210 resultados para Visualisation spatio-temporelle


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Whether for investigative or intelligence aims, crime analysts often face up the necessity to analyse the spatiotemporal distribution of crimes or traces left by suspects. This article presents a visualisation methodology supporting recurrent practical analytical tasks such as the detection of crime series or the analysis of traces left by digital devices like mobile phone or GPS devices. The proposed approach has led to the development of a dedicated tool that has proven its effectiveness in real inquiries and intelligence practices. It supports a more fluent visual analysis of the collected data and may provide critical clues to support police operations as exemplified by the presented case studies.


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PURPOSE: This study analyzes CT examinations in Switzerland. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Using different sources (administrative data on the equipment, a 1998 nationwide inquiry into practices, and data provided by the Swiss University Hospitals of Basel, Zurich, and Lausanne), we determined the frequency of CT examinations (hospitals and private radiologists) in 1998 according to different descriptive variables and studied the progression in CT use over time. RESULTS: CT scanners increased by 7% between 1998 and 2004. The average annual number of CT examinations in 1998 was 46.3/1000 population, 3.4% of all radiological examinations in Switzerland in 1997-1998. The most frequent examination was CT of the skull (24%), while private radiology institutes perform more CTs of the spine. More CT examinations were performed for men than for women (sex ratio M/F=1.17). The average annual increase in CT in Swiss hospitals varied from 8% for Basel to 18% for Lausanne. Finally, the proportion of pediatric examinations was 5%; their numbers appear to be stabilizing. CONCLUSION: There is a significant increase in CT examinations. It is hoped that our study will heighten awareness among doctors of CT examinations in order to optimize their use.


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Summary The present thesis work focused on the ecology of benthic invertebrates in the proglacial floodplain of the Rhone in the Swiss Alps. The main glacial Rhone River and a smaller glacial tributary, the Mutt River, joined and entered a braiding multi-thread area. A first part concentrated on the disruption of the longitudinal patterns of environmental conditions and benthic invertebrate fauna in the Rhone by its tributary the Mutt. The Mutt had less harsh environmental conditions, higher taxonomic richness and more abundant zoobenthos compared to the Rhone upstream of the confluence. Although the habitat conditions in the main stream were little modified by the tributary, the fauna was richer and more diverse below the confluence. Colonisation from the Mutt induced the occurrence of faunal elements uncommon of glacial streams in the upper Rhone, where water temperature remains below 4°C. Although the glacial Rhone dominated the system with regard to hydrology and certain environmental conditions, the Mutt tributary has to be seen as the faunal driver of the system. The second part of the study concerned the spatio-temporal differentiation of the habitats and the benthic communities along and across the flood plain. No longitudinal differentiation was found. The spatial transversal differentiation of three habitat types with different environmental characteristics was successfully reflected in the spatial variability of benthic assemblages. This typology separated marginal sites of the flood plain, left bank sites under the influence of the Mutt, and the right bank sites under the influence of the Rh6ne. Faunistic spatial differences were emphasized by the quantitative structure of the fauna, richness, abundances and Simpson index of diversity. Seasonal environmental variability was positively related with Simpson index of diversity and the total richness per site. Low flow conditions were the most favourable season for the fauna and November was characterized by low spatial environmental heterogeneity, high spatial heterogeneity of faunal assemblage, maximum taxonomic richness, a particular taxonomic composition, highest abundances, as well as the highest primary food resources. The third part studied the egg development of three species of Ephemeroptera in the laboratory at 1.5 to 7°C and the ecological implications in the field. Species revealed very contrasting development strategies. Baetis alpinus has a synchronous and efficient egg development, which is faster in warmer habitats, enabling it to exploit short periods of favourable conditions in the floodplain. Ecdyonurus picteti has a very long development time slightly decreasing in warmer conditions. The high degree of individual variation suggests a genetic determination of the degree-days demand. Combined with the glacial local conditions, this strategy leads to an extreme delay of hatching and allows