130 resultados para Hearing Investigation


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γ-Hydroxybutyric acid (GHB) is an endogenous short-chain fatty acid popular as a recreational drug due to sedative and euphoric effects, but also often implicated in drug-facilitated sexual assaults owing to disinhibition and amnesic properties. Whilst discrimination between endogenous and exogenous GHB as required in intoxication cases may be achieved by the determination of the carbon isotope content, such information has not yet been exploited to answer source inference questions of forensic investigation and intelligence interests. However, potential isotopic fractionation effects occurring through the whole metabolism of GHB may be a major concern in this regard. Thus, urine specimens from six healthy male volunteers who ingested prescription GHB sodium salt, marketed as Xyrem(®), were analysed by means of gas chromatography/combustion/isotope ratio mass spectrometry to assess this particular topic. A very narrow range of δ(13)C values, spreading from -24.810/00 to -25.060/00, was observed, whilst mean δ(13)C value of Xyrem(®) corresponded to -24.990/00. Since urine samples and prescription drug could not be distinguished by means of statistical analysis, carbon isotopic effects and subsequent influence on δ(13)C values through GHB metabolism as a whole could be ruled out. Thus, a link between GHB as a raw matrix and found in a biological fluid may be established, bringing relevant information regarding source inference evaluation. Therefore, this study supports a diversified scope of exploitation for stable isotopes characterized in biological matrices from investigations on intoxication cases to drug intelligence programmes.


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OBJECTIVE: To identify clinical and pupillographic features of patients with a relative afferent pupillary defect (RAPD) without visual acuity or visual field loss caused by a lesion in the dorsal midbrain. DESIGN: Experimental study. PARTICIPANTS AND CONTROLS: Four patients with a dorsal midbrain lesion who had normal visual fields and a clinically detectable RAPD. METHODS: The pupil response from full-field and hemifield light stimulation over a range of light intensities was measured by computerized binocular pupillography. MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES: The mean of the direct and consensual pupil response to full-field and hemifield light stimulation was plotted as a function of stimulus light intensity. RESULTS: All 4 subjects showed decreased pupillographic responses at all intensities to full-field light stimulation in the eye with the clinical RAPD. The pupillographic responses to hemifield stimulation showed a homonymous pattern of deficit on the side ipsilateral to the RAPD, similar to that observed in a previously reported patient with an optic tract lesion. CONCLUSIONS: The basis of a midbrain RAPD is the nasal-temporal asymmetry of pupillomotor input that becomes manifest when a unilateral postchiasmal lesion interrupts homonymously paired fibers traveling in the contralateral optic tract or midbrain pathway to the pupillomotor center, respectively. The pupillographic characteristics of an RAPD resulting from a dorsal midbrain lesion thus resemble those of an RAPD resulting from a unilateral optic tract lesion, but without the homonymous visual field defect. FINANCIAL DISCLOSURE(S): The author(s) have no proprietary or commercial interest in any materials discussed in this article.


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Liquid-chromatography (LC) high-resolution (HR) mass spectrometry (MS) analysis can record HR full scans, a technique of detection that shows comparable selectivity and sensitivity to ion transitions (SRM) performed with triple-quadrupole (TQ)-MS but that allows de facto determination of "all" ions including drug metabolites. This could be of potential utility in in vivo drug metabolism and pharmacovigilance studies in order to have a more comprehensive insight in drug biotransformation profile differences in patients. This simultaneous quantitative and qualitative (Quan/Qual) approach has been tested with 20 patients chronically treated with tamoxifen (TAM). The absolute quantification of TAM and three metabolites in plasma was realized using HR- and TQ-MS and compared. The same LC-HR-MS analysis allowed the identification and relative quantification of 37 additional TAM metabolites. A number of new metabolites were detected in patients' plasma including metabolites identified as didemethyl-trihydroxy-TAM-glucoside and didemethyl-tetrahydroxy-TAM-glucoside conjugates corresponding to TAM with six and seven biotransformation steps, respectively. Multivariate analysis allowed relevant patterns of metabolites and ratios to be associated with TAM administration and CYP2D6 genotype. Two hydroxylated metabolites, α-OH-TAM and 4'-OH-TAM, were newly identified as putative CYP2D6 substrates. The relative quantification was precise (<20 %), and the semiquantitative estimation suggests that metabolite levels are non-negligible. Metabolites could play an important role in drug toxicity, but their impact on drug-related side effects has been partially neglected due to the tremendous effort needed with previous MS technologies. Using present HR-MS, this situation should evolve with the straightforward determination of drug metabolites, enlarging the possibilities in studying inter- and intra-patients drug metabolism variability and related effects.


