144 resultados para Direct lightning
BACKGROUND: The use of the family history method is recommended in family studies as a type of proxy interview of non-participating relatives. However, using different sources of information can result in bias as direct interviews may provide a higher likelihood of assigning diagnoses than family history reports. The aims of the present study were to: 1) compare diagnoses for threshold and subthreshold mood syndromes from interviews to those relying on information from relatives; 2) test the appropriateness of lowering the diagnostic threshold and combining multiple reports from the family history method to obtain comparable prevalence estimates to the interviews; 3) identify factors that influence the likelihood of agreement and reporting of disorders by informants. METHODS: Within a family study, 1621 informant-index subject pairs were identified. DSM-5 diagnoses from direct interviews of index subjects were compared to those derived from family history information provided by their first-degree relatives. RESULTS: 1) Inter-informant agreement was acceptable for Mania, but low for all other mood syndromes. 2) Except for Mania and subthreshold depression, the family history method provided significantly lower prevalence estimates. The gap improved for all other syndromes after lowering the threshold of the family history method. 3) Individuals who had a history of depression themselves were more likely to report depression in their relatives. LIMITATIONS: Low proportion of affected individuals for manic syndromes and lack of independence of data. CONCLUSIONS: The higher likelihood of reporting disorders by affected informants entails the risk of overestimation of the size of familial aggregation of depression.
Encounter of self-antigens in the periphery by mature T cells induces tolerance in the steady-state. Hence, it is not understood why the same peripheral antigens are also promiscuously expressed in the thymus to mediate central tolerance. Here, we analyzed CD8(+) T-cell tolerance to such an antigen constituted by ovalbumin under the control of the tyrosinase promoter. As expected, endogenous CD8(+) T-cell responses were altered in the periphery of transgenic mice, resulting from promiscuous expression of the self-antigen in mature medullary epithelial cells and deletion of high-affinity T cells in the thymus. In adoptive T-cell transfer experiments, we observed constitutive presentation of the self-antigen in peripheral lymph nodes. Notably, this self-antigen presentation induced persisting cytotoxic cells from high-affinity CD8(+) T-cell precursors. Lymph node resident melanoblasts expressing tyrosinase directly presented the self-antigen to CD8(+) T cells, independently of bone marrow-derived antigen-presenting cells. This peripheral priming was independent of the subcellular localization of the self-antigen, indicating that this mechanism may apply to other melanocyte-associated antigens. Hence, central tolerance by promiscuous expression of peripheral antigens is a mandatory, rather than a superfluous, mechanism to counteract the peripheral priming, at least for self-antigens that can be directly presented in lymph nodes. The peripheral priming by lymph node melanoblasts identified here may constitute an advantage for immunotherapies based on adoptive T-cell transfer.
A fast method for the identification of recombinant vaccinia viruses directly from individual plaques is described. Plaques are picked, resuspended in PBS-A and processed for PCR using two 'universal' primers. The amplified sequences are analyzed by agarose gel electrophoresis. This procedure allows discrimination between spontaneously arising TK-negative mutants, which do not carry the inserted gene, and the desired TK-negative recombinants resulting from insertional inactivation of the TK gene.
PURPOSE: To objectively compare quantitative parameters related to image quality attained at coronary magnetic resonance (MR) angiography of the right coronary artery (RCA) performed at 7 T and 3 T. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Institutional review board approval was obtained, and volunteers provided signed informed consent. Ten healthy adult volunteers (mean age ± standard deviation, 25 years ± 4; seven men, three women) underwent navigator-gated three-dimensional MR angiography of the RCA at 7 T and 3 T. For 7 T, a custom-built quadrature radiofrequency transmit-receive surface coil was used. At 3 T, a commercial body radiofrequency transmit coil and a cardiac coil array for signal reception were used. Segmented k-space gradient-echo imaging with spectrally selective adiabatic fat suppression was performed, and imaging parameters were similar at both field strengths. Contrast-to-noise ratio between blood and epicardial fat; signal-to-noise ratio of the blood pool; RCA vessel sharpness, diameter, and length; and navigator efficiency were quantified at both field strengths and compared by using a Mann-Whitney U test. RESULTS: The contrast-to-noise ratio between blood and epicardial fat was significantly improved at 7 T when compared with that at 3 T (87 ± 34 versus 52 ± 13; P = .01). Signal-to-noise ratio of the blood pool was increased at 7 T (109 ± 47 versus 67 ± 19; P = .02). Vessel sharpness obtained at 7 T was also higher (58% ± 9 versus 50% ± 5; P = .04). At the same time, RCA vessel diameter and length and navigator efficiency showed no significant field strength-dependent difference. CONCLUSION: In our quantitative and qualitative study comparing in vivo human imaging of the RCA at 7 T and 3 T in young healthy volunteers, parameters related to image quality attained at 7 T equal or surpass those from 3 T.
