105 resultados para Karyotype symmetry


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Acute myeloid leukemia arising from chronic myelomonocytic leukemia is currently classified as acute myeloid leukemia with myelodysplasia-related changes, a high-risk subtype. However, the specific features of these cases have not been well described. We studied 38 patients with chronic myelomonocytic leukemia who progressed to acute myeloid leukemia. We compared the clinicopathologic and genetic features of these cases with 180 patients with de novo acute myeloid leukemia and 34 patients with acute myeloid leukemia following myelodysplastic syndromes. We also examined features associated with progression from chronic myelomonocytic leukemia to acute myeloid leukemia by comparing the progressed chronic myelomonocytic leukemia cases with a cohort of chronic myelomonocytic leukemia cases that did not transform to acute myeloid leukemia. Higher white blood cell count, marrow cellularity, karyotype risk score, and Revised International Prognostic Scoring System score were associated with more rapid progression from chronic myelomonocytic leukemia to acute myeloid leukemia. Patients with acute myeloid leukemia ex chronic myelomonocytic leukemia were older (P<0.01) and less likely to receive aggressive treatment (P=0.02) than de novo acute myeloid leukemia patients. Most cases showed monocytic differentiation and fell into the intermediate acute myeloid leukemia karyotype risk group; 55% had normal karyotype and 17% had NPM1 mutation. Median overall survival was 6 months, which was inferior to de novo acute myeloid leukemia (17 months, P=0.002) but similar to post myelodysplastic syndrome acute myeloid leukemia. On multivariate analysis of all acute myeloid leukemia patients, only age and karyotype were independent prognostic variables for overall survival. Our findings indicate that acute myeloid leukemia following chronic myelomonocytic leukemia displays aggressive behavior and support placement of these cases within the category of acute myeloid leukemia with myelodysplasia-related changes. The poor prognosis of these patients may be related to an older population and lack of favorable-prognosis karyotypes that characterize many de novo acute myeloid leukemia cases.


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A case of atypical Turner's syndrome with unusual karyotype is reported. The chromosome complements of the patient, studied with different banding techniques, is 45,XO/46,X,dic(X)(Xqter leads to p22::p22 leads to qter). In the literature 8 similar cases have been reported. Short stature and amenorrhea are the most constant findings. The mechanisms by which the observed chromosomal "rearrangement" can be produced are briefly discussed.


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Floral bilateral symmetry (zygomorphy) has evolved several times independently in angiosperms from radially symmetrical (actinomorphic) ancestral states. Homologs of the Antirrhinum majus Cycloidea gene (Cyc) have been shown to control floral symmetry in diverse groups in core eudicots. In the basal eudicot family Ranunculaceae, there is a single evolutionary transition from actinomorphy to zygomorphy in the stem lineage of the tribe Delphinieae. We characterized Cyc homologs in 18 genera of Ranunculaceae, including the four genera of Delphinieae, in a sampling that represents the floral morphological diversity of this tribe, and reconstructed the evolutionary history of this gene family in Ranunculaceae. Within each of the two RanaCyL (Ranunculaceae Cycloidea-like) lineages previously identified, an additional duplication possibly predating the emergence of the Delphinieae was found, resulting in up to four gene copies in zygomorphic species. Expression analyses indicate that the RanaCyL paralogs are expressed early in floral buds and that the duration of their expression varies between species and paralog class. At most one RanaCyL paralog was expressed during the late stages of floral development in the actinomorphic species studied whereas all paralogs from the zygomorphic species were expressed, composing a species-specific identity code for perianth organs. The contrasted asymmetric patterns of expression observed in the two zygomorphic species is discussed in relation to their distinct perianth architecture.


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The growth history of two populations of snowball garnet from the Lukmanier Pass area (central Swiss Alps) was examined through a detailed analysis of three-dimensional geometry, chemical zoning and crystallographic orientation. The first population, collected in the hinge of a chevron-type fold, shows an apparent rotation of 360 degrees. The first 270 degrees are characterized by spiral-shaped inclusion trails, gradual and concentric Mn zoning and a single crystallographic orientation, whereas in the last 90 degrees, crenulated inclusion trails and secondary Mn maxima centred on distinct crystallographic garnet domains are observed. Microstructural, geochemical and textural data indicate a radical change in growth regime between the two growth sequences. In the first 270 degrees, growth occurred under rotational non-coaxial flow, whereas in the last 90 degrees, garnet grew under a non-rotational shortening regime. The second population, collected in the limb of the same chevron-type fold structure, is characterized by a spiral geometry that does not exceed 270 degrees of apparent rotation. These garnet microstructures do not record any evidence for a modification of the stress field during garnet growth. Concentric Mn zoning as well as a single crystallographic orientation are observed for the entire spiral. Electron backscatter diffraction data indicate that nearly all central domains in the snowball garnet are characterized by one [001] axis oriented (sub-)parallel to the symmetry axis and by another [001] axis oriented (sub-)parallel to the orientation of the internal foliation. These features suggest that the crystallographic orientation across the garnet spiral is not random and that a relation exists among the symmetry axis, the internal foliation and the crystallographic orientation.


