82 resultados para Dosage thérapeutique


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Vitamin D is important for bone metabolism and neuromuscular function. While a routine dosage is often proposed in osteoporotic patients, it is not so evident in rheumatology outpatients where it has been shown that the prevalence of hypovitaminosis D is high. The aim of the current study was to systematically evaluate the vitamin D status in our outpatient rheumatology population to define the severity of the problem according to rheumatologic diseases. During November 2009, all patients were offered a screening test for 25-OH vitamin D levels and categorised as deficient (<10 µg/l [ng/ml] [25 nmol/l]), insufficient (10 µg/l to 30 µg/l [25 to 75 nmol/l]) or normal (>30 µg/l [75 nmol/l]). A total of 272 patients were included. The mean 25-OH vitamin D level was 21 µg/l (range 1.5 to 45.9). A total of 20 patients had vitamin D deficiency, 215 patients had an insufficiency and 37 patients had normal results. In the group of patients with osteoporosis mean level of 25-OH vitamin D was 25 µg/l and 31% had normal results. In patients with inflammatory rheumatic diseases (N = 219), the mean level of 25-OH vitamin D was 20.5 µg/l, and only 12% had normal 25-OH vitamin D levels. In the small group of patients with degenerative disease (N = 33), the mean level of 25-OH vitamin D was 21.8 µg/l, and 21% had normal results. Insufficiency and deficiency were even seen in 38% of the patients who were taking supplements. These results confirm that hypovitaminosis D is highly prevalent in an outpatient population of rheumatology patients, affecting 86% of subjects. Despite oral supplementation (taken in 38% of our population), only a quarter of those on oral supplementation attained normal values of 25-OH vitamin D.


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A 98-year-old woman was referred to our hospital because of myoclonia. The concentration of calcium and vitamin D in the serum was low. In this context, we concluded of neuromuscular irritability secondary to hypocalcaemia. The symptoms disappeared after a treatment of intravenous calcium. This case shows how important it is to investigate electrolytes in case of neuromuscular irritability symptoms in elderly people.


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Parmi les traitements psychothérapeutiques destinés aux auteurs de violence sexuelle, les psychothérapies de groupe se sont avérées d'emblée une modalité thérapeutique pertinente. Sur un plan psychodynamique, les psychothérapies de groupe sont souvent proposées en parallèle à un suivi individuel. Toutefois, les effets de la combinaison d'un suivi de groupe à un suivi individuel n'ont été que peu étudiés. Au travers de vignettes cliniques extraites de séances individuelles et de groupe, cet article a pour but de présenter les effets sur le déroulement de suivis psychothérapeutiques psychodynamiques proposés à des auteurs de violences sexuelles. Enfin, au vu de l'effet positif constaté, la pertinence et l'indication d'un tel dispositif sont discutées.


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Sixty d,l- or l-methadone treated patients in maintenance therapy were interviewed for additional drug abuse and psychiatric comorbidity; 51.7% of the entire population had a comorbid Axis-I disorder, with a higher prevalence in females (P=0.05). Comorbid patients tended to have higher abuse of benzodiazepines, alcohol, cannabis, and cocaine, but not of heroin. They had received a significantly lower d,l- (P<0.05) and l-methadone dose than non-comorbid subjects. The duration of maintenance treatment showed an inverse relationship to frequency of additional heroin intake (P<0.01). Patients with additional heroin intake over the past 30 days had been treated with a significantly lower l-methadone dosage (P<0.05) than patients without. Axis-I comorbidity appears to be decreased when relatively higher dosages of d,l- (and l-methadone) are administered; comorbid individuals, however, were on significantly lower dosages. Finally, l-, but not d,l-methadone seems to be more effective in reducing additional heroin abuse.