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Objectifs 1) Caractériser une famille avec PEPD aux plans clinique, généalogique et génétique. 2) Identifier la cause génétique de la maladie dans cette famille, et en démontrer la pathogénicité. Introduction Le "Paroxysmal Extreme Pain Disorder " (PEPD) est une maladie génétique de transmission autosomique dominante caractérisée par des douleurs paroxystiques rectales, oculaires, maxillaires ou dans les membres inférieurs, qui peuvent être accompagnées d'un érythème. Les épisodes sont déclenchés par le contact cutané, les traumatismes mineurs et l'exposition au chaud. Leur intensité est telle qu'elle en est invalidante. PEPD est causé par des mutations du gène SCN9A, qui code pour la sous-unité alpha du canal sodique Nav1.7. Ce canal est distribué dans des cellules nerveuses périphériques appelées "nocicepteurs" qui sont impliquées dans la transmission du signal lié à la douleur. Méthode et Résultats Résultats Cliniques La partie clinique s'est déroulée à l'aide d'interviews structurées par visite directe, entretiens téléphoniques ou par correspondance. L'anamnèse, les données généalogiques et l'examen clinique ont été étudiés de façon extensive et tabulée. Résultats Génétiques Suite à l'identification de la mutation, un génotypage a été effectué à l'aide de techniques standards, afin de démontrer la co-ségrégation de la mutation avec la maladie. En outre, un groupe contrôle de 92 sujets suisses sans maladie connue ont été génotypés pour exclure la possibilité d'un polymorphisme rare. Grâce aux techniques de PCR et de séquençage, nous avons pu démontrer la présence d'une nouvelle mutation hétérozygote dans l'exon 27 du gène SCN9A, ce dernier étant impliqué dans plusieurs maladies dont PEPD. Cette mutation est codante, et conduit à un changement d'acide aminé dans le canal sodique Nav1.7 (mutation p.L1612P). Conclusions L'étude démontre la présence d'une nouvelle mutation du gène SCN9A permettant d'expliquer les symptômes décrits dans la famille investiguée. En effet, le groupe contrôle et tous les individus non symptomatiques de la famille n'ont pas la mutation, ce qui soutient fortement sa pathogénicité. En outre, il s'agit d'une mutation codante non-synonyme, localisée à proximité d'autres mutations causales précédemment étudiées au plan électrophysiologique.


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This study aims to provide a passive sampling approach which can be routinely used to investigate polychlorinated biphenyl (PCB) sources in rivers. The approach consists of deploying low density polyethylene (LDPE) strips downstream and upstream of potential PCB sources as well as in their water discharges. Concentrations of indicator PCBs (iPCBs) absorbed in samplers (Cs) from upstream and downstream sites are compared with each other to reveal increases of PCB levels. Cs measured in water discharges are used to determine if released amounts of PCBs are compatible with increases revealed in the river. As water velocity can greatly vary along a river stretch and influences the uptake at each site in a different way, differences in velocity have to be taken into account to correctly interpret Cs. LDPE strips were exposed to velocities between 1.6 and 37 cm s−1 using a channel system built in the field. Relationships between velocity and Cs were established for each iPCB to determine the expected change in Cs due to velocity variations. For PCBs 28 and 52, this change does not exceed a factor 2 for velocity variations in the range from 1.6 to 100 cm s−1 (extrapolated data above 37 cm s−1). For PCBs 101, 138, 153 and 180, this change only exceeds a factor 2 in the case of large velocity variations. The approach was applied in the Swiss river Venoge to first conduct a primary investigation of potential PCB sources and then conduct thorough investigations of two suspected sources.


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Although age-dependent effects on blood pressure (BP) have been reported, they have not been systematically investigated in large-scale genome-wide association studies (GWASs). We leveraged the infrastructure of three well-established consortia (CHARGE, GBPgen, and ICBP) and a nonstandard approach (age stratification and metaregression) to conduct a genome-wide search of common variants with age-dependent effects on systolic (SBP), diastolic (DBP), mean arterial (MAP), and pulse (PP) pressure. In a two-staged design using 99,241 individuals of European ancestry, we identified 20 genome-wide significant (p ≤ 5 × 10(-8)) loci by using joint tests of the SNP main effect and SNP-age interaction. Nine of the significant loci demonstrated nominal evidence of age-dependent effects on BP by tests of the interactions alone. Index SNPs in the EHBP1L1 (DBP and MAP), CASZ1 (SBP and MAP), and GOSR2 (PP) loci exhibited the largest age interactions, with opposite directions of effect in the young versus the old. The changes in the genetic effects over time were small but nonnegligible (up to 1.58 mm Hg over 60 years). The EHBP1L1 locus was discovered through gene-age interactions only in whites but had DBP main effects replicated (p = 8.3 × 10(-4)) in 8,682 Asians from Singapore, indicating potential interethnic heterogeneity. A secondary analysis revealed 22 loci with evidence of age-specific effects (e.g., only in 20 to 29-year-olds). Age can be used to select samples with larger genetic effect sizes and more homogenous phenotypes, which may increase statistical power. Age-dependent effects identified through novel statistical approaches can provide insight into the biology and temporal regulation underlying BP associations.


