65 resultados para UDK:550


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Adenocarcinoma of the lung is the leading cause of cancer death worldwide. Here we report molecular profiling of 230 resected lung adenocarcinomas using messenger RNA, microRNA and DNA sequencing integrated with copy number, methylation and proteomic analyses. High rates of somatic mutation were seen (mean 8.9 mutations per megabase). Eighteen genes were statistically significantly mutated, including RIT1 activating mutations and newly described loss-of-function MGA mutations which are mutually exclusive with focal MYC amplification. EGFR mutations were more frequent in female patients, whereas mutations in RBM10 were more common in males. Aberrations in NF1, MET, ERBB2 and RIT1 occurred in 13% of cases and were enriched in samples otherwise lacking an activated oncogene, suggesting a driver role for these events in certain tumours. DNA and mRNA sequence from the same tumour highlighted splicing alterations driven by somatic genomic changes, including exon 14 skipping in MET mRNA in 4% of cases. MAPK and PI(3)K pathway activity, when measured at the protein level, was explained by known mutations in only a fraction of cases, suggesting additional, unexplained mechanisms of pathway activation. These data establish a foundation for classification and further investigations of lung adenocarcinoma molecular pathogenesis.


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BACKGROUND: Present combination antiretroviral therapy (cART) alone does not cure HIV infection and requires lifelong drug treatment. The potential role of HIV therapeutic vaccines as part of an HIV cure is under consideration. Our aim was to assess the efficacy, safety, and immunogenicity of Vacc-4x, a peptide-based HIV-1 therapeutic vaccine targeting conserved domains on p24(Gag), in adults infected with HIV-1. METHODS: Between July, 2008, and June, 2010, we did a multinational double-blind, randomised, phase 2 study comparing Vacc-4x with placebo. Participants were adults infected with HIV-1 who were aged 18-55 years and virologically suppressed on cART (viral load <50 copies per mL) with CD4 cell counts of 400 × 10(6) cells per L or greater. The trial was done at 18 sites in Germany, Italy, Spain, the UK, and the USA. Participants were randomly assigned (2:1) to Vacc-4x or placebo. Group allocation was masked from participants and investigators. Four primary immunisations, weekly for 4 weeks, containing Vacc-4x (or placebo) were given intradermally after administration of adjuvant. Booster immunisations were given at weeks 16 and 18. At week 28, cART was interrupted for up to 24 weeks. The coprimary endpoints were cART resumption and changes in CD4 counts during treatment interruption. Analyses were by modified intention to treat: all participants who received one intervention. Furthermore, safety, viral load, and immunogenicity (as measured by ELISPOT and proliferation assays) were assessed. The 52 week follow-up period was completed in June, 2011. For the coprimary endpoints the proportion of participants who met the criteria for cART resumption was analysed with a logistic regression model with the treatment effect being assessed in a model including country as a covariate. This study is registered with ClinicalTrials.gov, number NCT00659789. FINDINGS: 174 individuals were screened; because of slow recruitment, enrolment stopped with 136 of a planned 345 participants and 93 were randomly assigned to receive Vacc-4x and 43 to receive placebo. There were no differences between the two groups for the primary efficacy endpoints in those participants who stopped cART at week 28. Of the participants who resumed cART, 30 (34%) were in the Vacc-4x group and 11 (29%) in the placebo group, and percentage changes in CD4 counts were not significant (mean treatment difference -5·71, 95% CI -13·01 to 1·59). However, a significant difference in viral load was noted for the Vacc-4x group both at week 48 (median 23 100 copies per mL Vacc-4x vs 71 800 copies per mL placebo; p=0·025) and week 52 (median 19 550 copies per mL vs 51 000 copies per mL; p=0·041). One serious adverse event, exacerbation of multiple sclerosis, was reported as possibly related to study treatment. Vacc-4x was immunogenic, inducing proliferative responses in both CD4 and CD8 T-cell populations. INTERPRETATION: The proportion of participants resuming cART before end of study and change in CD4 counts during the treatment interruption showed no benefit of vaccination. Vacc-4x was safe, well tolerated, immunogenic, seemed to contribute to a viral-load setpoint reduction after cART interruption, and might be worth consideration in future HIV-cure investigative strategies. FUNDING: Norwegian Research Council GLOBVAC Program and Bionor Pharma ASA.


