130 resultados para PSTM field
The prediction of binding modes (BMs) occurring between a small molecule and a target protein of biological interest has become of great importance for drug development. The overwhelming diversity of needs leaves room for docking approaches addressing specific problems. Nowadays, the universe of docking software ranges from fast and user friendly programs to algorithmically flexible and accurate approaches. EADock2 is an example of the latter. Its multiobjective scoring function was designed around the CHARMM22 force field and the FACTS solvation model. However, the major drawback of such a software design lies in its computational cost. EADock dihedral space sampling (DSS) is built on the most efficient features of EADock2, namely its hybrid sampling engine and multiobjective scoring function. Its performance is equivalent to that of EADock2 for drug-like ligands, while the CPU time required has been reduced by several orders of magnitude. This huge improvement was achieved through a combination of several innovative features including an automatic bias of the sampling toward putative binding sites, and a very efficient tree-based DSS algorithm. When the top-scoring prediction is considered, 57% of BMs of a test set of 251 complexes were reproduced within 2 Å RMSD to the crystal structure. Up to 70% were reproduced when considering the five top scoring predictions. The success rate is lower in cross-docking assays but remains comparable with that of the latest version of AutoDock that accounts for the protein flexibility. © 2011 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. J Comput Chem, 2011.
Intrinsic connections in the cat primary auditory field (AI) as revealed by injections of Phaseolus vulgaris leucoagglutinin (PHA-L) or biocytin, had an anisotropic and patchy distribution. Neurons, labelled retrogradely with PHA-L were concentrated along a dorsoventral stripe through the injection site and rostral to it; the spread of rostrally located neurons was greater after injections into regions of low rather than high characteristic frequencies. The intensity of retrograde labelling varied from weak and granular to very strong and Golgi-like. Out of 313 Golgi like retrogradely labelled neurons 79.6% were pyramidal, 17.2% multipolar, 2.6% bipolar, and 0.6% bitufted; 13.4% were putatively inhibitory, i.e. aspiny or sparsely spiny multipolar, or bitufted. Individual anterogradely labelled intrinsic axons were reconstructed for distances of 2 to 7 mm. Five main types were distinguished on the basis of the branching pattern and the location of synaptic specialisations. Type 1 axons travelled horizontally within layers II to VI and sent collaterals at regular intervals; boutons were only present in the terminal arborizations of these collaterals. Type 2 axons also travelled horizontally within layers II to VI and had rather short and thin collateral branches; boutons or spine-like protrusions occurred in most parts of the axon. Type 3 axons travelled obliquely through the cortex and formed a single terminal arborization, the only site where boutons were found. Type 4 axons travelled for some distance in layer I; they formed a heterogeneous group as to their collaterals and synaptic specializations. Type 5 axons travelled at the interface between layer VI and the white matter; boutons en passant, spine-like protrusions, and thin short branches with boutons en passant were frequent all along their trajectory. Thus, only some axonal types sustain the patchy pattern of intrinsic connectivity, whereas others are involved in a more diffuse connectivity.
What is "clinical data"? Why and how can they be collected during field surveys on medicinal plants?
ETHNOPHARMACOLOGICAL RELEVANCE: "Reverse pharmacology", also called "bedside-to-bench" or "field to pharmacy" approach, is a research process starting with documentation of clinical outcome as observed by patients with different therapeutic regimens. The treatment most significantly associated with cure is selected for future studies: first, clinical safety and efficacy; then in vivo and vitro studies. Some clinical data, i.e. details on patient status and progress, can be collected during ethnobotanical surveys; they will help clinical researchers and, once effectiveness and safety are established, will also help users of traditional medicine make safer and more effective choices. To gather clinical data successfully, ethnopharmacologists need to be backed by an appropriate team of specialists in medicine and epidemiology. Ethnopharmacologists can also gather important data on traditional medicine safety. MATERIALS AND METHODS: The first step is to create a consensus on the meaning of "clinical data", their interest and importance. An understanding of why "a cure is not a proof of effectiveness" is a starting point to avoid faulty interpretation of the clinical observations. RESULTS: Experience showed that, with the "bedside-to-bench" approach, a treatment derived from traditional recipe can be scientifically validated (in terms of safety and effectiveness) with a cost of less than a million euros, thus providing an end-product that is affordable, available and sustainable. CONCLUSIONS: With rigorous clinical study results, medicinal plant users gain the possibility to refine heath strategies. The field surveyor may gain a better relationship with the population, once she/he is seen as bringing information useful for the quality of care in the community.
