132 resultados para Nucleolus Organizer Region
OBJECTIVE: To assess age- and nationality-specific trends in abortion rates over the last decade, and to describe women's characteristics, identifying risk factors for repeated abortion. METHODS: From 1990-1999, the Health Department of Canton Vaud (Switzerland) received 13'857 abortion requests from residents aged 14-49. Population data were obtained to compute rates. RESULTS: Both the number of abortions (1400 annually) as well as their rate (8.9 per thousand women [95% confidence interval (CI) 7.3-10.5]) were stable over the decade in question. The rate of abortion for foreign women, especially from ex-Yugoslavia and Africa, was twice that for Swiss women. Half of the requests came from single women, 43% had a low education level, and half were childless. The main reason for requesting termination of pregnancy was psychosocial (93%). The mean gestational age was 7.7 weeks (SD +/- 2.3), but 96% of requests were submitted before 12 weeks. Sixty-three percent of women reported that they had used no contraception, 36% the condom and 17% the pill. Among requests, the adjusted risk of repeated abortion (22% of abortion candidates) was greater among divorced/separated/widowed women (odds ratio [OR] 1.9 [95% CI 1.5-2.4]), unemployed women (OR 1.8 [95% CI 1.5-2.1]), and those who had not attended university (OR 1.6 [95% CI 1.1-2.2]). CONCLUSIONS: Although Swiss law only permitted abortion under strict conditions, this procedure was widely available in Vaud, which nevertheless has one of the lowest rates worldwide. Efforts must be intensified to ensure universal access to family planning services, especially for foreign women and adolescents. Professionals should also target "repeaters" to provide personalised counselling.
The autosomal recessive form of type I pseudohypoaldosteronism (PHA-I) is an inherited salt-losing syndrome resulting from diminution-of-function mutations in the 3 subunits of the epithelial Na+ channel (ENaC). A PHA-I stop mutation (alpha(R508stop)) of the ENaC alpha subunit is predicted to lack the second transmembrane domain and the intracellular COOH-terminus, regions of the protein involved in pore function. Nonetheless, we observed a measurable Na+ current in Xenopus laevis oocytes that coexpress the beta and gamma subunits with the truncated alpha subunit. The mutant alpha was coassembled with beta and gamma subunits and was present at the cell surface at a lower density, consistent with the lower Na+ current seen in oocytes with the truncated alpha subunit. The single-channel Na+ conductance for the mutant channel was only slightly decreased, and the appearance of the macroscopic currents was delayed by 48 hours with respect to wild-type. Our data suggest novel roles for the alpha subunit in the assembly and targeting of an active channel to the cell surface, and suggest that channel pores consisting of only the beta and gamma subunits can provide significant residual activity. This activity may be sufficient to explain the absence of a severe pulmonary phenotype in patients with PHA-I.
This paper addresses the migration behaviours of young university graduates from a rural region in Switzerland. Based on a questionnaire survey, it compares graduates' current place of residence (i.e. whether or not they returned to their home region) with characteristics related to their socio-familial, migration and professional trajectories. The propensity to return varies not only according to labour market variables (employment opportunities), but also to other factors, some of which have even more influence than job opportunities. The graduates' life course position (kind of household), their partners' characteristics (level of education and home region) and their family background (socio-economic status and history of migration) all play a central role. On the whole, results show that migration appears as a selective and complex process embedded in the life course of graduates.
Little is known about the relation between the genome organization and gene expression in Leishmania. Bioinformatic analysis can be used to predict genes and find homologies with known proteins. A model was proposed, in which genes are organized into large clusters and transcribed from only one strand, in the form of large polycistronic primary transcripts. To verify the validity of this model, we studied gene expression at the transcriptional, post-transcriptional and translational levels in a unique locus of 34kb located on chr27 and represented by cosmid L979. Sequence analysis revealed 115 ORFs on either DNA strand. Using computer programs developed for Leishmania genes, only nine of these ORFs, localized on the same strand, were predicted to code for proteins, some of which show homologies with known proteins. Additionally, one pseudogene, was identified. We verified the biological relevance of these predictions. mRNAs from nine predicted genes and proteins from seven were detected. Nuclear run-on analyses confirmed that the top strand is transcribed by RNA polymerase II and suggested that there is no polymerase entry site. Low levels of transcription were detected in regions of the bottom strand and stable transcripts were identified for four ORFs on this strand not predicted to be protein-coding. In conclusion, the transcriptional organization of the Leishmania genome is complex, raising the possibility that computer predictions may not be comprehensive.
