73 resultados para Fly agaric
Learning is the ability of an organism to adapt to the changes of its environment in response to its past experience. It is a widespread ability in the animal kingdom, but its evolutionary aspects are poorly known. Learning ability is supposedly advantageous under some conditions, when environmental conditions are not too stable - because in this case there is no need to learn to predict any event in the environment - and not changing too fast - otherwise environmental cues cannot be used because they are not reliable. Nevertheless, learning ability is also known to be costly in terms of energy needed for neuronal synthesis, memory formation, initial mistakes. During my PhD, I focused on the study of genetic variability of learning ability in natural populations. Genetic variability is the basis on which natural selection and genetic drift can act. How does learning ability vary in nature? What are the roles of additive genetic variation or maternal effects in this variation? Is it involved in evolutionary trade-offs with other fitness-related traits?¦I investigated a natural population of fruit fly, Drosophila melanogaster, as a model organism. Its learning ability is easy to measure with associative memory tests. I used two research tools: multiple inbred and isofemale lines derived from a natural population as a representative sample. My work was divided into three parts.¦First, I investigated the effects of inbreeding on aversive learning (avoidance of an odor previously associated with mechanical shock). While the inbred lines consistently showed reduced egg-to-adult viability by 28 %, the effects of inbreeding on learning performance was 18 % and varied among assays, with a trend to be most pronounced for intermediate conditioning intensity. Variation among inbred lines indicates that ample genetic variance for learning was segregating in the base population, and suggests that the inbreeding depression observed in learning performance was mostly due to dominance rather than overdominance. Across the inbred lines, learning performance was positively correlated with the egg-to-adult viability. This positive genetic correlation contradicts previous studies which observed a trade-off between learning ability and lifespan or larval competitive ability. It suggests that much of the genetic variation for learning is due to pleiotropic effects of genes affecting other functions related to survival. Together with the overall mild effects of inbreeding on learning performance, this suggests that genetic variation specifically affecting learning is either very low, or is due to alleles with mostly additive (semi-dominant) effects. It also suggests that alleles reducing learning performance are on average partially recessive, because their effect does not appear in the outbred base population. Moreover, overdominance seems unlikely as major cause of the inbreeding depression, because even if the overall mean of the inbred line is smaller than the outbred base population, some of the inbred lines show the same learning score as the outbred base population. If overdominance played an important part in inbreeding depression, then all the homozygous lines should show lower learning ability than¦outbred base population.¦In the second part of my project, I sampled the same natural population again and derived isofemale lines (F=0.25) which are less adapted to laboratory conditions and therefore are more representative of the variance of the natural population. They also showed some genetic variability for learning, and for three other fitness-related traits possibly related with learning: resistance to bacterial infection, egg-to-adult viability and developmental time. Nevertheless, the genetic variance of learning ability did not appear to be smaller than the variance of the other traits. The positive correlation previously observed between learning ability and egg- to-adult viability did not appear in isofemale lines (nor a negative correlation). It suggests that there was still genetic variability within isofemale lines and that they did not fix the highly deleterious pleiotropic alleles possibly responsible for the previous correlation.¦In order to investigate the relative amount of nuclear (additive and non-additive effects) and extra-nuclear (maternal and paternal effect) components of variance in learning ability and other fitness-related traits among the inbred lines tested in part one, I performed a diallel cross between them. The nuclear additive genetic variance was higher than other components for learning ability and survival to learning ability, but in contrast, maternal effects were more variable than other effects for developmental traits. This suggests that maternal effects, which reflects effects from mitochondrial DNA, epigenetic effects, or the amount of nutrients that are invested by the mother in the egg, are more important in the early stage of life, and less at the adult stage. There was no additive genetic correlation between learning ability and other traits, indicating that the correlation between learning ability and egg-to-adult viability observed in the first pat of my project was mostly due to recessive genes.¦Finally, my results showed that learning ability is genetically variable. The diallel experiment showed additive genetic variance was the most important component of the total variance. Moreover, every inbred or isofemale line showed some learning ability. This suggested that alleles impairing learning ability are eliminated by selection, and therefore that learning ability is under strong selection in natural populations of Drosophila. My results cannot alone explain the maintenance of the observed genetic variation. Even if I cannot eliminate the hypothesis of pleiotropy between learning ability and the other fitness-related traits I measured, there is no evidence for any trade-off between these traits and learning ability. This contradicts what has been observed between learning ability and other traits like lifespan and larval competitivity.