90 resultados para Guanine Nucleotides
Cell polarity is an essential property of most cell types and relies on a dynamic cytoskeleton of actin filaments and microtubules. In rod-shaped S. pombe cells microtubules are organized along the length of the cell and transport polarity factors to cell tips to regulate cell polarity. An important cell polarity factor is the protein Tea4, which is responsible for correct cell morphogenesis and bipolar growth. During my research I confirmed the known transport mechanism of Tea4 and I also showed alternative localization and anchoring mechanisms at the cell ends. Tea4 contains a conserved SH3 domain, the function of which was unknown and my results show that the SH3 domain of Tea4 is essential for Tea4 function in vivo. First, cells with tea4SH3 mutations show aberrant cell shapes and monopolar growth patterns similar to tea4A and in addition SH3 domain is important for proper localization of multiple cell polarity proteins. Second, I showed that Tea4 associates with Type 1 Phosphatase Dis2 through both its SH3 domain and an RVxF motif. Tea4 also binds the DYRK kinase Pomi through its SH3 domain. In addition Tea4 is proposed to promote the local dephosphorylation of Pomi by Dis2 to induce the formation of a cortical gradient from cell ends essential for cell size homeostasis. Polarized growth is also controlled by cell tip-localized Cdc42. This Rho- family GTPase is activated by the Guanine Exchange Factors Gef1 and Scd1 and inactivated by the Rho GTPase Activating Protein Rga4. In this study, I investigated the mechanisms of how Tea4 promotes Cdc42 activation. My work suggests that Tea4 promotes the local exclusion of Rga4, which in turn allows the accumulation of active Cdc42, which may result in growth. Exclusion of Rga4 by Tea4 is likely to be mediated by Dis2-dependent dephosphorylation. These results suggest a molecular pathway that links the microtubule- associated factor Tea4 with Cdc42 to promote cell polarization and morphogenesis. - La polarité cellulaire est une propriété essentielle de la plupart des types cellulaires et s'appuie sur une dynamique des cytosquelettes d'actine et de microtubules. Dans les cellules en forme de bâtonnet de S. pombe les microtubules sont alignés selon l'axe longitudinal de la cellule et les facteurs de polarité transportés aux extrémité cellulaires afin de réguler la polarité cellulaire. Un facteur important de polarité cellulaire est la protéine Tea4, qui est responsable de la morphogenèse des cellules et leur croissance bipolaire. Au cours de mes recherches, j'ai confirmé les mécanismes connus de transport de Tea4 et j'ai aussi mis en évidence d'autres mechanismes de localisation et d'ancrage de Tea4 aux extrémités cellulaires. Tea4 contient un domaine SH3 conservé, dont la fonction était inconnue et mes résultats montrent que le domaine SH3 est essentiel pour la fonction de Tea4 in vivo. Tout d'abord, les cellules avec des mutations tea4sm ont des formes aberrantes et leur croissance est monopolaire de manière similaire au mutant tea4A. De plus ce domaine SH3 est important pour la localisation correcte de plusieurs protéines de polarité cellulaire. Deuxièmement, j'ai montré que Tea4 s'associe avec la Phosphatase de Type-1 Dis2 par son domaine SH3 et un motif RVxF. Tea4 se lie également la kinase DYRK Pomi par son domaine SH3. De plus, Tea4 pourrait favoriser la déphosphorylation locale de Pomi par Dis2 afin d'induire la formation d'un gradient cortical de Pomi essentiel pour l'homéostasie de la longueur des cellules. La croissance polarisée est également contrôlée par la protéine Cdc42 localisée aux extrémités