99 resultados para TRACHEAL INTUBATION
Mechanically ventilated patients in hospitals are subjected to an increased risk of acquiring nosocomial pneumonia that sometimes has a lethal outcome. One way to minimize the risk could be to make the surfaces on endotracheal tubes antibacterial. In this study, bacterial growth was inhibited or completely prevented by silver ions wet chemically and deposited onto the tube surface. Through the wet chemical treatment developed here, a surface precipitate was formed containing silver chloride and a silver stearate salt. The identity and morphology of the surface precipitate was studied using x-ray photoelectron spectroscopy, Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy, scanning electron microscopy, and x-ray powder diffraction. Leaching of silver ions into solution was examined, and bacterial growth on the treated surfaces was assayed using Pseudomonas aeruginosa wild type (PAO1) bacteria. Furthermore, the minimum inhibitory concentration of silver ions was determined in liquid- and solid-rich growth medium as 23 and 18 microM, respectively, for P. aeruginosa.
BACKGROUND: Prospective assessment of pedicled extrathoracic muscle flaps for the closure of large intrathoracic airway defects after noncircumferential resection in situations where an end-to-end reconstruction seemed risky (defects of > 4-cm length, desmoplastic reactions after previous infection or radiochemotherapy). METHODS: From 1996 to 2001, 13 intrathoracic muscle transpositions (6 latissimus dorsi and 7 serratus anterior muscle flaps) were performed to close defects of the intrathoracic airways after noncircumferential resection for tumor (n = 5), large tracheoesophageal fistula (n = 2), delayed tracheal injury (n = 1) and bronchopleural fistula (n = 5). In 2 patients, the extent of the tracheal defect required reinforcement of the reconstruction by use of a rib segment embedded into the muscle flap followed by temporary tracheal stenting. Patient follow-up was by clinical examination bronchoscopy and biopsy, pulmonary function tests, and dynamic virtual bronchoscopy by computed tomographic (CT) scan during inspiration and expiration. RESULTS: The airway defects ranged from 2 x 1 cm to 8 x 4 cm and involved up to 50% of the airway circumference. They were all successfully closed using muscle flaps with no mortality and all patients were extubated within 24 hours. Bronchoscopy revealed epithelialization of the reconstructions without dehiscence, stenosis, or recurrence of fistulas. The flow-volume loop was preserved in all patients and dynamic virtual bronchoscopy revealed no significant difference in the endoluminal cross surface areas of the airway between inspiration and expiration above (45 +/- 21 mm(2)), at the site (76 +/- 23 mm(2)) and below the reconstruction (65 +/- 40 mm(2)). CONCLUSIONS: Intrathoracic airway defects of up to 50% of the circumference may be repaired using extrathoracic muscle flaps when an end-to-end reconstruction is not feasible.
In a prospective nonrandomized study, using each baby as his or her own control, we compared intracranial pressure (anterior fontanel pressure as measured with the Digilab pneumotonometer), cerebral perfusion pressure, BP, heart rate, transcutaneous Po2, and transcutaneous Pco2 before, during, and after endotracheal suctioning, with and without muscle paralysis, in 28 critically ill preterm infants with respiratory distress syndrome. With suctioning, there was a small but significant increase in intracranial pressure in paralyzed patients (from 13.7 [mean] +/- 4.4 mm Hg [SD] to 15.8 +/- 5.2 mm Hg) but a significantly larger (P less than .001) increase when they were not paralyzed (from 12.5 +/- 3.6 to 28.5 +/- 8.3 mm Hg). Suctioning led to a slight increase in BP with (from 45.3 +/- 9.1 to 48.0 +/- 8.7 mm Hg) and without muscle paralysis (from 45.1 +/- 9.4 to 50.0 +/- 11.7 mm Hg); but there was no significant difference between the two groups. The cerebral perfusion pressure in paralyzed infants did not show any significant change before, during, and after suctioning (31.5 +/- 9.1 mm Hg before v 32.0 +/- 8.7 mm Hg during suctioning), but without muscle paralysis cerebral perfusion pressure decreased (P less than .001) from 32.8 +/- 9.7 to 21.3 +/- 13.1 mm Hg. Suctioning induced a slight decrease in mean heart rate and transcutaneous Po2, but pancuronium did not alter these changes. There was no statistical difference in transcutaneous Pco2 before, during, and after suctioning with and without muscle paralysis.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)