Olivine nephelinites commonly contain macrocrysts of olivine and clinopyroxene. Some of these macrocrysts might represent fragments of the source region of the host magma transported to the Earth surface. If this hypothesis is correct these fragments can be used to characterize the composition of the source region and to put constraints on the magma generation process. In this study, we investigate the origin of macrocrysts and mineral aggregates from an olivine nephelinite from the Kaiserstuhl, Germany. We focus on clinopyroxenes (Cpx), which can be divided into three groups. Cpx I is relict Cpx from aggregates with deformed olivine that is depleted in Ca and characterized by strong light rare earth element (LREE) fractionation, low Ti/Eu and negative high field strength element (HFSE) anomalies. Its geochemical signature is consistent with formation by carbonatite metasomatism and with equilibration in the Presence of orthopyroxene. Cpx II is Ca-rich Cpx, forming both aggregates with deformed olivine and individual macrocrysts. The LREE, as for Cpx I, are strongly fractionated. Convex REE patterns may be present. The depletion in HFSE is less pronounced. Cpx III is oscillatory zoned Cpx phenociysis showing enrichment in Ca, convex REE patterns and no HFSE anomalies. The transition in the trace element abundances between the Cpx of the three groups is gradual. However, Cpx I and H did not crystallize from the host magma, as demonstrated by the presence of kink-bands and undulose extinction in the associated olivine and by the composition of alkali aluminosilicate glass inclusions in Cpx H. Based on the Cpx relationships, we interpret the studied suite of macrocrysts and mineral aggregates as a mixture of disintegrated fragments of the source region of the host olivine nephelinite. The process of melt generation was multi-stage. A primary carbonatite melt ascending from deeper levels in the mantle, probably from the dolomite-garnet peridotite stability field, reacted with mantle peridotite along the solidus ledge in the system lherzolite-CO2 (< 20-22 kbar) and started to crystallize carbonate minerals. Because of its low solidus temperature, the resulting carbonate-wehrlite assemblage melted incongruently with the formation of additional clinopyroxene. The carbonatite melt evolved during crystallization of carbonate minerals and concomitant incongruent melting of the carbonate-wehrlite, accompanied by the segregation of incipient alkali aluminosilicate melts. As a consequence of fast reaction rates in the presence of a carbonatite melt, this process probably took place under disequilibrium conditions. Further melting of the assemblage wehrlite + alkali aluminosilicate melt led to the generation of the olivine nephelinite magma. It entrained fragments of the wehrlite and brought them to the surface.
In endoscopic sinus surgery, knowledge of the course of the internal ethmoida and orbital arteries is crucial.The maxillary and the internal carotid arteries of cadavers were injected with radio-opaque , red colorede silicone. The ethmoidal regions were perpared and plastinated using the standard S10 technique. On some specimens, the ophtalmic and ethmoidal arteries were dissected prior to plastination. The plastinated specimens of the ethmoidal blocks were successfullyintroduced into clinical teaching of sinus anatomy and surgery as an aid to study vaascularization an dits relationship to surgical procedures. Among the advantages of this method are the long-lasting preservation of dissected tissue, visualization of arteries during endoscopic and radiological examinations, and invaluable teachjing and training resources for endoscopic sinus surgery.
AIMS: This study aimed to estimate the prevalence of life-time abstainers, former drinkers and current drinkers, adult per-capita consumption of alcohol and pattern of drinking scores, by country and Global Burden of Disease region for 2005, and to forecast these indicators for 2010. DESIGN: Statistical modelling based on survey data and routine statistics. SETTING AND PARTICIPANTS: A total of 241 countries and territories. MEASUREMENTS: Per-capita consumption data were obtained with the help of the World Health Organization's Global Information System on Alcohol and Health. Drinking status data were obtained from Gender, Alcohol and Culture: An International Study, the STEPwise approach to Surveillance study, the World Health Survey/Multi-Country Study and other surveys. Consumption and drinking status data were triangulated to estimate alcohol consumption across multiple categories. FINDINGS: In 2005 adult per-capita annual consumption of alcohol was 6.1 litres, with 1.7 litres stemming from unrecorded consumption; 17.1 litres of alcohol were consumed per drinker, 45.8% of all adults were life-time abstainers, 13.6% were former drinkers and 40.6% were current drinkers. Life-time abstention was most prevalent in North Africa/Middle East and South Asia. Eastern Europe and Southern sub-Saharan Africa had the most detrimental pattern of drinking scores, while drinkers in Europe (Eastern and Central) and sub-Saharan Africa (Southern and West) consumed the most alcohol. CONCLUSIONS: Just over 40% of the world's adult population consumes alcohol and the average consumption per drinker is 17.1 litres per year. However, the prevalence of abstention, level of alcohol consumption and patterns of drinking vary widely across regions of the world.
