109 resultados para TRNA-mediatedtrans-splicing


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Purpose: Previously we reported on a premature termination mutation in SLC16A12 that leads to dominant juvenile cataract and renal glucosuria. To assess the mutation rate and genotype-phenotype correlations of SLC16A12 in juvenile or age-related forms of cataract, we performed a mutation screen in cataract patients. Methods: Clinical data of approximately 660 patients were collected, genomic DNA was isolated and analyzed. Exons 3 to 8 including flanking intron sequences of SLC16A12 were PCR amplified and DNA sequence was determined. Selected mutations were tested by cell culture assays, in silico analysis and RT-PCR. Results: We found sequence alterations at a rate of approximately 1/75 patients. None of them was found in 360 control alleles. Alterations affect splice site and regulatory region but most mutations caused an amino acid substitution. The majority of the coding region mutations maps to trans-membrane domains. One mutation located to the 5'UTR. It affects translational efficiency of SLC16A12. In addition, we identified a cataract-predisposing SNP in the non-coding region that causes allele-specific splicing of the 5'UTR region. Conclusions: Altered translational efficiency of the solute carrier SLC16A12 and its allele-specific splicing strongly support a model of challenged homeostasis to cause various forms of cataract. In addition, the pathogenic property of the here reported sequence alterations is supported by the lack of known sequence variations within the coding region of SLC16A12. Due to the relatively high mutation rate, we suggest to include SLC16A12 in diagnostic cataract screening. Generally, our data recommend the assessment of regulatory sequences for diagnostic purposes.


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The recent advance in high-throughput sequencing and genotyping protocols allows rapid investigation of Mendelian and complex diseases on a scale not previously been possible. In my thesis research I took advantage of these modern techniques to study retinitis pigmentosa (RP), a rare inherited disease characterized by progressive loss of photoreceptors and leading to blindness; and hypertension, a common condition affecting 30% of the adult population. Firstly, I compared the performance of different next generation sequencing (NGS) platforms in the sequencing of the RP-linked gene PRPF31. The gene contained a mutation in an intronic repetitive element, which presented difficulties for both classic sequencing methods and NGS. We showed that all NGS platforms are powerful tools to identify rare and common DNA variants, also in case of more complex sequences. Moreover, we evaluated the features of different NGS platforms that are important in re-sequencing projects. The main focus of my thesis was then to investigate the involvement of pre-mRNA splicing factors in autosomal dominant RP (adRP). I screened 5 candidate genes in a large cohort of patients by using long-range PCR as enrichment step, followed by NGS. We tested two different approaches: in one, all target PCRs from all patients were pooled and sequenced as a single DNA library; in the other, PCRs from each patient were separated within the pool by DNA barcodes. The first solution was more cost-effective, while the second one allowed obtaining faster and more accurate results, but overall they both proved to be effective strategies for gene screenings in many samples. We could in fact identify novel missense mutations in the SNRNP200 gene, encoding an essential RNA helicase for splicing catalysis. Interestingly, one of these mutations showed incomplete penetrance in one family with adRP. Thus, we started to study the possible molecular causes underlying phenotypic differences between asymptomatic and affected members of this family. For the study of hypertension, I joined a European consortium to perform genome-wide association studies (GWAS). Thanks to the use of very informative genotyping arrays and of phenotipically well-characterized cohorts, we could identify a novel susceptibility locus for hypertension in the promoter region of the endothelial nitric oxide synthase gene (NOS3). Moreover, we have proven the direct causality of the associated SNP using three different methods: 1) targeted resequencing, 2) luciferase assay, and 3) population study. - Le récent progrès dans le Séquençage à haut Débit et les protocoles de génotypage a permis une plus vaste et rapide étude des maladies mendéliennes et multifactorielles à une échelle encore jamais atteinte. Durant ma thèse de recherche, j'ai utilisé ces nouvelles techniques de séquençage afin d'étudier la retinite pigmentale (RP), une maladie héréditaire rare caractérisée par une perte progressive des photorécepteurs de l'oeil qui entraine la cécité; et l'hypertension, une maladie commune touchant 30% de la population adulte. Tout d'abord, j'ai effectué une comparaison des performances de différentes plateformes de séquençage NGS (Next Generation Sequencing) lors du séquençage de PRPF31, un gène lié à RP. Ce gène contenait une mutation dans un élément répétable intronique, qui présentait des difficultés de séquençage avec la méthode classique et les NGS. Nous avons montré que les plateformes de NGS analysées sont des outils très puissants pour identifier des variations de l'ADN rares ou communes et aussi dans le cas de séquences complexes. De plus, nous avons exploré les caractéristiques des différentes plateformes NGS qui sont importantes dans les projets de re-séquençage. L'objectif principal de ma thèse a été ensuite d'examiner l'effet des facteurs d'épissage de pre-ARNm dans une forme autosomale dominante de RP (adRP). Un screening de 5 gènes candidats issus d'une large cohorte de patients a été effectué en utilisant la long-range PCR comme étape d'enrichissement, suivie par séquençage avec NGS. Nous avons testé deux approches différentes : dans la première, toutes les cibles PCRs de tous les patients ont été regroupées et séquencées comme une bibliothèque d'ADN unique; dans la seconde, les PCRs de chaque patient ont été séparées par code barres d'ADN. La première solution a été la plus économique, tandis que la seconde a permis d'obtenir des résultats plus rapides et précis. Dans l'ensemble, ces deux stratégies se sont démontrées efficaces pour le screening de gènes issus de divers échantillons. Nous avons pu identifier des nouvelles mutations faux-sens dans le gène SNRNP200, une hélicase ayant une fonction essentielle dans l'épissage. Il est intéressant de noter qu'une des ces mutations montre une pénétrance incomplète dans une famille atteinte d'adRP. Ainsi, nous avons commencé une étude sur les causes moléculaires entrainant des différences phénotypiques entre membres affectés et asymptomatiques de cette famille. Lors de l'étude de l'hypertension, j'ai rejoint un consortium européen pour réaliser une étude d'association Pangénomique ou genome-wide association study Grâce à l'utilisation de tableaux de génotypage très informatifs et de cohortes extrêmement bien caractérisées au niveau phénotypique, un nouveau locus lié à l'hypertension a été identifié dans la région promotrice du gène endothélial nitric oxide sinthase (NOS3). Par ailleurs, nous avons prouvé la cause directe du SNP associé au moyen de trois méthodes différentes: i) en reséquençant la cible avec NGS, ii) avec des essais à la luciférase et iii) une étude de population.


