98 resultados para Thermal expansion


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The calculation of elasticity parameters by sonic and ultra sonic wave propagation in saturated soils using Biot's theory needs the following variables : forpiation density and porosity (p, ø), compressional and shear wave velocities (Vp, Vs), fluid density, viscosity and compressibility (Pfi Ilfi Ki), matrix density and compressibility (p" K), The first four parameters can be determined in situ using logging probes. Because fluid and matrix characteristics are not modified during core extraction, they can be obtained through laboratory measurements. All parameters necessitate precise calibrations in various environments and for specific range of values encountered in soils. The slim diameter of boreholes in shallow geophysics and the high cost of petroleum equipment demand the use of specific probes, which usually only give qualitative results. The measurement 'of density is done with a gamma-gamma probe and the measurement of hydrogen index, in relation to porosity, by a neutron probe. The first step of this work has been carried out in synthetic formations in the laboratory using homogeneous media of known density and porosity. To establish borehole corrections different casings have been used. Finally a comparison between laboratory and in situ data in cored holes of known geometry and casing has been performed.


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Secondary growth of the vasculature results in the thickening of plant structures and continuously produces xylem tissue, the major biological carbon sink. Little is known about the developmental control of this quantitative trait, which displays two distinct phases in Arabidopsis thaliana hypocotyls. The later phase of accelerated xylem expansion resembles the secondary growth of trees and is triggered upon flowering by an unknown, shoot-derived signal. We found that flowering-dependent hypocotyl xylem expansion is a general feature of herbaceous plants with a rosette growth habit. Flowering induction is sufficient to trigger xylem expansion in Arabidopsis. By contrast, neither flower formation nor elongation of the main inflorescence is required. Xylem expansion also does not depend on any particular flowering time pathway or absolute age. Through analyses of natural genetic variation, we found that ERECTA acts locally to restrict xylem expansion downstream of the gibberellin (GA) pathway. Investigations of mutant and transgenic plants indicate that GA and its signaling pathway are both necessary and sufficient to directly trigger enhanced xylogenesis. Impaired GA signaling did not affect xylem expansion systemically, suggesting that it acts downstream of the mobile cue. By contrast, the GA effect was graft transmissible, suggesting that GA itself is the mobile shoot-derived signal.


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We examined sequence variation in the mitochondrial cytochrome b gene (1140 bp, n = 73) and control region (842-851 bp, n = 74) in the Eurasian harvest mouse (Micromys minutus (Pallas, 1771)), with samples drawn from across its range, from Western Europe to Japan. Phylogeographic analyses revealed region-specific haplotype groupings combined with overall low levels of inter-regional genetic divergence. Despite the enormous intervening distance, European and East Asian samples showed a net nucleotide divergence of only 0.36%. Based on an evolutionary rate for the cytochrome b gene of 2.4%(.)(site(.)lineage(.)million years)(-1), the initial divergence time of these populations is estimated at around 80 000 years before present. Our findings are consistent with available fossil evidence that has recorded repeated cycles of extinction and recolonization of Europe by M. minutus through the Quaternary. The molecular data further suggest that recolonization occurred from refugia in the Central to East Asian region. Japanese haplotypes of M. minutus, with the exception of those from Tsushima Is., show limited nucleotide diversity (0.15%) compared with those found on the adjacent Korean Peninsula. This finding suggests recent colonization of the Japanese Archipelago, probably around the last glacial period, followed by rapid population growth.


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It has been recently shown (Seddiki, N., B. Santner-Nanan, J. Martinson, J. Zaunders, S. Sasson, A. Landay, M. Solomon, W. Selby, S.I. Alexander, R. Nanan, et al. 2006. J. Exp. Med. 203:1693-1700.) that the expression of interleukin (IL) 7 receptor (R) alpha discriminates between two distinct CD4 T cell populations, both characterized by the expression of CD25, i.e. CD4 regulatory T (T reg) cells and activated CD4 T cells. T reg cells express low levels of IL-7Ralpha, whereas activated CD4 T cells are characterized by the expression of IL-7Ralpha(high). We have investigated the distribution of these two CD4 T cell populations in 36 subjects after liver and kidney transplantation and in 45 healthy subjects. According to a previous study (Demirkiran, A., A. Kok, J. Kwekkeboom, H.J. Metselaar, H.W. Tilanus, and L.J. van der Laan. 2005. Transplant. Proc. 37:1194-1196.), we observed that the T reg CD25(+)CD45RO(+)IL-7Ralpha(low) cell population was reduced in transplant recipients (P < 0.00001). Interestingly, the CD4(+)CD25(+)CD45RO(+)IL-7Ralpha(high) cell population was significantly increased in stable transplant recipients compared with healthy subjects (P < 0.00001), and the expansion of this cell population was even greater in patients with documented humoral chronic rejection compared with stable transplant recipients (P < 0.0001). The expanded CD4(+)CD25(+)CD45RO(+)IL-7Ralpha(high) cell population contained allospecific CD4 T cells and secreted effector cytokines such as tumor necrosis factor alpha and interferon gamma, thus potentially contributing to the mechanisms of chronic rejection. More importantly, CD4(+)IL-7Ralpha(+)and CD25(+)IL-7Ralpha(+) cells were part of the T cell population infiltrating the allograft of patients with a documented diagnosis of chronic humoral rejection. These results indicate that the CD4(+)CD25(+)IL-7Ralpha(+) cell population may represent a valuable, sensitive, and specific marker to monitor allospecific CD4 T cell responses both in blood and in tissues after organ transplantation.


