55 resultados para PACTEL facility
Objective: To investigate the relationship between falls efficacy at admission and functional status reported one month after discharge from post-acute rehabilitation in a cohort of elderly patients. Methods: Participants were elderly patients admitted to postacute rehabilitation in an academic geriatric facility. Data on demographics and affective status were collected upon admission; functional status and gait speed were measured at admission and at discharge; self-reported functional status and history of falls since discharge were collected one month after discharge (follow-up). Falls efficacy was measured using the Fall Efficacy Scale, that assesses confidence in performing 12 activities of daily living without falling (range 0 to 100, higher score indicating higher confidence). Patients were classified using the median FES score at baseline (95) as cut-off to divide the population into "confident" and "fearful" groups. Results: Participants' (N=180, mean age 81.3±7.1 years, 75.6% women) mean FES score was 92.3±8.7 at baseline (range 60-100). Basic ADL score averaged 3.5±1.6 at baseline, 4.7±1.3 at discharge, and 5.5±0.7 at follow-up (self-reported). Baseline FES score was positively correlated with basic ADL at follow-up (rho=0.35, p<.001). At follow-up, 58.7% of the patients were fully independent in basic ADL, this proportion being significantly higher in confident than fearful patients (70.7% vs 42.4%, p<.001). Compared to confident patients, those fearful had significantly lower odds (OR 0.3, 95%CI 0.2-0.6, p<.001) to report full independence at follow-up. This relationship remained (adjOR = 0.4, 95%CI 0.2-0.8, p=.01) after controlling for demographics, baseline gait speed, depressive symptoms, functional status at discharge, and history of falls since discharge. Conclusion: In this cohort of older rehab patients, poor falls efficacy at admission was associated with lower function reported one month after discharge even after controlling for initial mobility performance and functional status at discharge. Further studies should determine whether interventions aiming at falls efficacy improvement will also result in improved function in fearful subjects undergoing rehabilitation.
BACKGROUND: Drug therapy in high-risk individuals has been advocated as an important strategy to reduce cardiovascular disease in low income countries. We determined, in a low-income urban population, the proportion of persons who utilized health services after having been diagnosed as hypertensive and advised to seek health care for further hypertension management. METHODS: A population-based survey of 9254 persons aged 25-64 years was conducted in Dar es Salaam. Among the 540 persons with high blood pressure (defined here as BP >or= 160/95 mmHg) at the initial contact, 253 (47%) had high BP on a 4th visit 45 days later. Among them, 208 were untreated and advised to attend health care in a health center of their choice for further management of their hypertension. One year later, 161 were seen again and asked about their use of health services during the interval. RESULTS: Among the 161 hypertensive persons advised to seek health care, 34% reported to have attended a formal health care provider during the 12-month interval (63% public facility; 30% private; 7% both). Antihypertensive treatment was taken by 34% at some point of time (suggesting poor uptake of health services) and 3% at the end of the 12-month follow-up (suggesting poor long-term compliance). Health services utilization tended to be associated with older age, previous history of high BP, being overweight and non-smoking, but not with education or wealth. Lack of symptoms and cost of treatment were the reasons reported most often for not attending health care. CONCLUSION: Low utilization of health services after hypertension screening suggests a small impact of a patient-centered screen-and-treat strategy in this low-income population. These findings emphasize the need to identify and address barriers to health care utilization for non-communicable diseases in this setting and, indirectly, the importance of public health measures for primary prevention of these diseases.
Abstract Objectives: In Germany since 2007 patients with advanced life-limiting diseases are eligible for Specialized Outpatient Palliative Care (SOPC). To provide this service, SOPC teams have been established as a new facility in the health care system. The objective of this study was to evaluate the effectiveness of one of the first SOPC teams based at the Munich University Hospital. Methods: All patients treated by the SOPC team and their primary caregivers were eligible for this prospective nonrandomized study. The main topics of the surveys before and after involvement of the SOPC team were: for patients, the assessment of symptom burden (Minimal Documentation System for Palliative Medicine, MIDOS), satisfaction with quality of palliative care (Palliative Outcome Scale, POS), and quality of life (McGill Quality of Life Questionnaire, MQOL); for caregivers, burden of care (Häusliche Pflegeskala, home care scale, HPS), anxiety and depression (Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale, HADS), and quality of life (Quality of Life in Life-Threatening Illness-Family Carer Version, QOLLTI-F). Results: Of 100 patients treated between April and November 2011, 60 were included in the study (median age 67.5 years, 55% male, 87% oncological diseases). In 23 of 60 patients, only caregivers could be interviewed. The median interval between the first and second interview was 2.5 weeks. Quality of life increased significantly in patients (p<0.05) and caregivers (p<0.001), as did the patients' perception of quality of palliative care (POS, p<0.001), while the caregivers' psychological distress and burden of care significantly decreased (HADS, p<0.001; HPS, p<0.001). Conclusions: The involvement of an SOPC team leads to a significant improvement in the quality of life of patients and caregivers and can lower the burden of home care for the caregivers of severely ill patients.
