81 resultados para Decúbito Ventral
Because the magnitude of selection can vary between sexes and in space and time, sexually antagonistic selection is difficult to demonstrate. In a Swiss population of barn owls (Tyto alba), a heritable eumelanic colour trait (size of black spots on ventral feathers) was positively selected with respect to yearling survival only in females. It remains unclear whether the absence of negative selection in males is typical in this species. To tackle this issue indirectly, we measured the size of black spots in 1733 skin specimens collected by museums from 1816 to 2001 in seven European countries and in the Middle-East. The temporal change in spot size was sex- and country-specific. In males, spots became smaller particularly in three countries (Middle-East, Italy and Switzerland). In females, the size of spots increased significantly in two countries (UK and Spain) and decreased in two others (Germany and Switzerland). Because migration and phenotypic plasticity cannot explain these results, selection is the most likely cause. The weaker temporal change in spot size in females than males may be because of the combined effect of strong genetic correlation between the sexes and stronger negative selection in males than positive selection in females. We thus suggest that in the barn owl, spot size (or genetically correlated traits) is sexually antagonistically selected and that its pattern of selection may account for the maintenance of its variation and sexual dimorphism.
In order to interact with the multisensory world that surrounds us, we must integrate various sources of sensory information (vision, hearing, touch...). A fundamental question is thus how the brain integrates the separate elements of an object defined by several sensory components to form a unified percept. The superior colliculus was the main model for studying multisensory integration. At the cortical level, until recently, multisensory integration appeared to be a characteristic attributed to high-level association regions. First, we describe recently observed direct cortico-cortical connections between different sensory cortical areas in the non-human primate and discuss the potential role of these connections. Then, we show that the projections between different sensory and motor cortical areas and the thalamus enabled us to highlight the existence of thalamic nuclei that, by their connections, may represent an alternative pathway for information transfer between different sensory and/or motor cortical areas. The thalamus is in position to allow a faster transfer and even an integration of information across modalities. Finally, we discuss the role of these non-specific connections regarding behavioral evidence in the monkey and recent electrophysiological evidence in the primary cortical sensory areas.
Résumé: Les récents progrès techniques de l'imagerie cérébrale non invasives ont permis d'améliorer la compréhension des différents systèmes fonctionnels cérébraux. Les approches multimodales sont devenues indispensables en recherche, afin d'étudier dans sa globalité les différentes caractéristiques de l'activité neuronale qui sont à la base du fonctionnement cérébral. Dans cette étude combinée d'imagerie par résonance magnétique fonctionnelle (IRMf) et d'électroencéphalographie (EEG), nous avons exploité le potentiel de chacune d'elles, soit respectivement la résolution spatiale et temporelle élevée. Les processus cognitifs, de perception et de mouvement nécessitent le recrutement d'ensembles neuronaux. Dans la première partie de cette thèse nous étudions, grâce à la combinaison des techniques IRMf et EEG, la réponse des aires visuelles lors d'une stimulation qui demande le regroupement d'éléments cohérents appartenant aux deux hémi-champs visuels pour en faire une seule image. Nous utilisons une mesure de synchronisation (EEG de cohérence) comme quantification de l'intégration spatiale inter-hémisphérique et la réponse BOLD (Blood Oxygenation Level Dependent) pour évaluer l'activité cérébrale qui en résulte. L'augmentation de la cohérence de l'EEG dans la bande beta-gamma mesurée au niveau des électrodes occipitales et sa corrélation linéaire avec la réponse BOLD dans les aires de VP/V4, reflète et visualise un ensemble neuronal synchronisé qui est vraisemblablement impliqué dans le regroupement spatial visuel. Ces résultats nous ont permis d'étendre la recherche à l'étude de l'impact que le contenu en fréquence des stimuli a sur la synchronisation. Avec la même approche, nous avons donc identifié les réseaux qui montrent une sensibilité différente à l'intégration des caractéristiques globales ou détaillées des images. En particulier, les données montrent que l'implication des réseaux visuels ventral et dorsal est modulée par le contenu en fréquence des stimuli. Dans la deuxième partie nous avons a testé l'hypothèse que l'augmentation de l'activité cérébrale pendant le processus de regroupement inter-hémisphérique dépend de l'activité des axones calleux qui relient les aires visuelles. Comme le Corps Calleux présente une maturation progressive pendant les deux premières décennies, nous avons analysé le développement de la fonction d'intégration spatiale chez des enfants âgés de 7 à 13 ans et le rôle de la myelinisation des fibres calleuses dans la maturation de l'activité visuelle. Nous avons combiné l'IRMf et la technique de MTI (Magnetization Transfer Imaging) afin de suivre les signes de maturation cérébrale respectivement sous l'aspect fonctionnel et morphologique (myelinisation). Chez lés enfants, les activations associées au processus d'intégration entre les hémi-champs visuels sont, comme chez l'adulte, localisées dans le réseau ventral mais se limitent à une zone plus restreinte. La