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Gel electrophoresis can be used to separate nicked circular DNA molecules of equal length but forming different knot types. At low electric fields, complex knots drift faster than simpler knots. However, at high electric field the opposite is the case and simpler knots migrate faster than more complex knots. Using Monte Carlo simulations we investigate the reasons of this reversal of relative order of electrophoretic mobility of DNA molecules forming different knot types. We observe that at high electric fields the simulated knotted molecules tend to hang over the gel fibres and require passing over a substantial energy barrier to slip over the impeding gel fibre. At low electric field the interactions of drifting molecules with the gel fibres are weak and there are no significant energy barriers that oppose the detachment of knotted molecules from transverse gel fibres.


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Abstract : The occupational health risk involved with handling nanoparticles is the probability that a worker will experience an adverse health effect: this is calculated as a function of the worker's exposure relative to the potential biological hazard of the material. Addressing the risks of nanoparticles requires therefore knowledge on occupational exposure and the release of nanoparticles into the environment as well as toxicological data. However, information on exposure is currently not systematically collected; therefore this risk assessment lacks quantitative data. This thesis aimed at, first creating the fundamental data necessary for a quantitative assessment and, second, evaluating methods to measure the occupational nanoparticle exposure. The first goal was to determine what is being used where in Swiss industries. This was followed by an evaluation of the adequacy of existing measurement methods to assess workplace nanopaiticle exposure to complex size distributions and concentration gradients. The study was conceived as a series of methodological evaluations aimed at better understanding nanoparticle measurement devices and methods. lt focused on inhalation exposure to airborne particles, as respiration is considered to be the most important entrance pathway for nanoparticles in the body in terms of risk. The targeted survey (pilot study) was conducted as a feasibility study for a later nationwide survey on the handling of nanoparticles and the applications of specific protection means in industry. The study consisted of targeted phone interviews with health and safety officers of Swiss companies that were believed to use or produce nanoparticles. This was followed by a representative survey on the level of nanoparticle usage in Switzerland. lt was designed based on the results of the pilot study. The study was conducted among a representative selection of clients of the Swiss National Accident Insurance Fund (SUVA), covering about 85% of Swiss production companies. The third part of this thesis focused on the methods to measure nanoparticles. Several pre- studies were conducted studying the limits of commonly used measurement devices in the presence of nanoparticle agglomerates, This focus was chosen, because several discussions with users and producers of the measurement devices raised questions about their accuracy measuring nanoparticle agglomerates and because, at the same time, the two survey studies revealed that such powders are frequently used in industry. The first preparatory experiment focused on the accuracy of the scanning mobility particle sizer (SMPS), which showed an improbable size distribution when measuring powders of nanoparticle agglomerates. Furthermore, the thesis includes a series of smaller experiments that took a closer look at problems encountered with other measurement devices in the presence of nanoparticle agglomerates: condensation particle counters (CPC), portable aerosol spectrometer (PAS) a device to estimate the aerodynamic diameter, as well as diffusion size classifiers. Some initial feasibility tests for the efficiency of filter based sampling and subsequent counting of carbon nanotubes (CNT) were conducted last. The pilot study provided a detailed picture of the types and amounts of nanoparticles used and the knowledge of the health and safety experts in the companies. Considerable maximal quantities (> l'000 kg/year per company) of Ag, Al-Ox, Fe-Ox, SiO2, TiO2, and ZnO (mainly first generation particles) were declared by the contacted Swiss companies, The median quantity of handled nanoparticles, however, was 100 kg/year. The representative survey was conducted by contacting by post mail a representative selection of l '626 SUVA-clients (Swiss Accident Insurance Fund). It allowed estimation of the number of companies and workers dealing with nanoparticles in Switzerland. The extrapolation from the surveyed companies to all companies of the Swiss production sector suggested that l'309 workers (95%-confidence interval l'073 to l'545) of the Swiss production sector are potentially exposed to nanoparticles in 586 companies (145 to l'027). These numbers correspond to 0.08% (0.06% to 0.09%) of all workers and to 0.6% (0.2% to 1.1%) of companies in the Swiss production sector. To measure airborne concentrations of sub micrometre-sized particles, a few well known methods exist. However, it was unclear how well the different instruments perform in the presence of the often quite large agglomerates of nanostructured materials. The evaluation of devices and methods focused on nanoparticle agglomerate powders. lt allowed the identification of the following potential sources of inaccurate measurements at workplaces with considerable high concentrations of airborne agglomerates: - A standard SMPS showed bi-modal particle size distributions when measuring large nanoparticle agglomerates. - Differences in the range of a factor of a thousand were shown between diffusion size classifiers and CPC/SMPS. - The comparison between CPC/SMPS and portable aerosol Spectrometer (PAS) was much better, but depending on the concentration, size or type of the powders measured, the differences were still of a high order of magnitude - Specific difficulties and uncertainties in the assessment of workplaces were identified: the background particles can interact with particles created by a process, which make the handling of background concentration difficult. - Electric motors produce high numbers of nanoparticles and confound the measurement of the process-related exposure. Conclusion: The surveys showed that nanoparticles applications exist in many industrial sectors in Switzerland and that some companies already use high quantities of them. The representative survey demonstrated a low prevalence of nanoparticle usage in most branches of the Swiss industry and led to the conclusion that the introduction of applications using nanoparticles (especially outside industrial chemistry) is only beginning. Even though the number of potentially exposed workers was reportedly rather small, it nevertheless underscores the need for exposure assessments. Understanding exposure and how to measure it correctly is very important because the potential health effects of nanornaterials are not yet fully understood. The evaluation showed that many devices and methods of measuring nanoparticles need to be validated for nanoparticles agglomerates before large exposure assessment studies can begin. Zusammenfassung : Das Gesundheitsrisiko von Nanopartikel am Arbeitsplatz ist die Wahrscheinlichkeit dass ein Arbeitnehmer einen möglichen Gesundheitsschaden erleidet wenn er diesem Stoff