118 resultados para Discharge setting


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BACKGROUND: Psychological stress negatively influences food intake and food choices, thereby contributing to the development of childhood obesity. Physical activity can also moderate eating behavior and influence calorie intake. However, it is unknown if acute physical activity influences food intake and overall energy balance after acute stress exposure in children. We therefore investigated the impact of acute physical activity on overall energy balance (food intake minus energy expenditure), food intake, and choice in the setting of acute social stress in normal weight (NW) and overweight/obese (OW/OB) children as well as the impact of psychological risk factors. METHOD: After receiving written consent from their parents, 26 NW (BMI < 90(th) percentile) and 24 7-to 11-year-old OW (n = 5)/OB (n = 19, BMI ≥ 90(th) percentile) children were randomly allocated using computer-generated numbers (1:1, after stratification for weight status) to acute moderate physical or to sedentary activity for 30 min. Afterwards, all children were exposed to an acute social stressor. Children and their parents completed self-report questionnaires. At the end of the stressor, children were allowed to eat freely from a range of 12 different foods (6 sweet/6 salty; each of low/high caloric density). Energy balance, food intake/choice and obesity-related psychological risk factors were assessed. RESULTS: Lower overall energy balance (p = 0.019) and a decreased choice of low density salty foods (p < 0.001) in NW children compared with OW/OB children was found after acute moderate physical activity but not sedentary activity. Independent of their allocation, OW/OB children ate more high density salty foods (104 kcal (34 to 173), p = 0.004) following stress. They scored higher on impulsive behavior (p = 0.005), restrained eating (p < 0.001) and parental corporal punishment (p = 0.03), but these psychological factors were not related to stress-induced food intake/choice. Positive parenting tended to be related to lower intake of sweet high density food (-132 kcal, -277 to 2, p = 0.054). CONCLUSIONS: In the setting of stress, acute moderate physical activity can address energy balance in children, a benefit which is especially pronounced in the OW/OB. Positive parenting may act as a protective factor preventing stress-induced eating of comfort food. TRIAL REGISTRATION: clinicaltrials.gov NCT01693926 The study was a pilot study of a project funded by the Swiss National Science Foundation (CRSII3_147673).


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BACKGROUND: Cardiovascular magnetic resonance (CMR) has become an important diagnostic imaging modality in cardiovascular medicine. However, insufficient image quality may compromise its diagnostic accuracy. We aimed to describe and validate standardized criteria to evaluate a) cine steady-state free precession (SSFP), b) late gadolinium enhancement (LGE), and c) stress first-pass perfusion images. These criteria will serve for quality assessment in the setting of the Euro-CMR registry. METHODS: Thirty-five qualitative criteria were defined (scores 0-3) with lower scores indicating better image quality. In addition, quantitative parameters were measured yielding 2 additional quality criteria, i.e. signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) of non-infarcted myocardium (as a measure of correct signal nulling of healthy myocardium) for LGE and % signal increase during contrast medium first-pass for perfusion images. These qualitative and quantitative criteria were assessed in a total of 90 patients (60 patients scanned at our own institution at 1.5T (n=30) and 3T (n=30) and in 30 patients randomly chosen from the Euro-CMR registry examined at 1.5T). Analyses were performed by 2 SCMR level-3 experts, 1 trained study nurse, and 1 trained medical student. RESULTS: The global quality score was 6.7±4.6 (n=90, mean of 4 observers, maximum possible score 64), range 6.4-6.9 (p=0.76 between observers). It ranged from 4.0-4.3 for 1.5T (p=0.96 between observers), from 5.9-6.9 for 3T (p=0.33 between observers), and from 8.6-10.3 for the Euro-CMR cases (p=0.40 between observers). The inter- (n=4) and intra-observer (n=2) agreement for the global quality score, i.e. the percentage of assignments to the same quality tertile ranged from 80% to 88% and from 90% to 98%, respectively. The agreement for the quantitative assessment for LGE images (scores 0-2 for SNR <2, 2-5, >5, respectively) ranged from 78-84% for the entire population, and 70-93% at 1.5T, 64-88% at 3T, and 72-90% for the Euro-CMR cases. The agreement for perfusion images (scores 0-2 for %SI increase >200%, 100%-200%,<100%, respectively) ranged from 81-91% for the entire population, and 76-100% at 1.5T, 67-96% at 3T, and 62-90% for the Euro-CMR registry cases. The intra-class correlation coefficient for the global quality score was 0.83. CONCLUSIONS: The described criteria for the assessment of CMR image quality are robust with a good inter- and intra-observer agreement. Further research is needed to define the impact of image quality on the diagnostic and prognostic yield of CMR studies.