it to develop in very unpredictable habitats. Rhithrogena nivata is the second cold adapted species in Ephemeroptera. The incubation duration is long and success largely depends on the timing of hatching and the discharge conditions. This species is able to exploit extremely unstable and cold habitats where other species are limited by low water temperatures. The fourth part dealt with larval development in different habitats of the floodplain. Addition of data on egg development allowed the description of the life histories of the species from oviposition until emergence. Rhithrogena nivata and loyolaea generally have a two-year development, with the first winter passed as eggs and the second one as larvae. Development of Ecdyonurus picteti is difficult to document but appears to be efficient in a harsh and unpredictable environment. Baetis alpinus was studied separately in four habitats of the floodplain system with contrasting thermal regimes. Differences in success and duration of larval development and in growth rates are emphasised. Subvention mechanisms between habitats by migration of young or grown larvae were demonstrated. Development success and persistence of the populations in the system were thus increased. Emergence was synchronised to the detriment of the optimisation of the adult's size and fecundity. These very different development strategies induce a spatial and temporal distribution in the use of food resources and ecological niches. The last part of this work aimed at the synthesis of the characteristics and the ecological features of three distinct compartments of the system that are the upper Rhone, the Mutt and the floodplain. Their particular role as well as their inter-dependence concerning the structure and the dynamics of the benthic communities was emphasised. Résumé Ce travail de thèse est consacré à l'écologie des invertébrés benthiques dans la zone alluviale proglaciaire du Rhône dans les Alpes suisses. Le Rhône, torrent glaciaire principal, reçoit les eaux de la Mutt, affluent glaciaire secondaire, puis pénètre dans une zone de tressage formée de plusieurs bras. La première partie de l'étude se concentre sur la disruption par la Mutt des processus longitudinaux, tant environnementaux que faunistiques, existants dans le Rhône. Les conditions environnementales régnant dans la Mutt sont moins rudes, la richesse taxonomique plus élevée et le zoobenthos plus abondant que dans le Rhône en amont de la confluence. Bien que les conditions environnementales dans le torrent principal soient peu modifiées par l'affluent, la faune s'avère être plus riche et plus diversifiée en aval de la confluence. La colonisation depuis la Mutt permet l'occurrence de taxons inhabituels dans le Rhône en amont de la confluence, où la température de l'eau se maintient en dessous de 4°C. Bien que le Rhône, torrent glaciaire principal, domine le système du point de vu de l'hydrologie et de certains paramètres environnementaux, l'affluent Mutt doit être considéré comme l'élément structurant la faune dans le système. La deuxième partie concerne la différentiation spatiale et temporelle des habitats et des communautés benthiques à travers la plaine alluviale. Aucune différentiation longitudinale n'a été mise en évidence. La différentiation transversale de trois types d'habitats sur la base des caractéristiques environnementales a été confirmée par la variabilité spatiale de la faune. Cette typologie sépare les sites marginaux de la plaine alluviale, ceux sous l'influence de la Mutt (en rive gauche) et ceux sous l'influence du Rhône amont (en rive droite). Les différences spatiales de la faune sont mises en évidence par la structure quantitative de la faune, la richesse, les abondances et l'indice de diversité de Simpson. La variabilité saisonnière du milieu est positivement liée avec l'indice de diversité de Simpson et la richesse totale par site. L'étiage correspond à la période la plus favorable pour la faune et novembre réunit des conditions de faible hétérogénéité spatiale du milieu, de forte hétérogénéité spatiale de la faune, une richesse taxonomique maximale, une composition faunistique particulière, les abondances ainsi que les ressources primaires les plus élevées. La troisième partie est consacrée à l'étude du développement des oeufs de trois espèces d'Ephémères au laboratoire à des températures de 1.5 à 7°C, ainsi qu'aux implications écologiques sur le terrain. Ces espèces présentent des stratégies de développement très contrastées. Baetis alpinus a un développement synchrone et efficace, plus rapide en milieu plus chaud et lui permettant d'exploiter les courtes périodes de conditions favorables. Ecdyonurus picteti présente une durée de développement très longue, diminuant légèrement dans des conditions plus chaudes. L'importante variation interindividuelle suggère un déterminisme génétique de la durée de développement. Cette stratégie, associée aux conditions locales, conduit à un décalage extrême des éclosions et permet à l'espèce de se développer dans des habitats imprévisibles. Rhithrogena nivata est la seconde