150 resultados para Senior University
Après la votation fédérale demandant de prendre en compte les médecines complémentaires, un consensus a été recherché dans quatorze services et unités du Centre hospitalier universitaire vaudois (CHUV). Confrontés aux données de la littérature (Plus de 2000 publications en "Evidence-based complementary medicine" depuis 1998), les soignants étaient tous surpris par l'ampleur des résultats cliniques disponibles actuellement. Tous identifiaient un besoin en formation et en informations sur le sujet. Une prise de position officielle de l'institution était aussi souhaitée, instituant l'enseignement et la recherche sur les médecines complémentaires et assurant la production d'informations rigoureuses et pertinentes pour la clinique. [Abstract] While a popular vote supported a new article on complementary and alternative medicines (CAM) in the Swiss Constitution, this assessment in 14 wards of the University Hospital of Lausanne, Switzerland, attempted at answering the question: How can CAM use be better taken into account and patients informed with more rigor and respect for their choices? Confronted with a review of the literature (> 2000 publications in "Evidence-based cornplementary medicine" since 1998), respondents declared their ignorance of the clinical data presently available on CAM. All were in favour of more teaching and information on the subject, plus an official statement from the Hospital direction, ensuring production and diffusion of rigorous and cJinically significant information on CAM.
Introduction: Patients who repeatedly attend the Emergency Department (ED) often have a distinct and complex vulnerability profile that includes poor somatic, psychological, and social indicators. This profile has an impact on the patients' well-being as well as on hospital costs. The objective of the study was to specify the characteristics of hyper users (HU) and explore the connection with ED care and hospital costs. Methods: The study sample comprised all adult patients with 12 or more attendances at the ED of the Lausanne University Hospital in 2009. The data were collected by retrospectively searching internal databases to identify the patients concerned and then analysing the profiles of these patients. Information gathered included demographic, somatic, psychological, at-risk behaviour, and social indicators, and health system consumption including costs. Results: In 2009, 23 patients (0.1%) attended 12 times or more (425 attendances, 0.8%). The average age was about 43 years, 60.9% were female, and 47.8% single. Of these 95.7% had basic insurance, 87.0% had a general practitioner, and 30.4% were under legal guardianship. The majority attended in the evening or at night (67.1%), and almost one quarter of these attendances resulted in inpatient treatment (24.0%). Most HU had attended the ED in previous years too (95.7% in 2008). The most prevalent diagnoses concerned 'mental disorders' (87.0%). About 30.4% of patients had attempted suicide (all were female patients). Other frequent diagnoses concerned 'trauma' (65.2%), and the 'digestive' and the 'nervous system' (each 56.5%). At-risk behaviour such as severe alcohol consumption (34.8%), or excessive use of medicines (26.1%) was very frequent, and some patients used illicit drugs (21.7%). There was only a weak association between the number of ED attendances and the resulting costs. However, a reduction of one outpatient visit per patient would have decreased ED outpatient costs by 8.5%. Conclusions: HU often have a particularly vulnerable profile. Mental problems are prevalent among them, as are at-risk behaviour and severe somatic conditions. The complexity of the patients' profiles demands specific care that cannot be guaranteed within an everyday ED routine. The use of an interdisciplinary case management team might be a promising approach in diminishing the number of attendances and the associated costs, although the profiles of HU are such that they probably cannot completely give up ED attendance.
BACKGROUND: Uveal melanoma exhibits a high incidence of metastases; and, to date, there is no systemic therapy that clearly improves outcomes. The anticytotoxic T-lymphocyte-associated protein 4 (anti-CTLA-4) antibody ipilimumab is a standard of care for metastatic melanoma; however, the clinical activity of CTLA-4 inhibition in patients with metastatic uveal melanoma is poorly defined. METHODS: To assess ipilimumab in this setting, the authors performed a multicenter, retrospective analysis of 4 hospitals in the United States and Europe. Clinical characteristics, toxicities, and radiographic disease burden, as determined by central, blinded radiology review, were evaluated. RESULTS: Thirty-nine patients with uveal melanoma were identified, including 34 patients who received 3 mg/kg ipilimumab and 5 who received 10 mg/kg ipilimumab. Immune-related response criteria and modified World Health Organization criteria were used to assess the response rate (RR) and the combined response plus stable disease (SD) rate after 12 weeks, after 23 weeks, and overall (median follow-up, 50.4 weeks [12.6 months]). At week 12, the RR was 2.6%, and the response plus SD rate was 46.%; at week 23, the RR was 2.6%, and the response plus SD rate was 28.2%. There was 1 complete response and 1 late partial response (at 100 weeks after initial SD) for an immune-related RR of 5.1%. Immune-related adverse events were observed in 28 patients (71.8%) and included 7 (17.9%) grade 3 and 4 events. Immune-related adverse events were more frequent in patients who received 10 mg/kg ipilimumab than in those who received 3 mg/kg ipilimumab. The median overall survival from the first dose of ipilimumab was 9.6 months (95% confidence interval, 6.3-13.4 months; range, 1.6-41.6 months). Performance status, lactate dehydrogenase level, and an absolute lymphocyte count ≥ 1000 cells/μL at week 7 were associated significantly with survival. CONCLUSIONS: In this multicenter, retrospective analysis of 4 hospitals in the United States and Europe of patients with uveal melanoma, durable responses to ipilimumab and manageable toxicity were observed.