Treatment intensification and risk factor control: toward more clinically relevant quality measures.
BACKGROUND: Intensification of pharmacotherapy in persons with poorly controlled chronic conditions has been proposed as a clinically meaningful process measure of quality. OBJECTIVE: To validate measures of treatment intensification by evaluating their associations with subsequent control in hypertension, hyperlipidemia, and diabetes mellitus across 35 medical facility populations in Kaiser Permanente, Northern California. DESIGN: Hierarchical analyses of associations of improvements in facility-level treatment intensification rates from 2001 to 2003 with patient-level risk factor levels at the end of 2003. PATIENTS: Members (515,072 and 626,130; age >20 years) with hypertension, hyperlipidemia, and/or diabetes mellitus in 2001 and 2003, respectively. MEASUREMENTS: Treatment intensification for each risk factor defined as an increase in number of drug classes prescribed, of dosage for at least 1 drug, or switching to a drug from another class within 3 months of observed poor risk factor control. RESULTS: Facility-level improvements in treatment intensification rates between 2001 and 2003 were strongly associated with greater likelihood of being in control at the end of 2003 (P < or = 0.05 for each risk factor) after adjustment for patient- and facility-level covariates. Compared with facility rankings based solely on control, addition of percentages of poorly controlled patients who received treatment intensification changed 2003 rankings substantially: 14%, 51%, and 29% of the facilities changed ranks by 5 or more positions for hypertension, hyperlipidemia, and diabetes, respectively. CONCLUSIONS: Treatment intensification is tightly linked to improved control. Thus, it deserves consideration as a process measure for motivating quality improvement and possibly for measuring clinical performance.
BACKGROUND: To ensure vaccines safety, given the weaknesses of the national pharmacovigilance system in Cameroon, there is a need to identify effective interventions that can contribute to improving AEFI reporting. OBJECTIVE: To assess the effect of: (i) sending weekly SMS, or (ii) weekly supervisory visits on AEFI reporting rate during a meningitis immunization campaign conducted in Cameroon in 2012 using the meningitis A conjugate vaccine (MenAfriVac?). METHODS: Health facilities that met the inclusion criteria were randomly assigned to receive: (i) a weekly standardized SMS, (ii) a weekly standardized supervisory visits or (iii) no intervention. The primary outcome was the reported AEFI incidence rate from week 5 to 8 after the immunization campaign. Poisson regression model was used to estimate the effect of interventions after adjusting for health region, type of health facility, type and position of health workers as well as the cumulative number of AEFI reported from weeks 1 to 4. RESULTS: A total of 348 (77.2%) of 451 health facility were included, and 116 assigned to each of three groups. The incidence rate of reported AEFI per 100 health facility per week was 20.0 (15.9-24.1) in the SMS group, 40.2 (34.4-46.0) in supervision group and 13.6 (10.1-16.9) in the control group. Supervision led to a significant increase of AEFI reporting rate compared to SMS [adjusted RR=2.1 (1.6-2.7); p<0.001] and control [RR=2.8(2.1-3.7); p<0.001)] groups. The effect of SMS led to some increase in AEFI reporting rate compared to the control group, but the difference was not statistically significant [RR=1.4(0.8-1.6); p=0.07)]. CONCLUSION: Supervision was more effective than SMS or routine surveillance in improving AEFI reporting rate. It should be part of any AEFI surveillance system. SMS could be useful in improving AEFI reporting rates but strategies need to be found to improve its effectiveness, and thus maximize its benefits.