espèce d'Ephémères présentant une adaptation au froid. L'incubation des oeufs est longue et son succès dépend de la période des éclosions et des conditions hydrologiques. Cette espèce est capable d'exploiter des habitats extrêmement instables et froids, où la température est facteur limitant pour d'autres espèces. La quatrième partie traite du développement larvaire dans différents habitats de la plaine alluviale. Le développement complet est décrit pour les espèces étudiées de la ponte jusqu'à l'émergence. Rhithrogena nivata et loyolaea atteignent généralement le stade adulte en deux ans, le premier hiver étant passé sous forme d'oeuf et le second sous forme de larve. Le développement de Ecdyonurus picteti est difficile à documenter, mais s'avère cependant efficace dans un environnement rude et imprévisible. Baetis alpinus a été étudié séparément dans quatre habitats de la plaine ayant des régimes thermiques contrastés. La réussite et la durée du développement embryonnaire ainsi que les taux de croissance y sont variables. Des mécanismes de subvention entre habitats sont possibles par la migration de larves juvéniles ou plus développées, augmentant ainsi la réussite du développement et le maintien des populations dans le système. L'émergence devient synchrone, au détriment de l'optimisation de la taille et de la fécondité des adultes. Ces stratégies très différentes induisent une distribution spatiale et temporelle dans l'usage des ressources et des niches écologiques. La dernière partie synthétise les caractéristiques écologiques des trois compartiments du système que sont le Rhône amont, la Mutt et la zone alluviale. Leurs rôles particuliers et leurs interdépendances du point de vue de la structure et de la dynamique des communautés benthiques sont mis en avant.


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Information about the population genetic structures of parasites is important for an understanding of parasite transmission pathways and ultimately the co-evolution with their hosts. If parasites cannot disperse independently of their hosts, a parasite's population structure will depend upon the host's spatial distribution. Geographical barriers affecting host dispersal can therefore lead to structured parasite populations. However, how the host's social system affects the genetic structure of parasite populations is largely unknown. We used mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) to describe the spatio-temporal population structure of a contact-transmitted parasitic wing mite (Spinturnix bechsteini) and compared it to that of its social host, the Bechstein's bat (Myotis bechsteinii). We observed no genetic differentiation between mites living on different bats within a colony. This suggests that mites can move freely among bats of the same colony. As expected in case of restricted inter-colony dispersal, we observed a strong genetic differentiation of mites among demographically isolated bat colonies. In contrast, we found a strong genetic turnover between years when we investigated the temporal variation of mite haplotypes within colonies. This can be explained with mite dispersal occuring between colonies and bottlenecks of mite populations within colonies. The observed absence of isolation by distance could be the result from genetic drift and/or from mites dispersing even between remote bat colonies, whose members may meet at mating sites in autumn or in hibernacula in winter. Our data show that the population structure of this parasitic wing mite is influenced by its own demography and the peculiar social system of its bat host.


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Using rice (Oryza sativa) as a model crop species, we performed an in-depth temporal transcriptome analysis, covering the early and late stages of Pi deprivation as well as Pi recovery in roots and shoots, using next-generation sequencing. Analyses of 126 paired-end RNA sequencing libraries, spanning nine time points, provided a comprehensive overview of the dynamic responses of rice to Pi stress. Differentially expressed genes were grouped into eight sets based on their responses to Pi starvation and recovery, enabling the complex signaling pathways involved in Pi homeostasis to be untangled. A reference annotation-based transcript assembly was also generated, identifying 438 unannotated loci that were differentially expressed under Pi starvation. Several genes also showed induction of unannotated splice isoforms under Pi starvation. Among these, PHOSPHATE2 (PHO2), a key regulator of Pi homeostasis, displayed a Pi starvation-induced isoform, which was associated with increased translation activity. In addition, microRNA (miRNA) expression profiles after long-term Pi starvation in roots and shoots were assessed, identifying 20 miRNA families that were not previously associated with Pi starvation, such as miR6250. In this article, we present a comprehensive spatio-temporal transcriptome analysis of plant responses to Pi stress, revealing a large number of potential key regulators of Pi homeostasis in plants.


