241 resultados para Hannes Schmid
BACKGROUND: The aim of this multicenter trial was to prospectively evaluate neo-adjuvant chemotherapy followed by extrapleural pneumonectomy (EPP) and radiotherapy, including quality of life as outcome. PATIENTS AND METHODS: Eligible patients had malignant pleural mesothelioma of all histological types, World Health Organization performance status of zero to two and clinical stage T1-T3, N0-2, M0 disease considered completely resectable. Neo-adjuvant chemotherapy consisted of three cycles of cisplatin and gemcitabine followed by EPP. Postoperative radiotherapy was considered for all patients. RESULTS: In all, 58 of 61 patients completed three cycles of neo-adjuvant chemotherapy. Forty-five patients (74%) underwent EPP and in 37 patients (61%) the resection was complete. Postoperative radiotherapy was initiated in 36 patients. The median survival of all patients was 19.8 months [95% confidence interval (CI) 14.6-24.5]. For the 45 patients undergoing EPP, the median survival was 23 months (95% CI 16.6-32.9). Psychological distress showed minor variations over time with distress above the cut-off score indicating no morbidity with 82% (N = 36) at baseline and 76% (N = 26) at 3 months after surgery (P = 0.5). CONCLUSIONS: The observed rate of operability is promising. A median survival of 23 months for patients undergoing EPP compares favourably with the survival reported from single center studies of upfront surgery. This approach was not associated with an increase in psychological distress.
The Eukaryotic Promoter Database (EPD) is an annotated non-redundant collection of eukaryotic POL II promoters, experimentally defined by a transcription start site (TSS). There may be multiple promoter entries for a single gene. The underlying experimental evidence comes from journal articles and, starting from release 73, from 5' ESTs of full-length cDNA clones used for so-called in silico primer extension. Access to promoter sequences is provided by pointers to TSS positions in nucleotide sequence entries. The annotation part of an EPD entry includes a description of the type and source of the initiation site mapping data, links to other biological databases and bibliographic references. EPD is structured in a way that facilitates dynamic extraction of biologically meaningful promoter subsets for comparative sequence analysis. Web-based interfaces have been developed that enable the user to view EPD entries in different formats, to select and extract promoter sequences according to a variety of criteria and to navigate to related databases exploiting different cross-references. Tools for analysing sequence motifs around TSSs defined in EPD are provided by the signal search analysis server. EPD can be accessed at http://www.epd. isb-sib.ch.
(Résumé de l'ouvrage) Das Deuteronomium nimmt sowohl in der Literaturgeschichte der alttestamentlichen Geschichtsbücher Josua bis Könige eine Schlüsselstellung ein als auch für die Entstehung des Pentateuchs. Wie lassen sich diese beiden Funktionen vereinbaren? Mit der Verhältnisbestimmung haben sich namhafte Wissenschafter der Arbeitsgruppe »Biblical and Ancient Near Eastern Law« im Rahmen der Internationalen Treffen der Society of Biblical Literature in Berlin (2002) und Cambridge (2003) befasst. Der Band präsentiert die neuesten Forschungsergebnisse. Er enthält Vorträge von E. Otto, K. Schmid, H.-C. Schmitt, T. Römer, W.M. Schniedewind, G.N. Knoppers, R. Achenbach, M.M. Zahn und C. Nihan.
BACKGROUND: Combination antiretroviral treatment (cART) has been very successful, especially among selected patients in clinical trials. The aim of this study was to describe outcomes of cART on the population level in a large national cohort. METHODS: Characteristics of participants of the Swiss HIV Cohort Study on stable cART at two semiannual visits in 2007 were analyzed with respect to era of treatment initiation, number of previous virologically failed regimens and self reported adherence. Starting ART in the mono/dual era before HIV-1 RNA assays became available was counted as one failed regimen. Logistic regression was used to identify risk factors for virological failure between the two consecutive visits. RESULTS: Of 4541 patients 31.2% and 68.8% had initiated therapy in the mono/dual and cART era, respectively, and been on treatment for a median of 11.7 vs. 5.7 years. At visit 1 in 2007, the mean number of previous failed regimens was 3.2 vs. 0.5 and the viral load was undetectable (<50 copies/ml) in 84.6% vs. 89.1% of the participants, respectively. Adjusted odds ratios of a detectable viral load at visit 2 for participants from the mono/dual era with a history of 2 and 3, 4, >4 previous failures compared to 1 were 0.9 (95% CI 0.4-1.7), 0.8 (0.4-1.6), 1.6 (0.8-3.2), 3.3 (1.7-6.6) respectively, and 2.3 (1.1-4.8) for >2 missed cART doses during the last month, compared to perfect adherence. From the cART era, odds ratios with a history of 1, 2 and >2 previous failures compared to none were 1.8 (95% CI 1.3-2.5), 2.8 (1.7-4.5) and 7.8 (4.5-13.5), respectively, and 2.8 (1.6-4.8) for >2 missed cART doses during the last month, compared to perfect adherence. CONCLUSIONS: A higher number of previous virologically failed regimens, and imperfect adherence to therapy were independent predictors of imminent virological failure.