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sublattices ferrimagnet Cu2OSeO3 with a cubic symmetry and a linear magnetoelectric effect. There is no spectroscopic evidence for structural lattice distortions below T-C=60 K, which are expected due to magnetoelectric coupling. Using symmetry arguments we explain this observation by considering a special type of ferrimagnetic ground state which does not generate a spontaneous electric polarization. Interestingly, Raman scattering shows a strong increase of electric polarization of media through a dynamic magnetoelectric effect as a remarkable enhancement of the scattering intensity below T-C. New lines of purely magnetic origin have been detected in the magnetically ordered state. A part of them are attributed as scattering on exchange magnons. Using this observation and further symmetry considerations we argue for strong Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya interaction existing in the Cu2OSeO3. (c) 2010 American Institute of Physics. [doi:10.1063/1.3455808]


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Objective: To analyze the atmosphere inside incubators regarding alcoholic solvent such as isopropanol or ethanol which are commonly used in hand disinfecting solutions. Design: Observational. Setting: The third level neonatal unit of the Centre Hospitalier Universitaire Vaudois, Lausanne, Switzerland. Patients: Nine neonates with median (range) gestational age of 29 4/7 (25 5/7-39 0/7) weeks and birth weight of 960 (550-3050) grams. All neonates were inside incubators. Interventions: Alcoholic vapors inside incubators were directly and cumulatively measured by photoionisation and gas chromatography respectively after absorption on a charcoal sampling tube. Results: Eleven studies (mean study time: 230 ± 19 minutes) were performed. Highly variable isopropanol/ethanol concentrations profiles were found inside incubators. Peak value for isopropanol was 1982 part per million and for ethanol was 906 part per million. Conclusions: Incubators' inner atmosphere can be highly polluted by alcohol vapors. To reduce them staff should respect long evaporation time between hands disinfection and manipulations inside incubators. The use of an ethanol-based disinfecting solution, because of its short evaporation time, could be favored. As alcohol vapor toxicity for neonate remains largely unknown, further studies could be welcome.


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Introduction Quatre génotypes pathogènes de l'hépatite E (HEV) sont actuellement connus. Ils présentent des caractéristiques épidémiologiques différentes. Les génotypes 1 et 2 infectent uniquement l'homme et sont à l'origine d'épidémies dans des pays en voie de développement. Les génotypes 3 et 4 se présentent sous forme de zoonose, endémiques chez des cochons et autres mammifères dans des pays industrialisés. Ces derniers génotypes sont à l'origine de cas sporadiques d'hépatite E autochtones. La majorité des tests de sérologie actuellement commercialisés se basent sur des virus de génotype 1 et 2. Le bénéfice de l'utilisation d'un test sérologique basé sur le génotype 3 dans des pays industrialisés n'a pas été étudié jusqu'à présent. Dans cette étude, les performances de tests sérologiques basés sur des antigènes de plusieurs génotypes de l'HEV ont été comparées. Méthode Les tests ont été appliqués à deux populations distinctes: une population de 20 patients, chez qui une infection aiguë d'hépatite E, génotype 3, a été documentée par PCR sanguine, et une population de 550 donneurs de sang de la région de Lausanne. Le dépistage des IgGs anti-HEV a été effectué dans le sérum des deux populations par trois «Enzyme Immuno Assays» (EIA) à savoir MP Diagnostics, Dia.Pro et Fortress. Les échantillons positifs avec au moins un des EIA ont été testés par un «Immunodot Assay», le recomLine HEV IgG/IgM. Tous les EIA sont basés sur des antigènes des génotypes 1 et 2, alors que l'immunodot se base sur des antigènes des génotypes 1 et 3. Résultats Tous les échantillons des cas d'hépatite E documentés et 124 sur 550 échantillons des donneurs de sang étaient positifs avec au moins un des tests sérologique. Parmi les cas confirmés par PCR, 45 %, 65 %, 95 % et 55 % étaient respectivement positifs avec le test de MP Diagnostics, Dia.Pro, Fortress et recomLine. Parmi les échantillons positifs des donneurs de sang avec au moins un des tests, 120/124 (97 %) étaient positifs avec le test Fortress, 19/124 (15 %) étaient positifs avec tous les EIA et 51/124 (41 %) étaient positifs avec le recomLine. Parmi les cas d'hépatite E confirmés, 11/20 (55 %) étaient positifs avec le recomLine et parmi ceux-ci, une réactivité plus forte pour le génotype 3 était observée dans 1/11 (9 %) et une réactivité identique dans 5/11 (45.5 %) cas. Conclusions Même si le recomLine contient des protéines dérivées de l'HEV génotype 3, sa sensibilité est inférieure à l'EIA de Fortress dans les cas d'hépatite E aiguë de génotype 3. De plus, chez environ 45 % des patients, le recomLine ne parvient pas à identifier une infection comme étant causé par un virus du génotype 3. Dans la population de donneurs de sang, nous avons observe de grandes variations dans les séroprévalences mesurées, allant de 4.2 % à 21.8 % selon les tests sérologiques employés.


