105 resultados para Hyperelliptic curves


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Objective: Status epilepticus (SE) prognosis, is mostly related to non-modifiable factors (especially age, etiology), but the specific role of treatment appropriateness (TA) has not been investigated. Methods: In a prospective cohort with incident SE (excluding postanoxic), TA was defined, after recent European recommendations, in terms of drug dosage (630% deviation) and sequence. Outcome at hospital discharge was categorized into mortality, new handicap, or return to baseline. Results: Among 225 adults, treatment was inappropriate in 37%. In univariate analyses, age, etiology, SE severity and comorbidity, but not TA, were significantly related to outcome. Etiology (95% CI 4.3-82.8) and SE severity (95% CI 1.2-2.4) were independent predictors of mortality, and of lack of return to baseline conditions (etiology: 95% CI 3.9-14.0; SE severity: 95% CI 1.4-2.2). Moreover, TA did not improve outcome prediction in the corresponding ROC curves. Conclusions: This large analysis suggests that TA plays a negligible prognostic role in SE, probably reflecting the outstanding importance of the biological background. Awaiting treatment trials in SE, it appears questionable to apply further resources in refining treatment protocols involving existing compounds; rather, new therapeutic approaches should be identified and tested.


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A gas chromatographic-mass spectrometric method is presented which allows the determination of chlorzoxazone and 6-hydroxychlorzoxazone after derivatization with the reagent N-tert.-butyldimethylsilyl-N-methyltrifluoroacetamide. No interference was observed from endogenous compounds following the extraction of plasma samples from six different human subjects. The standard curves were linear over a working range of 20 to 4000 ng/ml and of 20 to 1000 ng/ml for chlorzoxazone and 6-hydroxychlorzoxazone, respectively. Recoveries ranged from 65 to 97% for the two compounds and intra- and inter-day coefficients of variation were always less than 9%. The limit of quantitation of the method was found to be 5 ng/ml for the two compounds, hence allowing its use for single low dose pharmacokinetics.


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Astrocytes have recently become a major center of interest in neurochemistry with the discoveries on their major role in brain energy metabolism. An interesting way to probe this glial contribution is given by in vivo (13) C NMR spectroscopy coupled with the infusion labeled glial-specific substrate, such as acetate. In this study, we infused alpha-chloralose anesthetized rats with [2-(13) C]acetate and followed the dynamics of the fractional enrichment (FE) in the positions C4 and C3 of glutamate and glutamine with high sensitivity, using (1) H-[(13) C] magnetic resonance spectroscopy (MRS) at 14.1T. Applying a two-compartment mathematical model to the measured time courses yielded a glial tricarboxylic acid (TCA) cycle rate (Vg ) of 0.27 ± 0.02 μmol/g/min and a glutamatergic neurotransmission rate (VNT ) of 0.15 ± 0.01 μmol/g/min. Glial oxidative ATP metabolism thus accounts for 38% of total oxidative metabolism measured by NMR. Pyruvate carboxylase (VPC ) was 0.09 ± 0.01 μmol/g/min, corresponding to 37% of the glial glutamine synthesis rate. The glial and neuronal transmitochondrial fluxes (Vx (g) and Vx (n) ) were of the same order of magnitude as the respective TCA cycle fluxes. In addition, we estimated a glial glutamate pool size of 0.6 ± 0.1 μmol/g. The effect of spectral data quality on the fluxes estimates was analyzed by Monte Carlo simulations. In this (13) C-acetate labeling study, we propose a refined two-compartment analysis of brain energy metabolism based on (13) C turnover curves of acetate, glutamate and glutamine measured with state of the art in vivo dynamic MRS at high magnetic field in rats, enabling a deeper understanding of the specific role of glial cells in brain oxidative metabolism. In addition, the robustness of the metabolic fluxes determination relative to MRS data quality was carefully studied.