ausgesetzt ist: sie wird gewöhnlich als Produkt von Schaden mal Exposition gerechnet. Für eine gründliche Abklärung möglicher Risiken von Nanomaterialien müssen also auf der einen Seite Informationen über die Freisetzung von solchen Materialien in die Umwelt vorhanden sein und auf der anderen Seite solche über die Exposition von Arbeitnehmenden. Viele dieser Informationen werden heute noch nicht systematisch gesarnmelt und felilen daher für Risikoanalysen, Die Doktorarbeit hatte als Ziel, die Grundlagen zu schaffen für eine quantitative Schatzung der Exposition gegenüber Nanopartikel am Arbeitsplatz und die Methoden zu evaluieren die zur Messung einer solchen Exposition nötig sind. Die Studie sollte untersuchen, in welchem Ausmass Nanopartikel bereits in der Schweizer Industrie eingesetzt werden, wie viele Arbeitnehrner damit potentiel] in Kontakt komrrien ob die Messtechnologie für die nötigen Arbeitsplatzbelastungsmessungen bereits genügt, Die Studie folcussierte dabei auf Exposition gegenüber luftgetragenen Partikel, weil die Atmung als Haupteintrittspforte iïlr Partikel in den Körper angesehen wird. Die Doktorarbeit besteht baut auf drei Phasen auf eine qualitative Umfrage (Pilotstudie), eine repräsentative, schweizerische Umfrage und mehrere technische Stndien welche dem spezitischen Verständnis der Mëglichkeiten und Grenzen einzelner Messgeräte und - teclmikeri dienen. Die qualitative Telephonumfrage wurde durchgeführt als Vorstudie zu einer nationalen und repräsentativen Umfrage in der Schweizer Industrie. Sie zielte auf Informationen ab zum Vorkommen von Nanopartikeln, und den angewendeten Schutzmassnahmen. Die Studie bestand aus gezielten Telefoninterviews mit Arbeit- und Gesundheitsfachpersonen von Schweizer Unternehmen. Die Untemehmen wurden aufgrund von offentlich zugànglichen lnformationen ausgewählt die darauf hinwiesen, dass sie mit Nanopartikeln umgehen. Der zweite Teil der Dolctorarbeit war die repräsentative Studie zur Evalniernng der Verbreitnng von Nanopaitikelanwendungen in der Schweizer lndustrie. Die Studie baute auf lnformationen der Pilotstudie auf und wurde mit einer repräsentativen Selektion von Firmen der Schweizerischen Unfall Versicherungsanstalt (SUVA) durchgeüihxt. Die Mehrheit der Schweizerischen Unternehmen im lndustrieselctor wurde damit abgedeckt. Der dritte Teil der Doktorarbeit fokussierte auf die Methodik zur Messung von Nanopartikeln. Mehrere Vorstudien wurden dnrchgefîihrt, um die Grenzen von oft eingesetzten Nanopartikelmessgeräten auszuloten, wenn sie grösseren Mengen von Nanopartikel Agglomeraten ausgesetzt messen sollen. Dieser F okns wurde ans zwei Gründen gewählt: weil mehrere Dislcussionen rnit Anwendem und auch dem Produzent der Messgeràte dort eine Schwachstelle vermuten liessen, welche Zweifel an der Genauigkeit der Messgeräte aufkommen liessen und weil in den zwei Umfragestudien ein häufiges Vorkommen von solchen Nanopartikel-Agglomeraten aufgezeigt wurde. i Als erstes widmete sich eine Vorstndie der Genauigkeit des Scanning Mobility Particle Sizer (SMPS). Dieses Messgerät zeigte in Präsenz von Nanopartikel Agglorneraten unsinnige bimodale Partikelgrössenverteilung an. Eine Serie von kurzen Experimenten folgte, welche sich auf andere Messgeräte und deren Probleme beim Messen von Nanopartikel-Agglomeraten konzentrierten. Der Condensation Particle Counter (CPC), der portable aerosol spectrometer (PAS), ein Gerät zur Schàtzung des aerodynamischen Durchniessers von Teilchen, sowie der Diffusion Size Classifier wurden getestet. Einige erste Machbarkeitstests zur Ermittlnng der Effizienz von tilterbasierter Messung von luftgetragenen Carbon Nanotubes (CNT) wnrden als letztes durchgeiührt. Die Pilotstudie hat ein detailliiertes Bild der Typen und Mengen von genutzten Nanopartikel in Schweizer Unternehmen geliefert, und hat den Stand des Wissens der interviewten Gesundheitsschntz und Sicherheitsfachleute aufgezeigt. Folgende Typen von Nanopaitikeln wurden von den kontaktierten Firmen als Maximalmengen angegeben (> 1'000 kg pro Jahr / Unternehrnen): Ag, Al-Ox, Fe-Ox, SiO2, TiO2, und ZnO (hauptsächlich Nanopartikel der ersten Generation). Die Quantitäten von eingesetzten Nanopartikeln waren stark verschieden mit einem ein Median von 100 kg pro Jahr. ln der quantitativen Fragebogenstudie wurden l'626 Unternehmen brieflich kontaktiert; allesamt Klienten der Schweizerischen Unfallversicherringsanstalt (SUVA). Die Resultate der Umfrage erlaubten eine Abschätzung der Anzahl von Unternehmen und Arbeiter, welche Nanopartikel in der Schweiz anwenden. Die Hochrechnung auf den Schweizer lndnstriesektor hat folgendes Bild ergeben: ln 586 Unternehmen (95% Vertrauensintervallz 145 bis 1'027 Unternehmen) sind 1'309 Arbeiter potentiell gegenüber Nanopartikel exponiert (95%-Vl: l'073 bis l'545). Diese Zahlen stehen für 0.6% der Schweizer Unternehmen (95%-Vl: 0.2% bis 1.1%) und 0.08% der Arbeiternehmerschaft (95%-V1: 0.06% bis 0.09%). Es gibt einige gut etablierte Technologien um die Luftkonzentration von Submikrometerpartikel zu messen. Es besteht jedoch Zweifel daran, inwiefern sich diese Technologien auch für die Messurrg von künstlich hergestellten Nanopartikeln verwenden lassen. Aus diesem Grund folcussierten die vorbereitenden Studien für die Arbeitsplatzbeurteilnngen auf die Messung von Pulverri, welche Nan0partike1-Agg10merate enthalten. Sie erlaubten die ldentifikation folgender rnöglicher Quellen von fehlerhaften Messungen an Arbeitsplätzen mit erhöhter Luft-K0nzentrati0n von Nanopartikel Agglomeratenz - Ein Standard SMPS zeigte eine unglaubwürdige bimodale Partikelgrössenverteilung wenn er grössere Nan0par'til<e1Agg10merate gemessen hat. - Grosse Unterschiede im Bereich von Faktor tausend wurden festgestellt zwischen einem Diffusion Size Classiîier und einigen CPC (beziehungsweise dem SMPS). - Die Unterschiede zwischen CPC/SMPS und dem PAS waren geringer, aber abhängig von Grosse oder Typ des gemessenen Pulvers waren sie dennoch in der Grössenordnung von einer guten Grössenordnung. - Spezifische Schwierigkeiten und Unsicherheiten im Bereich von Arbeitsplatzmessungen wurden identitiziert: Hintergrundpartikel können mit Partikeln interagieren die während einem Arbeitsprozess freigesetzt werden. Solche Interaktionen erschweren eine korrekte Einbettung der Hintergrunds-Partikel-Konzentration in die Messdaten. - Elektromotoren produzieren grosse Mengen von Nanopartikeln und können so die Messung der prozessbezogenen Exposition stören. Fazit: Die Umfragen zeigten, dass Nanopartikel bereits Realitàt sind in der Schweizer Industrie und dass einige Unternehmen bereits grosse Mengen davon einsetzen. Die repräsentative Umfrage hat diese explosive Nachricht jedoch etwas moderiert, indem sie aufgezeigt hat, dass die Zahl der Unternehmen in der gesamtschweizerischen Industrie relativ gering ist. In den meisten Branchen (vor allem ausserhalb der Chemischen Industrie) wurden wenig oder keine Anwendungen gefunden, was schliessen last, dass die Einführung dieser neuen Technologie erst am Anfang einer Entwicklung steht. Auch wenn die Zahl der potentiell exponierten Arbeiter immer noch relativ gering ist, so unterstreicht die Studie dennoch die Notwendigkeit von Expositionsmessungen an diesen Arbeitsplätzen. Kenntnisse um die Exposition und das Wissen, wie solche Exposition korrekt zu messen, sind sehr wichtig, vor allem weil die möglichen Auswirkungen auf die Gesundheit noch nicht völlig verstanden sind. Die Evaluation einiger Geräte und Methoden zeigte jedoch, dass hier noch Nachholbedarf herrscht. Bevor grössere Mess-Studien durgefîihrt werden können, müssen die Geräte und Methodem für den Einsatz mit Nanopartikel-Agglomeraten validiert werden.