¦L'apprentissage représente la capacité d'un organisme à s'adapter aux changement de son environnement au cours de sa vie, en réponse à son expérience passée. C'est une capacité très répandue dans le règne animal, y compris pour les animaux les plus petits et les plus simples, mais les aspects évolutifs de l'apprentissage sont encore mal connus. L'apprentissage est supposé avantageux dans certaines conditions, quand l'environnement n'est ni trop stable - dans ce cas, il n'y a rien à apprendre - ni trop variable - dans ce cas, les indices sur lesquels se reposer changent trop vite pour apprendre. D'un autre côté, l'apprentissage a aussi des coûts, en terme de synthèse neuronale, pour la formation de la mémoire, ou de coûts d'erreur initiale d'apprentissage. Pendant ma thèse, j'ai étudié la variabilité génétique naturelle des capacités d'apprentissage. Comment varient les capacités d'apprentissage dans la nature ? Quelle est la part de variation additive, l'impact des effets maternel ? Est-ce que l'apprentissage est impliqué dans des interactions, de type compromis évolutifs, avec d'autres traits liés à la fitness ?¦Afin de répondre à ces questions, je me suis intéressée à la mouche du vinaigre, ou drosophile, un organisme modèle. Ses capacités d'apprentissage sont facile à étudier avec un test de mémoire reposant sur l'association entre un choc mécanique et une odeur. Pour étudier ses capacités naturelles, j'ai dérivé de types de lignées d'une population naturelle: des lignées consanguines et des lignées isofemelles.¦Dans une première partie, je me suis intéressée aux effets de la consanguinité sur les capacités d'apprentissage, qui sont peu connues. Alors que les lignées consanguines ont montré une réduction de 28% de leur viabilité (proportion d'adultes émergeants d'un nombre d'oeufs donnés), leurs capacités d'apprentissage n'ont été réduites que de 18%, la plus forte diminution étant obtenue pour un conditionnement modéré. En outre, j'ai également observé que les capacités d'apprentissage était positivement corrélée à la viabilité entre les lignées. Cette corrélation est surprenante car elle est en contradiction avec les résultats obtenus par d'autres études, qui montrent l'existence de compromis évolutifs entre les capacités d'apprentissage et d'autres traits comme le vieillissement ou la compétitivité larvaire. Elle suggère que la variation génétique des capacités d'apprentissage est due aux effets pleiotropes de gènes récessifs affectant d'autres fonctions liées à la survie. Ces résultats indiquent que la variation pour les capacités d'apprentissage est réduite comparée à celle d'autres traits ou est due à des allèles principalement récessifs. L'hypothèse de superdominance semble peu vraisemblable, car certaines des lignées consanguines ont obtenu des scores d'apprentissage égaux à ceux de la population non consanguine, alors qu'en cas de superdominance, elles auraient toutes dû obtenir des scores inférieurs.¦Dans la deuxième partie de mon projet, j'ai mesuré les capacités d'apprentissage de lignées isofemelles issues de la même population initiale que les lignées consanguines. Ces lignées sont issues chacune d'un seul couple, ce qui leur donne un taux d'hétérozygosité supérieur et évite l'élimination de lignées par fixation d'allèles délétères rares. Elles sont ainsi plus représentatives de la variabilité naturelle. Leur variabilité génétique est significative pour les capacités d'apprentissage, et trois traits liés à la fois à la fitness et à l'apprentissage: la viabilité, la résistance à l'infection bactérienne et la vitesse de développement. Cependant, la variabilité des capacités d'apprentissage n'apparaît cette fois pas inférieure à celle des autres traits et aucune corrélation n'est constatée entre les capacité d'apprentissage et les autres traits. Ceci suggère que la corrélation observée auparavant était surtout due à la fixation d'allèles récessifs délétères également responsables de la dépression de consanguinité.¦Durant la troisième partie de mon projet, je me suis penchée sur la décomposition de la variance observée entre les lignées consanguines observée en partie 1. Quatre composants ont été examinés: la variance due à des effets nucléaires (additifs et non additifs), et due à des effets parentaux (maternels et paternels). J'ai réalisé un croisement diallèle de toutes les lignées. La variance additive nucléaire s'est révélée supérieure aux autres composants pour les capacités d'apprentissage et la résistance à l'infection bactérienne. Par contre, les effets maternels étaient plus importants que les autres composants pour les traits développementaux (viabilité et vitesse de développement). Ceci suggère que les effets maternels, dus à G ADN mitochondrial, à l'épistasie ou à la quantité de nutriments investis dans l'oeuf par la mère, sont plus importants dans les premiers stades de développement et que leur effet s'estompe à l'âge adulte. Il n'y a en revanche pas de corrélation statistiquement significative entre les effets additifs des capacités d'apprentissage et des autres traits, ce qui indique encore une fois que la corrélation observée entre les capacités d'apprentissage et la viabilité dans la première partie du projet était due à des effets d'allèles partiellement récessifs.¦Au, final, mes résultats montrent bien l'existence d'une variabilité génétique pour les capacités d'apprentissage, et l'expérience du diallèle montre que la variance additive de cette capacité est importante, ce qui permet une réponse à la sélection naturelle. Toutes les lignées, consanguines ou isofemelles, ont obtenu des scores d'apprentissage supérieurs à zéro. Ceci suggère que les allèles supprimant les capacités d'apprentissage sont fortement contre-sélectionnés dans la nature Néanmoins, mes résultats ne peuvent pas expliquer le maintien de cette variabilité génétique par eux-même. Même si l'hypothèse de pléiotropie entre les capacités d'apprentissage et l'un des traits liés à la fitness que j'ai mesuré ne peut être éliminée, il n'y a aucune preuve d'un compromis évolutif pouvant contribuer au maintien de la variabilité.
