79 resultados para INCISED-VALLEY
The Mississippi Valley-type zinc and lead deposits at Topla (250,150 metric tons (t) of ore grading 1.0 wt % Zn and 3.3 wt % Pb) and Mezica (19 million metric tons (Mt) of ore grading 5.3 wt % Pb and 2.7 wt % Zn) occur within the Middle to Upper Triassic platform carbonate rocks of the northern Karavanke/Drau Range geotectonic units of the Eastern Alps, Slovenia. The ore and host rocks of these deposits have been investigated by a combination of inorganic and organic geochemical methods to determine major, trace, and rare earth element (REE) concentrations, hydrocarbon distribution, and stable isotope ratios of carbonates, kerogen, extractable organic matter, and individual hydrocarbons. These data combined with sedimentological evidence provide insight into the paleoenvironmental conditions at the site of ore formation. The carbonate isotope composition, the REE patterns, and the distribution of hydrocarbon biomarkers (normal alkanes and steranes) suggest a marine depositional environment. At Topla, a relatively high concentration of redox sensitive trace elements (V, Mo, U) in the host dolostones and REE patterns parallel to that of the North American shale composite suggest that sediments were deposited in a reducing environment. Anoxic conditions enhanced the preservation of organic matter and resulted in relatively higher total organic carbon contents (up to 0.4 wt %). The isotopic composition of the kerogen (delta C-13(kerogon) = -29.4 to -25.0 parts per thousand, delta N-15(kerogen) = -.13.6 to 6.8 parts per thousand) suggests that marine algae and/or bacteria were the main source of organic carbon with a very minor contribution from detrital continental plants and a varying degree of alteration. Extractable organic matter from Topla ore is generally depleted in C-13 compared to the associated kerogen, which is consistent with an indigenous source of the bitumens. The mineralization correlates with delta N-15(kerogen) values around 0 per mil, C-13 depleted kerogen, C-13 enriched n-heptadecane, and relatively high concentrations of bacteria] hydrocarbon biomarkers, indicating a high cyanobacterial biomass at the site of ore formation. Abundant dissimilatory sulfate-reducing bacteria, feeding on the cyanobacterial remains, led to accumulation of biogenic H2S in the pore water of the sediments. This biogenic H2S was mainly incorporated into sedimentary organic matter and diagenetic pyrite. Higher bacterial activity at the ore site also is indicated by specific concentration ratios of hydrocarbons, which are roughly correlated with total Pb plus Zn contents. This correlation is consistent with mixing of hydrothermal metal-rich, fluids and local bacteriogenic sulfide sulfur. The new geochemical data provide supporting evidence that Topla is a low-temperature Mississippi Valley-type deposit formed in an anoxic supratidal saline to hypersaline environment. A laminated cyanobacterial mat, with abundant sulfate-reducing bacteria was the main site of sulfate reduction.
The age of the patient is of prime importance when assessing the radiological risk to patients due to medical X-ray exposures and the total detriment to the population due to radiodiagnostics. In order to take into account the age-specific radiosensitivity, three age groups are considered: children, adults and the elderly. In this work, the relative number of examinations carried out on paediatric and geriatric patients is established, compared with adult patients, for radiodiagnostics as a whole, for dental and medical radiology, for 8 radiological modalities as well as for 40 types of X-ray examinations. The relative numbers of X-ray examinations are determined based on the corresponding age distributions of patients and that of the general population. Two broad groups of X-ray examinations may be defined. Group A comprises conventional radiography, fluoroscopy and computed tomography; for this group a paediatric patient undergoes half the number of examinations as that of an adult, and a geriatric patient undergoes 2.5 times more. Group B comprises angiography and interventional procedures; for this group a paediatric patient undergoes a one-fourth of the number of examinations carried out on an adult, and a geriatric patient undergoes five times more.
Quality assurance programmes are becoming a common practice in the field of mammography. At the present time several recommendations exist and different test objects are used to optimize this radiological procedure. The goal of this study was to check if geographically distant centres using different quality control procedures were comparable when using a common objective way of assessing image quality. The results show that consensus still needs to be found among radiologists to reach a satisfactory level of harmony between patient doses and image quality in Europe.