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The aquatic environment is exposed continuously and increasingly to chemical substances such as pharmaceuticals. These medical compounds are released into the environment after having being consumed and body-excreted by patients. Pharmaceutical residues are synthetic molecules that are not always removed by traditional sewage treatment processes and thus escape degradation. Among pharmaceuticals that escape sewage treatment plants (STPs), the anticancer drugs were measured in STP effluents and natural waters. In the aquatic environment, their long-term effects at low concentrations are sparsely known on non-target species. Tamoxifen is an anticancer drug that is widely prescribed worldwide for the prevention and treatment of hormone receptor-positive breast cancers. Two of its metabolites, i.e., endoxifen and 4-hydroxy- tamoxifen (4OHTam), have high pharmacological potency in vivo and such as tamoxifen, they are excreted via faeces by patients. Tamoxifen was measured in STP effluents and natural waters but, to the best of our knowledge, its metabolites concentrations in waters have never been reported. Imatinib is another and recent anticancer compound that targets specific tumour cells. This pharmaceutical is also body excreted and because of its increasing use in cancer treatment, imatinib may reach the natural water. The effects of tamoxifen and imatinib are unknown upon more than one generation of aquatic species. And the effects of 4OHTam, endoxifen have never been studied in ecotoxicology so far. The aims of this thesis were threefold. First, the sensitivity of D. pulex exposed to tamoxifen, 4OHTam, endoxifen or imatinib was assessed using ecotoxicological experiments. Ecotoxicology is the science that considers the toxic effects of natural or synthetic substances, such as pharmaceuticals, on organisms, populations, community and ecosystem. Acute and multigenerational (2-4 generations) tests were performed on daphnids considering several studied endpoints, such as immobilisation, size, reproduction, viability and intrinsic rate of natural increase. Additional prospective assays were designed to evaluate whether 1) low concentrations of tamoxifen and 4OHTam were able to induce toxic effects when used in combination, and 2) daphnids were able to recover when offspring were withdrawn from solutions carrying the pharmaceutical. Second, the stability of tamoxifen, 4OHTam and endoxifen in incubation medium was evaluated in solution exempted from daphnids. Because the nominal concentrations of tamoxifen, 4OHTam and endoxifen did not correspond to the measured, we provide a predictive method to estimate the concentrations of these chemicals during long-term ecotoxicological tests. Finally, changes in protein expressions were analysed in D. pulex exposed 2 or 7 seven days to tamoxifen using ecotoxicoproteomic experiments with a shot-gun approach inducing a peptide fractionation step. Our results show that tamoxifen, 4OHTam and endoxifen induced adverse effects in D. pulex at environmentally relevant concentrations. At very low concentrations, these molecules displayed unusual and teratogenic effects because morphological abnormalities were observed in offspring, such as thick and short antennas, curved spines, premature neonates and aborted eggs. Tamoxifen was the most toxic compound among the test chemicals, followed by 4OHTam, endoxifen and imatinib. Tamoxifen no-observed effect concentrations (NOECs) that were calculated for size, reproduction and intrinsic rate were below or in the range of the concentrations measured in natural waters, i.e., between 0.12 µg/L and 0.67 µg/L. For instance, the tamoxifen NOECs that were calculated for reproduction were between 0.67 and 0.72 µg/L, whereas the NOEC was < 0.15 µg/L when based on morphological abnormalities. The NOECs of 4OHTam were higher but still in the same order of magnitude as tamoxifen environmental concentrations, with a value of 1.48 µg/L. Endoxifen NOEC for the intrinsic rate of natural increase (r) and the reproduction were 0.4 and 4.3 µg/L, respectively. Daphnids that were withdrawn from tamoxifen and 4OHTam were not able to recover. Also, the reproduction of D. pulex was reduced when the treated animals were exposed to the combination of tamoxifen and 4OHTam while no effects were observed when these chemicals were tested individually at the same concentration. Among the anticancer drugs that were tested during this thesis, imatinib was the less toxic molecule towards D. pulex. No effects on size and reproduction were observed within two generations, except for the first whose reproduction decreased at the highest test concentration, i.e., 626 µg/L. Our results also underline the need to use measured or predicted concentrations instead of the nominal during aquatic experiments, particularly when lipophilic molecules are tested. Indeed, notable differences between nominal (i.e., theoretical) and measured concentrations were found with tamoxifen, 4OHTam and endoxifen at all test concentrations. A cost and time sustainable method was proposed to predict the test exposure levels of these chemicals during long-term experiments. This predictive method was efficient particularly for low concentrations, which corresponded to the test concentrations in multigenerational tests. In the ecotoxicoproteomic experiments a total of 3940 proteins were identified and quantified in D. pulex exposed to tamoxifen. These results are currently the largest dataset from D. pulex that is published and the results of proteomic analyses are available for the scientific community. Among these 3940 proteins, 189 were significantly different from controls. After protein annotation, we assumed that treated daphnids with tamoxifen had shifted cost-energy functions, such as reproduction, to maintain their basic metabolism necessary to survive. This metabolic cost hypothesis was supported by the presence of proteins involved in oxidative stress. Biomarkers for early detection of tamoxifen harmful effects on D. pulex were not discovered but the proteins of the vitellogenin-2 family (E9H8K5) and the ryanodine receptor (E9FTU9) are promising potential biomarkers because their expression was already modified after 2 days of treatment. In this thesis, the effects of tamoxifen, 4OHTam and