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Fas, a death domain-containing member of the tumor necrosis factor receptor family and its ligand FasL have been predominantly studied with respect to their capability to induce cell death. However, a few studies indicate a proliferation-inducing signaling activity of these molecules too. We describe here a novel signaling pathway of FasL and the tumor necrosis factor-related apoptosis-inducing ligand (TRAIL) that triggers transcriptional activation of the proto-oncogene c-fos, a typical target gene of mitogenic pathways. FasL- and TRAIL-mediated up-regulation of c-Fos was completely dependent on the presence of Fas-associated death domain protein (FADD) and caspase-8, but caspase activity seemed to be dispensable as a pan inhibitor of caspases had no inhibitory effect. Upon overexpression of the long splice form of cellular FADD-like interleukin-1-converting enzyme (FLICE) inhibitory protein (cFLIP) in Jurkat cells, FasL- and TRAIL-induced up-regulation of c-Fos was almost completely blocked. The short splice form of FLIP, however, showed a rather stimulatory effect on c-Fos induction. Together these data demonstrate the existence of a death receptor-induced, FADD- and caspase-8-dependent pathway leading to c-Fos induction that is inhibited by the long splice form FLIP-L.


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Selective pressures related to gene function and chromosomal architecture are acting on genome sequences and can be revealed, for instance, by appropriate genometric methods. Cumulative nucleotide skew analyses, i.e., GC, TA, and ORF orientation skews, predict the location of the origin of DNA replication for 88 out of 100 completely sequenced bacterial chromosomes. These methods appear fully reliable for proteobacteria, Gram-positives, and spirochetes as well as for euryarchaeotes. Based on this genome architecture information, coorientation analyses reveal that in prokaryotes, ribosomal RNA (rRNA) genes encoding the small and large ribosomal subunits are all transcribed in the same direction as DNA replication; that is, they are located along the leading strand. This result offers a simple and reliable method for circumscribing the region containing the origin of the DNA replication and reveals a strong selective pressure acting on the orientation of rRNA genes similar to the weaker one acting on the orientation of ORFs. Rate of coorientation of transfer RNA (tRNA) genes with DNA replication appears to be taxon-specific. Analyzing nucleotide biases such as GC and TA skews of genes and plotting one against the other reveals a taxonomic clusterization of species. All ribosomal RNA genes are enriched in Gs and depleted in Cs, the only so far known exception being the rRNA genes of deuterostomian mitochondria. However, this exception can be explained by the fact that in the chromosome of the human mitochondrion, the model of the deuterostomian organelle genome, DNA replication, and rRNA transcription proceed in opposite directions. A general rule is deduced from prokaryotic and mitochondrial genomes: ribosomal RNA genes that are transcribed in the same direction as the DNA replication are enriched in Gs, and those transcribed in the opposite direction are depleted in Gs.


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The GENCODE Consortium aims to identify all gene features in the human genome using a combination of computational analysis, manual annotation, and experimental validation. Since the first public release of this annotation data set, few new protein-coding loci have been added, yet the number of alternative splicing transcripts annotated has steadily increased. The GENCODE 7 release contains 20,687 protein-coding and 9640 long noncoding RNA loci and has 33,977 coding transcripts not represented in UCSC genes and RefSeq. It also has the most comprehensive annotation of long noncoding RNA (lncRNA) loci publicly available with the predominant