The shape of the energy spectrum produced by an x-ray tube has a great importance in mammography. Many anode-filtration combinations have been proposed to obtain the most effective spectrum shape for the image quality-dose relationship. On the other hand, third generation synchrotrons such as the European Synchrotron Radiation Facility in Grenoble are able to produce a high flux of monoenergetic radiation. It is thus a powerful tool to study the effect of beam energy on image quality and dose in mammography. An objective method was used to evaluate image quality and dose in mammography with synchrotron radiation and to compare them to standard conventional units. It was performed systematically in the energy range of interest for mammography through the evaluation of a global image quality index and through the measurement of the mean glandular dose. Compared to conventional mammography units, synchrotron radiation shows a great improvement of the image quality-dose relationship, which is due to the beam monochromaticity and to the high intrinsic collimation of the beam, which allows the use of a slit instead of an anti-scatter grid for scatter rejection.
AimAlthough habitat suitability maps derived from species distribution models (SDMs) are often assumed to highlight locations that can sustain healthy populations over time, the relationship between suitability scores and fitness parameters has rarely been tested thoroughly. LocationZackenberg Valley, north-east Greenland. MethodsUsing 14years of data (1997-2010) representing three wader species (dunlin Calidris alpina, sanderling Calidris alba and ruddy turnstone Arenaria interpres), we tested the relationships between modelled suitability and fitness parameters at nesting locations. ResultsAmong the three species examined, only the ruddy turnstone exhibited significant relationships between suitability and nest success, but over time rather than space. During years with extensive snow cover in the landscape, the nesting sites of ruddy turnstone occurred in different habitats than were typically used across years. Moreover, in years with extensive snow cover, the ruddy turnstone initiated nests later and suffered from higher egg predation rates. Main conclusionOur results suggest that SDMs derived from species occurrences that include years of low reproductive success may over-estimate the potential suitable habitat in the landscape. Whenever possible, variation in reproductive success should be considered when building models to inform species' response to environmental change. species' response to environmental change.
This chapter discusses how the industrial ecological systems can help in dealing with environmental issues in developing countries, and it presents three case studies from India that highlight some of the unique environmental issues of developing world. Industrial ecology explores the assumption that the industrial system can be seen as a certain kind of ecosystem. The scope of industrial ecology goes well beyond waste exchange to the optimization of resources flowing through the economic system. Among the various specific aspects of developing countries, which have to be born in mind, is the fact that the pattern of resource flows in developing countries, and hence, the resultant environmental threat could be very different than what it is in the industrialized west. Typically, the flow of materials through the large, organized manufacturing facilities in the developing countries could be very small in relation to the overall material flow as the small, informal ?industry? plays a key role and forms a very significant portion of the economic activity. The case studies of the Tirupur textile industries, and the leather industry in India, illustrate how redefining the problem from a perspective of resource conservation, and on the basis of resource flow data could point to totally new directions for strategy planning. The case study of the Damodar Valley region amplifies the importance of looking beyond formal industry to solve an environmental problem. It shows that even for globally critical programs, such as climate change program in developing countries, it is just not enough to estimate the emissions from the formal industrial sectors.
Perfusion CT studies of regional cerebral blood flow (rCBF), involving sequential acquisition of cerebral CT sections during IV contrast material administration, have classically been reported to be achieved at 120 kVp. We hypothesized that using 80 kVp should result in the same image quality while significantly lowering the patient's radiation dose, and we evaluated this assumption. In five patients undergoing cerebral CT survey, one section level was imaged at 120 kVp and 80 kVp, before and after IV administration of iodinated contrast material. These four cerebral CT sections obtained in each patient were analyzed with special interest to contrast, noise, and radiation dose. Contrast enhancement at 80 kVp is significantly increased (P < .001), as well as contrast between gray matter and white matter after contrast enhancement (P < .001). Mean noise at 80 kVp is not statistically different (P = .042). Finally, performance of perfusion CT studies at 80 kVp, keeping mAs constant, lowers the radiation dose by a factor of 2.8. We, thus, conclude that 80 kVp acquisition of perfusion CT studies of rCBF will result in increased contrast enhancement and should improve rCBF analysis, with a reduced patient's irradiation.