Geological, hydrogeological and geochemical surveys were carried out in the Piedilago area (Ossola-Simplon region) in order to investigate the geothermal resources present in this area. Following these surface exploration efforts an exploratory geothermal well of 248 m was drilled in 1991. It discharges a thermal water with temperatures up to 43 degrees C and calcium (sodium) sulphate composition with a TDS close to 1350 mg/l. Chemical geothermometers suggest a reservoir temperature close to 45 degrees C indicating that the well virtually produces the pure uncooled thermal water. The Piedilago ex-ample is here considered as the departure point to establish both general criteria for further geothermal investigations in young mountains chains and taking into consideration all the available data on geology and fluid geochemistry of thermal systems in the Ossola-Simplon region, to constrain a geothermal model for the Lower Pennine Zone.
Deformation of the Circum-Rhodope Belt Mesozoic (Middle Triassic to earliest Lower Cretaceous) low-grade schists underneath an arc-related ophiolitic magmatic suite and associated sedimentary successions in the eastern Rhodope-Thrace region occurred as a two-episode tectonic process: (i) Late Jurassic deformation of arc to margin units resulting from the eastern Rhodope-Evros arc-Rhodope terrane continental margin collision and accretion to that margin, and (ii) Middle Eocene deformation related to the Tertiary crustal extension and final collision resulting in the closure of the Vardar ocean south of the Rhodope terrane. The first deformational event D-1 is expressed by Late Jurassic NW-N vergent fold generations and the main and subsidiary planar-linear structures. Although overprinting, these structural elements depict uniform bulk north-directed thrust kinematics and are geometrically compatible with the increments of progressive deformation that develops in same greenschist-facies metamorphic grade. It followed the Early-Middle Jurassic magmatic evolution of the eastern Rhodope-Evros arc established on the upper plate of the southward subducting Maliac-Meliata oceanic lithosphere that established the Vardar Ocean in a supra-subduction back-arc setting. This first event resulted in the thrust-related tectonic emplacement of the Mesozoic schists in a supra-crustal level onto the Rhodope continental margin. This Late Jurassic-Early Cretaceous tectonic event related to N-vergent Balkan orogeny is well-constrained by geochronological data and traced at a regional-scale within distinct units of the Carpatho-Balkan Belt. Following subduction reversal towards the north whereby the Vardar Ocean was subducted beneath the Rhodope margin by latest Cretaceous times, the low-grade schists aquired a new position in the upper plate, and hence, the Mesozoic schists are lacking the Cretaceous S-directed tectono-metamorphic episode whose effects are widespread in the underlying high-grade basement. The subduction of the remnant Vardar Ocean located behind the colliding arc since the middle Cretaceous was responsible for its ultimate closure, Early Tertiary collision with the Pelagonian block and extension in the region caused the extensional collapse related to the second deformational event D-2. This extensional episode was experienced passively by the Mesozoic schists located in the hanging wall of the extensional detachments in Eocene times. It resulted in NE-SW oriented open folds representing corrugation antiforms of the extensional detachment surfaces, brittle faulting and burial history beneath thick Eocene sediments as indicated by 42.1-39.7 Ma Ar-40/Ar-39 mica plateau ages obtained in the study. The results provide structural constraints for the involvement components of Jurassic paleo-subduction zone in a Late Jurassic arc-continental margin collisional history that contributed to accretion-related crustal growth of the Rhodope terrane. (C) 2011 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Objective: We assessed the awareness, treatment and control of hypertension in the Seychelles between 1989 and 2013. In the Seychelles, heath care is free to all inhabitants within a national health system, inclusive all hypertension medications. Design and method: Four surveys were conducted in 1989, 1994, 2004 and 2013 (Seychelles Heart Studies I, II, III and IV) in random samples of the population aged 25-64 (N >1000 and participation rate >75% in each sur acceptance of the program, though no objective index could be calculated. In total, 15% of device measurements were above high normal values and would correspond to either newly diagnosed HNT (second measurement required) or to poorly controlled known HTN. It should be stressed that 53 women without HTN who completed the questionnaire had abnormal BP values, including the 29 women who also contacted the research team. It could be speculated that approximately 2% of women would be first diagnosed with HTN following the completion of the initial phase of the screening program. Conclusions: Hypertension screening in the hair salon setting was proved to be conveniently applicable and well accepted both by owners and by customers and could lead to the new diagnosis of hypertension for 2% of the female clients. Further research is warranted to assess the effectiveness of the program.