Objective: Cardiac Troponin-I (cTnI) is a well-recognized early postoperative marker for myocardial damage in adults and children after heart surgery. The present study was undertaken to evaluate whether the integrated value (area under the curve(AUC)) of postoperative cTnI is a better mode to predict long-term outcome than post operative cTnI maximum value, after surgery for congenital heart defects (CHD). Methods: retrospective cohort study. 279 patients (mean age 4.6 years; range 0-17 years-old, 185 males) with congenital heart defect repair on cardiopulmonary by-pass were retrieved from our database including postoperative cTnI values. Maximal post operative cTnI value, post operative cTnI AUC value at 48h and total post operative cTnI AUC value were calculated and then correlated with duration of intubation, duration of ICU stay and mortality. Results: the mean duration of mechanical ventilation was 5.1+/-7.2 days and mean duration of ICU stay was 11.0+/- 13.3 days,11 patients (3.9%) died in post operative period. When comparing survivor and deceased groups, there was a significant difference in the mean value for max cTnI (16.7+/- 21.8 vs 59.2+/-41.4 mcg/l, p+0.0001), 48h AUC cTnI (82.0+/-110.7 vs 268.8+/-497.7 mcg/l, p+0.0001) and total AUC cTnI (623.8+/-1216.7 vs 2564+/-2826.0, p+0.0001). Analyses for duration of mechanical ventilation and duration of ICU stay by linear regression demonstrated a better correlation for 48h AUC cTnI (ventilation time r+0.82, p+0.0001 and ICU stay r+0.74, p+0.0001) then total AUC cTnI (ventilation time r+0.65, p+0.0001 and ICU stay r+0.60, p+0.0001) and max cTnI (ventilation time r+0.64, p+0.0001 and ICU stay r+0.60, p+0.0001). Conclusion: Cardiac Troponin I is a specific and sensitive marker of myocardial injury after congenital heart surgery and it may predict early in-hospital outcomes. Integration of post operative value of cTnI by calculation of AUC improves prediction of early in-hospital outcomes. It probably takes into account, not only the initial surgical procedure, but probably also incorporates the occurrence of hypoxic-ischemic phenomena in the post-operative period.
AIMS: To characterize and compare the pharmacokinetic profiles of bromazepam, omeprazole and paracetamol when administered by the oral and nasogastric routes to the same healthy cohort of volunteers. METHODS: In a prospective, monocentric, randomized crossover study, eight healthy volunteers received the three drugs by the oral (OR) and nasogastric routes (NT). Sequential plasma samples were analyzed by high-performance liquid chromatography-UV, pharmacokinetic parameters (Cmax, AUC(0-infinity), t(1/2), k(e), tmax) were compared statistically, and Cmax, AUC(0-infinity) and t(max) were analyzed for bioequivalence. RESULTS: A statistically significant difference was seen in the AUC(0-infinity) of bromazepam, with nasogastric administration decreasing availability by about 25%: AUC(OR) = 2501 ng mL(-1) h; AUC(NT) = 1855 ng mL(-1) h (p < 0.05); ratio (geometric mean) = 0.74 [90% confidence interval (CI) 0.64-0.87]. However, this does not appear to be clinically relevant given the usual dosage range and the drug's half-life (approx. 30 h). A large interindividual variability in omeprazole parameters prevented any statistical conclusion from being drawn in terms of both modes of administration despite their similar average profile: AUC(OR) = 579 ng mL(-1) h; AUC(NT) = 587 ng mL(-1) h (p > 0.05); ratio (geometric mean) = 1.01 (90% CI 0.64-1.61). An extended study with a larger number of subjects may possibly provide clearer answers. The narrow 90% confidence limits of paracetamol indicate bioequivalence: AUC(OR) = 37 microg mL(-1) h; AUC(NT) = 41 microg mL(-1) h(p > 0.05); ratio (geometric mean) = 1.12 (90% CI 0.98-1.28). CONCLUSION: The results of this study show that the nasogastric route of administration does not appear to cause marked, clinically unsuitable alterations in the bioavailability of the tested drugs.
