328 resultados para Testosterona, Hormones sexuals
The peroxisome proliferator-activated receptors (PPAR) alpha, beta/delta and gamma belong to the nuclear hormone receptor superfamily. As ligand-activated receptors, they form a functional transcriptional unit upon heterodimerization with retinoid X receptors (RXRs). PPARs are activated by fatty acids and their derivatives, whereas RXR is activated by 9-cis retinoic acid. This heterodimer binds to peroxisome proliferator response elements (PPRE) residing in target genes and stimulates their expression. Recent reports now indicate that PPARs and RXRs can function independently, in the absence of a hetero-partner, to modulate gene expression. Of importance, these non-canonical mechanisms underscore the impact of both cofactors and DNA on gene expression. Furthermore, these different mechanisms reveal the increasing repertoire of PPAR 'target' genes that now encompasses non-PPREs containing genes. It is also becoming apparent that understanding the regulation of PPAR expression and activity, can itself have a significant influence on how the expression of subgroups of target genes is studied and integrated in current knowledge.
Cette année, six études utiles pour la pratique ont été retenues. L'indication à la mammographie entre 40 et 49 ans devrait être évaluée individuellement et en tenant compte des risques/bénéfices de cet examen. Au-delà de 65 ans, un dépistage systématique de la fibrillation auriculaire avec prise de pouls puis ECG (si pouls irrégulier) pourrait être réalisé de manière systématique. Les risques de complications postcolonoscopie existent, particulièrement suite à des biopsies/polypectomies, et ce risque devrait être discuté. Les inhibiteurs de la pompe à protons au long court sont un facteur de risque de fracture de hanche. S'il est important de prendre en charge des pressions artérielles élevées au-delà de 80 ans, il faut être prudent (orthostatisme). Une corticothérapie précoce suite à une paralysie faciale périphérique est efficace. This year we have selected six studies useful for the day to day practice. A mammography in women 40 to 49 years of age should be evaluated taking into account the patient's profile and the possible risks and benefits of this exam. In patients over 65 years of age, a systematic atrial fibrillation screening, with pulse rate measuring then ECG (if irregular beat) should be realised on a regular basis. The risks for complications following colonoscopies do exist, especially after biopsies/polypectomies and this risk should be discussed. Long term proton pump inhibitor treatment is a risk factor for hip fracture. It is important to treat high blood pressure problems in the elderly, but the orthostatic risks should be adressed. A corticoid treatment started quickly for Bell's palsy is efficient
The lateral hypothalamic area is considered the classic 'feeding centre', regulating food intake, arousal and motivated behaviour through the actions of orexin and melanin-concentrating hormone (MCH). These neuropeptides are inhibited in response to feeding-related signals and are released during fasting. However, the molecular mechanisms that regulate and integrate these signals remain poorly understood. Here we show that the forkhead box transcription factor Foxa2, a downstream target of insulin signalling, regulates the expression of orexin and MCH. During fasting, Foxa2 binds to MCH and orexin promoters and stimulates their expression. In fed and in hyperinsulinemic obese mice, insulin signalling leads to nuclear exclusion of Foxa2 and reduced expression of MCH and orexin. Constitutive activation of Foxa2 in the brain (Nes-Cre/+;Foxa2T156A(flox/flox) genotype) results in increased neuronal MCH and orexin expression and increased food consumption, metabolism and insulin sensitivity. Spontaneous physical activity of these animals in the fed state is significantly increased and is similar to that in fasted mice. Conditional activation of Foxa2 through the T156A mutation expression in the brain of obese mice also resulted in improved glucose homeostasis, decreased fat and increased lean body mass. Our results demonstrate that Foxa2 can act as a metabolic sensor in neurons of the lateral hypothalamic area to integrate metabolic signals, adaptive behaviour and physiological responses.
