84 resultados para Evaluation in health


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La transfusion de concentrés plaquettaires, dès 1958, a permis d'augmenter l'espérance et la qualité de vie des patients dans le domaine de l'onco-hématologie, notamment en réduisant les risques hémorragiques induits par les chimiothérapies intensives. Après le traumatisme de l'affaire du sang contaminé dans les années 1980-1990, la médecine transfusionnelle a adopté des exigences de sécurité et de qualité très strictes et régulées dans plusieurs pays par les instances politiques. Cependant même les mesures de qualité les plus strictes n'ont permis d'atteindre le risque « zéro », notamment en ce qui concerne les contaminations bactériennes. De plus, la prise de conscience de l'existence de nouveaux pathogènes (West Nile Virus, Chikungunya, Prions) a stimulé le développement de 3 techniques d'inactivation des pathogènes pouvant s'appliquer au plasma et aux concentrés plaquettaires : la technique INTERCEPT utilisant l'amotosalen/UVA, la technique MIRASOL avec la riboflavine/UV et la technique THERAFLEX avec les UVC. La Suisse a fait office de pionnière en étant le premier pays au monde à adopter de manière généralisée l'inactivation des pathogènes par la technique INTERCEPT pour les concentrés plaquettaires dès 2011 après sa validation par Swissmedic en 2009 et son implémentation réussie dans plusieurs centres de transfusion pilotes. Coïncidence? Le décès tragique d'un patient pédiatrique en 2009 suite à une contamination bactérienne par une transfusion de concentré plaquettaire a précédé cette décision. Les cliniciens ont besoin de disposer de concentrés plaquettaires sûrs d'un point de vue microbiologique mais également sur le plan hémostatique, d'où la nécessité de disposer de preuves solides sur l'efficacité thérapeutique de ces nouveaux produits. Ceci a fait l'objet de la revue publiée dans Blood Reviews « The clinical and biological impact of new pathogen inactivation technologies on platelets concentrates » dont l'originalité est de couvrir l'étude de l'effet des processus d'inactivation des pathogènes sur la fonction plaquettaire sous toutes ses facettes allant de la protéomique aux études d'hémovigilance. Ce travail montre l'efficacité de ces méthodes et leur sécurité et souligne que l'observation de taux de recirculation moindre peut être compensée par une augmentation du statut d'activation des plaquettes. Le deuxième article publié comme co-auteur dans le journal Blood Transfusion « In vitro evaluation of pathogen-inactivated buffy coat-derived platelet concentrates during storage: The psoralen-based photochemical treatment step-by-step » se pose la question de la modification des propriétés fonctionnelles des plaquettes dans une étude à deux bras (par comparaison entre plaquettes traitées et non traitées). En plus de deux tests utilisés en pratique clinique (agrégation plaquettaire et cytométrie de flux) un test expérimental d'adhésion plaquettaire au fibrinogène en condition statique a été développé en collaboration avec le Prof Angelillo-Scherrer dans le cadre du laboratoire de recherche et développement du SRTS-VD. Les résultats obtenus démontrent la conservation du métabolisme plaquettaire et des changements mineurs dans la capacité d'agrégation mais une augmentation de la capacité d'adhésion au fibrinogène des plaquettes traitées probablement via une augmentation de la conversion de l'intégrine ailb(B3 dans sa forme activée. Les techniques d'inactivation des pathogènes appliqués aux concentrés plaquettaires représentent un important progrès dans le domaine de la médecine transfusionnelle. Leur impact au niveau moléculaire reste cependant encore en partie inconnu et fait l'objet d'études. Le défi actuel consiste à réussir à les adopter aux concentrés érythrocytaires, ce qui révolutionnerait la médecine transfusionnelle.


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Pressurized re-entrant (or 4 pi) ionization chambers (ICs) connected to current-measuring electronics are used for activity measurements of photon emitting radionuclides and some beta emitters in the fields of metrology and nuclear medicine. As a secondary method, these instruments need to be calibrated with appropriate activity standards from primary or direct standardization. The use of these instruments over 50 years has been well described in numerous publications, such as the Monographie BIPM-4 and the special issue of Metrologia on radionuclide metrology (Ratel 2007 Metrologia 44 S7-16, Schrader1997 Activity Measurements With Ionization Chambers (Monographie BIPM-4) Schrader 2007 Metrologia 44 S53-66, Cox et al 2007 Measurement Modelling of the International Reference System (SIR) for Gamma-Emitting Radionuclides (Monographie BIPM-7)). The present work describes the principles of activity measurements, calibrations, and impurity corrections using pressurized ionization chambers in the first part and the uncertainty analysis illustrated with example uncertainty budgets from routine source-calibration as well as from an international reference system (SIR) measurement in the second part.


