269 resultados para Ramp-up
BACKGROUND: This study reviews the 15 year program of our Department of Pediatric Surgery for the treatment and follow-up of children born with a cleft in Benin and Togo. METHODS: We analyzed files of children born in Africa with a cleft. They were referred to us through a nongovernmental organization (NGO) between 1993 and 2008 and assessed in Africa by local pediatricians before and after surgery. Operations were performed by our team. RESULTS: Two hundred files were reviewed: 60 cases of unilateral cleft lip, seven of bilateral cleft lip, 44 of unilateral cleft lip palate (UCLP), 29 of bilateral cleft lip palate (BCLP), 53 of cleft palate (CP), three of bilateral oro-ocular cleft, one of unilateral and two of median clefts (Binder), and one of commissural cleft. Sixty-nine (35 %) of these cases were not operated in Africa: 25 (12.5 %) had not shown up, 28 (15 %) were considered unfit for surgery (Down's syndrome, HIV-positive, malnutrition, cardiac malformation), and 16 (7.5 %) were transferred to Switzerland. Palatal fistula occurred in 20 % of UCLP, 30 % of BCLP, and 16 % of CP. Evaluation of speech after palate surgery gave less than 50 % of socially acceptable speech. CONCLUSIONS: Our partnership with a NGO and a local team makes it possible to treat and subsequently follow children born with a cleft in West Africa. Surgery is performed under good conditions. If aesthetic results are a success, functional results after palate surgery need further improvement to promote integration in school and social life.
Macrophages play a central role in the pathogenesis of atherosclerosis by accumulating cholesterol through increased uptake of oxidized low-density lipoproteins by scavenger receptor CD36, leading to foam cell formation. Here we demonstrate the ability of hexarelin, a GH-releasing peptide, to enhance the expression of ATP-binding cassette A1 and G1 transporters and cholesterol efflux in macrophages. These effects were associated with a transcriptional activation of nuclear receptor peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor (PPAR)gamma in response to binding of hexarelin to CD36 and GH secretagogue-receptor 1a, the receptor for ghrelin. The hormone binding domain was not required to mediate PPARgamma activation by hexarelin, and phosphorylation of PPARgamma was increased in THP-1 macrophages treated with hexarelin, suggesting that the response to hexarelin may involve PPARgamma activation function-1 activity. However, the activation of PPARgamma by hexarelin did not lead to an increase in CD36 expression, as opposed to liver X receptor (LXR)alpha, suggesting a differential regulation of PPARgamma-targeted genes in response to hexarelin. Chromatin immunoprecipitation assays showed that, in contrast to a PPARgamma agonist, the occupancy of the CD36 promoter by PPARgamma was not increased in THP-1 macrophages treated with hexarelin, whereas the LXRalpha promoter was strongly occupied by PPARgamma in the same conditions. Treatment of apolipoprotein E-null mice maintained on a lipid-rich diet with hexarelin resulted in a significant reduction in atherosclerotic lesions, concomitant with an enhanced expression of PPARgamma and LXRalpha target genes in peritoneal macrophages. The response was strongly impaired in PPARgamma(+/-) macrophages, indicating that PPARgamma was required to mediate the effect of hexarelin. These findings provide a novel mechanism by which the beneficial regulation of PPARgamma and cholesterol metabolism in macrophages could be regulated by CD36 and ghrelin receptor downstream effects.
Rifting processes, leading to sea-floor spreading, are characterized by a sequence of events: transtensive phase of extension with syn-rift volcanism; simple shear extension accompanied by lithospheric thinning and asthenospheric up-welling and thermal uplift of the rift shoulder and asymmetric volcanism. The simple shear model of extension leads to an asymmetric model of passive margin: a lower plate tilted block margin and an upper plate flexural, ramp-like margin- Both will be affected by thermal contraction and subsidence, starting soon after sea-floor spreading. Based on these actualistic models Tethyan margins are classified as one type or the other. Their evolution from the first transtensional phase of extension to the passive margin stage are analyzed. Four main rifting events are recognized in the Tethyan realm: an episode of lower Paleozoic events leading to the formation of the Paleotethys; a Late Paleozoic event leading to the opening of the Permotethys and East Mediterranean basin: an early Mesozoic event leading to the opening of the Pindos Neotethys and a Jurassic event related to the opening of the Alpine/Atlantic Neotethys. Type margins are given as example of each rifting event: -Northern Iran (Alborz) as a type area for the Late Ordovician to Silurian rifting of Paleotethys. -Northern India and Oman for the Late Carboniferous to early Permian rifting of Permotethys. -The East Mediterranean (Levant, Tunisia) as a Late Carboniferous rifting event. -The Neotethyan rifting phases are separated in two types: an eastern Pindos system found in Turkey and Greece is genetically linked to the Permotethys with a sea-floor spreading delayed until middle Triassic: a western Alpine system directly linked to the opening of the central Atlantic is characterized by a Late Triassic transtensive phase, an early to Middle Liassic break-away phase and. following sea-floor spreading, a thermal subsidence phase starting in Dogger. Problems related to the closure of the Paleozoic oceanic domains are reviewed. A Late Permian, early Triassic phase of `'docking'' between an European accretionary prism (Chios) and a Paleotethyan margin is supported by recent findings in the Mediterranean area. Back-arc rifting within the European active margin led to the formation of marginal seas during Permian and Triassic times and will contribute to the closure of the Paleozoic oceans.