The distribution limits of Crocidura russula (Hermann, 1780) and C. leucodon (Hermann, 1780) were investigated during an interval of 25 years in the bottom of the Rhone valley above Lake Geneva, Switzerland (total data set: 105 spatio-temporal occurrences, 1137 shrews). In 1975, the contact zone between the two species was situated in the region of Martigny. In 1999/2000, new sampling revealed three results: (1) The contact zone showed an upward shift of about 25 km. (2) In the expanded range of C. russula, the resident species has totally disappeared (confirmed by owl pellets analysis). (3) This demonstrates a dominance of C, russula over C. leucodon. Three hypotheses which may explain the range expansion of C. russula were evaluated: (1) habitat modification favouring linear dispersal due to the construction of a highway; (2) temporal event favoured by climate fluctuations, or (3) ongoing postglacial colonisation of Europe. Hypothesis 1 was rejected, because the progression of the shrews anticipated the construction. Hypothesis 3 received only weak support because range limits of C. russula in the region of Nice have been stable for thousands of years. Therefore hypothesis 2, admitting that ongoing climate change has facilitated range expansion, is the most probable.
Located at the internal border of the Grand-Saint-Bernard Zone, the diorite and its aureole lie on top of intensively studied Alpine eclogitic units but this pluton, poorly studied yet, has kept locally almost undeformed. The pluton intruded, at similar to 360 Ma, country-rocks mostly composed of dark shales with Na2O > K2O and minor mafic intercalations of tholeiitic basalt affinity. This association is characteristic of the Vanoise (France) basement series, where available age determinations suggest an Early Paleozoic age. Parts of the pluton, and of its hornfels aureole that is evidenced here for the first time, in the Punta Bioula section of Valsavaranche valley (NW-Italy), have been well-preserved from the Alpine deformation. Syn-emplacement hardening, dehydration-induced, probably prevented strain-enhanced Alpine recrystallization. Magmatic rock-types range continuously from subordinate mafic types at SiO2 similar to 48%, of hornblendite with cumulative or appinite affinities, to the main body of quartz diorite to quartz monzonite (SiO2 up to 62%). P-T estimates for the pluton emplacement, based on the abundance of garnet in the hornfelses, using also zircon and apatite saturation thermometry and Al-in-hornblende barometry, suggest T similar to 800-950 degrees C and minimum P in the 0.2-0.5 GPa range, with records of higher pressure conditions (up to 1-2 GPa?) in hornblendite phlogopite-cored amphibole. The high-K, Na > K, calcalkaline geochemistry is in line with a destructive plate-margin setting. Based on major element data and radiogenic isotope signature (epsilon Nd-360 Ma from -1.2 to + 0.9, Sr-87/Sr-86(360 MA) from 0.7054 to 0.7063), the parental magmas are interpreted in terms of deep-seated metabasaltic partial melts with limited contamination from shallower sources, the low radiogenic Nd-content excluding a major contribution from Vanoise tholeiites. There is no other preserved evidence for Variscan magmatism of similar age and composition in the Western Alps, but probable analogs are known in the western and northern parts of French Massif Central. Regarding the Alpine tectonics, not only the age of the pluton and its host-rocks (instead of the Permo-Carboniferous age previously believed), but also its upper mylonitic contact, suggest revisions of the Alpine nappe model. The Cogne diorite allegedly constituted the axial part of the E-verging ``pli en retour [backfold] du Valsavaranche'', a cornerstone of popular Alpine structural models: in fact, the alleged fold limbs, as attested here by field and geochemical data, do not belong to the same unit, and the backfold hypothesis is unfounded. (C) 2012 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
The goal of this interdisciplinary study is to better understand the land use factors that increase vulnerability of mountain areas in northern Pakistan. The study will identify and analyse the damages and losses caused by the October 2005 earthquake in two areas of the same valley: one "low-risk" watershed with sound natural resources management, the other, "high-risk" in an ecologically degraded watershed. Secondly, the study will examine natural and man-made causes of secondary hazards in the study area, especially landslides; and third it will evaluate the cost of the earthquake damage in the study areas on the livelihoods of local communities and the sub-regional economy. There are few interdisciplinary studies to have correlated community land use practices, resources management, and disaster risk reduction in high-risk mountain areas. By better understanding these linkages, development- humanitarian- and donor agencies focused on disaster reduction can improve their risk reduction programs for mountainous regions.