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Objectives: The study objective was to derive reference pharmacokinetic curves of antiretroviral drugs (ART) based on available population pharmacokinetic (Pop-PK) studies that can be used to optimize therapeutic drug monitoring guided dosage adjustment.¦Methods: A systematic search of Pop-PK studies of 8 ART in adults was performed in PubMed. To simulate reference PK curves, a summary of the PK parameters was obtained for each drug based on meta-analysis approach. Most models used one-compartment model, thus chosen as reference model. Models using bi-exponential disposition were simplified to one-compartment, since the first distribution phase was rapid and not determinant for the description of the terminal elimination phase, mostly relevant for this project. Different absorption were standardized for first-order absorption processes.¦Apparent clearance (CL), apparent volume of distribution of the terminal phase (Vz) and absorption rate constant (ka) and inter-individual variability were pooled into summary mean value, weighted by number of plasma levels; intra-individual variability was weighted by number of individuals in each study.¦Simulations based on summary PK parameters served to construct concentration PK percentiles (NONMEM®).¦Concordance between individual and summary parameters was assessed graphically using Forest-plots. To test robustness, difference in simulated curves based on published and summary parameters was calculated using efavirenz as probe drug.¦Results: CL was readily accessible from all studies. For studies with one-compartment, Vz was central volume of distribution; for two-compartment, Vz was CL/λz. ka was directly used or derived based on the mean absorption time (MAT) for more complicated absorption models, assuming MAT=1/ka.¦The value of CL for each drug was in excellent agreement throughout all Pop-PK models, suggesting that minimal concentration derived from summary models was adequately characterized. The comparison of the concentration vs. time profile for efavirenz between published and summary PK parameters revealed not more than 20% difference. Although our approach appears adequate for estimation of elimination phase, the simplification of absorption phase might lead to small bias shortly after drug intake.¦Conclusions: Simulated reference percentile curves based on such an approach represent a useful tool for interpretating drug concentrations. This Pop-PK meta-analysis approach should be further validated and could be extended to elaborate more sophisticated computerized tool for the Bayesian TDM of ART.


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To assess the behavior of the arterial wall in hypertensive patients, we developed a noninvasive ultrasonic device. Simultaneous recordings of internal diameter and blood pressure over the whole cardiac cycle are used to establish compliance-pressure curves. Blood pressure, which is a co-determinant of compliance, is thus taken into account. This method allows one to compare arteries from patients with different blood pressures. Arterial compliance and distensibility were first investigated in healthy young volunteers administered either lisinopril (20 mg), atenolol (100 mg) or nitrendipine (20 mg) once a day. After 8 days of treatment, only lisinopril was found to increase arterial compliance. Subsequently, we compared arterial diameter- and distensibility-pressure curves from newly diagnosed and untreated hypertensive patients with those of matched normotensive control patients. Diameter-pressure curves did not differ significantly between the groups and distensibility was not reduced. Similar findings were later obtained in an animal model, when mechanical properties of carotid arteries were compared between spontaneously hypertensive rats and normotensive counterparts (Wistar-Kyoto rats). These results, although interesting by providing noninvasive information on the elastic response of the wall, call for further development of the technique to be able to measure arterial wall thickness. Stress-strain relationship could ultimately be established to thoroughly characterize physical properties of blood vessel walls.


