387 resultados para Möller, Kaspar Henrik


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Body fat distribution is a heritable trait and a well-established predictor of adverse metabolic outcomes, independent of overall adiposity. To increase our understanding of the genetic basis of body fat distribution and its molecular links to cardiometabolic traits, here we conduct genome-wide association meta-analyses of traits related to waist and hip circumferences in up to 224,459 individuals. We identify 49 loci (33 new) associated with waist-to-hip ratio adjusted for body mass index (BMI), and an additional 19 loci newly associated with related waist and hip circumference measures (P < 5 × 10(-8)). In total, 20 of the 49 waist-to-hip ratio adjusted for BMI loci show significant sexual dimorphism, 19 of which display a stronger effect in women. The identified loci were enriched for genes expressed in adipose tissue and for putative regulatory elements in adipocytes. Pathway analyses implicated adipogenesis, angiogenesis, transcriptional regulation and insulin resistance as processes affecting fat distribution, providing insight into potential pathophysiological mechanisms.


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Due to the eye's specific anatomical and physiological conformation, the treatment of eye diseases is a real challenge for pharmaceutical therapy. The presence of efficient protective barriers (i.e., the conjunctival and corneal membranes) and protective mechanisms (i.e., blinking and nasolachrymal drainage) makes this organ particularly impervious to local drug therapy. To overcome these issues, numerous strategies have been envisioned using pharmaceutical technology. Many formulations currently on the market or still under development are emulsions or colloidal systems intended to enhance precorneal residence time and corneal penetration, causing a consequent increase in drug bioavailability after instillation. After a review of some recent developments in the field of cyclosporin A formulations for the eye, a novel micellar formulation of cyclosporine A based on a diblock methoxy-poly(ethylene glycol)-hexysubstituted poly(lactides) (MPEG-hexPLA) is described.


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Background and Aims: The international EEsAI study group is currently developing the first activity index specific for Eosinophilic Esophagitis (EoE). None of the existing dysphagia questionnaires takes into account the consistency of the ingested food that considerably impacts the symptom presentation. Goal: To develop an EoE-specific questionnaire assessing dysphagia associated with different food consistencies. Methods: Based on patient chart reviews, an expert panel (EEsAI study group) identified internationally standardized food prototypes typically associated with EoE-related dysphagia. Food consistencies were correlated with EoE-related dysphagia, also considering potential food avoidance. This Visual Dysphagia Questionnaire (VDQ) was then tested, as a pilot, in 10 EoE patients. Results: The following 9 food consistency prototypes were identified: water, soft foods (pudding, jelly), grits, toast bread, French fries, dry rice, ground meat, raw fibrous foods (eg. apple, carrot), solid meat. Dysphagia was ranked on a 5-point Likert scale (0=no difficulties, 5=very severe difficulties, food will not pass). Severity of dysphagia in the 10 EoE patients was related to the eosinophil load and presence of esophageal strictures. Conclusions: The VDQ will be the first EoE-specific tool for assessing dysphagia related to internationally defined food consistencies. It performed well in a pilot study and will now be further evaluated in a cohort study including 100 adult and 100 pediatric EoE patients.


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L'éthicien Denis Müller présente ici une généalogie, une critique et une reconstruction théologique de l'éthique protestante. Dans un premier moment, l'auteur réfléchit à la transformation considérable qui semble affecter aujourd'hui la situation de l'éthique théologique. Dans un deuxième temps est abordée la problématique de la post-modernité dans sa dynamique de déconstruction qui affecte évidemment les modèles éthiques antérieurs. Dans une troisième partie, coeur de l'ouvrage, Denis Müller propose un modèle de reconstruction de l'éthique théologique où sont abordées des questions centrales pour toute sensibilité protestante et chrétienne: la tradition, la signification de l'herméneutique, l'usage de la Bible.


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L'éthique est de nouveau à la mode. Le phénomène moral redevient objet d'étude dans la société. Pourtant, le paysage culturel a fortement changé. L'éthique apparaît d'abord comme une discipline profane et foncièrement laique. Elle convainc en premier lieu par la solidité et le caractère rationnel de ses arguments, non par sa référence à des valeurs transcendantes ou des convictions de type religieux. Pour le christianisme, et partant le protestantisme, cela présuppose une nouvelle manière de poser l'éthique en référence à ses fondements.


