80 resultados para Violent crimes
OBJECTIVE: The objective of this study was to compare the frequency of risk behaviors and to measure the extent of co-occurrence of these behaviors in chronically ill and healthy adolescents. METHODS: Data were drawn from the 2002 Swiss Multicenter Adolescent Survey on Health database, a nationally representative survey of 7548 adolescents in postmandatory school aged 16 to 20 years. There were 760 subjects who reported a chronic illness and/or a disability. The comparison group consisted of 6493 subjects who answered negatively to both questions. We defined 8 risk behaviors: daily smoking, alcohol misuse, current cannabis use, current use of any other illegal drug, early sexual debut, eating disorder, violent acts, and antisocial acts. We analyzed each behavior and the sum of behaviors, controlling for age, gender, academic track, parents' education level, depression, and health status. Results are given as adjusted odds ratios using the comparison group as the reference category. RESULTS: Youth with a chronic condition were more likely to smoke daily, to be current cannabis users, and to have performed violent or antisocial acts. Youth with a chronic condition were also more likely to report 3 or >or=4 risk behaviors. CONCLUSIONS: These results indicate that having a chronic condition carries additional risks for engaging in health risk behaviors and emphasize the importance of health risk screening and preventive counseling for young people in general and among those suffering from chronic conditions in particular.
Notre étude a eu pour but d'analyser les résultats des analyses ADN effectuées sur les traces relevées sur des scènes de crimes ou sur des objets s'y apparentant. Cette analyse nous a permis d'en identifier les points forts et les points faibles. Les données concernant les résultats ADN des années 2005 à 2008 dans le canton de Vaud ont montré une augmentation significative du nombre de traces envoyées, avec en parallèle un déclin de la qualité des résultats. Suite à cette observation, des solutions ayant pour but de réduire le nombre de ces analyses négatives ont dû être adoptées. Des changements opérationnels ont alors été mis en place dès 2009. Il s'agissait alors, d'une part, d'agir au niveau des traces de contact en tenant compte du type de support sur lequel la trace était prélevée, et, d'autre part, d'agir sur les traces riches (sang, salive, sperme) en mettant en place l'analyse systématique de la nature de la trace à l'aide de tests indicatifs. L'évaluation des conséquences de la mise en place de ces procédures a été possible à l'aide d'une nouvelle analyse statistique. Les résultats montrent qu'un meilleur tri des traces permet une amélioration des résultats.
Parler d'une énigme non résolue, lorsqu'il est question de Jésus de Nazareth, paraît proche de la plaisanterie. Tout n'a-t-il pas été dit en 2000 ans de christianisme ? Le sujet n'est-il pas entièrement épuisé ? Or aujourd'hui, de nouvelles poussées viennent ébranler ce que l'on croyait acquis. Nous serions-nous laissés enfermer dans des réponses commodes, mais inexactes ? Daniel Marguerat avance cette question sur trois moments cruciaux de la vie du Galiléen : le baptême de Jésus par Jean le Baptiseur, le geste violent contre le Temple, et son exécution le 7 avril de l'an 30.
Parler d'une énigme non résolue, lorsqu'il est question de Jésus de Nazareth, paraît proche de la plaisanterie. Tout n'a-t-il pas été dit en 2000 ans de christianisme ? Le sujet n'est-il pas entièrement épuisé ? Or aujourd'hui, de nouvelles poussées viennent ébranler ce que l'on croyait acquis. Nous serions-nous laissés enfermer dans des réponses commodes, mais inexactes ? Daniel Marguerat avance cette question sur trois moments cruciaux de la vie du Galiléen : le baptême de Jésus par Jean le Baptiseur, le geste violent contre le Temple, et son exécution le 7 avril de l'an 30.
Cet article interroge les fonctions psychologiques que peuvent occuper les victimes dans l'économie psychique de l'auteur d'une agression, dans le cadre de la commission de certaines infractions à caractère sexuel et violent. Nous montrerons que chez des sujets pour lesquels la dynamique psychique de l'acte renvoie à un mouvement défensif contre des angoisses majeures sur le plan identitaire et objectal, le recours à la victime dans l'acte d'agression assurerait une fonction de continuité interne face à la discontinuité identitaire.