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BACKGROUND: The risk of osteoporosis and fracture influences the selection of adjuvant endocrine therapy. We analyzed bone mineral density (BMD) in Swiss patients of the Breast International Group (BIG) 1-98 trial [treatment arms: A, tamoxifen (T) for 5 years; B, letrozole (L) for 5 years; C, 2 years of T followed by 3 years of L; D, 2 years of L followed by 3 years of T]. PATIENTS AND METHODS: Dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry (DXA) results were retrospectively collected. Patients without DXA served as control group. Repeated measures models using covariance structures allowing for different times between DXA were used to estimate changes in BMD. Prospectively defined covariates were considered as fixed effects in the multivariable models. RESULTS: Two hundred and sixty-one of 546 patients had one or more DXA with 577 lumbar and 550 hip measurements. Weight, height, prior hormone replacement therapy, and hysterectomy were positively correlated with BMD; the correlation was negative for letrozole arms (B/C/D versus A), known osteoporosis, time on trial, age, chemotherapy, and smoking. Treatment did not influence the occurrence of osteoporosis (T score < -2.5 standard deviation). CONCLUSIONS: All aromatase inhibitor regimens reduced BMD. The sequential schedules were as detrimental for bone density as L monotherapy.


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La consommation actuelle de sel (chlorure de sodium) est très supérieure aux besoins physiologiques (1,5 g par jour, soit environ 550 mg par jour de sodium) dans la plupart des pays (> 8 g par jour). Les principales sources de sel sont les pains, les fromages, les produits dérivés de la viande et les plats précuisinés. En moyenne, une consommation élevée de sel est associée à une pression artérielle plus élevée. En Suisse, un adulte sur trois souffre d'hypertension artérielle. La moitié des accidents vasculaires cérébraux et des maladies cardiaques ischémiques sont attribuables à une pression artérielle trop élevée. L'Office fédéral de la santé publique conduit actuellement une stratégie visant à diminuer la consommation de sel dans la population suisse à moins de 5 g par jour sur le long terme (Salz Strategie 2008-2012). [Abstract] Current dietary salt (sodium chloride) intake largely exceeds physiological needs (about 1.5 g salt per day, or 550 mg sodium per day) in most countries (> 8 g salt per day). The main sources of dietar salt intake are breads, cheeses, products derived from meat and ready-to-eat meals. On average, a high-salt diet is associated with higher blood pressure levels. In Switzerland, one out of three adults suffers from arterial hypertension. Half of cerebrovascular events and ischaemic cardiac events are attributable to elevated blood pressure. The Swiss Federal Office of Public Health is currently running a strategy aiming at reducing dietary salt intake in the Swiss population to less than 5 g per day on the long run (Salz Strategie 2008-2012).