Because of their beneficial impact on forest ecosystems, European red wood ants (Formica rufa group) are protected by law in many European countries and are considered to be among the most reliable bioindicators of forest stability. However, their taxonomy has been much debated and, unfortunately, it is too often neglected. This happens mainly because the morphology-based method for species delimitation requires lots of time and experience. We therefore employed 9 microsatellite loci and mitochondrial DNA (COI gene) to verify the power of genetic markers for red wood ant species delimitation and to investigate the cryptic diversity of these ants within the Eastern Swiss Alps. We analyzed 83 nests belonging to all red wood ant species that occur in the Swiss National Park area. Genetic data indicated that these species represent different genetic pools. Moreover, results showed that Formica aquilonia YARROW, 1955 and F. paralugubris SEIFERT, 1996 often hybridize within the Park, confirming that these two species are genetically very close and could have diverged only recently. Nevertheless, microsatellites also revealed that one entire population, located in the Minger Valley and morphologically identified as F. lugubris ZETTERSTEDT, 1838, is genetically different to all other analyzed F. lugubris populations found within the same area and to other red wood ant species. These findings, confirmed by mitochondrial DNA analyses, suggest the existence of a new cryptic species within the Eastern Swiss Alps. This putative cryptic species has been provisionally named F. lugubris-A2. These results have a great importance for future conservation plans, monitoring and evolutionary studies on these protected ants.
Of all Pacific salmonids, Chinook salmon Oncorhynchus tshawytscha display the greatest variability in return times to freshwater. The molecular mechanisms of these differential return times have not been well described. Current methods, such as long serial analysis of gene expression (LongSAGE) and microarrays, allow gene expression to be analyzed for thousands of genes simultaneously. To investigate whether differential gene expression is observed between fall- and spring-run Chinook salmon from California's Central Valley, LongSAGE libraries were constructed. Three libraries containing between 25,512 and 29,372 sequenced tags (21 base pairs/tag) were generated using messenger RNA from the brains of adult Chinook salmon returning in fall and spring and from one ocean-caught Chinook salmon. Tags were annotated to genes using complementary DNA libraries from Atlantic salmon Salmo salar and rainbow trout O. mykiss. Differentially expressed genes, as estimated by differences in the number of sequence tags, were found in all pairwise comparisons of libraries (freshwater versus saltwater = 40 genes; fall versus spring = 11 genes: and spawning versus nonspawning = 51 genes). The gene for ependymin, an extracellular glycoprotein involved in behavioral plasticity in fish, exhibited the most differential expression among the three groupings. Reverse transcription polymerase chain reaction analysis verified the differential expression of ependymin between the fall- and spring-run samples. These LongSAGE libraries, the first reported for Chinook salmon, provide a window of the transcriptional changes during Chinook salmon return migration to freshwater and spawning and increase the amount of expressed sequence data.