Introduction : L'ostéoporose et/ou les fractures liées à la grossesse sont souvent sous-diagnostiquées. Nous rapportons 2 cas de fractures diagnostiquées peu après l'accouchement de 2èmes grossesses. Patientes. Cas 1. Patiente de 30 ans présentant des dorso-lombalgies à la fin de sa 2ème grossesse. Une IRM après l'accouchement montre 2 fractures vertébrales (L1 et L2). Densité minérale osseuse (DMO): T-score colonne: -3.9 DS, col fémoral -1.7 DS et hanche totale -0.6 DS. Cas 2. Patiente de 32 ans, présentant des douleurs fessières à la fin de sa 2ème grossesse. L'IRM pelvienne après l'accouchement montre une fracture de l'aile sacrée droite S1-S3 et de l'aile sacrée gauche S1.DMO: T-score colonne -1.4 DS, col fémoral 0.2 DS et hanche totale 0.0 DS. La microarchitecture est normale (TBS 1.429). Nous retenons dans le 1er cas le diagnostic d'une ostéoporose fracturaire liée à la grossesse. De l'ibandronate trimestriel iv est prescrit. Dans le 2ème cas, au vu de la DMO quasi normale, de la trabéculométrie normale et du site atypique de la fracture, nous concluons à une fracture non ostéoporotique sur augmentation du stress mécanique lié à la grossesse. Aucun traitement à visée osseuse n'est prescrit. Discussion : " L'ostéoporose " liée à la grossesse et à l'allaitement se manifeste le plus souvent par des fractures vertébrales non traumatiques pendant le 3ème trimestre de la 1ère grossesse ou durant le post-partum. Une DMO et un bilan à la recherche d'une cause secondaire sont indispensables. Cette pathologie est sous-diagnostiquée, car les douleurs dorsolombaires sont souvent mises sur le compte d'une hyperlaxité ligamentaire physiologique liée aux hormones. Les facteurs de risque sont les mêmes que pour une ostéoporose post-ménopausique. Les apports bas en calcium et en vitamine D3 ainsi qu'un capital osseux moindre à la fin de l'adolescence seraient des facteurs prédisposants. La DMO lombaire diminue de 7.6 +/-0.1%, celle du corps entier de 3.9 +/-0.1% pendant la grossesse et l'allaitement. Habituellement on assiste à une récupération de la DMO dans les mois qui suivent la fin de l'allaitement. Conclusion : Devant des douleurs rachidiennes en fin de grossesse il faut évoquer une fracture ostéoporotique liée à la grossesse. La densitométrie osseuse peut aider au diagnostic même s'il faut l'interpréter prudemment dans les mois qui suivent l'accouchement. Il n'y a pas de consensus concernant le traitement spécifique.
Atrial natriuretic peptides (ANP) exert vasodilating and natriuretic actions. The present study was undertaken to test the effect of low dose infusions of synthetic ANP on hemodynamic and humoral variables of patients with severe heart failure. Eight patients, aged 26 to 71 years, with severe congestive heart failure due to ischemic heart disease or idiopathic dilated cardiomyopathy were included in the study. Synthetic human (3-28) ANP was infused at doses ranging from 0.5 to 2 micrograms/min for up to 3 h. Pulmonary capillary wedge pressure fell from 24 +/- 1 to 16 +/- 2 mm Hg (mean +/- SEM) (p less than 0.01) and cardiac index tended to rise from 2 +/- 0.2 to 2.3 +/- 0.2 L/min/m2 (NS), while blood pressure and heart rate did not change. One patient experienced a marked drop in pulmonary capillary wedge and arterial blood pressure that necessitated the administration of saline. ANP infusion did not alter plasma renin activity or plasma aldosterone, norepinephrine, or vasopressin levels. It decreased plasma epinephrine levels from 0.472 +/- 0.077 to 0.267 +/- 0.024 nmol/L (p less than 0.05). Plasma ANP levels were markedly elevated in all patients before initiating the infusion. They had no predictive value for the hemodynamic response to exogenous ANP. No correlation was observed between the hemodynamic effects of ANP and those induced by the subsequently administered converting enzyme inhibitor captopril, which seemed to improve cardiac function more consistently.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)