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Keywords Diabetes mellitus; coronary artery disease; myocardial ischemia; prognostic value; single-photon emission computed tomography myocardial perfusion imaging Summary Aim: To determine the long-term prognostic value of SPECT myocardial perfusion imaging (MPI) for the occurrence of cardiovascular events in diabetic patients. Methods: SPECT MPI of 210 consecutive Caucasian diabetic patients were analysed using Kaplan-Meier event-free survival curves and independent predictors were determined by Cox multivariate analyses. Results: Follow-up was complete in 200 (95%) patients with a median period of 3.0 years (0.8-5.0). The population was composed of 114 (57%) men, age 65±10 years, 181 (90.5%) type 2 diabetes mellitus, 50 (25%) with a history of coronary artery disease (CAD) and 98 (49%) presenting chest pain prior to MPI. The prevalence of abnormal MPI was 58%. Patients with a normal MPI had neither cardiac death, nor myocardial infarction, independently of a history of coronary artery disease or chest pain. Among the independent predictors of cardiac death and myocardial infarction, the strongest was abnormal MPI (p<.0001), followed by history of CAD (Hazard Ratio (HR)= t 5.9, p=0.0001), diabetic retinopathy (HR=10.0, p=0.001) and inability to exercise (HR=7.7, p=0.02). Patients with normal 1VIPI had a low revascularisation rate of 2.4% during the follow-up period. Compared to normal MPI, cardiovascular events increased 5.2 fold for reversible defects, 8.5 fold for fixed defects and 20.1 fold for the association of both defects. Conclusion: Diabetic patients with normal MPI had an excellent prognosis independently of history of CAD. On the opposite, an abnormal MPI led to a > 5 fold increase in cardiovascular events. This emphasizes the value of SPECT MPI in predicting and risk-stratifying cardiovascular events in diabetic patients. Mots-Clés Diabète; maladie coronarienne; ischémie myocardique; valeur pronostique; tomoscintigraphie myocardique de perfusion par émission monophotonique Résumé Objectifs: Déterminer la valeur pronostique à long terme de la tomoscintigraphie myocardique de perfusion (TSMP) chez les patients diabétiques pour prédire les événements cardiovasculaires (ECV). Méthodes: Etude de 210 diabétiques caucasiens consécutifs référés pour une TSMP. Les courbes de survie ont été déterminées par Kaplan-Meier et les facteurs prédictifs indépendants par analyses multivariées de type Cox. Résultats: Le suivi a été complet chez 200 (95%) patients avec une durée médiane de 3.0 ans (0.8-50). La population était composée de 114 (57%) hommes, âge moyen 65±10 ans, avec 181 (90.5%) diabète de type 2, 50 (25%) antécédents de maladie coronarienne (AMC) et 98 (49%) patients connus pour un angor avant la TSMP. La prévalence de TSMP anormales était de 58%. Aucun décès d'origine cardiaque ou infarctus du myocarde n'est survenu chez les patients avec une TSMP normale, ceci indépendamment de leurs AMC et des douleurs thoraciques. Les facteurs prédictifs indépendants pour les ECV sont une TSMP anormale (p<.0001), les AMC (Hazard Ratio (HR)=15.9, p-0.0001), suivi de la rétinopathie diabétique (HR-10.0, p=0.001) et de l'incapacité à effectuer un exercice (HR=7.7, p=0.02). Les patients avec une TSMP normale ont présenté un taux de revascularisations de 2.4%. La présence de défauts mixtes accroît le risque d'ECV de 20.1 fois, les défauts fixes de 8.5 fois et les défauts réversibles de 5.2 fois comparés aux sujets avec une TSMP normale. Conclusion: Les patients diabétiques, coronariens ou non, avec une tomoscintigraphie myocardique de perfusion normale ont un excellent pronostique. A l'opposé, une TSMP anormale est associée à une augmentation du risque d'ECV de plus de 5 fois. Ceci confirme l'utilité de la TSMP dans la stratification du risque chez les patients diabétiques.