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Gradients of variation-or clines-have always intrigued biologists. Classically, they have been interpreted as the outcomes of antagonistic interactions between selection and gene flow. Alternatively, clines may also establish neutrally with isolation by distance (IBD) or secondary contact between previously isolated populations. The relative importance of natural selection and these two neutral processes in the establishment of clinal variation can be tested by comparing genetic differentiation at neutral genetic markers and at the studied trait. A third neutral process, surfing of a newly arisen mutation during the colonization of a new habitat, is more difficult to test. Here, we designed a spatially explicit approximate Bayesian computation (ABC) simulation framework to evaluate whether the strong cline in the genetically based reddish coloration observed in the European barn owl (Tyto alba) arose as a by-product of a range expansion or whether selection has to be invoked to explain this colour cline, for which we have previously ruled out the actions of IBD or secondary contact. Using ABC simulations and genetic data on 390 individuals from 20 locations genotyped at 22 microsatellites loci, we first determined how barn owls colonized Europe after the last glaciation. Using these results in new simulations on the evolution of the colour phenotype, and assuming various genetic architectures for the colour trait, we demonstrate that the observed colour cline cannot be due to the surfing of a neutral mutation. Taking advantage of spatially explicit ABC, which proved to be a powerful method to disentangle the respective roles of selection and drift in range expansions, we conclude that the formation of the colour cline observed in the barn owl must be due to natural selection.


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INTRODUCTION: Quantitative sensory testing (QST) is widely used in human research to investigate the integrity of the sensory function in patients with pain of neuropathic origin, or other causes such as low back pain. Reliability of QST has been evaluated on both sides of the face, hands and feet as well as on the trunk (Th3-L3). In order to apply these tests on other body-parts such as the lower lumbar spine, it is important first to establish reliability on healthy individuals. The aim of this study was to investigate intra-rater reliability of thermal QST in healthy adults, on two sites within the L5 dermatome of the lumbar spine and lower extremity. METHODS: Test-retest reliability of thermal QST was determined at the L5-level of the lumbar spine and in the same dermatome on the lower extremity in 30 healthy persons under 40 years of age. Results were analyzed using descriptive statistics and intraclass correlation coefficient (ICC). Values were compared to normative data, using Z-transformation. RESULTS: Mean intraindividual differences were small for cold and warm detection thresholds but larger for pain thresholds. ICC values showed excellent reliability for warm detection and heat pain threshold, good-to-excellent reliability for cold pain threshold and fair-to-excellent reliability for cold detection threshold. ICC had large ranges of confidence interval (95%). CONCLUSION: In healthy adults, thermal QST on the lumbar spine and lower extremity demonstrated fair-to-excellent test-retest reliability.


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BACKGROUND: Pharmacotherapy may represent a potential means to limit the expansion rate of abdominal aortic aneurysms (AAAs). Studies evaluating the efficacy of different pharmacological agents to slow down human AAA-expansion rates have been performed, but they have never been systematically reviewed or summarized. METHODS AND FINDINGS: Two independent reviewers identified studies and selected randomized trials and prospective cohort studies comparing the growth rate of AAA in patients with pharmacotherapy vs. no pharmacotherapy. We extracted information on study interventions, baseline characteristics, methodological quality, and AAA growth rate differences (in mm/year). Fourteen prospective studies met eligibility criteria. Five cohort studies raised the possibility of benefit of beta-blockers [pooled growth rate difference: -0.62 mm/year, (95%CI, -1.00 to -0.24)], but this was not confirmed in three beta-blocker RCTs [pooled RCT growth rate difference: -0.05 mm/year (-0.16 to 0.05)]. Statins have been evaluated in two cohort studies that yield a pooled growth rate difference of -2.97 (-5.83 to -0.11). Doxycycline and roxithromycin have been evaluated in two RCTs that suggest possible benefit [pooled RCT growth rate difference: -1.32 mm/year (-2.89 to 0.25)]. Studies assessing NSAIDs, diuretics, calcium channel blockers and ACE inhibitors, meanwhile, did not find statistically significant differences. CONCLUSIONS: Beta-blockers do not appear to significantly reduce the growth rate of AAAs. Statins and other anti-inflammatory agents appear to hold promise for decreasing the expansion rate of AAA, but need further evaluation before definitive recommendations can be made.