Secondary contact zones have the potential to shed light on the mode and rate at which reproductive isolation accumulates during allopatric speciation. We investigated the population genetics of a contact zone between two highly divergent lineages of field voles (Microtus agrestis) in the Swiss Jura mountains. To shed light on the processes underlying introgression, we used maternally, paternally, and bi-parentally inherited markers. Though the two lineages maintained a strong genetic structure, we found some hybrids and evidence of gene flow. The extent of introgression varied with the mode of inheritance, being highest for mtDNA and absent for the Y chromosome. In addition, introgression was asymmetric, occurring only from the Northern to the Southern lineage. Both patterns seem parsimoniously explained by neutral processes linked to differences in effective sizes and sex-biased dispersal rates. The lineage with lower effective population size was also the more introgressed, and the mode-of-inheritance effect correlated with the male-biased dispersal rate of microtine rodents. We cannot exclude, however, that Haldane's effect contributed to the latter, as we found a marginally significant deficit in males (the heterogametic sex) among hybrids. We propose a possible demographic scenario to account for the patterns documented, and empirical extensions to further investigate this contact zone.
Introduction: Imatinib, a first-line drug for chronic myeloid leukaemia (CML), has been increasingly proposed for therapeutic drug monitoring (TDM), as trough concentrations >=1000 ng/ml (Cmin) have been associated with improved molecular and complete cytogenetic response (CCyR). The pharmacological monitoring project of EUTOS (European Treatment and Outcome Study) was launched to validate retrospectively the correlation between Cmin and response in a large population of patients followed by central TDM in Bordeaux.¦Methods: 1898 CML patients with first TDM 0-9 years after imatinib initiation, providing cytogenetic data along with demographic and comedication (37%) information, were included. Individual Cmin, estimated by non-linear regression (NONMEM), was adjusted to initial standard dose (400 mg/day) and stratified at 1000 ng/ml. Kaplan-Meier estimates of overall cumulative CCyR rates (stratified by sex, age, comedication and Cmin) were compared using asymptotic logrank k-sample test for interval-censored data. Differences in Cmin were assessed by Wilcoxon test.¦Results: There were no significant differences in overall cumulative CCyR rates between Cmin strata, sex and comedication with P-glycoprotein inhibitors/inducers or CYP3A4 inhibitors (p >0.05). Lower rates were observed in 113 young patients <30 years (p = 0.037; 1-year rates: 43% vs 60% in older patients), as well as in 29 patients with CYP3A4 inducers (p = 0.001, 1-year rates: 40% vs 66% without). Higher rates were observed in 108 patients on organic-cation-transporter-1 (hOCT-1) inhibitors (p = 0.034, 1-year rates: 83% vs 56% without). Considering 1-year CCyR rates, a trend towards better response for Cmin above 1000 ng/ml was observed: 64% (95%CI: 60-69%) vs 59% (95%CI: 56-61%). Median Cmin (400 mg/day) was significantly reduced in male patients (732 vs 899ng/ml, p <0.001), young patients <30 years (734 vs 802 ng/ml, p = 0.037) and under CYP3A4 inducers (758 vs 859 ng/ml, p = 0.022). Under hOCT-1 inhibitors, Cmin was increased (939 vs 827 ng/ml, p = 0.038).¦Conclusion: Based on observational TDM data, the impact of imatinib Cmin >1000 ng/ml on CCyR was not salient. Young CML patients (<30 years) and patients taking CYP3A4 inducers probably need close monitoring and possibly higher imatinib doses, due to lower Cmin along with lower CCyR rates. Patients taking hOCT-1 inhibitors seem in contrast to have improved CCyR response rates. The precise role for imatinib TDM remains to be established prospectively.
