100 resultados para Mobile home parks.
Background It has been hypothesized that children and adolescents might be more vulnerable to possible health effects from mobile phone exposure than adults. We investigated whether mobile phone use is associated with brain tumor risk among children and adolescents. Methods CEFALO is a multicenter case-control study conducted in Denmark, Sweden, Norway, and Switzerland that includes all children and adolescents aged 7-19 years who were diagnosed with a brain tumor between 2004 and 2008. We conducted interviews, in person, with 352 case patients (participation rate: 83%) and 646 control subjects (participation rate: 71%) and their parents. Control subjects were randomly selected from population registries and matched by age, sex, and geographical region. We asked about mobile phone use and included mobile phone operator records when available. Odds ratios (ORs) for brain tumor risk and 95% confidence intervals (CIs) were calculated using conditional logistic regression models. Results Regular users of mobile phones were not statistically significantly more likely to have been diagnosed with brain tumors compared with nonusers (OR = 1.36; 95% CI = 0.92 to 2.02). Children who started to use mobile phones at least 5 years ago were not at increased risk compared with those who had never regularly used mobile phones (OR = 1.26, 95% CI = 0.70 to 2.28). In a subset of study participants for whom operator recorded data were available, brain tumor risk was related to the time elapsed since the mobile phone subscription was started but not to amount of use. No increased risk of brain tumors was observed for brain areas receiving the highest amount of exposure. Conclusion The absence of an exposure-response relationship either in terms of the amount of mobile phone use or by localization of the brain tumor argues against a causal association.
BACKGROUND: Positional therapy that prevents patients from sleeping supine has been used for many years to manage positional obstructive sleep apnea (OSA). However, patients' usage at home and the long term efficacy of this therapy have never been objectively assessed.¦METHODS: Sixteen patients with positional OSA who refused or could not tolerate continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP) were enrolled after a test night study (T0) to test the efficacy of the positional therapy device. The patients who had a successful test night were instructed to use the device every night for three months. Nightly usage was monitored by an actigraphic recorder placed inside the positional device. A follow-up night study (T3) was performed after three months of positional therapy.¦RESULTS: Patients used the device on average 73.7 ± 29.3% (mean ± SD) of the nights for 8.0 ± 2.0 h/night. 10/16 patients used the device more than 80% of the nights. Compared to the baseline (diagnostic) night, mean apnea-hypopnea index (AHI) decreased from 26.7 ± 17.5 to 6.0 ± 3.4 with the positional device (p<0.0001) during T0 night. Oxygen desaturation (3%) index also fell from 18.4 ± 11.1 to 7.1 ± 5.7 (p = 0.001). Time spent supine fell from 42.8 ± 26.2% to 5.8 ± 7.2% (p < 0.0001). At three months (T3), the benefits persisted with no difference in AHI (p = 0.58) or in time spent supine (p = 0.98) compared to T0 night. The Epworth sleepiness scale showed a significant decrease from 9.4 ± 4.5 to 6.6 ± 4.7 (p = 0.02) after three months.¦CONCLUSIONS: Selected patients with positional OSA can be effectively treated by a positional therapy with an objective compliance of 73.7% of the nights and a persistent efficacy after three months.
