We use cryo-electron microscopy (cryo-EM) to study the 3D shapes of 94-bp-long DNA minicircles and address the question of whether cyclization of such short DNA molecules necessitates the formation of sharp, localized kinks in DNA or whether the necessary bending can be redistributed and accomplished within the limits of the elastic, standard model of DNA flexibility. By comparing the shapes of covalently closed, nicked and gapped DNA minicircles, we conclude that 94-bp-long covalently closed and nicked DNA minicircles do not show sharp kinks while gapped DNA molecules, containing very flexible single-stranded regions, do show sharp kinks. We corroborate the results of cryo-EM studies by using Bal31 nuclease to probe for the existence of kinks in 94-bp-long minicircles.
Résumé La structure, ou l'architecture, des êtres vivants définit le cadre dans lequel la physique de la vie s'accomplit. La connaissance de cette structure dans ses moindres détails est un but essentiel de la biologie. Son étude est toutefois entravée par des limitations techniques. Malgré son potentiel théorique, la microscopie électronique n'atteint pas une résolution atomique lorsqu'elle est appliquée ä la matièxe biologique. Cela est dû en grande partie au fait qu'elle contient beaucoup d'eau qui ne résiste pas au vide du microscope. Elle doit donc être déshydratée avant d'être introduite dans un microscope conventionnel. Des artéfacts d'agrégation en découlent inévitablement. La cryo-microscopie électronique des sections vitreuses (CEMOVIS) a ëté développée afin de résoudre cela. Les spécimens sont vitrifiés, c.-à-d. que leur eau est immobilisée sans cristalliser par le froid. Ils sont ensuite coupés en sections ultrafines et celles-ci sont observées à basse température. Les spécimens sont donc observés sous forme hydratée et non fixée; ils sont proches de leur état natif. Durant longtemps, CEMOVIS était très difficile à exécuter mais ce n'est plus le cas. Durant cette thèse, CEMOVIS a été appliqué à différents spécimens. La synapse du système nerveux central a été étudiée. La présence dans la fente synaptique d'une forte densité de molécules organisées de manière périodique a été démontrée. Des particules luminales ont été trouvées dans Ies microtubules cérébraux. Les microtubules ont servi d'objets-test et ont permis de démontrer que des détails moléculaires de l'ordre du nm sont préservés. La compréhension de la structure de l'enveloppe cellulaire des bactéries Grampositives aété améliorée. Nos observations ont abouti à l'élaboration d'un nouveau modèle hypothétique de la synthèse de la paroi. Nous avons aussi focalisé notre attention sur le nucléoïde bactérien et cela a suscité un modèle de la fonction des différents états structuraux du nucléoïde. En conclusion, cette thèse a démontré que CEMOVIS est une excellente méthode poux étudier la structure d'échantillons biologiques à haute résolution. L'étude de la structure de divers aspects des êtres vivants a évoqué des hypothèses quant à la compréhension de leur fonctionnement. Summary The structure, or the architecture, of living beings defines the framework in which the physics of life takes place. Understanding it in its finest details is an essential goal of biology. Its study is however hampered by technical limitations. Despite its theoretical potential, electron microscopy cannot resolve individual atoms in biological matter. This is in great part due to the fact. that it contains a lot of water that cannot stand the vacuum of the microscope. It must therefore be dehydrated before being introduced in a conventional mìcroscope. Aggregation artefacts unavoidably happen. Cryo-electron microscopy of vitreous sections (CEMOVIS) has been developed to solve this problem. Specimens are vitrified, i.e. they are rapidly cooled and their water is immobilised without crystallising by the cold. They are then. sectioned in ultrathin slices, which are observed at low temperatures. Specimens are therefore observed in hydrated and unfixed form; they are close to their native state. For a long time, CEMOVIS was extremely tedious but this is not the case anymore. During this thesis, CEMOVIS was applied to different specimens. Synapse of central nervous system was studied. A high density of periodically-organised molecules was shown in the synaptic cleft. Luminal particles were found in brain microtubules. Microtubules, used as test specimen, permitted to demonstrate that molecular details of the order of nm .are preserved. The understanding of the structure of cell envelope of Gram-positive bacteria was improved. Our observations led to the elaboration of a new hypothetic model of cell wall synthesis. We also focused our attention on bacterial nucleoids and this also gave rise to a functional model of nucleoid structural states. In conclusion, this thesis demonstrated that CEMOVIS is an excellent method for studying the structure of bìologìcal specimens at high resolution. The study of the structure of various aspects of living beings evoked hypothesis for their functioning.