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Rate of metabolism and body temperature were studied between -6°C and 38°C in the common pipistrelle bat Pipistrellus pipistrellus (Vespertilionidae), a European species lying close to the lower end of the mammalian size range (body mass 4.9±0.8g, N=28). Individuals maintained only occasionally a normothermic body temperature averaging 35.4±1.1°C (N=4) and often showed torpor during metabolic runs. The thermoneutral zone was found above 33°C, and basal rate of metabolism averaged 7.6±0.8mL O(2)h(-1) (N=28), which is 69% of the value predicted on the basis of body mass. Minimal wet thermal conductance was 161% of the expected value. During torpor, the rate of metabolism was related exponentially to body temperature with a Q(10) value of 2.57. Torpid bats showed intermittent ventilation, with the frequency of ventilatory cycles increasing exponentially with body temperature. Basal rate of metabolism (BMR) varied significantly with season and body temperature, but not with body mass. It was lower before the hibernation period than during the summer. The patterns observed are generally consistent with those exhibited by other vespertilionids of temperate regions. However, divergences occur with previous measurements on European pipistrelles, and the causes of the seasonal variation in BMR, which has only rarely been searched for among vespertilionids, remain to be examined.


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BACKGROUND: The expansion of amino acid repeats is determined by a high mutation rate and can be increased or limited by selection. It has been suggested that recent expansions could be associated with the potential of adaptation to new environments. In this work, we quantify the strength of this association, as well as the contribution of potential confounding factors. RESULTS: Mammalian positively selected genes have accumulated more recent amino acid repeats than other mammalian genes. However, we found little support for an accelerated evolutionary rate as the main driver for the expansion of amino acid repeats. The most significant predictors of amino acid repeats are gene function and GC content. There is no correlation with expression level. CONCLUSIONS: Our analyses show that amino acid repeat expansions are causally independent from protein adaptive evolution in mammalian genomes. Relaxed purifying selection or positive selection do not associate with more or more recent amino acid repeats. Their occurrence is slightly favoured by the sequence context but mainly determined by the molecular function of the gene.


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Fas-deficient mice (Fas(lpr/lpr)) and humans have profoundly dysregulated T lymphocyte homeostasis, which manifests as an accumulation of CD4(+) and CD8(+) T cells as well as an unusual population of CD4(-)CD8(-)TCRαβ(+) T cells. To date, no unifying model has explained both the increased T-cell numbers and the origin of the CD4(-)CD8(-)TCRαβ(+) T cells. As Fas(lpr/lpr) mice raised in a germ-free environment still manifest lymphadenopathy, we considered that this process is primarily driven by recurrent low-avidity TCR signaling in response to self-peptide/MHC as occurs during homeostatic proliferation. In these studies, we developed two independent systems to decrease the number of self-peptide/MHC contacts. First, expression of MHC class I was reduced in OT-I TCR transgenic mice. Although OT-I Fas(lpr/lpr) mice did not develop lymphadenopathy characteristic of Fas(lpr/lpr) mice, in the absence of MHC class I, OT-I Fas(lpr/lpr) T cells accumulated as both CD8(+) and CD4(-)CD8(-) T cells. In the second system, re-expression of β(2)m limited to thymic cortical epithelial cells of Fas(lpr/lpr) β(2)m-deficient mice yielded a model in which polyclonal CD8(+) thymocytes entered a peripheral environment devoid of MHC class I. These mice accumulated significantly greater numbers of CD4(-)CD8(-)TCRαβ(+) T cells than conventional Fas(lpr/lpr) mice. Thus, Fas shapes the peripheral T-cell repertoire by regulating the survival of a subset of T cells proliferating in response to limited self-peptide/MHC contacts.


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*This study reconstructs the phylogeography of Aegilops geniculata, an allotetraploid relative of wheat, to discuss the impact of past climate changes and recent human activities (e.g. the early expansion of agriculture) on the genetic diversity of ruderal plant species. *We combined chloroplast DNA (cpDNA) sequencing, analysed using statistical parsimony network, with nonhierarchical K-means clustering of amplified fragment length polymorphism (AFLP) genotyping, to unravel patterns of genetic structure across the native range of Ae. geniculata. The AFLP dataset was further explored by measurement of the regional genetic diversity and the detection of isolation by distance patterns. *Both cpDNA and AFLP suggest an eastern Mediterranean origin of Ae. geniculata. Two lineages have spread independently over northern and southern Mediterranean areas. Northern populations show low genetic diversity but strong phylogeographical structure among the main peninsulas, indicating a major influence of glacial cycles. By contrast, low genetic structuring and a high genetic diversity are detected in southern Mediterranean populations. Finally, we highlight human-mediated dispersal resulting in substantial introgression between resident and migrant populations. *We have shown that the evolutionary trajectories of ruderal plants can be similar to those of wild species, but are interfered by human activities, promoting range expansions through increased long-distance dispersal and the creation of suitable habitats.