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The Western Alpine Are has been created during the Cretaceous and the Tertiary orogenies. The interference patterns of the Tertiary structures suggest their formation during continental collision of the European and the Adriatic Plates, with an accompanying anticlockwise rotation of the Adriatic indenter. Extensional structures are mainly related to ductile deformation by simple shear. These structures developed at a deep tectonic level, in granitic crustal rocks, at depths in excess of 10 km. In the early Palaeogene period of the Tertiary Orogeny, the main Tertiary nappe emplacement resulted from a NW-thrusting of the Austroalpine, Penninic and Helvetic nappes. Heating of the deep zone of the Upper Cretaceous and Tertiary nappe stack by geothermal heat flow is responsible for the Tertiary regional metamorphism, reaching amphibolite-facies conditions in the Lepontine Gneiss Dome (geothermal gradient 25 degrees C/ km). The Tertiary thrusting occurred mainly during prograde metamorphic conditions with creation of a penetrative NW-SE-oriented stretching lineation, X(1) (finite extension), parallel to the direction of simple shear. Earliest cooling after the culmination of the Tertiary metamorphism, some 38 Ma ago, is recorded by the cooling curves of the Monte Rosa and Mischabel nappes to the west and the Suretta Nappe to the east of the Lepontine Gneiss Dome. The onset of dextral transpression, with a strong extension parallel to the mountain belt, and the oldest S-vergent `'backfolding'' took place some 35 to 30 Ma ago during retrograde amphibolite-facies conditions and before the intrusion of the Oligocene dikes north of the Periadriatic Line. The main updoming of the Lepontine Gneiss Dome started some 32-30 Ma ago with the intrusion of the Bergell tonalites and granodiorites, concomitant with S-vergent backfolding and backthrusting and dextral strike-slip movements along the Tonale and Canavese Lines (Argand's Insubric phase). Subsequently, the center of main updoming migrated slowly to the west, reaching the Simplon region some 20 Ma ago. This was contemporaneous with the westward migration of the Adriatic indenter. Between 20 Ma and the present, the Western Aar Massif-Toce culmination was the center of strong uplift. The youngest S-vergent backfolds, the Glishorn anticline and the Berisal syncline fold the 12 Ma Rb/Sr biotite isochron and are cut by the 11 Ma old Rhone-Simplon Line. The discrete Rhone-Simplon Line represents a late retrograde manifestation in the preexisting ductile Simplon Shear Zone. This fault zone is still active today. The Oligocene-Neogene dextral transpression and extension in the Simplon area were concurrent with thrusting to the northwest of the Helvetic nappes, the Prealpes (35-15 Ma) and with the Jura thin-skinned thrust (11-3 Ma). It was also contemporaneous with thrusting to the south of the Bergamasc (> 35-5 Ma) and Milan thrusts (16-5 Ma).


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Background: Ventilator-associated pneumonia (VAP) is the most common hospital-acquired, life-threatening infection. Poor outcome and health-care costs of nosocomial pneumonia remain a global burden. Currently, physicians rely on their experience to discriminate patients with good and poor outcome. However, standardized prognostic measures might guide medical decisions in the future. Pancreatic stone protein (PSP)/regenerating protein (reg) is associated with inflammation, infection, and other disease-related stimuli. The prognostic value of PSP/reg among critically ill patients is unknown. The aim of this pilot study was to evaluate PSP/reg in VAP.Methods: One hundred one patients with clinically diagnosed VAP were assessed. PSP/reg was retrospectively analyzed using deep-frozen serum samples from VAP onset up to day 7. The main end point was death within 28 days after VAP onset.Results: Serum PSP/reg was associated with the sequential organ failure assessment score from VAP onset (Spearman rank correlation coefficient 0.49 P < .001) up to day 7. PSP/reg levels at VAP onset were elevated in nonsurvivors (n = 20) as compared with survivors (117.0 ng/mL [36.1-295.3] vs 36.3 ng/mL [21.0-124.0] P = .011). The areas under the receiver operating characteristic curves of PSP/reg to predict mortality/survival were 0.69 at VAP onset and 0.76 at day 7. Two PSP/reg cutoffs potentially allow for identification of individuals with a particularly good and poor outcome. Whereas PSP/reg levels below 24 ng/mL at YAP onset were associated with a good chance of survival, levels above 177 ng/mL at day 7 were present in patients with a very poor outcome.Conclusions: Serum PSP/reg is a biomarker related to organ failure and outcome in patients with VAP.