cellulaires. Cette GTPase de la famille de Rho GTPase est activée par les facteurs échange de guanine Gef1 et Scd1 et inactivée par la protéine "Rho GTPase activating" Rga4. Dans cette étude, j'ai étudié les mécanismes d' activation de Cdc42 par Tea4. Mes résultats suggèrent que Tea4 favorise l'exclusion locale de Rga4, ce qui permet l'accumulation de Cdc42 active, nécessaire à la croissance. L' exclusion de Rga4 par Tea4 est vraisemblablement médiée par une déphosphorylation Dis2- dépendente. Ces résultats suggèrent une voie moléculaire qui lie le facteur associé aux microtubules Tea4 à Cdc42 pour promouvoir la polarisation cellulaire et la morphogenèse. - Cell polarity is important for several essential biological functions such as generation of distinct cell fates during development and function of differentiated cells. Defective cell polarity has been related to uncontrolled cell division and subsequently to cancer initiation. Cell polarity depends on a functional cytoskeleton that consists of actin filaments and microtubules, which maintains cell shape, helps cellular motion, enables intracellular protein transport and plays a vital role in cell division. A component of cytoskeleton is microtubules that regulate cell polarization in diverse cell types. During my research, I worked with Schizosaccharomyces pombe, also named fission yeast, a powerful unicellular model organism that allows combination of genetic, biochemical and microscopic analysis for the proper study of cell polarity. Microtubule-associated protein Tea4 is transported to cell tips where it is thought to organize polarized growth. I showed that Tea4 and its evolutionarily conserved SH3 domain play an important role for maintenance of fission yeast cells shape and growth. Furthermore, Tea4 is responsible for the proper localization of multiple polarity proteins and acts as a mediator to control the local activity of an essential polarity regulator called Cdc42. Thus, my results provide a better understanding of the molecular mechanisms that regulate cell polarity. - La polarité cellulaire est importante pour plusieurs fonctions biologiques essentielles telles que la différenciation cellulaires au cours du développement et de la fonction de cellules différenciées. Les défauts de la polarité cellulaire ont été liés à des divisions cellulaires incontrôlées et à l'initiation de tumeur. La polarité cellulaire dépend d'un cytosquelette fonctionnel, qui maintient la forme des cellules, aide à la migration cellulaire, permet le transport intracellulaire des protéines et joue un rôle essentiel dans la division cellulaire. Un composant du cytosquelette est constitué de microtubules qui régissent la polarisation cellulaire dans divers types cellulaires. Au cours de mes recherches, j'ai travaillé avec Schizosaccharomyces pombe, appelé également levure fissipare, un modèle unicellulare puissant qui permet la combinaison de différentes d'approches expérimentales: génétiques, biochimiques et microscopiques pour l'étude de la polarité cellulaire. La protéine Tea4 associée aux microtubules est transportée aux extrémités cellulaires où elle organise la croissance polarisée. J'ai montré que Tea4 et son domaine conservé SH3 jouent un rôle important pour le maintien de la forme des cellules de levure et leur croissance. De plus, Tea4 est responsable de la localisation correcte de multiples facteurs de polarité et agit comme un médiateur pour contrôler l'activité locale d'un régulateur de polarité essentiel appelé Cdc42. Ainsi, mes résultats permettent de mieux comprendre les mécanismes moléculaires qui régulent la polarité cellulaire.