Abstact : Pollinic contribution to a Pleistocene study of the Lake Geneva region (Switzerland) Palaeoenvironment of the last 800,000 years. Although the "Plateau Romand" (tableland of French-speaking Switzerland) has been marked by the repetitive action of different Quaternary glacial thrusts, numerous preserved outcrops here and there, thanks to favourable topographical conditions, provide sufficient pollinic content to reconstitute the significant botanical fluctuations and allow bio- and chrono-stratigraphical correlations with the long European sequences. The present study examines around ten Pleistocene deposits rich in pollens, whose presumed ages cover a range of 800,000 years. - The Early and Early-Middle Pleistocene are examined at Ecoteaux (VD), undeniably the oldest site in this study. The "Lower Formation of Ecoteaux", whose low pollinic content reveals an environment of the cold desert type, shows an inverse palaeomagnetic remanence. An age earlier than 780,000 years BP (Matuyama period or earlier) is proposed. The "Upper Formation of Ecoteaux" contains over eight major fluctuations in the vegetal covering, of which at least four temporal phases and one climatic optimum. The presence of botanical genera, relics of the Tertiary in particular Pterocarya and Carya, associated with the vegetal dynamic made up of short oscillations, contrives to link this formation to the Cromerian Complex. The thermomeres recorded could correspond to one or several interglacial periods from Middle Pleistocene. Possible correlations with marine isotopic stages 15, 17 and 19 are discussed. - The Middle and Late Pleistocene is approached through the sediments of Onnens (VD), Creux d'Enfer (FR), Port-Valais (VS), La Dénériaz (VD) and Cortaillod (NE). Each site provides a temperate interglacial flora, whose pollinic content is evaluated according to the different conceivable bio-stratigraphic correlations. - Finally the Würm is studied thanks to the outcrop of Marly (FR), together with the excavations at Villars-sous-Yens (VD), Versoix (GE) and Ollon (VD). Together, these observations tend to show that the west of the Swiss Plateau is a zone of transition between the meridian vegetation of the lower Rhone valley and that of beyond the Jura. At the outlet of the Rhone glacier, and on the borders of the prealpine and Jurassian glaciers, the region is situated at the crossroads of post-glacial botanical migrations, between the major axis of the Rhone valley and the Eastern refuge zones; this situation confers particular importance on it. Although believed to be deeply scraped by ice, one notices today that the "Plateau Romand" harbours overtwenty interglacial and interstadial sites. The abrasive action of the Rhone glacier has thus been more modest than previously estimated. The effective extension of glacial tongues, together with atmospheric circulation, are doubtless varying from one interglacial to another. Finally, the speeds of glacial movements, and the unbelievable vegetal vitality, are important parameters, capable of leading to deposits, very early enriched in pollens. RÉSUMÉS : Contribution pollinique à l'étude du Pléistocène de la région lémanique (Suisse) - Paléoenvironnement des derniers 800'000 ans Bien que le Plateau romand soit marqué par l'action répétitive des différentes poussées glaciaires quaternaires, de nombreux affleurements préservés ça et là, à la faveur de conditions topographiques favorables, livrent un contenu pollinique suffisant pour reconstituer des fluctuations botaniques significatives et autoriser des corrélations bioet chronostratigraphiques avec les longues séquences européennes. Le présent travail étudie une dizaine de dépôts pléistocènes riches en pollens, dont les âges présumés balaient un éventail de plus de 800'000 ans. - Le Pléistocène Ancien et Moyen inférieur, sont examinés à Ecoteaux (VD); indéniablement le site le plus ancien de cette étude. La "Formation inférieure d'Ecoteaux", dont le maigre contenu pollinique traduit un environnement de type désertique froid, présente une rémanence magnétique inverse. Un âge antérieur à 780'000 ans BP (période de Matuyama ou antérieure) est proposé. La "Formation supérieure d'Ecoteaux" comprend plus de huit fluctuations majeures du couvert végétal, parmi lesquelles on compte au moins quatre épisodes tempérés et un optimum climatique. La présence de genres botaniques reliques du Tertiaire, en particulier Pterocarya et Carya, associée à la dynamique végétale faite de courtes oscillations, concourent à lier cette formation au Complexe Cromérien. Les thermomères enregistrées pourraient correspondre à un- ou plusieurs interglaciaires du Pléistocène moyen. Les corrélations possibles avec les stades isotopiques marins, MIS 15, 17 et 19 sont discutées. - Le Pléistocène Moyen et Récent est abordé à travers les sédiments d'Onnens (VD), du Creux d'Enfer (FR), de Port-Valais (VS), de La Dénériaz (VD) et de Cortaillod (NE). Chaque site livre une flore tempérée interglaciaire, dont le contenu pollinique est évalué en fonction des différentes corrélations bio-stratigraphiques envisageables. - Enfin le Würm est étudié grâce à l'affleurement de Marly (FR), accompagné des forages de Villars-sous-Yens (VD), Versoix (GE) et Ollon (VD). L'ensemble de ces observations tend à montrer que l'ouest du Plateau suisse est une zone charnière entre la végétation méridionale de la basse vallée du Rhône et celle d'au-delà du Jura. Au débouché du glacier du Rhône et aux confins des glaciers préalpins et jurassiens, cette région est située au carrefour des migrations botaniques post-glaciaires, entre l'axe majeur de la vallée du Rhône et les zones refuges de l'Est. Cette situation lui confère une importance toute particulière. Alors qu'on pensait le Plateau romand profondément raboté par les glaces, on constate aujourd'hui qu'il recèle plus d'une vingtaine de sites interglaciaires et interstadiaires. L'action abrasive du glacier rhodanien a donc été plus modeste qu'envisagée jusqu'ici. L'extension effective des langues glaciaires, tout comme la circulation atmosphérique, diffèrent sans doute d'un interglaciaire à l'autre. Enfin la vitesse des mouvements glaciaires et l'incroyable vitalité végétale sont des paramètres importants, susceptibles d'avoir entraîné des dépôts, très précocement enrichis en pollens.