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Some forensic and clinical circumstances require knowledge of the frequency of drug use. Care of the patient, administrative, and legal consequences will be different if the subject is a regular or an occasional cannabis smoker. To this end, 11-nor-9-carboxy-Δ9-tetrahydrocannabinol (THCCOOH) has been proposed as a criterion to help to distinguish between these two groups of users. However, to date this indicator has not been adequately assessed under experimental conditions. We carried out a controlled administration study of smoked cannabis with a placebo. Cannabinoid levels were determined in whole blood using tandem mass spectrometry. Significantly high differences in THCCOOH concentrations were found between the two groups when measured during the screening visit, prior to the smoking session, and throughout the day of the experiment. Receiver operating characteristic (ROC) curves were determined and two threshold criteria were proposed in order to distinguish between these groups: a free THCCOOH concentration below 3 µg/L suggested an occasional consumption (≤ 1 joint/week) while a concentration higher than 40 µg/L corresponded to a heavy use (≥ 10 joints/month). These thresholds were tested and found to be consistent with previously published experimental data. The decision threshold of 40 µg/L could be a cut-off for possible disqualification for driving while under the influence of cannabis. A further medical assessment and follow-up would be necessary for the reissuing of a driving license once abstinence from cannabis has been demonstrated. A THCCOOH level below 3 µg/L would indicate that no medical assessment is required. Copyright © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.


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OBJECTIVES: The aim of this study was to evaluate new electrocardiographic (ECG) criteria for discriminating between incomplete right bundle branch block (RBBB) and the Brugada types 2 and 3 ECG patterns. BACKGROUND: Brugada syndrome can manifest as either type 2 or type 3 pattern. The latter should be distinguished from incomplete RBBB, present in 3% of the population. METHODS: Thirty-eight patients with either type 2 or type 3 Brugada pattern that were referred for an antiarrhythmic drug challenge (AAD) were included. Before AAD, 2 angles were measured from ECG leads V(1) and/or V(2) showing incomplete RBBB: 1) α, the angle between a vertical line and the downslope of the r'-wave, and 2) β, the angle between the upslope of the S-wave and the downslope of the r'-wave. Baseline angle values, alone or combined with QRS duration, were compared between patients with negative and positive results on AAD. Receiver-operating characteristic curves were constructed to identify optimal discriminative cutoff values. RESULTS: The mean β angle was significantly smaller in the 14 patients with negative results on AAD compared to the 24 patients with positive results on AAD (36 ± 20° vs. 62 ± 20°, p < 0.01). Its optimal cutoff value was 58°, which yielded a positive predictive value of 73% and a negative predictive value of 87% for conversion to type 1 pattern on AAD; α was slightly less sensitive and specific compared with β. When the angles were combined with QRS duration, it tended to improve discrimination. CONCLUSIONS: In patients with suspected Brugada syndrome, simple ECG criteria can enable discrimination between incomplete RBBB and types 2 and 3 Brugada patterns.


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Purpose: IOL centration and stability after cataract surgery is of high interest for cataract surgeons and IOL-producing companies. We present a new imaging software to evaluate the centration of the rhexis and the centration of the IOL after cataract surgery.Methods: We developed, in collaboration with the Biomedical Imaging Group (BIG), EPFL, Lausanne, a new working tool in order to assess precisely outcomes after IOL-implantation, such as ideal capsulorhexis and IOL-centration. The software is a plug-in of ImageJ, a general-purpose image processing and image-analysis package. The specifications of this software are: evaluation of the rhexis-centration and evaluation the position of the IOL in the posterior chamber. The end points are to analyze the quality of the centration of a rhexis after cataract surgery, the deformation of the rhexis with capsular bag retraction and the centration of the IOL after implantation.Results: This software delivers tools to interactively measure the distances between limbus, IOL and capsulorhexis and its changes over time. The user is invited to adjust nodes of three radial curves for the limbus, rhexis and the optic of the IOL. The radial distances of the curves are computed to evaluate the IOL implantation. The user is also able to define patterns for ideal capsulorhexis and optimal IOL-centration. We are going to present examples of calculations after cataract surgery.Conclusions: Evaluation of the centration of the rhexis and of the IOL after cataract surgery is an important end point for optimal IOL implantation after cataract surgery. Especially multifocal or accommodative lenses need a precise position in the bag with a good stability over time. This software is able to evaluate these parameters just after the surgery but also its changes over time. The results of these evaluations can lead to an optimizing of surgical procedures and materials.