Dans certaines conditions pathologiques, telles que l'hypertension artérielle ou l'infarctus du myocarde, le coeur répond à une augmentation de la post-charge par des processus de remodelage aboutissant à une hypertrophie du ventricule gauche. L'hypertrophie cardiaque est caractérisée par une croissance hypertrophique des cardiomyocytes, ainsi que par une différenciation des fibroblastes en un phenotype présentant une capacité accrue de synthèse protéiques, nommés myofibroblastes. Ceci résulte en une accumulation excessive des constituants de la matrice extracellulaire, ou autrement dit fibrose. En raison de son effet délétère sur la contractilité du coeur, menant sur le long terme à une insuffisance cardiaque, de nombreux efforts ont été déployés, afin de définir les mécanismes moléculaires impliqués dans la réponse profibrotique. A ce jour, de nombreuses études indiquent que la petite GTPase RhoA pourrait être un médiateur important de la réponse profibrotique du myocarde. Cependant, les facteurs d'échanges impliqués dans la transduction de signaux profibrotiques, via la régulation de son activité au niveau des fibroblastes cardiaques, n'ont pas encore été identifiés. De précédentes études menées dans le laboratoire, ont identifiées une nouvelle protein d'ancrage de la PKA, exprimée majoritairement dans le coeur, nommée AKAP-Lbc. Il a été montré que cette protéine, en plus de sa fonction de protein d'ancrage, possédait une activité de facteur d'échange de nucléotide guanine (GEF) pour la petite GTPase RhoA. Au niveau des cardiomyocytes, il a été montré que l'AKAP-Lbc participe à une voie de signalisation pro-hypertrophique, incluant la sous-unité alpha de la protéine G hétérotrimerique G12 et RhoA. Chose intéressante, des observations antérieures à cette étude, indiquent que dans le coeur, l'AKAP-Lbc est également exprimée dans les fibroblastes. Cependant aucunes études n'a encore reporté de fonction pour ce facteur d'échange dans les fibroblastes cardiaques. Dans ce travail, les résultats obtenus indiquent que dans les fibroblastes cardiaques, I'activation de RhoA par l'AKAP-Lbc est impliquée dans la transmission de signaux profibrotiques, en aval des récépteurs à l'angiotensine II. En particulier, nous avons observé que la suppression de l'expression de l'AKAP-Lbc dans les fibroblastes ventriculaires de rat adultes, réduisait fortement Γ activation de Rho induite par l'angiotensine II, la déposition de collagène, la capacité migratoire des fibroblastes ainsi que leur différenciation en myofibroblastes. A notre connaissance, l'AKAP-Lbc est le premier RhoGEF identifié comme médiateur de la réponse profibrotique dans les fibroblastes cardiaques. - In pathological conditions such as chronic hypertension or myocardial infarction, the myocardium is subjected to various biomechanical and biochemical stresses, and undergoes an adverse ventricular remodelling process associated with cardiomyocytes hypertrophy and excess deposition of extracellular matrix proteins resulting in fibrosis. During the fibrotic response, cardiac fibroblasts differentiate into a more mobile and contractile phenotype termed myofibroblasts. These cells, possess a greater synthetic ability to produce ECM proteins and have been implicated in diseases with increased ECM deposition including cardiac fibrosis. Because fibrosis impairs myocardial contractility and is associated with the progression to heart failure, a major cause of lethality worldwide, many efforts have been made to define the molecular players involved in this process. During these last years, increasing evidence suggests a role for the small GTPase RhoA in mediating the fibrotic response in CFbs. However the identity of the exchange factors that modulate its activity and transduce fibrotic signals in CFbs is still unknown. Earlier work in our laboratory identified a novel PKA anchoring protein expressed in the heart termed AKAP-Lbc that has been shown to function as anchoring protein as well as a guanine nucleotide exchange factor (GEF) for the small GTPase RhoA. In response to several hypertrophic stimuli we have shown that RhoGEF activity of AKAP-Lbc mediated by Gan promotes the activation of a signaling pathway including RhoA, leading to cardiomyocytes hypertrophy. Within the heart, previous observations made in the laboratory indicated that AKAP-Lbc was also expressed in fibroblasts. However its role in cardiac fibroblasts remained to be determined. In the present study, we show that AKAP-Lbc is critical for activating RhoA and transducing profibrotic signals downstream of angiotensin II receptors in cardiac fibroblasts. In particular, our results indicate that suppression of AKAP-Lbc expression by infecting adult rat ventricular fibroblasts with lentiviruses encoding AKAP-Lbc specific short hairpin RNAs strongly reduces angiotensin II-induced RhoA activation, collagen deposition as well as cell migration and differentiation. These findings identify AKAP-Lbc as the first Rho-guanine nucleotide exchange factor involved in a profibrotic signalling pathway at the level of cardiac fibroblasts.