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NlmCategory="UNASSIGNED">Insulin is a key hormone controlling metabolic homeostasis. Loss or dysfunction of pancreatic β-cells lead to the release of insufficient insulin to cover the organism needs, promoting diabetes development. Since dietary nutrients influence the activity of β-cells, their inadequate intake, absorption and/or utilisation can be detrimental. This review will highlight the physiological and pathological effects of nutrients on insulin secretion and discuss the underlying mechanisms. Glucose uptake and metabolism in β-cells trigger insulin secretion. This effect of glucose is potentiated by amino acids and fatty acids, as well as by entero-endocrine hormones and neuropeptides released by the digestive tract in response to nutrients. Glucose controls also basal and compensatory β-cell proliferation and, along with fatty acids, regulates insulin biosynthesis. If in the short-term nutrients promote β-cell activities, chronic exposure to nutrients can be detrimental to β-cells and causes reduced insulin transcription, increased basal secretion and impaired insulin release in response to stimulatory glucose concentrations, with a consequent increase in diabetes risk. Likewise, suboptimal early-life nutrition (e.g. parental high-fat or low-protein diet) causes altered β-cell mass and function in adulthood. The mechanisms mediating nutrient-induced β-cell dysfunction include transcriptional, post-transcriptional and translational modifications of genes involved in insulin biosynthesis and secretion, carbohydrate and lipid metabolism, cell differentiation, proliferation and survival. Altered expression of these genes is partly caused by changes in non-coding RNA transcripts induced by unbalanced nutrient uptake. A better understanding of the mechanisms leading to β-cell dysfunction will be critical to improve treatment and find a cure for diabetes.


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BACKGROUND AND PURPOSE: Compensation for respiratory motion is needed while administering radiotherapy (RT) to tumors that are moving with respiration to reduce the amount of irradiated normal tissues and potentially decrease radiation-induced collateral damages. The purpose of this study was to test a new ventilation system designed to induce apnea-like suppression of respiratory motion and allow long enough breath hold durations to deliver complex RT. MATERIAL AND METHODS: The High Frequency Percussive Ventilation system was initially tested in a series of 10 volunteers and found to be well tolerated, allowing a median breath hold duration of 11.6min (range 3.9-16.5min). An evaluation of this system was subsequently performed in 4 patients eligible for adjuvant breast 3D conformal RT, for lung stereotactic body RT (SBRT), lung volumetric modulated arc therapy (VMAT), and VMAT for palliative pleural metastases. RESULTS: When compared to free breathing (FB) and maximal inspiration (MI) gating, this Percussion Assisted RT (PART) offered favorable dose distribution profiles in 3 out of the 4 patients tested. PART was applied in these 3 patients with good tolerance, without breaks during the "beam on time period" throughout the overall courses of RT. The mean duration of the apnea-like breath hold that was necessary for delivering all the RT fractions was 7.61min (SD=2.3). CONCLUSIONS: This first clinical implementation of PART was found to be feasible, tolerable and offers new opportunities in the field of RT for suppressing respiratory motion.


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When emerging from the ribosomes, new polypeptides need to fold properly, eventually translocate, and then assemble into stable, yet functionally flexible complexes. During their lifetime, native proteins are often exposed to stresses that can partially unfold and convert them into stably misfolded and aggregated species, which can in turn cause cellular damage and propagate to other cells. In animal cells, especially in aged neurons, toxic aggregates may accumulate, induce cell death and lead to tissue degeneration via different mechanisms, such as apoptosis as in Parkinson's and Alzheimer's diseases and aging in general. The main cellular mechanisms effectively controlling protein homeostasis in youth and healthy adulthood are: (1) the molecular chaperones, acting as aggregate unfolding and refolding enzymes, (2) the chaperone-gated proteases, acting as aggregate unfolding and degrading enzymes, (3) the aggresomes, acting as aggregate compacting machineries, and (4) the autophagosomes, acting as aggregate degrading organelles. For unclear reasons, these cellular defences become gradually incapacitated with age, leading to the onset of degenerative diseases. Understanding these mechanisms and the reasons for their incapacitation in late adulthood is key to the design of new therapies against the progression of aging, degenerative diseases and cancers.