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We examined the contribution of each alpha(1)-adrenoceptor (AR) subtype in noradrenaline (NAd)-evoked contraction in the thoracic aortas and mesenteric arteries of mice. Compared with the concentration-response curves (CRCs) for NAd in the thoracic aortas of wild-type (WT) mice, the CRCs of mutant mice showed a significantly lower sensitivity. The pD(2) value in rank order is as follows: WT mice (8.21) > alpha(1B)-adrenoceptor knockout (alpha(1B)-KO) (7.77) > alpha(1D)-AR knockout (alpha(1D)-KO) (6.44) > alpha(1B)- and alpha(1D)-AR double knockout (alpha(1BD)-KO) (5.15). In the mesenteric artery, CRCs for NAd did not differ significantly between either WT (6.52) and alpha(1B)-KO mice (7.12) or alpha(1D)-KO (6.19) and alpha(1BD)-KO (6.29) mice. However, the CRC maximum responses to NAd in alpha(1D)- and alpha(1BD)-KO mice were significantly lower than those in WT and alpha(1B)-KO mice. Except in the thoracic aortas of alpha(1BD)-KO mice, the competitive antagonist prazosin inhibited the contraction response to NAd with high affinity. However, prazosin produced shallow Schild slopes in the vessels of mice lacking the alpha(1D)-AR gene. In the thoracic aorta, pA(2) values in WT mice for KMD-3213 and BMY7378 were 8.25 and 8.46, respectively, and in alpha(1B)-KO mice they were 8.49 and 9.13, respectively. In the mesenteric artery, pA(2) values in WT mice for KMD-3213 and BMY7378 were 8.34 and 7.47, respectively, and in alpha(1B)-KO mice they were 8.11 and 7.82, respectively. These pharmacological findings were in fairly good agreement with findings from comparison of CRCs, with the exception of the mesenteric arteries of WT and alpha(1B)-KO mice, which showed low affinities to BMY7378. We performed a quantitative analysis of the mRNA expression of each alpha(1)-AR subtype in these vessels in order to examine the correlation between mRNA expression level and the predominance of each alpha(1)-AR subtype in mediating vascular contraction. The rank order of each alpha(1)-AR subtype in terms of its vasoconstrictor role was in fairly good agreement with the level of expression of mRNA of each subtype, that is, alpha(1D)-AR > alpha(1B)-AR > alpha(1A)-AR in the thoracic aorta and alpha(1D)-AR > alpha(1A)-AR > alpha(1B)-AR in the mesenteric artery. No dramatic compensatory change of alpha(1)-AR subtype in mutant mice was observed in pharmacological or quantitative mRNA expression analysis.


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We present a new approach for analyzing the turnover rates of Cretaceous radiolarians recorded in pelagic sequences of western Tethys, The analysis of major extinction-radiation events and the fluctuation of diversity are compared with major paleoceanographic events and variation of diversity in dinoflagellates, calcareous nannoplankton and ammonites. There is an extraordinary correlation between biotic changes and sea level changes, temperatures, O, C and Sr isotopes, phosphorus accumulation rates and anoxic episodes. This reveals a predominantly abiotic control on the evolution of radiolarians. The rate of turnover and the diversity through time of two major orders of radiolarians (nassellarians and spumellarians) exhibits (1) the quasi-parallelism of their diversity curves, excluding a direct competition between them, (2) greater resistance of spumellarians to extinction during the early stage of extinction intervals and (3) a stronger post-extinction recovery of nassellarians. Evolutionary rates of radiolarians can be a good means of monitoring global environmental changes and allowing us to understand more clearly the relationship between plankton evolution, climate and pale oceanographic processes.