The ecdysone-responsive DNA sequence of the Drosophila hsp27 gene promoter contains four direct and inverted repeats reminiscent of those that compose the vertebrate palindromic estrogen response element (ERE) and the thyroid hormone/retinoic acid response element (TRE/RRE). Interestingly, a 3 bp substitution in the wild-type Hsp27 ecdysone response element (EcdRE) increases both its similarity with the vertebrate ERE and TRE/RRE and its capacity to confer ecdysone responsiveness to a heterologous promoter. Remarkably, increasing the spacing between the inverted repeats of this strong EcdRE by two nucleotides converts it into an ERE. Inversely, decreasing the spacing between the two inverted repeats of the vertebrate consensus palindromic ERE, from three to one nucleotide, converts it into a functional EcdRE. Thus, the only difference between an invertebrate EcdRE and a vertebrate palindromic ERE or TRE/RRE is in the spacing between the conserved inverted repeated motifs forming these palindromic HREs. The finding that the sequence motif 5'-GGTCA-3' present in the vertebrate ERE and TRE/RRE is also a functionally important characteristic of an invertebrate HRE, suggests that a common ancestor regulatory DNA sequence gave rise to all HREs known so far. We discuss the possibility that this progenitor motif is the GGTCA sequence.
BACKGROUND: In 2004, a randomised phase III trial by the European Organisation for Research and Treatment of Cancer (EORTC) and National Cancer Institute of Canada Clinical Trials Group (NCIC) reported improved median and 2-year survival for patients with glioblastoma treated with concomitant and adjuvant temozolomide and radiotherapy. We report the final results with a median follow-up of more than 5 years. METHODS: Adult patients with newly diagnosed glioblastoma were randomly assigned to receive either standard radiotherapy or identical radiotherapy with concomitant temozolomide followed by up to six cycles of adjuvant temozolomide. The methylation status of the methyl-guanine methyl transferase gene, MGMT, was determined retrospectively from the tumour tissue of 206 patients. The primary endpoint was overall survival. Analyses were by intention to treat. This trial is registered with Clinicaltrials.gov, number NCT00006353. FINDINGS: Between Aug 17, 2000, and March 22, 2002, 573 patients were assigned to treatment. 278 (97%) of 286 patients in the radiotherapy alone group and 254 (89%) of 287 in the combined-treatment group died during 5 years of follow-up. Overall survival was 27.2% (95% CI 22.2-32.5) at 2 years, 16.0% (12.0-20.6) at 3 years, 12.1% (8.5-16.4) at 4 years, and 9.8% (6.4-14.0) at 5 years with temozolomide, versus 10.9% (7.6-14.8), 4.4% (2.4-7.2), 3.0% (1.4-5.7), and 1.9% (0.6-4.4) with radiotherapy alone (hazard ratio 0.6, 95% CI 0.5-0.7; p<0.0001). A benefit of combined therapy was recorded in all clinical prognostic subgroups, including patients aged 60-70 years. Methylation of the MGMT promoter was the strongest predictor for outcome and benefit from temozolomide chemotherapy. INTERPRETATION: Benefits of adjuvant temozolomide with radiotherapy lasted throughout 5 years of follow-up. A few patients in favourable prognostic categories survive longer than 5 years. MGMT methylation status identifies patients most likely to benefit from the addition of temozolomide. FUNDING: EORTC, NCIC, Nélia and Amadeo Barletta Foundation, Schering-Plough.
How the apical-basal axis of polarity is established in embryogenesis is still a mystery in plant development. This axis appeared specifically compromised by mutations in the Arabidopsis GNOM gene. Surprisingly, GNOM encodes an ARF guanine-nucleotide exchange factor (ARF-GEF) that regulates the formation of vesicles in membrane trafficking. In-depth functional analysis of GNOM and its closest relative, GNOM-LIKE 1 (GNL1), has provided a mechanistic explanation for the development-specific role of a seemingly mundane trafficking regulator. The current model proposes that GNOM is specifically involved in the endosomal recycling of the auxin-efflux carrier PIN1 to the basal plasma membrane in provascular cells, which in turn is required for the accumulation of the plant hormone auxin at the future root pole through polar auxin transport. Thus, the analysis of GNOM highlights the importance of cell-biological processes for a mechanistic understanding of development.