forte corrélation que le signal BOLD montre avec la myelinisation des fibres du splenium est le signe de la dépendance entre la maturation des fonctions visuelles de haut niveau et celle des connections cortico-corticales. Abstract: Recent advances in non-invasive brain imaging allow the visualization of the different aspects of complex brain dynamics. The approaches based on a combination of imaging techniques facilitate the investigation and the link of multiple aspects of information processing. They are getting a leading tool for understanding the neural basis of various brain functions. Perception, motion, and cognition involve the formation of cooperative neuronal assemblies distributed over the cerebral cortex. In this research, we explore the characteristics of interhemispheric assemblies in the visual brain by taking advantage of the complementary characteristics provided by EEG (electroencephalography) and fMRI (Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging) techniques. These are the high temporal resolution for EEG and high spatial resolution for fMRI. In the first part of this thesis we investigate the response of the visual areas to the interhemispheric perceptual grouping task. We use EEG coherence as a measure of synchronization and BOLD (Blood Oxygenar tion Level Dependent) response as a measure of the related brain activation. The increase of the interhemispheric EEG coherence restricted to the occipital electrodes and to the EEG beta band and its linear relation to the BOLD responses in VP/V4 area points to a trans-hemispheric synchronous neuronal assembly involved in early perceptual grouping. This result encouraged us to explore the formation of synchronous trans-hemispheric networks induced by the stimuli of various spatial frequencies with this multimodal approach. We have found the involvement of ventral and medio-dorsal visual networks modulated by the spatial frequency content of the stimulus. Thus, based on the combination of EEG coherence and fMRI BOLD data, we have identified visual networks with different sensitivity to integrating low vs. high spatial frequencies. In the second part of this work we test the hypothesis that the increase of brain activity during perceptual grouping depends on the activity of callosal axons interconnecting the visual areas that are involved. To this end, in children of 7-13 years, we investigated functional (functional activation with fMRI) and morphological (myelination of the corpus callosum with Magnetization Transfer Imaging (MTI)) aspects of spatial integration. In children, the activation associated with the spatial integration across visual fields was localized in visual ventral stream and limited to a part of the area activated in adults. The strong correlation between individual BOLD responses in .this area and the myelination of the splenial system of fibers points to myelination as a significant factor in the development of the spatial integration ability.
Résumé :Une famille souffrant d'un nouveau syndrome oculo-auriculaire, appelé syndrome de Schorderet-Munier, a été identifiée. Ce syndrome est caractérisé par une déformation du lobe de l'oreille et des anomalies ophtalmiques, notamment une microphtalmie, une cataracte, un colobome et une dégénérescence rétinienne. Le gène impliqué dans ce syndrome est NKX5-3 codant un facteur de transcription contenant un homéodomaine. Chez les patient atteints, le gène comporte une délétion de 26 nucléotides provoquant probablement l'apparition d'un codon stop précoce. Ce gène n'est exprimé que dans certains organes dont les testicules et les ganglions cervicaux supérieurs, ainsi que dans les organes touchés par ce syndrome, à savoir le pavillon de l'oreille et l'oeil, surtout lors du développement embryonnaire. Au niveau de la rétine, NKX5-3 est présent dans la couche nucléaire interne et dans la couche dè cellules ganglionnaires et est exprimé de manière polarisée selon un axe temporal > nasal et ventral > dorsal. Son expression in vitro est régulée par Spl, un facteur de transcription exprimé durant le développement de l'oeil chez la souris. NKX5-3 semble lui-même provoquer une inhibition de l'expression de SHH et de EPHA6. Ces gènes sont tous les deux impliqués à leur manière dans le guidage des axones des cellules ganglionnaires de la rétine. Pris ensemble, ces résultats nous permettent donc d'émettre une hypothèse quant à un rôle potentiel de NKX5-3 dans ce processus.Abstract :A family with a new oculo-auricular syndrome, called syndrome of Schorderet-Munier, was identified. This disease is characterised by a deformation of the ear lobule and by several ophthalmic abnormalities, like microphthalmia, cataract, coloboma and a retinal degeneration. The gene, which causes this syndrome, is NKX5-3 coding for a transcription factor contaning a homeodomain. In the affectd patients, the defect consists of a deletion of 26 nucleotides probably producing a premature stop codon. This gene is only expressed in a few organs like testis and superior cervical ganglions, as well as in organs affected by this syndrome, namely the ear pinna and the eye, mainly during embryonic development. In the retina, NKX5-3 is present in the inner nuclear layer and in the ganglion cells layer. It is expressed along a gradient ranging from the temporal retina to nasal retina and from the ventral to the dorsal part. Its in vitro expression is regulated by Spl, a transcription factor expressed during the murine eye development. NKX5-3 seems to inhibit the expression of SHH and EPHA6. These genes are both implicated, in their own way, in the axon guidance of the retinal ganglion cells. Taken together, these results allow us to make an assumption about a potential role of NKX5-3 in this process.