Résumé: La formation des atélectasies durant l'induction de l'anesthésie générale est plus importante chez le patient obèse morbide. Nous avons démontré dans des travaux de recherche antérieurs que l'utilisation de la PEEP (Pression Positive en Fin d'Expiration) durant l'induction de l'anesthésie prévient la formation d'atélectasies chez des patients non obèses. Par conséquent, nous voulions étudier l'efficacité de la pression positive en fin d'expiration chez le patient obèse morbide dans la prévention de la formation d'atélectasies. Nous avons fait une étude de 23 patients obèses morbides (BMI > 35 kg / m2) dans 2 groupes. Dans le groupe utilisant la pression positive en fin d'expiration, les patients respiraient 100% d'oxygène pendant 5 minutes par l'intermédiaire d'un masque facial type CPAP avec une pression de 10 cm H20. Après l'induction de l'anesthésie, nous avons ventilé les patients au masque facial avec une PEEP de 10 cm H20. Dans le groupe de contrôle, nous avons procédé au même type d'induction sans utiliser la pression positive en fin d'expiration. La surface de poumon atélectatique a été évaluée par tomographie (CT scann). L'étude des échanges gazeux se faisait à 2 reprises, à partir de gazométries réalisées juste avant l'induction de l'anesthésie puis juste après l'intubation. Après l'induction de l'anesthésie et l'intubation, les patients du groupe de contrôle présentaient une quantité d'atélectasies plus importante que les patients du groupe où la PEEP avait été utilisée (10.4% + 4.8% dans le groupe de contrôle versus 1.3% dans le groupe utilisant la pression positive en fin d'expiration p < 0.001). Après l'intubation, en présence d'une fraction inspirée en oxygène à 100%, la Pa02 était significativement supérieure dans le groupe ayant utilisé la pression positive en fin d'expiration en comparaison avec le groupe de contrôle (respectivement 457 ± 130 mmHg versus 315 ± 100 mmHg). Nous avons conclu que chez le patient obèse morbide, le recours à la pression positive en fin d'expiration lors de l'induction de l'anesthésie permet de prévenir largement la formation d'atélectasies et s'accompagne d'une meilleure oxygénation. Abstract: Atelectasis caused by general anesthesia is increased in morbidly obese patients. We have shown that application of positive end-expiratory pressure (PEEP) during the induction of anesthesia prevents atelectasis formation in nonobese patients. We therefore studied the efficacy of PEEP in morbidly obese patients to prevent atelectasis. Twenty-three adult morbidly obese patients (b ody mass index >35 kg/m2) were randomly assigned to one of two groups. In the PEEP group, patients breathed 100% oxygen (5 min) with a continuous positive airway pressure of 10 cm H20 and, after the induction, mechanical ventilation via a face mask with a PEEP of 10 cm H2O. In the control group, the same induction was applied but without continuous positive airway pressure or PEEP. Atelectasis, determined by computed tomography, and blood gas analysis were measured twice: before the induction and directly after intubation. After endotracheal intubation, patients of the control group showed an increase in the amount of atelectasis, which was much larger than in the PEEP group (10.4% -± 4.8% in control group versus 1.7% ± 1.3% in PEEP group; P <0.001). After in.tubation with a fraction of inspired oxygen of 1.0, Pao, was significantly higher in the PEEP group compared with the control group (457 ±- 130 mm Hg versus 315 ± 100 mm Hg, respectively; P = 0.035) We conclude that in morbidly obese patients, atelectasis formation is largely prevented by PEEP applied during the anesthetic induction and is associated with a better oxygenation.