Yosemite Valley poses significant rockfall hazard and related risk due to its glacially steepened walls and approximately 4 million visitors annually. To assess rockfall hazard, it is necessary to evaluate the geologic structure that contributes to the destabilization of rockfall sources and locate the most probable future source areas. Coupling new remote sensing techniques (Terrestrial Laser Scanning, Aerial Laser Scanning) and traditional field surveys, we investigated the regional geologic and structural setting, the orientation of the primary discontinuity sets for large areas of Yosemite Valley, and the specific discontinuity sets present at active rockfall sources. This information, combined with better understanding of the geologic processes that contribute to the progressive destabilization and triggering of granitic rock slabs, contributes to a more accurate rockfall susceptibility assessment for Yosemite Valley and elsewhere.
The large spatial inhomogeneity in transmit B(1) field (B(1)(+)) observable in human MR images at high static magnetic fields (B(0)) severely impairs image quality. To overcome this effect in brain T(1)-weighted images, the MPRAGE sequence was modified to generate two different images at different inversion times, MP2RAGE. By combining the two images in a novel fashion, it was possible to create T(1)-weighted images where the result image was free of proton density contrast, T(2) contrast, reception bias field, and, to first order, transmit field inhomogeneity. MP2RAGE sequence parameters were optimized using Bloch equations to maximize contrast-to-noise ratio per unit of time between brain tissues and minimize the effect of B(1)(+) variations through space. Images of high anatomical quality and excellent brain tissue differentiation suitable for applications such as segmentation and voxel-based morphometry were obtained at 3 and 7 T. From such T(1)-weighted images, acquired within 12 min, high-resolution 3D T(1) maps were routinely calculated at 7 T with sub-millimeter voxel resolution (0.65-0.85 mm isotropic). T(1) maps were validated in phantom experiments. In humans, the T(1) values obtained at 7 T were 1.15+/-0.06 s for white matter (WM) and 1.92+/-0.16 s for grey matter (GM), in good agreement with literature values obtained at lower spatial resolution. At 3 T, where whole-brain acquisitions with 1 mm isotropic voxels were acquired in 8 min, the T(1) values obtained (0.81+/-0.03 s for WM and 1.35+/-0.05 for GM) were once again found to be in very good agreement with values in the literature.
The detection of Parkinson's disease (PD) in its preclinical stages prior to outright neurodegeneration is essential to the development of neuroprotective therapies and could reduce the number of misdiagnosed patients. However, early diagnosis is currently hampered by lack of reliable biomarkers. (1) H magnetic resonance spectroscopy (MRS) offers a noninvasive measure of brain metabolite levels that allows the identification of such potential biomarkers. This study aimed at using MRS on an ultrahigh field 14.1 T magnet to explore the striatal metabolic changes occurring in two different rat models of the disease. Rats lesioned by the injection of 6-hydroxydopamine (6-OHDA) in the medial-forebrain bundle were used to model a complete nigrostriatal lesion while a genetic model based on the nigral injection of an adeno-associated viral (AAV) vector coding for the human α-synuclein was used to model a progressive neurodegeneration and dopaminergic neuron dysfunction, thereby replicating conditions closer to early pathological stages of PD. MRS measurements in the striatum of the 6-OHDA rats revealed significant decreases in glutamate and N-acetyl-aspartate levels and a significant increase in GABA level in the ipsilateral hemisphere compared with the contralateral one, while the αSyn overexpressing rats showed a significant increase in the GABA striatal level only. Therefore, we conclude that MRS measurements of striatal GABA levels could allow for the detection of early nigrostriatal defects prior to outright neurodegeneration and, as such, offers great potential as a sensitive biomarker of presymptomatic PD.