BACKGROUND: Silicone breast implants are used to a wide extent in the field of plastic surgery. However, capsular contracture remains a considerable concern. This study aimed to analyze the effectiveness and applicability of an ultracision knife for capsulectomy breast surgery. METHODS: A prospective, single-center, randomized study was performed in 2009. The inclusion criteria specified female patients 20-80 years of age with capsular contracture (Baker 3-4). Ventral capsulectomy was performed using an ultracision knife on one side and the conventional Metzenbaum-type scissors and surgical knife on the collateral side of the breast. Measurements of the resected capsular ventral fragment, operative time, remaining breast tissue, drainage time, seroma and hematoma formation, visual analog scale pain score, and sensory function of the nipple-areola complex were assessed. In addition, histologic analysis of the resected capsule was performed. RESULTS: Five patients (median age, 59.2 years) were included in this study with a mean follow-up period of 6 months. Three patients had Baker grade 3 capsular contracture, and two patients had Baker grade 4 capsular contracture. The ultracision knife was associated with a significantly lower pain score, shorter operative time, smaller drainage volume, and shorter drainage time and resulted in a larger amount of remaining breast tissue. Histologic analysis of the resected capsule showed no apoptotic cells in the study group or control group. CONCLUSIONS: The results suggest that ventral capsulectomy with Baker grade 3 or 4 contracture using the ultracision knife is feasible, safe, and more efficient than blunt dissection and monopolar cutting diathermy and has a short learning curve. LEVEL OF EVIDENCE II: This journal requires that authors assign a level of evidence to each article. For a full description of these Evidence-Based Medicine ratings, please refer to the Table of Contents or the online Instructions to Authors at www.springer.com/00266 .
Many physiological processes in organisms from bacteria to man are rhythmic, and some of these are controlled by self-sustained oscillators that persist in the absence of external time cues. Circadian clocks are perhaps the best characterized biological oscillators and they exist in virtually all light-sensitive organisms. In mammals, they influence nearly all aspects of physiology and behavior, including sleep-wake cycles, cardiovascular activity, endocrinology, body temperature, renal activity, physiology of the gastro-intestinal tract, and hepatic metabolism. The master pacemaker is located in the suprachiasmatic nuclei, two small groups of neurons in the ventral part of the hypothalamus. However, most peripheral body cells contain self-sustained circadian oscillators with a molecular makeup similar to that of SCN (suprachiasmatic nucleus) neurons. This organization implies that the SCN must synchronize countless subsidiary oscillators in peripheral tissues, in order to coordinate cyclic physiology. In this review, we will discuss some recent studies on the structure and putative functions of the mammalian circadian timing system, but we will also point out some apparent inconsistencies in the currently publicized model for rhythm generation.
Multisensory and sensorimotor integrations are usually considered to occur in superior colliculus and cerebral cortex, but few studies proposed the thalamus as being involved in these integrative processes. We investigated whether the organization of the thalamocortical (TC) systems for different modalities partly overlap, representing an anatomical support for multisensory and sensorimotor interplay in thalamus. In 2 macaque monkeys, 6 neuroanatomical tracers were injected in the rostral and caudal auditory cortex, posterior parietal cortex (PE/PEa in area 5), and dorsal and ventral premotor cortical areas (PMd, PMv), demonstrating the existence of overlapping territories of thalamic projections to areas of different modalities (sensory and motor). TC projections, distinct from the ones arising from specific unimodal sensory nuclei, were observed from motor thalamus to PE/PEa or auditory cortex and from sensory thalamus to PMd/PMv. The central lateral nucleus and the mediodorsal nucleus project to all injected areas, but the most significant overlap across modalities was found in the medial pulvinar nucleus. The present results demonstrate the presence of thalamic territories integrating different sensory modalities with motor attributes. Based on the divergent/convergent pattern of TC and corticothalamic projections, 4 distinct mechanisms of multisensory and sensorimotor interplay are proposed.