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The murine model of infection with Leishmania major has allowed the demonstration of a causal relationship between, on the one hand, genetically determined resistance to infection and the development of a Th1 CD4+ cell response, and on the other hand, genetically determined susceptibility and Th2 cell maturation. Using this murine model of infection, the role of cytokines in directing the functional differentiation pathway of CD4+ T cell precursors, has been demonstrated in vivo. Thus, IL-12 and IFN-gamma have been shown to favour Th1 cell development and IL-4 is crucial for the differentiation of Th2 responses. Maturation of a Th2 response in susceptible BALB/c mice following infection with L. major is triggered by the IL-4 produced during the first two days after parasite inoculation. This IL-4 rapidly renders parasite specific CD4+ T cells precursors unresponsive to IL-12. A restricted population of CD4+ T cells expressing the V beta 4V alpha 8 TCR heterodimer and recognizing a single epitope on the LACK (Leishmania Activated C-Kinase) antigen of L. major is responsible for this rapid production of IL-4, instructing subsequent differentiation towards the Th2 phenotype of CD4+ T cells specific for several parasite antigens.


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Introduction: Population ageing challenges Emergency Departments (ED) with a population shift toward higher age groups. People over 65 years are heterogenous with respect to polymorbidity and functional capacity. Complex situations become more prevalent among patients aged 85+, the fastest growing segment of the elderly population (+72% between 2010 and 2030). Objectives: To identify the trend of ED admission rates for patients aged 85+ and to compare the characteristics of their ED visits with the one of patients aged 65-84. Method: Retrospective analysis of 56162 ED admissions of patients aged 65+ at the University of Lausanne Medical Center (CHUV), from 2005 to 2010. All visits of patients aged 65+ at the time of admission were considered. Analyses focus on demographic characteristics, living arrangement, hospital admission, and median Length of Stay (LOS) in the ED. Data from 2010 were examined for the degree of emergency (DE), the main reason for visiting the ED (Swiss triage scale) and readmission at 30 days. Results: Between 2005 and 2010, ED visits of patients aged 65 years and over increased from 8228 to 10390/year (with a slight decrease of women from 56% to 54%). This is an increment of +26% i.e. 5.9 patients/day more. Patients aged 85+ increased by +46% vs +20% for the 65-84. ED visits of people aged 18-64 years raised by +20%. Among patients over 65 years, the proportion of patients aged 85 and more increased from 23% in 2005 to 27% in 2010. In 2010, 85+ patients were more likely than 65-84 patients to come from a NH setting (13% vs 4%), to be hospitalised (70% vs 59%) and to stay longer in the ED (median LOS 9 hours vs 7 hours). Readmission to ED within 30 days after discharge did not differ (85+: 14% vs 65-84: 12%) (similar proportions in 2005). In 2010, the first reason for patients 85+ to visit ED was fall/injury (27% vs 18% by 65-84), whereas the main cause for patients aged 65-84 years was a cardiovascular disorder (18% vs 16% by 85+). The part of high emergency cases was similar for patients 85+ and 65-84 (42%). Conclusion: Among aged patients those aged 85 and over are the fastest growing group admitted to ED. Compared to their younger counterparts, their reason to visit ED and their pattern of health services utilization differ due to specific epidemiological conditions. ED addressing specific needs of geriatric patients would improve their care and lead to a better use of available resources.


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PURPOSE: This study explored factors associated with self-reported bullying among adolescents in a sub-Saharan country. METHODS: A cross-sectional sample of adolescents (n = 1,427) in the Seychelles was drawn from the Global School-based Student Health Survey. Bullied adolescents were compared with non-bullied adolescents with respect to several sociodemographic factors. Bivariate and multivariate analyses were performed. RESULTS: Within a 30 day period, 38.8% of adolescents reported being bullied. Bullied youths were more likely to be depressed (adjusted odds ratio [aOR] = 1.63; confidence intervals [CI] = 1.27-1.07) and socially deprived (aOR = 1.85; CI = 1.30-2.61). Being older (aOR = .83; CI = .77-.90) and having close friends (aOR = .53; CI = .31-.91) were protective factors. CONCLUSIONS: The prevalence of bullying in the Seychelles is high, and social correlates are similar to those in industrialized settings. More research is needed to examine bullying patterns outside the school environment.


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Many researchers have identified the therapeutic alliance (TA) as the main factor that predicts psychotherapeutic success regardless the type of approach or treatment. In a multicultural setting, the construction of the therapeutic alliance is accompanied by elements that specially influence the flow of the interaction. Some examples of these elements are language, cultural beliefs, and traditions. For Hispanic-American clients in Lausanne (Switzerland), this encounter could take place in a dyadic setting, in the presence of a therapist who speaks Spanish and shares or not the client's culture of origin. On the other hand, it can take place in a triadic setting, in the presence of a therapist who does not speak Spanish and an interpreter that serves as a communication bridge. This present project has the purpose of studying the TA between different health professionals and the Hispanic- American clients who are assisted with and without an interpreter in Lausanne's health system. My goal is to study this relationship in the clients' context (many of them are clandestine) and based on their perception and subjective experience through a quantitative and qualitative complementary methodology. Because this project is in progress, this communication will focus on presenting the population's socio-demographic characteristics, the research questionings, methodology, and preliminary results.This project can enhance our knowledge about relationships between two cultures in a therapeutic encounter (psychological/psychiatric or medical). At the same time, it can bring us a better understanding about the migration movements of Hispanic-Americans in Switzerland.