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OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the effect of vouchers for maternity care in public health-care facilities on the utilization of maternal health-care services in Cambodia. METHODS: The study involved data from the 2010 Cambodian Demographic and Health Survey, which covered births between 2005 and 2010. The effect of voucher schemes, first implemented in 2007, on the utilization of maternal health-care services was quantified using a difference-in-differences method that compared changes in utilization in districts with voucher schemes with changes in districts without them. FINDINGS: Overall, voucher schemes were associated with an increase of 10.1 percentage points (pp) in the probability of delivery in a public health-care facility; among women from the poorest 40% of households, the increase was 15.6 pp. Vouchers were responsible for about one fifth of the increase observed in institutional deliveries in districts with schemes. Universal voucher schemes had a larger effect on the probability of delivery in a public facility than schemes targeting the poorest women. Both types of schemes increased the probability of receiving postnatal care, but the increase was significant only for non-poor women. Universal, but not targeted, voucher schemes significantly increased the probability of receiving antenatal care. CONCLUSION: Voucher schemes increased deliveries in health centres and, to a lesser extent, improved antenatal and postnatal care. However, schemes that targeted poorer women did not appear to be efficient since these women were more likely than less poor women to be encouraged to give birth in a public health-care facility, even with universal voucher schemes.


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BACKGROUND: The Adolescent Drug Abuse Diagnosis (ADAD) and Health of Nation Outcome Scales for Children and Adolescents (HoNOSCA) are both measures of outcome for adolescent mental health services. AIMS: To compare the ADAD with HoNOSCA; to examine their clinical usefulness. METHODS: Comparison of the ADAD and HoNOSCA outcome measures of 20 adolescents attending a psychiatric day care unit. RESULTS: ADAD change was positively correlated with HoNOSCA change. HoNOSCA assesses the clinic's day-care programme more positively than the ADAD. The ADAD detects a group for which the mean score remains unchanged whereas HoNOSCA does not. CONCLUSIONS: A good convergent validity emerges between the two assessment tools. The ADAD allows an evidence-based assessment and generally enables a better subject discrimination than HoNOSCA. HoNOSCA gives a less refined evaluation but is more economic in time and possibly more sensitive to change. Both assessment tools give useful information and enabled the Day-care Unit for Adolescents to rethink the process of care and of outcome, which benefited both the institution and the patients.


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Arenaviruses are a large and diverse family of viruses that merit significant attention as causative agents of severe hemorrhagic fevers in humans. Lassa virus (LASV) in Africa and the South American hemorrhagic fever viruses Junin (JUNV), Machupo (MACV), and Guanarito (GTOV) have emerged as important human pathogens and represent serious public health problems in their respective endemic areas. A hallmark of fatal arenaviruses hemorrhagic fevers is a marked immunosuppression of the infected patients. Antigen presenting cells (APCs) such as macrophages and in particular dendritic cells (DCs) are early and preferred targets of arenaviruses infection. Instead of being recognized and presented as foreign antigens by DCs, arenaviruses subvert the normal mechanisms of pathogen recognition, invade DCs and establish a productive infection. Viral replication perturbs the DCs' ability to present antigens and to activate T and B cells, contributing to the marked virus-induced immunosuppression observed in fatal disease. Considering their crucial role in the development of an anti-viral immune response, the mechanisms by which arenaviruses, and in particular LASV, invade DCs are of particular interest. The C-type lectin DC-specific Intercellular adhesion molecule-3-grabbing nonintegrin (DC-SIGN) was recently identified as a potential entry receptor for LASV. The first project of my thesis focused therefore on the investigation of the role of DC-SIGN in LASV entry into primary human DCs. My data revealed that DC-SIGN serves as an attachment factor for LASV on human DCs and can facilitate capture of free virus and subsequent cell entry. However, in contrast to other emerging viruses, of the phlebovirus family, I found that DC-SIGN does likely not function as an authentic entry receptor for LASV. Moreover, I was able to show that LASV enters DCs via an unusually slow pathway that depends on actin, but is independent of clathrin and dynamin. Considering the lack of effective treatments and the limited public health infrastructure in endemic regions, the development of protective vaccines against arenaviruses is an urgent need. To address this issue, the second project of my thesis aimed at the development of a novel recombinant arenavirus vaccine based on a nanoparticle (NPs) platform and its evaluation in a small animal model. During the first phase of the project I designed, produced, and characterized suitable vaccine antigens. In the second phase of the project, I generated antigen-conjugated NPs, developed vaccine formulations, and tested the NPs for their ability to elicit anti-viral T cell responses as well as anti-viral antibodies. I demonstrated that the NPs platform is able to activate both cellular and humoral branches of the adaptive anti-viral immunity, providing proof-of-principle. In sum, my first project will allow, in a long term perspective, a better understanding of the viral pathogenesis and contribute to the development of novel antiviral strategies. The second project will expectidly offer a new treatment option against arenaviruses.