Proactive career behaviors become increasingly important in today's career environment, but little is known about how and when motivational patterns affect individual differences. In a six-month longitudinal study among German university students (Study 1; N = 289) it was demonstrated that motivation in terms of "can do" (self-efficacy and context beliefs), "reason to" (autonomous career goals), and "energized to" (positive affect) significantly predicted career behaviors. Contrary to expectation, negative context beliefs had a positive effect when combined with other motivational states. Study 2 replicated and extended those results by investigating whether "can do" motivation mediates the effect of proactive personality and whether those effects are conditional upon the degree of career choice decidedness. We tested a moderated multiple mediation model with a unique sample of 134 German students, assessed three times, each interval being 6 weeks apart. The results showed that effects of proactivity were partially carried through higher self-efficacy beliefs but not context beliefs. Supporting a moderation model, indirect effects through self-efficacy beliefs were not present for students with very low decidedness.
There has been confusion about the subunit stoichiometry of the degenerin family of ion channels. Recently, a crystal structure of acid-sensing ion channel (ASIC) 1a revealed that it assembles as a trimer. Here, we used atomic force microscopy (AFM) to image unprocessed ASIC1a bound to mica. We detected a mixture of subunit monomers, dimers and trimers. In some cases, triple-subunit clusters were clearly visible, confirming the trimeric structure of the channel, and indicating that the trimer sometimes disaggregated after adhesion to the mica surface. This AFM-based technique will now enable us to determine the subunit arrangement within heteromeric ASICs.
P>1. Entomopathogenic nematodes can function as indirect defence for plants that are attacked by root herbivores. By releasing volatile organic compounds (VOCs), plants signal the presence of host insects and thereby attract nematodes.2. Nonetheless, how roots deploy indirect defences, how indirect defences relate to direct defences, and the ecological consequences of root defence allocation for herbivores and plant biomass are essentially unknown.3. We investigate a natural below-ground tritrophic system, involving common milkweed, a specialist root-boring beetle and entomopathogenic nematodes, and asked whether there is a negative genetic correlation between direct defences (root cardenolides) and indirect defences (emission of volatiles in the roots and nematode attraction), and between constitutive and inducible defences.4. Volatiles of roots were analysed using two distinct sampling methods. First, we collected emissions from living Asclepias syriaca roots by dynamic headspace sampling. This method showed that attacked A. syriaca plants emit five times higher levels of volatiles than control plants. Secondly, we used a solid phase micro-extraction (SPME) method to sample the full pool of volatiles in roots for genetic correlations of volatile biosynthesis.5. Field experiments showed that entomopathogenic nematodes prevent the loss of biomass to root herbivory. Additionally, suppression of root herbivores was mediated directly by cardenolides and indirectly by the attraction of nematodes. Genetic families of plants with high cardenolides benefited less from nematodes compared to low-cardenolide families, suggesting that direct and indirect defences may be redundant. Although constitutive and induced root defences traded off within each strategy (for both direct and indirect defence, cardenolides and VOCs, respectively), we found no trade-off between the two strategies.6. Synthesis. Constitutive expression and inducibility of defences may trade off because of resource limitation or because they are redundant. Direct and indirect defences do not trade off, likely because they may not share a limiting resource and because independently they may promote defence across the patchiness of herbivore attack and nematode presence in the field. Indeed, some redundancy in strategies may be necessary to increase effective defence, but for each strategy, an economy of deployment reduces overall costs.
Malignant melanoma, the deadliest form of skin cancer, is characterized by a predominant mutation in the BRAF gene. Drugs that target tumours carrying this mutation have recently entered the clinic. Accordingly, patients are routinely screened for mutations in this gene to determine whether they can benefit from this type of treatment. The current gold standard for mutation screening uses real-time polymerase chain reaction and sequencing methods. Here we show that an assay based on microcantilever arrays can detect the mutation nanomechanically without amplification in total RNA samples isolated from melanoma cells. The assay is based on a BRAF-specific oligonucleotide probe. We detected mutant BRAF at a concentration of 500 pM in a 50-fold excess of the wild-type sequence. The method was able to distinguish melanoma cells carrying the mutation from wild-type cells using as little as 20 ng µl(-1) of RNA material, without prior PCR amplification and use of labels.
Background: To compare treatment outcomes of a cognitive-behavioral long-term (CBT-L) and short-term (CBT-S) treatment for binge eating disorder (BED) in a non-randomized comparison and to identify moderators of treatment outcome. Methods: 76 female patients with BED participated in the study: 40 in CBT-L and 36 in CBT-S. Outcome values were compared at the end of the active treatment phase (16 sessions for CBT-L, 8 sessions for CBT-S) and at 12-month follow-up. Results: Both treatments produced significant reductions in binge eating. At the end of active treatment, but not at the end of follow-up, effects of primary outcomes (e.g. remission from binge eating, EDE shape concern) were better for CBT-L than for CBT-S. Dropout rates were significantly higher in CBT-L (35%) than in CBT-S (14%). Moderator analyses revealed that treatment efficacy for rapid responders and individuals exhibiting high scores on the mixed dietary negative affect subtype differed between the CBT-L and CBT-S with respect to objective binges, restraint eating and eating concern. Conclusion: Findings suggest that CBT in general represents an effective treatment for BED, but that subgroups of patients might profit more from a prolonged treatment. Short, lessintensive CBT treatments could nevertheless be a viable option in the treatment of BED.