93 resultados para POPULATION-SAMPLE


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OBJECTIVE: In general population survey instruments that measure volume of drinking, additional questions and shorter reference periods yield higher volumes. Comparison studies have focused on volume but not on associations between volume and consequences. METHOD: From a cohort study on substance use risk factors (Cohort Study on Substance Use Risk Factors [C-SURF]), baseline data were analyzed for 5,074 young (approximately 20-year-old) men who were drinkers in the past 12 months. Volume of drinking was measured by a generic quantity-frequency (QF) instrument, an extended QF (separately for weekends and weekdays) instrument with 12-months recall, and a retrospective past-week diary. Associations of consequences with and without attribution of alcohol as a cause, Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, Fourth Edition (DSM-IV), criteria for dependence, and DSM-5 alcohol use disorder in the past 12 months were analyzed. RESULTS: The generic QF measure resulted in lower volume compared with either the extended QF measure (more questions) or the retrospective diary (the most questions and the shortest recall period). For outcomes, however, the extended QF assessment performed the best and the diary the worst. CONCLUSIONS: Higher volume yields are not always better regarding associations with outcomes. The extended QF instrument better captures the variability of drinking. The retrospective diary performs poorly for associations because of the mismatch with the recall period for past-12-months consequences and the potential for misclassification of past-week abstainers and heavy drinkers because of an uncommon past week. Diaries are not recommended for research investigating individual associations between exposure and outcomes in young populations if consequences are measured with a sufficiently long interval to capture rare consequences. (J. Stud. Alcohol Drugs, 75, 880-888, 2014).


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Both the underlying molecular mechanisms and the kinetics of TCR repertoire selection following vaccination against tumor Ags in humans have remained largely unexplored. To gain insight into these questions, we performed a functional and structural longitudinal analysis of the TCR of circulating CD8(+) T cells specific for the HLA-A2-restricted immunodominant epitope from the melanocyte differentiation Ag Melan-A in a melanoma patient who developed a vigorous and sustained Ag-specific T cell response following vaccination with the corresponding synthetic peptide. We observed an increase in functional avidity of Ag recognition and in tumor reactivity in the postimmune Melan-A-specific populations as compared with the preimmune blood sample. Improved Ag recognition correlated with an increase in the t(1/2) of peptide/MHC interaction with the TCR as assessed by kinetic analysis of A2/Melan-A peptide multimer staining decay. Ex vivo analysis of the clonal composition of Melan-A-specific CD8(+) T cells at different time points during vaccination revealed that the response was the result of asynchronous expansion of several distinct T cell clones. Some of these T cell clones were also identified at a metastatic tumor site. Collectively, these data show that tumor peptide-driven immune stimulation leads to the selection of high-avidity T cell clones of increased tumor reactivity that independently evolve within oligoclonal populations.


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OBJECTIVE: The reverse transcriptase inhibitor efavirenz is currently used at a fixed dose of 600 mg/d. However, dosage individualization based on plasma concentration monitoring might be indicated. This study aimed to assess the efavirenz pharmacokinetic profile and interpatient versus intrapatient variability in patients who are positive for human immunodeficiency virus, to explore the relationship between drug exposure, efficacy, and central nervous system toxicity and to build up a Bayesian approach for dosage adaptation. METHODS: The population pharmacokinetic analysis was performed by use of NONMEM based on plasma samples from a cohort of unselected patients receiving efavirenz. With the use of a 1-compartment model with first-order absorption, the influence of demographic and clinical characteristics on oral clearance and oral volume of distribution was examined. The average drug exposure during 1 dosing interval was estimated for each patient and correlated with markers of efficacy and toxicity. The population kinetic parameters and the variabilities were integrated into a Bayesian equation for dosage adaptation based on a single plasma sample. RESULTS: Data from 235 patients with a total of 719 efavirenz concentrations were collected. Oral clearance was 9.4 L/h, oral volume of distribution was 252 L, and the absorption rate constant was 0.3 h(-1). Neither the demographic covariates evaluated nor the comedications showed a clinically significant influence on efavirenz pharmacokinetics. A large interpatient variability was found to affect efavirenz relative bioavailability (coefficient of variation, 54.6%), whereas the intrapatient variability was small (coefficient of variation, 26%). An inverse correlation between average drug exposure and viral load and a trend with central nervous system toxicity were detected. This enabled the derivation of a dosing adaptation strategy suitable to bring the average concentration into a therapeutic target from 1000 to 4000 microg/L to optimize viral load suppression and to minimize central nervous system toxicity. CONCLUSIONS: The high interpatient and low intrapatient variability values, as well as the potential relationship with markers of efficacy and toxicity, support the therapeutic drug monitoring of efavirenz. However, further evaluation is needed before individualization of an efavirenz dosage regimen based on routine drug level monitoring should be recommended for optimal patient management.