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Although hydrocarbon-bearing fluids have been known from the alkaline igneous rocks of the Khibiny intrusion for many years, their origin remains enigmatic. A recently proposed model of post-magmatic hydrocarbon (HC) generation through Fischer-Tropsch (FT) type reactions suggests the hydration of Fe-bearing phases and release of H-2 which reacts with magmatically derived CO2 to form CH4 and higher HCs. However, new petrographic, microthermometric, laser Raman, bulk gas and isotope data are presented and discussed in the context of previously published work in order to reassess models of HC generation. The gas phase is dominated by CH4 with only minor proportions of higher hydrocarbons. No remnants of the proposed primary CO2-rich fluid are found in the complex. The majority of the fluid inclusions are of secondary nature and trapped in healed microfractures. This indicates a high fluid flux after magma crystallisation. Entrapment conditions for fluid inclusions are 450-550 degrees C at 2.8-4.5 kbar. These temperatures are too high for hydrocarbon gas generation through the FT reaction. Chemical analyses of rims of Fe-rich phases suggest that they are not the result of alteration but instead represent changes in magma composition during crystallisation. Furthermore, there is no clear relationship between the presence of Fe-rich minerals and the abundance of fluid inclusion planes (FIPs) as reported elsewhere. delta C-13 values for methane range from -22.4% to -5.4%, confirming a largely abiogenic origin for the gas. The presence of primary CH4-dominated fluid inclusions and melt inclusions, which contain a methane-rich gas phase, indicates a magmatic origin of the HCs. An increase in methane content, together with a decrease in delta C-13 isotope values towards the intrusion margin suggests that magmatically derived abiogenic hydrocarbons may have mixed with biogenic hydrocarbons derived from the surrounding country rocks. (C) 2006 Elsevier BV. All rights reserved.


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BACKGROUND: Until recently, neurosurgeons eagerly removed cerebellar lesions without consideration of future cognitive impairment that might be caused by the resection. In children, transient cerebellar mutism after resection has lead to a diminished use of midline approaches and vermis transection, as well as reduced retraction of the cerebellar hemispheres. The role of the cerebellum in higher cognitive functions beyond coordination and motor control has recently attracted significant interest in the scientific community, and might change the neurosurgical approach to these lesions. The aim of this study was to investigate the specific effects of cerebellar lesions on memory, and to assess a possible lateralisation effect. METHODS: We studied 16 patients diagnosed with a cerebellar lesion, from January 1997 to April 2005, in the "Centre Hospitalier Universitaire Vaudois (CHUV)", Lausanne, Switzerland. Different neuropsychological tests assessing short term and anterograde memory, verbal and visuo-spatial modalities were performed pre-operatively. RESULTS: Severe memory deficits in at least one modality were identified in a majority (81%) of patients with cerebellar lesions. Only 1 patient (6%) had no memory deficit. In our series lateralisation of the lesion did not lead to a significant difference in verbal or visuo-spatial memory deficits. FINDINGS: These findings are consistent with findings in the literature concerning memory deficits in isolated cerebellar lesions. These can be explained by anatomical pathways. However, the cross-lateralisation theory cannot be demonstrated in our series. The high percentage of patients with a cerebellar lesion who demonstrate memory deficits should lead us to assess memory in all patients with cerebellar lesions.


