99 resultados para airborne thermal scanning
The calculation of elasticity parameters by sonic and ultra sonic wave propagation in saturated soils using Biot's theory needs the following variables : forpiation density and porosity (p, ø), compressional and shear wave velocities (Vp, Vs), fluid density, viscosity and compressibility (Pfi Ilfi Ki), matrix density and compressibility (p" K), The first four parameters can be determined in situ using logging probes. Because fluid and matrix characteristics are not modified during core extraction, they can be obtained through laboratory measurements. All parameters necessitate precise calibrations in various environments and for specific range of values encountered in soils. The slim diameter of boreholes in shallow geophysics and the high cost of petroleum equipment demand the use of specific probes, which usually only give qualitative results. The measurement 'of density is done with a gamma-gamma probe and the measurement of hydrogen index, in relation to porosity, by a neutron probe. The first step of this work has been carried out in synthetic formations in the laboratory using homogeneous media of known density and porosity. To establish borehole corrections different casings have been used. Finally a comparison between laboratory and in situ data in cored holes of known geometry and casing has been performed.
Since the end of the last millennium, the focused ion beam scanning electron microscopy (FIB-SEM) has progressively found use in biological research. This instrument is a scanning electron microscope (SEM) with an attached gallium ion column and the 2 beams, electrons and ions (FIB) are focused on one coincident point. The main application is the acquisition of three-dimensional data, FIB-SEM tomography. With the ion beam, some nanometres of the surface are removed and the remaining block-face is imaged with the electron beam in a repetitive manner. The instrument can also be used to cut open biological structures to get access to internal structures or to prepare thin lamella for imaging by (cryo-) transmission electron microscopy. Here, we will present an overview of the development of FIB-SEM and discuss a few points about sample preparation and imaging.
Inhalation of fungal particles is a ubiquitous way of exposure to microorganisms during human life; however, this exposure may promote or exacerbate respiratory diseases only in particular exposure conditions and human genetic background. Depending on the fungal species and form, fungal particles can induce symptoms in the lung by acting as irritants, aeroallergens or pathogens causing infection. Some thermophilic species can even act in all these three ways (e.g. Aspergillus, Penicillium), mesophilic species being only involved in allergic and/or non-allergic airway diseases (e.g. Cladosporium, Alternaria, Fusarium). The goal of the present review is to present the current knowledge on the interaction between airborne fungal particles and the host immune system, to illustrate the differences of immune sensing of different fungal species and to emphasise the importance of conducting research on non-conventional mesophilic fungal species. Indeed, the diversity of fungal species we inhale and the complexity of their composition have a direct impact on fungal particle recognition and immune system decision to tolerate or respond to those particles, eventually leading to collateral damages promoting airway pathologies.
Purpose: To investigate the differences between Fundus Camera (Topcon TRC-50X) and Confocal Scanning Laser Ophthalmoscope (Heidelberg retina angiogram (HRA)) on the fundus autofluorescence (FAF) imaging (resolution and FAF characteristics). Methods: 105 eyes of 56 patients with various retinal diseases underwent FAF imaging with HRA (488nm exciter/500nm barrier filter) before fluorescein angiography (FFA) and Topcon Fundus Camera (580nm exciter/695nm barrier filter) before and after FFA. The quality of the FAF images was compared for their resolution and analysed for the influence of fixation stability and cataracts. Hypo-and hyper-FAF behaviour was analysed for the healthy disc, healthy fovea, and a variety of pathological features. Results: HRA images were found to be of superior resolution in 18, while Topcon images were estimated superior in 29 eyes. No difference was found in 58 eyes. Both poor fixation (p=0.009) and more advanced cataract (p=0.013) were found associated with better image quality by Topcon. Images acquired by Topcon before and after FFA were identical (100%). The healthy disc was usually dark on HRA (72%), but showed mild autofluorescence on Topcon (85%). The healthy fovea showed in 100% Hypo-FAF on HRA, while Topcon showed in 53% Iso-FAF, in 43% mild Hypo-FAF, and in 4% Hypo-FAF as on HRA. No difference of FAF was found for geographic atrophy, pigment changes, and drusen, although Topcon images were often more detailed. Hyper-FAF due to serous exudation showed better on HRA. Cystic edema was visible only on HRA in a petaloid hyper-FAF pattern in 83%, while only two eyes (17%) showed similar behavior in both HRA- and Topcon images. Hard exudates caused Hypo-FAF only on HRA, hardly visible on Topcon. Blockage phenomenon by blood however was identical. Conclusions: The filter set of Topcon and the single image acquisition appear to be an advantage for patients with cataract and poor fixation respectively. Preceding FFA does not alter the Topcon FAF image. Regarding the FAF behavior, there are differences between the 2 systems which need to be taken into account when interpreting the images.