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BACKGROUND: Sleep-disordered breathing is associated with major morbidity and mortality. However, its prevalence has mainly been selectively studied in populations at risk for sleep-disordered breathing or cardiovascular diseases. Taking into account improvements in recording techniques and new criteria used to define respiratory events, we aimed to assess the prevalence of sleep-disordered breathing and associated clinical features in a large population-based sample. METHODS: Between Sept 1, 2009, and June 30, 2013, we did a population-based study (HypnoLaus) in Lausanne, Switzerland. We invited a cohort of 3043 consecutive participants of the CoLaus/PsyCoLaus study to take part. Polysomnography data from 2121 people were included in the final analysis. 1024 (48%) participants were men, with a median age of 57 years (IQR 49-68, range 40-85) and mean body-mass index (BMI) of 25·6 kg/m(2) (SD 4·1). Participants underwent complete polysomnographic recordings at home and had extensive phenotyping for diabetes, hypertension, metabolic syndrome, and depression. The primary outcome was prevalence of sleep-disordered breathing, assessed by the apnoea-hypopnoea index. FINDINGS: The median apnoea-hypopnoea index was 6·9 events per h (IQR 2·7-14·1) in women and 14·9 per h (7·2-27·1) in men. The prevalence of moderate-to-severe sleep-disordered breathing (≥15 events per h) was 23·4% (95% CI 20·9-26·0) in women and 49·7% (46·6-52·8) in men. After multivariable adjustment, the upper quartile for the apnoea-hypopnoea index (>20·6 events per h) was associated independently with the presence of hypertension (odds ratio 1·60, 95% CI 1·14-2·26; p=0·0292 for trend across severity quartiles), diabetes (2·00, 1·05-3·99; p=0·0467), metabolic syndrome (2·80, 1·86-4·29; p<0·0001), and depression (1·92, 1·01-3·64; p=0·0292). INTERPRETATION: The high prevalence of sleep-disordered breathing recorded in our population-based sample might be attributable to the increased sensitivity of current recording techniques and scoring criteria. These results suggest that sleep-disordered breathing is highly prevalent, with important public health outcomes, and that the definition of the disorder should be revised. FUNDING: Faculty of Biology and Medicine of Lausanne, Lausanne University Hospital, Swiss National Science Foundation, Leenaards Foundation, GlaxoSmithKline, Ligue Pulmonaire Vaudoise.


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BACKGROUND: The alcohol purchase task (APT), which presents a scenario and asks participants how many drinks they would purchase and consume at different prices, has been used among students and small clinical samples to obtain measures of alcohol demand but not in large, general population samples. METHODS: We administered the APT to a large sample of young men from the general population (Cohort Study on Substance Use Risk Factors). Participants who reported drinking in the past year (n=4790), reported on past 12 months alcohol use, on DSM-5 alcohol use disorder (AUD) criteria and on alcohol related consequences were included. RESULTS: Among the APT's demand parameters, intensity was 8.7 (SD=6.5) indicating that, when drinks are free, participants report a planned consumption of almost 9 drinks. The maximum alcohol expenditure (Omax) was over 35CHF (1CHF=1.1USD) and the demand became elastic (Pmax) at 8.4CHF (SD=5.6). The mean price at which the consumption was suppressed was 15.6CHF (SD=5.4). Exponential equation provided a satisfactory fit to individual responses (mean R(2): 0.8, median: 0.8). Demand intensity was correlated with alcohol use, number of AUD criteria and number of consequences (all r≥0.3, p<0.0001). Omax was correlated with alcohol use (p<0.0001). The elasticity parameter was weakly correlated with alcohol use in the expected direction. CONCLUSION: The APT measures are useful in characterizing demand for alcohol in young men in the general population. Demand may provide a clinically useful index of strength of motivation for alcohol use in general population samples.


