75 resultados para Iron Sky
Background a nd A ims: T he 2 007 ECCO g uidelines o nanemia in inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) favour intravenous(iv) over oral (po) i ron supplementation due to bettereffectiveness and tolerance. Application of guidelines in clinicalpractice m ay r equire time. We a imed to determine thepercentage of IBD patients under iron supplementation therapyand its application mode over time in a large IBD cohort.Methods: Helsana, a leading Swiss health insurance companyprovides c overage f or approximately 18% of t he Swisspopulation, corresponding to about 1.2 million enrollees.Patients with Crohn's disease (CD) and ulcerative colitis (UC)were identified b y keyword search from t he a nonymisedHelsana database.Results: I n total, 6 29 CD ( 61% female) a nd 4 03 UC ( 56%female) patients w ere identified, mean retrospectiveobservation time w as 2 0.4 m onths f or CD and 13 m onths f orUC patients. Of t he entire study population, 29.3% wereprescribed iron. O ccurrence of iron prescription was 21.3% inmales a nd 31.2% in f emales ( odds r atio [OR] 1 .69, 95%-confidence interval [CI] 1.26-2.28). The prescription of iv i ronincreased from 2006/2007 ( 48.8% w ith iv i ron) to 2 008/2009(65.2% with iv iron) by a factor of 1.89.Conclusions: One third of the IBD population was treated withiron supplementation. A gradual s hift from oral t o iv iron wasobserved over time in a large Swiss IBD cohort. This switch inprescription habits g oes a long with the implementation of theECCO consensus guidelines on anemia in IBD.
Background and Aims: The 2007 European Crohn's and Colitis Organization guidelines on anemia in inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) favour intravenous (iv) over oral (po) iron supplementation due to better effectiveness and tolerance. We aimed to determine the percentage of IBD patients under iron supplementation therapy and the dynamics of prescription habits (iv versus po) over time. Methods: Helsana, a leading Swiss health insurance company provides coverage for approximately 18% of the Swiss population, corresponding to about 1.2 million enrollees. Patients with Crohn's disease (CD) and ulcerative colitis (UC) were analyzed from the anonymised Helsana database. Results: In total, 629 CD (61% female) and 398 UC (57% female) patients were identified, mean observation time was 31.8 months for CD and 31.0 months for UC patients. Of the entire study population, 27.1% were prescribed iron (21.1% in males and 31.1% in females). Patients treated with IBD-specific drugs (steroids, immunomodulators, anti-TNF agents) were more frequently treated with iron compared to patients without any medication (35.0% vs. 20.9%, OR 1.91, 95%-CI 1.41-2.61). The prescription of iv iron increased from 2006/2007 (48.8% of all patients receiving any iron priscription) to 65.2% in 2008/2009 by a factor of 1.89. Conclusions: One third of the IBD population was treated with iron supplementation. A gradual shift from oral to iv iron was observed over time. This switch in prescription habits goes along with the implementation of the ECCO consensus guidelines on anemia in IBD.
The susceptibility of blood changes after administration of a paramagnetic contrast agent that shortens T(1). Concomitantly, the resonance frequency of the blood vessels shifts in a geometry-dependent way. This frequency change may be exploited for incremental contrast generation by applying a frequency-selective saturation prepulse prior to the imaging sequence. The dual origin of vascular enhancement depending first on off-resonance and second on T(1) lowering was investigated in vitro, together with the geometry dependence of the signal at 3T. First results obtained in an in vivo rabbit model are presented.
Efficacy of iron therapy, whether oral or intravenous, on biological markers of body iron stores is well recognized in medical literature, but current studies are heterogeneous, of sometimes dubious quality, and rarely address clinical outcomes. Precise practical guidelines appear available only for indications related to kidney disease. First-line intravenous use is reserved for situations comprising chronic renal failure, or patients presenting with malabsorption syndromes such as in inflammatory bowel disease. In all other situations, because of the non-negligible risk of hypersensitivity reactions, intravenous iron use is considered justified only in clinically sustained indications, for patients in whom oral administration of iron is unsatisfactory or impossible.
