donc, les escargots migrent préférentiellement au travers d'habitats favorables comme l'a montré la réduction de flux de gènes au travers des prairies chez T. villosus (une espèce forestière). De ces données, nous pouvons supposer que les populations d'escargots en particulier, et des espèces à faible dispersion en général, ont de fortes chances d'être affectées par les changements climatiques, avec de probables implications pour leurs histoires évolutives. SUMMARY : Species rarely consists in a single population. Because individuals have limited dispersal abilities, because landscapes are habitat patchworks, most species are made of several subpopulations connected by migration. This spatial variation has consequences on the distribution of genetic diversity within and between populations, creating a structure among the populations. During the present work, we investigated some of the population processes assumed to have played an important role on the speciation within the genus Trochulus. More specifically, we questioned the respective impacts of past (historical factors) or present (local factors) population isolations. We first could show that the poor dispersal abilities of land snails have had profound impacts on their evolutionary histories at all spatial and temporal scales. Low dispersal maintains a strong signature of past events in the populations by minimising the homogenising effects of geneflow. At the scale of Trochulus villosus global distribution, they allowed to retrieve the detailed history of this species population isolations and expansions. Combining a large genetic dataset with paleo-climatic niche modelling ended up with a historical scenario significantly better than all traditional alternatives we tested. At local scale on the contrary, past events become difficult to tease apart from ongoing processes. This was the case for the divergent mitochondria) lineages within the sericeus-hispidus complex: the two principal lineages appeared to be phylogenetically distant, to have experienced different demographic histories and to correlate with morphological differences. On the other hand, nuclear (present day) geneflow was high, contradicting the idea of two reproductively isolated cryptic species. Information on the local population dynamics and environmental conditions are lacking to be able to decide whether past isolation has indeed resulted here in new species. Finally, we emphasised the importance of the habitat types present in a landscape as well as their spatial organisation for the population connectivity of land snails. These species are tightly dependent on a habitat and adapt to it as shown by thé occurrence of hair-like structures only in species living in humid environments or by the correlation between shell morphology and habitat in the sericeus-hispidus complex. As a result, land snails preferentially migrate through favourable habitats: Trochulus villosus, a forest species, had its geneflow significantly reduced across meadows. From these data, we can hypothesise that the populations of land snails in particular and of low dispersing species in general are likely to be strongly affected by the ongoing climate changes, with potential major consequences on their evolutionary histories.


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Neuropeptide Y (NPY) is a potent inhibitor of neurotransmitter release through the Y2 receptor subtype. Specific antagonists for the Y2 receptors have not yet been described. Based on the concept of template-assembled synthetic proteins we have used a cyclic template molecule containing two beta-turn mimetics for covalent attachment of four COOH-terminal fragments RQRYNH2 (NPY 33-36), termed T4-[NPY(33-36)]4. This structurally defined template-assembled synthetic protein has been tested for binding using SK-N-MC and LN319 cell lines that express the Y1 and Y2 receptor, respectively. T4-[NPY(33-36)]4 binds to the Y2 receptor with high affinity (IC50 = 67.2 nM) and has poor binding to the Y1 receptor. This peptidomimetic tested on LN319 cells at concentrations up to 10 microM shows no inhibitory effect on forskolin-stimulated cAMP levels (IC50 for NPY = 2.5 nM). Furthermore, we used confocal microscopy to examine the NPY-induced increase in intracellular calcium in single LN319 cells. Preincubation of the cells with T4-[NPY(33-36)]4 shifted to the right the dose-response curves for intracellular mobilization of calcium induced by NPY at concentrations ranging from 0.1 nM to 10 microM. Finally, we assessed the competitive antagonistic properties of T4-[NPY(33-36)]4 at presynaptic peptidergic Y2 receptors modulating noradrenaline release. the compound T4-[NPY(33-36)]4 caused a marked shift to the right of the concentration-response curve of NPY 13-36, a Y2-selective fragment, yielding a pA2 value of 8.48. Thus, to our best knowledge, T4-[NPY(33-36)]4 represents the first potent and selective Y2 antagonist.