transcript form consisting of two exons. We have examined the completeness of the transcript annotation and found that 35% of transcriptional start sites are supported by CAGE clusters and 62% of protein-coding genes have annotated polyA sites. Over one-third of GENCODE protein-coding genes are supported by peptide hits derived from mass spectrometry spectra submitted to Peptide Atlas. New models derived from the Illumina Body Map 2.0 RNA-seq data identify 3689 new loci not currently in GENCODE, of which 3127 consist of two exon models indicating that they are possibly unannotated long noncoding loci. GENCODE 7 is publicly available from gencodegenes.org and via the Ensembl and UCSC Genome Browsers.


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We evaluated 25 protocol variants of 14 independent computational methods for exon identification, transcript reconstruction and expression-level quantification from RNA-seq data. Our results show that most algorithms are able to identify discrete transcript components with high success rates but that assembly of complete isoform structures poses a major challenge even when all constituent elements are identified. Expression-level estimates also varied widely across methods, even when based on similar transcript models. Consequently, the complexity of higher eukaryotic genomes imposes severe limitations on transcript recall and splice product discrimination that are likely to remain limiting factors for the analysis of current-generation RNA-seq data.


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Summary : A lot of information can be obtained on proteins when proteomics methods are used. In our study, we aimed to characterize complexes containing pro-apoptotic proteins by different proteomics methods and finally focused on PIDD (p53-induced protein with a death domain), for which the most interesting results were obtained. PIDD has been shown to function as a molecular switch between genotoxic stress-induced apoptotis and genotoxic stress-induced cell survival through NF-κB activation. To exert these two functions, PIDD forms alternate complexes respectively with caspase2 and CRADD on one hand and RIP 1 and NEMO on the other hand. The first part of our study focuses on the processing of PIDD. PIDD full length (FL) is constitutively cleaved into three fragments, an N-terminal one (PIDD-N) and two fragments containing the C-terminus (PIDD-C and PIDD-CC). Localization of the two PIDD cleavage sites by mass spectrometry (MS) allowed to understand that PIDD is probably not cleaved by proteases but is subject to protein (self-)splicing and also to map the PIDD-N, PIDD-C and PIDD-CC fragments exactly. Further characterization of these three fragments by Tinel et al. (Tinel et al., 2007) showed that PIDD-C is involved in activation of an apoptotic pathway while PIDD-CC is involved in NF-κB activation. We also found that PIDD is subject to proline-directed phosphorylation at two serine residues in PIDD-N, the regulatory fragment of PIDD. The second part of the study aimed at identifying by proteomics techniques proteins that co-purify with PIDD and therefore are putative cellular interaction partners. In this respect we analyzed samples obtained in different conditions or with different PIDD constructs corresponding to processed fragments. This allowed us to identify a large number of potential interactors for PIDD. For example, by comparing data obtained from PIDD-C and PIDD-FL affinity purifications, we found that the Hsp90 chaperone system interacts strongly with PIDD-N. In the third part of this study, we developed methods to selectively and rapidly quantify by MS proteins of interest in PIDD affinity purifications or negative controls. Using these tools we detected significant changes in PIDD-FL-copurifying proteins treated by heat shock. Overall, our studies provide informative data on the processing of PIDD and its possible involvement in several molecular pathways.