Introduction Our institution (University hospital) is encouraging physical activities for health through various popular sporting events in the city of Lausanne, the biggest of which is a road race of 2, 4, 10 and 20km. Objective To create an efficient and sustainable training program in preparation of the race for a group of motivated hospital employees without any prior experience with structured training and to identifying the benefits and limitations encountered.. Methods Subjects of various fitness levels were recruited by add and agreed to undergo lab and field testing before a 12-week 3 times/week running program, based on maximal aerobic speed (MAS-30/30 sec intervals), running technique exercises and endurance training. The interval session was the only one supervised. Their goal was the 10km (11 subjects) and the 20km (6 subjects). Results A group of 17 subjects (7 male and 10 female), mean age 36.6±7.3 years, VO2max 44.0±5.5 ml/kg/min, filed test interval MAS 15.1±2.4 km/h started the program. 2 were lost because of injury (while skiing). Adherence to interval sessions was excellent, although 3 weekly training sessions proved to be difficult for most of the subjects. Performance in the race was satisfying for all of them, 6/7 subjects having improved their running time from the previous year, the others participated for the first time and 7/8 completed the race satisfyingly, one DNF-ed because of sinusitis. Repeat MAS field test was available for 6 subjects, who improved by 5.9% (p<0.01). Subjectively, all of the participants were very satisfied with improvement, interaction with colleagues from various professions, and with self achievement and confidence. Conclusions Implementation of a structured training program for recreational or non-athletes can be very successful in creating a better self-confidence, a better working environment inside a hospital facility and obviously in improvement of physical fitness and athletic performance. Above all, it can only encourage health institutions to promote the health of their own employees through physical activity, which can allow people to connect through sports. As a result, subjects in this study tend to encourage other employees to be more active and are hungry for more advice and continued offers for physical activities benefiting both them and the institution through better efficiency at work and less absenteeism common to more active people.
La collaboration CLIC (Compact LInear Collider, collisionneur linéaire compact) étudie la possibilité de réaliser un collisionneur électron-positon linéaire à haute énergie (3 TeV dans le centre de masse) et haute luminosité (1034 cm-2s-1), pour la recherche en physique des particules. Le projet CLIC se fonde sur l'utilisation de cavités accélératrices à haute fréquence (30 GHz). La puissance nécessaire à ces cavités est fournie par un faisceau d'électrons de basse énergie et de haute intensité, appelé faisceau de puissance, circulant parallèlement à l'accélérateur linéaire principal (procédé appelé « Accélération à Double Faisceau »). Dans ce schéma, un des principaux défis est la réalisation du faisceau de puissance, qui est d'abord généré dans un complexe accélérateur à basse fréquence, puis transformé pour obtenir une structure temporelle à haute fréquence nécessaire à l'alimentation des cavités accélératrices de l'accélérateur linéaire principal. La structure temporelle à haute fréquence des paquets d'électrons est obtenue par le procédé de multiplication de fréquence, dont la manipulation principale consiste à faire circuler le faisceau d'électrons dans un anneau isochrone en utilisant des déflecteurs radio-fréquence (déflecteurs RF) pour injecter et combiner les paquets d'électrons. Cependant, ce type de manipulation n'a jamais été réalisé auparavant et la première phase de la troisième installation de test pour CLIC (CLIC Test Facility 3 ou CTF3) a pour but la démonstration à faible charge du procédé de multiplication de fréquence par injection RF dans un anneau isochrone. Cette expérience, qui a été réalisée avec succès au CERN au cours de l'année 2002 en utilisant une version modifiée du pré-injecteur du grand collisionneur électron-positon LEP (Large Electron Positron), est le sujet central de ce rapport. L'expérience de combinaison des paquets d'électrons consiste à accélérer cinq impulsions dont les paquets d'électrons sont espacés de 10 cm, puis à les combiner dans un anneau isochrone pour obtenir une seule impulsion dont les paquets d'électrons sont espacés de 2 cm, multipliant ainsi la fréquence des paquets d'électrons, ainsi que la charge par impulsion, par cinq. Cette combinaison est réalisée au moyen de structures RF résonnantes sur un mode déflecteur, qui créent dans l'anneau une déformation locale et dépendante du temps de l'orbite du faisceau. Ce mécanisme impose plusieurs contraintes de dynamique de faisceau comme l'isochronicité, ainsi que des tolérances spécifiques sur les paquets d'électrons, qui sont définies dans ce rapport. Les études pour la conception de la Phase Préliminaire du CTF3 sont détaillées, en particulier le nouveau procédé d'injection avec les déflecteurs RF. Les tests de haute puissance réalisés sur ces cavités déflectrices avant leur installation dans l'anneau sont également décrits. L'activité de mise en fonctionnement de l'expérience est présentée en comparant les mesures faites avec le faisceau aux simulations et calculs théoriques. Finalement, les expériences de multiplication de fréquence des paquets d'électrons sont décrites et analysées. On montre qu'une très bonne efficacité de combinaison est possible après optimisation des paramètres de l'injection et des déflecteurs RF. En plus de l'expérience acquise sur l'utilisation de ces déflecteurs, des conclusions importantes pour les futures activités CTF3 et CLIC sont tirées de cette première démonstration de la multiplication de fréquence des paquets d'électrons par injection RF dans un anneau isochrone.