Using an extract of nuclei from the estrogen-responsive human breast cancer cell line MCF-7, protein-DNA complexes were assembled in vitro at the 5' end of the Xenopus laevis vitellogenin gene B2 that is normally expressed in liver after estrogen induction. The complexes formed were analyzed by electron microscopy after labeling by the indirect colloidal gold immunological method using a monoclonal antibody specific for the human estrogen receptor. As identified by its interaction with protein A-gold, the antibody was found linked to two protein-DNA complexes, the first localized at the estrogen responsive element of the gene and the second in intron I, thus proving a direct participation of the receptor in these two complexes. The procedure used allows the visualization and rapid localization of specific transcription factors bound in vitro to a promoter or any other gene region.
There has been a long standing desire to produce thick (up to 500 nm) cryo-sections of fully hydrated cells and tissue for high-resolution analysis in their natural state by cryo-transmission electron microscopy. Here, we present a method that can successfully produce sections (lamellas in FIB-SEM terminology) of fully hydrated, unstained cells from high-pressure frozen samples by focused ion beam (FIB) milling. The samples are therefore placed in thin copper tubes and vitrified by high-pressure freezing. For transfer, handling and subsequent milling, the tubes are placed in a novel connective device (ferrule) that protects the sample from devitrification and contamination and passes through all operation steps. A piezo driven sample positioning stage (cryo-nano-bench, CNB) with three degrees of freedom was additionally developed to enable accurate milling of frozen-hydrated lamellas. With the CNB, high-pressure frozen samples can be milled to produce either thin lamellas (<100 nm), for direct imaging by high-resolution cryo-TEM or thicker lamellas (300-500 nm) for cryo-electron tomography. The sample remains vitreous throughout the process by using the presented tools and methods. The results are an important step towards investigating larger cells and even tissue in there natural state which in the end will enable us to gain better insights into cellular processes.
Catheter-related infection remains a leading cause of nosocomial infections, particularly in intensive care units. It includes colonization of the device, skin exit-site infection and device- or catheter-related bloodstream infection. The latter represents the most frequent life-threatening associated complication of central venous catheter use and is associated with significant patient morbidity, mortality and extra hospital costs. The incidence of catheter-related bloodstream infection ranges from 2 to 14 episodes per 1000 catheter-days. On average, microbiologically-documented device-related bloodstream infections complicate from three to five per 100 central venous line uses, but they only represent the visible part of the iceberg and most clinical sepsis are nowadays considered to be catheter-related. We briefly review the pathophysiology of infection, highlighting the importance of the skin insertion site and of intravenous line hub as principal sources of colonization. Principles of therapy are reviewed. Several preventive approaches are also discussed, in particular the possible benefit of recently developed impregnated catheters. Finally, the potential positive impact of a multimodal global preventive strategy based on strict application of hygienic rules is presented.