New fission track and Ar/Ar geochronological data provide time constraints on the exhumation history of the Himalayan nappes in the Mandi (Beas valley) - Tso Monad transect of the NW Indian Himalaya. Results from this and previous studies suggest that the SW-directed North Himalayan nappes were emplaced by detachment from the underthrusted upper Indian crust by 55 Ma and metamorphosed by ca. 48-40 Ma. The nappe stack was subsequently exhumed to shallow upper crustal depths (<10 km) by 40-30 Ma in the Tso Monad dome (northern section of the transect) and by 30-20 Ma close to frontal thrusts in the Baralacha La region. From the Oligocene to the present, exhumation continued slowly.
Résumé Les glissements de terrain représentent un des principaux risques naturels dans les régions montagneuses. En Suisse, chaque année les glissements de terrains causent des dégâts qui affectent les infrastructures et ont des coûts financiers importants. Une bonne compréhension des mécanismes des glissements peut permettre d'atténuer leur impact. Celle-ci passe notamment par la connaissance de la structure interne du glissement, la détermination de son volume et de son ou ses plans de glissement. Dans un glissement de terrain, la désorganisation et la présence de fractures dans le matériel déplacé engendre un changement des paramètres physiques et en particulier une diminution des vitesses de propagation des ondes sismiques ainsi que de la densité du matériel. Les méthodes sismiques sont de ce fait bien adaptées à l'étude des glissements de terrain. Parmi les méthodes sismiques, l'analyse de la dispersion des ondes de surface est une méthode simple à mettre en oeuvre. Elle présente l'avantage d'estimer les variations des vitesses de cisaillement avec la profondeur sans avoir spécifiquement recours à l'utilisation d'une source d'onde S et de géophones horizontaux. Sa mise en oeuvre en trois étapes implique la mesure de la dispersion des ondes de surface sur des réseaux étendus, la détermination des courbes de dispersion pour finir par l'inversion de ces courbes. Les modèles de vitesse obtenus à partir de cette procédure ne sont valides que lorsque les milieux explorés ne présentent pas de variations latérales. En pratique cette hypothèse est rarement vérifiée, notamment pour un glissement de terrain dans lequel les couches remaniées sont susceptibles de présenter de fortes hétérogénéités latérales. Pour évaluer la possibilité de déterminer des courbes de dispersion à partir de réseaux de faible extension des mesures testes ont été effectuées sur un site (Arnex, VD) équipé d'un forage. Un profil sismique de 190 m de long a été implanté dans une vallée creusée dans du calcaire et remplie par des dépôts glacio-lacustres d'une trentaine de mètres d'épaisseur. Les données acquises le long de ce profil ont confirmé que la présence de variations latérales sous le réseau de géophones affecte l'allure des courbes de dispersion jusqu'à parfois empêcher leur détermination. Pour utiliser l'analyse de la dispersion des ondes de surface sur des sites présentant des variations latérales, notre approche consiste à déterminer les courbes de dispersions pour une série de réseaux de faible extension, à inverser chacune des courbes et à interpoler les différents modèles de vitesse obtenus. Le choix de la position ainsi que de l'extension des différents réseaux de géophones est important. Il tient compte de la localisation des hétérogénéités détectées à partir de l'analyse de sismique réfraction, mais également d'anomalies d'amplitudes observées sur des cartes qui représentent dans le domaine position de tir - position du récepteur, l'amplitude mesurée pour différentes fréquences. La procédure proposée par Lin et Lin (2007) s'est avérée être une méthode efficace permettant de déterminer des courbes de dispersion à partir de réseaux de faible extension. Elle consiste à construire à partir d'un réseau de géophones et de plusieurs positions de tir un enregistrement temps-déports qui tient compte d'une large gamme de distances source-récepteur. Au moment d'assembler les différentes données une correction de phase