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Résumé: Valoriser le géopatrimoine par la médiation indirecte et la visualisation des objets géomorphologiques Le géopatrimoine regroupe des objets géologiques lato sensu auxquels certaines valeurs sont attribuées, en fonction de leur intérêt pour la science, de leur rareté, de leurs particularités culturelles ou écologiques, etc. Valoriser le géopatrimoine signifie avant tout faire partager cette approche aux non-spécialistes, en expliquant ce qui fait la valeur de ces objets. Cette valorisation peut s'effectuer, entre autres, sous la forme d'une activité touristique et contribuer ainsi au développement régional. Faire comprendre l'origine, la singularité et la valeur des formes du relief implique le recours à une communication éducative, désignée par le terme de médiation. Les implications de la dimension éducative du processus, comme la prise en compte des connaissances et attentes du public, la création d'un environnement favorable à l'apprentissage ou l'attractivité du contenu, sont souvent négligées. Du point de vue conceptuel, un modèle de la médiation indirecte (c'est-à-dire au moyen de supports médiatiques) a été proposé et appliqué au développement empirique de produits de médiation et à leur évaluation. Ce modèle ne garantit pas la réussite de la communication éducative, mais contribue à créer un cadre favorable au processus. De plus, plusieurs lignes directrices pour le choix du type de média et sa mise en forme ont été définies sur la base d'une compilation de résultats de la psychologie cognitive sur l'usage des médias pour l'apprentissage. Des méthodes qualitatives et quantitatives variées ont été mobilisées : enquêtes par questionnaire ex situ et in situ, auprès des visiteurs de géomorphosites de montagne, réalisation de médias interactifs testés ensuite auprès de divers publics (parcours enregistré, pré- et post-questionnaires) et entretiens collectifs. Les résultats obtenus éclairent divers aspects de la problématique. L'étude du public a montré, par exemple, que le géotourisme possède un réel public parmi les visiteurs des sites de montagnes : trois-quarts d'entre eux expriment de l'intérêt pour des explications sur la géologie et l'évolution du paysage. Cette thèse a exploré ces aspects liés au processus d'apprentissage en se focalisant sur les médias visuels, surtout interactifs. La plupart des médias visuels couramment utilisés en géomorphologie ont été considérés. Le développement de versions interactives de ces médias sous forme d'applications web a fourni un aperçu concret des possibilités des nouvelles technologies. Les utilisateurs apprécient en particulier a richesse du contenu, le haut degré d'interactivité et la variété de ces applications. De tels médias incitent à visiter le site naturel et semblent aussi répondre aux intérêts de publics variés. Abstract: Geoheritage promotion through non-personal interpretation and visualisation of geomorphological features Geoheritage concerns all geological features lato sensu to which some values are attributed, according to their scientific interest, their rarity, their cultural or ecological dimensions, etc. Geoheritage promotion implies sharing this point of view with non-specialists, explaining what gives value to those objects. Geotourism is one of the many ways to achieve geoheritage promotion, while contributing also to regional development. In order to make non-specialists understand the origin, the specificity and the value of landforms, educational communication is needed, that is called interpretation (French: médiation). This education dimension has several, and often neglected, implications, like taking into account public's knowledge and expectations, creating a favourable learning environment, attractive design, etc. From the conceptual point of view, a model for non-personal interpretation has been proposed and applied for the empirical development and for the assessment of interpretive products. This model does not guarantee success of educational communication, but help creating a favourable environment for this process. Moreover, some guidelines were defined from a compilation of several results of cognitive psychology on media use for learning. They