48 resultados para Parkinsons-disease Result
Atherosclerosis is a chronic cardiovascular disease that involves the thicken¬ing of the artery walls as well as the formation of plaques (lesions) causing the narrowing of the lumens, in vessels such as the aorta, the coronary and the carotid arteries. Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) is a promising modality for the assessment of atherosclerosis, as it is a non-invasive and patient-friendly procedure that does not use ionizing radiation. MRI offers high soft tissue con¬trast already without the need of intravenous contrast media; while modifica¬tion of the MR pulse sequences allows for further adjustment of the contrast for specific diagnostic needs. As such, MRI can create angiographic images of the vessel lumens to assess stenoses at the late stage of the disease, as well as blood flow-suppressed images for the early investigation of the vessel wall and the characterization of the atherosclerotic plaques. However, despite the great technical progress that occurred over the past two decades, MRI is intrinsically a low sensitive technique and some limitations still exist in terms of accuracy and performance. A major challenge for coronary artery imaging is respiratory motion. State- of-the-art diaphragmatic navigators rely on an indirect measure of motion, per¬form a ID correction, and have long and unpredictable scan time. In response, self-navigation (SM) strategies have recently been introduced that offer 100% scan efficiency and increased ease of use. SN detects respiratory motion di¬rectly from the image data obtained at the level of the heart, and retrospectively corrects the same data before final image reconstruction. Thus, SN holds po-tential for multi-dimensional motion compensation. To this regard, this thesis presents novel SN methods that estimate 2D and 3D motion parameters from aliased sub-images that are obtained from the same raw data composing the final image. Combination of all corrected sub-images produces a final image with reduced motion artifacts for the visualization of the coronaries. The first study (section 2.2, 2D Self-Navigation with Compressed Sensing) consists of a method for 2D translational motion compensation. Here, the use of com- pressed sensing (CS) reconstruction is proposed and investigated to support motion detection by reducing aliasing artifacts. In healthy human subjects, CS demonstrated an improvement in motion detection accuracy with simula¬tions on in vivo data, while improved coronary artery visualization was demon¬strated on in vivo free-breathing acquisitions. However, the motion of the heart induced by respiration has been shown to occur in three dimensions and to be more complex than a simple translation. Therefore, the second study (section 2.3,3D Self-Navigation) consists of a method for 3D affine motion correction rather than 2D only. Here, different techniques were adopted to reduce background signal contribution in respiratory motion tracking, as this can be adversely affected by the static tissue that surrounds the heart. The proposed method demonstrated to improve conspicuity and vi¬sualization of coronary arteries in healthy and cardiovascular disease patient cohorts in comparison to a conventional ID SN method. In the third study (section 2.4, 3D Self-Navigation with Compressed Sensing), the same tracking methods were used to obtain sub-images sorted according to the respiratory position. Then, instead of motion correction, a compressed sensing reconstruction was performed on all sorted sub-image data. This process ex¬ploits the consistency of the sorted data to reduce aliasing artifacts such that the sub-image corresponding to the end-expiratory phase can directly be used to visualize the coronaries. In a healthy volunteer cohort, this strategy improved conspicuity and visualization of the coronary arteries when compared to a con¬ventional ID SN method. For the visualization of the vessel wall and atherosclerotic plaques, the state- of-the-art dual inversion recovery (DIR) technique is able to suppress the signal coming from flowing blood and provide positive wall-lumen contrast. How¬ever, optimal contrast may be difficult to obtain and is subject to RR variability. Furthermore, DIR imaging is time-inefficient and multislice acquisitions may lead to prolonged scanning times. In response and as a fourth study of this thesis (chapter 3, Vessel Wall MRI of the Carotid Arteries), a phase-sensitive DIR method has been implemented and tested in the carotid arteries of a healthy volunteer cohort. By exploiting the phase information of images acquired after DIR, the proposed phase-sensitive method enhances wall-lumen contrast while widens the window of opportunity for image acquisition. As