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Aujourd'hui, les problèmes des maladies infectieuses concernent l'émergence d'infections difficiles à traiter, telles que les infections associées aux implants et les infections fongiques invasives chez les patients immunodéprimés. L'objectif de cette thèse était de développer des stratégies pour l'éradication des biofilms bactériens (partie 1), ainsi que d'étudier des méthodes innovantes pour la détection microbienne, pour l'établissement de nouveaux tests de sensibilité (partie 2). Le traitement des infections associées aux implants est difficile car les biofilms bactériens peuvent résister à des niveaux élevés d'antibiotiques. A ce jour, il n'y a pas de traitement optimal défini contre des infections causées par des bactéries de prévalence moindre telles que Enterococcus faecalis ou Propionibacterium acnés. Dans un premier temps, nous avons démontré une excellente activité in vitro de la gentamicine sur une souche de E. faecalis en phase stationnaire de croissance Nous avons ensuite confirmé l'activité de la gentamicine sur un biofilm précoce en modèle expérimental animal à corps étranger avec un taux de guérison de 50%. De plus, les courbes de bactéricidie ainsi que les résultats de calorimétrie ont prouvé que l'ajout de gentamicine améliorait l'activité in vitro de la daptomycine, ainsi que celle de la vancomycine. In vivo, le schéma thérapeutique le plus efficace était l'association daptomycine/gentamicine avec un taux de guérison de 55%. En établissant une nouvelle méthode pour l'évaluation de l'activité des antimicrobiens vis-à-vis de micro-organismes en biofilm, nous avons démontré que le meilleur antibiotique actif sur les biofilms à P. acnés était la rifampicine, suivi par la penicilline G, la daptomycine et la ceftriaxone. Les études conduites en modèle expérimental animal ont confirmé l'activité de la rifampicine seule avec un taux de guérison 36%. Le meilleur schéma thérapeutique était au final l'association rifampicine/daptomycine avec un taux de guérison 63%. Les associations de rifampicine avec la vancomycine ou la levofloxacine présentaient des taux de guérisons respectivement de 46% et 25%. Nous avons ensuite étudié l'émergence in vitro de la résistance à la rifampicine chez P. acnés. Nous avons observé un taux de mutations de 10"9. La caractérisation moléculaire de la résistance chez les mutant-résistants a mis en évidence l'implication de 5 mutations ponctuelles dans les domaines I et II du gène rpoB. Ce type de mutations a déjà été décrit au préalable chez d'autres espèces bactériennes, corroborant ainsi la validité de nos résultats. La deuxième partie de cette thèse décrit une nouvelle méthode d'évaluation de l'efficacité des antifongiques basée sur des mesures de microcalorimétrie isotherme. En utilisant un microcalorimètre, la chaleur produite par la croissance microbienne peut être-mesurée en temps réel, très précisément. Nous avons évalué l'activité de l'amphotéricine B, des triazolés et des échinocandines sur différentes souches de Aspergillus spp. par microcalorimétrie. La présence d'amphotéricine Β ou de triazole retardait la production de chaleur de manière concentration-dépendante. En revanche, pour les échinochandines, seule une diminution le pic de « flux de chaleur » a été observé. La concordance entre la concentration minimale inhibitrice de chaleur (CMIC) et la CMI ou CEM (définie par CLSI M38A), avec une marge de 2 dilutions, était de 90% pour l'amphotéricine B, 100% pour le voriconazole, 90% pour le pozoconazole et 70% pour la caspofongine. La méthode a été utilisée pour définir la sensibilité aux antifongiques pour d'autres types de champignons filamenteux. Par détermination microcalorimétrique, l'amphotéricine B s'est avéré être l'agent le plus actif contre les Mucorales et les Fusarium spp.. et le voriconazole le plus actif contre les Scedosporium spp. Finalement, nous avons évalué l'activité d'associations d'antifongiques vis-à-vis de Aspergillus spp. Une meilleure activité antifongique était retrouvée avec l'amphotéricine B ou le voriconazole lorsque ces derniers étaient associés aux échinocandines vis-à-vis de A. fumigatus. L'association échinocandine/amphotéricine B a démontré une activité antifongique synergique vis-à-vis de A. terreus, contrairement à l'association échinocandine/voriconazole qui ne démontrait aucune amélioration significative de l'activité antifongique. - The diagnosis and treatment of infectious diseases are today increasingly challenged by the emergence of difficult-to-manage situations, such as infections associated with medical devices and invasive fungal infections, especially in immunocompromised patients. The aim of this thesis was to address these challenges by developing new strategies for eradication of biofilms of difficult-to-treat microorganisms (treatment, part 1) and investigating innovative methods for microbial detection and antimicrobial susceptibility testing (diagnosis, part 2). The first part of the thesis investigates antimicrobial treatment strategies for infections caused by two less investigated microorganisms, Enterococcus faecalis and Propionibacterium acnes, which are important pathogens causing implant-associated infections. The treatment of implant-associated infections is difficult in general due to reduced susceptibility of bacteria when present in biofilms. We demonstrated an excellent in vitro activity of gentamicin against E. faecalis in stationary growth- phase and were able to confirm the activity against "young" biofilms (3 hours) in an experimental foreign-body infection model (cure rate 50%). The addition of gentamicin improved the activity of daptomycin and vancomycin in vitro, as determined by time-kill curves and microcalorimetry. In vivo, the most efficient combination regimen was daptomycin plus gentamicin (cure rate 55%). Despite a short duration of infection, the cure rates were low, highlighting that enterococcal biofilms remain difficult to treat despite administration of newer antibiotics, such as daptomycin. By establishing a novel in vitro assay for evaluation of anti-biofilm activity (microcalorimetry), we demonstrated that rifampin was the most active antimicrobial against P. acnes biofilms, followed by penicillin G, daptomycin and ceftriaxone. In animal studies we confirmed the anti-biofilm activity of rifampin (cure rate 36% when administered alone), as well as in combination with daptomycin (cure rate 63%), whereas in combination with vancomycin or levofloxacin it showed lower cure rates (46% and 25%, respectively). We further investigated the emergence of rifampin resistance in P. acnes in vitro. Rifampin resistance progressively emerged during exposure to rifampin, if the bacterial concentration was high (108 cfu/ml) with a mutation rate of 10"9. In resistant isolates, five point mutations of the rpoB gene were found in cluster I and II, as previously described for staphylococci and other bacterial species. The second part of the thesis describes a novel real-time method for evaluation of antifungals against molds, based on measurements of the growth-related heat production by isothermal microcalorimetry. Current methods for evaluation of antifungal agents against molds, have several limitations, especially when combinations of antifungals are investigated. We evaluated the activity of amphotericin B, triazoles (voriconazole, posaconazole) and echinocandins (caspofungin and anidulafungin) against Aspergillus spp. by microcalorimetry. The presence of amphotericin Β or a triazole delayed the heat production in a concentration-dependent manner and the minimal heat inhibition concentration (MHIC) was determined as the lowest concentration inhibiting 50% of the heat produced at 48 h. Due to the different mechanism of action echinocandins, the MHIC for this antifungal class was determined as the lowest concentration lowering the heat-flow peak with 50%. Agreement within two 2-fold dilutions between MHIC and MIC or MEC (determined by CLSI M38A) was 90% for amphotericin B, 100% for voriconazole, 90% for posaconazole and 70% for caspofungin. We further evaluated our assay for antifungal susceptibility testing of non-Aspergillus molds. As determined by microcalorimetry, amphotericin Β was the most active agent against Mucorales and Fusarium spp., whereas voriconazole was the most active agent against Scedosporium spp. Finally, we evaluated the activity of antifungal combinations against Aspergillus spp. Against A. jumigatus, an improved activity of amphotericin Β and voriconazole was observed when combined with an echinocandin. Against A. terreus, an echinocandin showed a synergistic activity with amphotericin B, whereas in combination with voriconazole, no considerable improved activity was observed.