The major goal of evolutionary thermal biology is to understand how variation in temperature shapes phenotypic evolution. Comparing thermal reaction norms among populations from different thermal environments allows us to gain insights into the evolutionary mechanisms underlying thermal adaptation. Here, we have examined thermal adaptation in six wild populations of the fruit fly (Drosophila melanogaster) from markedly different natural environments by analyzing thermal reaction norms for fecundity, thorax length, wing area, and ovariole number under ecologically realistic fluctuating temperature regimes in the laboratory. Contrary to expectation, we found only minor differences in the thermal optima for fecundity among populations. Differentiation among populations was mainly due to differences in absolute (and partly also relative) thermal fecundity performance. Despite significant variation among populations in the absolute values of morphological traits, we observed only minor differentiation in their reaction norms. Overall, the thermal reaction norms for all traits examined were remarkably similar among different populations. Our results therefore suggest that thermal adaptation in D. melanogaster predominantly involves evolutionary changes in absolute trait values rather than in aspects of thermal reaction norms.
Chemical sensing begins when peripheral receptor proteins recognise specific environmental stimuli and translate them into spatial and temporal patterns of sensory neuron activity. The chemosensory system of the fruit fly, Drosophila melanogaster, has become a dominant model to understand this process, through its accessibility to a powerful combination of molecular, genetic and electrophysiological analysis. Recent results have revealed many surprises in the biology of peripheral chemosensation in Drosophila, including novel structural and signalling properties of the insect odorant receptors (ORs), combinatorial mechanisms of chemical recognition by the gustatory receptors (GRs), and the implication of Transient Receptor Potential (TRP) ion channels as a novel class of chemosensory receptors.
Summary Among ants, wood ants are probably the most fascinating and studied species in temperate European forests. Unfortunately, due to several threats they are nowadays registered in red lists. Recent studies made in the Swiss Jura Mountains ended up in the description of a new sympatric sibling species of Formica lugubris (i.e. Formica paralugubris Seifert 1996). Because of this confusion the biology of F. lugubris is incomplete. Due to the extreme difficulties to distinguish morphologically F. lugubris from F. paralugubris we studied their cuticular hydrocarbons profiles. Irrespective of their geographic origin, we observed quantitative discrimination between species within each caste (workers, males and gynes =young alate female). Moreover, using a behavioural taxonomic approach (i.e. the pupa-carrying test) we showed that ants preferred conspecific worker pupae to those of the sibling species. These first results allowed us to consider the two species as two separate taxonomic units. To understand their coexistence, habitat distribution models were fitted with GIS predictors and factors known to influence wood ant distribution. In the Jura Mountains, although the two species share very similar habitats, they are spatially segregated. F. lugubris occurs more frequently at woodland borders than in forest interiors. We demonstrated with genetic and field data that Formica lugubris displays two different social forms in close proximity in alpine zone (e.g. unmanaged forests of the Swiss National Park). We discovered populations mostly monogynous to weakly polygynous (i.e. one to a few egg laying queens per colony) and monodomous (i.e. one nest per colony), and polygynous/polydomous populations (new nests being founded by colony budding). It is generally admitted that monogyne species disperse well in order to find suitable habitat to found new colonies whereas polygyne species have restricted dispersal and local mating within the nest. In order to compare reproductive strategies of F. lugubris and F. paralugubris (i.e. matings and dealation process) we conducted experiments with sexuals. F, lugubris gynes from monogynous/monodomous populations do not show a local strategy like the obligately polygynous F. paralugubris (i.e. early dealation even without mating, insemination without flight activity and low fat reserve). They always keep their wings, do not mate when not able to fly and have high amount of fat content revealing high survival capacities. On the other side, F, lugubris gynes from polygynous/polydomous populations have lower lipid reserves and displayed a reproductive behaviour close to the F. para lugubris one. After dispersal, wood ant gynes can either start new societies by temporary social parasitism of another species (i.e. subgenus Serviformica) or be adopted intraspecifically in an existing nest. In F. lugubris, we demonstrated that gynes from monogynous/monodomous colonies showed a high success for temporary social parasitism compare to the lower success of gynes from polygynous/polydomous colonies. However, physiological analyses suggested that only gynes from monogynous/ monodomous populations can efficiently disperse and found new nest by temporary social parasitism. Intraspecifically, gynes were accepted to a high degree in polygynous nest and in monogynous nests as long as these nests contained sexuals. In conclusion, Formica lugubris displays a social and dispersal polymorphism (mixed mating and founding system) representing a behavioural plasticity in relation to environmental and ecological conditions. Therefore, conservation measures directed toward this species should try to maintain a maximum of diversity at the habitat level. Résumé Les fourmis des bois sont probablement parmi les espèces de fourmis les plus fascinantes et les plus étudiées des forêts tempérées Européennes. Actuellement, du fait de différentes menaces, elles figurent malheureusement sur listes rouges. Plusieurs études menées au sein du Jura Suisse ont abouti à la description d'une nouvelle espèce jumelle et sympatrique de Formica lugubris (F. para- lugubris Seifert 1996). A cause de cette confusion la biologie de F lugubris est lacunaire. La