Background: Citrobacter rodentium is a natural mouse pathogen that is genetically closelyrelated to the human enteric pathogens enteropathogenic and enterohemorrhagic E. coli.Among the repertoire of conserved virulence factors that these pathogens deliver via typeIII secretion, Tir and EspF are responsible for the formation of characteristic actin-richpedestals and disruption of tight junction integrity, respectively. There is evidence In Vitrothese effectors accomplish this, at least in part, by subverting the normal host cellularfunctions of N-WASP, a critical regulator of branched chain actin assembly. Although NWASPhas been shown to be involved in pedestal formation In Vitro, the requirements ofN-WASP-mediated actin pedestals for intestinal colonization by attaching/effacing (A/E)pathogens In Vivo is not known. Furthermore, it is not known whether N-WASP is requiredfor EspF-mediated tight junction disruption. Methods: To investigate the role of N-WASPin the gut epithelium, we generated mice with intestine-specific deletion of N-WASP(iNWKO), by mating mice homozygous for a floxed N-WASP allele (N-WASPL2L/L2L) tomice expressing Cre recombinase under the villin promoter. Separately housed groups ofWT and iNWKO mice were inoculated with 5x108 GFP-expressing C. rodentium by intragastriclavage. Stool was collected 2, 4, 7, and 12 days after infection, and recoverablecolony forming units (CFUs) of C. rodentium were quantified by plating serial dilutions ofhomogenized stool on MacConkey's agar. GFP+ colonies were counted after 24 hoursincubation at 37°C. The presence of actin pedestals was investigated by electron microscopy(EM), and tight junction morphology was assessed by immunofluorescence staining ofoccludin, ZO-1 and claudin-2. Results: C. rodentium infection did not result in mortalityin WT or iNWKO mice. Compared to controls, iNWKO mice exhibited higher levels ofbacterial shedding during the first 4 days of infection (day 4 average: WT 5.2x104 CFU/gvs. iNWKO 4.7x105 CFU/g, p=0.08), followed by a more rapid clearance of C. rodentium, (day7-12 average: WT 2x106 CFU/g vs. iNWKO 2.7x105, p=0.01). EM and immunofluorescencerevealed the complete lack of actin pedestals in iNWKO mice and no mucosa-associatedGFP+ C. rodentium by day 7. WT controls exhibited tight junction disruption, reflected byaltered distribution of ZO-1, whereas iNWKO mice had no change in the pattern of ZO-1.Conclusion: Intestinal N-WASP is required for actin pedestal formation by C. rodentium InVivo, and ablation of N-WASP is associated with more rapid bacterial clearance and decreasedability of C. rodentium to disrupt intercellular junctions.
Gait analysis methods to estimate spatiotemporal measures, based on two, three or four gyroscopes attached on lower limbs have been discussed in the literature. The most common approach to reduce the number of sensing units is to simplify the underlying biomechanical gait model. In this study, we propose a novel method based on prediction of movements of thighs from movements of shanks. Datasets from three previous studies were used. Data from the first study (ten healthy subjects and ten with Parkinson's disease) were used to develop and calibrate a system with only two gyroscopes attached on shanks. Data from two other studies (36 subjects with hip replacement, seven subjects with coxarthrosis, and eight control subjects) were used for comparison with the other methods and for assessment of error compared to a motion capture system. Results show that the error of estimation of stride length compared to motion capture with the system with four gyroscopes and our new method based on two gyroscopes was close ( -0.8 ±6.6 versus 3.8 ±6.6 cm). An alternative with three sensing units did not show better results (error: -0.2 ±8.4 cm). Finally, a fourth that also used two units but with a simpler gait model had the highest bias compared to the reference (error: -25.6 ±7.6 cm). We concluded that it is feasible to estimate movements of thighs from movements of shanks to reduce number of needed sensing units from 4 to 2 in context of ambulatory gait analysis.