a result, a 3-fold increase in volumetric coverage is obtained at no extra cost in scanning time, while image quality is improved. In conclusion, this thesis presented novel methods to address some of the main challenges for MRI of atherosclerosis: the suppression of motion and flow artifacts for improved visualization of vessel lumens, walls and plaques. Such methods showed to significantly improve image quality in human healthy sub¬jects, as well as scan efficiency and ease-of-use of MRI. Extensive validation is now warranted in patient populations to ascertain their diagnostic perfor¬mance. Eventually, these methods may bring the use of atherosclerosis MRI closer to the clinical practice. Résumé L'athérosclérose est une maladie cardiovasculaire chronique qui implique le épaississement de la paroi des artères, ainsi que la formation de plaques (lé¬sions) provoquant le rétrécissement des lumières, dans des vaisseaux tels que l'aorte, les coronaires et les artères carotides. L'imagerie par résonance magné¬tique (IRM) est une modalité prometteuse pour l'évaluation de l'athérosclérose, car il s'agit d'une procédure non-invasive et conviviale pour les patients, qui n'utilise pas des rayonnements ionisants. L'IRM offre un contraste des tissus mous très élevé sans avoir besoin de médias de contraste intraveineux, tan¬dis que la modification des séquences d'impulsions de RM permet en outre le réglage du contraste pour des besoins diagnostiques spécifiques. À ce titre, l'IRM peut créer des images angiographiques des lumières des vaisseaux pour évaluer les sténoses à la fin du stade de la maladie, ainsi que des images avec suppression du flux sanguin pour une première enquête des parois des vais¬seaux et une caractérisation des plaques d'athérosclérose. Cependant, malgré les grands progrès techniques qui ont eu lieu au cours des deux dernières dé¬cennies, l'IRM est une technique peu sensible et certaines limitations existent encore en termes de précision et de performance. Un des principaux défis pour l'imagerie de l'artère coronaire est le mou¬vement respiratoire. Les navigateurs diaphragmatiques de pointe comptent sur une mesure indirecte de mouvement, effectuent une correction 1D, et ont un temps d'acquisition long et imprévisible. En réponse, les stratégies d'auto- navigation (self-navigation: SN) ont été introduites récemment et offrent 100% d'efficacité d'acquisition et une meilleure facilité d'utilisation. Les SN détectent le mouvement respiratoire directement à partir des données brutes de l'image obtenue au niveau du coeur, et rétrospectivement corrigent ces mêmes données avant la reconstruction finale de l'image. Ainsi, les SN détiennent un poten¬tiel pour une compensation multidimensionnelle du mouvement. A cet égard, cette thèse présente de nouvelles méthodes SN qui estiment les paramètres de mouvement 2D et 3D à partir de sous-images qui sont obtenues à partir des mêmes données brutes qui composent l'image finale. La combinaison de toutes les sous-images corrigées produit une image finale pour la visualisation des coronaires ou les artefacts du mouvement sont réduits. La première étude (section 2.2,2D Self-Navigation with Compressed Sensing) traite d'une méthode pour une compensation 2D de mouvement de translation. Ici, on étudie l'utilisation de la reconstruction d'acquisition comprimée (compressed sensing: CS) pour soutenir la détection de mouvement en réduisant les artefacts de sous-échantillonnage. Chez des sujets humains sains, CS a démontré une amélioration de la précision de la détection de mouvement avec des simula¬tions sur des données in vivo, tandis que la visualisation de l'artère coronaire sur des acquisitions de respiration libre in vivo a aussi été améliorée. Pourtant, le mouvement du coeur induite par la respiration se produit en trois dimensions et il est plus complexe qu'un simple déplacement. Par conséquent, la deuxième étude (section 2.3, 3D Self-Navigation) traite d'une méthode de cor¬rection du mouvement 3D plutôt que 2D uniquement. Ici, différentes tech¬niques ont été adoptées pour réduire la contribution du signal du fond dans le suivi de mouvement respiratoire, qui peut être influencé négativement par le tissu statique qui entoure le coeur. La méthode proposée a démontré une amélioration, par rapport à la procédure classique SN de correction 1D, de la visualisation des artères coronaires dans le groupe de sujets sains et des pa¬tients avec maladies cardio-vasculaires. Dans la troisième étude (section 2.4,3D Self-Navigation with Compressed Sensing), les mêmes méthodes de suivi ont été utilisées pour obtenir des sous-images triées selon la position respiratoire. Au lieu de la correction du mouvement, une reconstruction de CS a été réalisée sur toutes les sous-images triées. Cette