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Objectives: To compare the clinical characteristics, species distribution and antifungal susceptibility of Candida bloodstream isolates (BSI) in breakthrough (BTC) vs. non-breakthrough candidemia (NBTC) and to study the effect of prolonged vs. short fluconazole (F) exposure in BTC.Methods: Candida BSI were prospectively collected during 2004- 2006 from 27 hospitals (seven university, 20 affiliated) of the FUNGINOS network. Susceptibility to F, voriconazole (V) and caspofungin (C) was tested in the FUNGINOS mycology reference laboratory by microtitre broth dilution method with the Sensititre YeastOneTM test panel. Clinical data were collected using standardized CRFs. BTC was defined as occurring during antifungal treatment/prophylaxis of at least three days duration prior to the candidemia. Susceptibility of BSI was defined according to 2010/2011 CLSI clinical breakpoints.Results: Out of 567 candidemia episodes, 550 Candida BSI were available. Of these, 43 (7.6%) were from BTC (37/43, 86% were isolated after F exposure). 38 BTC (88.4%) and 315 NBTC (55.6%) occurred in university hospitals (P < 0.001). The majority of patients developing BTC were immunocompromised: higher proportions of haematological malignancies (62.8% in BTC vs. 47.1% in NBTC, P < 0.001), neutropenia (37.2% vs. 11.8%, P < 0.001), acute GvHD (14% vs. 0.2%, P < 0.001), immunosuppressive drugs (74.4% vs. 7.8%, P < 0.001), and mucositis (32.6% vs. 2.3%, P < 0.001) were observed. Other differences between BTC and NBTC were higher proportions of patients with central venous catheters in the 2 weeks preceding candidemia (95.3% vs. 83.4%, P = 0.047) and receiving total parenteral nutrition (62.8% vs. 35.9%, P < 0.001), but a lower proportion of patients treated with gastric proton pump inhibitors (23.3% vs. 72.1%, P < 0.001). Overall mortality of BTC and NBTC was not different (34.9% vs. 31.7%, P = 0.73), while a trend to higher attributable mortality in BTC was found (13.9% vs. 6.9%, P = 0.12). Species identification showed a majority of C. albicans in both groups (51.2% in BTC vs. 62.9% in NBTC, P = 0.26), followed by C. glabrata (18.6% vs. 18.5%), C. tropicalis (2.3% vs. 6.3%) and C. parapsilosis (7.0% vs. 4.7%). Significantly more C. krusei were detected in BTC versus NBTC (11.6% vs. 1.6%, P = 0.002). The geometric mean MIC for F, V and C between BTC and NBTC isolates was not significantly different. However, in BTC there was a significant association between duration of F exposure and the Candida spp.: >10 days of F was associated with a significant shift from susceptible Candida spp. (C. albicans, C. parapsilosis, C. tropicalis, C. famata) to non-susceptible species (C. glabrata, C. krusei, C. norvegensis). Among 21 BTC episodes occurring after £10 days of F, 19% of the isolates were non-susceptible, in contrast to 68.7% in 16 BTC episodes occurring after >10 days of F (P = 0.003).Conclusions: Breakthrough candidemia occurred more often in immunocompromised hosts. Fluconazole administered for >10 days was associated with a shift to non-susceptible Candida spp.. Length of fluconazole exposure should be taken into consideration for the choice of empirical antifungal treatment.


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Introduction: Hepatitis E virus (HEV) emerged as an autochthonous food-borne disease in developed countries, transmitted mainly through pork meat. Cases of transmission through blood transfusion have been reported. Recent studies revealed sero-prevalence rates of 13.5%, 16.6% and 20.6% among blood donors in England, France and Denmark, respectively. The aim of this study was to determine the sero-prevalence of HEV among Swiss blood donors. Method: We screened 550 consecutive blood donations from the Service Régional Vaudois de Transfusion Sanguine of Epalinges, for the presence of anti-HEV IgG (MP Diagnostics HEV ELISA). The sample size was based on the Lorentz formula considering an expected prevalence of 3% with a precision of 1.5%. For each donor, we studied the following variables: age, sex and alanine aminotransferase (ALT) value. Results: All blood donors were Caucasian, and included 332 men (60.4%) and 218 women (39.6%). The median age was 55 years (IQR 46-63 years). Overall, anti-HEV IgG were found in 27 of 550 samples (4.9%). The sero-prevalence was 5.4% (18/314) in men and 4.1% (9/209) in women. The presence of anti-HEV IgG was not correlated to age, gender or ALT values. Conclusion: Compared to other European countries, the HEV sero-prevalence among blood donors in Switzerland is surprisingly low. Possible explanations include the strict regulation of animals and meat import. However, to confirm this hypothesis, further studies assessing the prevalence of HEV in Swiss swine will be necessary.