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Dense granular bodies (DGB) are particular structural constituents observed in cell nuclei of different tissues-liver, pancreas, brown adipose tissue, adrenal cortex-of hibernating dormice. They appear as strongly electron-dense clusters of closely packed granules, with thin fibrils spreading out at their periphery. DGB always occur in the nucleoplasm, sometimes making contact with other nuclear structural constituents typical of the hibernating state, such as coiled bodies, amorphous bodies and nucleoplasmic fibrils. DGB are present only during deep hibernation and rapidly disappear upon arousal from hibernation. Cytochemical and immunocytochemical analyses showed that DGB contain ribonucleoproteins and several nucleoplasmic RNA processing factors, suggesting that DGB can represent accumulation sites of splicing factors which are provided to splicing sites when normal metabolic activity is rapidly restored during arousal.


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Main developmental programs are highly conserved among species of the animal kingdom. Improper execution of these programs often leads to progression of various diseases and disorders. Here we focused on Drosophila wing tissue morphogenesis, a fairly complex developmental program, one of the steps of which - apposition of the dorsal and ventral wing sheets during metamorphosis - is mediated by integrins. Disruption of this apposition leads to wing blistering which serves as an easily screenable phenotype for components regulating this process. By means of RNAi-silencing technique and the blister phenotype as readout, we identify numerous novel proteins potentially involved in wing sheet adhesion. Remarkably, our results reveal not only participants of the integrin-mediated machinery, but also components of other cellular processes, e.g. cell cycle, RNA splicing, and vesicular trafficking. With the use of bioinformatics tools, these data are assembled into a large blisterome network. Analysis of human orthologues of the Drosophila blisterome components shows that many disease-related genes may contribute to cell adhesion implementation, providing hints on possible mechanisms of these human pathologies.


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Eukaryotic cells make many types of primary and processed RNAs that are found either in specific subcellular compartments or throughout the cells. A complete catalogue of these RNAs is not yet available and their characteristic subcellular localizations are also poorly understood. Because RNA represents the direct output of the genetic information encoded by genomes and a significant proportion of a cell's regulatory capabilities are focused on its synthesis, processing, transport, modification and translation, the generation of such a catalogue is crucial for understanding genome function. Here we report evidence that three-quarters of the human genome is capable of being transcribed, as well as observations about the range and levels of expression, localization, processing fates, regulatory regions and modifications of almost all currently annotated and thousands of previously unannotated RNAs. These observations, taken together, prompt a redefinition of the concept of a gene.