National and international registries are essential tools for establishing new standards and comparing success rates, but they do not take into account the total pregnancy/delivery rate per oocyte recovery. In Switzerland and Germany, because of legal constraints, a maximum of three two-pronuclear zygotes are allocated for transfer whereas all the supernumerary pronuclear zygotes are immediately cryopreserved, preventing selection of the transferred embryos. We report on a 10 years' experience (1993-2002) of our centre which performs transfers of unselected embryos and cryopreservation at the two-pronuclear zygote stage. As approximately 30% of all deliveries are from cryo cycles, it is essential to take into account the contribution of the cryo transfers, and we propose therefore to evaluate, as a measure of IVF performance, the cumulated delivery rate per oocyte pick-up. This delivery rate is broken down further into the cumulated singleton delivery rate (CUSIDERA) and the cumulated twin delivery rate (CUTWIDERA). The sum (S) of these two rates is a measure of efficacy while the ratio CUTWIDERA/S as a percentage is a measure of safety of IVF treatments. Using these new indexes, the average 10 year efficacy and safety of our IVF programme were 26 and 19%, respectively. Both CUSIDERA and CUTWIDERA can be calculated easily in any clinical situation and yield useful parameters for patient counselling and internal/external benchmarking purposes.
QUESTIONS UNDER STUDY: Our aim was to identify the barriers young men face to consult a health professional when they encounter sexual dysfunctions and where they turn to, if so, for answers. METHODS: We conducted an exploratory qualitative research including 12 young men aged 16-20 years old seen in two focus groups. Discussions were triggered through vignettes about sexual dysfunction. RESULTS: Young men preferred not to talk about sexual dysfunction problems with anyone and to solve them alone as it is considered an intimate and embarrassing subject which can negatively impact their masculinity. Confidentiality appeared to be the most important criterion in disclosing an intimate subject to a health professional. Participants raised the problem of males' accessibility to services and lack of reason to consult. Two criteria to address the problem were if it was long-lasting or considered as physical. The Internet was unanimously considered as an initial solution to solve a problem, which could guide them to a face-to-face consultation if necessary. CONCLUSIONS: Results suggest that Internet-based tools should be developed to become an easy access door to sexual health services for young men. Wherever they consult and for whatever problem, sexual health must be on the agenda.
OBJECTIVE: Data about the consequences of laparoscopic adjustable gastric banding (LAGB) on phospho-calcic and bone metabolism remain scarce. SUBJECTS: We studied a group of 37 obese premenopausal women (age: 24-52 y; mean BMI = 43.7 kg/m2) who underwent LAGB. METHODS: Serum calcium, phosphate, alkaline phosphatase, parathormone (PTH), vitamin D3, serum C-telopeptides, IGFBP-3 and IGF-1 were measured at baseline, 6, 12, 18 and 24 months after surgery. Body composition, bone mineral content (BMC) and density (BMD) were measured using dual-X-ray absorptiometry (DXA) at baseline, 6, 12 and 24 months after surgery. RESULTS: There was no clinically significant decrease of calcemia; PTH remained stable. Serum telopeptides increased by 100% (P < 0.001) and serum IGFBP-3 decreased by 16% (P < 0.001) during the first 6 months, and then stabilized, whereas IGF-1 remained stable over the 2 y. BMC and BMD decreased, especially at the femoral neck; this decrease was significantly correlated with the decrease of waist and hip circumference. CONCLUSIONS: We concluded that there was no evidence of secondary hyperparathyroidism 24 months after LAGB. The observed bone resorption could be linked to the decrease of IGFBP-3, although this decrease could be attributable to other confounding factors. Serum telopeptides seem to be a reliable marker of bone metabolism after gastric banding. DXA must be interpreted cautiously during major weight loss, because of the artefacts caused by the important variation of fat tissue after LAGB.