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OBJECTIVES: Genomewide association studies (GWAS) have identified clear evidence of genetic markers for nicotine dependence. Other smoking phenotypes have been tested, but the results are less consistent. The tendency to relapse versus the ability to maintain long-term abstinence has received little attention in genetic studies; thus, our aim was to provide a better biological understanding of this phenotype through the identification of genetic loci associated with smoking relapse. METHODS: We carried out a GWAS on data from two European population-based collections, including a total of 835 cases (relapsers) and 990 controls (abstainers). Top-ranked findings from the discovery phase were tested for replication in two additional independent European population-based cohorts. RESULTS: Of the seven top markers from the discovery phase, none were consistently associated with smoking relapse across all samples and none reached genomewide significance. A single-nucleotide polymorphism rs1008509, within the Xylosyltransferase II (XYLT2) gene, was suggestively associated with smoking relapse in the discovery phase (β=-0.504; P=5.6E-06) and in the first replication sample (ALSPAC) (β=-0.27; P=0.004; n=1932), but not in the second sample (KORA) (β=0.19; P=0.138; n=912). We failed to identify an association between loci implicated previously in other smoking phenotypes and smoking relapse. CONCLUSION: Although no genomewide significant findings emerged from this study, we found that loci implicated in other smoking phenotypes were not associated with smoking relapse, which suggests that the neurobiology of smoking relapse and long-term abstinence may be distinct from biological mechanisms implicated in the development of nicotine dependence.


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Background: Splanchnic vein thrombosis (SVT) is an uncommon, butpotentially life-threatening disease. Aim of this ISTH based registryis to improve the knowledge on SVT by studying a large, international,unselected population.Methods: Consecutive patients with objectively diagnosed SVT areeligible for the registry. Information on clinical presentations, diagnosticapproaches, risk factors, therapeutic approaches, and recurrencesof SVT, bleedings and deaths at a 2 year follow up are enteredon a website database (www.svt.altervista.org). We planned a samplesize of 500 patients, including all sites of thrombosis.Results: As of December 31st, 2010, 429 patients with SVT (85.8%of the planned sample) have been enrolled at 25 centres from sevencountries. The mean age is 52.6 years (range 16-85 years); 62.2% aremales, 67.8% are Caucasians, and 31.2% Asians. SVT occurred inmultiple vein segments in 36.4% of patients, 40.5% of patients hadisolated portal vein thrombosis, 11.9% of patients had mesentericvein thrombosis, 7.5% had supra-hepatic vein thrombosis, and 3.6%had splenic vein thrombosis. Abdominal pain was the most commonsymptom occurring in 56.6% of the patients; 9.5% of patients hadgastrointestinal bleeding at the time of diagnosis; 25.4% of patientswith SVT were asymptomatic. Mean time between onset of symptomsand diagnosis was 7.4 days. Objective diagnosis was obtained withabdominal CT in 79.9% of patients. Most common risk factors atthe time of diagnosis included cancer (24.1%), cirrhosis (23.1%), andhematological disorders (15.4%); in 15.9% of patients SVT was idiopathic.Most patients were treated with anticoagulant drugs: 30.8%with parenteral drugs only, 56.9% with parenteral drugs followed byvitamin K antagonists.Conclusions: SVT is a major challenge for experts in thrombosis andhemostasis. Large collaborative studies are necessary to improve theunderstanding and the management of this heterogeneous disease.