Sphingomonas wittichii RW1 is a dibenzofuran and dibenzodioxin-degrading bacterium with potentially interesting properties for bioaugmentation of contaminated sites. In order to understand the capacity of the microorganism to survive in the environment we used a genome-wide transposon scanning approach. RW1 transposon libraries were generated with around 22 000 independent insertions. Libraries were grown for an average of 50 generations (five successive passages in batch liquid medium) with salicylate as sole carbon and energy source in presence or absence of salt stress at -1.5 MPa. Alternatively, libraries were grown in sand with salicylate, at 50% water holding capacity, for 4 and 10 days (equivalent to 7 generations). Library DNA was recovered from the different growth conditions and scanned by ultrahigh throughput sequencing for the positions and numbers of inserted transposed kanamycin resistance gene. No transposon reads were recovered in 579 genes (10% of all annotated genes in the RW1 genome) in any of the libraries, suggesting those to be essential for survival under the used conditions. Libraries recovered from sand differed strongly from those incubated in liquid batch medium. In particular, important functions for survival of cells in sand at the short term concerned nutrient scavenging, energy metabolism and motility. In contrast to this, fatty acid metabolism and oxidative stress response were essential for longer term survival of cells in sand. Comparison to transcriptome data suggested important functions in sand for flagellar movement, pili synthesis, trehalose and polysaccharide synthesis and putative cell surface antigen proteins. Interestingly, a variety of genes were also identified, interruption of which cause significant increase in fitness during growth on salicylate. One of these was an Lrp family transcription regulator and mutants in this gene covered more than 90% of the total library after 50 generations of growth on salicylate. Our results demonstrate the power of genome-wide transposon scanning approaches for analysis of complex traits.
INTRODUCTION: Occupational exposure to bioaerosols in wastewater treatment plants (WWTP) and its consequence on workers׳ health are well documented. Most studies were devoted to enumerating and identifying cultivable bacteria and fungi, as well as measuring concentrations of airborne endotoxins, as these are the main health-related factors found in WWTP. Surprisingly, very few studies have investigated the presence and concentrations of airborne virus in WWTP. However, many enteric viruses are present in wastewater and, due to their small size, they should become aerosolized. Two in particular, the norovirus and the adenovirus, are extremely widespread and are the major causes of infectious gastrointestinal diseases reported around the world. The third one, hepatitis E virus, has an emerging status. GOAL AND METHODS: This study׳s objectives were to detect and quantify the presence and concentrations of 3 different viruses (adenovirus, norovirus and the hepatitis E virus) in air samples from 31 WWTPs by using quantitative polymerase chain reaction (qPCR) during two different seasons and two consecutive years. RESULTS: Adenovirus was present in 100% of summer WWTP samples and 97% of winter samples. The highest airborne concentration measured was 2.27×10(6) genome equivalent/m(3) and, on average, these were higher in summer than in winter. Norovirus was detected in only 3 of the 123 air samples, and the hepatitis E virus was not detected. CONCLUSIONS: Concentrations of potentially pathogenic viral particles in WWTP air are non-negligible and could partly explain the work-related gastrointestinal symptoms often reported in employees in this sector.