<br/><br/>The Compact LInear Collider (CLIC) collaboration studies the possibility of building a multi-TeV (3 TeV centre-of-mass), high-luminosity (1034 cm-2s-1) electron-positron collider for particle physics. The CLIC scheme is based on high-frequency (30 GHz) linear accelerators powered by a low-energy, high-intensity drive beam running parallel to the main linear accelerators (Two-Beam Acceleration concept). One of the main challenges to realize this scheme is to generate the drive beam in a low-frequency accelerator and to achieve the required high-frequency bunch structure needed for the final acceleration. In order to provide bunch frequency multiplication, the main manipulation consists in sending the beam through an isochronous combiner ring using radio-frequency (RF) deflectors to inject and combine electron bunches. However, such a scheme has never been used before, and the first stage of the CLIC Test Facility 3 (CTF3) project aims at a low-charge demonstration of the bunch frequency multiplication by RF injection into an isochronous ring. This proof-of-principle experiment, which was successfully performed at CERN in 2002 using a modified version of the LEP (Large Electron Positron) pre-injector complex, is the central subject of this report. The bunch combination experiment consists in accelerating in a linear accelerator five pulses in which the electron bunches are spaced by 10 cm, and combining them in an isochronous ring to obtain one pulse in which the electron bunches are spaced by 2 cm, thus achieving a bunch frequency multiplication of a factor five, and increasing the charge per pulse by a factor five. The combination is done by means of RF deflecting cavities that create a time-dependent bump inside the ring, thus allowing the interleaving of the bunches of the five pulses. This process imposes several beam dynamics constraints, such as isochronicity, and specific tolerances on the electron bunches that are defined in this report. The design studies of the CTF3 Preliminary Phase are detailed, with emphasis on the novel injection process using RF deflectors. The high power tests performed on the RF deflectors prior to their installation in the ring are also reported. The commissioning activity is presented by comparing beam measurements to model simulations and theoretical expectations. Eventually, the bunch frequency multiplication experiments are described and analysed. It is shown that the process of bunch frequency multiplication is feasible with a very good efficiency after a careful optimisation of the injection and RF deflector parameters. In addition to the experience acquired in the operation of these RF deflectors, important conclusions for future CTF3 and CLIC activities are drawn from this first demonstration of the bunch frequency multiplication by RF injection into an isochronous ring.<br/><br/>La collaboration CLIC (Compact LInear Collider, collisionneur linéaire compact) étudie la possibilité de réaliser un collisionneur électron-positon linéaire à haute énergie (3 TeV) pour la recherche en physique des particules. Le projet CLIC se fonde sur l'utilisation de cavités accélératrices à haute fréquence (30 GHz). La puissance nécessaire à ces cavités est fournie par un faisceau d'électrons de basse énergie et de haut courant, appelé faisceau de puissance, circulant parallèlement à l'accélérateur linéaire principal (procédé appelé « Accélération à Double Faisceau »). Dans ce schéma, un des principaux défis est la réalisation du faisceau de puissance, qui est d'abord généré dans un complexe accélérateur à basse fréquence, puis transformé pour obtenir une structure temporelle à haute fréquence nécessaire à l'alimentation des cavités accélératrices de l'accélérateur linéaire principal. La structure temporelle à haute fréquence des paquets d'électrons est obtenue par le procédé de multiplication de fréquence, dont la manipulation principale consiste à faire circuler le faisceau d'électrons dans un anneau isochrone en utilisant des déflecteurs radio-fréquence (déflecteurs RF) pour injecter et combiner les paquets d'électrons. Cependant, ce type de manipulation n'a jamais été réalisé auparavant et la première phase de la troisième installation de test pour CLIC (CLIC Test Facility 3 ou CTF3) a pour but la démonstration à faible charge du procédé de multiplication de fréquence par injection RF dans un anneau isochrone. L'expérience consiste à accélérer cinq impulsions, puis à les combiner dans un anneau isochrone pour obtenir une seule impulsion dans laquelle la fréquence des paquets d'électrons et le courant sont multipliés par cinq. Cette combinaison est réalisée au moyen de structures déflectrices RF qui créent dans l'anneau une déformation locale et dépendante du temps de la trajectoire du faisceau. Les résultats de cette expérience, qui a été réalisée avec succès au CERN au cours de l?année 2002 en utilisant une version modifiée du pré-injecteur du grand collisionneur électron-positon LEP (Large Electron Positon), sont présentés en détail.