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The aim of this study was to determine whether breath 13CO2 measurements could be used to assess the compliance to a diet containing carbohydrates naturally enriched in 13C. The study was divided into two periods: Period 1 (baseline of 4 days) with low 13C/12C ratio carbohydrates. Period 2 (5 days) isocaloric diet with a high 13C/12C ratio (corn, cane sugar, pineapple, millet) carbohydrates. Measurements were made of respiratory gas exchange by indirect calorimetry, urinary nitrogen excretion and breath 13CO2 every morning in post-absorptive conditions, both in resting state and during a 45-min low intensity exercise (walking on a treadmill). The subjects were 10 healthy lean women (BMI 20.4 +/- 1.7 kg/m2, % body fat 24.4 +/- 1.3%), the 13C enrichment of oxidized carbohydrate and breath 13CO2 were compared to the enrichment of exogenous dietary carbohydrates. At rest the enrichment of oxidized carbohydrate increased significantly after one day of 13C carbohydrate enriched diet and reached a steady value (103 +/- 16%) similar to the enrichment of exogenous carbohydrates. During exercise, the 13C enrichment of oxidized carbohydrate remained significantly lower (68 +/- 17%) than that of dietary carbohydrates. The compliance to a diet with a high content of carbohydrates naturally enriched in 13C may be assessed from the measurement of breath 13CO2 enrichment combined with respiratory gas exchange in resting, postabsorptive conditions.