Polyphosphate (iPOP) is a linear polymer of orthophosphate units linked together by high energy phosphoanhydride bonds. It is found in all organisms, localized in organelles called acidocalcisomes and ranges from a few to few hundred monomers in length. iPOP has been found to play a vast array of roles in all organisms, including phosphate and energy metabolism, regulation of enzymes, virulence, pathogenicity, bone remodelling and blood clotting, among many others. Recently it was found that iPOP levels were increased in myeloma cells. The growing interest in iPOP in human cell lines makes it an interesting molecule to study. However, not much is known about its metabolism in eukaryotes. Acidocalcisomes are electron dense, acidic organelles that belong to the group of Lysosome Related Organelles (LROs). The conservation of acidocalcisomes among all kingdoms of life is suggestive of their important roles for the organisms. However, they are difficult to analyse because of limited biochemical tools for investigation. Yeast vacuoles present remarkable similarities to acidocalcisomes in terms of their physiological and structural features, including synthesis and storage of iPOP, which make them an ideal candidate to study biological processes which are shared between vacuoles and acidocalcisomes. The availability of tools for genetic manipulation and isolation of vacuoles makes yeast a candidate of choice for the characterization of iPOP synthesis in eukaryotes. Our group has identified the Vacuolar Transporter Chaperone (VTC) complex as iPOP polymerase and identified the catalytic subunit (Vtc4). The goal of my study was to characterize the process of iPOP synthesis by isolated vacuoles and to reconstitute iPOP synthesis in liposomes. The first step was to develop a method for monitoring iPOP by isolated vacuoles over time and comparing it with previously known methods. Next, a detailed characterization was performed to determine the modulators of the process, both for intact as well as solubilized vacuoles. Finally, attempts were made to purify the VTC complex and reconstitute it in liposomes. A parallel line of study was the translocation and storage of synthesized iPOP in the lumen of the vacuoles. As a result of this study, it is possible to determine distinct pools of iPOP- inside and outside the vacuolar lumen. Additionally, I establish that the vacuolar lysate withstands harsh steps during reconstitution on liposomes and retains iPOP synthesizing activity. The next steps will be purification of the intact VTC complex and its structure determination by cryo-electron microscopy. - Les organismes vivants sont composés d'une ou plusieurs cellules responsables des processus biologiques élémentaires tels que la digestion, la respiration, la synthèse et la reproduction. Leur environnement interne est en équilibre et ils réalisent un très grand nombre de réactions chimiques et biochimiques pour maintenir cet équilibre. A différents compartiments cellulaires, ou organelles, sont attribuées des tâches spécifiques pour maintenir les cellules en vie. L'étude de ces fonctions permet une meilleure compréhension de la vie et des organismes vivants. De nombreux processus sont bien connus et caractérisés mais d'autres nécessitent encore des investigations détaillées. L'un de ces processus est le métabolisme des polyphosphates. Ces molécules sont des polymères linéaires de phosphate inorganique dont la taille peut varier de quelques dizaines à quelques centaines d'unités élémentaires. Ils sont présents dans tous les organismes, des bactéries à l'homme. Ils sont localisés principalement dans des compartiments cellulaires appelés acidocalcisomes, des organelles acides observés en microscopie électronique comme des structures denses aux électrons. Les polyphosphates jouent un rôle important dans le stockage et le métabolisme de l'énergie, la réponse au stress, la virulence, la pathogénicité et la résistance aux drogues. Chez l'homme, ils sont impliqués dans la coagulation du sang et le remodelage osseux. De nouvelles fonctions biologiques des polyphosphates sont encore découvertes, ce qui accroît l'intérêt des chercheurs pour ces molécules. Bien que des progrès considérables ont été réalisés afin de comprendre la fonction des polyphosphates chez les bactéries, ce qui concerne la synthèse, le stockage et la dégradation des polyphosphates chez les eucaryotes est mal connu. Les vacuoles de la levure Saccharomyces cerevisiae sont similaires aux acidocalcisomes des organismes supérieurs en termes de structure et de fonction. Les acidocalcisomes sont difficiles à étudier car il n'existe que peu d'outils génétiques et biochimiques qui permettent leur caractérisation. En revanche, les vacuoles peuvent être aisément isolées des cellules vivantes et manipulées génétiquement. Les vacuoles