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The purpose of this study was to assess the inhibitory effect of TCV-116, an orally active angiotensin II (Ang II) antagonist, on the pressor action of exogenous Ang II and to determine the compensatory rise in plasma renin activity and Ang II levels. Twenty-three male volunteers were treated for 8 days in a double-blind fashion with either placebo or TCV-116 (1, 2, or 4 mg PO daily) and challenged on the first, fourth, and eighth days with repeated bolus injections of Ang II. An additional 4 subjects received 8 mg PO daily in a single-blind fashion. The inhibitory effect on the systolic blood pressure response to Ang II was long lasting and clearly dose related. Six hours after 4 mg TCV-116, the systolic blood pressure response to a given dose of Ang II was reduced to 40 +/- 4% and 35 +/- 8% of baseline value on days 1 and 8, respectively. TCV-116 induced a dose-related increase in plasma renin activity and Ang II levels that was more pronounced on the eighth than on the first day of drug administration. Despite this compensatory mechanism, the relation between the time-integrated systolic blood pressure response to Ang II and the time-integrated CV-11974 levels, the active metabolite of TCV-116, was not different between days 1 and 8. In conclusion, TCV-116 appears to be a well-tolerated, orally active, potent, and long-lasting antagonist of Ang II in men.


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BACKGROUND: While detoxification under anaesthesia accelerates the detoxification procedure, there is a lack of randomised clinical trials evaluating its effectiveness compared to traditional detoxification procedures, and a lack of data on long-term abstinence. METHODS: Prospective randomised clinical trial. Analysis by intention to treat and per protocol. Setting: Specialised substance abuse unit in a psychiatric teaching hospital and an intensive care unit of a general hospital. Participants: Seventy patients with opiate mono-dependence requesting detoxification: 36 randomised to RODA (treatment as allocated received by 26) and 34 randomised to classical clonidine detoxification (treatment as allocated received by 21). Main outcome measures: Successful detoxification, safety and self-reported abstinence at 3, 6 and 12 months after detoxification. RESULTS: Socio-demographics were similar in both groups at baseline. No complications were reported during or after anaesthesia. According to the intention to treat analysis, 28/36 (78%) RODA patients and 21/34 (62%) of the clonidine group successfully completed the detoxification process (p=0.14). In the intention to treat analysis, 30% of RODA patients were abstinent after 3 months compared to 14% in the clonidine group (p=0.11). No difference was found at 6 and 12 months (both groups showed less than 5% abstinence after 12 months). The per-protocol analysis showed similar results with no statistical differences either for ASI mean scores or for the SF36 questionnaire. CONCLUSION: Although the detoxification success rate and abstinence after 3 months were slightly better for the RODA procedure compared to clonidine treatment, these differences were not statistically significant and disappeared completely after 6 and 12 months.


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The pathophysiological role of an increase in circulating vasopressin in sustaining global and regional vasoconstriction in patients with congestive heart failure has not been established, particularly in patients with hyponatraemia. To assess this further, 20 patients with congestive heart failure refractory to digoxin and diuretics were studied before and 60 minutes after the intravenous injection (5 micrograms/kg) of the vascular antagonist of vasopressin [1(beta-mercapto-beta,beta-cyclopentamethylene-propionic acid), 2-(0-methyl) tyrosine] arginine vasopressin. Ten patients were hyponatraemic (plasma sodium less than 135 mmol/l) and 10 were normonatraemic. In both groups of patients the vascular vasopressin antagonist did not alter systemic or pulmonary artery pressures, right atrial pressure, pulmonary capillary wedge pressure, cardiac index, or vascular resistances. Furthermore, there was no change in skin and hepatic blood flow in either group after the injection of the vascular antagonist. Only one patient in the hyponatraemic group showed considerable haemodynamic improvement. He had severe congestive heart failure and a high concentration of plasma vasopressin (51 pmol/l). Plasma renin activity, vasopressin, or catecholamine concentrations were not significantly changed in response to the administration of the vasopressin antagonist in either the hyponatraemic or the normonatraemic groups. Patients with hyponatraemia, however, had higher baseline plasma catecholamine concentrations, heart rate, pulmonary pressure and resistance, and lower hepatic blood flow than patients without hyponatraemia. Plasma vasopressin and plasma renin activity were slightly, though not significantly, higher in the hyponatraemic group. Thus the role of vasopressin in sustaining regional or global vasoconstriction seems limited in patients with congestive heart failure whether or not concomitant hyponatraemia is present. Vasopressin significantly increases the vascular tone only in rare patients with severe congestive heart failure and considerably increased vasopressin concentrations. Patients with hyponatraemia do, however, have raised baseline catecholamine concentrations, heart rate, pulmonary arterial pressure and resistance, and decreased hepatic blood flow.