Although cross-sectional diffusion tensor imaging (DTI) studies revealed significant white matter changes in mild cognitive impairment (MCI), the utility of this technique in predicting further cognitive decline is debated. Thirty-five healthy controls (HC) and 67 MCI subjects with DTI baseline data were neuropsychologically assessed at one year. Among them, there were 40 stable (sMCI; 9 single domain amnestic, 7 single domain frontal, 24 multiple domain) and 27 were progressive (pMCI; 7 single domain amnestic, 4 single domain frontal, 16 multiple domain). Fractional anisotropy (FA) and longitudinal, radial, and mean diffusivity were measured using Tract-Based Spatial Statistics. Statistics included group comparisons and individual classification of MCI cases using support vector machines (SVM). FA was significantly higher in HC compared to MCI in a distributed network including the ventral part of the corpus callosum, right temporal and frontal pathways. There were no significant group-level differences between sMCI versus pMCI or between MCI subtypes after correction for multiple comparisons. However, SVM analysis allowed for an individual classification with accuracies up to 91.4% (HC versus MCI) and 98.4% (sMCI versus pMCI). When considering the MCI subgroups separately, the minimum SVM classification accuracy for stable versus progressive cognitive decline was 97.5% in the multiple domain MCI group. SVM analysis of DTI data provided highly accurate individual classification of stable versus progressive MCI regardless of MCI subtype, indicating that this method may become an easily applicable tool for early individual detection of MCI subjects evolving to dementia.
BACKGROUND: Laparoscopic enucleation for neuroendocrine pancreatic tumors has become a feasible technique, with a reported incidence of pancreatic fistula ranging from 13 to 29 %.1 (-) 3 This report describes the first successful case of laparoscopic pancreatic enucleation with resection of the main pancreatic duct followed by end-to-end anastomosis. METHODS: A 41-year-old woman was admitted to the authors' hospital for repeated syncope. Hypoglycemia also was noted. A contrast-enhanced computed tomography examination showed a highly enhanced tumor measuring 22 mm in diameter on the ventral side of the pancreatic body adjacent to the main pancreatic duct. The patient's blood insulin level was elevated, and her diagnosis was determined to be pancreatic insulinoma. Laparoscopic pancreatic enucleation was performed. Approximately 2 cm of the main pancreatic duct was segmentally resected, and a short stent (Silicone tube: Silastic, Dow Corning Corporation, Midland, MI) was inserted. The direct anastomosis of the main pancreatic duct was performed using four separate sutures with an absorbable monofilament (6-0 PDS). RESULTS: The operation time was 166 min, and the estimated blood loss was 100 mL. The postoperative course was uneventful, and the patient was discharged from hospital on postoperative day 7. The pathologic findings showed a well-differentiated insulinoma and a negative surgical margin. A computed tomography examination performed 1 month after the operation showed a successful anastomosis with a patent main pancreatic duct. CONCLUSIONS: Laparoscopic segmental resection of the main pancreatic duct and end-to-end anastomosis can be performed safely with the insertion of a short stent. This technique also can be used for a central pancreatectomy.
BACKGROUND: Trichoplax adhaerens is the best-known member of the phylum Placozoa, one of the earliest-diverging metazoan phyla. It is a small disk-shaped animal that glides on surfaces in warm oceans to feed on algae. Prior anatomical studies of Trichoplax revealed that it has a simple three-layered organization with four somatic cell types. RESULTS: We reinvestigate the cellular organization of Trichoplax using advanced freezing and microscopy techniques to identify localize and count cells. Six somatic cell types are deployed in stereotyped positions. A thick ventral plate, comprising the majority of the cells, includes ciliated epithelial cells, newly identified lipophil cells packed with large lipid granules, and gland cells. Lipophils project deep into the interior, where they alternate with regularly spaced fiber cells whose branches contact all other cell types, including cells of the dorsal and ventral epithelium. Crystal cells, each containing a birefringent crystal, are arrayed around the rim. Gland cells express several proteins typical of neurosecretory cells, and a subset of them, around the rim, also expresses an FMRFamide-like neuropeptide. CONCLUSIONS: Structural analysis of Trichoplax with significantly improved techniques provides an advance in understanding its cell types and their distributions. We find two previously undetected cell types, lipohil and crystal cells, and an organized body plan in which different cell types are arranged in distinct patterns. The composition of gland cells suggests that they are neurosecretory cells and could control locomotor and feeding behavior.