Abstract Gang membership constitutes one of the strongest risk factors of delinquency. Research on this topic found that gang members commit more offences in general and are particularly more prone to violent offences than other juveniles. Indeed, they are responsible for approximately 50 to 86% of the total offences perpetrated by juvenile offenders. In Switzerland, as in other European countries, there is a reluctance to use the term of gang to talk about delinquent youth groups. However, this term implies many stereotypes that do not apply to the majority of juvenile American gangs. Thus, it appears that some delinquent youth groups in European countries can be described as gangs. This manifestation of juvenile delinquency is increasingly studied by European researchers, whose studies demonstrate the high level of delinquency committed by gang members. This research assesses the proportion of gangs in Switzerland and their level of involvement in delinquency. Victimization of gang members as well as risk factors of gang membership are also analyzed. For this research, data of two self-reported juvenile delinquency surveys were used, namely the survey of "les jeunes et l'insécurité" and the second wave of the International Self-Reported Delinquency Survey (ISRD-2). The first survey took place in the canton of Vaud among 4'690 teenagers, and the second one was conducted across Switzerland by interviewing 3'648 teenagers aged 12 to 16. The results from the ISRD-2 survey show that 4.6% of young Swiss belong to a gang, whereas this is the case for 6.5% of teenagers in the canton of Vaud. About a third of the gang members ara girls. A strong link between the commission of offences and gang membership was found in both surveys. A teenager who does not belong to a gang commits on average 1.9 offences per year, whereas this number increases to 7.2 offences for teenagers who have delinquent peers and to 16 offences for gang members. The risk of victimization is also stronger for a gang member than for a non-gang member, as it is 4 to 5 times higher for assaults and robberies. International comparisons based on the ISRD-2 survey have been conducted, highlighting the high level of delinquency of gang members and their vulnerability to victimization. Risk factors of gang membership include the influence of accessibility to drugs in the neighbourhoods, the lack of self-control of the teenagers and their consumption of cannabis. Résumé Un des facteurs de risque les plus importants de la délinquance juvénile est l'appartenance à un gang. Les recherches faites sur cette problématique indiquent que les membres de gangs commettent plus de délits et des délits plus violents que les autres jeunes et qu'ils sont responsables d'environ 50 â 86% des actes délinquants perpétrés. En Suisse, tout comme dans d'autres pays européens, une réticence existe à utiliser le terme de gang pour parler des bandes de jeunes délinquants. Pourtant, ce terme implique de nombreux stéréotypes qui ne correspondent toutefois pas à la majorité des gangs américains. Ainsi, il apparaît que certaines bandes de jeunes délinquants présentes dans des pays européens peuvent être qualifiées de gangs. Cette manifestation de ta délinquance juvénile est de plus en plus étudiée par les chercheurs européens qui démontrent également la sur-criminalité de leurs membres. I La présente recherche évalue dans quelle proportion tes membres de gangs existent en Suisse et Quel est leur niveau d'implication dans la délinquance. Leur victimisation ainsi que les facteurs de risque de l'affiliation à de tels groupes y sont également analysés. Pour ce faire, les données de deux enquêtes ont été utilisées, à savoir l'enquête des jeunes et de l'insécurité portant sur 4'690 élèves de 8'? et 9*? année scolaire du canton de Vaud, ainsi que la deuxième vague du sondage de délinquance auto-reportée portant sur 3'648 jeunes suisses ayant entre 12 et 16 ans (ISRD-2 -International Self Reported Delinquency-). Ainsi, 4.6% des jeunes suisses, selon la recherche de l'ISRD-2, et 6.5% des jeunes vaudois, selon l'enquête des jeunes et de l'insécurité, appartiennent à un gang ; un tiers des membres étant de sexe féminin. Un lien fort entre la commission de délits et l'affiliation à un gang a été mis en évidence dans les deux enquêtes. Un adolescent qui ne fait pas partie d'un gang commet en moyenne 1.9 délits par année, un jeune qui a des pairs délinquants en commet en moyenne 7.2, alors que la moyenne annuelle des jeunes qui appartiennent à un gang s'élève à 16. Le risque de devenir victime est également plus important lorsqu'un jeune fait partie de tels groupes, puisqu'il est 4 à 5 fois plus élevé pour les agressions et les brigandages. Des comparaisons internationales, basées sur l'enquête de l'lSRD-2, ont pu être effectuées, mettant en exergue la sur-criminalité des membres de gangs ainsi que leur vulnérabilité face à la victimisation. Des facteurs de risque de l'affiliation è un gang, tels que l'influence de l'accessibilité à la drogue dans les quartiers où habitent les jeunes, le manque d'autocontrôlé de ces derniers ou leur consommation de cannabis ont été relevés