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RESUME : La douleur neuropathique est le résultat d'une lésion ou d'un dysfonctionnement du système nerveux. Les symptômes qui suivent la douleur neuropathique sont sévères et leur traitement inefficace. Une meilleure approche thérapeutique peut être proposée en se basant sur les mécanismes pathologiques de la douleur neuropathique. Lors d'une lésion périphérique une douleur neuropathique peut se développer et affecter le territoire des nerfs lésés mais aussi les territoires adjacents des nerfs non-lésés. Une hyperexcitabilité des neurones apparaît au niveau des ganglions spinaux (DRG) et de la corne dorsale (DH) de la moelle épinière. Le but de ce travail consiste à mettre en évidence les modifications moléculaires associées aux nocicepteurs lésés et non-lésés au niveau des DRG et des laminae I et II de la corne dorsale, là où l'information nociceptive est intégrée. Pour étudier les changements moléculaires liés à la douleur neuropathique nous utilisons le modèle animal d'épargne du nerf sural (spared nerve injury model, SNI) une semaine après la lésion. Pour la sélection du tissu d'intérêt nous avons employé la technique de la microdissection au laser, afin de sélectionner une sous-population spécifique de cellules (notamment les nocicepteurs lésés ou non-lésés) mais également de prélever le tissu correspondant dans les laminae superficielles. Ce travail est couplé à l'analyse à large spectre du transcriptome par puce ADN (microarray). Par ailleurs, nous avons étudié les courants électriques et les propriétés biophysiques des canaux sodiques (Na,,ls) dans les neurones lésés et non-lésés des DRG. Aussi bien dans le système nerveux périphérique, entre les neurones lésés et non-lésés, qu'au niveau central avec les aires recevant les projections des nocicepteurs lésés ou non-lésés, l'analyse du transcriptome montre des différences de profil d'expression. En effet, nous avons constaté des changements transcriptionnels importants dans les nocicepteurs lésés (1561 gènes, > 1.5x et pairwise comparaison > 77%) ainsi que dans les laminae correspondantes (618 gènes), alors que ces modifications transcriptionelles sont mineures au niveau des nocicepteurs non-lésés (60 gènes), mais important dans leurs laminae de projection (459 gènes). Au niveau des nocicepteurs, en utilisant la classification par groupes fonctionnels (Gene Ontology), nous avons observé que plusieurs processus biologiques sont modifiés. Ainsi des fonctions telles que la traduction des signaux cellulaires, l'organisation du cytosquelette ainsi que les mécanismes de réponse au stress sont affectés. Par contre dans les neurones non-lésés seuls les processus biologiques liés au métabolisme et au développement sont modifiés. Au niveau de la corne dorsale de la moelle, nous avons observé des modifications importantes des processus immuno-inflammatoires dans l'aire affectée par les nerfs lésés et des changements associés à l'organisation et la transmission synaptique au niveau de l'aire des nerfs non-lésés. L'analyse approfondie des canaux sodiques a démontré plusieurs changements d'expression, principalement dans les neurones lésés. Les analyses fonctionnelles n'indiquent aucune différence entre les densités de courant tétrodotoxine-sensible (TTX-S) dans les neurones lésés et non-lésés même si les niveaux d'expression des ARNm des sous-unités TTX-S sont modifiés dans les neurones lésés. L'inactivation basale dépendante du voltage des canaux tétrodotoxine-insensible (TTX-R) est déplacée vers des potentiels positifs dans les cellules lésées et non-lésées. En revanche la vitesse de récupération des courants TTX-S et TTX-R après inactivation est accélérée dans les neurones lésés. Ces changements pourraient être à l'origine de l'altération de l'activité électrique des neurones sensoriels dans le contexte des douleurs neuropathiques. En résumé, ces résultats suggèrent l'existence de mécanismes différenciés affectant les neurones lésés et les neurones adjacents non-lésés lors de la mise en place la douleur neuropathique. De plus, les changements centraux au niveau de la moelle épinière qui surviennent après lésion sont probablement intégrés différemment selon la perception de signaux des neurones périphériques lésés ou non-lésés. En conclusion, ces modulations complexes et distinctes sont probablement des acteurs essentiels impliqués dans la genèse et la persistance des douleurs neuropathiques. ABSTRACT : Neuropathic pain (NP) results from damage or dysfunction of the peripheral or central nervous system. Symptoms associated with NP are severe and difficult to treat. Targeting NP mechanisms and their translation into symptoms may offer a better therapeutic approach.Hyperexcitability of the peripheral and central nervous system occurs in the dorsal root ganglia (DRG) and the dorsal horn (DH) of the spinal cord. We aimed to identify transcriptional variations in injured and in adjacent non-injured nociceptors as well as in corresponding laminae I and II of DH receiving their inputs.We investigated changes one week after the injury induced by the spared nerve injury model of NP. We employed the laser capture microdissection (LCM) for the procurement of specific cell-types (enrichment in nociceptors of injured/non-injured neurons) and laminae in combination with transcriptional analysis by microarray. In addition, we studied functionál properties and currents of sodium channels (Nav1s) in injured and neighboring non-injured DRG neurons.Microarray analysis at the periphery between injured and non-injured DRG neurons and centrally between the area of central projections from injured and non-injured neurons show significant and differential expression patterns. We reported changes in injured nociceptors (1561 genes, > 1.5 fold, >77% pairwise comparison) and in corresponding DH laminae (618 genes), while less modifications occurred in non-injured nociceptors (60 genes) and in corresponding DH laminae (459 genes). At the periphery, we observed by Gene Ontology the involvement of multiple biological processes in injured neurons such as signal transduction, cytoskeleton organization or stress responses. On contrast, functional overrepresentations in non-injured neurons were noted only in metabolic or developmentally related mechanisms. At the level of superficial laminae of the dorsal horn, we reported changes of immune and inflammatory processes in injured-related DH and changes associated with synaptic organization and transmission in DH corresponding to non-injured neurons. Further transcriptional analysis of Nav1s indicated several changes in injured neurons. Functional analyses of Nav1s have established no difference in tetrodotoxin-sensitive (TTX-S) current densities in both injured and non-injured neurons, despite changes in TTX-S Nav1s subunit mRNA levels. The tetrodotoxin-resistant (TTX-R) voltage dependence of steady state inactivation was shifted to more positive potentials in both injured and non-injured neurons, and the rate of recovery from inactivation of TTX-S and TTX-R currents was accelerated in injured neurons. These changes may lead to alterations in neuronal electrogenesis. Taken together, these findings suggest different mechanisms occurring in the injured neurons and the adjacent non-injured ones. Moreover, central changes after injury are probably driven in a different manner if they receive inputs from injured or non-injured neurons. Together, these distinct and complex modulations may contribute to NP.