Colour polymorphism is widespread among vertebrates and plays important roles in prey-predator interactions, thermoregulation, social competition, and sexual selection. However, the genetic mechanisms involved in colour variation have been studied mainly in domestic mammals and birds, whereas information on wild animals remains scarce. Interestingly, the pro-opiomelanocortin gene (POMC) gives rise to melanocortin hormones that trigger melanogenesis (by binding the melanocortin-1-receptor; Mc1r) and other physiological and behavioural functions (by binding the melanocortin receptors Mc1-5rs). Owing to its pleiotropic effect, the POMC gene could therefore account for the numerous covariations between pigmentation and other phenotypic traits. We screened the POMC and Mc1r genes in 107 wild asp vipers (Vipera aspis) that can exhibit four discrete colour morphs (two unpatterned morphs: concolor or melanistic; two patterned morphs: blotched or lined) in a single population. Our study revealed a correlation between a single nucleotide polymorphism situated within the 3-untranslated region of the POMC gene and colour variation, whereas Mc1r was not found to be polymorphic. To the best of our knowledge, we disclose for the first time a relationship between a mutation at the POMC gene and coloration in a wild animal, as well as a correlation between a genetic marker and coloration in a snake species. Interestingly, similar mutations within the POMC 3-untranslated region are linked to human obesity and alcohol and drug dependence. Combined with our results, this suggests that the 3-untranslated region of the POMC gene may play a role in its regulation in distant vertebrates.
Exogenous administration of glucocorticoids is a widely used and efficient tool to investigate the effects of elevated concentrations of these hormones in field studies. Because the effects of corticosterone are dose and duration-dependent, the exact course of plasma corticosterone levels after exogenous administration needs to be known. We tested the performance of self-degradable corticosterone pellets (implanted under the skin) in elevating plasma corticosterone levels. We monitored baseline (sampled within 3min after capture) total corticosterone levels and investigated potential interactions with corticosteroid-binding-globulin (CBG) capacity and the endogenous corticosterone response to handling in Eurasian kestrel Falco tinnunculus and barn owl Tyto alba nestlings. Corticosterone pellets designed for a 7-day-release in rodents elevated circulating baseline total corticosterone during only 2-3 days compared to placebo-nestlings. Highest levels occurred 1-2days after implantation and levels decreased strongly thereafter. CBG capacity was also increased, resulting in a smaller, but still significant, increase in baseline free corticosterone levels. The release of endogenous corticosterone as a response to handling was strong in placebo-nestlings, but absent 2 and 8 days after corticosterone pellet implantation. This indicates a potential shut-down of the hypothalamo-pituitary-adrenal axis after the 2-3 days of elevated baseline corticosterone levels. 20 days after pellet implantation, the endogenous corticosterone response to handling of nestlings implanted with corticosterone pellets attained similar levels as in placebo-nestlings. Self-degradable pellets proved to be an efficient tool to artificially elevate circulating baseline corticosterone especially in field studies, requiring only one intervention. The resulting peak-like elevation of circulating corticosterone, the concomitant elevation of CBG capacity, and the absence of an endogenous corticosterone response to an acute stressor have to be taken into account.