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Individuals sampled in hybrid zones are usually analysed according to their sampling locality, morphology, behaviour or karyotype. But the increasing availability of genetic information more and more favours its use for individual sorting purposes and numerous assignment methods based on the genetic composition of individuals have been developed. The shrews of the Sorex araneus group offer good opportunities to test the genetic assignment on individuals identified by their karyotype. Here we explored the potential and efficiency of a Bayesian assignment method combined or not with a reference dataset to study admixture and individual assignment in the difficult context of two hybrid zones between karyotypic species of the Sorex araneus group. As a whole, we assigned more than 80% of the individuals to their respective karyotypic categories (i.e. 'pure' species or hybrids). This assignment level is comparable to what was obtained for the same species away from hybrid zones. Additionally, we showed that the assignment result for several individuals was strongly affected by the inclusion or not of a reference dataset. This highlights the importance of such comparisons when analysing hybrid zones. Finally, differences between the admixture levels detected in both hybrid zones support the hypothesis of an impact of chromosomal rearrangements on gene flow.


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We karyotyped and sequenced 1,140 base pairs of the mitochondrial DNA cytochrome b of a specimen of Zarudny's rock shrew (Crocidura zarudnyi) from Baluchestan, southeastern Iran, to clarify its cytogenetic and molecular relationships with other Eurasian species of Crocidura. According to the karyotype (2N = 40, FN = 50), Zarudny's rock shrew belongs to the group of the lesser white-toothed shrew (C. suaveolens), which is different from other known crocidurine karyotypes, considering the combination of the diploid and fundamental number of chromosomes. Molecular results revealed that C. zarudnyi is included in a monophyletic clade with the C. suaveolens group, where it is a sister taxon to the others (mean Kimura 2-parameter distance = 9.7%).


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Introduction An impaired ability to oxidize fat may be a factor in the obesity's aetiology (3). Moreover, the exercise intensity (Fatmax) eliciting the maximal fat oxidation rate (MFO) was lower in obese (O) compared with lean (L) individuals (4). However, difference in fat oxidation rate (FOR) during exercise between O and L remains equivocal and little is known about FORs during high intensities (>60% ) in O compared with L. This study aimed to characterize fat oxidation kinetics over a large range of intensities in L and O. Methods 12 healthy L [body mass index (BMI): 22.8±0.4] and 16 healthy O men (BMI: 38.9±1.4) performed submaximal incremental test (Incr) to determine whole-body fat oxidation kinetics using indirect calorimetry. After a 15-min resting period (Rest) and 10-min warm-up at 20% of maximal power output (MPO, determined by a maximal incremental test), the power output was increased by 7.5% MPO every 6-min until respiratory exchange ratio reached 1.0. Venous lactate and glucose and plasma concentration of epinephrine (E), norepinephrine (NE), insulin and non-esterified fatty acid (NEFA) were assessed at each step. A mathematical model (SIN) (1), including three variables (dilatation, symmetry, translation), was used to characterize fat oxidation (normalized by fat-free mass) kinetics and to determine Fatmax and MFO. Results FOR at Rest and MFO were not significantly different between groups (p≥0.1). FORs were similar from 20-60% (p≥0.1) and significantly lower from 65-85% in O than in L (p≤0.04). Fatmax was significantly lower in O than in L (46.5±2.5 vs 56.7±1.9 % respectively; p=0.005). Fat oxidation kinetics was characterized by similar translation (p=0.2), significantly lower dilatation (p=0.001) and tended to a left-shift symmetry in O compared with L (p=0.09). Plasma E, insulin and NEFA were significantly higher in L compared to O (p≤0.04). There were no significant differences in glucose, lactate and plasma NE between groups (p≥0.2). Conclusion The study showed that O presented a lower Fatmax and a lower reliance on fat oxidation at high, but not at moderate, intensities. This may be linked to a: i) higher levels of insulin and lower E concentrations in O, which may induce blunted lipolysis; ii) higher percentage of type II and a lower percentage of type I fibres (5), and iii) decreased mitochondrial content (2), which may reduce FORs at high intensities and Fatmax. These findings may have implications for an appropriate exercise intensity prescription for optimize fat oxidation in O. References 1. Cheneviere et al. Med Sci Sports Exerc. 2009 2. Holloway et al. Am J Clin Nutr. 2009 3. Kelley et al. Am J Physiol. 1999 4. Perez-Martin et al. Diabetes Metab. 2001 5. Tanner et al. Am J Physiol Endocrinol Metab. 2002