With the advancement of high-throughput sequencing and dramatic increase of available genetic data, statistical modeling has become an essential part in the field of molecular evolution. Statistical modeling results in many interesting discoveries in the field, from detection of highly conserved or diverse regions in a genome to phylogenetic inference of species evolutionary history Among different types of genome sequences, protein coding regions are particularly interesting due to their impact on proteins. The building blocks of proteins, i.e. amino acids, are coded by triples of nucleotides, known as codons. Accordingly, studying the evolution of codons leads to fundamental understanding of how proteins function and evolve. The current codon models can be classified into three principal groups: mechanistic codon models, empirical codon models and hybrid ones. The mechanistic models grasp particular attention due to clarity of their underlying biological assumptions and parameters. However, they suffer from simplified assumptions that are required to overcome the burden of computational complexity. The main assumptions applied to the current mechanistic codon models are (a) double and triple substitutions of nucleotides within codons are negligible, (b) there is no mutation variation among nucleotides of a single codon and (c) assuming HKY nucleotide model is sufficient to capture essence of transition- transversion rates at nucleotide level. In this thesis, I develop a framework of mechanistic codon models, named KCM-based model family framework, based on holding or relaxing the mentioned assumptions. Accordingly, eight different models are proposed from eight combinations of holding or relaxing the assumptions from the simplest one that holds all the assumptions to the most general one that relaxes all of them. The models derived from the proposed framework allow me to investigate the biological plausibility of the three simplified assumptions on real data sets as well as finding the best model that is aligned with the underlying characteristics of the data sets. -- Avec l'avancement de séquençage à haut débit et l'augmentation dramatique des données géné¬tiques disponibles, la modélisation statistique est devenue un élément essentiel dans le domaine dé l'évolution moléculaire. Les résultats de la modélisation statistique dans de nombreuses découvertes intéressantes dans le domaine de la détection, de régions hautement conservées ou diverses dans un génome de l'inférence phylogénétique des espèces histoire évolutive. Parmi les différents types de séquences du génome, les régions codantes de protéines sont particulièrement intéressants en raison de leur impact sur les protéines. Les blocs de construction des protéines, à savoir les acides aminés, sont codés par des triplets de nucléotides, appelés codons. Par conséquent, l'étude de l'évolution des codons mène à la compréhension fondamentale de la façon dont les protéines fonctionnent et évoluent. Les modèles de codons actuels peuvent être classés en trois groupes principaux : les modèles de codons mécanistes, les modèles de codons empiriques et les hybrides. Les modèles mécanistes saisir une attention particulière en raison de la clarté de leurs hypothèses et les paramètres biologiques sous-jacents. Cependant, ils souffrent d'hypothèses simplificatrices qui permettent de surmonter le fardeau de la complexité des calculs. Les principales hypothèses retenues pour les modèles actuels de codons mécanistes sont : a) substitutions doubles et triples de nucleotides dans les codons sont négligeables, b) il n'y a pas de variation de la mutation chez les nucléotides d'un codon unique, et c) en supposant modèle nucléotidique HKY est suffisant pour capturer l'essence de taux de transition transversion au niveau nucléotidique. Dans cette thèse, je poursuis deux objectifs principaux. Le premier objectif est de développer un cadre de modèles de codons mécanistes, nommé cadre KCM-based model family, sur la base de la détention ou de l'assouplissement des hypothèses mentionnées. En conséquence, huit modèles différents sont proposés à partir de huit combinaisons de la détention ou l'assouplissement des hypothèses de la plus simple qui détient toutes les hypothèses à la plus générale qui détend tous. Les modèles dérivés du cadre proposé nous permettent d'enquêter sur la plausibilité biologique des trois hypothèses simplificatrices sur des données réelles ainsi que de trouver le meilleur modèle qui est aligné avec les caractéristiques sous-jacentes des jeux de données. Nos expériences montrent que, dans aucun des jeux de données réelles, tenant les trois hypothèses mentionnées est réaliste. Cela signifie en utilisant des modèles simples qui détiennent ces hypothèses peuvent être trompeuses et les résultats de l'estimation inexacte des paramètres. Le deuxième objectif est de développer un modèle mécaniste de codon généralisée qui détend les trois hypothèses simplificatrices, tandis que d'informatique efficace, en utilisant une opération de matrice appelée produit de Kronecker. Nos expériences montrent que sur un jeux de données choisis au hasard, le modèle proposé de codon mécaniste généralisée surpasse autre modèle de codon par rapport à AICc métrique dans environ la moitié des ensembles de données. En outre, je montre à travers plusieurs expériences que le modèle général proposé est biologiquement plausible.