est appliquée pour tenir compte des hétérogénéités situées entre les différents points de tir. Pour évaluer cette correction nous suggérons de calculer pour deux tir successif la densité spectrale croisée des traces de même offset: Sur le site d'Arnex, 22 courbes de dispersions ont été déterminées pour de réseaux de géophones de 10 m d'extension. Nous avons également profité du forage pour acquérir un profil de sismique verticale en ondes S. Le modèle de vitesse S déduit de l'interprétation du profil de sismique verticale est utilisé comme information à priori lors l'inversion des différentes courbes de dispersion. Finalement, le modèle en deux dimension qui a été établi grâce à l'analyse de la dispersion des ondes de surface met en évidence une structure tabulaire à trois couches dont les limites coïncident bien avec les limites lithologiques observées dans le forage. Dans celui-ci des argiles limoneuses associées à une vitesse de propagation des ondes S de l'ordre de 175 m/s surmontent vers 9 m de profondeur des dépôts de moraine argilo-sableuse caractérisés par des vitesses de propagation des ondes S de l'ordre de 300 m/s jusqu'à 14 m de profondeur et supérieur ou égal à 400 m/s entre 14 et 20 m de profondeur. Le glissement de la Grande Combe (Ballaigues, VD) se produit à l'intérieur du remplissage quaternaire d'une combe creusée dans des calcaires Portlandien. Comme dans le cas du site d'Arnex les dépôts quaternaires correspondent à des dépôts glacio-lacustres. Dans la partie supérieure la surface de glissement a été localisée à une vingtaine de mètres de profondeur au niveau de l'interface qui sépare des dépôts de moraine jurassienne et des dépôts glacio-lacustres. Au pied du glissement 14 courbes de dispersions ont été déterminées sur des réseaux de 10 m d'extension le long d'un profil de 144 m. Les courbes obtenues sont discontinues et définies pour un domaine de fréquence de 7 à 35 Hz. Grâce à l'utilisation de distances source-récepteur entre 8 et 72 m, 2 à 4 modes de propagation ont été identifiés pour chacune des courbes. Lors de l'inversion des courbes de dispersion la prise en compte des différents modes de propagation a permis d'étendre la profondeur d'investigation jusqu'à une vingtaine de mètres de profondeur. Le modèle en deux dimensions permet de distinguer 4 couches (Vs1 < 175 m/s, 175 m/s < Vs2 < 225 m/s, 225 m/s < Vs3 < 400 m/s et Vs4 >.400 m/s) qui présentent des variations d'épaisseur. Des profils de sismiques réflexion en ondes S acquis avec une source construite dans le cadre de ce travail, complètent et corroborent le modèle établi à partir de l'analyse de la dispersion des ondes de surface. Un réflecteur localisé entre 5 et 10 m de profondeur et associé à une vitesse de sommation de 180 m/s souligne notamment la géométrie de l'interface qui sépare la deuxième de la troisième couche du modèle établi à partir de l'analyse de la dispersion des ondes de surface. Abstract Landslides are one of the main natural hazards in mountainous regions. In Switzerland, landslides cause damages every year that impact infrastructures and have important financial costs. In depth understanding of sliding mechanisms may help limiting their impact. In particular, this can be achieved through a better knowledge of the internal structure of the landslide, the determination of its volume and its sliding surface or surfaces In a landslide, the disorganization and the presence of fractures in the displaced material generate a change of the physical parameters and in particular a decrease of the seismic velocities and of the material density. Therefoe, seismic methods are well adapted to the study of landslides. Among seismic methods, surface-wave dispersion analysis is a easy to implement. Through it, shearwave velocity variations with depth can be estimated without having to resort to an S-wave source and to horizontal geophones. Its 3-step implementation implies measurement of surface-wave dispersion with long arrays, determination of the dispersion curves and finally inversion of these curves. Velocity models obtained through this approach are only valid when the