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The shrews of the Sorex araneus group, characterized by the sexual chromosome complex XY1, Y2 have been intensively studied by morphological, karyotypical, and biochemical analyses. Nevertheless, the phylogenetic relationships among the species belonging to the araneus complex are still under debate, as different approaches gave often contradictory results. In this paper, partial nucleotide sequences of the mitochondrial DNA cytochrome b gene (1011 bp) were determined for 6 species of the araneus group from Eurasia and North America. We also included in the data set the sequences of Sorex samniticus, whose relationships with the araneus group remain controversial. Three other species representing two major karyological groups were also examined. Both parsimony and distance trees strongly support the monophyly of the araneus group. Sorex sumniticus is significantly more closely related to the araneus complex than to the other species included in the analysis. Based on the branching pattern within the araneus group, an attempt has been made to reconstruct the colonization history of the Holarctic region.


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Microsatellites are important highly polymorphic genetic markers dispersed in the human genome. Using a panel of 22 (CA)n repeat microsatellite markers mapped to recurrent breakpoint cluster regions specifically involved in leukemia, we investigated 114 adult leukemias (25 acute lymphocytic leukemia [ALL], 32 acute myeloid leukemia [AML], 36 chronic lymphocytic leukemia [CLL], and 21 chronic myeloid leukemia [CML] in chronic phase) for somatic mutations at these loci. In each patient, DNA from fresh leukemia samples was analyzed alongside normal constitutive DNA from buccal epithelium. We detected loss of heterozygosity (LOH) in 81 of 114 patients (ALL 16/25, AML 25/32, CLL 30/36, CML 10/21). Deletions were most often seen in ALL at 11q23 and 19p13; in AML at 8q22 and 11q23; in CLL at 13q14.3, 11q13, and 11q23; and in CML at 3q26. Only six deletions were reported in 74 karyotypes analyzed, whereas in these same cases, 91 LOH events were detected by microsatellites. Of 26 leukemias with a normal karyotype, 16 nevertheless showed at least one LOH by microsatellite analysis. Replication errors were found in 10 of 114 patients (8.8%). Thus, microsatellite instability is rare in leukemia in contrast to many solid tumors. Our findings suggest that in adult leukemia, LOH may be an important genetic event in addition to typical chromosomal translocations. LOH may point to the existence of tumor suppressor genes involved in leukemogenesis to a degree that has hitherto been underestimated.


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Although hemoglobin (Hb) is mainly present in the cytoplasm of erythrocytes (red blood cells), lower concentrations of pure, cell-free Hb are released permanently into the circulation due to an inherent intravascular hemolytic disruption of erythrocytes. Previously it was shown that the interaction of Hb with bacterial endotoxins (lipopolysaccharides, LPS) results in a significant increase of the biological activity of LPS. There is clear evidence that the enhancement of the biological activity of LPS by Hb is connected with a disaggregation of LPS. From these findings one questions whether the property to enhance the biological activity of endotoxin, in most cases proven by the ability to increase the cytokine (tumor-necrosis-factor-alpha, interleukins) production in human mononuclear cells, is restricted to bacterial endotoxin or is a more general principle in nature. To elucidate this question, we investigated the interaction of various synthetic and natural virulence (pathogenicity) factors with hemoglobin of human or sheep origin. In addition to enterobacterial R-type LPS a synthetic bacterial lipopeptide and synthetic phospholipid-like structures mimicking the lipid A portion of LPS were analysed. Furthermore, we also tested endotoxically inactive LPS and lipid A compounds such as those from Chlamydia trachomatis. We found that the observations made for endotoxically active form of LPS can be generalized for the other synthetic and natural virulence factors: In every case, the cytokine-production induced by them is increased by the addition of Hb. This biological property of Hb is connected with its physical property to convert the aggregate structures of the virulence factors into one with cubic symmetry, accompanied with a considerable reduction of the size and number of the original aggregates.


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Mosaicism for an extra microchromosome was discovered in amniotic cell cultures of a 39-year-old woman. Using G, Q, C bands and silver staining, it was concluded that the extra chromosome was bisatellited. Parents' karyotype was normal. Parents elected for termination of the pregnancy. The presence of the extra microchromosome was confirmed in various tissues of the aborted fetus. The literature on the subject is briefly reviewed.