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Host-pathogen interactions are a major evolutionary force promoting local adaptation. Genes of the major histocompatibility complex (MHC) represent unique candidates to investigate evolutionary processes driving local adaptation to parasite communities. The present study aimed at identifying the relative roles of neutral and adaptive processes driving the evolution of MHC class IIB (MHCIIB) genes in natural populations of European minnows (Phoxinus phoxinus). To this end, we isolated and genotyped exon 2 of two MHCIIB gene duplicates (DAB1 and DAB3) and 1665 amplified fragment length polymorphism (AFLP) markers in nine populations, and characterized local bacterial communities by 16S rDNA barcoding using 454 amplicon sequencing. Both MHCIIB loci exhibited signs of historical balancing selection. Whereas genetic differentiation exceeded that of neutral markers at both loci, the populations' genetic diversities were positively correlated with local pathogen diversities only at DAB3. Overall, our results suggest pathogen-mediated local adaptation in European minnows at both MHCIIB loci. While at DAB1 selection appears to favor different alleles among populations, this is only partially the case in DAB3, which appears to be locally adapted to pathogen communities in terms of genetic diversity. These results provide new insights into the importance of host-pathogen interactions in driving local adaptation in the European minnow, and highlight that the importance of adaptive processes driving MHCIIB gene evolution may differ among duplicates within species, presumably as a consequence of alternative selective regimes or different genomic context.


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Developing a sense of identity is a crucial psychosocial task for young people. The purpose of this study was to evaluate identity development in French-speaking adolescents and emerging adults (in France and Switzerland) using a process-oriented model of identity formation including five dimensions (i.e., exploration in breadth, commitment making, exploration in depth, identification with commitment, and ruminative exploration). The study included participants from three different samples (total N = 2239, 66.7% women): two samples of emerging adult student and one sample of adolescents. Results confirmed the hypothesized five-factor dimensional model of identity in our three samples and provided evidence for convergent validity of the model. The results also indicated that exploration in depth might be subdivided in two aspects: a first form of exploration in depth leading to a better understanding and to an increase of the strength of current commitments and a second form of exploration in depth leading to a re-evaluation and a reconsideration of current commitments. Further, the identity status cluster solution that emerged is globally in line with previous literature (i.e., achievement, foreclosure, moratorium, carefree diffusion, diffused diffusion, undifferentiated). However, despite a structural similarity, we found variations in identity profiles because identity development is shaped by cultural context. These specific variations are discussed in light of social, educational and economic differences between France and the French-speaking part of Switzerland. Implications and suggestions for future research are offered.


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The effect of circulating arginine vasopressin (AVP) on blood pressure, heart rate, and skin blood flow was assessed in normotensive subjects, mild hypertensive patients, and patients with congestive heart failure, utilizing the specific antagonist of AVP at the vascular receptor level, d(CH2)5Tyr(Me)AVP (5 micrograms/kg i.v.). The renin system of the normal volunteers treated with the AVP antagonist was either intact or acutely blocked with the angiotensin converting-enzyme inhibitor captopril (25 mg p.o.). In some volunteers, the cardiovascular effect of AVP released by Finnish sauna or cigarette smoking was studied. In patients with congestive heart failure, hemodynamic measurements (pressures and cardiac output) were obtained invasively. Acute blockade of AVP vascular receptors produced no cardiovascular effect unless plasma AVP levels were markedly elevated. In our experience, abnormally high circulating AVP appears to be responsible for the decrease in skin blood flow induced by cigarette smoking and to some extent for the maintenance of vascular tone in the rare patients with particularly severe congestive heart failure.