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ECG criteria for left ventricular hypertrophy (LVH) have been almost exclusively elaborated and calibrated in white populations. Because several interethnic differences in ECG characteristics have been found, the applicability of these criteria to African individuals remains to be demonstrated. We therefore investigated the performance of classic ECG criteria for LVH detection in an African population. Digitized 12-lead ECG tracings were obtained from 334 African individuals randomly selected from the general population of the Republic of Seychelles (Indian Ocean). Left ventricular mass was calculated with M-mode echocardiography and indexed to body height. LVH was defined by taking the 95th percentile of body height-indexed LVM values in a reference subgroup. In the entire study sample, 16 men and 15 women (prevalence 9.3%) were finally declared to have LVH, of whom 9 were of the reference subgroup. Sensitivity, specificity, accuracy, and positive and negative predictive values for LVH were calculated for 9 classic ECG criteria, and receiver operating characteristic curves were computed. We also generated a new composite time-voltage criterion with stepwise multiple linear regression: weighted time-voltage criterion=(0.2366R(aVL)+0.0551R(V5)+0.0785S(V3)+ 0.2993T(V1))xQRS duration. The Sokolow-Lyon criterion reached the highest sensitivity (61%) and the R(aVL) voltage criterion reached the highest specificity (97%) when evaluated at their traditional partition value. However, at a fixed specificity of 95%, the sensitivity of these 10 criteria ranged from 16% to 32%. Best accuracy was obtained with the R(aVL) voltage criterion and the new composite time-voltage criterion (89% for both). Positive and negative predictive values varied considerably depending on the concomitant presence of 3 clinical risk factors for LVH (hypertension, age >/=50 years, overweight). Median positive and negative predictive values of the 10 ECG criteria were 15% and 95%, respectively, for subjects with none or 1 of these risk factors compared with 63% and 76% for subjects with all of them. In conclusion, the performance of classic ECG criteria for LVH detection was largely disparate and appeared to be lower in this population of East African origin than in white subjects. A newly generated composite time-voltage criterion might provide improved performance. The predictive value of ECG criteria for LVH was considerably enhanced with the integration of information on concomitant clinical risk factors for LVH.


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This study examined the validity and reliability of the French version of two observer-rated measures developed to assess cognitive errors (cognitive errors rating system [CERS]) [6] and coping action patterns (coping action patterns rating system [CAPRS]) [22,24]. The CE measures 14 cognitive errors, broken down according to their valence positive or negative (see the definitions by A.T. Beck), and the CAP measures 12 coping categories, based on an comprehensive review literature, each broken down into three levels of action (affective, behavioural, cognitive). Thirty (N = 30) subjects recruited in a community sample participated in the study. They were interviewed according to a standardized clinical protocol: these interviews were transcribed and analysed with both observer-rated systems. Results showed that the inter-rater reliability of the two measures is good and that their internal validity is satisfactory, due to a non-significant canonical correlation between CAP and CE. With regard to discriminant validity, we found a non-significant canonical correlation between CAPRS and CISS, one of most widely used self-report questionnaire measuring coping. The same can be said for the correlation with a self-report questionnaire measuring symptoms (SCL-90-R). These results confirm the absence of confounds in the assessment of cognitive errors and of coping as assessed by these observer-rated scales and add an argument in favour of the French validation of the CE-CAP rating scales. (C) 2010 Elsevier Masson SAS. All rights reserved.