Introduction: Boerhaave syndrome (BS) is a spontaneous esophageal perforation, described in aged, alcoholic males, secondary to forceful vomiting. BS has rarely been described in children. Case presentation: The patient is a 7-year-old Nigerian girl. She has a past history of clinical gastro-esophageal reflux (treated conservatively with prokinetics and good evolution), malaria at the age of 3 months and an episode of acute pancreatitis at 5 years. One week prior admission, she had stopped atovaquone-proguanil (AP) prophylaxis after a trip in an endemic area. Two days prior admission, she presented several bouts of isolated acute vomiting, without fever or diarrhea. On admission, she complained of chest pain. Cardiac auscultation revealed crepitus. No subcutaneous emphysema nor respiratory distress was present. Chest radiography and CT-scan confirmed a pneumomediastinum extending to the neck. Esophageal perforation was suspected. An upper gastrointestinal endoscopy was performed and showed a small esophageal tear, grade II-III esophagitis and a single gastric ulcer without any sign of H. Pylori infection. Enteral feeds were stopped and a nasogastric sucking tube inserted. The patient made a full recovery on intravenous antibiotics and conservative treatment. Of note a second episode of subclinical acute pancreatitis, treated conservatively, probably drug-induced. Discussion: BS is a complete rupture of all layers of the esophagus, secondary to an increased intra-abdominal pressure due to incomplete opening of the cricophayngeal sphincter occurring during vomiting or cough. Rarer causes include eosinophilic or Barrett's esophagitis, HIV and caustic ingestion. Esophageal perforation in children is rare, most of time secondary to necrotizing esophagitis in the newborn, medical intervention (endoscopy, sucking, or intubation) or trauma in the older child. Our patient had none of those risk factors and it is still unclear what predisposed her to this complication. However, we believe that preceding forceful vomiting with increased abdominal pressure acting on a weakened oesophagus due to esophagitis might be responsible. We could not find any association in the literature between AP and BS nor between BS and acute pancreatitis. The origin of her recurrent pancreatitis remains unclear, reason for which genetic testing for mutations in the trypsinogen, trypsin inhibitor and CFTR genes will be performed in case of a third episode.
Studies in cystic fibrosis patients and mice overexpressing the epithelial Na(+) channel beta-subunit (betaENaC-Tg) suggest that raised airway Na(+) transport and airway surface liquid (ASL) depletion are central to the pathogenesis of cystic fibrosis lung disease. However, patients or mice with Liddle gain-of-function betaENaC mutations exhibit hypertension but no lung disease. To investigate this apparent paradox, we compared the airway phenotype (nasal versus tracheal) of Liddle with CFTR-null, betaENaC-Tg, and double mutant mice. In mouse nasal epithelium, the region that functionally mimics human airways, high levels of CFTR expression inhibited Liddle epithelial Nat channel (ENaC) hyperfunction. Conversely, in mouse trachea, low levels of CFTR failed to suppress Liddle ENaC hyperfunction. Indeed, Na(+) transport measured in Ussing chambers ("flooded" conditions) was raised in both Liddle and betaENaC-Tg mice. Because enhanced Na(+) transport did not correlate with lung disease in these mutant mice, measurements in tracheal cultures under physiologic "thin film" conditions and in vivo were performed. Regulation of ASL volume and ENaC-mediated Na(+) absorption were intact in Liddle but defective in betaENaC-Tg mice. We conclude that the capacity to regulate Na(+) transport and ASL volume, not absolute Na(+) transport rates in Ussing chambers, is the key physiologic function protecting airways from dehydration-induced lung disease.
OBJECTIVE: Gaining postpyloric access in ventilated, sedated ICU patients usually requires time-consuming procedures such as endoscopy. Recently, a feeding tube has been introduced that migrates spontaneously into the jejunum in surgical patients. The study aimed at assessing the rate of migration of this tube in critically ill patients. DESIGN: Prospective descriptive trial. SETTING: Surgical ICU in a tertiary University Hospital. PATIENTS: One hundred and five consecutive surgical ICU patients requiring enteral feeding were enrolled, resulting in 128 feeding-tube placement attempts. METHODS: A self-propelled tube was used and followed up for 3 days: progression was assessed by daily contrast-injected X-ray. Severity of illness was assessed with SAPS II and organ failure assessed with SOFA score. RESULTS: The patients were aged 55+/-19 years (mean+/-SD) with SAPS II score of 45+/-18. Of the 128 tube placement attempts, 12 could not be placed in the stomach; eight were accidentally pulled out while in gastric position due to the necessity to avoid fixation during the progression phase. Among organ failures, respiratory failure predominated, followed by cardiovascular. By day 3, the postpyloric progression rate was 63/128 tubes (49%). There was no association between migration and age, or SAPS II score, but the progression rate was significantly poorer in patients with hemodynamic failure. Use of norepinephrine and morphine were negatively associated with tube progression (P<0.001), while abdominal surgery was not. In ten patients, jejunal tubes were placed by endoscopy. CONCLUSION: Self-propelled feeding tubes progressed from the stomach to the postpyloric position in 49% of patients, reducing the number of endoscopic placements: these tubes may facilitate enteral nutrient delivery in the ICU.