distinction morphologique de F. lugubris et de F. para lugubris est si difficile que nous avons étudié leurs hydrocarbures cuticulaires. Indépendamment de l'origine géographique, nous avons observé une discrimination quantitative entre les espèces au sein de chaque caste (ouvrières, mâles et jeunes femelles ailées). De plus, à l'aide d'une approche taxonomique comportementale (le test de transport de cocons) nous avons montré que les fourmis préfèrent des cocons d'ouvrières conspécifiques à ceux de l'espèce jumelle. Ces premiers résultats nous permettent de considérer ces deux espèces comme deux unités taxonomiques distinctes et valables. Afin de comprendre leur coexistence, des modèles mathématiques ont été développés avec des données SIG et des facteurs écologiques influençant la répartition des fournis des bois. Dans le Jura, même si elles partagent des habitats fortement similaires, les deux espèces n'occupent pas les mêmes secteurs. F. lugubris est plus fréquente en lisière forestière plutôt qu'en pleine forêt. Nous avons démontré grâce à des données génétiques et de terrain que F. lugubris présente deux formes sociales au sein de la zone alpine (forêts protégées du Parc National Suisse). D'autre part, nous avons découvert des populations monogynes à faiblement polygynes (une à quelques reines pondeuses par colonie) et monodomes (colonies composées d'une seule fourmilière), et des populations polygynes/polydomes (les nouveaux nids étant produit par bourgeonnement). Généralement, les espèces monogynes dispersent sur de grandes distances et peuvent coloniser des habitats favorables à la fondation de nouvelles colonies alors que les espèces polygynes possèdent une dispersion limitée avec des accouplements à l'intérieur des nids. Afin de comparer les stratégies de reproduction de F. lugubris et de F. paralugubris (accouplements et perte des ailes) nous avons mené des expériences avec les sexués. Les jeunes femelles ailées de F. lugubris issues de populations monogynes/monodomes ne présentent pas de stratégie locale comparée à l'espèce obligatoirement polygyne F paralugubris (perte des ailes précoce même si il n'y a pas eu accouplement, insémination possible sans avoir volé activement et faibles réserves de graisse). Elles conservent toujours leurs ailes, ne s'accouplent pas lorsqu'elles sont empêchées de voler et possèdent de grandes quantités de graisse révélant de fortes capacités de survie. D'autre part, les jeunes femelles ailées de F. lugubris provenant de populations polygynes/polydomes ont peu de réserves lipidiques et ont un comportement de reproduction proche de celles de F. paralugubris. Après leur dispersion, les jeunes sexués femelles de fourmis des bois peuvent soit fonder une nouvelle société par parasitisme social temporaire d'un nid d'une autre espèce (sous-genre Serviformica) soit être adoptées dans un nid déjà existant de leur propre espèce. Chez F. lugubris, nous avons pu démontrer que les jeunes sexués femelles de colonies monogynes/monodomes présentent un succès élevé au parasitisme sociale temporaire en comparaison au plus faible succès obtenu avec des sexués provenant de colonies polygynes/polydomes. Cependant, les données physiologiques suggèrent que seules les jeunes sexués femelles de populations mono-gynes/monodomes peuvent disperser efficacement et fonder un nouveau nid par parasitisme social temporaire. Au niveau intraspécifique, les jeunes femelles sont acceptées à un taux élevé dans les nids polygynes mais aussi dans les nids monogynes tant que ces nids possèdent encore de jeunes sexués. En conclusion, F. lugubris est caractérisée par un polymorphisme dans ses structures sociales et ses stratégies de dispersion (système mixte d'accouplement et de fondation) ce qui représente une forte plasticité comportementale en relation avec les conditions environnementales et écologiques. Par conséquent, les mesures de conservation de cette espèce devraient s'attacher à maintenir un maximum de diversité au niveau des habitats.
1. Parasitism is a non-negligible cost of reproduction in wild organisms, and hosts are selected to partition resources optimally between current and future reproduction. While parents can compensate for the cost of parasitism by increasing their current reproductive investment, such change in resource allocation is expected to carry-over costs on future reproduction. 2. Life history theory predicts that because long-lived organisms have a high residual reproductive value, they should be more reluctant to increase parental effort in response to parasites. Also, when rearing successive infested broods, the cost of parasitism can cumulate over the years and hence be exacerbated by past infestations. 3. We tested these two predictions in the alpine swift Apus melba, a long-lived colonial bird that is infested intensely by the nest-based blood sucking louse-fly Crataerina melbae. For this purpose, we manipulated ectoparasite load over 3 consecutive years and measured reproductive parameters in successive breeding attempts of adults assigned randomly to 'parasitized' and 'deparasitized' treatments. 4. In current reproduction, fathers of experimentally parasitized broods produced a similar number of offspring as fathers from the deparasitized treatment, but the rearing period was prolonged by 4 days. Fathers that were assigned to the parasitized treatment in year x produced significantly fewer fledglings the following year x + 1 than those of the deparasitized treatment. The number of young produced by fathers in year x + 1 was correlated negatively with the number of days they cared for their brood in the previous year x. We also found a significant interaction between treatments performed over 2 successive years, with fathers of parasitized broods suffering a larger fitness loss if in the past they had already cared for a parasitized brood rather than for a deparasitized one. Similar effects of parasitism, although partly non-significant (0.05 < P-values > 0.10), were found in mothers. 5. Altogether, our results show that parasites can modify resource allocation between current and future reproduction in long-lived hosts, and that the cost of parasitism can cumulate over the years. It emphasizes the fact that effects of parasites can depend on past infestations and become apparent in future reproduction only.
