108 resultados para Internal combustion engines, Spark ignition
Three types of garnet have been distinguished in pelitic schists from an epidote-blueschist-facies unit of the Ambin and South Vanoise Brianconnais massifs on the basis of texture, chemical zoning and mineral inclusion characterization. Type-1 garnet cores with high Mn/Ca ratios are interpreted as pre-Alpine relicts, whereas Type-1 garnet rims, Type-2 inclusion-rich porphyroblasts and smaller Type-3 garnets are Alpine. The latter are all characterized by low Mn/Ca ratios and a coexisting mineral assemblage of blue amphibole, high-Si phengite, epidote and quartz. Prograde growth conditions during Alpine D-1 high-pressure (HP) metamorphism are recorded by a decrease in Mn and increase in Fe (+/-Ca) in the Type-2 garnets, culminating in peak P-T conditions of 14-16 kbar and 500degreesC in the deepest parts of the Ambin dome. The multistage growth history of Type-1 garnets indicates a polymetamorphic history for the Ambin and South Vanoise massifs; unfortunately, no age constraints are available. The new metamorphic constraints on the Alpine event in the massifs define a metamorphic T `gap' between them and their surrounding cover (Brianconnais and upper Schistes Lustres units), which experienced metamorphism only in the stability field of carpholite-lawsonite (T < 400degreesC). These data and supporting structural studies confirm that the Ambin and South Vanoise massifs are slices of `eclogitized' continental crust tectonically extruded within the Schistes Lustres units and Brianconnais covers. The corresponding tectonic contacts with top-to-east movement are responsible for the juxtaposition of lower-grade metamorphic units on the Ambin and South Vanoise massifs.
Correction of sagittal and transverse maxillary discrepancies in patients with cleft lip or palate remains a challenge for craniofacial surgeons. Distraction osteogenesis has revolutionized the conceptualization and approach to the craniofacial malformations and has become a reliable and irreplaceable part of the surgical armamentarium. We are reporting a case of sequential maxillary advancement and transpalatal expansion using internal distraction in a patient with unilateral cleft lip and palate presenting with severe maxillary sagittal and transverse deficiencies.
Roux-en-Y gastric bypass (RYGBP) is currently the most common bariatric procedure. One of its late complications is the development of internal hernia, which can lead to acute intestinal obstruction or recurrent colicky abdominal pain. The aim of this paper is to present a new, unusual, and so far not reported type of internal hernia. A common computerized database is maintained for all patients undergoing bariatric surgery in our departments. The charts of patients with the diagnosis of internal hernia were reviewed. Three patients were identified who developed acute intestinal obstruction due to an internal hernia located between the jejunojejunostomy and the end of the biliopancreatic limb, directly between two jejunal limbs with no mesentery involved. Another seven patients with intermittent colicky abdominal pain, re-explored for the suspicion of internal hernia, were found to also have an open window of the same location apart from a hernia at one of the typical hernia sites. Since this gap is systematically closed during RYGBP, no other patient has been observed with this problem. Even very small defects can lead to the development of internal hernias after RYGBP. Patients with suggestive symptoms must be explored. Closure of the jejunojejunal defect with nonabsorbable sutures prevents the development of an internal hernia between the jejunal loops at the jejunojejunostomy.
Recent legislations oblige organizations to monitor the effectiveness of internal control mechanisms that are necessary to prevent fraud. However, little is known about the effectiveness of different internal controls. We investigate whether the duty to sign work results-one of the most prominent internal control mechanisms-is effective to prevent fraud under different superior instructions. We use a 2×2 between-subjects experimental design with accountability (duty to sign work results vs. no duty to sign) and superior instructions (with vs. without profit maximization cue) as independent variables. Both manipulations of superior instructions reminded people to respect accounting standards and principles but in one condition, an instruction to increase revenues was integrated as profit maximization cue. We expected this cue to trigger a profit maximization decision frame that increases the likelihood for fraudulent revenue recording. 58 managers from an executive MBA class participated in the experiment. We find that superior instructions interact with accountability. Fraudulent revenue recording was particularly observed when people received instructions to increase revenues and had to sign their work results. Consequently, fraudulent behavior can occur without pressure to commit fraud due to profit maximization cues that are communicated by a superior and despite implemented internal control mechanisms. We discuss possible implications of our results for the prevention of fraudulent behavior.
The knowledge in internal medicine is constantly and so rapidly evolving that practices have to be updated and adjusted to recent scientific rules, in order to improve quality and efficiency in the day to day activities. Residents in the Service of internal medicine of the Lausanne University present several relevant papers published in 2012, whose results are susceptible to change the daily hospital practices. From modest impacts to real revolution, a variety of subjects are discussed in the perspective of evidence based medicine.