Background: Colonoscopy is usually proposed for the evaluation of lower gastrointestinal blood loss (hematochezia) or iron deficiency anemia (IDA). Clinical practice guidelines support this approach but formal evidence is lacking. Real clinical scenarios made available on the web would be of great help in decision-making in clinical practice as to whether colonoscopy is appropriate for a given patient. Method: A multidisciplinary multinational expert panel (EPAGE II) developed appropriateness criteria based on best published evidence (systematic reviews, clinical trials, guidelines) and experts' judgement. Using the explicit RAND Appropriateness Method (3 round of experts' votes and a panel meeting) 102 clinical scenarios were judged inappropriate, uncertain, appropriate, or necessary. Results: In IDA, colonoscopy was appropriate in patients >50 years and necessary in the presence of lower abdominal symptoms. In both men and women aged <50 years, colonoscopy was appropriate if prior sigmoidoscopy and/or gastroscopy did not explain the IDA, and necessary if lower gastrointestinal symptoms were present. In women <50 years with a potential gynecological cause, additional lower gastrointestinal symptoms rendered colonoscopy appropriate. In patients >50 years with hematochezia, colonoscopy was always appropriate and mostly necessary, except if a prior colonoscopy was normal within the previous 5 years. Under age 50 years, the presence of any risk factor for colorectal cancer (CRC) and no previous normal colonoscopy (within the last 5 years) made this procedure appropriate and necessary. Conclusion: Colonoscopy is appropriate and even necessary for many indications related to iron deficiency anemia or hematochezia, in particular in patients aged >50 years. The main factors influencing appropriateness are age, results of prior investigations (sigmoidoscopy, gastroscopy, previous colonoscopy), CRC risk and sex. EPAGE II appropriateness criteria are available on www.epage.ch
BACKGROUND AND STUDY AIMS: To summarize the published literature on assessment of appropriateness of colonoscopy for the investigation of iron-deficiency anemia (IDA) and hematochezia, and report appropriateness criteria developed by an expert panel, the 2008 European Panel on the Appropriateness of Gastrointestinal Endoscopy, EPAGE II. METHODS: A systematic search of guidelines, systematic reviews and primary studies regarding the evaluation and management of IDA and hematochezia was performed. The RAND/UCLA Appropriateness Method was applied to develop appropriateness criteria for colonoscopy for these conditions. RESULTS: IDA occurs in 2 %-5 % of adult men and postmenopausal women. Examination of both the upper and lower gastrointestinal tract is recommended in patients with iron deficiency. Colonoscopy for IDA yields one colorectal cancer (CRC) in every 9-13 colonoscopies. Hematochezia is a well-recognized alarm symptom and such patients are likely to be referred for colonoscopy. Colonoscopy is unanimously recommended in patients aged > or = 50. Diverticulosis, vascular ectasias, and ischemic colitis are common causes of acute lower gastrointestinal bleeding (LGIB); CRC is found in 0.2 %-11 % of the colonoscopies performed for LGIB. Most patients with scant hematochezia have an anorectal or a distal source of bleeding. The expert panel considered most clinical indications for colonoscopy as appropriate in the presence of IDA (58 %) or hematochezia (83 %). CONCLUSION: Despite the limitations of the published studies, guidelines unanimously recommend colonoscopy for the investigation of IDA and hematochezia in patients aged > or = 50 years. These indications were also considered appropriate by EPAGE II, as were indications in patients at low risk for CRC with no obvious cause of bleeding found during adequate previous investigations.