AKAP-Lbc is a member of the A-kinase anchoring protein (AKAP) family that has been recently associated with the development of pathologies, such as cardiac hypertrophy and cancer. We have previously demonstrated that, at the molecular level, AKAP-Lbc functions as a guanine nucleotide exchange factor (GEF) that promotes the specific activation of RhoA. In the present study, we identified the ubiquitin-like protein LC3 as a novel regulatory protein interacting with AKAP-Lbc. Mutagenesis studies revealed that LC3, through its NH(2)-terminal alpha-helical domain, interacts with two binding sites located within the NH(2)-terminal regulatory region of AKAP-Lbc. Interestingly, LC3 overexpression strongly reduced the ability of AKAP-Lbc to interact with RhoA, profoundly impairing the Rho-GEF activity of the anchoring protein and, as a consequence, its ability to promote cytoskeletal rearrangements associated with the formation of actin stress fibers. Moreover, AKAP-Lbc mutants that fail to interact with LC3 show a higher basal Rho-GEF activity as compared with the wild type protein and become refractory to the inhibitory effect of LC3. This suggests that LC3 binding maintains AKAP-Lbc in an inactive state that displays a reduced ability to promote downstream signaling. Collectively, these findings provide evidence for a previously uncharacterized role of LC3 in the regulation of Rho signaling and in the reorganization of the actin cytoskeleton.
Stable ternary transcription complexes assembled in vitro, using a HeLa whole-cell extract, have been isolated and visualized by electron microscopy. The formation of these stable complexes on the DNA fragment used as template, the 5' end region of the Xenopus laevis vitellogenin gene B2, depends on factors present in the whole-cell extract, RNA polymerase II and at least two nucleotides. Interestingly, bending in the DNA fragment was frequently observed at the binding site of RNA polymerase II. Dinucleotides that can prime initiation within a short sequence of approximately 10 contiguous nucleotides centered around the initiation site used in vivo, also favour the formation of stable complexes. In addition, pre-initiation complexes were isolated and it was shown that factors in the extract involved in their formation are more abundant than the RNA polymerase II molecules available for binding. The possible implication of this observation relative to the in vivo situation is discussed.
Sequence data from regions of five vertebrate vitellogenin genes were used to examine the frequency, distribution, and mutability of the dinucleotide CpG, the preferred modification site for eukaryotic DNA methyltransferases. The observed level of the CpG dinucleotide in all five genes was markedly lower than that expected from the known mononucleotide frequencies. CpG suppression was greater in introns than in exons. CpG-containing codons were found to be avoided in the vitellogenin genes, but not completely despite the redundancy of the genetic code. Frequency and distribution patterns of this dinucleotide varied dramatically among these otherwise closely related genes. Dense clusters of CpG dinucleotides tended to appear in regions of either functional or structural interest (e.g., in the transposon-like Vi-element of Xenopus) and these clusters contained 5-methylcytosine (5 mC). 5 mC is known to undergo deamination to form thymidine, but the extent to which this transition occurs in the heavily methylated genomes of vertebrates and its contribution to CpG suppression are still unclear. Sequence comparison of the methylated vitellogenin gene regions identified C----T and G----A substitutions that were found to occur at relatively high frequencies. The predicted products of CpG deamination, TpG and CpA, were elevated. These findings are consistent with the view that CpG distribution and methylation are interdependent and that deamination of 5 mC plays an important role in promoting evolutionary change at the nucleotide sequence level.