Abstract : The occupational health risk involved with handling nanoparticles is the probability that a worker will experience an adverse health effect: this is calculated as a function of the worker's exposure relative to the potential biological hazard of the material. Addressing the risks of nanoparticles requires therefore knowledge on occupational exposure and the release of nanoparticles into the environment as well as toxicological data. However, information on exposure is currently not systematically collected; therefore this risk assessment lacks quantitative data. This thesis aimed at, first creating the fundamental data necessary for a quantitative assessment and, second, evaluating methods to measure the occupational nanoparticle exposure. The first goal was to determine what is being used where in Swiss industries. This was followed by an evaluation of the adequacy of existing measurement methods to assess workplace nanopaiticle exposure to complex size distributions and concentration gradients. The study was conceived as a series of methodological evaluations aimed at better understanding nanoparticle measurement devices and methods. lt focused on inhalation exposure to airborne particles, as respiration is considered to be the most important entrance pathway for nanoparticles in the body in terms of risk. The targeted survey (pilot study) was conducted as a feasibility study for a later nationwide survey on the handling of nanoparticles and the applications of specific protection means in industry. The study consisted of targeted phone interviews with health and safety officers of Swiss companies that were believed to use or produce nanoparticles. This was followed by a representative survey on the level of nanoparticle usage in Switzerland. lt was designed based on the results of the pilot study. The study was conducted among a representative selection of clients of the Swiss National Accident Insurance Fund (SUVA), covering about 85% of Swiss production companies. The third part of this thesis focused on the methods to measure nanoparticles. Several pre- studies were conducted studying the limits of commonly used measurement devices in the presence of nanoparticle agglomerates, This focus was chosen, because several discussions with users and producers of the measurement devices raised questions about their accuracy measuring nanoparticle agglomerates and because, at the same time, the two survey studies revealed that such powders are frequently used in industry. The first preparatory experiment focused on the accuracy of the scanning mobility particle sizer (SMPS), which showed an improbable size distribution when measuring powders of nanoparticle agglomerates. Furthermore, the thesis includes a series of smaller experiments that took a closer look at problems encountered with other measurement devices in the presence of nanoparticle agglomerates: condensation particle counters (CPC), portable aerosol spectrometer (PAS) a device to estimate the aerodynamic diameter, as well as diffusion size classifiers. Some initial feasibility tests for the efficiency of filter based sampling and subsequent counting of carbon nanotubes (CNT) were conducted last. The pilot study provided a detailed picture of the types and amounts of nanoparticles used and the knowledge of the health and safety experts in the companies. Considerable maximal quantities (> l'000 kg/year per company) of Ag, Al-Ox, Fe-Ox, SiO2, TiO2, and ZnO (mainly first generation particles) were declared by the contacted Swiss companies, The median quantity of handled nanoparticles, however, was 100 kg/year. The representative survey was conducted by contacting by post mail a representative selection of l '626 SUVA-clients (Swiss Accident Insurance Fund). It allowed estimation of the number of companies and workers dealing with nanoparticles in Switzerland. The extrapolation from the surveyed companies to all companies of the Swiss production sector suggested that l'309 workers (95%-confidence interval l'073 to l'545) of the Swiss production sector are potentially exposed to nanoparticles in 586 companies (145 to l'027). These numbers correspond to 0.08% (0.06% to 0.09%) of all workers and to 0.6% (0.2% to 1.1%) of companies in the Swiss production sector. To measure airborne concentrations of sub micrometre-sized particles, a few well known methods exist. However, it was unclear how well the different instruments perform in the presence of the often quite large agglomerates of nanostructured materials. The evaluation of devices and methods focused on nanoparticle agglomerate powders. lt allowed the identification of the following potential sources of inaccurate measurements at workplaces with considerable high concentrations of airborne agglomerates: - A standard SMPS showed bi-modal particle size distributions when measuring large nanoparticle agglomerates. - Differences in the range of a factor of a thousand were shown between diffusion size classifiers and CPC/SMPS. - The comparison between CPC/SMPS and portable aerosol Spectrometer (PAS) was much better, but depending on the concentration, size or type of the powders measured, the differences were still of a high order of magnitude - Specific difficulties and uncertainties in the assessment of workplaces were identified: the background particles can interact with particles created by a process, which make the handling of background concentration difficult. - Electric motors produce high numbers of nanoparticles and confound the measurement of the process-related exposure. Conclusion: The surveys showed that nanoparticles applications exist in many industrial sectors in Switzerland and that some companies already use high quantities of them. The representative survey demonstrated a low prevalence of nanoparticle usage in most branches of the Swiss industry and led to the conclusion that the introduction of applications using nanoparticles (especially outside industrial chemistry) is only beginning. Even though the number of potentially exposed workers was reportedly rather small, it nevertheless underscores the need for exposure assessments. Understanding exposure and how to measure it correctly is very important because the potential health effects of nanornaterials are not yet fully understood. The evaluation showed that many devices and methods of measuring nanoparticles need to be validated for nanoparticles agglomerates before large exposure assessment studies can begin. Zusammenfassung : Das Gesundheitsrisiko von Nanopartikel am Arbeitsplatz ist die Wahrscheinlichkeit dass ein Arbeitnehmer einen möglichen Gesundheitsschaden erleidet wenn er diesem Stoff ausgesetzt ist: sie wird gewöhnlich als Produkt von Schaden mal Exposition gerechnet. Für eine gründliche Abklärung möglicher Risiken von Nanomaterialien müssen also auf der einen Seite Informationen über die Freisetzung von solchen Materialien in die Umwelt vorhanden sein und auf der anderen Seite solche über die Exposition von Arbeitnehmenden. Viele dieser Informationen werden heute noch nicht systematisch gesarnmelt und felilen daher für Risikoanalysen, Die Doktorarbeit hatte als Ziel, die Grundlagen zu schaffen für eine quantitative Schatzung der Exposition gegenüber Nanopartikel am Arbeitsplatz und die Methoden zu evaluieren die zur Messung einer solchen Exposition nötig sind. Die Studie sollte untersuchen, in welchem Ausmass Nanopartikel bereits in der Schweizer Industrie eingesetzt werden, wie viele Arbeitnehrner damit potentiel] in Kontakt komrrien ob die Messtechnologie für die nötigen Arbeitsplatzbelastungsmessungen bereits genügt, Die Studie folcussierte dabei auf Exposition gegenüber luftgetragenen Partikel, weil die Atmung als Haupteintrittspforte iïlr Partikel in den Körper angesehen wird. Die Doktorarbeit besteht baut auf drei Phasen auf eine qualitative Umfrage (Pilotstudie), eine repräsentative, schweizerische Umfrage und mehrere technische Stndien welche dem spezitischen Verständnis der Mëglichkeiten und Grenzen einzelner Messgeräte und - teclmikeri dienen. Die qualitative Telephonumfrage wurde durchgeführt als Vorstudie zu einer nationalen und repräsentativen Umfrage in der Schweizer Industrie. Sie zielte auf Informationen ab zum Vorkommen von Nanopartikeln, und den angewendeten Schutzmassnahmen. Die Studie bestand aus gezielten Telefoninterviews mit Arbeit- und Gesundheitsfachpersonen von Schweizer Unternehmen. Die Untemehmen wurden aufgrund von offentlich zugànglichen lnformationen ausgewählt die darauf hinwiesen, dass sie mit Nanopartikeln umgehen. Der zweite Teil der Dolctorarbeit war die repräsentative Studie zur Evalniernng der Verbreitnng von Nanopaitikelanwendungen in der Schweizer lndustrie. Die Studie baute auf lnformationen der Pilotstudie auf und wurde mit einer repräsentativen Selektion von Firmen der Schweizerischen Unfall Versicherungsanstalt (SUVA) durchgeüihxt. Die Mehrheit der Schweizerischen Unternehmen im lndustrieselctor wurde damit abgedeckt. Der dritte Teil der Doktorarbeit fokussierte auf die Methodik zur Messung von Nanopartikeln. Mehrere Vorstudien wurden dnrchgefîihrt, um die Grenzen von oft eingesetzten Nanopartikelmessgeräten auszuloten, wenn sie grösseren Mengen von Nanopartikel Agglomeraten ausgesetzt messen sollen. Dieser F okns wurde ans zwei Gründen gewählt: weil mehrere Dislcussionen rnit Anwendem und auch dem Produzent der Messgeràte dort eine Schwachstelle vermuten liessen, welche Zweifel an der Genauigkeit der Messgeräte aufkommen liessen und weil in den zwei Umfragestudien ein häufiges Vorkommen