A mobile ad hoc network (MANET) is a decentralized and infrastructure-less network. This thesis aims to provide support at the system-level for developers of applications or protocols in such networks. To do this, we propose contributions in both the algorithmic realm and in the practical realm. In the algorithmic realm, we contribute to the field by proposing different context-aware broadcast and multicast algorithms in MANETs, namely six-shot broadcast, six-shot multicast, PLAN-B and ageneric algorithmic approach to optimize the power consumption of existing algorithms. For each algorithm we propose, we compare it to existing algorithms that are either probabilistic or context-aware, and then we evaluate their performance based on simulations. We demonstrate that in some cases, context-aware information, such as location or signal-strength, can improve the effciency. In the practical realm, we propose a testbed framework, namely ManetLab, to implement and to deploy MANET-specific protocols, and to evaluate their performance. This testbed framework aims to increase the accuracy of performance evaluation compared to simulations, while keeping the ease of use offered by the simulators to reproduce a performance evaluation. By evaluating the performance of different probabilistic algorithms with ManetLab, we observe that both simulations and testbeds should be used in a complementary way. In addition to the above original contributions, we also provide two surveys about system-level support for ad hoc communications in order to establish a state of the art. The first is about existing broadcast algorithms and the second is about existing middleware solutions and the way they deal with privacy and especially with location privacy. - Un réseau mobile ad hoc (MANET) est un réseau avec une architecture décentralisée et sans infrastructure. Cette thèse vise à fournir un support adéquat, au niveau système, aux développeurs d'applications ou de protocoles dans de tels réseaux. Dans ce but, nous proposons des contributions à la fois dans le domaine de l'algorithmique et dans celui de la pratique. Nous contribuons au domaine algorithmique en proposant différents algorithmes de diffusion dans les MANETs, algorithmes qui sont sensibles au contexte, à savoir six-shot broadcast,six-shot multicast, PLAN-B ainsi qu'une approche générique permettant d'optimiser la consommation d'énergie de ces algorithmes. Pour chaque algorithme que nous proposons, nous le comparons à des algorithmes existants qui sont soit probabilistes, soit sensibles au contexte, puis nous évaluons leurs performances sur la base de simulations. Nous montrons que, dans certains cas, des informations liées au contexte, telles que la localisation ou l'intensité du signal, peuvent améliorer l'efficience de ces algorithmes. Sur le plan pratique, nous proposons une plateforme logicielle pour la création de bancs d'essai, intitulé ManetLab, permettant d'implémenter, et de déployer des protocoles spécifiques aux MANETs, de sorte à évaluer leur performance. Cet outil logiciel vise à accroître la précision desévaluations de performance comparativement à celles fournies par des simulations, tout en conservant la facilité d'utilisation offerte par les simulateurs pour reproduire uneévaluation de performance. En évaluant les performances de différents algorithmes probabilistes avec ManetLab, nous observons que simulateurs et bancs d'essai doivent être utilisés de manière complémentaire. En plus de ces contributions principales, nous fournissons également deux états de l'art au sujet du support nécessaire pour les communications ad hoc. Le premier porte sur les algorithmes de diffusion existants et le second sur les solutions de type middleware existantes et la façon dont elles traitent de la confidentialité, en particulier celle de la localisation.
BACKGROUND: Some physicians are still concerned about the safety of treatment at home of patients with acute deep venous thrombosis (DVT). METHODS: We used data from the RIETE (Registro Informatizado de la Enfermedad TromboEmbólica) registry to compare the outcomes in consecutive outpatients with acute lower limb DVT according to initial treatment at home or in the hospital. A propensity score-matching analysis was carried out with a logistic regression model. RESULTS: As of December 2012, 13,493 patients had been enrolled. Of these, 4456 (31%) were treated at home. Patients treated at home were more likely to be male and younger and to weigh more; they were less likely than those treated in the hospital to have chronic heart failure, lung disease, renal insufficiency, anemia, recent bleeding, immobilization, or cancer. During the first week of anticoagulation, 27 patients (0.20%) suffered pulmonary embolism (PE), 12 (0.09%) recurrent DVT, and 51 (0.38%) major bleeding; 80 (0.59%) died. When only patients treated at home were considered, 12 (0.27%) had PE, 4 (0.09%) had recurrent DVT, 6 (0.13%) bled, and 4 (0.09%) died (no fatal PE, 3 fatal bleeds). After propensity analysis, patients treated at home had a similar rate of venous thromboembolism recurrences and a lower rate of major bleeding (odds ratio, 0.4; 95% confidence interval, 0.1-1.0) or death (odds ratio, 0.2; 95% confidence interval, 0.1-0.7) within the first week compared with those treated in the hospital. CONCLUSIONS: In outpatients with DVT, home treatment was associated with a better outcome than treatment in the hospital. These data may help safely treat more DVT patients at home.