endoxifen on daphnids raise questions about the potential impact of tamoxifen and 4OHTam in other aquatic ecosystems, and therefore, about metabolites in ecotoxicology. Because the NOECs were environmentally relevant, these results suggest that tamoxifen and 4OHTam may be interesting pharmaceuticals to consider in risk assessment. Our findings also emphasize the importance of performing long-term experiments and of considering multi-endpoints instead of the standard reproductive endpoint. Finally, we open the discussion about the importance to measure test exposures or not, during ecotoxicological studies. -- Les milieux aquatiques sont exposés continuellement à un nombre croissant de substances chimiques, notamment les médicaments issus de la médecine vétérinaire et humaine. Chez les patients, les substances administrées sont utilisées par le corps avant d'être éliminées par l'intermédiaire des excrétas dans le système d'eaux usées de la ville. Ces eaux rejoignent ensuite une station de traitement afin d'y éliminer les déchets. Dans le cas des molécules chimiques, il arrive que les processus de traitement d'eaux usées ne soient pas suffisamment efficaces et que ces molécules ne soient pas dégradées. Elles sont alors libérées dans le milieu aquatique avec les effluents de la station d'épuration. Une fois dans l'environnement, ces résidus de médicaments sont susceptibles d'induire des effets sur la faune et la flore aquatique, dont les conséquences à long terme et à faibles concentrations sont peu connues. Les anticancéreux sont une famille de médicaments qui peuvent échapper aux traitements des stations d'épuration et qui sont retrouvées dans le milieu aquatique naturel. Parmi ces substances, le tamoxifen est une molécule utilisée dans le monde entier pour prévenir et traiter les cancers hormonaux dépendant du sein, notamment. Une fois ingéré, le tamoxifen est transformé par le foie en métabolites dont deux d'entre eux, le 4-hydroxy-tamoxifen (4OHTam) et l'endoxifen, possèdent un affinité pour les récepteurs aux estrogènes et une efficacité sur les cellules tumorales supérieure au tamoxifen lui- même. Tout comme la molécule mère, ces métabolites sont principalement éliminés par l'intermédiaire des fèces. Le tamoxifen a déjà été mesuré dans les effluents de stations d'épuration et dans les eaux naturelles, mais aucune valeur n'a été reportée pour ses métabolites jusqu'à présent. Un autre anticancéreux, également éliminé par voie biliaire et susceptible d'atteindre l'environnement, est l'imatinib. Cette récente molécule a révolutionné le traitement et la survie des patients souffrant de leucémie myéloïde chronique et de tumeur stromales gastrointestinales. Les effets du tamoxifen et de l'imatinib sur plusieurs générations d'organismes aquatiques, tels que les microcrustacés Daphnia, sont inconnus et le 4OHTam et l'endoxifen n'ont même jamais été testés en écotoxicologie. Cette thèse s'est articulée autour de trois objectifs principaux. Premièrement, la sensibilité des D. pulex exposés au tamoxifen, 4OHTam, endoxifen et imatinib a été évaluée par l'intermédiaire de tests aigus et de tests sur deux à quatre générations. La mobilité, la taille, la reproduction, la viabilité et la croissance potentielle de la population ont été relevées au cours de ces expériences. Des tests supplémentaires, à but prospectifs, ont également été réalisés afin d'évaluer 1) la capacité de récupération des daphnies, lorsque leurs descendants ont été placés dans un milieu exempté de tamoxifen ou de 4OHTam, 2) les effets chez les daphnies exposées à une solution contenant de faibles concentration de tamoxifen et de 4OHTam mélangés. Le deuxième objectif a été d'évaluer la stabilité du tamoxifen, 4OHTam et endoxifen dilué dans le milieu des daphnies. Après analyses, les concentrations mesurées ne correspondaient pas aux concentrations nominales (c.-à-d., théoriques) et il a été nécessaire de développer une méthode efficace de prédiction des niveaux d'exposition lors de tests de longue durée réalisés avec ces trois molécules. Finalement, des changements dans l'expression des protéines chez des daphnies exposées au tamoxifen ont été investigués par l'intermédiaire d'expériences écotoxicoprotéomiques avec une approche dite de shot-gun avec une étape de fractionnement des protéines. Les résultats obtenus dans cette thèse montrent que le tamoxifen, le 4OHTam et l'endoxifen induisent des effets indésirables chez les daphnies à des niveaux d'exposition proches ou identiques aux concentrations du tamoxifen mesurées dans l'environnement, c'est-à-dire 0.12 et 0.67 µg/L de tamoxifen. Ces molécules ont induit des effets inhabituels tels que la production de : nouveau-nés anormaux, avec des antennes et des queues déformées, des prématurés et des oeufs avortés. Le tamoxifen fut la molécule la plus toxique pour les D. pulex suivie du 4OHTam, de l'endoxifen et enfin de l'imatinib. Lors des expériences sur plusieurs générations, les concentrations n'ayant statistiquement pas d'effet (c.à.d. NOEC en anglais) sur la taille, la reproduction et la croissance intrinsèque de la population étaient du même ordre de grandeur que les concentrations environnementales du tamoxifen. Par exemple, les NOECs du tamoxifen calculées pour la reproduction étaient de 0.67 et 0.72 µg/L, tandis que celle calculée sur la base des anomalies chez les nouveau-nés était < 0.15 µg/L. Les NOECs du 4OHTam se situaient entre 0.16 et 1.48 µg/L et celles de l'endoxifen pour la croissance intrinsèque de la population, ainsi que pour la reproduction, étaient de 0.4 et 4.3 µg/L, respectivement. Dans l'expérience basée sur la récupération des daphnies, la taille et la reproduction ont diminué bien que la descendance fût placée dans un milieu sans substances chimiques. Les daphnies exposées au mélange de tamoxifen et de 4OHTam ont produit moins de nouveau-nés que les contrôles, alors que ces concentrations n'ont pas induit d'effets lorsque testées individuellement. Finalement, l'imatinib n'a pas montré d'effets sur les deux générations testées. Seule la première génération exposée à la plus haute concentration (626 µg/L) a montré une diminution de la reproduction. Les résultats obtenus lors de l'évaluation de la stabilité du tamoxifen, 4OHTam et endoxifen dans le milieu des daphnies ont souligné l'importance d'utiliser des concentrations mesurées ou