OBJECTIVES: This study was designed to compare the long-term clinical outcome of coronary artery bypass grafting (CABG) with intracoronary stenting of patients with isolated proximal left anterior descending coronary artery. BACKGROUND: Although numerous trials have compared coronary angioplasty with bypass surgery, none assessed the clinical evaluation in the long term. METHODS: We evaluated the 10-year clinical outcome in the SIMA (Stent versus Internal Mammary Artery grafting) trial. Patients were randomly assigned to stent implantation versus CABG. RESULTS: Of 123 randomized patients, 59 underwent CABG and 62 received a stent (2 patients were excluded). Follow-up after 10 years was obtained for 98% of the randomized patients. Twenty-six patients (42%) in the percutaneous coronary intervention group and 10 patients (17%) in the CABG group reached an end point (p < 0.001). This difference was due to a higher need for additional revascularization. The incidences of death and myocardial infarction were identical at 10%. Progression of the disease requiring additional revascularization was rare (5%) and was similar for the 2 groups. Stent thrombosis occurred in 2 patients (3%). Angina functional class showed no significant differences between the 2 groups. CONCLUSIONS: Both stent implantation and CABG are safe and highly effective in relieving symptoms in patients with isolated, proximal left anterior descending coronary artery stenosis. Stenting with bare-metal stents is associated with a higher need for repeat interventions. The long-term prognosis for these patients is excellent with either mode of revascularization.
The knowledge of the national legislation and the key concepts of bioethics are necessary for medical practice. The four principles of bioethics are autonomy, beneficence, non-maleficence, and justice. General internal medicine is the speciality of comprehensive care for often elderly patients with multiple chronic illnesses. This care is related to many ethically difficult decisions. In our article, we discuss common ethical problems in general internal medicine, including ethical aspects of the patient-physician relationship and medical decision making, the ethical significance of time management, research in bioethics and medical education.
During the year 2005, the chief residents of the University Medical Outpatient Clinic of Lausanne have done a database of useful articles for daily practice, scientifically validated and with excellent didactic quality, from 10 electronic journals. They have used those selected articles in personal meetings between the chief residents on a regular basis and the possibility to access the database by the junior physicians. Six of these articles concerning different topics (depression, tuberculosis detection, anticoagulation at home, cholinesterase inhibitors, insomnia and therapies, transdermal nitroglycerin and tendinopathies) are presented.
Despite two international studies, there is still no consensus concerning prostate cancer screening. The results of a meta-analysis are making us question our convictions concerning pneumococcal vaccination. The preoperative work-up of cataract surgery can be simplified. When describing the efficacy of a treatment to a patient, relative risks are better understood than absolute risks. For rotator cuff syndrome, intramuscular corticosteroid injections are as efficient as intra-articular injections. In patients prescribed clopidogrel, a proton pump inhibitor is not absolutely necessary. The arrival of a anticoagulant that does not need blood monitoring is an interesting option in atrial fibrillation.
Aim: When planning SIRT using 90Y microspheres, the partition model is used to refine the activity calculated by the body surface area (BSA) method to potentially improve the safety and efficacy of treatment. For this partition model dosimetry, accurate determination of mean tumor-to-normal liver ratio (TNR) is critical since it directly impacts absorbed dose estimates. This work aimed at developing and assessing a reliable methodology for the calculation of 99mTc-MAA SPECT/CT-derived TNR ratios based on phantom studies. Materials and methods: IQ NEMA (6 hot spheres) and Kyoto liver phantoms with different hot/background activity concentration ratios were imaged on a SPECT/CT (GE Infinia Hawkeye 4). For each reconstruction with the IQ phantom, TNR quantification was assessed in terms of relative recovery coefficients (RC) and image noise was evaluated in terms of coefficient of variation (COV) in the filled background. RCs were compared using OSEM with Hann, Butterworth and Gaussian filters, as well as FBP reconstruction algorithms. Regarding OSEM, RCs were assessed by varying different parameters independently, such as the number of iterations (i) and subsets (s) and the cut-off frequency of the filter (fc). The influence of the attenuation and diffusion corrections was also investigated. Furthermore, both 2D-ROIs and 3D-VOIs contouring were compared. For this purpose, dedicated Matlab© routines were developed in-house for automatic 2D-ROI/3D-VOI determination to reduce intra-user and intra-slice variability. Best reconstruction parameters and RCs obtained with the IQ phantom were used to recover corrected TNR in case of the Kyoto phantom for arbitrary hot-lesion size. In addition, we computed TNR volume histograms to better assess uptake heterogeneityResults: The highest RCs were obtained with OSEM (i=2, s=10) coupled with the Butterworth filter (fc=0.8). Indeed, we observed a global 20% RC improvement over other OSEM settings and a 50% increase as compared to the best FBP reconstruction. In any case, both attenuation and diffusion corrections must be applied, thus improving RC while preserving good image noise (COV<10%). Both 2D-ROI and 3D-VOI analysis lead to similar results. Nevertheless, we recommend using 3D-VOI since tumor uptake regions are intrinsically 3D. RC-corrected TNR values lie within 17% around the true value, substantially improving the evaluation of small volume (<15 mL) regions. Conclusions: This study reports the multi-parameter optimization of 99mTc MAA SPECT/CT images reconstruction in planning 90Y dosimetry for SIRT. In phantoms, accurate quantification of TNR was obtained using OSEM coupled with Butterworth and RC correction.
From our reading over the current year 2010 we have singled out 8 items which seem to us significant for the practice of medicine. Small doses of colchicine are useful in the treatment of gout. No efficacious treatment for muscular cramps can be recommended. A cervical collar can be usefully prescribed for the treatment of cervical radiculopathy. A single dose of azithromycin can be envisaged as a third line treatment of syphilis. High doses of vitamin D should not be prescribed for the prevention of fractures in elderly women because of the risks of falling. The wearing of bifocals can be associated with these risks. A clinical score is available to help with the diagnosis of thoracic pain. The NT-pro BNP is of limited use for the follow-up of patients suffering from heart failure.