BACKGROUND: For a long time now, glucose has been thought to be the main, if not the sole substrate for brain energy metabolism. Recent data nevertheless suggest that other molecules, such as monocarboxylates (lactate and pyruvate mainly) could be suitable substrates. Although monocarboxylates poorly cross the blood brain barrier (BBB), such substrates could replace glucose if produced locally.The two key enzymatiques systems required for the production of these monocarboxylates are lactate dehydrogenase (LDH; EC1.1.1.27) that catalyses the interconversion of lactate and pyruvate and the pyruvate dehydrogenase complex that irreversibly funnels pyruvate towards the mitochondrial TCA and oxydative phosphorylation. RESULTS: In this article, we show, with monoclonal antibodies applied to post-mortem human brain tissues, that the typically glycolytic isoenzyme of lactate dehydrogenase (LDH-5; also called LDHA or LDHM) is selectively present in astrocytes, and not in neurons, whereas pyruvate dehydrogenase (PDH) is mainly detected in neurons and barely in astrocytes. At the regional level, the distribution of the LDH-5 immunoreactive astrocytes is laminar and corresponds to regions of maximal 2-deoxyglucose uptake in the occipital cortex and hippocampus. In hippocampus, we observed that the distribution of the oxidative enzyme PDH was enriched in the neurons of the stratum pyramidale and stratum granulosum of CA1 through CA4, whereas the glycolytic enzyme LDH-5 was enriched in astrocytes of the stratum moleculare, the alveus and the white matter, revealing not only cellular, but also regional, selective distributions. The fact that LDH-5 immunoreactivity was high in astrocytes and occurred in regions where the highest uptake of 2-deoxyglucose was observed suggests that glucose uptake followed by lactate production may principally occur in these regions. CONCLUSION: These observations reveal a metabolic segregation, not only at the cellular but also at the regional level, that support the notion of metabolic compartmentalization between astrocytes and neurons, whereby lactate produced by astrocytes could be oxidized by neurons.
Introduction: Few studies have reported the distribution of all hospital admissions at the entire country level in low and middle-income countries (LMICs). We examined this question in Seychelles, a rapidly developing small island state in the Africa region, in which access to health care is provided free of charge to all inhabitants through a national health system and all hospital admissions are routinely registered. Methods: Based on all admissions to all hospitals in Seychelles in 2005-2008, we calculated the distribution of hospital admissions, age at admission, length of stay and bed occupancy (i.e. cumulated number of patients * number of days spent in all hospitals) according to both hospital departments and broad causes of diseases (using codes of the ICD-10 classification of diseases). Results: Bed occupancy was largest in the surgical wards (36.7% of all days spent in all hospitals), followed by the medical wards (24.3%), gynecology/obstetrics wards (18.4%), pediatric wards (11.2%), and psychiatric wards (7.2%). According to broad causes of diseases/conditions, bed occupancy was highest for obstetrics/gynecology conditions (19.9% of all days spent at hospital), mental diseases (8.6%), cardiovascular diseases (8.1%), upper aerodigestive/pulmonary diseases (8%), infectious/parasitic diseases (8%), gastrointestinal diseases (7.2%), and urogenital diseases (6.7%). Adjusted to 100'000 population, 153 hospital beds are needed every day, including 31 for obstetrics/gynecologic conditions, 13 for mental diseases, 12 for cardiovascular diseases, 12 for upper aerodigestive diseases, 12 for infectious/parasitic diseases, and 11 for gastrointestinal diseases. Conclusion: Our findings give a good indication of the overall distribution of admissions according to both hospital departments and broad causes of diseases in a middle-income country. These findings provide important information for health care planning at the national level
Introduction: Bioaerosols such as grain dust (GD) elicit direct immunological reactions within the human respiratory system. Workplace-dependent exposure to GD may induce asthma, chronic bronchitis, and hypersensitivity pneumonitis. Aims: To assess the clinical impact of occupational exposure to GD and to determine quantitative biological markers of bioaerosol exposure in grain workers. Methods: This longitudinal study has been conducted from summer 2012 to summer 2013, comprising 6 groups of 30 active workers with different GD exposure patterns (4 groups of grain workers, 2 control groups). Two evaluations at high- and low-exposing seasons take place, during which an occupational and a medical history are questionnaire-assessed, lung function is evaluated by spirometry, airway inflammation is measured by exhaled nitric oxide (eNO) and specific blood IgG and IgE are titrated. Results: The preliminary results are those of 2 of the 4 exposed groups, (harvesters and mill workers), compared to the control groups, at first assessment (n=100). Mean age is 38.4 [years]; 98% are male. Exposed groups differ from controls (p<0.05) in daily contact with animals (57% vs. 40%) and active smoking (39% vs. 11%). Grain workers have more respiratory (50%), nasal (57%), ocular (45%) and dermatologic (36%) occupational symptoms than controls (6.4%, 19%, 16%, 6.4% respectively, p<0.05). Lower mean peak-expiratory-flow (PEF) values (96.1 ± 18.9 vs. 108.2 ± 17.4 [% of predicted], p<0.05) and eNO values (13.9 ± 9.6 vs. 20.5 ± 14.7 [ppm], p<0.05) are observed in the exposed groups. Conclusion: Preliminary results show a higher prevalence of clinical symptoms and a lower mean PEF value in the groups exposed to GD.