prédites en écotoxicologie. En effet, des différences notables entre concentrations nominales et mesurées ont été observées à toutes les concentrations et l'hypothèse d'un phénomène d'adsorption sur le verre des récipients a été posée. De ce fait, il a été nécessaire d'élaborer une méthode prédictive efficace et acceptable, en terme de temps et de coûts. Une régression polynomiale basée sur des concentrations mesurées et nominales a permis de prédire avec efficacité les faibles niveaux d'exposition utilisés lors d'expériences écotoxicologiques à long terme, sur plusieurs générations. Suite aux expériences d'écotoxicoprotéomiques, un total de 3940 protéines ont été identifiées et quantifiées chez des daphnies exposées au tamoxifen. Ce nombre est actuellement la plus large série de données publiées et mises à disposition pour la communauté scientifique. Parmi ces protéines, 189 sont significatives et possiblement reliées à des processus de reproduction et de stress. Sur cette base, nous avons émis l'hypothèse que les individus subissant un stress, lié à l'exposition au tamoxifen, ont utilisé leur énergie de base pour favoriser leur survie plutôt que la reproduction. Enfin, la détermination de bio-marqueurs exprimant des dommages précoces des daphnies exposées au tamoxifen n'a pas abouti en tant que telle, mais des protéines prometteuses, telle que la famille de viellogenin-2 (E9H8K5) et le récepteur à la ryanodine (E9FTU9), ont été exprimées après deux jours d'exposition déjà. Ces protéines pourraient faire l'objet d'investigations écotoxicoprotéomiques futures. Les résultats de cette thèse posent certaines questions quant au risque du tamoxifen, du 4OHTam et de l'endoxifen sur la faune et la flore aquatique et plus particulièrement sur les anticancéreux présents dans l'environnement. Les effets toxiques de ces molécules ont été observés à des concentrations environnementales et sur plusieurs générations. La question de considérer les métabolites, et ainsi les pro-médicaments, en écotoxicologie est soulevée, notamment parce que ces molécules peuvent être plus actives et efficaces que la molécule mère. Les expériences chroniques, sur plusieurs générations sont également à favoriser car elles offrent un meilleur reflet de la réalité environnementale que des essais aigus ou d'une génération. L'utilisation de la protéomique permet d'agrandir les connaissances sur les effets des médicaments à un niveau inférieur de l'organisation biologique et ainsi, de mieux comprendre de potentiels mécanismes d'action ou de déterminer de potentiels biomarqueurs. Finalement, il semble important de discuter de l'opportunité de mesurer les concentrations qui sont testées en écotoxicologie afin de ne pas sous-estimer le risque pour la faune et la flore aquatique.


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We have used surface-based electrical resistivity tomography to detect and characterize preferential hydraulic pathways in the immediate downstream area of an abandoned, hazardous landfill. The landfill occupies the void left by a former gravel pit and its base is close to the groundwater table and lacking an engineered barrier. As such, this site is remarkably typical of many small- to medium-sized waste deposits throughout the densely populated and heavily industrialized foreland on both sides of the Alpine arc. Outflows of pollutants lastingly contaminated local drinking water supplies and necessitated a partial remediation in the form of a synthetic cover barrier, which is meant to prevent meteoric water from percolating through the waste before reaching the groundwater table. Any future additional isolation of the landfill in the form of lateral barriers thus requires adequate knowledge of potential preferential hydraulic pathways for outflowing contaminants. Our results, inferred from a suite of tomographically inverted surfaced-based electrical resistivity profiles oriented roughly perpendicular to the local hydraulic gradient, indicate that potential contaminant outflows would predominantly occur along an unexploited lateral extension of the original gravel deposit. This finds its expression as a distinct and laterally continuous high-resistivity anomaly in the resistivity tomograms. This interpretation is ground-truthed through a litholog from a nearby well. Since the probed glacio-fluvial deposits are largely devoid of mineralogical clay, the geometry of hydraulic and electrical pathways across the pore space of a given lithological unit can be assumed to be identical, which allows for an order-of-magnitude estimation of the overall permeability structure. These estimates indicate that the permeability of the imaged extension of the gravel body is at least two to three orders-of-magnitude higher than that of its finer-grained embedding matrix. This corroborates the preeminent role of the high-resistivity anomaly as a potential preferential flow path.


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We present a new lab-on-a-chip system for electrophysiological measurements on Xenopus oocytes. Xenopus oocytes are widely used host cells in the field of pharmacological studies and drug development. We developed a novel non-invasive technique using immobilized non-devitellinized cells that replaces the traditional "two-electrode voltage-clamp" (TEVC) method. In particular, rapid fluidic exchange was implemented on-chip to allow recording of fast kinetic events of exogenous ion channels expressed in the cell membrane. Reducing fluidic exchange times of extracellular reagent solutions is a great challenge with these large millimetre-sized cells. Fluidic switching is obtained by shifting the laminar flow interface in a perfusion channel under the cell by means of integrated poly-dimethylsiloxane (PDMS) microvalves. Reagent solution exchange times down to 20 ms have been achieved. An on-chip purging system allows to perform complex pharmacological protocols, making the system suitable for screening of ion channel ligand libraries. The performance of the integrated rapid fluidic exchange system was demonstrated by investigating the self-inhibition of human epithelial sodium channels (ENaC). Our results show that the response time of this ion channel to a specific reactant is about an order of magnitude faster than could be estimated with the traditional TEVC technique.