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The data of the 1981-83 Swiss National Health Survey "SOMIPOPS", based on a randomly selected sample of 4,235 individuals aged 20 or over representative of the whole Swiss population, were used to investigate the relation between smoking, prevalence of disease and frequency of health care utilization. The risks of several conditions, including hypertension, myocardial infarction and other heart diseases, asthma, tuberculosis and kidney disease were elevated among ex-smokers. The diseases showing elevated risks among current smokers and significantly positive dose-risk trends included acute bronchitis (relative risk, RR = 3.2 for heavy cigarette smokers vs never smokers), chronic bronchitis or lung emphysema (RR = 2.0), gastro-duodenal ulcer (RR = 1.8) and bone fractures (RR = 1.6). For respiratory conditions, the risk of pipe or cigar smokers was comparable to that of moderate cigarette smokers, whereas for ulcer (RR = 4.1) or fractures (RR = 2.0) the point estimates were even higher than for heavy cigarette smokers. Smokers tended to consult more frequently general practitioners, used more other outpatients services, and were more frequently admitted to hospital during the year preceding the interview. These effects were consistent across strata of age, socio-economic indicators, and persisted after allowance for major identified potential distorting factors. Thus, the results of this survey confirm that smoking is an important cause of morbidity and a major contributory factor to the use of health services.


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Background and Aims: normal weight obesity (NWO) has been defined as an excessive body fat (BF) associated with a normal body mass index (BMI). Little is known regarding its prevalence in the general population or which cut-offs for BF should be used. Methods: convenience sample of 1,523 Portuguese adults. BF was measured by validated hand-held bioimpedance. NWO was defined as a BMI<25 kg/m2 and a %BF mass>30%, along other published criteria. Results: prevalence of NWO was 10.1% in women and 3.2% in men. In women, prevalence of NWO increased considerably with age, and virtually all women aged over 55 with a BMI<25 kg/m2 were actually considered as NWO. Using gender specific cut-offs for BF (29.1% in men and 37.2% in women) led to moderately lower of NWO in women. Using gender- and age-specific cut-points for %BF considerably decreased the prevalence of NWO in women (0.5 to 2.5% depending on the criterion) but not in men (1.9 to 3.4%). Conclusions: gender- and age- specific or at least gender-specific, instead of single cut-offs for %BF, should be used to characterize and study NWO.


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The relatively recent development of the psychosocial rehabilitation has its origins mainly in the progress of modern psychopharmacology, the assertion of the rights of the patients and the result of the studies showing that the evolution of persons suffering from severe and persistent mental illnesses can prove to be positive in many cases. In spite of the heterogeneity of the experiences and of the theoretical references, the core principles of the psychosocial rehabilitation imposed themselves. These principles can be classified according to three levels, that of relational ethics, that of the method of intervention and that of the institutional device. A recent study showed that 2.4@1000 of the general adult population of the Canton of Vaud live in sociotherapeutic and rehabilitation accommodations. In this sample, there is a important percentage of relatively young persons (55.3% are under 40). In institutional accommodation there is a majority of patients suffering from major personality disorders and addiction (40.6%), followed by psychotic disorders (37.2%), persistent mood disorders (12.3%), neurotic disorders (6.6%) and psycho-organic disorders (3.3%). In home based rehabilitation, the ratio of patients with psychotic disorders is more important (53.1%). This difference would indicate that people with schizophrenia would have a better social outcome than personality disorders with addiction


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We used microsatellites to study the fine-scale genetic structure of a highly polygynous and largely uni-colonial population of the ant Formica paralugubris. Genetic data indicate that long-distance gene flow between established nests is limited and new queens are primarily recruited from within their natal nest. Most matings occur between nestmates and are random at this level. In the center of the study area, budding and permanent connections between nests result in strong population viscosity, with close nests being more similar generically than distant nests. In contrast, nests located outside of this supercolony show no isolation by distance, suggesting that they have been initiated by queens that participated in mating flights rather than by budding from nearby nests in our sample population. Recruitment of nestmates as new reproductive individuals and population viscosity in the supercolony increase genetic differentiation between nests. This in turn inflates relatedness estimates among worker nestmates (r = 0.17) above what is due to close pedigree links. Local spatial genetic differentiation may favor the maintenance of altruism when workers raise queens that will disperse on foot and compete with less related queens from neighboring nests or disperse on the wing and compete with unrelated queens.