INTRODUCTION: Lymphoepithelial carcinoma of the maxillary sinus is a very rare malignancy and it can be difficult to make a pre-operative diagnosis. CASE PRESENTATION: A 72-year-old Caucasian woman presented to our facility with an isolated right-side epistaxis that had been present for three months, with the results of a computed tomography scan showing a soft tissue mass in the right maxillary sinus with an impacted tooth. The results of a transnasal endoscopic biopsy were compatible with a lymphoepithelial carcinoma, following which our patient underwent a radical excision of the mass. The final histology results revealed lymphoepithelial carcinoma of the maxillary sinus with negative assays for Epstein-Barr virus. Our patient was given post-operative external radiotherapy and has remained disease-free at three-year follow-up. CONCLUSIONS: This report details the diagnosis and management of a case of lymphoepithelial carcinoma of the maxillary sinus, which is a very rare malignant tumor with very little mention in the literature. Only a strong suspicion with systematic use of various patho-immunological tests helps to arrive at a definitive diagnosis by excluding other better-known tumors.
BACKGROUND: Early childhood caries (ECC) is a marker of social inequalities worldwide because disadvantaged children are more likely to develop caries than their peers. This study aimed to define the ECC prevalence among children living in French-speaking Switzerland, where data on this topic were scarce, and to assess whether ECC was an early marker of social inequalities in this country. METHODS: The study took place between 2010 and 2012 in the primary care facility of Lausanne Children's Hospital. We clinically screened 856 children from 36 to 71 months old for ECC, and their caregivers (parents or legal guardians) filled in a questionnaire including items on socioeconomic background (education, occupation, income, literacy and immigration status), dental care and dietary habits. Prevalence rates, prevalence ratios and logistic regressions were calculated. RESULTS: The overall ECC prevalence was 24.8 %. ECC was less frequent among children from higher socioeconomic backgrounds than children from lower ones (prevalence ratios ≤ 0.58). CONCLUSIONS: This study reported a worrying prevalence rate of ECC among children from 36 to 71 months old, living in French-speaking Switzerland. ECC appears to be a good marker of social inequalities as disadvantaged children, whether from Swiss or immigrant backgrounds, were more likely to have caries than their less disadvantaged peers. Specific preventive interventions regarding ECC are needed for all disadvantaged children, whether immigrants or Swiss.
STUDY OBJECTIVES: That sleep deprivation increases the brain expression of various clock genes has been well documented. Based on these and other findings we hypothesized that clock genes not only underlie circadian rhythm generation but are also implicated in sleep homeostasis. However, long time lags have been reported between the changes in the clock gene messenger RNA levels and their encoded proteins. It is therefore crucial to establish whether also protein levels increase within the time frame known to activate a homeostatic sleep response. We report on the central and peripheral effects of sleep deprivation on PERIOD-2 (PER2) protein both in intact and suprachiasmatic nuclei-lesioned mice. DESIGN: In vivo and in situ PER2 imaging during baseline, sleep deprivation, and recovery. SETTINGS: Mouse sleep-recording facility. PARTICIPANTS: Per2::Luciferase knock-in mice. INTERVENTIONS: N/A. MEASUREMENTS AND RESULTS: Six-hour sleep deprivation increased PER2 not only in the brain but also in liver and kidney. Remarkably, the effects in the liver outlasted those observed in the brain. Within the brain the increase in PER2 concerned the cerebral cortex mainly, while leaving suprachiasmatic nuclei (SCN) levels unaffected. Against expectation, sleep deprivation did not increase PER2 in the brain of arrhythmic SCN-lesioned mice because of higher PER2 levels in baseline. In contrast, liver PER2 levels did increase in these mice similar to the sham and partially lesioned controls. CONCLUSIONS: Our results stress the importance of considering both sleep-wake dependent and circadian processes when quantifying clock-gene levels. Because sleep deprivation alters PERIOD-2 in the brain as well as in the periphery, it is tempting to speculate that clock genes constitute a common pathway mediating the shared and well-known adverse effects of both chronic sleep loss and disrupted circadian rhythmicity on metabolic health.