The retinae of insectivores have been rarely studied, and their photoreceptor arrangements and expression patterns of visual pigments are largely unknown. We have determined the presence and distribution of cones in three species of shrews (common shrew Sorex araneus, greater white-toothed shrew Crocidura russula, dark forest shrew Crocidura poensis; Soricidae) and in the lesser hedgehog tenrec Echinops telfairi (Tenrecidae). Special cone types were identified and quantified in flattened whole retinae by antisera/antibodies recognizing the middle-to-long-wavelength-sensitive (M/L-)cone opsin and the short-wavelength-sensitive (S-)cone opsin, respectively. A combination of immunocytochemistry with conventional histology was used to assess rod densities and cone/rod ratios. In all four species the rods dominate at densities of about 230,000-260,000/mm2. M/L- and S-cones are present, comprising between 2% of the photoreceptors in the nocturnal Echinops telfairi and 13% in Sorex araneus that has equal diurnal and nocturnal activity phases. This suggests dichromatic color vision like in many other mammals. A striking feature in all four species are dramatically higher S-cone proportions in ventral than in dorsal retina (0.5% vs. 2.5-12% in Sorex, 5-15% vs. 30-45% in Crocidura poensis, 3-12% vs. 20-50% in Crocidura russula, 10-30% vs. 40-70% in Echinops). The functional and comparative aspects of these structural findings are discussed.
INTRODUCTION: Handwriting is a modality of language production whose cerebral substrates remain poorly known although the existence of specific regions is postulated. The description of brain damaged patients with agraphia and, more recently, several neuroimaging studies suggest the involvement of different brain regions. However, results vary with the methodological choices made and may not always discriminate between "writing-specific" and motor or linguistic processes shared with other abilities. METHODS: We used the "Activation Likelihood Estimate" (ALE) meta-analytical method to identify the cerebral network of areas commonly activated during handwriting in 18 neuroimaging studies published in the literature. Included contrasts were also classified according to the control tasks used, whether non-specific motor/output-control or linguistic/input-control. These data were included in two secondary meta-analyses in order to reveal the functional role of the different areas of this network. RESULTS: An extensive, mainly left-hemisphere network of 12 cortical and sub-cortical areas was obtained; three of which were considered as primarily writing-specific (left superior frontal sulcus/middle frontal gyrus area, left intraparietal sulcus/superior parietal area, right cerebellum) while others related rather to non-specific motor (primary motor and sensorimotor cortex, supplementary motor area, thalamus and putamen) or linguistic processes (ventral premotor cortex, posterior/inferior temporal cortex). CONCLUSIONS: This meta-analysis provides a description of the cerebral network of handwriting as revealed by various types of neuroimaging experiments and confirms the crucial involvement of the left frontal and superior parietal regions. These findings provide new insights into cognitive processes involved in handwriting and their cerebral substrates.
Behavioral and physiological responses to unpredictable changes in environmental conditions are, in part, mediated by glucocorticoids (corticosterone in birds). In polymorphic species, individuals of the same sex and age display different heritable melanin-based color morphs, associated with physiological and reproductive parameters and possibly alternative strategies to cope with variation in environmental conditions. We examined whether the role of corticosterone in resolving the trade-off between self-maintenance and reproductive activities covaries with the size of melanin-based spots displayed on the ventral body side of male barn owls. Administration of corticosterone to simulate physiological stress in males revealed pronounced changes in their food-provisioning rates to nestlings compared to control males. Corticosterone-treated males with small eumelanic spots reduced nestling provisioning rates as compared to controls, and also to a greater degree than did corticosterone-treated males with large spots. Large-spotted males generally exhibited lower parental provisioning and appear insensitive to exogenous corticosterone suggesting that the size of the black spots on the breast feathers predicts the ability to cope with stressful situations. The reduced provisioning rate of corticosterone-treated males caused a temporary reduction in nestling growth rates but, did not affect fledgling success. This suggests that moderately elevated corticosterone levels are not inhibitory to current reproduction but rather trigger behavioral responses to maximize lifetime reproductive success.