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OBJECTIVE:: Report of a 16q24.1 deletion in a premature newborn, demonstrating the usefulness of array-based comparative genomic hybridization in persistent pulmonary hypertension of the newborn and multiple congenital malformations. DESIGN:: Descriptive case report. SETTING:: Genetic department and neonatal intensive care unit of a tertiary care children's hospital. INTERVENTIONS:: None. PATIENT:: We report the case of a preterm male infant, born at 26 wks of gestation. A cardiac malformation and bilateral hydronephrosis were diagnosed at 19 wks of gestation. Karyotype analysis was normal, and a 22q11.2 microdeletion was excluded by fluorescence in situ hybridization analysis. A cesarean section was performed due to fetal distress. The patient developed persistent pulmonary hypertension unresponsive to mechanical ventilation and nitric oxide treatment and expired at 16 hrs of life. MEASUREMENTS AND MAIN RESULTS:: An autopsy revealed partial atrioventricular canal malformation and showed bilateral dilation of the renal pelvocaliceal system with bilateral ureteral stenosis and annular pancreas. Array-based comparative genomic hybridization analysis (Agilent oligoNT 44K, Agilent Technologies, Santa Clara, CA) showed an interstitial microdeletion encompassing the forkhead box gene cluster in 16q24.1. Review of the pulmonary microscopic examination showed the characteristic features of alveolar capillary dysplasia with misalignment of pulmonary veins. Some features were less prominent due to the gestational age. CONCLUSIONS:: Our review of the literature shows that alveolar capillary dysplasia with misalignment of pulmonary veins is rare but probably underreported. Prematurity is not a usual presentation, and histologic features are difficult to interpret. In our case, array-based comparative genomic hybridization revealed a 16q24.1 deletion, leading to the final diagnosis of alveolar capillary dysplasia with misalignment of pulmonary veins. It emphasizes the usefulness of array-based comparative genomic hybridization analysis as a diagnostic tool with implications for both prognosis and management decisions in newborns with refractory persistent pulmonary hypertension and multiple congenital malformations.


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Cell polarization relies on small GTPases, such as Cdc42, which can break symmetry through self-organizing principles, and landmarks that define the axis of polarity. In fission yeast, microtubules deliver the Tea1-Tea4 complex to mark cell poles for growth, but how this complex activates Cdc42 is unknown. Here, we show that ectopic targeting of Tea4 to cell sides promotes the local activation of Cdc42 and cell growth. This activity requires that Tea4 binds the type I phosphatase (PP1) catalytic subunit Dis2 or Sds21, and ectopic targeting of either catalytic subunit is similarly instructive for growth. The Cdc42 guanine-nucleotide-exchange factor Gef1 and the GTPase-activating protein Rga4 are required for Tea4-PP1-dependent ectopic growth. Gef1 is recruited to ectopic Tea4 and Dis2 locations to promote Cdc42 activation. By contrast, Rga4 is locally excluded by Tea4, and its forced colocalization with Tea4 blocks ectopic growth, indicating that Rga4 must be present, but at sites distinct from Tea4. Thus, a Tea4-PP1 landmark promotes local Cdc42 activation and growth both through Cdc42 GEF recruitment and by creating a local trough in a Cdc42 GAP.


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Interaction between CD40, a member of the tumor necrosis factor receptor (TNFR) superfamily, and its ligand CD40L, a 39-kDa glycoprotein, is essential for the development of humoral and cellular immune responses. Selective blockade or activation of this pathway provides the ground for the development of new treatments against immunologically based diseases and malignancies. Like other members of the TNF superfamily, CD40L monomers self-assemble around a threefold symmetry axis to form noncovalent homotrimers that can each bind three receptor molecules. Here, we report on the structure-based design of small synthetic molecules with C3 symmetry that can mimic CD40L homotrimers. These molecules interact with CD40, compete with the binding of CD40L to CD40, and reproduce, to a certain extent, the functional properties of the much larger homotrimeric soluble CD40L. Architectures based on rigid C3-symmetric cores may thus represent a general approach to mimicking homotrimers of the TNF superfamily.


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A total of 357 house mice (Mus domesticus) from 83 localities uniformly distributed throughout Switzerland were screened for the presence of a homogenously staining region (HSR) on chromosome 1. Altogether 47 mice from 11 localities were HSR/+ or HSR/HSR. One sample of 11 individuals all had an HSR/HSR karyotype. Almost all mice with the variant were collected from the Rhone valley (HSR frequency: 61%) and Val Bregaglia (HSR frequency: 81%). For samples from most of the area of Switzerland, the HSR was absent. There was no strong association between the geographic distribution of the HSR and the areas of occurrence of metacentrics. However, at Chiggiogna the HSR was found on Rb (1.3). Possible explanations for the HSR polymorphism are discussed.