Objectives: The aim of this study was to assess the concomitant perioperative procedures, the causes of nasolacrimal duct obstruction, the success rate, and the complications associated with endonasal dacryocystorhinostomy (ENDCR).Methods: In this single-center retrospective study, 98 patients underwent 104 ENDCRs between January 1994 and February 2006. There were 78 patients with 84 nasolacrimal duct obstructions who were included in this study.Results: The overall functional success rate with improvement in symptoms was 94.9% for primary surgery (59 of 84 obstructions) and 63.6% for salvage surgery after failure of primary surgery performed in another hospital (25 of 84 obstructions). The mean follow-up time was 36.8 +/- 17.11 months. Primary surgery showed better results, with a complete success rate of 93.2%, than did salvage surgery, with a success rate of only 68%. Persistent symptoms, despite an open rhinostomy, were found in 1.7% of patients with primary surgery and in 12% of those with salvage surgery. Failure of ENDCR was observed in 3.4% of patients after primary surgery and in 20% after salvage surgery. We encountered only minimal perioperative complications, and these were essentially related to lacrimal intubation.Conclusions: Because of the possibility of treating concomitant sinonasal disorders, the cosmetic advantages, and the excellent results, ENDCR represents the procedure of choice for treating nasolacrimal duct obstructions. The main challenge lies in the exact preoperative assessment, as well as postoperative evaluation in case of failure.
RESUME : L'application d'une ventilation non-invasive (VNI) à pression positive chez des patients avec une insuffisance respiratoire aiguë hypoxémique non liée à une broncho-pneumopathie chronique obstructive (BPCO), reste controversée malgré les résultats encourageants apparus dans de récentes études. Ce travail de thèse est composé d'une introduction qui comprend un historique de la VNI et une revue de ces applications principales dans l'insuffisance respiratoire aiguë avec, en particulier, une analyse des études cliniques principales concernant son utilisation dans l'exacerbation de la BPCO, dans l'asthme aigu sévère, dans les syndromes restrictifs et dans l'insuffisance respiratoire aiguë hypoxémique. La première partie aborde également les aspects pratiques de l'utilisation de la VNI, avec une description de l'équipement et des techniques utilisées. Ce travail de thèse a ensuite pour but d'analyser dans une étude personnelle l'application d'une VNI à pression positive chez des patients avec une insuffisance respiratoire aiguë hypoxémique non liée à une BPCO. Il s'agit d'une étude prospective et observationnelle, dans laquelle nous avons voulu analyser l'efficacité de la VNI chez un groupe de patients sélectionnés et coopérants, stables du point de vue hémodynamique, présentant un syndrome de détresse respiratoire aiguë (SDRA) primaire (atteinte pulmonaire directe). Les échanges gazeux, le taux d'intubation, la mortalité et la durée de séjour dans l'unité de soins intensifs ont été enregistrés. Dans notre travail, la VNI a été appliquée de manière prospective à 12 patients, stables du point de vue hémodynamique, présentant les critères diagnostiques pour un SDRA primaire (SDRAP) et une indication pour une ventilation mécanique classique. Leur évolution a été comparée avec celle d'un groupe contrôle de 12 patients avec SDRAP. et précédemment traités dans la même unité de soins intensifs, ayant des caractéristiques similaires à l'admission : âge, score SAPS II, rapport Pa02/Fi02 et valeurs de pH . Un échec de la VNI fut observé chez 4 patients (33%), tous bactériémiques et nécessitant une intubation endotrachéale. Un facteur prédictif négatif. Les patients traités avec succès ont présenté un temps cumulatif de ventilation (p=0.001) et une durée de séjour aux soins intensifs (p=0.004) inférieure à ceux du groupe contrôle. Pendant la première période d'observation de la ventilation, l'oxygénation après 60 minutes s'est améliorée de manière plus importante dans le groupe VNI par rapport au groupe contrôle (PaO2/FiO2 : 146 +/- 52 mmHg vs. 109 +/- 34 mmHg ; p=0.05). Le taux de mortalité globale aux soins intensifs ne fut pas différent entre le groupe VNI et le groupe de patients intubés. Le taux de complications graves fut plus élevé chez les patients du groupe contrôle. Nos résultats suggèrent que chez des patients stables et coopérants, avec une pneumonie étendue, sans bactériémie à l'admission et remplissant les critères diagnostiques d'un SDRAp, la VNI représente une alternative valable à l'intubation endotrachéale.