Estrogen receptors regulate transcription of genes essential for sexual development and reproductive function. Since the retinoid X receptor (RXR) is able to modulate estrogen responsive genes and both 9-cis RA and fatty acids influenced development of estrogen responsive tumors, we hypothesized that estrogen responsive genes might be modulated by RXR and the fatty acid receptor (peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor, PPAR). To test this hypothesis, transfection assays in CV-1 cells were performed with an estrogen response element (ERE) coupled to a luciferase reporter construct. Addition of expression vectors for RXR and PPAR resulted in an 11-fold increase in luciferase activity in the presence of 9-cis RA. Furthermore, mobility shift assays demonstrated binding of RXR and PPAR to the vitellogenin A2-ERE and an ERE in the oxytocin promoter. Methylation interference assays demonstrated that specific guanine residues required for RXR/PPAR binding to the ERE were similar to residues required for ER binding. Moreover, RXR domain-deleted constructs in transfection assays showed that activation required RXR since an RXR delta AF-2 mutant completely abrogated reporter activity. Oligoprecipitation binding studies with biotinylated ERE and (35)S-labeled in vitro translated RXR constructs confirmed binding of delta AF-2 RXR mutant to the ERE in the presence of baculovirus-expressed PPAR. Finally, in situ hybridization confirmed RXR and PPAR mRNA expression in estrogen responsive tissues. Collectively, these data suggest that RXR and PPAR are present in reproductive tissues, are capable of activating estrogen responsive genes and suggest that the mechanism of activation may involve direct binding of the receptors to estrogen response elements.
In oviparous vertebrates vitellogenin, the precursor of the major yolk proteins, is synthesized in the liver of mature females under the control of estrogen. We have established the organization and primary structure of the 5' end region of the Xenopus laevis vitellogenin A2 gene and of the major chicken vitellogenin gene. The first three homologous exons have exactly the same length in both species, namely 53, 21 and 152 nucleotides, and present an overall sequence homology of 60%. In both species, the 5'-non-coding region of the vitellogenin mRNA measures only 13 nucleotides, nine of which are conserved. In contrast, the corresponding introns of the Xenopus and the chicken vitellogenin gene show no significant sequence homology. Within the 500 nucleotides preceding the 5' end of the genes, at least six blocks with sequence homologies of greater than 70% were detected. It remains to be demonstrated which of these conserved sequences, if any, are involved in the hormone-regulated expression of the vitellogenin genes.
Résumé :Une famille souffrant d'un nouveau syndrome oculo-auriculaire, appelé syndrome de Schorderet-Munier, a été identifiée. Ce syndrome est caractérisé par une déformation du lobe de l'oreille et des anomalies ophtalmiques, notamment une microphtalmie, une cataracte, un colobome et une dégénérescence rétinienne. Le gène impliqué dans ce syndrome est NKX5-3 codant un facteur de transcription contenant un homéodomaine. Chez les patient atteints, le gène comporte une délétion de 26 nucléotides provoquant probablement l'apparition d'un codon stop précoce. Ce gène n'est exprimé que dans certains organes dont les testicules et les ganglions cervicaux supérieurs, ainsi que dans les organes touchés par ce syndrome, à savoir le pavillon de l'oreille et l'oeil, surtout lors du développement embryonnaire. Au niveau de la rétine, NKX5-3 est présent dans la couche nucléaire interne et dans la couche dè cellules ganglionnaires et est exprimé de manière polarisée selon un axe temporal > nasal et ventral > dorsal. Son expression in vitro est régulée par Spl, un facteur de transcription exprimé durant le développement de l'oeil chez la souris. NKX5-3 semble lui-même provoquer une inhibition de l'expression de SHH et de EPHA6. Ces gènes sont tous les deux impliqués à leur manière dans le guidage des axones des cellules ganglionnaires de la rétine. Pris ensemble, ces résultats nous permettent donc d'émettre une hypothèse quant à un rôle potentiel de NKX5-3 dans ce processus.Abstract :A family with a new oculo-auricular syndrome, called syndrome of Schorderet-Munier, was identified. This disease is characterised by a deformation of the ear lobule and by several ophthalmic abnormalities, like microphthalmia, cataract, coloboma and a retinal degeneration. The gene, which causes this syndrome, is NKX5-3 coding for a transcription factor contaning a homeodomain. In the affectd patients, the defect consists of a deletion of 26 nucleotides probably producing a premature stop codon. This gene is only expressed in a few organs like testis and superior cervical ganglions, as well as in organs affected by this syndrome, namely the ear pinna and the eye, mainly during embryonic development. In the retina, NKX5-3 is present in the inner nuclear layer and in the ganglion cells layer. It is expressed along a gradient ranging from the temporal retina to nasal retina and from the ventral to the dorsal part. Its in vitro expression is regulated by Spl, a transcription factor expressed during the murine eye development. NKX5-3 seems to inhibit the expression of SHH and EPHA6. These genes are both implicated, in their own way, in the axon guidance of the retinal ganglion cells. Taken together, these results allow us to make an assumption about a potential role of NKX5-3 in this process.