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The E3 ubiquitin ligase NEDD4-2 (encoded by the Nedd4L gene) regulates the amiloride-sensitive epithelial Na+ channel (ENaC/SCNN1) to mediate Na+ homeostasis. Mutations in the human β/γENaC subunits that block NEDD4-2 binding or constitutive ablation of exons 6-8 of Nedd4L in mice both result in salt-sensitive hypertension and elevated ENaC activity (Liddle syndrome). To determine the role of renal tubular NEDD4-2 in adult mice, we generated tetracycline-inducible, nephron-specific Nedd4L KO mice. Under standard and high-Na+ diets, conditional KO mice displayed decreased plasma aldosterone but normal Na+/K+ balance. Under a high-Na+ diet, KO mice exhibited hypercalciuria and increased blood pressure, which were reversed by thiazide treatment. Protein expression of βENaC, γENaC, the renal outer medullary K+ channel (ROMK), and total and phosphorylated thiazide-sensitive Na+Cl- cotransporter (NCC) levels were increased in KO kidneys. Unexpectedly, Scnn1a mRNA, which encodes the αENaC subunit, was reduced and proteolytic cleavage of αENaC decreased. Taken together, these results demonstrate that loss of NEDD4-2 in adult renal tubules causes a new form of mild, salt-sensitive hypertension without hyperkalemia that is characterized by upregulation of NCC, elevation of β/γENaC, but not αENaC, and a normal Na+/K+ balance maintained by downregulation of ENaC activity and upregulation of ROMK.