Résumé: Depuis plusieurs années, le thème des réseaux sociaux est au centre de l'intérêt des études historiques. Est-il possible de formaliser l'analyse de réseaux sociaux spécifiques - parenté, clientèle, solidarités locales, etc. - afin d'en analyser l'influence sur des événements historiques et des individus précis ? L'étude présentée prend en considération les luttes souvent violentes entre radicaux et conservateurs dans le Val de Bagnes, en Valais (Suisse), entre 1839 et 1900. La comparaison entre les généalogies des familles de la vallée et les informations sur la vie politique et sociale nous permet de relever l'influence de la parenté dans l'organisation des factions politiques. Les réseaux de parenté sont toutefois ouverts et souples, permettant des adaptations aux évolutions de la situation politique, économique et sociale. L'affaire autour du faux-monnayeur italien Joseph S. Farinet, dans les années 1870, nous permet par exemple de suivre l'évolution des réseaux de solidarité, à la suite d'une crise politique, ainsi que l'émergence de nouvelles activités économiques, notamment le tourisme, avec les hôteliers, les aubergistes et les guides de montagne souvent liés au milieu radical. L'analyse permet également de nuancer l'influence des réseaux de patronage : les collaborations horizontales, à l'intérieur des classes populaires, semblent mieux expliquer les solidarités politiques. Abstract: For several years, historians have been closely concerned with the question of social networks. Is it possible to conceptualize specific networks - like kinship, patronage or local solidarities - and to analyze their influence on concrete individuals or historical events? This paper considers the violent struggles between a radical political faction and a conservative one in a Swiss alpine valley, the Val de Bagnes (Valais) between 1839 and 1900. It compares information about political and social conflicts in the valley with genealogies of local families. By this way the eminent influence of kinship ties on political organizations becomes visible. But kinship networks are open and very supple, allowing adaptations to new political and social configurations. The trials against the Italian smuggler and counterfeiter Joseph S. Farinet in the Seventies allow to describe the evolution of local cooperation networks as a consequence of a political crisis in the canton of Valais and of new economic activities. The paper stresses the active role of a emerging group of hotel- or inn-owners and mountain guides, often closely tied with the radical milieu. The analysis of social transactions raises critical questions about the role of patronage in political mobilization: horizontal cooperation and kinship ties between peasants, small cattle owners and artisans seem to explain political solidarities better than patronage structures.
Whether for investigative or intelligence aims, crime analysts often face up the necessity to analyse the spatiotemporal distribution of crimes or traces left by suspects. This article presents a visualisation methodology supporting recurrent practical analytical tasks such as the detection of crime series or the analysis of traces left by digital devices like mobile phone or GPS devices. The proposed approach has led to the development of a dedicated tool that has proven its effectiveness in real inquiries and intelligence practices. It supports a more fluent visual analysis of the collected data and may provide critical clues to support police operations as exemplified by the presented case studies.
Les fractures du bassin, groupe polymorphe, sont liées au mécanisme traumatique. L'enjeu des fractures isolées du cotyle est principalement fonctionnel. Les radiographies standards, les scanner 3D et la classification de Letournel orientent le traitement. Ce dernier visera à rétablir une congruence articulaire prévenant la coxarthrose précoce. Les fractures du pelvis surviennent le plus souvent suite à des traumatismes violents, associés à des lésions viscérales, menaçant le pronostic vital. Le bilan radiologique s'intègre dans une prise en charge pluridisciplinaire grâce au scanner. La classification de Tile/AO permet la description des mécanismes et des lésions et une prise en charge adaptée. En cas de chocs hémodynamiques, la stabilisation externe, suivie si nécessaire de l'embolisation, à une place prépondérante. Pelvic trauma A great variety of very polymorphous lesions of pelvic trauma are deffering from each other by their context, their anatomical aspect and therapeutic implication. In the isolated acetabular fractures, function is mainly at stake. The management consists mainly of re-establishing a joint congruence to prevent early coxarthrosis. Pelvic fractures often occur in violent trauma and are associated with visceral lesions, putting vital prognosis at stake. In case of hemodynamic shock, external fracture stabilization when it is indicated associated to embolisation of pelvic bleeding if necessary and after external fixation are preponderant.