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l'imagerie par résonance magnétique (IRMC) est une technologie utilisée depuis les aimées quatre¬-vingts dans le monde de la cardiologie. Cette technique d'imagerie non-invasive permet d'acquérir Ses images du coeur en trois dimensions, dans n'importe quel, plan, sans application de radiation, et en haute résolution. Actuellement, cette technique est devenue un référence dans l'évaluation et 'l'investigation de différentes pathologies cardiaques. La morphologie cardiaque, la fonction des ventricules ainsi que leur contraction, la perfusion tissulaire ainsi que la viabilité tissulaire peuvent être caractérisés en utilisant différentes séquences d'imagerie. Cependant, cette technologie repose sur des principes physiques complexes et la mise en pratique de cette technique se heurte à la difficulté d'évaluer un organe en mouvement permanent. L'IRM cardiaque est donc sujette à différents artefacts qui perturbent l'interprétation des examens et peuvent diminuer la précision diagnostique de cette technique. A notre connaissance, la plupart des images d'IRMC sont analysées et interprétées sans évaluation rigoureuse de la qualité intrinsèque de l'examen. Jusqu'à présent, et à notre connaissance, aucun critère d'évaluation de la qualité des examens d'IRMC n'a été clairement déterminé. L'équipe d'IRMC du CHUV, dirigée par le Prof J. Schwitter, a recensé une liste de 35 critères qualitatifs et 12 critères quantitatifs évaluant la qualité d'un examen d'IRMC et les a introduit dans une grille d'évaluation. L'objet de cette étude est de décrire et de valider la reproductibilité des critères figurant dans cette grille d'évaluation, par l'interprétation simultanée d'examens IRMC par différents observateurs (cardiologues spécialisés en IRM, étudiant en médecine, infirmière spécialisée). Notre étude a permis de démontrer que les critères définis pour l'évaluation des examens d'IRMC sont robustes, et permettent une bonne reproductibilité intra- et inter-observateurs. Cette étude valide ainsi l'utilisation de ces critères de qualité dans le cadre de l'imagerie par résonance magnétique cardiaque. D'autres études sont encore nécessaires afin de déterminer l'impact de la qualité de l'image sur la précision diagnostique de cette technique. Les critères standardisés que nous avons validés seront utilisés pour évaluer la qualité des images dans le cadre d'une étude à échelle européenne relative à l'IRMC : "l'EuroCMR registry". Parmi les autres utilités visées par ces critères de qualité, citons notamment la possibilité d'avoir une référence d'évaluation de la qualité d'examen pour toutes les futures études cliniques utilisant la technologie d'IRMC, de permettre aux centres d'IRMC de quantifier leur niveau de qualité, voire de créer un certificat de standard de qualité pour ces centres, d'évaluer la reproductibilité de l'évaluation des images par différents observateurs d'un même centre, ou encore d'évaluer précisément la qualité des séquences développées à l'avenir dans le monde de l'IRMC.


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Objective: Antibiotic stewardship includes development of practice guidelines incorporating local microbiology and resistance patterns. In case of septic arthritis (SA), addition of vancomycin to the empiric therapy and broad-spectrum antibiotherapy in some clinical settings are subjects of discussion. Our objective was to review the local epidemiology of native septic arthritis in adults, in order to establish local guidelines for empiric therapy. Methods: Retrospective study based on positive synovial fluid cultures and hospital discharge diagnoses of SA obtained from 1999 to 2008 in patients _16 years. Medical records were reviewed to assess the diagnosis and complete relevant clinical information. Results: During this ten-year period, we identified 233 SA on native joints in 231 patients. 107 episodes (46%) were obtained through positive synovial fluid cultures, and 126 episodes (54%) through the discharge diagnosis. 147 SA (63%) were large joint infections (LJI). 35 SA (15%) occurred in intravenous drug users. Preexisting arthropathy was present in 51% of cases. 42% of patients with small joint infection (SJI) were diabetic, vs. 23% with LJI (p = 0.003). When available, synovial fluid direct examination was positive in 35% of cases. Etiologic agents are reported in the table. Five of the 11 MRSA SA (45%) occurred in known carriers. SJI were more frequently polymicrobial (24% vs. 1%, p<0.001). For LJI, an empiric treatment with amoxicillin/clavulanate (A/C) would have been appropriate in 85% of cases. MRSA (8 cases) and tuberculous (7 cases) arthritis would have been the most frequently untreated pathogens. Addition of vancomycin to A/C in MRSA carriers would rise the adequacy to 87%. In contrast, A/C would cover only 75% of SJI (82% if restricted to non-diabetic patients). MRSA (3 cases) and P. aeruginosa (9 cases, 7 monomicrobial) would be the main untreated pathogens. An anti-pseudomonal penicillin would have been appropriate in 94% of cases of SJI (P = 0.002 vs. A/C, p = 0.19 if diabetic patients not included). Conclusions: Treatment with A/C seems adequate for empiric coverage of LJI in our setting. Broad-spectrum antibiotherapy was significantly superior for SJI in diabetic patients, due to different causative bacteria. In an area of low MRSA incidence, our results do not justify a systematic empiric therapy for MRSA, which should be considered in a known carrier.