Purpose: To identify patterns of initially pain freedom response in patients with classical trigeminal neuralgia (CTN) with Gamma Knife surgery (GKS) and to compare their associated hypoesthesia and recurrence rates. Methods: In this study we analysed only 497 patients treated between July 1992 and November 2010, with a follow-up longer than 1 year, after excluding megadolichobasilar artery and multiple sclerosis related trigeminal neuralgia, as well as the second GKS treatments so as to have only cases with CTN and single radiosurgical treatment. GKS using a Gamma Knife (model B or C or Perfexion) was performed, based on both MRI and computer tomography (CT) targeting. A single 4-mm isocenter was positioned in the cisternal portion of the trigeminal nerve at a median distance of 7.8 mm (range 4.5-14) anteriorly to the emergence of the nerve. A median maximum dose of 85 Gy (range 70-90) was delivered. After empiric methods but also by using a chart with clear cut-off periods of pain free distribution, we were able to divide the initially pain free patients into 3 separate groups: within the first 48 hours, after 48 hours till 30 days and after 30 days, respectively. Results: The median follow- up period was 43.75 months (range 12-174.41). Four hundred and fifty-four patients (91.75%) were initially pain free in a median time of 10 days (range 1-459): 169 (37.2%) became pain free within the first 48 hours (pf<=48 h), compared to 194 (42.8%) between the 3-rd day and the day 30 (pf (>48 h, <=30 d)), inclusively and 91 (20%) patients after 30 days (pf>30d). Differences in terms of postoperative hypoesthesia were found with a p value of 0.014 as follows: the group pf<=48 h had 18 (13.7%) compared to pf (>48 h, <=30 d) with 30 (19%) and pf>30d with 22 (30.5%) patients developing a postoperative GKS hypoesthesia. One hundred and fifty seven (34.4%) patients initially pain free experienced a recurrence with a median delay of 24 months (range 0.62-150.06). There were no statistically significant differences between the three groups concerning recurrence (p value of 0.515). Conclusions: An important number of patients (169 cases, 37.2%) became pain free in the first 48 hours. Hypoesthesia rate was higher within the group becoming pain free after 30 days with a statistically significant difference between the three populations (p= 0.014). Further analysis will eventually help to elucidate the differences observed among groups.
3-M syndrome is a rare autosomal recessive disorder that causes short stature, unusual facial features and skeletal abnormalities. Mutations in the CUL7, OBSL1 and CCDC8 genes could be responsible for 3-M syndrome.Here we describe the growth and evolution of dismorphic features of an Italian boy with 3-M syndrome and growth hormone deficiency (GHD) from birth until adulthood. He was born full term with a very low birth weight (2400 g=-3.36 standard deviation score, SDS) and length (40.0 cm =-6.53 SDS). At birth he presented with a broad, fleshy nose with anteverted nostrils, thick and patulous lips, a square chin, curvilinear shaped eyebrows without synophrys, short thorax and long slender bones. Then, during childhood tall vertebral bodies, hip dislocation, transverse chest groove, winged scapulae and hyperextensible joints became more evident and the diagnosis of 3-M syndrome was made; this was also confirmed by the finding of a homozygous deletion in exon 18 of the CUL7 gene, which has not been previously described.The patient also exhibited severe GHD (GH <5 ng/ml) and from the age of 18 months was treated with rhGH. Notwithstanding the early start of therapy and good compliance, his growth rate was always very low, except for the first two years of treatment and he achieved a final height of 132 cm (-6.42 SDS).
Transgenic Arabidopsis thaliana (L.) Heynh. plants expressing the three enzymes encoding the biosynthetic route to polyhydroxybutyrate (PHB) are described. These plants accumulated more than 4% of their fresh weight (approximately 40% of their dry weight) in the form of PHB in leaf chloroplasts. These very high producers were obtained and identified following a novel strategy consisting of a rapid GC-MS analysis of a large number of transgenic Arabidopsis plants generated using a triple construct, thus allowing the parallel transfer of all three genes necessary for PHB synthesis in a single transformation event. The level of PHB produced was 4-fold greater than previously published values, thus demonstrating the large potential of plants to produce this renewable resource. However, the high levels of the polymer produced had severe effects on both plant development and metabolism. Stunted growth and a loss of fertility were observed in the high-producing lines. Analysis of the metabolite composition of these lines using a GC-MS method that we have newly developed showed that the accumulation of high levels of PHB was not accompanied by an appreciable change in either the composition or the amount of fatty acids. Substantial changes were, however, observed in the levels of various organic acids, amino acids, sugars and sugar alcohols.