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BACKGROUND: To test the inflammatory origin of cardiovascular disease, as opposed to its origin in western lifestyle. Population-based assessment of the prevalences of cardiovascular risk factors and cardiovascular disease in an inflammation-prone African population, including electrocardiography and ankle-arm index measurement. Comparison with known prevalences in American and European societies. METHODOLOGY/PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: Traditional population in rural Ghana, characterised by adverse environmental conditions and a high infectious load. Population-based sample of 924 individuals aged 50 years and older. Median values for cardiovascular risk factors, including waist circumference, BMI, blood pressure, and markers of glucose and lipid metabolism and inflammation. Prevalence of myocardial infarction detected by electrocardiography and prevalence of peripheral arterial disease detected by ankle-arm index. When compared to western societies, we found the Ghanaians to have more proinflammatory profiles and less cardiovascular risk factors, including obesity, dysglycaemia, dyslipidaemia, and hypertension. Prevalences of cardiovascular disease were also lower. Definite myocardial infarction was present in 1.2% (95%CI: 0.6 to 2.4%). Peripheral arterial disease was present in 2.8% (95%CI: 1.9 to 4.1%). CONCLUSIONS/SIGNIFICANCE: Taken together, our data indicate that for the pathogenesis of cardiovascular disease inflammatory processes alone do not suffice and additional factors, probably lifestyle-related, are mandatory.


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PURPOSE. Longevity has been attributed to decreased cardiovascular mortality. Subjects with long-lived parents may represent a valuable group to study cardiovascular risk factors (CVRF) associated with longevity, possibly leading to new ways of preventing cardiovascular disease. Purpose: Longevity has been attributed to decreased cardiovascular mortality. Subjects with long-lived parents may represent a valuable group to study cardiovascular risk factors (CVRF) associated with longevity, possibly leading to new ways of preventing cardiovascular disease. Methods: We analyzed data from a population-based sample of 2561 participants (1163 men and 1398 women) aged 55--75 years from the city of Lausanne, Switzerland (CoLaus study). Participants were stratified by the number of parents (0, 1, 2) who survived to 85 years or more. Trend across these strata was assessed using a non-parametric kmean test. The associations of parental age (independent covariate used as a proxy for longevity) with fasting blood glucose, blood pressures, blood lipids, body mass index (BMI), weight, height or liver enzymes (continuous dependent variables) were analyzed using multiple linear regressions. Models were adjusted for age, sex, alcohol consumption, smoking and educational level, and BMI for liver enzymes. Results: For subjects with 0 (N=1298), 1 (N=991) and 2 (N=272) long-lived parents, median BMI (interquartile range) was 25.4 (6.5), 24.9 (6.1) and 23.7 (4.8) kg/m2 in women (P<0.001), and 27.3 (4.8), 27.0 (4.5) and 25.9 (4.9) kg/m2 in men (P=0.04), respectively; median weight was 66.5 (16.1), 65.0 (16.4) and 63.4 (13.7) kg in women (P=0.003), and 81.5 (17.0), 81.4 (16.4) and 80.3 (17.1) kg in men (P=0.36). Median height was 161 (8), 162 (9) and 163 (8) cm in women (P=0.005), and 173 (9), 174 (9) and 174 (11) cm in men (P=0.09). The corresponding medians for AST (Aspartate Aminotransferase) were 31 (13), 29 (11) and 28 (10) U/L (P=0.002), and 28 (17), 27 (14) and 26 (19) U/L for ALT (Alanin Aminotransferase, P=0.053) in men. In multivariable analyses, greater parental longevity was associated with lower BMI, lower weight and taller stature in women (P<0.01) and lower AST in men (P=0.011). No significant associations were observed for the other variables analyzed. Sensitivity analyses restricted to subjects whose parents were dead (N=1844) led to similar results, with even stronger associations of parental longevity with liver enzymes in men. Conclusion: In women, increased parental longevity was associated with smaller BMI, attributable to lower weight and taller stature. In men, the association of increased parental longevity with lower liver enzymes, independently of BMI, suggests that parental longevity may be associated with decreased nonalcoholic fatty liver disease.