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To test the dose response effect of infused fish oil (FO) rich in n-3 PUFAs on the inflammatory response to endotoxin (LPS) and on membrane incorporation of fatty acids in healthy subjects. Prospective, sequential investigation comparing three different FO doses. Three groups of male subjects aged 26.8 +/- 3.2 years (BMI 22.5 +/- 2.1). One of three FO doses (Omegaven10%) as a slow infusion before LPS: 0.5 g/kg 1 day before LPS, 0.2 g/kg 1 day before, or 0.2 g/kg 2 h before. Temperature, hemodynamic variables, indirect calorimetry and blood samples (TNF-alpha, stress hormones) were collected. After LPS temperature, ACTH and TNF-alpha concentrations increased in the three groups: the responses were significantly blunted (p < 0.0001) compared with the control group of the Pluess et al. trial. Cortisol was unchanged. Lowest plasma ACTH, TNF-alpha and temperature AUC values were observed after a single 0.2 g/kg dose of FO. EPA incorporation into platelet membranes was dose-dependent. Having previously shown that the response to LPS was reproducible, this study shows that three FO doses blunted it to various degrees. The 0.2 g/kg perfusion immediately before LPS was the most efficient in blunting the responses, suggesting LPS capture in addition to the systemic and membrane effects.


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Methadone is administered as a chiral mixture of (R,S)-methadone. The opioid effect is mainly mediated by (R)-methadone, whereas (S)-methadone blocks the human ether-à-go-go-related gene (hERG) voltage-gated potassium channel more potently, which can cause drug-induced long QT syndrome, leading to potentially lethal ventricular tachyarrhythmias. To investigate whether substitution of (R,S)-methadone by (R)-methadone could reduce the corrected QT (QTc) interval, (R,S)-methadone was replaced by (R)-methadone (half-dose) in 39 opioid-dependent patients receiving maintenance treatment for 14 days. (R)-methadone was then replaced by the initial dose of (R,S)-methadone for 14 days (n = 29). Trough (R)-methadone and (S)-methadone plasma levels and electrocardiogram measurements were taken. The Fridericia-corrected QT (QTcF) interval decreased when (R,S)-methadone was replaced by a half-dose of (R)-methadone; the median (interquartile range [IQR]) values were 423 (398-440) milliseconds (ms) and 412 (395-431) ms (P = .06) at days 0 and 14, respectively. Using a univariate mixed-effect linear model, the QTcF value decreased by a mean of -3.9 ms (95% confidence interval [CI], -7.7 to -0.2) per week (P = .04). The QTcF value increased when (R)-methadone was replaced by the initial dose of (R,S)-methadone for 14 days; median (IQR) values were 424 (398-436) ms and 424 (412-443) ms (P = .01) at days 14 and 28, respectively. The univariate model showed that the QTcF value increased by a mean of 4.7 ms (95% CI, 1.3-8.1) per week (P = .006). Substitution of (R,S)-methadone by (R)-methadone reduces the QTc interval value. A safer cardiac profile of (R)-methadone is in agreement with previous in vitro and pharmacogenetic studies. If the present results are confirmed by larger studies, (R)-methadone should be prescribed instead of (R,S)-methadone to reduce the risk of cardiac toxic effects and sudden death.


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Actinic keratosis (AK) affects millions of people worldwide, and its prevalence continues to increase. AK lesions are caused by chronic ultraviolet radiation exposure, and the presence of two or more AK lesions along with photodamage should raise the consideration of a diagnosis of field cancerization. Effective treatment of individual lesions as well as field cancerization is essential for good long-term outcomes. The Swiss Registry of Actinic Keratosis Treatment (REAKT) Working Group has developed clinical practice guidelines for the treatment of field cancerization in patients who present with AK. These guidelines are intended to serve as a resource for physicians as to the most appropriate treatment and management of AK and field cancerization based on current evidence and the combined practical experience of the authors. Treatment of AK and field cancerization should be driven by consideration of relevant patient, disease, and treatment factors, and appropriate treatment decisions will differ from patient to patient. Prevention measures and screening recommendations are discussed, and special considerations related to management of immunocompromised patients are provided.