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BACKGROUND: The benefit of using serological assays based on HEV genotype 3 in industrialised settings is unclear. We compared the performance of serological kits based on antigens from different HEV genotypes. METHODS: Taking 20 serum samples from patients in southwest France with acute HEV infection (positive PCR for HEV genotype 3) and 550 anonymised samples from blood donors in southwest Switzerland, we tested for anti-HEV IgG using three enzyme immunoassays (EIAs) (MP Diagnostics, Dia.Pro and Fortress) based on genotype 1 and 2 antigens, and one immunodot assay (Mikrogen Diagnostik recomLine HEV IgG/IgM) based on genotype 1 and 3 antigens. RESULTS: All acute HEV samples and 124/550 blood donor samples were positive with ≥1 assay. Of PCR-confirmed patient samples, 45%, 65%, 95% and 55% were positive with MP Diagnostics, Dia.Pro, Fortress and recomLine, respectively. Of blood donor samples positive with ≥1 assay, 120/124 (97%), were positive with Fortress, 19/124 (15%) were positive with all EIAs and 51/124 (41%) were positive with recomLine. Of 11/20 patient samples positive with recomLine, stronger reactivity for HEV genotype 3 was observed in 1/11(9%), and equal reactivity for both genotypes in 5/11 (45.5%). CONCLUSIONS: Although recomLine contains HEV genotype 3, it has lower sensitivity than Fortress in acute HEV infection and fails to identify infection as being due to this genotype in approximately 45% of patients. In our single blood donor population, we observe wide variations in measured seroprevalence, from 4.2% to 21.8%, depending on the assay used.


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Major depressive disorder (MDD) is a highly prevalent disorder with substantial heritability. Heritability has been shown to be substantial and higher in the variant of MDD characterized by recurrent episodes of depression. Genetic studies have thus far failed to identify clear and consistent evidence of genetic risk factors for MDD. We conducted a genome-wide association study (GWAS) in two independent datasets. The first GWAS was performed on 1022 recurrent MDD patients and 1000 controls genotyped on the Illumina 550 platform. The second was conducted on 492 recurrent MDD patients and 1052 controls selected from a population-based collection, genotyped on the Affymetrix 5.0 platform. Neither GWAS identified any SNP that achieved GWAS significance. We obtained imputed genotypes at the Illumina loci for the individuals genotyped on the Affymetrix platform, and performed a meta-analysis of the two GWASs for this common set of approximately half a million SNPs. The meta-analysis did not yield genome-wide significant results either. The results from our study suggest that SNPs with substantial odds ratio are unlikely to exist for MDD, at least in our datasets and among the relatively common SNPs genotyped or tagged by the half-million-loci arrays. Meta-analysis of larger datasets is warranted to identify SNPs with smaller effects or with rarer allele frequencies that contribute to the risk of MDD.


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Pigs are very often colonized by Staphylococcus aureus and transmission of such pig-associated S. aureus to humans can cause serious medical, hygiene, and economic problems. The transmission route of zoonotic pathogens colonizing farm animals to humans is not well established and bioaerosols could play an important role. The aim of this study was to assess the potential occupational risk of working with S. aureus-colonized pigs in Switzerland. We estimated the airborne contamination by S. aureus in 37 pig farms (20 nursery and 17 fattening units; 25 in summer, 12 in winter). Quantification of total airborne bacterial DNA, airborne Staphylococcus sp. DNA, fungi, and airborne endotoxins was also performed. In this experiment, the presence of cultivable airborne methicillin-resistant S. aureus (MRSA) CC398 in a pig farm in Switzerland was reported for the first time. Airborne methicillin-sensitive S. aureus (MSSA) was found in ~30% of farms. The average airborne concentration of DNA copy number of total bacteria and Staphylococcus sp. measured by quantitative polymerase chain reaction was very high, respectively reaching values of 75 (± 28) × 10(7) and 35 (± 9.8) × 10(5) copy numbers m(-3) in summer and 96 (± 19) × 10(8) and 40 (± 12) × 10(6) copy numbers m(-3) in winter. Total mean airborne concentrations of endotoxins (1298 units of endotoxin m(-3)) and fungi (5707 colony-forming units m(-3)) exceeded the Swiss recommended values and were higher in winter than in summer. In conclusion, Swiss pig farmers will have to tackle a new emerging occupational risk, which could also have a strong impact on public health. The need to inform pig farmers about biological occupational risks is therefore crucial.