Activation of the hepatoportal glucose sensors by portal glucose infusion leads to increased glucose clearance and induction of hypoglycemia. Here, we investigated whether glucagon-like peptide-1 (GLP-1) could modulate the activity of these sensors. Mice were therefore infused with saline (S-mice) or glucose (P-mice) through the portal vein at a rate of 25 mg/kg. min. In P-mice, glucose clearance increased to 67.5 +/- 3.7 mg/kg. min as compared with 24.1 +/- 1.5 mg/kg. min in S-mice, and glycemia decreased from 5.0 +/- 0.1 to 3.3 +/- 0.1 mmol/l at the end of the 3-h infusion period. Coinfusion of GLP-1 with glucose into the portal vein at a rate of 5 pmol/kg. min (P-GLP-1 mice) did not increase the glucose clearance rate (57.4 +/- 5.0 ml/kg. min) and hypoglycemia (3.8 +/- 0.1 mmol/l) observed in P-mice. In contrast, coinfusion of glucose and the GLP-1 receptor antagonist exendin-(9-39) into the portal vein at a rate of 0.5 pmol/kg. min (P-Ex mice) reduced glucose clearance to 36.1 +/- 2.6 ml/kg. min and transiently increased glycemia to 9.2 +/- 0.3 mmol/l at 60 min of infusion before it returned to the fasting level (5.6 +/- 0.3 mmol/l) at 3 h. When glucose and exendin-(9-39) were infused through the portal and femoral veins, respectively, glucose clearance increased to 70.0 +/- 4.6 ml/kg. min and glycemia decreased to 3.1 +/- 0.1 mmol/l, indicating that exendin-(9-39) has an effect only when infused into the portal vein. Finally, portal vein infusion of glucose in GLP-1 receptor(-/-) mice failed to increase the glucose clearance rate (26.7 +/- 2.9 ml/kg. min). Glycemia increased to 8.5 +/- 0.5 mmol/l at 60 min and remained elevated until the end of the glucose infusion (8.2 +/- 0.4 mmol/l). Together, our data show that the GLP-1 receptor is part of the hepatoportal glucose sensor and that basal fasting levels of GLP-1 sufficiently activate the receptor to confer maximum glucose competence to the sensor. These data demonstrate an important extrapancreatic effect of GLP-1 in the control of glucose homeostasis.
In order to evaluate the effect of head injury in severely traumatized patients on the response of ACTH, GH, PRL, and TSH plasma levels, 36 patients were prospectively studied over 5 consecutive days following injury. They were divided into three groups: Group I, severe isolated head injury (n = 14); Group II, multiple injury combined with severe head injury (n = 12); Group III, multiple injury without head injury (n = 10). No significant trend was observed during the 5 consecutive days. The following changes in plasma levels were observed, compared to normal reference value (median values): ACTH was normal in the three groups; PRL was elevated in Group II and normal in the other groups; GH was elevated in all groups; TSH was elevated in Group III and reduced in Groups I and II. Intergroup comparisons showed significantly lower plasma levels for PRL (p less than 0.05) and TSH (p less than 0.01) in Groups I and II, i.e., head-injured patients, compared to Group III, i.e., traumatized patients without head injury. A relationship was observed between the severity of head injury, as expressed by Glasgow Coma Score, intracranial pressure levels, outcome, and TSH and PRL levels.
Cette année, nous avons résumé les avances dans deux pathologies très fréquentes et deux plus rares : 1) la cryptorchidie est opérée plus précocement sans utiliser des hormones. Ce traitement vise à assurer la fertilité et à éviter le développement de tumeurs testiculaires. 2) Dans le traitement de la pharyngite streptococcique, les céphalosporines orales durant quatre à cinq jours, peuvent remplacer la pénicilline. 3) Le carvédilol (bêtabloquant), le lévosimendan (sensibilisateur du calcium) et le nésiritide (analogue du peptide natriurétique) permettent une approche neurohormonale à l'insuffisance cardiaque. 4) Les glucocorticoïdes administrés tôt et une prise en charge multidisciplinaire ralentissent le cours de la dystrophie musculaire de Duchenne. This article summarizes the medical progress achieved in 2 frequent and 2 rare pathologies: 1. Cryptorchidism should be operated around 12 months of age and hormonal treatment abandoned in order to maintain fertility and avoid development of testicular tumors. 2. For the treatment of streptococcal pharyngitis oral cephalosporins for 4 to 5 days are equivalent to a Penicillin treatment of 10 days. 3. Thanks to carvedilol (a beta-blocker agent), levosimendan (a calcium sensibiliser) and nesiritide (an analog to the natriuretic peptide) a new hormonal approach to cardiac failure is possible. 4. Corticosteroids allow to improve quality of live and life expectancy in Duchenne muscular dystrophy, provided treatment starts early and a multidisciplinary approach is assured