The activation, or maturation, of dendritic cells (DCs) is crucial for the initiation of adaptive T-cell mediated immune responses. Research on the molecular mechanisms implicated in DC maturation has focused primarily on inducible gene-expression events promoting the acquisition of new functions, such as cytokine production and enhanced T-cell-stimulatory capacity. In contrast, mechanisms that modulate DC function by inducing widespread gene-silencing remain poorly understood. Yet the termination of key functions is known to be critical for the function of activated DCs. Genome-wide analysis of activation-induced histone deacetylation, combined with genome-wide quantification of activation-induced silencing of nascent transcription, led us to identify a novel inducible transcriptional-repression pathway that makes major contributions to the DC-maturation process. This silencing response is a rapid primary event distinct from repression mechanisms known to operate at later stages of DC maturation. The repressed genes function in pivotal processes--including antigen-presentation, extracellular signal detection, intracellular signal transduction and lipid-mediator biosynthesis--underscoring the central contribution of the silencing mechanism to rapid reshaping of DC function. Interestingly, promoters of the repressed genes exhibit a surprisingly high frequency of PU.1-occupied sites, suggesting a novel role for this lineage-specific transcription factor in marking genes poised for inducible repression.
OBJECTIVE: We examined cognitive performance in children after stroke to study the influence of age at stroke, seizures, lesion characteristics, neurologic impairment (NI), and functional outcome on cognitive outcome. METHODS: This was a prospectively designed study conducted in 99 children who sustained an arterial ischemic stroke (AIS) between the age of 1 month and 16 years. All children underwent cognitive and neurologic follow-up examination sessions 2 years after the insult. Cognitive development was assessed with age-appropriate instruments. RESULTS: Although mean cognitive performance was in the lower normative range, we found poorer results in subtests measuring visuoconstructive skills, short-term memory, and processing speed. Risk factors for negative cognitive outcome were young age at stroke, seizures, combined lesion location (cortical and subcortical), as well as marked NI. CONCLUSIONS: We recommend that all children with a history of AIS undergo regularly scheduled neuropsychological assessment to ensure implementation of appropriate interventions and environmental adjustments as early as possible.
OBJECTIVES: Mannan-binding lectin (MBL) acts as a pattern-recognition molecule directed against oligomannan, which is part of the cell wall of yeasts and various bacteria. We have previously shown an association between MBL deficiency and anti-Saccharomyces cerevisiae mannan antibody (ASCA) positivity. This study aims at evaluating whether MBL deficiency is associated with distinct Crohn's disease (CD) phenotypes. METHODS: Serum concentrations of MBL and ASCA were measured using ELISA (enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay) in 427 patients with CD, 70 with ulcerative colitis, and 76 healthy controls. CD phenotypes were grouped according to the Montreal Classification as follows: non-stricturing, non-penetrating (B1, n=182), stricturing (B2, n=113), penetrating (B3, n=67), and perianal disease (p, n=65). MBL was classified as deficient (<100 ng/ml), low (100-500 ng/ml), and normal (500 ng/ml). RESULTS: Mean MBL was lower in B2 and B3 CD patients (1,503+/-1,358 ng/ml) compared with that in B1 phenotypes (1,909+/-1,392 ng/ml, P=0.013). B2 and B3 patients more frequently had low or deficient MBL and ASCA positivity compared with B1 patients (P=0.004 and P<0.001). Mean MBL was lower in ASCA-positive CD patients (1,562+/-1,319 ng/ml) compared with that in ASCA-negative CD patients (1,871+/-1,320 ng/ml, P=0.038). In multivariate logistic regression modeling, low or deficient MBL was associated significantly with B1 (negative association), complicated disease (B2+B3), and ASCA. MBL levels did not correlate with disease duration. CONCLUSIONS: Low or deficient MBL serum levels are significantly associated with complicated (stricturing and penetrating) CD phenotypes but are negatively associated with the non-stricturing, non-penetrating group. Furthermore, CD patients with low or deficient MBL are significantly more often ASCA positive, possibly reflecting delayed clearance of oligomannan-containing microorganisms by the innate immune system in the absence of MBL.