investigated medium does not include lateral variations. In practice, this assumption is seldom correct, in particular for landslides in which reshaped layers likely include strong lateral heterogeneities. To assess the possibility of determining dispersion curves from short array lengths we carried out tests measurements on a site (Arnex, VD) that includes a borehole. A 190 m long seismic profile was acquired in a valley carved into limestone and filled with 30 m of glacio-lacustrine sediments. The data acquired along this profile confirmed that the presence of lateral variations under the geophone array influences the dispersion-curve shape so much that it sometimes preventes the dispersion curves determination. Our approach to use the analysis of surface-wave dispersion on sites that include lateral variations consists in obtaining dispersion curves for a series of short length arrays; inverting each so obtained curve and interpolating the different obtained velocity model. The choice of the location as well as the geophone array length is important. It takes into account the location of the heterogeneities that are revealed by the seismic refraction interpretation of the data but also, the location of signal amplitude anomalies observed on maps that represent, for a given frequency, the measured amplitude in the shot position - receiver position domain. The procedure proposed by Lin and Lin (2007) turned out to be an efficient one to determine dispersion curves using short extension arrays. It consists in building a time-offset from an array of geophones with a wide offset range by gathering seismograms acquired with different source-to-receiver offsets. When assembling the different data, a phase correction is applied in order to reduce static phase error induced by lateral variation. To evaluate this correction, we suggest to calculate, for two successive shots, the cross power spectral density of common offset traces. On the Arnex site, 22 curves were determined with 10m in length geophone-arrays. We also took advantage of the borehole to acquire a S-wave vertical seismic profile. The S-wave velocity depth model derived from the vertical seismic profile interpretation is used as prior information in the inversion of the dispersion-curves. Finally a 2D velocity model was established from the analysis of the different dispersion curves. It reveals a 3-layer structure in good agreement with the observed lithologies in the borehole. In it a clay layer with a shear-wave of 175 m/s shear-wave velocity overlies a clayey-sandy till layer at 9 m depth that is characterized down to 14 m by a 300 m/s S-wave velocity; these deposits have a S-wave velocity of 400 m/s between depths of 14 to 20 m. The La Grand Combe landslide (Ballaigues, VD) occurs inside the Quaternary filling of a valley carved into Portlandien limestone. As at the Arnex site, the Quaternary deposits correspond to glaciolacustrine sediments. In the upper part of the landslide, the sliding surface is located at a depth of about 20 m that coincides with the discontinuity between Jurassian till and glacio-lacustrine deposits. At the toe of the landslide, we defined 14 dispersion curves along a 144 m long profile using 10 m long geophone arrays. The obtained curves are discontinuous and defined within a frequency range of 7 to 35 Hz. The use of a wide range of offsets (from 8 to 72 m) enabled us to determine 2 to 4 mode of propagation for each dispersion curve. Taking these higher modes into consideration for dispersion curve inversion allowed us to reach an investigation depth of about 20 m. A four layer 2D model was derived (Vs1< 175 m/s, 175 m/s <Vs2< 225 m/s, 225 m/s < Vs3 < 400 m/s, Vs4> 400 m/s) with variable layer thicknesses. S-wave seismic reflection profiles acquired with a source built as part of this work complete and the velocity model revealed by surface-wave analysis. In particular, reflector at a depth of 5 to 10 m associated with a 180 m/s stacking velocity image the geometry of the discontinuity between the second and third layer of the model derived from the surface-wave dispersion analysis.