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BACKGROUND: As part of EUROCAT's surveillance of congenital anomalies in Europe, a statistical monitoring system has been developed to detect recent clusters or long-term (10 year) time trends. The purpose of this article is to describe the system for the identification and investigation of 10-year time trends, conceived as a "screening" tool ultimately leading to the identification of trends which may be due to changing teratogenic factors.METHODS: The EUROCAT database consists of all cases of congenital anomalies including livebirths, fetal deaths from 20 weeks gestational age, and terminations of pregnancy for fetal anomaly. Monitoring of 10-year trends is performed for each registry for each of 96 non-independent EUROCAT congenital anomaly subgroups, while Pan-Europe analysis combines data from all registries. The monitoring results are reviewed, prioritized according to a prioritization strategy, and communicated to registries for investigation. Twenty-one registries covering over 4 million births, from 1999 to 2008, were included in monitoring in 2010.CONCLUSIONS: Significant increasing trends were detected for abdominal wall anomalies, gastroschisis, hypospadias, Trisomy 18 and renal dysplasia in the Pan-Europe analysis while 68 increasing trends were identified in individual registries. A decreasing trend was detected in over one-third of anomaly subgroups in the Pan-Europe analysis, and 16.9% of individual registry tests. Registry preliminary investigations indicated that many trends are due to changes in data quality, ascertainment, screening, or diagnostic methods. Some trends are inevitably chance phenomena related to multiple testing, while others seem to represent real and continuing change needing further investigation and response by regional/national public health authorities.


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Avant - Propos Le feu et la protection incendie Quel que soit l'usage d'un bâtiment, chaque étape de la construction est soumise à l'application de normes. Certaines, utilisées par les architectes et les ingénieurs, concernent le gros oeuvre ; en simplifiant leur rôle, elles assurent la solidité et la stabilité de l'immeuble. Si celui-ci est ouvert au public, des aménagements particuliers concernant la sécurité des personnes sont imposés. D'autres comme les prescriptions sur les installations électriques intérieures, précisent la manière de construire une alimentation, le type de matériel utilisable en fonction du courant et de la tension, les sécurités destinées à éviter toute détérioration des circuits et tout risque d'électrocution, etc. Enfin, les prescriptions en matière de protection incendie jouent évidemment un rôle préventif et, dans le domaine judiciaire, servent de références pour qualifier une éventuelle infraction ; elles évitent qu'une source de chaleur installée dans un bâtiment - tel qu'un appareil de chauffage ou des plaques de cuisson - ou susceptible d'apparaître consécutivement à l'usure d'un matériau ou à son vieillissement - disparition d'un isolant thermique, défaut d'étanchéité d'un conduit transportant les gaz chauds de combustion, par exemple - ne communiquent une partie de l'énergie calorifique dégagée à un combustible et ne l'enflamme. Le concept de protection incendie implique d'exposer et de développer les principales notions relatives à l'inflammation d'un matériau, à sa combustion ainsi qu'au transport de l'énergie calorifique. Fréquemment, le milieu dans lequel le générateur de chaleur est installé joue un rôle dans la phase d'allumage de l'incendie. Il est évident que les prescriptions de protection incendie s'appliquent à chaque élément de construction et, par conséquent, doivent être respectées par toute personne participant à la réalisation d'un ouvrage : le chauffagiste, l'électricien, l'installateur sanitaire, le constructeur de cuisine, mais également le maçon qui construit la cheminée, le peintre et le décorateur qui posent des revêtements ou des garnitures inflammables, le menuisier qui utilise le bois pour dissimuler des conduites de fumée, etc. Dès lors, tout sinistre, hormis celui qui est perpétré délibérément, ne peut s'expliquer que par : - le non-respect ou le défaut d'application d'une prescription de protection incendie; - une lacune de la norme qui ignore une source d'échauffement et/ou un mode de transfert de l'énergie calorifique. Le but premier de ce travail consiste à : - analyser les sinistres survenus durant les années 1999 à 2005 dans plusieurs cantons suisses qui ont fait l'objet d'une investigation de la part d'un service technique de la police ou d'un expert ; - examiner les éléments retenus pour expliquer la cause de l'incendie à la norme afin de répondre à la question : « l'application d'une ou de plusieurs directives lors de l'installation ou de l'utilisation du générateur d'énergie calorifique aurait-elle évité à ce dernier de communiquer une partie de la chaleur dégagée à un combustible et à l'enflammer ? » Le second objectif visé est d'apporter une solution à la question précédente : - si la norme existe, c'est un défaut d'installation ou d'utilisation de la source de chaleur qui est à l'origine de l'incendie. Il importe donc de connaître la raison pour laquelle la prescription a été ignorée ou appliquée de manière erronée ou lacunaire; - si la norme n'existe pas, ce sont les prescriptions en matière de protection incendie qui doivent être complétées. Le chapitre suivant abordera ces thèmes en proposant divers postulats destinés à évaluer l'efficacité actuelle du concept de protection incendie en Suisse.