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INTRODUCTION: We have developed ultra-high risk criteria for bipolar affective disorder (bipolar at-risk - BAR) which include general criteria such as being in the peak age range of the onset of the disorder and a combination of specific criteria including sub-threshold mania, depressive symptoms, cyclothymic features and genetic risk. In the current study, the predictive validity of these criteria were tested in help-seeking adolescents and young adults. METHOD: This medical file-audit study was conducted at ORYGEN Youth Health (OYH), a public mental health program for young people aged between 15 and 24years and living in metropolitan Melbourne, Australia. BAR criteria were applied to the intake assessments of all non-psychotic patients who were being treated in OYH on 31 January, 2008. All entries were then checked for conversion criteria. Hypomania/mania related additions or alterations to existing treatments or initiation of new treatment by the treating psychiatrist served as conversion criteria to mania. RESULTS: The BAR criteria were applied to 173 intake assessments. Of these, 22 patients (12.7%) met BAR criteria. The follow-up period of the sample was 265.5days on average (SD 214.7). There were significantly more cases in the BAR group (22.7%, n=5) than in the non-BAR group (0.7%, n=1) who met conversion criteria (p<.001). CONCLUSIONS: These findings support the notion that people who develop a first episode of mania can be identified during the prodromal phase. The proposed criteria need further evaluation in prospective clinical trials.


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RATIONALE AND OBJECTIVE:. The information assessment method (IAM) permits health professionals to systematically document the relevance, cognitive impact, use and health outcomes of information objects delivered by or retrieved from electronic knowledge resources. The companion review paper (Part 1) critically examined the literature, and proposed a 'Push-Pull-Acquisition-Cognition-Application' evaluation framework, which is operationalized by IAM. The purpose of the present paper (Part 2) is to examine the content validity of the IAM cognitive checklist when linked to email alerts. METHODS: A qualitative component of a mixed methods study was conducted with 46 doctors reading and rating research-based synopses sent on email. The unit of analysis was a doctor's explanation of a rating of one item regarding one synopsis. Interviews with participants provided 253 units that were analysed to assess concordance with item definitions. RESULTS AND CONCLUSION: The content relevance of seven items was supported. For three items, revisions were needed. Interviews suggested one new item. This study has yielded a 2008 version of IAM.


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This article, which is based on a longitudinal study conducted with a cohort ofoctogenarians, examines downward social comparison and its effectiveness as an adjustment mechanism during the frailty process. First of all, a paradoxical stability of subjective well-being is to be observed: it remains stable over five years notwithstanding the general decline in health. Next, an analysis based on individual health trajectories reveals that downward social comparison is associated with the maintenance of a stable level of well-being, whereas, when it is not associated with well-being, the latter tends to vary.


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The relation among education, disease prevalence, and frequency of health service utilization was analyzed using data from the Swiss National Health Survey SOMIPOPS, conducted in 1981-1983 on a randomly selected sample of 4,255 individuals, representative of the entire Swiss population. The prevalence of several important cardiovascular, respiratory, digestive, osteoarticular, and psychiatric disorders was higher among less educated individuals; only allergic conditions were directly associated with indicators of social class. More educated individuals reported lower frequencies of general practitioner visits, but higher frequencies of specialized consultations. These findings confirm that education is an important determinant not only of mortality but also of morbidity and health-care utilization and require careful consideration in terms of the planning and evaluation of health services.