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New biostratigraphic data significantly improve the age assignment of the Ladinian succession of Monte San Giorgio (UNESCO World Heritage List site, Southern Alps, Switzerland), whose world-famous fossil marine vertebrate faunas are now dated to the substage and zone levels. High-resolution single-zircon U-Pb dating was performed using ID-TIMS and chemical abrasion (CA) pre-treatment technique on volcanic ash layers intercalated in the biostratigraphically-defined intervals of the Meride Limestone. It yielded ages of 241.07 +/- 0.13 Ma (Cava superiore beds, P. gredleri Zone), 240.63 +/- 0.13 Ma (Cassina beds, P gredleri/P. archelaus transition Zone) and 239.51 +/- 0.15 Ma (Lower Kalkschieferzone, P. archelaus Zone). Our results suggest that the time interval including the vertebrate-bearing Middle Triassic section spans around 4 Myr and is thus significantly shorter than so far assumed. The San Giorgio Dolomite and the Meride Limestone correlate with intervals of the Buchenstein Formation and the Wengen Formation in the reference section at Bagolino, where the Global boundary Stratotype Section and Point (GSSP) for the base of the Ladinian was defined. The new radio-isotopic ages of the Meride Limestone are up to 2 Myr older than those published for the biostratigraphically-equivalent intervals at Bagolino but they are consistent with the recent re-dating of the underlying Besano Formation, also performed using the CA technique. Average sedimentation rates at Monte San Giorgio are by more than an order of magnitude higher compared to those assumed for the Buchenstein Formation, which formed under sediment-starved pelagic conditions, and reflect prevailing high subsidence and high carbonate mud supply from the adjoining Salvatore/Esino platforms. Finally, the high-resolution U-Pb ages allow a correlation of the vertebrate faunas of the Cava superiore/Cava inferiore beds with the marine vertebrate record of the Prosanto Formation (Upper Austroalpine), so far precluded by the poor biostratigraphic control of the latter.


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The relaxivity of commercially available gadolinium (Gd)-based contrast agents was studied for X-nuclei resonances with long intrinsic relaxation times ranging from 6 s to several hundred seconds. Omniscan in pure 13C formic acid had a relaxivity of 2.9 mM(-1) s(-1), whereas its relaxivity on glutamate C1 and C5 in aqueous solution was approximately 0.5 mM(-1) s(-1). Both relaxivities allow the preparation of solutions with a predetermined short T1 and suggest that in vitro substantial sensitivity gains in their measurement can be achieved. 6Li has a long intrinsic relaxation time, on the order of several minutes, which was strongly affected by the contrast agents. Relaxivity ranged from approximately 0.1 mM(-1) s(-1) for Omniscan to 0.3 for Magnevist, whereas the relaxivity of Gd-DOTP was at 11 mM(-1) s(-1), which is two orders of magnitude higher. Overall, these experiments suggest that the presence of 0.1- to 10-microM contrast agents should be detectable, provided sufficient sensitivity is available, such as that afforded by hyperpolarization, recently introduced to in vivo imaging.


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AIM: Specific factors responsible for interindividual variability should be identified and their contribution quantified to improve the usefulness of biological monitoring. Among others, age is an easily identifiable determinant, which could play an important impact on biological variability. MATERIALS AND METHODS: A compartmental toxicokinetic model developed in previous studies for a series of metallic and organic compounds was applied to the description of age differences. Young male physiological and metabolic parameters, based on Reference Man information, were taken from preceding studies and were modified to take into account age based on available information about age differences. RESULTS: Numerical simulation using the kinetic model with the modified parameters indicates in some cases important differences due to age. The expected changes are mostly of the order of 10-20%, but differences up to 50% were observed in some cases. CONCLUSION: These differences appear to depend on the chemical and on the biological entity considered. Further work should be done to improve our estimates of these parameters, by considering for example uncertainty and variability in these parameters. [Authors]


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RÉSUMÉ Introduction L'effet des agents myorelaxants ainsi que des anticholinestérases sur la profondeur d'anesthésie a été étudié avec des résultats contradictoires. C'est pourquoi nous avons évalué l'effet de l'atracurium et de la néostigmine sur le BIS (bispectral index) ainsi que sur les potentiels auditives évoqués (middle-latency auditory evoked potentials, A-Line® autoregressive index [AAI]). Méthodes Après avoir obtenu l'accord du comité d'éthique local, nous avons étudié 40 patients ayant donné leur consentement écrit, ASA I-II, âgé de 18-69 ans. L'anesthésie générale a consisté en anesthésie intra-veineuse à objectif de concentration avec du propofol et du remifentanil. La fonction de la jonction neuromusculaire était monitorée en continu au moyen d'un électromyographe. Le BIS et l'AAI ont été enregistrés en continu. Après avoir atteint des valeurs stables au niveau du BIS, les patients ont été attribués à deux groupes par randomisation. Les patients du groupe 1 ont reçu 0.4 mg kg-1 d'atracurium et 5 minutes plus tard le même volume de NaCI 0.9%, dans le groupe 2 la séquence d'injection était inversée, le NaCI 0.9% en premier et l'atracurium en deuxième. Au moment où le premier « twitch » d'un train de quatre atteignait 10% de l'intensité avant la relaxation, les patients ont été randomisés une deuxième fois. Les patients du groupe N ont reçu 0.04 mg kg-1 de néostigmine et 0.01 rn9 kg-1 de glycopyrrolate alors que le groupe contrôle (G) ne recevait que 0.01 mg kg-] de glycopyrrolate. Résultats : L 'injection d'atracurium ou de NaCI 0.9% n'a pas eu d'effet sur le BIS ou l'AAI. Après l'injection de néostigmine avec glycopyrrolate, le BIS et I `AAI a augmenté de manière significative (changement maximal moyen du BIS 7.1 ± 7.5, P< 0.001, de l'AAI 9.7 ± 10.5, P< 0.001). Suite à l'injection de glycopyrrolate seule, le BIS et l'AAI a augmenté également (changement maximal moyen du BIS 2.2 ± 3.4, P< 0.008, de l'AAI 3.5 ± 5.7, P< 0.012), mais cette augmentation était significativement moins importante que dans le groupe N (P< 0.012 pour le BIS, P< 0.027 pour l'AAI). Conclusion Ces résultats laissent supposer que la néostigmine peut altérer la profondeur de l'anesthésie. La diminution de la profondeur d'anesthésie enregistrée par le BIS et l'AAI correspond probablement à une réapparition brusque d'une stimulation centrale liée à la proprioception. Au contraire, lors de la curarisation, le tonus musculaire diminue de manière beaucoup plus progressive, pouvant ainsi expliquer l'absence d'effet sur la profondeur d'anesthésie. ABSTRACT Background. Conflicting effects of neuromuscular blocking drugs and anticholinesterases on depth of anaesthesia have been reported. Therefore we evaluated the effect of atracurium and neostigmine on bispectral index (BIS) and middle-latency auditory evoked potentials (AAI). Methods. We studied 40 patients (ASA I-II) aged 18-69 yr. General anaesthesia consisted of propofol and remifentanil by target-controlled infusion and neuromuscular function was monitored by electromyography. When BIS reached stable values, patients were randomly assigned to one of two groups. Group I received atracurium 0.4 mg kg-1 and, 5 min later, the same volume of NaCl 0.9%; group 2 received saline first and then atracurium. When the first twitch of a train of four reached 10% of control intensity, patients were again randomized: one group (N) received neostigmine 0.04 mg kg-1 and glycopyrrolate 0.01 mg kg-1, and the control group (G) received only glycopyrrolate. Results. Injection of atracurium or NaCl 0.9% had no effect on BIS or AAI. After neostigmine¬glycopyrrolate, BIS and AAI increased significantly (mean maximal change of BIS 7.1 [SD 7.5], P<0.001; mean maximal change of AAI 9.7 [10.5], P<0.001). When glycopyrrolate was injected alone BIS and AAI also increased (mean maximal change of BIS 2.2 [3.4], P=0.008; mean maximal change of AAI 3.5 [5.7], P=0.012), but this increase was significantly less than in group N (P=0.012 for BIS; P=0.027 for AAI). Conclusion. These data suggest that neostigmine alters the state of propofol-remifentanil anaesthesia and may enhance recovery.