procédure exploite la cohérence des données pour réduire les artefacts de sous- échantillonnage de telle sorte que la sous-image correspondant à la phase de fin d'expiration peut directement être utilisée pour visualiser les coronaires. Dans un échantillon de volontaires en bonne santé, cette stratégie a amélioré la netteté et la visualisation des artères coronaires par rapport à une méthode classique SN ID. Pour la visualisation des parois des vaisseaux et de plaques d'athérosclérose, la technique de pointe avec double récupération d'inversion (DIR) est capa¬ble de supprimer le signal provenant du sang et de fournir un contraste posi¬tif entre la paroi et la lumière. Pourtant, il est difficile d'obtenir un contraste optimal car cela est soumis à la variabilité du rythme cardiaque. Par ailleurs, l'imagerie DIR est inefficace du point de vue du temps et les acquisitions "mul- tislice" peuvent conduire à des temps de scan prolongés. En réponse à ce prob¬lème et comme quatrième étude de cette thèse (chapitre 3, Vessel Wall MRI of the Carotid Arteries), une méthode de DIR phase-sensitive a été implémenté et testé
Mono- and bi-allelic mutations in the low-density lipoprotein receptor related protein 5 (LRP5) may cause osteopetrosis, autosomal dominant and recessive exudative vitreoretinopathy, juvenile osteoporosis, or persistent hyperplastic primary vitreous (PHPV). We report on a child affected with PHPV and carrying compound mutations. The father carried the splice mutation and suffered from severe bone fragility since childhood. The mother carried the missense mutation without any clinical manifestations. The genetic diagnosis of their child allowed for appropriate treatment in the father and for the detection of osteopenia in the mother. Mono- and bi-allelic mutations in LRP5 may cause osteopetrosis, autosomal dominant and recessive exudative vitreoretinopathy, juvenile osteoporosis, or PHPV. PHPV is a component of persistent fetal vasculature of the eye, characterized by highly variable expressivity and resulting in a wide spectrum of anterior and/or posterior congenital developmental defects, which may lead to blindness. We evaluated a family diagnosed with PHPV in their only child. The child presented photophobia during the first 3 weeks of life, followed by leukocoria at 2 months of age. Molecular resequencing of NDP, FZD4, and LRP5 was performed in the child and segregation of the observed mutations in the parents. At presentation, fundus examination of the child showed a retrolental mass in the right eye. Ultrasonography revealed retinal detachment in both eyes. Thorough familial analysis revealed that the father suffered from many fractures since childhood without specific fragility bone diagnosis, treatment, or management. The mother was asymptomatic. Molecular analysis in the proband identified two mutations: a c.[2091+2T>C] splice mutation and c.[1682C>T] missense mutation. We report the case of a child affected with PHPV and carrying compound heterozygous LRP5 mutations. This genetic diagnosis allowed the clinical diagnosis of the bone problem to be made in the father, resulting in better management of the family. It also enabled preventive treatment to be prescribed for the mother and accurate genetic counseling to be provided.
BACKGROUND: Autosomal dominant polycystic kidney disease (ADPKD) is a genetic disorder characterized by numerous fluid-filled cysts that frequently result in end-stage renal disease. While promising treatment options are in advanced clinical development, early diagnosis and follow-up remain a major challenge. We therefore evaluated the diagnostic value of Fetuin-A as a new biomarker of ADPKD in human urine. RESULTS: We found that renal Fetuin-A levels are upregulated in both Pkd1 and Bicc1 mouse models of ADPKD. Measurement by ELISA revealed that urinary Fetuin-A levels were significantly higher in 66 ADPKD patients (17.5 ± 12.5 μg/mmol creatinine) compared to 17 healthy volunteers (8.5 ± 3.8 μg/mmol creatinine) or 50 control patients with renal diseases of other causes (6.2 ± 2.9 μg/mmol creatinine). Receiver operating characteristics (ROC) analysis of urinary Fetuin-A levels for ADPKD rendered an optimum cut-off value of 12.2 μg/mmol creatinine, corresponding to 94% of sensitivity and 60% of specificity (area under the curve 0.74 ; p = 0.0019). Furthermore, urinary Fetuin-A levels in ADPKD patients correlated with the degree of renal insufficiency and showed a significant increase in patients with preserved renal function followed for two years. CONCLUSIONS: Our findings establish urinary Fetuin-A as a sensitive biomarker of the progression of ADPKD. Further studies are required to examine the pathogenic mechanisms of elevated renal and urinary Fetuin-A in ADPKD.