The Wnt -Wingless (Wg) in Drosophila- signaling is an evolutionary conserved, fundamental signal transduction pathway in animals, having a crucial role in early developmental processes. In the adult animal the Wnt cascade is mainly shut off; aberrant activation leads to cancer. One physiological exception in the adult animal is the activation of Wnt signaling in the nervous system. In the present work, we investigated Wg signaling in the Drosophila neuromuscular junctions (NMJs). The fly NMJs closely resemble the glutamatergic synapses in the mammalian central nervous system and serves as a model system to investigate the mechanism of synapse formation and stability. We demonstrate that the trimeric G-protein Go has a fundamental role in the presynaptic cell in the NMJ. It is implicated in the presynaptic Wg pathway, acting downstream of the ligand Wg and its receptor Frizzled2 (Fz2). Furthermore, we prove that the presynaptic Wg-Fz2-Gαo pathway is essential for correct NMJ formation. The neuronal protein Ankyrin2 (Ank2) localizes to the NMJ and has so far been considered to be a static player in NMJ formation, linking the plasma membrane to the cytoskeleton. We identify Ank2 as a direct target of Gαo. The physical and genetic interaction of Gαo with Ank2 represents a novel branch of the presynaptic Wg pathway, regulating the microtubule cytoskeleton in NMJ formation, jointly with the previously established Futsch-dependent branch, which controls microtubule stability downstream of the kinase Sgg (the homolog of GSK3ß). We moreover demonstrate that the Gαo-Ankyrin interaction to regulate the cytoskeleton is conserved in mammalian neuronal cells. Our findings therefore provide a novel, universally valid regulation of the cytoskeleton in the nervous system. Aberrant inactivation of the neuronal Wnt pathway is believed to be involved in the pathogenesis of the Aß peptide in Alzheimer's disease (AD). We modeled AD in Drosophila by expressing Aß42 in the nervous system and in the eye. Neuronal expression drastically shortens the life span of the flies. We prove that this effect depends on the expression specifically in glutamatergic neurons. However, Aß42 does not induce any morphological changes in the NMJ; therefore this synapse is not suitable to study the mechanism of Aß42 induced neurotoxicity. We furthermore demonstrate that genetic activation of the Wnt pathway does not rescue the Aß42 induced phenotypes - in opposition to the dominating view in the field. These results advice caution when interpreting data on the potential interaction of Wnt signaling and AD in other models. -- La voie de signalisation Wnt (Wingless (Wg) chez la drosophile) est conservée dans l'évolution et fondamentale pour le développement des animaux. Cette signalisation est normalement inactive chez l'animal adulte; une activation anormale peut provoquer le cancer. Or, ceci n'est pas le cas dans le système nerveux des adultes. La présente thèse avait pour but d'analyser le rôle de la voie de signalisation Wingless dans la plaque motrice de Drosophila melanogaster. En effet, cette plaque ressemble fortement aux synapses glutaminergiques du système nerveux central des mammifères et procure ainsi un bon modèle pour l'étude des mécanismes impliqués dans la formation et la stabilisation des synapses. Nos résultats montrent que la protéine trimérique Go joue un rôle fondamental dans la fonction de la cellule présynaptique de la plaque motrice. Go est en effet impliqué dans la voie de signalisation Wg, opérant en aval du ligand Wg et de son récepteur Frizzled2. Nous avons pu démontrer que cette voie de signalisation Wg-Fz2-Gαo est essentielle pour le bon développement et le fonctionnement de la plaque motrice. Fait intéressant, nous avons montré que la protéine neuronale Ankyrin2 (Ank2), qui est connue pour jouer un rôle statique en liant la membrane plasmique au cytosquelette dans la plaque motrice, est une cible directe de Gαo. L'interaction physique et génétique entre Gαo et Ank2 constitue ainsi une bifurcation de la voie de signalisation présynaptique Wg. Cette voie régule le cytosquelette des microtubules en coopération avec la branche liée à la protéine Futsch. Cette protéine est l'homologue de la protéine liant les microtubules MAP1B des mammifères et contrôle la stabilité des microtubules opérant en aval de la kinase Sgg (l'homologue de GSK3ß). De plus, la régulation du cytosquelette par l'interaction entre Gαo et Ankyrin est conservée chez les mammifères. Dans leur ensemble, nos résultats ont permis d'identifier un nouveau mode de régulation du cytosquelette dans le système nerveux, probablement valable de manière universelle. La voie de signalisation Wnt est soupçonnée d'être impliquée dans la toxicité provoquée par le peptide Aß dans le cadre de la maladie d'Alzheimer. Nous avons tenté de modéliser la maladie chez la drosophile en exprimant Aß42 spécifiquement dans le cerveau. Cette expérience a montré que l'expression neuronale d'Aß42 réduit la durée de vie des mouches de manière significative par un mécanisme impliquant les cellules glutamatergiques. Par contre, aucune modification morphologique n'est provoquée par Aß42 dans les plaques motrices glutamatergiques. Ces résultats montrent que ce modèle de Drosophile n'est pas adéquat pour l'étude de la maladie d'Alzheimer. De plus, l'activation génétique de la voie de signalisation Wg n'a pas réussi à restaurer les phénotypes de survie ou ceux des yeux causés par Aß42. Ces résultats indiquent que l'implication de la voie de signalisation Wg dans la maladie d'Alzheimer doit être considérée avec prudence.