comme les acidocalcisomes synthétisent et stockent les polyphosphates. Ainsi, les découvertes faites grâce aux vacuoles de levures peuvent être extrapolées aux acidocalcisomes des organismes supérieurs. Le but de mon projet était de caractériser la synthèse des polyphosphates par des vacuoles isolées. Au cours de mon travail de thèse, j'ai mis au point une méthode de mesure de la synthèse des polyphosphates par des organelles purifés. Ensuite, j'ai identifié des composés qui modulent la réaction enzymatique lorsque celle-ci a lieu dans la vacuole ou après solubilisation de l'organelle. J'ai ainsi pu mettre en évidence deux groupes distincts de polyphosphates dans le système : ceux au-dehors de la vacuole et ceux en-dedans de l'organelle. Cette observation suggère donc très fortement que les vacuoles non seulement synthétisent les polyphosphates mais aussi transfère les molécules synthétisées de l'extérieur vers l'intérieur de l'organelle. Il est très vraisemblable que les vacuoles régulent le renouvellement des polyphosphates qu'elles conservent, en réponse à des signaux cellulaires. Des essais de purification de l'enzyme synthétisant les polyphosphates ainsi que sa reconstitution dans des liposomes ont également été entrepris. Ainsi, mon travail présente de nouveaux aspects de la synthèse des polyphosphates chez les eucaryotes et les résultats devraient encourager l'élucidation de mécanismes similaires chez les organismes supérieurs. - Les polyphosphates (iPOP) sont des polymères linéaires de phosphates inorganiques liés par des liaisons phosphoanhydres de haute énergie. Ces molécules sont présentes dans tous les organismes et localisées dans des compartiments cellulaires appelés acidocalcisomes. Elles varient en taille de quelques dizaines à quelques centaines d'unités phosphate. Des fonctions nombreuses et variées ont été attribuées aux iPOP dont un rôle dans les métabolismes de l'énergie et du phosphate, dans la régulation d'activités enzymatiques, la virulence, la pathogénicité, le remodelage osseux et la coagulation sanguine. Il a récemment été montré que les cellules de myélome contiennent une grande quantité de iPOP. Il y donc un intérêt croissant pour les iPOP dans les lignées cellulaires humaines. Cependant, très peu d'informations sur le métabolisme des iPOP chez les eucaryotes sont disponibles. Les acidocalcisomes sont des compartiments acides et denses aux électrons. Ils font partie du groupe des organelles similaires aux lysosomes (LROs pour Lysosome Related Organelles). Le fait que les acidocalcisomes soient conservés dans tous les règnes du vivant montrent l'importance de ces compartiments pour les organismes. Cependant, l'analyse de ces organelles est rendue difficile par l'existence d'un nombre limité d'outils biochimiques permettant leur caractérisation. Les vacuoles de levures possèdent des aspects structuraux et physiologiques très similaires à ceux des acidocalcisomes. Par exemple, ils synthétisent et gardent en réserve les iPOP. Ceci fait des vacuoles de levure un modèle idéal pour l'étude de processus biologiques conservés chez les vacuoles et les acidocalcisomes. De plus, la levure est un organisme de choix pour l'étude de la synthèse des iPOP compte-tenu de l'existence de nombreux outils génétiques et la possibilité d'isoler des vacuoles fonctionnelles. Notre groupe a identifié le complexe VTC (Vacuole transporter Chaperone) comme étant responsable de la synthèse des iPOP et la sous-unité Vtc4p comme celle possédant l'activité catalytique. L'objectif de cette étude était de caractériser le processus de synthèse des iPOP en utilisant des vacuoles isolées et de reconstituer la synthèse des iPOP dans des liposomes. La première étape a consisté en la mise au point d'un dosage permettant la mesure de la quantité de iPOP synthétisés par les organelles isolés en fonction du temps. Cette nouvelle méthode a été comparée aux méthodes décrites précédemment dans la littérature. Ensuite, la caractérisation détaillée du processus a permis d'identifier des composés modulateurs de la réaction à la fois pour des vacuoles intactes et des vacuoles solubilisées. Enfin, des essais de purification du complexe VTC et sa reconstitution dans des liposomes ont été entrepris. De façon parallèle, une étude sur la translocation et le stockage des iPOP dans le lumen des vacuoles a été menée. Il a ainsi été possible de mettre en évidence différents groupes de iPOP : les iPOP localisés à l'intérieur et ceux localisés à l'extérieur des vacuoles isolées. De plus, nous avons observé que le lysat vacuolaire n'est pas détérioré par les étapes de reconstitution dans les liposomes et conserve l'activité de synthèse des iPOP. Les prochaines étapes consisteront en la purification du complexe intact et de la détermination de sa structure par cryo-microscopie électronique.