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L'islam et le judaïsme ont de nombreux points de rencontre avec le protestantisme. Si ces deux religions ne provoquent pas la sympathie des premier Réformés, l'histoire contemporaine indique des rapprochements incontestables, sur fond d'un partage de quelques traits communs entre ces trois courants du monothéisme: la pratique, la relation aux images ou au clergé, l'expression politique et communautaire des ailes radicales. L'un des intérêt de ce livre est de proposer une lecture originale et plurielle de deux dossiers importants pour le dialogue interreligieux. Chacun des deux thèmes associe les contributions d'un théologien protestant et respectivement deux intellectuels juif (David Banon) et musulman (Mohammed Arkoun).


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We demonstrate that RecA protein can mediate annealing of complementary DNA strands in vitro by at least two different mechanisms. The first annealing mechanism predominates under conditions where RecA protein causes coaggregation of single-stranded DNA (ssDNA) molecules and where RecA-free ssDNA stretches are present on both reaction partners. Under these conditions annealing can take place between locally concentrated protein-free complementary sequences. Other DNA aggregating agents like histone H1 or ethanol stimulate annealing by the same mechanism. The second mechanism of RecA-mediated annealing of complementary DNA strands is best manifested when preformed saturated RecA-ssDNA complexes interact with protein-free ssDNA. In this case, annealing can occur between the ssDNA strand resident in the complex and the ssDNA strand that interacts with the preformed RecA-ssDNA complex. Here, the action of RecA protein reflects its specific recombination promoting mechanism. This mechanism enables DNA molecules resident in the presynaptic RecA-DNA complexes to be exposed for hydrogen bond formation with DNA molecules contacting the presynaptic RecA-DNA filament.


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Prior genome-wide association studies (GWAS) of major depressive disorder (MDD) have met with limited success. We sought to increase statistical power to detect disease loci by conducting a GWAS mega-analysis for MDD. In the MDD discovery phase, we analyzed more than 1.2 million autosomal and X chromosome single-nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) in 18 759 independent and unrelated subjects of recent European ancestry (9240 MDD cases and 9519 controls). In the MDD replication phase, we evaluated 554 SNPs in independent samples (6783 MDD cases and 50 695 controls). We also conducted a cross-disorder meta-analysis using 819 autosomal SNPs with P<0.0001 for either MDD or the Psychiatric GWAS Consortium bipolar disorder (BIP) mega-analysis (9238 MDD cases/8039 controls and 6998 BIP cases/7775 controls). No SNPs achieved genome-wide significance in the MDD discovery phase, the MDD replication phase or in pre-planned secondary analyses (by sex, recurrent MDD, recurrent early-onset MDD, age of onset, pre-pubertal onset MDD or typical-like MDD from a latent class analyses of the MDD criteria). In the MDD-bipolar cross-disorder analysis, 15 SNPs exceeded genome-wide significance (P<5 × 10(-8)), and all were in a 248 kb interval of high LD on 3p21.1 (chr3:52 425 083-53 822 102, minimum P=5.9 × 10(-9) at rs2535629). Although this is the largest genome-wide analysis of MDD yet conducted, its high prevalence means that the sample is still underpowered to detect genetic effects typical for complex traits. Therefore, we were unable to identify robust and replicable findings. We discuss what this means for genetic research for MDD. The 3p21.1 MDD-BIP finding should be interpreted with caution as the most significant SNP did not replicate in MDD samples, and genotyping in independent samples will be needed to resolve its status.