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Les syndromes myélodysplasiques (SMD) et myéloprolifératifs (SMP) sont des maladies qui touchent les cellules souches de la moelle hématopoïétique. Les symptômes varient selon le sous-type de SMD ou SMP allant de l'anémie à la polyglobulie, de la leucopénie à la leucocytose et de la thrombopénie à la thrombocytose. Ces syndromes se développent à la suite de mutations acquises qui provoquent des anomalies des cellules souches. En outre, plusieurs études ont mis en évidence des anomalies de processus épigénétiques comme l'hyperméthylation de l'ADN et la déacéthylation des histones. La maladie de Hutchinson-Gilford ou progéria est provoquée par une mutation sur le gène de la lamine A (protéine de l'enveloppe nucléaire) qui a pour conséquence l'augmentation de l'utilisation d'un site de splicing normalement peu utilisé ce qui engendre une protéine anormale, la progérine. Cette protéine a pour effet de modifier les processus épigénétiques. Une étude récente sur des patients souffrant de progéria a révélé la présence d'une thrombocytose chez tous les patients. Le but du présent travail a été d'étudier l'expression de la lamine A et de la progérine chez les patients souffrant de SMD ou SMP avec une thrombocytose suivis par le Service d'hématologie du CHUV. Nous avons sélectionné parmi les patients souffrant de SMD ou SMP ceux avec une thrombocytose supérieure à 400 G/l au moment du diagnostic. Nous avons ensuite effectué une PCR pour détecter la lamine A et la mutation de la lamine A que l'on trouve dans la progéria. Sur les 33 patients sélectionnés, nous avons pu analyser les échantillons de 18 d'entre eux. Le matériel était issu de cellules mononucléées ou de granulocytes. Les résultats démontrent la présence de la lamine A et l'absence de la mutation trouvée dans la progéria chez 16 patients. Cependant, chez 2 patients, la PCR laisse suspecter la présence de progérine en plus de celle de la lamine A. D'autres investigations seront nécessaires pour confirmer cette dernière observation. S'il s'avère que la progérine est effectivement présente chez ces deux patients, il faudrait étendre l'analyse à d'autres patients avec une hémopathie maligne. Plusieurs publications rapportent l'absence de lamine A dans les cellules hématopoïétiques. Cependant, le présent travail démontre clairement que les cellules mononucléées du sang ou de la moelle osseuse de certains patients avec SMP/SMD expriment la lamine A. Nous n'avons toutefois pas étudié si la lamine A et, éventuellement la progérine, sont exprimées par les cellules hématopoïétiques normales. En conclusion, ce travail a révélé qu'il serait très intéressant d'étudier le rôle potentiel des lamines nucléaires et en particulier de la lamine A et de la progérine dans l'hématopoïèse et le développement des SMD/SMP et d'autres hémopathies malignes. Il a donc ouvert la voie pour de futurs projets de recherche.


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Mutations in the epithelial morphogen ectodysplasin-A (EDA), a member of the tumor necrosis factor (TNF) family, are responsible for the human disorder X-linked hypohidrotic ectodermal dysplasia (XLHED) characterized by impaired development of hair, eccrine sweat glands, and teeth. EDA-A1 and EDA-A2 are two splice variants of EDA, which bind distinct EDA-A1 and X-linked EDA-A2 receptors. We identified a series of novel EDA mutations in families with XLHED, allowing the identification of the following three functionally important regions in EDA: a C-terminal TNF homology domain, a collagen domain, and a furin protease recognition sequence. Mutations in the TNF homology domain impair binding of both splice variants to their receptors. Mutations in the collagen domain can inhibit multimerization of the TNF homology region, whereas those in the consensus furin recognition sequence prevent proteolytic cleavage of EDA. Finally, a mutation affecting an intron splice donor site is predicted to eliminate specifically the EDA-A1 but not the EDA-A2 splice variant. Thus a proteolytically processed, oligomeric form of EDA-A1 is required in vivo for proper morphogenesis.


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Purpose: To report the clinical and genetic study of one family and one isolated case of Egyptian origin with clinical anophthalmia. To further determine the role of RAX in anophthalmia and associated cerebral malformations. Methods: Three patients with clinical anophthalmia and first-degree relatives from 2 consanguineous families of Egyptian origin underwent full ophthalmologic, general and neurological examination, and blood drawing. Cerebral MRI was performed in the index case of the family and in the isolated case. Genomic DNA was prepared from venous leukocytes and direct sequencing of all the exons and intron-exon junctions of the RAX gene was performed after PCR amplification Results: Clinical bilateral anophthalmia was observed in all three patients. General and neurological examination was free in the family; obesity and psychomotor developmental delay was noticed in the isolated case. Orbital MRI showed the presence of cystic remnants and reduced optic nerves. Thin optic chiasm was the only observed cerebral malformation on MRI in the index case while the isolated case harboured diffuse cerebral atrophy and absence of the pituitary gland in addition. The three patients carried a novel homozygous mutation (IVS2-3G>A) in the RAX gene, while their parents were heterozygous healthy carriers. Conclusions: To our knowledge, only two isolated cases of anophthalmia have been found to be caused by compound heterozygote RAX mutations, three null and one missense, affecting nuclear localization or DNA-binding homeodomain. We identified a novel homozygous RAX mutation in three patients with bilateral anophthalmia from Northern Egypt. The mutation potentially affects splicing of the last exon and, if not submitted to non-stop decay, could result in a protein that has an aberrant homeodomain and no paired-tail domain. Functional consequences of this change still need to be characterized. This is the first report of homozygous RAX mutation associated with autosomal recessive bilateral anophthalmia