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To make a comprehensive evaluation of organ-specific out-of-field doses using Monte Carlo (MC) simulations for different breast cancer irradiation techniques and to compare results with a commercial treatment planning system (TPS). Three breast radiotherapy techniques using 6MV tangential photon beams were compared: (a) 2DRT (open rectangular fields), (b) 3DCRT (conformal wedged fields), and (c) hybrid IMRT (open conformal+modulated fields). Over 35 organs were contoured in a whole-body CT scan and organ-specific dose distributions were determined with MC and the TPS. Large differences in out-of-field doses were observed between MC and TPS calculations, even for organs close to the target volume such as the heart, the lungs and the contralateral breast (up to 70% difference). MC simulations showed that a large fraction of the out-of-field dose comes from the out-of-field head scatter fluence (>40%) which is not adequately modeled by the TPS. Based on MC simulations, the 3DCRT technique using external wedges yielded significantly higher doses (up to a factor 4-5 in the pelvis) than the 2DRT and the hybrid IMRT techniques which yielded similar out-of-field doses. In sharp contrast to popular belief, the IMRT technique investigated here does not increase the out-of-field dose compared to conventional techniques and may offer the most optimal plan. The 3DCRT technique with external wedges yields the largest out-of-field doses. For accurate out-of-field dose assessment, a commercial TPS should not be used, even for organs near the target volume (contralateral breast, lungs, heart).


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BACKGROUND: Infantile haemangiomas (IHs) are very common vascular tumours. Propranolol is at present the first-line treatment for problematic and complicated haemangioma. In accordance with a Swiss protocol, children are monitored for 2 days at the start of the treatment to detect possible side effects of this drug. Our study advocates a simplification of the pretreatment monitoring process. METHODS: All children with a problematic and complicated haemangioma treated with propranolol between September 2009 and September 2012 were included in the study. All patients were hospitalised under constant nurse supervision for 48 hours at the start of the treatment and subjected to cardiac and blood measurements. The dosage of propranolol was 1 mg/kg/day on the first day and 2 mg/kg/day from the second day. Demographic data, clinical features, treatment outcome and complications were analysed. RESULTS: Twenty-nine infants were included in our study. Of these, 86.2% responded immediately to the treatment. There were no severe adverse reactions. Six patients presented transient side effects such as bradycardia, hypotension after the first dose and hypoglycaemia later. No side effects occurred after the second dose. Treatment was never interrupted. CONCLUSION: Propranolol (a β-blocker) is a safe treatment for problematic IH. Side effects may occur after the first dose. A strict 48 hour monitoring in hospital is expensive and may be unnecessary as long as the contraindications for the drug are respected.


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BACKGROUND: Poorly controlled cardiovascular risk factors are common. Evaluating whether physicians respond appropriately to poor risk factor control in patients may better reflect quality of care than measuring proportions of patients whose conditions are controlled. OBJECTIVES: To evaluate therapy modifications in response to poor control of hypertension, dyslipidemia, or diabetes in a large clinical population. DESIGN: Retrospective cohort study within an 18-month period in 2002 to 2003. SETTING: Kaiser Permanente of Northern California. PATIENTS: 253,238 adult members with poor control of 1 or more of these conditions. MEASUREMENTS: The authors assessed the proportion of patients with poor control who experienced a change in pharmacotherapy within 6 months, and they defined "appropriate care" as a therapy modification or return to control without therapy modification within 6 months. RESULTS: A total of 64% of patients experienced modifications in therapy for poorly controlled systolic blood pressure, 71% for poorly controlled diastolic blood pressure, 56% for poorly controlled low-density lipoprotein cholesterol level, and 66% for poorly controlled hemoglobin A1c level. Most frequent modifications were increases in number of drug classes (from 70% to 84%) and increased dosage (from 15% to 40%). An additional 7% to 11% of those with poorly controlled blood pressure, but only 3% to 4% of those with elevated low-density lipoprotein cholesterol level or hemoglobin A1c level, returned to control without therapy modification. Patients with more than 1 of the 3 conditions, higher baseline values, and target organ damage were more likely to receive "appropriate care." LIMITATIONS: Patient preferences and suboptimal adherence to therapy were not measured and may explain some failures to act. CONCLUSIONS: As an additional measure of the quality of care, measuring therapy modifications in response to poor control in a large population is feasible. Many patients with poorly controlled hypertension, dyslipidemia, or diabetes had their therapy modified and, thus, seemed to receive clinically "appropriate care" with this new quality measure.