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While the hospital remains an important element of the psychiatric health-care system, the fact that it is always the best place to treat acute psychotic episodes is still debated. After a brief review of the literature relative to the main existing community care models, the authors describe the development in the Department Universitaire de Psychiatrie Adulte (DUPA), of an alternative to hospitalisation for patient going through a severe acute psychiatric episode. They present three clinical situations and the aims of the research project, which will follow this pilot phase.


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OBJECTIVES: Although personality traits are considered significant predictors of both physical and mental health, their specific impact on treatment outcome in elderly patients with depression remains largely unexplored. Impact of personality traits on the evolution of depressive symptoms, quality of life, and perception of clinical progress was assessed in a psychotherapeutic community. DESIGN: A prospective longitudinal study was conducted in 62 elderly outpatients. SETTING: Day hospital treatment as usual combined group and individual therapies, pharmacological treatment, as well as family and network meetings. PARTICIPANTS: Patients presented with major depression or a depressive episode of bipolar disease. MEASUREMENTS: The Geriatric Depression Scale, the Short Form Survey, and the Therapeutic Community Assessment scale were administrated at admission, 3, 6, 12 months, and at discharge. Personality was evaluated with the NEO Five-Factor Personality Inventory. RESULTS: Outcome revealed reduced depression and improved mental quality of life and clinical progress. Higher Geriatric Depression Scale scores were found in individuals with higher levels of Neuroticism (and its Vulnerability facet). Better self-perception of clinical progress was observed in individuals with lower levels of the Depressiveness and Modesty facets and higher openness to action. Improvement in quality of life was predicted by high Positive emotions facet. All these associations remained significant after controlling for age, gender, and treatment length. CONCLUSION: Personality traits may predict clinical outcome in psychotherapeutic hospital day care for elderly patients with depression.


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Introduction: Clinical examination and electroencephalography study (EEG) have been recommended to predict functional recovery in comatose survivors of cardiac arrest (CA), however their prognostic value in patients treated with induced hypothermia (IH) has not been evaluated. Hypothesis: We aimed to validate the prognostic ability of clinical examination and EEG in predicting outcome of patients with coma after CA treated with IH and sought to derive a score with high predictive value for poor functional outcome in this setting. Methods: We prospectively studied 100 consecutive comatose survivors of CA treated with IH. Repeated neurological examination and EEG were performed early after passive rewarming and off sedation. Mortality was assessed at hospital discharge, and functional outcome at 3 to 6 months with Cerebral Performance Categories (CPC), and was dichotomized as good (CPC 1-2) vs. poor (CPC 3-5). Independent predictors of outcome were identified by multivariable logistic regression and used to assess the prognostic value of a Reproducible Electro-clinical Prognosticators of Outcome Score (REPOS). Results: Patients (20/100) with good outcome had all a reactive EEG background. Incomplete recovery of brainstem reflexes, myoclonus, time to return of spontaneous circulation (ROSC) > 25 min, and unreactive EEG background were all independent predictors of death and severe disability, and were added to construct the REPOS. Using a cut-off of 0 or 1 variables for good vs. 2 to 4 for poor outcome, the REPOS had a positive predictive value of 1.00 (95% CI: 0.92-1.00), a negative predictive value of 0.43 (95% CI: 0.29-0.58) and an accuracy of 0.81 for poor functional recovery at 3 to 6 months. Conclusions: In comatose survivors of CA treated with IH, a prognostic score, including clinical and EEG examination, was highly predictive of death and poor functional outcome at 3 to 6 months. Lack of EEG background reactivity strongly predicted poor neurological recovery after CA. Our findings show that clinical and electrophysiological studies are effective in predicting long-term outcome of comatose survivors after CA and IH, and suggest that EEG improves early prognostic assessment in the setting of therapeutic cooling.