von solchen Nanopartikel-Agglomeraten aufgezeigt wurde. i Als erstes widmete sich eine Vorstndie der Genauigkeit des Scanning Mobility Particle Sizer (SMPS). Dieses Messgerät zeigte in Präsenz von Nanopartikel Agglorneraten unsinnige bimodale Partikelgrössenverteilung an. Eine Serie von kurzen Experimenten folgte, welche sich auf andere Messgeräte und deren Probleme beim Messen von Nanopartikel-Agglomeraten konzentrierten. Der Condensation Particle Counter (CPC), der portable aerosol spectrometer (PAS), ein Gerät zur Schàtzung des aerodynamischen Durchniessers von Teilchen, sowie der Diffusion Size Classifier wurden getestet. Einige erste Machbarkeitstests zur Ermittlnng der Effizienz von tilterbasierter Messung von luftgetragenen Carbon Nanotubes (CNT) wnrden als letztes durchgeiührt. Die Pilotstudie hat ein detailliiertes Bild der Typen und Mengen von genutzten Nanopartikel in Schweizer Unternehmen geliefert, und hat den Stand des Wissens der interviewten Gesundheitsschntz und Sicherheitsfachleute aufgezeigt. Folgende Typen von Nanopaitikeln wurden von den kontaktierten Firmen als Maximalmengen angegeben (> 1'000 kg pro Jahr / Unternehrnen): Ag, Al-Ox, Fe-Ox, SiO2, TiO2, und ZnO (hauptsächlich Nanopartikel der ersten Generation). Die Quantitäten von eingesetzten Nanopartikeln waren stark verschieden mit einem ein Median von 100 kg pro Jahr. ln der quantitativen Fragebogenstudie wurden l'626 Unternehmen brieflich kontaktiert; allesamt Klienten der Schweizerischen Unfallversicherringsanstalt (SUVA). Die Resultate der Umfrage erlaubten eine Abschätzung der Anzahl von Unternehmen und Arbeiter, welche Nanopartikel in der Schweiz anwenden. Die Hochrechnung auf den Schweizer lndnstriesektor hat folgendes Bild ergeben: ln 586 Unternehmen (95% Vertrauensintervallz 145 bis 1'027 Unternehmen) sind 1'309 Arbeiter potentiell gegenüber Nanopartikel exponiert (95%-Vl: l'073 bis l'545). Diese Zahlen stehen für 0.6% der Schweizer Unternehmen (95%-Vl: 0.2% bis 1.1%) und 0.08% der Arbeiternehmerschaft (95%-V1: 0.06% bis 0.09%). Es gibt einige gut etablierte Technologien um die Luftkonzentration von Submikrometerpartikel zu messen. Es besteht jedoch Zweifel daran, inwiefern sich diese Technologien auch für die Messurrg von künstlich hergestellten Nanopartikeln verwenden lassen. Aus diesem Grund folcussierten die vorbereitenden Studien für die Arbeitsplatzbeurteilnngen auf die Messung von Pulverri, welche Nan0partike1-Agg10merate enthalten. Sie erlaubten die ldentifikation folgender rnöglicher Quellen von fehlerhaften Messungen an Arbeitsplätzen mit erhöhter Luft-K0nzentrati0n von Nanopartikel Agglomeratenz - Ein Standard SMPS zeigte eine unglaubwürdige bimodale Partikelgrössenverteilung wenn er grössere Nan0par'til<e1Agg10merate gemessen hat. - Grosse Unterschiede im Bereich von Faktor tausend wurden festgestellt zwischen einem Diffusion Size Classiîier und einigen CPC (beziehungsweise dem SMPS). - Die Unterschiede zwischen CPC/SMPS und dem PAS waren geringer, aber abhängig von Grosse oder Typ des gemessenen Pulvers waren sie dennoch in der Grössenordnung von einer guten Grössenordnung. - Spezifische Schwierigkeiten und Unsicherheiten im Bereich von Arbeitsplatzmessungen wurden identitiziert: Hintergrundpartikel können mit Partikeln interagieren die während einem Arbeitsprozess freigesetzt werden. Solche Interaktionen erschweren eine korrekte Einbettung der Hintergrunds-Partikel-Konzentration in die Messdaten. - Elektromotoren produzieren grosse Mengen von Nanopartikeln und können so die Messung der prozessbezogenen Exposition stören. Fazit: Die Umfragen zeigten, dass Nanopartikel bereits Realitàt sind in der Schweizer Industrie und dass einige Unternehmen bereits grosse Mengen davon einsetzen. Die repräsentative Umfrage hat diese explosive Nachricht jedoch etwas moderiert, indem sie aufgezeigt hat, dass die Zahl der Unternehmen in der gesamtschweizerischen Industrie relativ gering ist. In den meisten Branchen (vor allem ausserhalb der Chemischen Industrie) wurden wenig oder keine Anwendungen gefunden, was schliessen last, dass die Einführung dieser neuen Technologie erst am Anfang einer Entwicklung steht. Auch wenn die Zahl der potentiell exponierten Arbeiter immer noch relativ gering ist, so unterstreicht die Studie dennoch die Notwendigkeit von Expositionsmessungen an diesen Arbeitsplätzen. Kenntnisse um die Exposition und das Wissen, wie solche Exposition korrekt zu messen, sind sehr wichtig, vor allem weil die möglichen Auswirkungen auf die Gesundheit noch nicht völlig verstanden sind. Die Evaluation einiger Geräte und Methoden zeigte jedoch, dass hier noch Nachholbedarf herrscht. Bevor grössere Mess-Studien durgefîihrt werden können, müssen die Geräte und Methodem für den Einsatz mit Nanopartikel-Agglomeraten validiert werden.
