87 resultados para UNIFY 2000
Commençant par la compréhension du processus de prise de décisions en politique économique, puis par l'étude de la participation des Acteurs Sociaux (AS), pour aboutir à l'éclaircissement de leur rôle en politique économique. Le choix des AS correspond aux facteurs productifs :¦? Travail : Syndicat, Confédérations¦? Capital : Patronat, Groupes économiques¦? Ressources naturelles - inclus l'Economie clandestine¦? Esprit d'entreprise dans tous les AS¦Méthode : analyse institutionnelle, AS comme protagonistes. Contexte latino-américain et mondial (chapitre I), relation avec les Politiques (chapitre II), identification des positionnements face aux Politiques économiques (chapitre III). Etude sur deux périodes :¦1) Front National (FN) (1958-1986). Pacte de partis traditionnels pour l'obtention (non accomplie) de la paix et du développement. Objectif acquis via des politiques adéquates mais sans amélioration du domaine social (politique de revenu absente).¦En conséquence, développement des Cartels surpassant l'Intégration Andine. Echec des tentatives d'Ouverture précoce grâce aux Centrales syndicales (1977) aux Organisations patronales (1981), confirmant le bipartisme; crise de la dette sans cessations de paiements, ni décennie perdue (Colombie) ; développement des AS profitant d'absence de partis d'opposition.¦2) L'Ouverture (1989-2000) : Nouvelle Constitution avec amplifications de l'Etat, réformes financière, des échanges, sans sélectivité ni gradualité demandées par les AS. Emergence du blanchiment.¦Montée en puissance des Groupes économiques au détriment des Organisations patronales, (excepté les industriels), perte du lobbying syndical. Malgré des résultats positifs macro-économiques, les taux de chômage, secteur informel, et pauvreté, situent¦le pays au 2eme rang en concentration du revenu en Amérique latine et au 5eme rang mondial.¦Conclusion : les AS se sont mis en avant dans l'inflation (30% à 8%) et la dévaluation. Par contre, les taux d'intérêt et de change ont provoqué le crédit clandestin et la réévaluation avec ouverture aux importations ; pas de succès non plus sur le déficit fiscal ni la gestion des booms (café, drogues). La plupart des Politiques ont donc été décidées d'après la Banque centrale et le Ministère des finances confirmant la primauté du gouvernement sur les AS durant la période analysée.
M.C. Addor is included in the Eurocat Working Group
BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVES: Combination antiretroviral therapy (cART) is changing, and this may affect the type and occurrence of side effects. We examined the frequency of lipodystrophy (LD) and weight changes in relation to the use of specific drugs in the Swiss HIV Cohort Study (SHCS). METHODS: In the SHCS, patients are followed twice a year and scored by the treating physician as having 'fat accumulation', 'fat loss', or neither. Treatments, and reasons for change thereof, are recorded. Our study sample included all patients treated with cART between 2003 and 2006 and, in addition, all patients who started cART between 2000 and 2003. RESULTS: From 2003 to 2006, the percentage of patients taking stavudine, didanosine and nelfinavir decreased, the percentage taking lopinavir, nevirapine and efavirenz remained stable, and the percentage taking atazanavir and tenofovir increased by 18.7 and 22.2%, respectively. In life-table Kaplan-Meier analysis, patients starting cART in 2003-2006 were less likely to develop LD than those starting cART from 2000 to 2002 (P<0.02). LD was quoted as the reason for treatment change or discontinuation for 4% of patients on cART in 2003, and for 1% of patients treated in 2006 (P for trend <0.001). In univariate and multivariate regression analysis, patients with a weight gain of >or=5 kg were more likely to take lopinavir or atazanavir than patients without such a weight gain [odds ratio (OR) 2, 95% confidence interval (CI) 1.3-2.9, and OR 1.7, 95% CI 1.3-2.1, respectively]. CONCLUSIONS: LD has become less frequent in the SHCS from 2000 to 2006. A weight gain of more than 5 kg was associated with the use of atazanavir and lopinavir.
BACKGROUND: Little is known about time trends, predictors, and consequences of changes made to antiretroviral therapy (ART) regimens early after patients initially start treatment. METHODS: We compared the incidence of, reasons for, and predictors of treatment change within 1 year after starting combination ART (cART), as well as virological and immunological outcomes at 1 year, among 1866 patients from the Swiss HIV Cohort Study who initiated cART during 2000--2001, 2002--2003, or 2004--2005. RESULTS: The durability of initial regimens did not improve over time (P = .15): 48.8% of 625 patients during 2000--2001, 43.8% of 607 during 2002--2003, and 44.3% of 634 during 2004--2005 changed cART within 1 year; reasons for change included intolerance (51.1% of all patients), patient wish (15.4%), physician decision (14.8%), and virological failure (7.1%). An increased probability of treatment change was associated with larger CD4+ cell counts, larger human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) RNA loads, and receipt of regimens that contained stavudine or indinavir/ritonavir, but a decreased probability was associated with receipt of regimens that contained tenofovir. Treatment discontinuation was associated with larger CD4+ cell counts, current use of injection drugs, and receipt of regimens that contained nevirapine. One-year outcomes improved between 2000--2001 and 2004--2005: 84.5% and 92.7% of patients, respectively, reached HIV-1 RNA loads of <50 copies/mL and achieved median increases in CD4+ cell counts of 157.5 and 197.5 cells/microL, respectively (P < .001 for all comparisons). CONCLUSIONS: Virological and immunological outcomes of initial treatments improved between 2000--2001 and 2004--2005, irrespective of uniformly high rates of early changes in treatment across the 3 study intervals.