guide the choice of the kind of media and its design. Several qualitative and quantitative methods were applied: survey questionnaires ex situ and in situ by mountain geomorphosites visitors, interactive medias developed and then tested by different kinds of users (with usertracking, pre- and post-survey questionnaires), group interviews. The results answered different aspects of the research questions. Visitor surveys revealed for example that geotourism could attract many visitors of mountain areas: three quarters of them say they are interested in getting explanations about geology and landscape (in particular its dynamic dimensions). This thesis examined those aspects with a focus on visual medias, both statics and interactive. Most of currently used medias in geomorphology were considered. Interactive versions of those medias were developed in web applications; they gave a concrete overview on the opportunities that new technologies offer. The content richness, the high interaction level and the diversity of the applications are the most liked aspects by the users. Such medias drive to visit the natural site and seem to correspond to the interests of various kinds of publics. Zusammenfassung: Aufwertung des erdwissenschaftlichen Erbes durch mediale Vermittlung und Visualisierung von geomorphologischen Objekten Das erdwissenschaftliche Erbe besteht aus geologischen Gegebenheiten lato sensu, denen entsprechend ihrer Bedeutung für die Wissenschaft, ihrer Seltenheit, ihrer kulturellen oder ökologischen Besonderheiten usw. bestimmte Werte zugeordnet werden. Das erdwissenschaftliche Erbe aufzuwerten bedeutet in erster Linie, diesen Ansatz Nichtspezialisten näher zu bringen, indem ihnen erklärt wird, was den Wert dieser Gegebenheiten ausmacht. Dies kann etwa im Rahmen eines touristischen Angebots geschehen und so die regionale Entwicklung unterstützen. Um Entstehung, Besonderheit und Wert von Geländeformen verständlich zu machen, wird eine pädagogische Kommunikationsform verwendet, die als mediale Vermittlung (franz. médiation) bezeichnet wird. Die Bedeutung der pädagogischen Dimension des Vermittlungsprozesses wie etwa der Einbezug des Wissens und der Erwartungen des Publikums, die Gestaltung eines positiven Lernklimas oder die Attraktivität des Inhalts wird oft vernachlässigt. Auf konzeptueller Ebene wurde ein Modell der indirekten Interpretation erarbeitet (d. h. anhand von Medien), das bei der empirischen Entwicklung der Interpretationsprodukte und ihrer Evaluation Anwendung fand. Dieses Modell garantiert zwar nicht den Erfolg der pädagogischen Kommunikation. Es trägt aber dazu bei, einen für den Prozess günstigen Kontext zu schaffen. Des Weiteren wurden mehrere Richtlinien für die Wahl des Medientyps und dessen Ausgestaltung anhand einer Zusammenstellung von Resultaten der kognitiven Psychologie über den Gebrauch von Medien in Lernprozessen definiert. Es wurden verschiedene qualitative und quantitative Methoden eingesetzt: Befragung mittels Fragebogen der Besucher von geomorphologischen Geotopen im Gebirge - ex situ und in situ -, Erarbeitung von interaktiven Medien, die anschliessend anhand verschiedener Zielgruppen gestestet wurden (Aufnahme des Besuchparcours, Vor- und Nachfragebögen) sowie kollektive Interviews. Die Ergebnisse geben Aufschluss zu verschiedenen Aspekten der Fragestellung. Die Befragung des Publikums hat zum Beispiel deutlich gemacht, dass der Geotourismus unter den Besuchern von Berggebieten tatsächlich auf eine Nachfrage stösst: drei Viertel von ihnen zeigen ein Interesse für Erläuterungen zur Geologie und der Landschaftsentwicklung. Die vorliegende Doktorarbeit hat die genannten Aspekte der Lernprozesse untersucht, wobei der Fokus auf visuellen, insbesondere interaktiven Medien lag. Die meisten gängigen visuellen Medien der Geomorphologie wurden berücksichtigt. Die Entwicklung von interaktiven Versionen dieser Medien in Form von Web-Anwendungen hat die Möglichkeiten der neuen Technologien veranschaulicht. Die Benutzer schätzten insbesondere die Vielfalt des Inhalts, die hohe Interaktivität und die Diversität dieser Anwendungen. Solche Medien laden dazu ein, ein Naturgebiet zu besuchen und scheinen den Interessen der verschiedenen Publikumsgruppen entgegenzukommen.