Objective: Improved treatment has increased the survival of childhood cancer patients in recent decades, but follow-up care is recommended to detect and treat late effects. We investigated relationships between health beliefs and follow-up attendance in adult childhood cancer survivors.Methods: Childhood cancer survivors aged younger than 16 years when diagnosed between 1976 and 2003, who had survived for more than 5 years and were currently aged 20+ years, received a postal questionnaire. We asked survivors whether they attended follow-up in the past year. Concepts from the Health Belief Model (perceived susceptibility and severity of future late effects, potential benefits and barriers to follow-up, general health value and cues to action) were assessed. Medical information was extracted from the Swiss Childhood Cancer Registry.Results: Of 1075 survivors (response rate 72.3%), 250 (23.3%) still attended regular follow-up care. In unadjusted analyses, all health belief concepts were significantly associated with follow-up (p < 0.05). Adjusting for other health beliefs, demographic, and medical variables, only barriers (OR = 0.59; 95% CI: 0.43-0.82) remained significant. Younger survivors, those with lower educational background, diagnosed at an older age, treated with chemotherapy, radiotherapy, or bone marrow transplantation and with a relapse were more likely to attend follow-up care.Conclusions: Our study showed that more survivors at high risk of cancer-and treatment-related late effects attend follow-up care in Switzerland. Patient-perceived barriers hinder attendance even after accounting for medical variables. Information about the potential effectiveness and value of follow-up needs to be available to increase the attendance among childhood cancer survivors. Copyright (C) 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
To evaluate the socio-demographic as well as the health and psychiatric profiles of adolescents hospitalised for suicide attempt or overwhelming suicide ideation and to assess repetition of suicide attempt over a period of 18 months. Between April 2000 and September 2001, all patients aged 16 to 21 years admitted to the University Hospitals of Geneva and Lausanne for suicide attempt or ideation were included in the study. At this time (T0) semi-structured face to face interviews were conducted to identify socio-demographic data, mental health and antecedents regarding suicidal conducts. Current psychiatric status was assessed with the MINI (Mini International Neuropsychiatric Instrument). At T1 and T2, reassessments included psychiatric status (MINI) as well as lifestyles, socio-professional situation and suicidal behaviours. At T0, 269 subjects met the study criteria, among whom 83 subjects (56 girls and 27 boys) left the hospital too quickly to be involved or refused to participate in the study (final sample at T0: 149 girls; 37 boys). The participation rate at T1 and T2 was respectively 66% and 62% of the original sample. The percentage of adolescents meeting the criteria for psychiatric diagnoses (91%) was high: affective disorder (78%); anxiety disorder (64%); substance use disorder (39%); eating disorder (9%); psychotic disorder (11%); antisocial personality (7%) with most subjects (85%) having more than one disorder. Around 90% of the subjects interviewed at T1, and/or T2, had received follow-up care after their hospitalisation, either by a primary care physician or a psychotherapist or both. Two subjects died of violent death and 18% made a further suicide attempt. Most adolescents hospitalised for suicidal episodes suffer from psychiatric problems which should be addressed by a careful psychiatric assessment, followed up if needed by a structured after care plan.
OBJECTIVE: Exposure to altitude may lead to acute mountain sickness (AMS) in nonacclimatized individuals. We surveyed AMS prevalence and potential risk factors in trekkers crossing a 5400-m pass in Nepal and compared the results with those of 2 similar studies conducted 12 and 24 years earlier. METHODS: In April 2010, 500 surveys were distributed to English-speaking trekkers at 3500 m on their way to 5400 m, of which 332 (66%) surveys were returned complete. Acute mountain sickness was quantified with the Lake Louise Scoring System (LLSS, cutoff ≥3 and ≥5) and the Environmental Statistical Questionnaire III AMS-C score (ESQ-III, cutoff ≥0.7). We surveyed demographics, body mass index (BMI), smoking habit, rate of ascent, awareness of AMS, and acetazolamide use. RESULTS: Prevalence of AMS was 22%, 23%, and 48% (ESQ-III ≥0.7, LLSS ≥5, and LLSS ≥3, respectively) lower when compared with earlier studies. Risk factors for AMS were younger age, female sex, higher BMI, and smoking habit. Forty-two percent had elementary knowledge about the risk and prevention of AMS. Forty-four percent used acetazolamide. Trekkers took longer to climb from 3500 to 5400 m than in earlier studies. CONCLUSIONS: Prevalence of AMS continued to decline over a period of 24 years, likely as a result of slower ascent and increased use of acetazolamide. The AMS risk factors of younger age, female sex, and high BMI are consistent with prior studies. Awareness of risk and prevention of AMS remains low, indicating an opportunity to better educate trekkers and potentially further reduce AMS prevalence.