Iron deficiency is generally investigated when faced with anemia, or with symptoms that could be related to iron deficiency without anemia. This simple disorder is easy to treat, provided that the diagnosis is correct. Several biological tests are available, but their interpretation is oftentimes problematic. Pre-analytical factors can interfere with measurements, normal values can change depending on suppliers, and, above all, results from different markers can be contradictory in some clinical situations. The aim of this article is to evaluate how the evolution of scientific knowledge and clinical trials can contribute to a better understanding and greater reliability in the diagnosis of iron deficiency.
In the past decade, many studies have been conducted to determine the health effects induced by exposure to engineered nanomaterials (NMs). Specifically for exposure via inhalation, numerous in vitro and animal in vivo inhalation toxicity studies on several types of NMs have been published. However, these results are not easily extrapolated to judge the effects of inhaling NMs in humans, and few published studies on the human response to inhalation of NMs exist. Given the emergence of more industries utilizing iron oxide nanoparticles as well as more nanomedicine applications of superparamagnetic iron oxide nanoparticles (SPIONs), this review presents an overview of the inhalation studies that have been conducted in humans on iron oxides. Both occupational exposure studies on complex iron oxide dusts and fumes, as well as human clinical studies on aerosolized, micron-size iron oxide particles are discussed. Iron oxide particles have not been described to elicit acute inhalation response nor promote lung disease after chronic exposure. The few human clinical studies comparing inhalation of fine and ultrafine metal oxide particles report no acute changes in the health parameters measured. Taken together existing evidence suggests that controlled human exposure to iron oxide nanoparticles, such as SPIONs, could be conducted safely.
Malnutrition may result in a phosphate-deficient state owing to a chronically insufficient phosphate intake. Concomitant iron deficiency is common and often supplemented by the intravenous route. It is not widely recognized that some parenteral iron formulations can induce hypophosphatemia. Herein we report a case of a severe and symptomatic hypophosphatemia (0.18 mM, normal range 0.8-1.4 mM) associated with an inappropriately reduced tubular reabsorption of phosphate (33%, norm >95%) in a malnourished patient with anorexia/bulimia who received 2 × 500 mg iron carboxymaltose (FCM) intravenously. Despite intravenous and oral phosphate supplements, it required 2 months to achieve a normal serum phosphate level. Our case demonstrates that in a chronically malnourished and phosphate-deficient state intravenous FCM could potentially be dangerous. If this form of iron application cannot be avoided, phosphate supplementation before and after iron infusion as well as close monitoring of phosphate levels are needed.
Therapeutic engineered nanoparticles (NPs), including ultrasmall superparamagnetic iron oxide (USPIO) NPs, may accumulate in the lower digestive tract following ingestion or injection. In order to evaluate the reaction of human colon cells to USPIO NPs, the effects of non-stabilized USPIO NPs (NS-USPIO NPs), oleic-acid-stabilized USPIO NPs (OA-USPIO NPs), and free oleic acid (OA) were compared in human HT29 and CaCo2 colon epithelial cancer cells. First the biophysical characteristics of NS-USPIO NPs and OA-USPIO NPs in water, in cell culture medium supplemented with fetal calf serum, and in cell culture medium preconditioned by HT29 and CaCo₂ cells were determined. Then, stress responses of the cells were evaluated following exposure to NS-USPIO NPs, OA-USPIO NPs, and free OA. No modification of the cytoskeletal actin network was observed. Cell response to stress, including markers of apoptosis and DNA repair, oxidative stress and degradative/autophagic stress, induction of heat shock protein, or lipid metabolism was determined in cells exposed to the two NPs. Induction of an autophagic response was observed in the two cell lines for both NPs but not free OA, while the other stress responses were cell- and NP-specific. The formation of lipid vacuoles/droplets was demonstrated in HT29 and CaCo₂ cells exposed to OA-USPIO NPs but not to NS-USPIO NPs, and to a much lower level in cells exposed to equimolar concentrations of free OA. Therefore, the induction of lipid vacuoles in colon cells exposed to OA utilized as a stabilizer for USPIO NPs is higly amplified compared to free OA, and is not observed in the absence of this lipid in NS-USPIO NPs.