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Several lines of evidences have suggested that T cell activation could be impaired in the tumor environment, a condition referred to as tumor-induced immunosuppression. We have previously shown that tenascin-C, an extracellular matrix protein highly expressed in the tumor stroma, inhibits T lymphocyte activation in vitro, raising the possibility that this molecule might contribute to tumor-induced immunosuppression in vivo. However, the region of the protein mediating this effect has remained elusive. Here we report the identification of the minimal region of tenascin-C that can inhibit T cell activation. Recombinant fragments corresponding to defined regions of the molecule were tested for their ability to inhibit in vitro activation of human peripheral blood T cells induced by anti-CD3 mAbs in combination with fibronectin or IL-2. A recombinant protein encompassing the alternatively spliced fibronectin type III domains of tenascin-C (TnFnIII A-D) vigorously inhibited both early and late lymphocyte activation events including activation-induced TCR/CD8 down-modulation, cytokine production, and DNA synthesis. In agreement with this, full length recombinant tenascin-C containing the alternatively spliced region suppressed T cell activation, whereas tenascin-C lacking this region did not. Using a series of smaller fragments and deletion mutants issued from this region, we have identified the TnFnIII A1A2 domain as the minimal region suppressing T cell activation. Single TnFnIII A1 or A2 domains were no longer inhibitory, while maximal inhibition required the presence of the TnFnIII A3 domain. Altogether, these data demonstrate that the TnFnIII A1A2 domain mediate the ability of tenascin-C to inhibit in vitro T cell activation and provide insights into the immunosuppressive activity of tenascin-C in vivo.


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PURPOSE: To report the clinical and genetic study of two families of Egyptian origin with clinical anophthalmia. To further determine the role of the retina and anterior neural fold homeobox gene (RAX) in anophthalmia and associated cerebral malformations. METHODS: Three patients with clinical anophthalmia and first-degree relatives from two consanguineous families of Egyptian origin underwent full ophthalmologic, general and neurologic examination, and blood tests. Cerebral magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) was performed in the index cases of both families. Genomic DNA was prepared from venous leukocytes, and direct sequencing of all the exons and intron-exon junctions of RAX was performed after PCR amplification. RESULTS: Clinical bilateral anophthalmia was observed in all three patients. General and neurologic examinations were normal; obesity and delay in psychomotor development were observed in the isolated case. Orbital MRI showed a hypoplastic orbit with present but rudimentary extraocular muscles and normal lacrimal glands. Cerebral MRI showed agenesis of the optic nerves, optic tracts, and optic chiasma. In the index case of family A, the absence of the frontal and sphenoidal sinuses was also noted. In the index case of family B, only the sphenoidal sinus was absent, and there was significant cortical atrophy. The three patients carried a novel homozygous c.543+3A>G mutation (IVS2+3A>G) in RAX. Parents were healthy heterozygous carriers. No mutations were detected in orthodenticle homeobox 2 (OTX2), ventral anterior homeobox 1 (VAX1), or sex determining region Y-box 2 (SOX2). CONCLUSIONS: This is the first report of a homozygous splicing RAX mutation associated with autosomal recessive bilateral anophthalmia. To our knowledge, only two isolated cases of anophthalmia, three null and one missense case affecting nuclear localization or the DNA-binding homeodomain, have been found to be caused by compound heterozygote RAX mutations. A novel missense RAX mutation was identified in three patients with bilateral anophthalmia and a distinct systemic and neurologic phenotype. The mutation potentially affects splicing of the last exon and is thought to result in a protein that has an aberrant homeodomain and no paired-tail domain. Functional consequences of this change still need to be characterized.