In an effort to discover viruses as classical biological control agents, a metatranscriptomics/pyrosequencing approach was used to survey native Solenopsis invicta collected exclusively in Argentina. A new virus was discovered with characteristics consistent with the family Parvoviridae, subfamily Densovirinae. The virus, tentatively named Solenopsis invicta densovirus (SiDNV), represents the first DNA virus discovered in ants (Formicidae) and the first densovirus in a hymenopteran insect. The ambisense genome was 5280 nucleotides in length and the termini possessed asymmetrically positioned inverted terminal repeats, formed hairpin loops, and had transcriptional regulatory elements including CAAT and TATA sites. Phylogenetic analysis revealed that SiDNV belongs to a group that includes two other densoviruses found in insects (Acheta domestica densovirus and Planococcus citri densovirus). SiDNV was prevalent in fire ants from Argentina but completely absent in fire ants found in the USA indicating that this virus has potential for biological control of introduced S. invicta.
Gene transfer that relies on integrating vectors often suffers from epigenetic or regulatory effects that influence the expression of the therapeutic gene and=or of cellular genes located near the vector integration site in the chromosome. Insulator elements act to block gene activation by enhancers, while chromatin domain boundary or barrier sequences prevent gene-silencing effects. At present, the modes of action of insulator and barriers are poorly understood, and their use in the context of gene therapies remains to be documented. Using combinations of reporter genes coding for indicator fluorescent proteins, we constructed assay systems that allow the quantification of the insulator or of the barrier activities of genetic elements in individual cells. This presentation will illustrate how these assay systems were used to identify short DNA elements that can insulate nearby genes from activation by viral vector enhancer elements, and=or that can block the propagation of a silent chromatin structure that leads to gene silencing. We will show that small elements of the order of 100-400 nucleotides can be designed to achieve both insulator and boundary function, as needed for safer integrating viral vectors.
BACKGROUND & AIM: Immune-modulating nutritional formula containing arginine, omega-3 fatty acids and nucleotides has been demonstrated to decrease complications and length of stay in surgical patients. This study aims at assessing the impact of immune-modulating formula on hospital costs in gastrointestinal cancer surgical patients in Switzerland. METHOD: Based on a previously published meta-analysis, the relative risks of overall and infectious complications with immune-modulating versus standard nutrition formula were computed. Swiss hospital costs of patients undergoing gastrointestinal cancer surgery were retrieved. A method was developed to compute the patients' severity level, not taking into account the complications from the surgery. Incremental costs of complications were computed for both treatment groups, and sensitivity analyses were carried out. RESULTS: Relative risk of complications with pre-, peri- and post-operative use of immune-modulating formula was 0.69 (95%CI 0.58-0.83), 0.62 (95%CI 0.53-0.73) and 0.73 (95%CI 0.35-0.96) respectively. The estimated average contribution of complications to the cost of stay was CHF 14,949 (euro10,901) per patient (95%CI 10,712-19,186), independently of case's severity. Based on this cost, immune-modulating nutritional support decreased costs of hospital stay by CHF 1638 to CHF 2488 per patient (euro1195-euro1814). Net hospital savings were present for baseline complications rates as low as 5%. CONCLUSION: Immune-modulating nutritional solution is a cost-saving intervention in gastrointestinal cancer patients. The additional cost of immune-modulating formula are more than offset by savings associated with decreased treatment of complications.