Patients with defective ectodysplasin A (EDA) have X-linked hypohidrotic ectodermal dysplasia (XLHED; OMIM#305100), a condition comprising hypotrichosis, inability to sweat, abnormal teeth, and frequent pulmonary infections. The XLHED dogs show the same clinical signs as humans with the disorder, including frequent respiratory infections that can be fatal. The respiratory disease in humans and dogs is thought to be due to the absence of tracheal and bronchial glands which are a vital part of the mucociliary clearance mechanism. In our XLHED model, the genetically missing EDA was replaced by postnatal intravenous administration of recombinant EDA resulting in long-term, durable corrective effect on adult, permanent dentition. After treatment with EDA, significant correction of the missing tracheal and bronchial glands was achieved in those dogs that received higher doses of EDA. Moreover, successful treatment resulted in the presence of esophageal glands, improved mucociliary clearance, and the absence of respiratory infection. These results demonstrate that a short-term treatment at a neonatal age with a recombinant protein can reverse a developmental disease and result in vastly improved quality of life.
RESUME La ventilation en pression positive continue (Continuous Positive Airway Pressure, CPAP), utilisée pour la première fois chez. les prématurés en 1971, est une technique actuellement très largement utilisée dans les unités néonatales. L'utilisation de la CPAP présente de nombreux avantages à court terme: diminution de la fraction maximale inspirée d'oxygène, de la durée de l'oxygénothérapie, du taux d'intubation et donc du recours à une ventilation mécanique, réduction de l'utilisation des amines, des curares et de la morphine, possible prévention de l'apparition d'une bronchodysplasie pulmonaire, et possibles réductions du nombre d'infections postnatales et des entérocolites nécrosantes. Mais peu d'études existent concernant les effets à long terme de la CPAP sur le neurodéveloppement et la croissance, qui constituent l'objectif de la présente étude. L'utilisation systématique de la CPAP comme alternative à la ventilation mécanique a été introduite à Lausanne en 1998. La population cible de cette étude est constituée des prématurés nés à moins de 32 semaines de gestation ou pesant moins de 1500 g à la naissance; ils ont été systématiquement suivis jusqu'en âge préscolaire dans le cadre de l'étude de cohorte «Unité de Développement, CHUV». L'originalité de ce travail réside dans le fait d'évaluer le neurodéveloppement et la croissance à long terme d'enfants prématurés traités préférentiellement avec la CPAP, en comparaison avec un groupe historique contrôle traité par d'autres modes ventilatoires, en tenant compte de nombreux autres paramètres néonataux. Du point de vue du neurodéveloppement, l'usage, de la CPAP montre une tendance à diminuer l'incidence d'hémorragie intraventriculaire et le risque d'avoir un mauvais neurodéveloppement à 6 mois. Ces résultats positifs sur le neurodéveloppement s'estompent à l'âge de 18 mois, où persiste néanmoins une valeur plus élevée du quotient de développement, et disparaissent complètement en âge préscolaire. Du point de vue de la croissance, l'utilisation de la CPAP ne montre aucun effet sur le poids, mais par contre un effet positif sur la taille à 6 et 18 mois et sur le périmètre crânien à 6 mois, 18 mois et en âge préscolaire. Malgré le caractère non randomisé de cette étude, les résultats positifs obtenus ici permettent sans conteste de s'assurer d'une utilisation de la CPAP sans effet négatif sur le neurodéveloppement et la croissance, et fournissent donc un argument supplémentaire pour l'utilisation systématique de la CPAP chez les prématurés.
This paper provides an overview on the actual state of acute therapy in patients with ischemic stroke. The discussion focusses on intravenous and intraarterial thrombolysis, antithrombotic therapy, and the treatment of medical and neurological complications, and therapy recommendations are presented. Finally ongoing studies, particularly those concerning thrombolysis with glycoprotein IIb/IIIa receptor blockers and ultrasound-assisted thrombolysis, are presented.