BACKGROUND: The emergency department has been identified as an area within the health care sector with the highest reports of violence. The best way to control violence is to prevent it before it becomes an issue. Ideally, to prevent violent episodes we should eliminate all triggers of frustration and violence. Our study aims to assess the impact of a quality improvement multi-faceted program aiming at preventing incivility and violence against healthcare professionals working at the ophthalmological emergency department of a teaching hospital. METHODS/DESIGN: This study is a single-center prospective, controlled time-series study with an alternate-month design. The prevention program is based on the successive implementation of five complementary interventions: a) an organizational approach with a standardized triage algorithm and patient waiting number screen, b) an environmental approach with clear signage of the premises, c) an educational approach with informational videos for patients and accompanying persons in waiting rooms, d) a human approach with a mediator in waiting rooms and e) a security approach with surveillance cameras linked to the hospital security. The primary outcome is the rate of incivility or violence by patients, or those accompanying them against healthcare staff. All patients admitted to the ophthalmological emergency department, and those accompanying them, will be enrolled. In all, 45,260 patients will be included in over a 24-month period. The unit analysis will be the patient admitted to the emergency department. Data analysis will be blinded to allocation, but due to the nature of the intervention, physicians and patients will not be blinded. DISCUSSION: The strengths of this study include the active solicitation of event reporting, that this is a prospective study and that the study enables assessment of each of the interventions that make up the program. The challenge lies in identifying effective interventions, adapting them to the context of care in an emergency department, and thoroughly assessing their efficacy with a high level of proof.The study has been registered as a cRCT at clinicaltrials.gov (identifier: NCT02015884).
Convictions statistics were the first criminal statistics available in Europe during the nineteenth century. Their main weaknesses as crime measures and for comparative purposes were identified by Alphonse de Candolle in the 1830s. Currently, they are seldom used by comparative criminologists, although they provide a less valid but more reliable measure of crime and formal social control than police statistics. This article uses conviction statistics, compiled from the four editions of the European Sourcebook of Crime and Criminal Justice Statistics, to study the evolution of persons convicted in European countries from 1990 to 2006. Trends in persons convicted for six offences -intentional homicide, assault, rape, robbery, theft, and drug offences- and up to 26 European countries are analysed. These trends are established for the whole of Europe as well as for a cluster of Western European countries and a cluster of Central and Eastern European countries. The analyses show similarities between both regions of Europe at the beginning and at the end of the period under study. After a general increase of the rate of persons convicted in the early 1990s in the whole of Europe, trends followed different directions in Western and in Central and Eastern Europe. However, during the 2000s, it can be observed, throughout Europe, a certain stability of the rates of persons convicted for intentional homicides, accompanied by a general decrease of the rate of persons convicted for property offences, and an increase of the rate of those convicted for drug offences. The latter goes together with an increase of the rate of persons convicted for non lethal violent offences, which only reached some stability at the end of the time series. These trends show that there is no general crime drop in Europe. After a discussion of possible theoretical explanations, a multifactor model, inspired by opportunity-based theories, is proposed to explain the trends observed.
Homicide followed by the suicide of the offender is a well-known phenomenon. In most cases, it takes place in the context of the so-called "family tragedies." A recent series of such family tragedies in Switzerland prompted an intensive debate in the media and the Swiss government concerning the Swiss Weapon Law, in particular the requirement to keep personal army weapons at home. The present study of Homicide-Suicide cases in Switzerland, thus focuses on the role played by guns, especially military weapons, in such crimes. We investigated retrospectively 75 cases of Homicide-Suicide, comprising 172 individuals and spanning a period of 23 years in western and central Switzerland. Our results show that if guns were used in 76% of the cases, army weapons were the cause of death in 25% of the total. In 28% of the deaths caused by a gunshot, the exact type of the gun and its origin could not be determined. Thus, the majority of Homicide-Suicide cases in Switzerland involve the use of guns. The exact percentage of cases were military weapons were involved could not be defined. In our opinion, a stricter weapons law, restricting access to firearms, would be a factor of prevention of Homicide- Suicide cases in Switzerland.
Investigation of violent death, especially cases of sharp trauma and gunshot, is an important part of medico-legal investigations. Beside the execution of a conventional autopsy, the performance of a post-mortem Multi-Detector Computed Tomography (MDCT)-scan has become a highly appreciated tool. In order to investigate also the vascular system, post-mortem CT-angiography has been introduced. The most studied and widespread technique is the Multi-phase post-mortem CT-angiography (MPMCTA). Its sensitivity to detect vascular lesions is even superior to conventional autopsy. The application of MPMCTA for cases of gunshot and sharp-trauma is therefore an obvious choice, as vascular lesions are common in such victims. In most cases of sharp trauma and in several cases of gunshots, death can be attributed to exsanguinations. MPMCTA is able to detect the exact source of bleeding and also to visualize trajectories, which are of most importance in these cases. The reconstructed images allow to clearly visualizing the trajectory in a way that is easily comprehensible for not medically trained legal professionals. The sensitivity of MPMCTA for soft tissue and organ lesions approximately matches the sensitivity of conventional autopsy. However, special care, experience and effective use of the imaging software is necessary for performing the reconstructions of the trajectory. Large volume consuming haemorrhages and shift of inner organs are sources of errors and misinterpretations. This presentation shall give an overview about the advantages and limitations of the use of MPMCTA for investigating cases of gunshot and sharp-trauma.