Infection with Leishmania major parasites results in the development of cutaneous ulcerative lesions on the skin. We investigated the protective potential of a single, recombinant histone H1 antigen against cutaneous leishmaniasis in an outbred population of vervet monkeys, using Montanide adjuvant. Protection was assessed by challenging the animals with a mixture of vector sand fly salivary-gland lysate and a low dose of in vitro-derived parasites, thus more closely mimicking natural infection induced by L. major. The course of infection in immunized monkeys was compared with that of animals that had healed from a primary infection and were immune. The monkeys immunized with recombinant histone H1 showed a reduced development of lesion size, compared with controls. Our study therefore illustrates the potential use of histone H1 as a vaccine candidate against cutaneous leishmaniasis in humans.
Here, we investigate the geographical constancy in the specificity level of the specialized lure-and-trap pollination antagonism involving the widespread European Arum maculatum and its associated Psychodid pollinators. Until now, studies concurred in demonstrating that one single insect species, Psychoda phalaenoides, efficiently cross-pollinated plants; researches were, however, performed locally in western Europe. In this study we characterize for the first time the flower visitors' composition at the scale of the distribution range of A. maculatum by intensively collecting plants and insects throughout the European continent. We further correlate local climatic characteristics with the community composition of visiting arthropods.Our results show that flowers are generally visited by P. phalaenoides females, but not over the whole distribution range of the plant. In some regions this fly species is less frequent or even absent and another species, Psycha grisescens, becomes the prevailing visitor. This variability is geographically structured and can be explained by climatic factors: the proportion of P. grisescens increases with higher annual precipitations and lower precipitations in the warmest trimester, two characteristics typical of the Mediterranean zone. Climate thus seems driving the specificity of this interaction, by potentially affecting the phenology of one or both interacting species, or even of volatile and heat production in the plant. This result therefore challenges the specificity of other presumably one-to-one interactions covering wide distribution ranges, and provides an example of the direct effect that the abiotic environment can have on the fate of plant-insect interactions.
Odor detection and discrimination by olfactory systems in vertebrates and invertebrates depend both on the selective expression of individual olfactory receptor genes in subpopulations of olfactory sensory neurons, and on the targeting of the encoded proteins to the exposed, ciliated endings of sensory dendrites. Techniques to visualize the expression and localization of olfactory receptor gene products in vivo have been essential to reveal the molecular logic of peripheral odor coding and to permit investigation of the developmental and cellular neurobiology of this sensory system. Here, we describe methods for detection of olfactory receptor transcripts and proteins in the antennal olfactory organ of the fruit fly, Drosophila melanogaster, an important genetic model organism. We include protocols both for antennal cryosections and whole-mount antennae. These methods can be adapted for detection of receptor expression in other olfactory and gustatory tissues in Drosophila, as well as in the chemosensory systems of other insects.
Summary Dietary restriction extends lifespan in a wide variety of animals, including Drosophila, but its relationship to functional and cognitive aging is unclear. Here, we study the effects of dietary yeast content on fly performance in an aversive learning task (association between odor and mechanical shock). Learning performance declined at old age, but 50-day-old dietary-restricted flies learned as poorly as equal-aged flies maintained on yeast-rich diet, even though the former lived on average 9 days (14%) longer. Furthermore, at the middle age of 21 days, flies on low-yeast diets showed poorer short-term (5 min) memory than flies on rich diet. In contrast, dietary restriction enhanced 60-min memory of young (5 days old) flies. Thus, while dietary restriction had complex effects on learning performance in young to middle-aged flies, it did not attenuate aging-related decline of aversive learning performance. These results are consistent with the hypothesis that, in Drosophila, dietary restriction reduces mortality and thus leads to lifespan extension, but does not affect the rate with which somatic damage relevant for cognitive performance accumulates with age.
Ionotropic glutamate receptors (iGluRs) are a highly conserved family of ligand-gated ion channels present in animals, plants, and bacteria, which are best characterized for their roles in synaptic communication in vertebrate nervous systems. A variant subfamily of iGluRs, the Ionotropic Receptors (IRs), was recently identified as a new class of olfactory receptors in the fruit fly, Drosophila melanogaster, hinting at a broader function of this ion channel family in detection of environmental, as well as intercellular, chemical signals. Here, we investigate the origin and evolution of IRs by comprehensive evolutionary genomics and in situ expression analysis. In marked contrast to the insect-specific Odorant Receptor family, we show that IRs are expressed in olfactory organs across Protostomia--a major branch of the animal kingdom that encompasses arthropods, nematodes, and molluscs--indicating that they represent an ancestral protostome chemosensory receptor family. Two subfamilies of IRs are distinguished: conserved "antennal IRs," which likely define the first olfactory receptor family of insects, and species-specific "divergent IRs," which are expressed in peripheral and internal gustatory neurons, implicating this family in taste and food assessment. Comparative analysis of drosophilid IRs reveals the selective forces that have shaped the repertoires in flies with distinct chemosensory preferences. Examination of IR gene structure and genomic distribution suggests both non-allelic homologous recombination and retroposition contributed to the expansion of this multigene family. Together, these findings lay a foundation for functional analysis of these receptors in both neurobiological and evolutionary studies. Furthermore, this work identifies novel targets for manipulating chemosensory-driven behaviours of agricultural pests and disease vectors.