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Depth-dose curves in LiF detectors of different effective thicknesses, together with their responses, were calculated for typical nuclear medicine radiation fields with 99mTc, 18F and 90Y sources. Responses were analysed in function of the radionuclide, detector effective thickness and irradiation geometry. On the other hand the results of the nuclear medicine measurement campaign of the ORAMED project were presented focussing on the dose distribution across the hand and on the appropriate position to wear the dosimeter.According to the results, thin LiF detectors provide better responses in all cases. Its use is essential for 18F, since thick dosimeters can underestimate Hp(0.07) up to a 50% because of the very inhomogeneous dose deposition on the active layer. The preliminary results of the measurement campaign showed that the index tip of the non-dominant hand is usually the most exposed position among the 22 monitored positions. It was also found that, in average, wrist dosimeters are likely to underestimate the maximum skin dose by a factor of the order of 20. This factor is reduced to around 6 for a ring dosimeter worn on the base of the index of the non-dominant hand. Thus, for typical nuclear medicine procedures, the base of the index of the non-dominant hand is recommended as the best monitoring option.


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Résumé La structure, ou l'architecture, des êtres vivants définit le cadre dans lequel la physique de la vie s'accomplit. La connaissance de cette structure dans ses moindres détails est un but essentiel de la biologie. Son étude est toutefois entravée par des limitations techniques. Malgré son potentiel théorique, la microscopie électronique n'atteint pas une résolution atomique lorsqu'elle est appliquée ä la matièxe biologique. Cela est dû en grande partie au fait qu'elle contient beaucoup d'eau qui ne résiste pas au vide du microscope. Elle doit donc être déshydratée avant d'être introduite dans un microscope conventionnel. Des artéfacts d'agrégation en découlent inévitablement. La cryo-microscopie électronique des sections vitreuses (CEMOVIS) a ëté développée afin de résoudre cela. Les spécimens sont vitrifiés, c.-à-d. que leur eau est immobilisée sans cristalliser par le froid. Ils sont ensuite coupés en sections ultrafines et celles-ci sont observées à basse température. Les spécimens sont donc observés sous forme hydratée et non fixée; ils sont proches de leur état natif. Durant longtemps, CEMOVIS était très difficile à exécuter mais ce n'est plus le cas. Durant cette thèse, CEMOVIS a été appliqué à différents spécimens. La synapse du système nerveux central a été étudiée. La présence dans la fente synaptique d'une forte densité de molécules organisées de manière périodique a été démontrée. Des particules luminales ont été trouvées dans Ies microtubules cérébraux. Les microtubules ont servi d'objets-test et ont permis de démontrer que des détails moléculaires de l'ordre du nm sont préservés. La compréhension de la structure de l'enveloppe cellulaire des bactéries Grampositives aété améliorée. Nos observations ont abouti à l'élaboration d'un nouveau modèle hypothétique de la synthèse de la paroi. Nous avons aussi focalisé notre attention sur le nucléoïde bactérien et cela a suscité un modèle de la fonction des différents états structuraux du nucléoïde. En conclusion, cette thèse a démontré que CEMOVIS est une excellente méthode poux étudier la structure d'échantillons biologiques à haute résolution. L'étude de la structure de divers aspects des êtres vivants a évoqué des hypothèses quant à la compréhension de leur fonctionnement. Summary The structure, or the architecture, of living beings defines the framework in which the physics of life takes place. Understanding it in its finest details is an essential goal of biology. Its study is however hampered by technical limitations. Despite its theoretical potential, electron microscopy cannot resolve individual atoms in biological matter. This is in great part due to the fact. that it contains a lot of water that cannot stand the vacuum of the microscope. It must therefore be dehydrated before being introduced in a conventional mìcroscope. Aggregation artefacts unavoidably happen. Cryo-electron microscopy of vitreous sections (CEMOVIS) has been developed to solve this problem. Specimens are vitrified, i.e. they are rapidly cooled and their water is immobilised without crystallising by the cold. They are then. sectioned in ultrathin slices, which are observed at low temperatures. Specimens are therefore observed in hydrated and unfixed form; they are close to their native state. For a long time, CEMOVIS was extremely tedious but this is not the case anymore. During this thesis, CEMOVIS was applied to different specimens. Synapse of central nervous system was studied. A high density of periodically-organised molecules was shown in the synaptic cleft. Luminal particles were found in brain microtubules. Microtubules, used as test specimen, permitted to demonstrate that molecular details of the order of nm .are preserved. The understanding of the structure of cell envelope of Gram-positive bacteria was improved. Our observations led to the elaboration of a new hypothetic model of cell wall synthesis. We also focused our attention on bacterial nucleoids and this also gave rise to a functional model of nucleoid structural states. In conclusion, this thesis demonstrated that CEMOVIS is an excellent method for studying the structure of bìologìcal specimens at high resolution. The study of the structure of various aspects of living beings evoked hypothesis for their functioning.


