245 resultados para Rapport-Building
Introduction: Exposure to environmental tobacco smoke (ETS) is a major environmental risk factor. Indoor contaminants come from a variety of sources, which can include inadequate ventilation, volatile organic compounds (VOCs), biological agents, combustion products, and ETS. Because ETS is one of the most frequent causes of IAQ complaints as well as the high mortality of passive smoking, in June 2004 the University of Geneva made the decision to ban smoking inside the so called "Uni-Mail" building, the biggest Swiss University human science building of recent construction, and the ordinance was applied beginning in October 2004. This report presents the finding related to the IAQ of the "Uni-Mail" building before and after smoking bans using nicotine, suspended dust, condensate and PAHs level in air as tracers to perform an assessment of passive tobacco exposure for non-smokers inside the building. Methods: Respirable particles (RSP) A real time aerosol monitor (model DataRAM)was place at sampling post 1, level ground floor. Condensate It consists in extracting any organic matter taken on the glass fibre filters by MeOH, and then measuring the total absorbent of the MeOH extract to the UV wavelength of 447 nm. Nicotine Nicotine was taken by means of cartridges containing of XAD-4 to the fixed flow of 0.5 L/min. The analytical method used for the determination of nicotine is based on gas chromatography with Nitrogen selective detector GC-NPD. Results: Figure 1 shows the box plot density display of 3 parameters before and after smoking bans for all 7 sampling posts: dust, condensate and nicotine in air in μg/m3. Conclusion: Before the smoking ban, the level of the concentrations of respirable particles (RSP) is raised more, average of the day 320 μg/m3, with peaks of more than 1000 μg/m3, compared with the values of the surrounding air between 22 and 30 μg/m3. The nicotine level is definitely more important (average 5.53 μg/m3, field 1.5 to 17.9 μg/m3). Once the smoking bans inside the building were applied, one notes a clear improvement in terms of concentrations of pollutants. For dust, the concentration fell by 3 times (average: 130 μg/m3, range: 40 to 160 μg/m3) and that of nicotine by 10 times (average: 0.53 μg/m3, range: 0 to 1.69 μg/m3) compared to that found before smoking bans. The outdoor air RSP concentration was 22 μg/m3 or 10 times lower. Nicotine seems to be the best tracer for ETS free of interference, independent of location or season.
Excessive exposure to solar UV light is the main cause of skin cancers in humans. UV exposure depends on environmental as well as individual factors related to activity. Although outdoor occupational activities contribute significantly to the individual dose received, data on effective exposure are scarce and limited to a few occupations. A study was undertaken in order to assess effective short-term exposure among building workers and characterize the influence of individual and local factors on exposure. The effective exposure of construction workers in a mountainous area in the southern part of Switzerland was investigated through short-term dosimetry (97 dosimeters). Three altitudes, of about 500, 1500 and 2500 m were considered. Individual measurements over 20 working periods were performed using Spore film dosimeters on five body locations. The postural activity of workers was concomitantly recorded and static UV measurements were also performed. Effective exposure among building workers was high and exceeded occupational recommendations, for all individuals for at least one body location. The mean daily UV dose in plain was 11.9 SED (0.0-31.3 SED), in middle mountain 21.4 SED (6.6-46.8 SED) and in high mountain 28.6 SED (0.0-91.1 SED). Measured doses between workers and anatomical locations exhibited a high variability, stressing the role of local exposure conditions and individual factors. Short-term effective exposure ranged between 0 and 200% of ambient irradiation, indicating the occurrence of intense, subacute exposures. A predictive irradiation model was developed to investigate the role of individual factors. Posture and orientation were found to account for at least 38% of the total variance of relative individual exposure, and were also found to account more than altitude on the total variance of effective daily exposures. Targeted sensitization actions through professional information channels and specific prevention messages are recommended. Altitude outdoor workers should also benefit from preventive medical examination.
Archiver le Web sur les migrations : quelles approches techniques et scientifiques ? Rapport d'étape
Chaque année, l'établissement du Comparatif des finances cantonales et communales donne lieu à un long travail de vérification des données. A cette occasion, nous constatons qu'il existe de nombreuses disparités dans la présentation des rapports des comptes. Dans un contexte où la transparence est une nécessité majeure pour les collectivités publiques, cette étude tente de mettre en évidence l'origine de ces divergences et leurs conséquences. La première partie de l'étude est consacrée à la description et à l'analyse du contenu du rapport des comptes. Elle tente d'expliciter le rôle et l'origine des éléments que l'on retrouve fréquemment dans le rapport des comptes. La seconde partie s'attache à présenter les résultats d'une analyse comparée menée auprès de huit cantons. Ainsi, par le biais d'une grille d'analyse détaillée, chacun des éléments contenus dans le rapport des comptes est examiné et ce pour les huit cantons considérés. Cette étude approfondie met en évidence les différentes pratiques cantonales et révèle celles qui nous apparaissent les plus pertinentes. Elle montre également qu'il n'existe pas une seule best practice. Néanmoins, pour certains éléments certains cantons ont adopté une présentation particulièrement adéquate méritant d'être largement reprise en l'état.
Les auteurs ont estimé nécessaire de mieux comprendre, d'une part les différents états de connaissance, d'attitude et de comportement des populations d'immigrés en Suisse par rapport au phénomène du SIDA et à sa prévention, et d'autre part, d'évaluer si ces états peuvent être mis en relation aux cultures d'origine ainsi qu'à des phénomènes de migration. Les auteurs ont choisi pour cette étude les communautés turque et africaine.