Mayflies (Ephemeroptera) are known to have short adult life-spans. Adults are unable to feed, and they utilize reserves stored during their aquatic larval stage. Energy reserves (fat, glycogen, and free sugars) of mature larvae, subimagoes and imagoes of both sexes of Siphlonurus aestivalis Eaton were compared. All the stages of both sexes had low glycogen and free sugar contents, and the only significant change occurred during the transformation of the mature larva to subimago when almost all the reserves of free sugars were used up. Glycogen and free sugars may serve as energy sources permitting individuals to swim and fly out of the water during emergence. Fat made up most of the energy reserves of mature larvae and was the main source of energy used during the final development of both sexes. Young adult males had high fat reserves which they used as a source of energy for their swarming flights. In contrast, females did not seem to use a significant amount of fat for flight. This difference is probably related to the different mating strategies of the sexes in this species. Males perform long flights waiting for females, whereas females perform only brief flights to mate and reproduce.
Leishmania parasites have been plaguing humankind for centuries as a range of skin diseases named the cutaneous leishmaniases (CL). Carried in a hematophagous sand fly, Leishmania usually infests the skin surrounding the bite site, causing a destructive immune response that may persist for months or even years. The various symptomatic outcomes of CL range from a benevolent self- healing reddened bump to extensive open ulcerations, resistant to treatment and resulting in life- changing disfiguration. Many of these more aggressive outcomes are geographically isolated within the habitats of certain Neotropical Leishmania species; where about 15% of cases experience metastatic complications. However, despite this correlation, genetic analysis has revealed no major differences between species causing the various disease forms. We have recently identified a cytoplasmic dsRNA virus within metastatic L. guyanensis parasites that acts as a potent innate immunogen capable of worsening lesionai inflammation and prolonging parasite survival. The dsRNA genome of Leishmania RNA virus (LRV) binds and stimulates Toll-Like-Receptor-3 (TLR3), inducing this destructive inflammation, which we speculate as a factor contributing to the development of metastatic disease. This thesis establishes the first experimental model of LRV-mediated leishmanial metastasis and investigates the role of non-TLR3 viral recognition pathways in LRV-mediated pathology. Viral dsRNA can be detected by various non-TLR3 pattern recognition receptors (PRR); two such PRR groups are the RLRs (Retinoic acid-inducible gene 1 like receptors) and the NLRs (nucleotide- binding domain, leucine-rich repeat containing receptors). The RLRs are designed to detect viral dsRNA in the cytoplasm, while the NLRs react to molecular "danger" signals of cell damage, often oligomerizing into molecular scaffolds called "inflammasomes" that activate a potent inflammatory cascade. Interestingly, we found that neither RLR signalling nor the inflammasome pathway had an effect on LRV-mediated pathology. In contrast, we found a dramatic inflammasome independent effect for the NLR family member, NLRP10, where a knockout mouse model showed little evidence of disease. This phenotype was mimicked in an NLR knockout with which NLRP10 is known to interact: NLRC2. As this pathway induces the chronic inflammatory cell lineage TH17, we investigated the role of its key chronic inflammatory cytokine, IL-17A, in human patients infected by L. guyanensis. Indeed, patients infected with LRV+ parasites had a significantly increased level of IL-17A in lesionai biopsies. Interestingly, LRV presence was also associated with a significant decrease in the correlate of protection, IFN-y. This association was repeated in our murine model, where after we were able to establish the first experimental model of LRV-dependent leishmanial metastasis, which was mediated by IL-17A in the absence of IFN-y. Finally, we tested a new inhibitor of IL-17A secretion, SR1001, and reveal its potential as a Prophylactic immunomodulator and potent parasitotoxic drug. Taken together, these findings provide a basis for anti-IL-17A as a feasible therapeutic intervention to prevent and treat the metastatic complications of cutaneous leishmaniasis. -- Les parasites Leishmania infectent l'homme depuis des siècles causant des affections cutanées, appelées leishmanioses cutanées (LC). Le parasite est transmis par la mouche des sables et réside dans le derme à l'endroit de la piqûre. Au niveau de la peau, le parasite provoque une réponse immunitaire destructrice qui peut persister pendant des mois voire des années. Les symptômes de LC vont d'une simple enflure qui guérit spontanément jusqu' à de vastes ulcérations ouvertes, résistantes aux traitements. Des manifestations plus agressives sont déterminées par les habitats géographiques de certaines espèces de Leishmania. Dans ces cas, environ 15% des patients développent des lésions métastatiques. Aucun «facteur métastatique» n'a encore été trouvé à ce jour dans ces espèces. Récemment, nous avons pu identifier un virus résidant dans certains parasites métastatiques présents en Guyane française (appelé Leishmania-virus, ou LV) et qui confère un avantage de survie à son hôte parasitaire. Ce virus active fortement la réponse inflammatoire, aggravant l'inflammation et prolongeant l'infection parasitaire. Afin de