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Various site-specific recombination enzymes produce different types of knots or catenanes while acting on circular DNA in vitro and in vivo. By analysing the types of knots or links produced, it is possible to reconstruct the order of events during the reaction and to deduce the molecular "architecture" of the complexes that different enzymes form with DNA. Until recently it was necessary to use laborious electron microscopy methods to identify the types of knots or catenanes that migrate in different bands on the agarose gels used to analyse the products of the reaction. We reported recently that electrophoretic migration of different knots and catenanes formed on the same size DNA molecules is simply related to the average crossing number of the ideal representations of the corresponding knots and catenanes. Here we explain this relation by demonstrating that the expected sedimentation coefficient of randomly fluctuating knotted or catenated DNA molecules in solution shows approximately linear correlation with the average crossing number of ideal configurations of the corresponding knots or catenanes.


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Involuntary choreiform movements are a clinical hallmark of Huntington's disease. Studies in clinically affected patients suggest a shift of motor activations to parietal cortices in response to progressive neurodegeneration. Here, we studied pre-symptomatic gene carriers to examine the compensatory mechanisms that underlie the phenomenon of retained motor function in the presence of degenerative change. Fifteen pre-symptomatic gene carriers and 12 matched controls performed button presses paced by a metronome at either 0.5 or 2 Hz with four fingers of the right hand whilst being scanned with functional magnetic resonance imaging. Subjects pressed buttons either in the order of a previously learnt 10-item finger sequence, from left to right, or kept still. Error rates ranged from 2% to 7% in the pre-symptomatic gene carriers and from 0.5% to 4% in controls, depending on the condition. No significant difference in task performance was found between groups for any of the conditions. Activations in the supplementary motor area (SMA) and superior parietal lobe differed with gene status. Compared with healthy controls, gene carriers showed greater activations of left caudal SMA with all movement conditions. Activations correlated with increasing speed of movement were greater the closer the gene carriers were to estimated clinical diagnosis, defined by the onset of unequivocal motor signs. Activations associated with increased movement complexity (i.e. with the pre-learnt 10-item sequence) decreased in the rostral SMA with nearing diagnostic onset. The left superior parietal lobe showed reduced activation with increased movement complexity in gene carriers compared with controls, and in the right superior parietal lobe showed greater activations with all but the most demanding movements. We identified a complex pattern of motor compensation in pre-symptomatic gene carriers. The results show that preclinical compensation goes beyond a simple shift of activity from premotor to parietal regions involving multiple compensatory mechanisms in executive and cognitive motor areas. Critically, the pattern of motor compensation is flexible depending on the actual task demands on motor control.


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Human biomonitoring is a widely used method in the assessment of occupational exposure to chemical substances and recommended biological limits are published periodically for interpretation and decision-making. However, it is increasingly recognized that a large variability is associated with biological monitoring, making interpretation less efficient than assumed. In order to improve the applicability of biological monitoring, specific factors responsible for this variability should be identified and their contribution quantified. Among these factors, age and sex are easily identifiable, and present knowledge about pharmaceutical chemicals suggests that they play an important role on the toxicokinetics of occupational chemical agents, and therefore on the biological monitoring results.The aim of the present research project was to assess the influence of age and sex on biological indicators corresponding to organic solvents. This has been done experimentally and by toxicokinetic computer simulation. Another purpose was to explore the effect of selected CYP2E1 polymorphisms on the toxicokinetic profile.Age differences were identified by numerical simulations using a general toxicokinetic model from a previous study which was applied to 14 chemicals, representing 21 specific biological entities, with, among others, toluene, phenol, lead and mercury. These models were runn with the modified parameters, indicating in some cases important differences due to age. The expected changes are mostly of the order of 10-20 %, but differences up to 50 % were observed in some cases. These differences appear to depend on the chemical and on the biological entity considered.Sex differences were quantified by controlled human exposures, which were carried out in a 12 m3 exposure chamber for three organic solvents separately: methyl ethyl ketone, 1-methoxy-2-propanol and 1,1,1-trichloroethane. The human volunteer groups were composed 12 of ten young men and fifteen young women, the latter subdivided into those with and without hormonal contraceptive. They were exposed during six hours at rest and at half of the threshold limit value. The kinetics of the parent compounds (organic volatiles) and their metabolite(s) were followed in blood, urine and expired air over time. Analyses of the solvent and their metabolites were performed by using headspace gas chromatography, CYP2E1 genotypes by using PCR-based RFLP methods. Experimental data were used to calibrate the toxicokinetic models developed for the three solvents. The results obtained for the different biomarkers of exposure mainly showed an effect on the urinary levels of several biomarkers among women due to the use of hormonal contraceptive, with an increase of about 50 % in the metabolism rate. The results also showed a difference due to the genotype CYP2E1*6, when exposed to methyl ethyl ketone, with a tendency to increase CYP2E1 activity when volunteers were carriers of the mutant allele. Simulations showed that it is possible to use simple toxicokinetic tools in order to predict internal exposure when exposed to organic solvents. Our study suggests that not only physiological differences but also exogenous sex hormones could influence CYP2E1 enzyme activity. The variability among the urinary biological indicators levels gives evidence of an interindividual susceptibility, an aspect that should have its place in the approaches for setting limits of occupational exposure.


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Photodynamic therapy (PDT) with Visudyne acts by direct cellular phototoxicity and/or by an indirect vascular-mediated effect. Here, we demonstrate that the vessel integrity interruption by PDT can promote the extravasation of a macromolecular agent in normal tissue. To obtain extravasation in normal tissue PDT conditions were one order of magnitude more intensive than the ones in tissue containing neovessels reported in the literature. Fluorescein isothiocyanate dextran (FITC-D, 2000 kDa), a macromolecular agent, was intravenously injected 10 min before (LK0 group, n=14) or 2h (LK2 group, n=16) after Visudyne-mediated PDT in nude mice bearing a dorsal skin fold chamber. Control animals had no PDT (CTRL group, n=8). The extravasation of FITC-D from blood vessels in striated muscle tissue was observed in both groups in real-time for up to 2500 s after injection. We also monitored PDT-induced leukocyte rolling in vivo and assessed, by histology, the corresponding inflammatory reaction score in the dorsal skin fold chambers. In all animals, at the applied PDT conditions, FITC-D extravasation was significantly enhanced in the PDT-treated areas as compared to the surrounding non-treated areas (p<0.0001). There was no FITC-D leakage in the control animals. Animals from the LK0 group had significantly less FITC-D extravasation than those from the LK2 group (p=0.0002). In the LK0 group FITC-D leakage correlated significantly with the inflammation (p<0.001). At the selected conditions, Visudyne-mediated PDT promotes vascular leakage and FITC-D extravasation into the interstitial space of normal tissue. The intensity of vascular leakage depends on the time interval between PDT and FITC-D injection. This concept could be used to locally modulate the delivery of macromolecules in vivo.