81 resultados para Epizootic area


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We have used surface-based electrical resistivity tomography to detect and characterize preferential hydraulic pathways in the immediate downstream area of an abandoned, hazardous landfill. The landfill occupies the void left by a former gravel pit and its base is close to the groundwater table and lacking an engineered barrier. As such, this site is remarkably typical of many small- to medium-sized waste deposits throughout the densely populated and heavily industrialized foreland on both sides of the Alpine arc. Outflows of pollutants lastingly contaminated local drinking water supplies and necessitated a partial remediation in the form of a synthetic cover barrier, which is meant to prevent meteoric water from percolating through the waste before reaching the groundwater table. Any future additional isolation of the landfill in the form of lateral barriers thus requires adequate knowledge of potential preferential hydraulic pathways for outflowing contaminants. Our results, inferred from a suite of tomographically inverted surfaced-based electrical resistivity profiles oriented roughly perpendicular to the local hydraulic gradient, indicate that potential contaminant outflows would predominantly occur along an unexploited lateral extension of the original gravel deposit. This finds its expression as a distinct and laterally continuous high-resistivity anomaly in the resistivity tomograms. This interpretation is ground-truthed through a litholog from a nearby well. Since the probed glacio-fluvial deposits are largely devoid of mineralogical clay, the geometry of hydraulic and electrical pathways across the pore space of a given lithological unit can be assumed to be identical, which allows for an order-of-magnitude estimation of the overall permeability structure. These estimates indicate that the permeability of the imaged extension of the gravel body is at least two to three orders-of-magnitude higher than that of its finer-grained embedding matrix. This corroborates the preeminent role of the high-resistivity anomaly as a potential preferential flow path.


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The loss of presynaptic markers is thought to represent a strong pathologic correlate of cognitive decline in Alzheimer's disease (AD). Spinophilin is a postsynaptic marker mainly located to the heads of dendritic spines. We assessed total numbers of spinophilin-immunoreactive puncta. in the CA I and CA3 fields of hippocampus and area 9 in 18 elderly individuals with various degrees of cognitive decline. The decrease in spinophilin-immunoreactivity was significantly related to both Braak neurofibrillary tangle (NFT) staging and clinical severity but not A beta deposition staging. The total number of spinophilin-immunoreactive puncta in CA I field and area 9 were significantly related to MMSE scores and predicted 23.5 and 61.9% of its variability. The relationship between total number of spinophilin-immunoreactive puncta in CA I field and MMSE scores did not persist when adjusting for Braak NFT staging. In contrast, the total number of spinophilin-immunoreactive puncta in area 9 was still significantly related to the cognitive outcome explaining an extra 9.6% of MMSE and 25.6% of the Clinical Dementia Rating scores variability. Our data suggest that neocortical dendritic spine loss is an independent parameter to consider in AD clinicopathologic correlations.


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Distribution of myosin, tubulin and laminin immunoreactive cells in the area opaca of the young chick embryo (Stages 4-8 HH) was studied using immunofluorescence technique. For the three markers, the number of stained cells increased with the age of the blastoderm. Cells stained for tubulin and laminin, were distributed throughout the area opaca, showing no supracellular organization. On the contrary, the cells stained for myosin became organized in a ring surrounding the area pellucida. This pattern appeared at the stage 6. Such an heterogenous distribution of the markers suggests a functional diversification of the ectodermal cell monolayer forming at these early developmental stages the area opaca. This idea is also supported by the results of autoradiography for tritiated thymidin which showed that the edge cells did not synthetize DNA and consequently did not divide.


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The voltage-gated potassium channel Kv1.2 belongs to the shaker-related family and has recently been implicated in the control of sleep profile on the basis of clinical and experimental evidence in rodents. To further investigate whether increasing Kv1.2 activity would promote sleep occurrence in rats, we developed an adeno-associated viral vector that induces overexpression of rat Kv1.2 protein. The viral vector was first evaluated in vitro for its ability to overexpress rat Kv1.2 protein and to produce functional currents in infected U2OS cells. Next, the adeno-associated Kv1.2 vector was injected stereotaxically into the central medial thalamic area of rats and overexpression of Kv1.2 was showed by in situ hybridization, ex vivo electrophysiology and immunohistochemistry. Finally, the functional effect of Kv1.2 overexpression on sleep facilitation was investigated using telemetry system under normal conditions and following administration of the arousing agent caffeine, during the light phase. While no differences in sleep profile were observed between the control and the treated animals under normal conditions, a decrease in the pro-arousal effect of caffeine was seen only in the animals injected with the adeno-associated virus-Kv1.2 vector. Overall, our data further support a role of the Kv1.2 channel in the control of sleep profile, particularly under conditions of sleep disturbance.


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The Huqf Supergroup in Oman contains an exceptionally well-preserved and complete sedimentary record of the Middle to Late Neoproterozoic Era. Outcrops of the Huqf Supergroup in northern and central Oman are now well documented, but their correlation with a key succession in the Mirbat area of southern Oman, containing a sedimentary record of two Neoproterozoic glaciations, is poorly understood. Integration of lithostratigraphic, chemostratigraphic and new U-Pb detrital zircon data suggests that the Mirbat Group is best placed within the Cryogenian (c. 850-635 Ma) part of the Huqf Supergroup. The c. I km thick marine deposits of the Arkahawl and Marsham Formations of the Mirbat Group are thought to represent a stratigraphic interval between older Cryogenian and younger Cryogenian glaciations that is not preserved elsewhere in Oman. The bulk of detrital zircons in the Huqf Supergroup originate from Neoproterozoic parent rocks. However, older Mesoproterozoic, Palaeoproterozoic and even Archaean zircons can be recognized in the detrital population from the upper Mahara Group (Fiq Formation) and Nafun Group, suggesting the tapping of exotic sources, probably from the Arabian-Nubian Shield.