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RATIONALE, AIMS AND OBJECTIVES: There is little evidence regarding the benefit of stress ulcer prophylaxis (SUP) outside a critical care setting. Overprescription of SUP is not devoid of risks. This prospective study aimed to evaluate the use of proton pump inhibitors (PPIs) for SUP in a general surgery department. METHOD: Data collection was performed prospectively during an 8-week period on patients hospitalized in a general surgery department (58 beds) by pharmacists. Patients with a PPI prescription for the treatment of ulcers, gastro-oesophageal reflux disease, oesophagitis or epigastric pain were excluded. Patients admitted twice during the study period were not reincluded. The American Society of Health-System Pharmacists guidelines on SUP were used to assess the appropriateness of de novo PPI prescriptions. RESULTS: Among 255 patients in the study, 138 (54%) received a prophylaxis with PPI, of which 86 (62%) were de novo PPI prescriptions. A total of 129 patients (94%) received esomeprazole (according to the hospital drug policy). The most frequent dosage was at 40 mg once daily. Use of PPI for SUP was evaluated in 67 patients. A total of 53 patients (79%) had no risk factors for SUP. Twelve and two patients had one or two risk factors, respectively. At discharge, PPI prophylaxis was continued in 33% of patients with a de novo PPI prescription. CONCLUSIONS: This study highlights the overuse of PPIs in non-intensive care unit patients and the inappropriate continuation of PPI prescriptions at discharge. Treatment recommendations for SUP are needed to restrict PPI use for justified indications.


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This study examined the impact of social support and of temporal and social comparisons on well-being and selfreported health in four capital cities: Paris, Berlin, Moscow and Beijing. Based on the lifespan control theory, an integrative model investigating the influence of these coping strategies, especially on the psychological regulation of health losses, was tested on 1141 respondents aged 45 to 70 years by using structural equation modelling with multigroup comparisons. Results indicated a good fit of the model to participants' responses. In all contexts, physical weaknesses favoured the use of social and temporal comparison strategies rather than social support. Moreover, across the cities, coping strategies were oriented more toward protecting self-evaluation of health than toward enhancement of well-being. Social comparison decreased the impact of physical weaknesses on health evaluation and on well-being in the four cities, but to a lesser extent in China. Results are discussed regarding the normative cross-cultural aspects that intervene during ageing in the four urban contexts.


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Background/Purpose: The trabecular bone score (TBS), a novel graylevel texture index determined from lumbar spine DXA scans, correlates with 3D parameters of trabecular bone microarchitecture known to predict fracture. TBS may enhance the identification of patients at increased risk for vertebral fracture independently of bone mineral density (BMD) (Boutroy JBMR 2010; Hans JBMR 2011). Denosumab treatment for 36 months decreased bone turnover, increased BMD, and reduced new vertebral fractures in postmenopausal women with osteoporosis (Cummings NEJM 2009). We explored the effect of denosumab on TBS over 36 months and evaluated the association between TBS and lumbar spine BMD in women who had DXA scans obtained from eligible scanners for TBS evaluation in FREEDOM. Methods: FREEDOM was a 3-year, randomized, double-blind trial that enrolled postmenopausal women with a lumbar spine or total hip DXA T-score __2.5, but not __4.0 at both sites. Women received placebo or 60 mg denosumab every 6 months. A subset of women in FREEDOM participated in a DXA substudy where lumbar spine DXA scans were obtained at baseline and months 1, 6, 12, 24, and 36. We retrospectively applied, in a blinded-to-treatment manner, a novel software program (TBS iNsightR v1.9, Med-Imaps, Pessac, France) to the standard lumbar spine DXA scans obtained in these women to determine their TBS indices at baseline and months 12, 24, and 36. From previous studies, a TBS _1.35 is considered as normal microarchitecture, a TBS between 1.35 and _1.20 as partially deteriorated, and 1.20 reflects degraded microarchitecture. Results: There were 285 women (128 placebo, 157 denosumab) with a TBS value at baseline and _1 post-baseline visit. Their mean age was 73, their mean lumbar spine BMD T-score was _2.79, and their mean lumbar spine TBS was 1.20. In addition to the robust gains in DXA lumbar spine BMD observed with denosumab (9.8% at month 36), there were consistent, progressive, and significant increases in TBS compared with placebo and baseline (Table & Figure). BMD explained a very small fraction of the variance in TBS at baseline (r2_0.07). In addition, the variance in the TBS change was largely unrelated to BMD change, whether expressed in absolute or percentage changes, regardless of treatment, throughout the study (all r2_0.06); indicating that TBS provides distinct information, independently of BMD. Conclusion: In postmenopausal women with osteoporosis, denosumab significantly improved TBS, an index of lumbar spine trabecular microarchitecture, independently of BMD.