The need for an early neurorehabilitation pathway was identified in an acute university hospital. A team was formed to draw up and implement it. A neuro-sensorial, interdisciplinary and coordinated therapy program was developed, focused on tracheostomised patients as soon as they were admitted to the intermediate care in neurology and neurosurgery. The impact of this care plan was evaluated by comparing the results obtained with that pertaining to patients treated previously in the same services. The comparison showed a reduction of 48% of the mean duration of tracheostomy, of 39% in the time to inscription in a neurorehabilitation centre and of 20% in the length of stay in the intermediate care. An early neurorehabilitation care program, with an interdisciplinary and coordinated team, reduces complications and lengths of stay.
BACKGROUND: The writing of prescriptions is an important aspect of medical practice. This activity presents some specific problems given a danger of misinterpretation and dispensing errors in community pharmacies. The objective of this study was to determine the evolution of the prescription practice and writing quality in the outpatient clinics of our paediatric university hospital.¦METHODS: Copies of prescriptions written by physicians were collected from community pharmacies in the region of our hospital for a two-month period in 2005 and 2010. They were analysed according to standard criteria, including both formal and pharmaceutical aspects.¦RESULTS: A total of 597 handwritten prescriptions were reviewed in 2005 and 633 in 2010. They contained 1,456 drug prescriptions in 2005 and 1,348 in 2010. Fifteen drugs accounted for 80% of all prescriptions and the most common drugs were paracetamol and ibuprofen. A higher proportion of drugs were prescribed as International Nonproprietary Names (INN) or generics in 2010 (24.7%) compared with 2005 (20.9%). Of the drug prescriptions examined, 55.5% were incomplete in 2005 and 69.2% in 2010. Moreover in 2005, 3.2% were legible only with difficulty, 22.9% were ambiguous, and 3.0% contained an error. These proportions rose respectively to 5.2%, 27.8%, and 6.8% in 2010.¦CONCLUSION: This study showed that fifteen different drugs represented the majority of prescriptions, and a quarter of them were prescribed as INN or generics in 2010; and that handwritten prescriptions contained numerous omissions and preventable errors. In our hospital computerised prescribing coupled with advanced decision support is eagerly awaited.
Background: Public hospitals' long waiting lists make outpatient surgery in private facilities very attractive provided a standardized protocol is applied. The aim of this study was to assess this kind of innovative collaboration in abdominal surgery from a clinical and economical perspective. Methods: All consecutive patients operated on in an outpatient basis in a private facility by a public hospital abdominal surgeon and an assistant over a 5-year period (2004-2009) were included. Clinical assessment was carried out from patients' charts and satisfaction questionnaire, and economic assessment from the comparison between the surgeons' charges paid by the private facility and the surgeons' hospital salaries during the days devoted to surgery at the private facility. Results: Over the 5 years, 602 operative procedures were carried out during 190 operative days. All patients could be discharged the same day and only 1% of minor complications occurred. The patients' satisfaction was 98%. The balance between the surgeons' charges paid by the private facility and their hospital salary costs was positive by 25.8% for the senior surgeon and 12.6% for the assistant or, on average, 21.9% for both. Conclusion: Collaboration between an overloaded university hospital surgery department and a private surgical facility was successful, effective, safe, and cost-effective. It could be extended to other surgical specialities. Copyright (C) 2011 S. Karger AG, Basel
Introduction: Population ageing challenges Emergency Departments (ED) with a population shift toward higher age groups. People over 65 years are heterogenous with respect to polymorbidity and functional capacity. Complex situations become more prevalent among patients aged 85+, the fastest growing segment of the elderly population (+72% between 2010 and 2030). Objectives: To identify the trend of ED admission rates for patients aged 85+ and to compare the characteristics of their ED visits with the one of patients aged 65-84. Method: Retrospective analysis of 56162 ED admissions of patients aged 65+ at the University of Lausanne Medical Center (CHUV), from 2005 to 2010. All visits of patients aged 65+ at the time of admission were considered. Analyses focus on demographic characteristics, living arrangement, hospital admission, and median Length of Stay (LOS) in the ED. Data from 2010 were examined for the degree of emergency (DE), the main reason for visiting the ED (Swiss triage scale) and readmission at 30 days. Results: Between 2005 and 2010, ED visits of patients aged 65 years and over increased from 8228 to 10390/year (with a slight decrease of women from 56% to 54%). This is an increment of +26% i.e. 5.9 patients/day more. Patients aged 85+ increased by +46% vs +20% for the 65-84. ED visits of people aged 18-64 years raised by +20%. Among patients over 65 years, the proportion of patients aged 85 and more increased from 23% in 2005 to 27% in 2010. In 2010, 85+ patients were more likely than 65-84 patients to come from a NH setting (13% vs 4%), to be hospitalised (70% vs 59%) and to stay longer in the ED (median LOS 9 hours vs 7 hours). Readmission to ED within 30 days after discharge did not differ (85+: 14% vs 65-84: 12%) (similar proportions in 2005). In 2010, the first reason for patients 85+ to visit ED was fall/injury (27% vs 18% by 65-84), whereas the main cause for patients aged 65-84 years was a cardiovascular disorder (18% vs 16% by 85+). The part of high emergency cases was similar for patients 85+ and 65-84 (42%). Conclusion: Among aged patients those aged 85 and over are the fastest growing group admitted to ED. Compared to their younger counterparts, their reason to visit ED and their pattern of health services utilization differ due to specific epidemiological conditions. ED addressing specific needs of geriatric patients would improve their care and lead to a better use of available resources.