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BACKGROUND: Limited data have been published on the normal size of the ascending aorta (AA) measured using transthoracic echocardiography (TTE). METHODS: AA diameters were measured in 1799 patients with normal cardiac findings on TTE and compared with the diameters of the sinus of Valsalva (SoV). RESULTS: Mean diameters in men and women, respectively, were 3.4 and 3.1 cm for the SoV and 3.2 and 3.0 cm for the AA. The sizes of the SoV and the AA showed strong correlations with age, age squared, and body surface area. The 5th and 95th percentile curves for the SoV and AA showed faster growth of diameters in early adulthood compared with old age. The dimensions of the SoV were larger than those of the AA (mean differences, 0.19 cm in men and 0.08 cm in women), and the difference between the SoV and AA was negatively correlated with age. CONCLUSION: The findings of this study stress the importance of indexing dimensions of the SoV and the AA to age and body surface area separately for men and women.


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The prevalence of obesity has markedly increased over the past few decades. Exploration of how hunger and satiety signals influence the reward system can help us understand non-homeostatic feeding. Insulin may act in the ventral tegmental area (VTA), a critical site for reward-seeking behavior, to suppress feeding. However, the neural mechanisms underlying insulin effects in the VTA remain unknown. We demonstrate that insulin, a circulating catabolic peptide that inhibits feeding, can induce long-term depression (LTD) of mouse excitatory synapses onto VTA dopamine neurons. This effect requires endocannabinoid-mediated presynaptic inhibition of glutamate release. Furthermore, after a sweetened high-fat meal, which elevates endogenous insulin, insulin-induced LTD is occluded. Finally, insulin in the VTA reduces food anticipatory behavior in mice and conditioned place preference for food in rats. Taken together, these results suggest that insulin in the VTA suppresses excitatory synaptic transmission and reduces anticipatory activity and preference for food-related cues.


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Rapport de synthèse : But de l'étude : Les accidents domestiques représentent un problème significatif en médecine pédiatrique. Le but de cette étude est de mieux comprendre les mécanismes et causes des brûlures afin de pouvoir cibler la prévention. Méthode : Il s'agit d'une étude prospective d'une durée d'une année, d'Août 2004 à Août 2005. Les patients ayant consulté pour des brûlures à l'Hôpital de l'Enfance de Lausanne (HEL) ou au CHUV ont été répertoriés. Le mécanisme et les circonstances des brûlures ont été analysées, de même que l'environnement et les données psycho-sociales. Résultats : huitante-neuf patients ont été inclus dans l'étude, âgés de 2 mois à 15 ans. Septante-huit pour cent des patients avaient moins de 5 ans. Plus de la moitié étaient des garçons. Les brûlures par échaudement prédominaient. Nous n'avons pas pu mettre en évidence d'incidence augmentée de brûlures chez des patients de familles immigrées ou de niveau social bas. Dans la majorité des cas, un adulte était présent au moment de l'accident. Conclusion : Si l'on devait établir un profil type de l'enfant à risque de se brûler dans notre région, il s'agirait d'un garçon âgé de 15 mois-5ans, se brûlant en se versant une tasse de liquide chaud sur la main, à son domicile, en présence de l'un ou de ses deux parents. Le message de prévention devrait donc s'adresser directement aux parents, toutes nationalités et niveau social confondus afin de leur expliquer les dangers de brûlures présents au quotidien à leur domicile. A chaque contrôle, les pédiatres devraient parler des accidents domestiques aux parents. En insistant sur les dangers que représentent les tasses de café, la porte du four et la plaque de la cuisinière, qui sont des éléments du quotidien et qui méritent une attention à chaque utilisation. Les brûlures chez le petit enfant pourraient ainsi être fortement réduites.


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Purpose: The increase of apparent diffusion coefficient (ADC) in treated hepatic malignancies compared to pre-therapeutic values has been interpreted as treatment success; however, the variability of ADC measurements remains unknown. Furthermore, ADC has been usually measured in the whole lesion, while measurements should be probably centered on the area with the most restricted diffusion (MRDA) as it represents potential tumoral residue. Our objective was to compare the inter/intraobserver variability of ADC measurements in the whole lesion and in MRDA. Material and methods: Forty patients previously treated with chemoembolization or radiofrequency were evaluated (20 on 1.5T and 20 on 3.0T). After consensual agreement on the best ADC image, two readers measured the ADC values using separate regions of interest that included the whole lesion and the whole MRDA without exceeding their borders. The same measurements were repeated two weeks later. Spearman test and the Bland-Altman method were used. Results: Interobserver correlation in ADC measurements in the whole lesion and MRDA was as follows: 0.962 and 0.884. Intraobserver correlation was, respectively, 0.992 and 0.979. Interobserver limits of variability (mm2/sec*10-3) were between -0.25/+0.28 in the whole lesion and between -0.51/+0.46 in MRDA. Intraobserver limits of variability were, respectively: -0.25/+0.24 and -0.43/+0.47. Conclusion: We observed a good inter/intraobserver correlation in ADC measurements. Nevertheless, a limited variability does exist, and it should be considered when interpreting ADC values of hepatic malignancies.