INTRODUCTION: Quantitative sensory testing (QST) is widely used in human research to investigate the integrity of the sensory function in patients with pain of neuropathic origin, or other causes such as low back pain. Reliability of QST has been evaluated on both sides of the face, hands and feet as well as on the trunk (Th3-L3). In order to apply these tests on other body-parts such as the lower lumbar spine, it is important first to establish reliability on healthy individuals. The aim of this study was to investigate intra-rater reliability of thermal QST in healthy adults, on two sites within the L5 dermatome of the lumbar spine and lower extremity. METHODS: Test-retest reliability of thermal QST was determined at the L5-level of the lumbar spine and in the same dermatome on the lower extremity in 30 healthy persons under 40 years of age. Results were analyzed using descriptive statistics and intraclass correlation coefficient (ICC). Values were compared to normative data, using Z-transformation. RESULTS: Mean intraindividual differences were small for cold and warm detection thresholds but larger for pain thresholds. ICC values showed excellent reliability for warm detection and heat pain threshold, good-to-excellent reliability for cold pain threshold and fair-to-excellent reliability for cold detection threshold. ICC had large ranges of confidence interval (95%). CONCLUSION: In healthy adults, thermal QST on the lumbar spine and lower extremity demonstrated fair-to-excellent test-retest reliability.
The use of synthetic combinatorial peptide libraries in positional scanning format (PS-SCL) has emerged recently as an alternative approach for the identification of peptides recognized by T lymphocytes. The choice of both the PS-SCL used for screening experiments and the method used for data analysis are crucial for implementing this approach. With this aim, we tested the recognition of different PS-SCL by a tyrosinase 368-376-specific CTL clone and analyzed the data obtained with a recently developed biometric data analysis based on a model of independent and additive contribution of individual amino acids to peptide antigen recognition. Mixtures defined with amino acids present at the corresponding positions in the native sequence were among the most active for all of the libraries. Somewhat surprisingly, a higher number of native amino acids were identifiable by using amidated COOH-terminal rather than free COOH-terminal PS-SCL. Also, our data clearly indicate that when using PS-SCL longer than optimal, frame shifts occur frequently and should be taken into account. Biometric analysis of the data obtained with the amidated COOH-terminal nonapeptide library allowed the identification of the native ligand as the sequence with the highest score in a public human protein database. However, the adequacy of the PS-SCL data for the identification for the peptide ligand varied depending on the PS-SCL used. Altogether these results provide insight into the potential of PS-SCL for the identification of CTL-defined tumor-derived antigenic sequences and may significantly implement our ability to interpret the results of these analyses.
Rate of metabolism and body temperature were studied between -6°C and 38°C in the common pipistrelle bat Pipistrellus pipistrellus (Vespertilionidae), a European species lying close to the lower end of the mammalian size range (body mass 4.9±0.8g, N=28). Individuals maintained only occasionally a normothermic body temperature averaging 35.4±1.1°C (N=4) and often showed torpor during metabolic runs. The thermoneutral zone was found above 33°C, and basal rate of metabolism averaged 7.6±0.8mL O(2)h(-1) (N=28), which is 69% of the value predicted on the basis of body mass. Minimal wet thermal conductance was 161% of the expected value. During torpor, the rate of metabolism was related exponentially to body temperature with a Q(10) value of 2.57. Torpid bats showed intermittent ventilation, with the frequency of ventilatory cycles increasing exponentially with body temperature. Basal rate of metabolism (BMR) varied significantly with season and body temperature, but not with body mass. It was lower before the hibernation period than during the summer. The patterns observed are generally consistent with those exhibited by other vespertilionids of temperate regions. However, divergences occur with previous measurements on European pipistrelles, and the causes of the seasonal variation in BMR, which has only rarely been searched for among vespertilionids, remain to be examined.
Remote sensing using airborne imaging spectroscopy (AIS) is known to retrieve fundamental optical properties of ecosystems. However, the value of these properties for predicting plant species distribution remains unclear. Here, we assess whether such data can add value to topographic variables for predicting plant distributions in French and Swiss alpine grasslands. We fitted statistical models with high spectral and spatial resolution reflectance data and tested four optical indices sensitive to leaf chlorophyll content, leaf water content and leaf area index. We found moderate added-value of AIS data for predicting alpine plant species distribution. Contrary to expectations, differences between species distribution models (SDMs) were not linked to their local abundance or phylogenetic/functional similarity. Moreover, spectral signatures of species were found to be partly site-specific. We discuss current limits of AIS-based SDMs, highlighting issues of scale and informational content of AIS data.