BACKGROUND: Bariatric surgery markedly improves glucose homeostasis in patients with type 2 diabetes even before any significant weight loss is achieved. Procedures that involve bypassing the proximal small bowel, such as Roux-en-Y gastric bypass (RYGBP), are more efficient than gastric restriction procedures such as gastric banding (GB). OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the effects of RYGBP and GB on postprandial glucose kinetics and gastro-intestinal hormone secretion after an oral glucose load. METHODS AND PROCEDURES: This study was a cross-sectional comparison among non-diabetic, weight-stable women who had undergone RYGBP (n = 8) between 9 and 48 months earlier or GB (n = 6) from 25 to 85 months earlier, and weight- and age-matched control subjects (n = 8). The women were studied over 4 h following ingestion of an oral glucose load. Total glucose and meal glucose kinetics were assessed using glucose tracers and plasma insulin, and gut hormone concentrations were simultaneously monitored. RESULTS: Patients who had undergone RYGBP showed a a more rapid appearance of exogenous glucose in the systemic circulation and a shorter duration of postprandial hyperglycemia than patients who had undergone GB and C. The response in RYGBP patients was characterized by early and accentuated insulin response, enhanced postprandial levels of glucagon-like peptide-1 (GLP-1) and polypeptide YY (PYY), and greater postprandial suppression of ghrelin. DISCUSSION: These findings indicate that RYGBP is associated with alterations in glucose kinetics and glucoregulatory hormone secretion. These alterations are probably secondary to the anatomic rearrangement of the foregut, given the fact that they are not observed after GB. Increased PYY and GLP-1 concentrations and enhanced ghrelin suppression are compatible with reduced food intake after RYGBP.
PURPOSE: Corticosteroids have recorded beneficial clinical effects and are widely used in medicine. In ophthalmology, besides their treatment benefits, side effects, including ocular toxicity have been observed especially when intraocular delivery is used. The mechanism of these toxic events remains, however, poorly understood. In our present study, we investigated the mechanisms and potential pathways of corticosteroid-induced retinal cell death. METHODS: Rats were sacrificed 24 h and 8 days after an intravitreous injection of 1 microl (40 microg) of Kenacort Retard. The eyes were processed for ultra structure analysis and detection of activated caspase-3, cytochrome-C, apoptosis-inducing factor (AIF), LEI-L-Dnase II, terminal transferase dUTP nick end labeling (TUNEL), and microtubule-associated protein 1-light chain 3 (MAP-LC3). In vitro, rat retinal pigment epithelial cells (RPE), retinal Müller glial cells (RMG) and human ARPE-19 cells were treated with triamcinolone acetonide (TA) or other glucocorticoids. Cell viability was quantified by 3-(4,5-dimethylthiazol-2-yl)-2,5 phenyltetrazolium bromide test (MTT) assay and cell counts. Nuclei staining, TUNEL assay, annexin-V binding, activated caspase-3 and lactate dehydrogenase (LDH) production characterized cell death. Localization of cytochrome-C, AIF, LEI-and L-Dnase II, and staining with MAP-LC3 or monodansylcadaverine were also carried out. Finally, ARPE-19 cells transfected with AIP-1/Alix were exposed to TA. RESULTS: In vitro incubation of retinal cell in the presence of corticosteroids induced a specific and dose-dependent reduction of cell viability. These toxic events were not associated with the anti-inflammatory activity of these compounds but depended on the hydro solubility of their formulation. Before cell death, extensive cytoplasmic vacuolization was observed in the retinal pigment epithelial (RPE) cells in vivo and in vitro. The cells however, did not show known caspase-dependent or caspase-independent apoptotic reactions. These intracellular vacuoles were negative for MAP-LC3 but some stained positive for monodansylcadaverine. Furthermore, over expression of AIP-1/Alix inhibited RPE cell death. CONCLUSIONS: These observations suggest that corticosteroid-induced retinal cell death may be carried out mainly through a paraptosis pathway.
