492 resultados para Domination thérapeutique
While it is now well accepted that radiolabeled antibodies can be useful for tumour detection by immunoscintigraphy, the use of larger doses of more aggressive radioisotopes coupled to antibodies for radioimmunotherapy is still in its infancy. At the experimental level, our group has shown that the intravenous injection of large doses of 131I labeled F(ab')2 fragments from monoclonal anti-carcinoembryonic antigen (CEA) antibodies can eradicate well established human colon carcinoma xenografts in nude mice. At the clinical level, in a dosimetry study performed at the Institut Gustave Roussy, the same anti-CEA monoclonal antibodies and fragments, labeled with subtherapeutic doses of 131I, were injected in patients with liver metastases from colorectal carcinomas. Direct measurement of radioactivity in surgically resected liver metastases and normal liver confirmed the specificity of tumour localization of the antibodies, but also showed that the calculated radiation doses which could be delivered by injections of 200 to 300 mCi of 131I labeled antibodies or fragments, remained fairly low, in the range of 1,500 to 3,000 rads. This is obviously insufficient for a single modality treatment. An alternative approach is to inject radiolabeled antibodies intra peritoneally to treat peritoneal carcinomatosis. Several clinical studies using this strategy are presently under evaluation and suggest that positive results can be obtained when the tumour diameters are very small. In systemic radioimmunotherapy, positive results have been obtained in more radiosensitive types of malignancies such as B cell lymphomas by intravenous injection of antibodies directed against B cell differentiation markers or against idiotypic antigens from each lymphoma, and labeled with 131I or 90Y. The major directions of research for improvement of radioimmunotherapy include the design of genetically engineered new forms of humanized antibodies, the synthesis of original chelates for coupling new radioisotopes to antibodies and the development of two step strategies for immunolocalization of radioisotopes.
In the last 15 years, the therapeutical options for the treatment of chronic inflammatory diseases in rheumatology have increased a lot. Nevertheless, some patients do not respond or respond partially to the current therapies--including to the biologics therapy. Tofacitinib (Xeljanz) is now on the Swiss market. It inhibits the JAK pathway. Tofacitinib--as monotherapy or with methotrexate--improves the control of rheumatoid arthritis (RA). In a comparative study, tofacitinib was as effective as adalimumab. Further, tofacitinib reduced structural damages in RA and is considered as an alternative, in case of non-response, to anti-TNF and probably to other biologics therapy. The side effects are upper respiratory tract and opportunist infections and tuberculosis. Blood count, lipids, kidney function, liver tests, CK and blood pressure have to be monitored.
Melanoma is the cancer with the fastest incidence increase in Switzerland. 30% of the cases arise before the age of 50 years. Once metastatic, the median survival under current systemic therapies is about 8 months, with less than 5% of patients alive at 5 years. Many efforts in the understanding of cellular biology, intracellular signaling pathways, as well as the role of cellular immunity have been made in the recent years. This has resulted in the development of novel and very promising therapies. In this review, we will cover the results obtained with targeted therapies such as "tyrosin kinase inhibitors" (TKI), as well as those obtained with a monoclonal antibody directed against the CTLA-4 receptor of lymphocytes.
La recherche a montré de manière robuste et consistante l'importance de l'alliance thérapeutique pour différentes formes de psychothérapie et différents types de patients. L'alliance reste cependant un concept complexe susceptible de bien des malentendus et qui soulève de nombreuses questions. Les auteurs visent à clarifier quelques éléments clés révélés par la recherche empirique tout en soulignant les questions que cela pose du point de vue clinique. C'est dans le dialogue entre chercheur et clinicien, leur alliance en d'autres termes, que peut se nouer un échange à la fois exigeant et fructueux.
Basé sur une critique du système traditionnel de prise en charge des patient-e-s dans les hôpitaux psychiatriques, la communauté thérapeutique est un modèle novateur élaboré en Grande-Bretagne durant la Seconde Guerre mondiale et dans lequel l'ensemble des rapports interpersonnels à l'oeuvre au sein de l'institution sont perçus comme ayant un fort impact sur l'état des malades. Aussi, l'un des instruments privilégiés de la communauté thérapeutique réside dans un système de réunions régulières entre soignant-e-s et soigné-e-s, mais aussi entre professionnel-le-s, au cours desquels petits et grands problèmes doivent être débattus et résolus collectivement. La constitution de cette approche comme un courant à part entière et sa diffusion au sein de la psychiatrie occidentale au cours de la seconde moitié du 20ème siècle est retracée dans cet article en opérant une distinction entre quatre étapes : genèse, constitution du courant, diffusion en Europe continentale, appropriation et critique au sein du mouvement antipsychiatrique, institutionnalisation et déclin.