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L'éthique, en particulier dans sa version théologique, est exposée aujourd'hui à des mises à l'épreuve redoutables. Sans cesse solicitée par le public et les médias, elle engage une intelligence de la foi, une capacité analytique, une mobilisation de la raison et une implication des émotions. Le présent ouvrage entend conjoindre trois exigences: théorique, figurative et pratique. L'exigence théorique reprend à nouveaux frais la question des fondements de l'éthique, à l'interface de la rationalité, de la foi et de la théologie. L'exigence figurative, non sans rapport avec la démarche généalogique, précise les enjeux du dialogue que le théologien mène avec différentes formes de réflexion philosophique. L'exigence pratique, enfin, renoue les fils, jamais perdus de vue, avec l'expérience et l'existence des humains et des sociétés, sur la base de plusieurs cas exemplaires d'éthique appliquée: statut de l'embryon, compréhension de la maladie et de la santé, définition de la mort, transplantation d'organes, engagement social, toxicomanie, etc.


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Cet ouvrage propose de poser les questions éthiques que suscitent notamment l'instauration du PACS en France, le débat sur l'intégration des couples homosexuels dans les Eglises et plus largement l'évolution des moeurs en la matière. Fruit d'un colloque organisé par l'Institut romand d'éthique, cet ouvrage accueille des auteurs d'horizons et de nationalités divers, parmi lesquels on trouve notamment Dominique Fernandez et Irène Théry.


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BACKGROUND: Superinfection with drug resistant HIV strains could potentially contribute to compromised therapy in patients initially infected with drug-sensitive virus and receiving antiretroviral therapy. To investigate the importance of this potential route to drug resistance, we developed a bioinformatics pipeline to detect superinfection from routinely collected genotyping data, and assessed whether superinfection contributed to increased drug resistance in a large European cohort of viremic, drug treated patients. METHODS: We used sequence data from routine genotypic tests spanning the protease and partial reverse transcriptase regions in the Virolab and EuResist databases that collated data from five European countries. Superinfection was indicated when sequences of a patient failed to cluster together in phylogenetic trees constructed with selected sets of control sequences. A subset of the indicated cases was validated by re-sequencing pol and env regions from the original samples. RESULTS: 4425 patients had at least two sequences in the database, with a total of 13816 distinct sequence entries (of which 86% belonged to subtype B). We identified 107 patients with phylogenetic evidence for superinfection. In 14 of these cases, we analyzed newly amplified sequences from the original samples for validation purposes: only 2 cases were verified as superinfections in the repeated analyses, the other 12 cases turned out to involve sample or sequence misidentification. Resistance to drugs used at the time of strain replacement did not change in these two patients. A third case could not be validated by re-sequencing, but was supported as superinfection by an intermediate sequence with high degenerate base pair count within the time frame of strain switching. Drug resistance increased in this single patient. CONCLUSIONS: Routine genotyping data are informative for the detection of HIV superinfection; however, most cases of non-monophyletic clustering in patient phylogenies arise from sample or sequence mix-up rather than from superinfection, which emphasizes the importance of validation. Non-transient superinfection was rare in our mainly treatment experienced cohort, and we found a single case of possible transmitted drug resistance by this route. We therefore conclude that in our large cohort, superinfection with drug resistant HIV did not compromise the efficiency of antiretroviral treatment.


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La crise économique et financière des années 1930 a profondément marqué la Suisse. Les exportations s'effondrent. Une des huit grandes banques du pays fait faillite. En hiver 1935, plus de 8% de la population active est touchée par le chômage. La pauvreté frappe près d'un habitant sur cinq. Contrairement à la plupart des pays, la Suisse ne change pas de politique monétaire jusqu'en septembre 1936. La politique du franc fort constitue pour les dirigeants helvétiques l'épine dorsale de leur politique de crise. La politique financière fédérale traduit le souci de la majorité bourgeoise de défendre l'équilibre budgétaire coûte que coûte et d'imposer les charges de la crise sur la majorité populaire. Enfin, les interventions de l'État dans l'économie illustrent la sélectivité de l'action fédérale. D'un côté, on retrouve une injection massive d'argent public, par exemple dans les sauvetages bancaires; de l'autre côté, la politique de lutte contre le chômage reste rachitique et discriminatoire. Quant au combat contre la pauvreté, il est inexistant. Les politiques de crise poursuivies par la Confédération sont principalement orientées en fonction des intérêts des dirigeants de l'industrie d'exportation et de la place financière. Le présent ouvrage vise à mettre en évidence ces politiques et à en discuter les fondements.