The drug discovery process has been deeply transformed recently by the use of computational ligand-based or structure-based methods, helping the lead compounds identification and optimization, and finally the delivery of new drug candidates more quickly and at lower cost. Structure-based computational methods for drug discovery mainly involve ligand-protein docking and rapid binding free energy estimation, both of which require force field parameterization for many drug candidates. Here, we present a fast force field generation tool, called SwissParam, able to generate, for arbitrary small organic molecule, topologies, and parameters based on the Merck molecular force field, but in a functional form that is compatible with the CHARMM force field. Output files can be used with CHARMM or GROMACS. The topologies and parameters generated by SwissParam are used by the docking software EADock2 and EADock DSS to describe the small molecules to be docked, whereas the protein is described by the CHARMM force field, and allow them to reach success rates ranging from 56 to 78%. We have also developed a rapid binding free energy estimation approach, using SwissParam for ligands and CHARMM22/27 for proteins, which requires only a short minimization to reproduce the experimental binding free energy of 214 ligand-protein complexes involving 62 different proteins, with a standard error of 2.0 kcal mol(-1), and a correlation coefficient of 0.74. Together, these results demonstrate the relevance of using SwissParam topologies and parameters to describe small organic molecules in computer-aided drug design applications, together with a CHARMM22/27 description of the target protein. SwissParam is available free of charge for academic users at www.swissparam.ch.
In recent years, elevated arsenic concentrations have been found in waters and soils of many, countries, often resulting in a health threat for the local population. Switzerland is not an exception and this paper deals with the release and subsequent fate of arsenic in a 200-km(2) mountainous watershed, characterized by crystalline silicate rocks (gneisses, schists, amphibolites) that contain abundant As-bearing sulfide ore deposits, some of which have been mined for iron and gold in the past. Using analytical methods common for mineralogical, ground water and soil studies (XRD, XRF, XAS-XANES and -EXAFS, electron microprobe, extraction, ICP, AAS with hydride generator, ion chromatography), seven different field situations and related dispersion processes of natural arsenic have been studied: (1) release by rock weathering, (2) transport and deposition by water and ice; (3) release of As to the ground and surface water due to increasing pH; (4) accumulation in humic soil horizons; (5) remobilization by reduction in water-saturated soils and stagnant ground waters; (6) remobilization by using P-rich fertilizers or dung and (7) oxidation, precipitation and dilution in surface waters. Comparison of the results with experimental adsorption studies and speciation diagrams from the literature allows us to reconstruct and identify the typical behavior of arsenic in a natural environment under temperate climatic conditions. The main parameters identified are: (a) once liberated from the primary minerals, sorption processes on Fe-oxy-hydroxides dominate over Al-phases, such as Al-hydroxides or clay minerals and limit the As concentrations in the spring and well waters between 20 and 300 mug/l. (b) Precipitation as secondary minerals is limited to the weathering domain, where the As concentrations are still high and not yet too diluted by rain and soils waters. (c) Although neutral and alkaline pH conditions clearly increase the mobility of As, the main factor to mobilize As is a low redox potential (Eh close or below 0 mV), which favors the dissolution of the Fe-oxy-hydroxides on which the As is sorbed. (d) X-ray absorption spectroscopy (XAS) of As in water-logged humic forest soils indicates that the reduction to As III only occurs at the solid-water interface and that the solid contains As as As V (e) A and Bh horizons of humic cambisols can effectively capture As when As-rich waters flow through them. Complex spatial and temporal variation of the various parameters in a watershed results in repeated mobilization and immobilization of As, which continuously transports As from the upper to the lower part of a watershed and ultimately to the ocean. (C) 2004 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.