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BACKGROUND: Thirty-nine patients have been described with deletions involving chromosome 6p25. However, relatively few of these deletions have had molecular characterization. Common phenotypes of 6p25 deletion syndrome patients include hydrocephalus, hearing loss, and ocular, craniofacial, skeletal, cardiac, and renal malformations. Molecular characterization of deletions can identify genes that are responsible for these phenotypes. METHODS: We report the clinical phenotype of seven patients with terminal deletions of chromosome 6p25 and compare them to previously reported patients. Molecular characterization of the deletions was performed using polymorphic marker analysis to determine the extents of the deletions in these seven 6p25 deletion syndrome patients. RESULTS: Our results, and previous data, show that ocular dysgenesis and hearing impairment are the two most highly penetrant phenotypes of the 6p25 deletion syndrome. While deletion of the forkhead box C1 gene (FOXC1) probably underlies the ocular dysgenesis, no gene in this region is known to be involved in hearing impairment. CONCLUSIONS: Ocular dysgenesis and hearing impairment are the two most common phenotypes of 6p25 deletion syndrome. We conclude that a locus for dominant hearing loss is present at 6p25 and that this locus is restricted to a region distal to D6S1617. Molecular characterization of more 6p25 deletion patients will aid in refinement of this locus and the identification of a gene involved in dominant hearing loss.


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The development of new therapeutic options for renal tumors has lead to the need of a pretherapeutic diagnosis for an increasing proportion of patients presenting with a renal mass. This need is particularly important for a small, incidentally discovered renal mass (less than 4 cm) as it can be a benign lesion in a significant percentage of cases. Recent studies have shown that needle biopsy is an accurate and safe method allowing for a precise histopathological diagnosis of the mass in most cases. The aims of the biopsy are (1) to assess the benign or malignant nature of the lesion, (2) to assess the primary or secondary nature of the lesion, and (3), in case of a primary malignancy, to determine histological prognostic factors, such as the tumor type. This review, based on the most recent literature and our own experience, is intended to provide a practical approach to the diagnosis, relying on appropriate morphologic assessment and the use of immunohistochemistry.


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The determination of the characteristics of micro-organisms in clinical specimens is essential for the rapid diagnosis and treatment of infections. A thorough investigation of the nanoscale properties of bacteria can prove to be a fundamental tool. Indeed, in the latest years, the importance of high resolution analysis of the properties of microbial cell surfaces has been increasingly recognized. Among the techniques available to observe at high resolution specific properties of microscopic samples, the Atomic Force Microscope (AFM) is the most widely used instrument capable to perform morphological and mechanical characterizations of living biological systems. Indeed, AFM can routinely study single cells in physiological conditions and can determine their mechanical properties with a nanometric resolution. Such analyses, coupled with high resolution investigation of their morphological properties, are increasingly used to characterize the state of single cells. In this work, we exploit the capabilities and peculiarities of AFM to analyze the mechanical properties of Escherichia coli in order to evidence with a high spatial resolution the mechanical properties of its structure. In particular, we will show that the bacterial membrane is not mechanically uniform, but contains stiffer areas. The force volume investigations presented in this work evidence for the first time the presence and dynamics of such structures. Such information is also coupled with a novel stiffness tomography technique, suggesting the presence of stiffer structures present underneath the membrane layer that could be associated with bacterial nucleoids.