BACKGROUND: Copeptin, a surrogate marker for arginin vasopressin production, is evaluated as an osmo-dependent stress and inflammatory biomarker in different diseases. We investigated copeptin during the menstrual cycle and its relationship to sex hormones, markers of subclinical inflammation and estimates of body fluid. METHODS: In 15 healthy women with regular menstrual cycles, blood was drawn on fifteen defined days of their menstrual cycle and was assayed for copeptin, progesterone, estradiol, luteinizing hormone, high-sensitive C-reactive protein, tumor necrosis factor-alpha and procalcitonin. Symptoms of fluid retention were assessed on each visit, and bio impedance analysis was measured thrice to estimate body fluid changes. Mixed linear model analysis was performed to assess the changes of copeptin across the menstrual cycle and the relationship of sex hormones, markers of subclinical inflammation and estimates of body fluid with copeptin. RESULTS: Copeptin levels did not significantly change during the menstrual cycle (p = 0.16). Throughout the menstrual cycle, changes in estradiol (p = 0.002) and in the physical premenstrual symptom score (p = 0.01) were positively related to copeptin, but changes in other sex hormones, in markers of subclinical inflammation or in bio impedance analysis-estimated body fluid were not (all p = ns). CONCLUSION: Although changes in estradiol and the physical premenstrual symptom score appear to be related to copeptin changes, copeptin does not significantly change during the menstrual cycle.
Liver metabolism is markedly sex-dimorphic; accordingly, the prevalence of liver diseases is different between sexes. The superfamily of nuclear receptors (NRs) governs the proper expression of key liver metabolism genes by sensing lipid-soluble hormones and dietary lipids. When the expression of those genes is deregulated, disease development is favored. However, we lack a comprehensive picture of the differences between NR actions in males and females. Here, we reviewed explorative studies that assessed NR functions in both sexes, and we propose a first map of sex-dimorphic NR expression in the liver. Our analysis suggested that NRs in the female liver exhibited cross-talk with more liver-protective potential than NRs in male liver. This study provides empirical support to the hypothesis that women are more resilient to some liver diseases than men, based on a more compensative NR network. This article is part of a Special Issue entitled: Translating nuclear receptors from health to disease.
The effects of thyroid hormones on the nervous system are mediated by the presence of nuclear T3 receptors (NT3R). In this study, the expression of NT3R was investigated in spinal cord, dorsal root ganglia (DRG), or sciatic nerve of adult rats after immunostaining with a 2B3-NT3R monoclonal antibody which recognizes both alpha and beta types of NT3R. The specificity of this monoclonal antibody was confirmed by Western blots. The 2B3-NT3R monoclonal antibody recognized one band corresponding to a molecular weight of 57 kDa in extract of spinal cord or DRG. No staining was observed on immunoblot of intact sciatic nerve. In the spinal cord, the nuclei of the neurons and glial cells including both astrocytes and oligodendrocytes exhibited 2B3-NT3R immunoreactivity. While all the nuclei of the DRG sensory neurons expressed the NT3R, all the nuclei of the satellite and Schwann cells were devoid of any immunoreaction. In the sciatic nerve, the nuclei of the Schwann cells also lacked 2B3-NT3R-immunoreactivity. After sciatic nerve transection in vivo, Schwann cell nuclei, which never expressed NT3R in intact nerves of adult rats, displayed a clear 2B3-NT3R immunoreaction in proximal and distal stumps adjacent to the section. Double immunostaining with antibodies raised to 3-sulfogalactosylceramide or S100 confirmed that most of the NT3R containing nuclei belong to Schwann cells. In dissociated cell cultures grown in vitro from sciatic nerves, Schwann cells exhibited 2B3-NT3R immunoreactivity. These data suggest that the inhibition of NT3R expression in Schwann cells ensheathing axons in intact nerve is reversed when the axons are degenerating or lacking.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)