diagnostiquer, prévenir et traiter ces lésions, nous nous sommes intéressés à identifier les composants de la voie de signalisation anti-virale, responsables de la persistance de cette inflammation. Cette étude décrit le premier modèle expérimental de métastases de la leishmaniose induites par LV, et identifie plusieurs composants de la voie inflammatoire anti-virale qui facilite la pathologie métastatique. Contrairement à l'homme, les souris de laboratoire infectées par des Leishmania métastatiques (contenant LV, LV+) ne développent pas de lésions métastatiques et guérissent après quelques semaines d'infection. Après avoir analysé un groupe de patients atteints de leishmaniose en Guyane française, nous avons constaté que les personnes infectées avec les parasites métastatiques LV+ avaient des niveaux significativement plus faibles d'un composant immunitaire protecteur important, appelé l'interféron (IFN)-y. En utilisant des souris génétiquement modifiées, incapables de produire de l'IFN-y, nous avons observé de telles métastases. Après inoculation dans le coussinet plantaire de souris IFN-y7" avec des parasites LV+ ou LV-, nous avons démontré que seules les souris infectées avec des leishmanies ayant LV développent de multiples lésions secondaires sur la queue. Comme nous l'avons observé chez l'homme, ces souris sécrètent une quantité significativement élevée d'un composant inflammatoire destructeur, l'interleukine (IL)-17. IL-17 a été incriminée pour son rôle dans de nombreuses maladies inflammatoires chroniques. On a ainsi trouvé un rôle destructif similaire pour l'IL-17 dans la leishmaniose métastatique. Nous avons confirmé ce rôle en abrogeant IL-17 dans des souris IFN-y7- ce qui ralentit l'apparition des métastases. Nous pouvons donc conclure que les métastases de la leishmaniose sont induites par l'IL-17 en absence d'IFN-v. En analysant plus en détails les voies de signalisation anti-virale induites par LV, nous avons pu exclure d'autres voies d'activation de la réponse inflammatoire. Nous avons ainsi démontré que la signalisation par LV est indépendante de la signalisation inflammatoire de type « inflammasome ». En revanche, nous avons pu y lier plusieurs autres molécules, telles que NLRP10 et NLRC2, connues pour leur synergie avec les réponses inflammatoires. Cette nouvelle voie pourrait être la cible pour des médicaments inhibant l'inflammation. En effet, un nouveau médicament qui bloque la production d'IL-17 chez la souris s'est montré prometteur dans notre modèle : il a réduit le gonflement des lésions ainsi que la charge parasitaire, indiquant que la voie anti-virale /inflammatoire est une approche thérapeutique possible pour prévenir et traiter cette infection négligée.
In ants, energy for flying is derived from carbohydrates (glycogen and free sugars). The amount of these substrates was compared in sexuals participating or not participating in mating flights. Results show that in participating females (Lasius niger, L. flavus, Myrmica scabrinodis, Formica rufa, F. polyctena, F. lugubris), the amount of carbohydrates, especially glycogen, was higher than in non-participating females (Cataglyphis cursor, Iridomyrmex humilis). Similarly, male C. cursor and I. humilis which fly, exhibit a much higher carbohydrate content than do the non-flying females of these species. Furthermore, the quantity of carbohydrates stored was generally higher in males than in females for each species. These results are discussed with regard to the loss of the nuptial flight by some species of ants.
BACKGROUND: Patients suffering from cutaneous leishmaniasis (CL) caused by New World Leishmania (Viannia) species are at high risk of developing mucosal (ML) or disseminated cutaneous leishmaniasis (DCL). After the formation of a primary skin lesion at the site of the bite by a Leishmania-infected sand fly, the infection can disseminate to form secondary lesions. This metastatic phenotype causes significant morbidity and is often associated with a hyper-inflammatory immune response leading to the destruction of nasopharyngeal tissues in ML, and appearance of nodules or numerous ulcerated skin lesions in DCL. Recently, we connected this aggressive phenotype to the presence of Leishmania RNA virus (LRV) in strains of L. guyanensis, showing that LRV is responsible for elevated parasitaemia, destructive hyper-inflammation and an overall exacerbation of the disease. Further studies of this relationship and the distribution of LRVs in other Leishmania strains and species would benefit from improved methods of viral detection and quantitation, especially ones not dependent on prior knowledge of the viral sequence as LRVs show significant evolutionary divergence. METHODOLOGY/PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: This study reports various techniques, among which, the use of an anti-dsRNA monoclonal antibody (J2) stands out for its specific and quantitative recognition of dsRNA in a sequence-independent fashion. Applications of J2 include immunofluorescence, ELISA and dot blot: techniques complementing an arsenal of other detection tools, such as nucleic acid purification and quantitative real-time-PCR. We evaluate each method as well as demonstrate a successful LRV detection by the J2 antibody in several parasite strains, a freshly isolated patient sample and lesion biopsies of infected mice. CONCLUSIONS/SIGNIFICANCE: We propose that refinements of these methods could be transferred to the field for use as a diagnostic tool in detecting the presence of LRV, and potentially assessing the LRV-related risk of complications in cutaneous leishmaniasis.