Nanopartikel sind sehr kleine Partikel, die gezielt so hergestellt sind, dass ihr Durchmesser kleiner als etwa 100 nm ist. Sie werden in der Industrie eingesetzt, weil Materialien mit solch kleinen Dimensionen oft neue Eigenschaften aufweisen, die sie vom Ursprungsmaterial unterscheidet. Das Potenzial für mögliche Gesundheits- und Umwelteffekte von Nanomaterialien wird zurzeit intensiv diskutiert, denn die möglichen Effekte der neuen Eigenschaften auf Umwelt und Gesundheit sind erst unvollständig geklärt. Für die Abklärung der Risiken ist es wichtig, Informationen über die möglichen Expositionen und mögliche Freisetzungen in die Umwelt zu haben. Bisher wurden aber Daten über eingesetzte Stoffmengen und Materialarten selten systematisch erhoben. Wir haben in der Schweiz eine repräsentative Studie durchgeführt, um den Einsatz von Nanopartikeln im gesamten Industriesektor abschätzen zu können. Diese Studie ist unseres Wissens weltweit die erste solche Studie. Sie verwendete die Definition von Nanopartikeln, welche Nanofasern und Agglomerate von Nanopartikeln mit einschließt. Geschätzte 1.300 Arbeiter in 600 Firmen sind direkt an einer Nanopartikelanwendung beteiligt und könnten somit exponiert werden. Dies sind etwa 0,6% der Firmen und etwa 0,08% der Arbeiter des Schweizer Produktionssektors. Um nun zu bestimmen, ob solche Arbeiter mit Nanopartikel in Kontakt kommen oder nicht, stehen verschiedene Messmethoden zur Verfügung. Die aktuelle Technik erlaubt eine quantitative Messung der Anzahl der Partikel in der Luft, deren Masse oder auch Oberfläche. Diese Messgrößen allein geben zwar Hinweise auf die Präsenz von Nanopartikeln, die möglichen Gesundheitseffekte einer Exposition sind aber erst unvollständig abgeklärt und erlauben keine abschließende Risikoanalyse für den Arbeitsplatz. Mehrere Aktionspläne für die Entwicklung eines sicheren und nachhaltigen Umgangs mit Nanomaterialien wurden in den letzten Jahren gestartet (EU, Schweiz). Internationale und nationale Organisationen entwickelten Guidelines und Empfehlungen für industrielle Anwendungen (Internationale Organisation für Normung - ISO, Schweizerische Unfallversicherungsanstalt - SUVA, Bundesanstalt für Arbeitsschutz und Arbeitsmedizin - BAuA, zusammen mit dem Verband der Chemischen Industrie - VCI). Diese generellen Informationen müssen nun in die Industrie transferiert und an die spezifischen Bedürfnisse der betroffenen Unternehmen angepasst werden. Die aufgezeigte, relativ geringe Verbreitung von Nanopartikelanwendungen in der Industrie weist darauf hin, dass heute Schutzmaßnahmen noch proaktiv und kostengünstig entwickelt und eingeführt werden können. Aber sollte die vorhergesagte "Nano-Revolution" wirklich eintreten, ist die Zeit gekommen, jetzt aktiv zu werden. [Autoren]
The introduction of engineered nanostructured materials into a rapidly increasing number of industrial and consumer products will result in enhanced exposure to engineered nanoparticles. Workplace exposure has been identified as the most likely source of uncontrolled inhalation of engineered aerosolized nanoparticles, but release of engineered nanoparticles may occur at any stage of the lifecycle of (consumer) products. The dynamic development of nanomaterials with possibly unknown toxicological effects poses a challenge for the assessment of nanoparticle induced toxicity and safety.In this consensus document from a workshop on in-vitro cell systems for nanoparticle toxicity testing11Workshop on 'In-Vitro Exposure Studies for Toxicity Testing of Engineered Nanoparticles' sponsored by the Association for Aerosol Research (GAeF), 5-6 September 2009, Karlsruhe, Germany. an overview is given of the main issues concerning exposure to airborne nanoparticles, lung physiology, biological mechanisms of (adverse) action, in-vitro cell exposure systems, realistic tissue doses, risk assessment and social aspects of nanotechnology. The workshop participants recognized the large potential of in-vitro cell exposure systems for reliable, high-throughput screening of nanoparticle toxicity. For the investigation of lung toxicity, a strong preference was expressed for air-liquid interface (ALI) cell exposure systems (rather than submerged cell exposure systems) as they more closely resemble in-vivo conditions in the lungs and they allow for unaltered and dosimetrically accurate delivery of aerosolized nanoparticles to the cells. An important aspect, which is frequently overlooked, is the comparison of typically used in-vitro dose levels with realistic in-vivo nanoparticle doses in the lung. If we consider average ambient urban exposure and occupational exposure at 5mg/m3 (maximum level allowed by Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA)) as the boundaries of human exposure, the corresponding upper-limit range of nanoparticle flux delivered to the lung tissue is 3×10-5-5×10-3μg/h/cm2 of lung tissue and 2-300particles/h/(epithelial) cell. This range can be easily matched and even exceeded by almost all currently available cell exposure systems.The consensus statement includes a set of recommendations for conducting in-vitro cell exposure studies with pulmonary cell systems and identifies urgent needs for future development. As these issues are crucial for the introduction of safe nanomaterials into the marketplace and the living environment, they deserve more attention and more interaction between biologists and aerosol scientists. The members of the workshop believe that further advances in in-vitro cell exposure studies would be greatly facilitated by a more active role of the aerosol scientists. The technical know-how for developing and running ALI in-vitro exposure systems is available in the aerosol community and at the same time biologists/toxicologists are required for proper assessment of the biological impact of nanoparticles.