Free fulltex: http://www.res_franco.cochrane.org/Files/ResumesRMS2009/Chutespersagees.pdf
This document summarizes the available evidence and provides recommendations on the use of home blood pressure monitoring in clinical practice and in research. It updates the previous recommendations on the same topic issued in year 2000. The main topics addressed include the methodology of home blood pressure monitoring, its diagnostic and therapeutic thresholds, its clinical applications in hypertension, with specific reference to special populations, and its applications in research. The final section deals with the problems related to the implementation of these recommendations in clinical practice.
BACKGROUND: Positional therapy that prevents patients from sleeping supine has been used for many years to manage positional obstructive sleep apnea (OSA). However, patients' usage at home and the long term efficacy of this therapy have never been objectively assessed. METHODS: Sixteen patients with positional OSA who refused or could not tolerate continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP) were enrolled after a test night study (T0) to test the efficacy of the positional therapy device. The patients who had a successful test night were instructed to use the device every night for three months. Nightly usage was monitored by an actigraphic recorder placed inside the positional device. A follow-up night study (T3) was performed after three months of positional therapy. RESULTS: Patients used the device on average 73.7 ± 29.3% (mean ± SD) of the nights for 8.0 ± 2.0 h/night. 10/16 patients used the device more than 80% of the nights. Compared to the baseline (diagnostic) night, mean apnea-hypopnea index (AHI) decreased from 26.7 ± 17.5 to 6.0 ± 3.4 with the positional device (p<0.0001) during T0 night. Oxygen desaturation (3%) index also fell from 18.4 ± 11.1 to 7.1 ± 5.7 (p = 0.001). Time spent supine fell from 42.8 ± 26.2% to 5.8 ± 7.2% (p < 0.0001). At three months (T3), the benefits persisted with no difference in AHI (p = 0.58) or in time spent supine (p = 0.98) compared to T0 night. The Epworth sleepiness scale showed a significant decrease from 9.4 ± 4.5 to 6.6 ± 4.7 (p = 0.02) after three months. CONCLUSIONS: Selected patients with positional OSA can be effectively treated by a positional therapy with an objective compliance of 73.7% of the nights and a persistent efficacy after three months.
In 2001, it became evident that the domiciliary care nurses needed a tool to assist them in treating patients with chronic wounds. A protocol was therefore developed which could be used not only by the nurses but also by doctors and other health care professionals working in home care. As a parallel measure, a network of nurses specialised in wound care and available for advice and consultation was established.
PURPOSE: The objective of this study was to investigate the effects of weather, rank, and home advantage on international football match results and scores in the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) region. METHODS: Football matches (n = 2008) in six GCC countries were analyzed. To determine the weather influence on the likelihood of favorable outcome and goal difference, generalized linear model with a logit link function and multiple regression analysis were performed. RESULTS: In the GCC region, home teams tend to have greater likelihood of a favorable outcome (P < 0.001) and higher goal difference (P < 0.001). Temperature difference was identified as a significant explanatory variable when used independently (P < 0.001) or after adjustment for home advantage and team ranking (P < 0.001). The likelihood of favorable outcome for GCC teams increases by 3% for every 1-unit increase in temperature difference. After inclusion of interaction with opposition, this advantage remains significant only when playing against non-GCC opponents. While home advantage increased the odds of favorable outcome (P < 0.001) and goal difference (P < 0.001) after inclusion of interaction term, the likelihood of favorable outcome for a GCC team decreased (P < 0.001) when playing against a stronger opponent. Finally, the temperature and wet bulb globe temperature approximation were found as better indicators of the effect of environmental conditions than absolute and relative humidity or heat index on match outcomes. CONCLUSIONS: In GCC region, higher temperature increased the likelihood of a favorable outcome when playing against non-GCC teams. However, international ranking should be considered because an opponent with a higher rank reduced, but did not eliminate, the likelihood of a favorable outcome.