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ECG criteria for left ventricular hypertrophy (LVH) have been almost exclusively elaborated and calibrated in white populations. Because several interethnic differences in ECG characteristics have been found, the applicability of these criteria to African individuals remains to be demonstrated. We therefore investigated the performance of classic ECG criteria for LVH detection in an African population. Digitized 12-lead ECG tracings were obtained from 334 African individuals randomly selected from the general population of the Republic of Seychelles (Indian Ocean). Left ventricular mass was calculated with M-mode echocardiography and indexed to body height. LVH was defined by taking the 95th percentile of body height-indexed LVM values in a reference subgroup. In the entire study sample, 16 men and 15 women (prevalence 9.3%) were finally declared to have LVH, of whom 9 were of the reference subgroup. Sensitivity, specificity, accuracy, and positive and negative predictive values for LVH were calculated for 9 classic ECG criteria, and receiver operating characteristic curves were computed. We also generated a new composite time-voltage criterion with stepwise multiple linear regression: weighted time-voltage criterion=(0.2366R(aVL)+0.0551R(V5)+0.0785S(V3)+ 0.2993T(V1))xQRS duration. The Sokolow-Lyon criterion reached the highest sensitivity (61%) and the R(aVL) voltage criterion reached the highest specificity (97%) when evaluated at their traditional partition value. However, at a fixed specificity of 95%, the sensitivity of these 10 criteria ranged from 16% to 32%. Best accuracy was obtained with the R(aVL) voltage criterion and the new composite time-voltage criterion (89% for both). Positive and negative predictive values varied considerably depending on the concomitant presence of 3 clinical risk factors for LVH (hypertension, age >/=50 years, overweight). Median positive and negative predictive values of the 10 ECG criteria were 15% and 95%, respectively, for subjects with none or 1 of these risk factors compared with 63% and 76% for subjects with all of them. In conclusion, the performance of classic ECG criteria for LVH detection was largely disparate and appeared to be lower in this population of East African origin than in white subjects. A newly generated composite time-voltage criterion might provide improved performance. The predictive value of ECG criteria for LVH was considerably enhanced with the integration of information on concomitant clinical risk factors for LVH.


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Background: About 80% of patients with Crohn's disease (CD) require bowel resection and up to 65% will undergo a second resection within 10 years. This study reports clinical risk factors for resection surgery (RS) and repeat RS. Methods: Retrospective cohort study, using data from patients included in the Swiss Inflammatory Bowel Disease Cohort. Cox regression analyses were performed to estimate rates of initial and repeated RS. Results: Out of 1,138 CD cohort patients, 417 (36.6%) had already undergone RS at the time of inclusion. Kaplan-Meier curves showed that the probability of being free of RS was 65% after 10 years, 42% after 20 years, and 23% after 40 years. Perianal involvement (PA) did not modify this probability to a significant extent. The main adjusted risk factors for RS were smoking at diagnosis (hazard ratio (HR) = 1.33; p = 0.006), stricturing with vs. without PA (HR = 4.91 vs. 4.11; p < 0.001) or penetrating disease with vs. without PA (HR = 3.53 vs. 4.58; p < 0.001). The risk factor for repeat RS was penetrating disease with vs. without PA (HR = 3.17 vs. 2.24; p < 0.05). Conclusion: The risk of RS was confirmed to be very high for CD in our cohort. Smoking status at diagnosis, but mostly penetrating and stricturing diseases increase the risk of RS.