Stable protein-DNA complexes can be assembled in vitro at the 5' end of Xenopus laevis vitellogenin genes using extracts of nuclei from estrogen-induced frog liver and visualized by electron microscopy. Complexes at the three following sites can be identified on the gene B2: the transcription initiation site, the estrogen responsive element (ERE) and in the first intron. The complex at the transcription initiation site is stabilized by dinucleotides and thus represents a ternary transcription complex. The formation of the complexes at the two other sites is enhanced by estrogen and is reduced by tamoxifen, an antagonist of estrogen, while this latter effect is reversed by adding an excess of hormone. No sequence homology is apparent between the site containing the ERE and the binding site in intron I and functional tests in MCF-7 cells suggest that these two sites are not equivalent. Finally, we made use of previously characterized deletion mutants of the 5' flanking region of the gene B1, a close relative of the gene B2, to demonstrate that the 13-bp palindromic core element of the ERE is involved in the formation of the complexes observed upstream of the transcription initiation site.
OBJECTIVE: To assess the properties of various indicators aimed at monitoring the impact on the activity and patient outcome of a bed closure in a surgical intensive care unit (ICU). DESIGN: Comparison before and after the intervention. SETTING: A surgical ICU at a university hospital. PATIENTS: All patients admitted to the unit over two periods of 10 months. INTERVENTION: Closure of one bed out of 17. MEASUREMENTS AND RESULTS: Activity and outcome indicators in the ICU and the structures upstream from it (emergency department, operative theater, recovery room) and downstream from it (intermediate care units). After the bed closure, the monthly medians of admitted patients and ICU hospital days increased from 107 (interquartile range 94-112) to 113 (106-121, P=0.07) and from 360 (325-443) to 395 (345-436, P=0.48), respectively, along with the linear trend observed in our institution. All indicators of workload, patient severity, and outcome remained stable except for SAPS II score, emergency admissions, and ICU readmissions, which increased not only transiently but also on a mid-term basis (10 months), indicating that the process of patient care delivery was no longer predictable. CONCLUSIONS: Health care systems, including ICUs, are extraordinary flexible, and can adapt to multiple external constraints without altering commonly used activity and outcome indicators. It is therefore necessary to set up multiple indicators to be able to reliably monitor the impact of external interventions and intervene rapidly when the system is no longer under control.
Correlative fluorescence and electron microscopy has become an indispensible tool for research in cell biology. The integrated Laser and Electron Microscope (iLEM) combines a Fluorescence Microscope (FM) and a Transmission Electron Microscope (TEM) within one set-up. This unique imaging tool allows for rapid identification of a region of interest with the FM, and subsequent high resolution TEM imaging of this area. Sample preparation is one of the major challenges in correlative microscopy of a single specimen; it needs to be apt for both FM and TEM imaging. For iLEM, the performance of the fluorescent probe should not be impaired by the vacuum of the TEM. In this technical note, we have compared the fluorescence intensity of six fluorescent probes in a dry, oxygen free environment relative to their performance in water. We demonstrate that the intensity of some fluorophores is strongly influenced by its surroundings, which should be taken into account in the design of the experiment. Furthermore, a freeze-substitution and Lowicryl resin embedding protocol is described that yields excellent membrane contrast in the TEM but prevents quenching of the fluorescent immuno-labeling. The embedding protocol results in a single specimen preparation procedure that performs well in both FM and TEM. Such procedures are not only essential for the iLEM, but also of great value to other correlative microscopy approaches.