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Introduction: Ankle arthrodesis (AD) and total ankle replacement (TAR) are typical treatments for ankle osteoarthritis (AO). Despite clinical interest, there is a lack of their outcome evaluation using objective criteria. Gait analysis and plantar pressure assessment are appropriate to detect pathologies in orthopaedics but they are mostly used in lab with few gait cycles. In this study, we propose an ambulatory device based on inertial and plantar pressure sensors to compare the gait during long-distance trials between healthy subjects (H) and patients with AO or treated by AD and TAR. Methods: Our study included four groups: 11 patients with AO, 9 treated by TAR, 7 treated by AD and 6 control subjects. An ambulatory system (Physilog®, CH) was used for gait analysis; plantar pressure measurements were done using a portable insole (Pedar®-X, DE). The subjects were asked to walk 50 meters in two trials. Mean value and coefficient of variation of spatio-temporal gait parameters were calculated for each trial. Pressure distribution was analyzed in ten subregions of foot. All parameters were compared among the four groups using multi-level model-based statistical analysis. Results: Significant difference (p <0.05) with control was noticed for AO patients in maximum force in medial hindfoot and forefoot and in central forefoot. These differences were no longer significant in TAR and AD groups. Cadence and speed of all pathologic groups showed significant difference with control. Both treatments showed a significant improvement in double support and stance. TAR decreased variability in speed, stride length and knee ROM. Conclusions: In spite of a small sample size, this study showed that ankle function after AO treatments can be evaluated objectively based on plantar pressure and spatio-temporal gait parameters measured during unconstrained walking outside the lab. The combination of these two ambulatory techniques provides a promising way to evaluate foot function in clinics.


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Recent multisensory research has emphasized the occurrence of early, low-level interactions in humans. As such, it is proving increasingly necessary to also consider the kinds of information likely extracted from the unisensory signals that are available at the time and location of these interaction effects. This review addresses current evidence regarding how the spatio-temporal brain dynamics of auditory information processing likely curtails the information content of multisensory interactions observable in humans at a given latency and within a given brain region. First, we consider the time course of signal propagation as a limitation on when auditory information (of any kind) can impact the responsiveness of a given brain region. Next, we overview the dual pathway model for the treatment of auditory spatial and object information ranging from rudimentary to complex environmental stimuli. These dual pathways are considered an intrinsic feature of auditory information processing, which are not only partially distinct in their associated brain networks, but also (and perhaps more importantly) manifest only after several tens of milliseconds of cortical signal processing. This architecture of auditory functioning would thus pose a constraint on when and in which brain regions specific spatial and object information are available for multisensory interactions. We then separately consider evidence regarding mechanisms and dynamics of spatial and object processing with a particular emphasis on when discriminations along either dimension are likely performed by specific brain regions. We conclude by discussing open issues and directions for future research.


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A central question in developmental biology is how multicellular organisms coordinate cell division and differentiation to determine organ size. In Arabidopsis roots, this balance is controlled by cytokinin-induced expression of SHORT HYPOCOTYL 2 (SHY2) in the so-called transition zone of the meristem, where SHY2 negatively regulates auxin response factors (ARFs) by protein-protein interaction. The resulting down-regulation of PIN-FORMED (PIN) auxin efflux carriers is considered the key event in promoting differentiation of meristematic cells. Here we show that this regulation involves additional, intermediary factors and is spatio-temporally constrained. We found that the described cytokinin-auxin crosstalk antagonizes BREVIS RADIX (BRX) activity in the developing protophloem. BRX is an auxin-responsive target of the prototypical ARF MONOPTEROS (MP), a key promoter of vascular development, and transiently enhances PIN3 expression to promote meristem growth in young roots. At later stages, cytokinin induction of SHY2 in the vascular transition zone restricts BRX expression to down-regulate PIN3 and thus limit meristem growth. Interestingly, proper SHY2 expression requires BRX, which could reflect feedback on the auxin responsiveness of SHY2 because BRX protein can directly interact with MP, likely acting as a cofactor. Thus, cross-regulatory antagonism between BRX and SHY2 could determine ARF activity in the protophloem. Our data suggest a model in which the regulatory interactions favor BRX expression in the early proximal meristem and SHY2 prevails because of supplementary cytokinin induction in the later distal meristem. The complex equilibrium of this regulatory module might represent a universal switch in the transition toward differentiation in various developmental contexts.